Saturday, June 21, 2014

Teaching Hatha Yoga: Designing a Lesson Plan - Part 2

Whether a Yoga class should start from a standing, or seated, position has always been a subject for debate, but both methods are fine; and many Yoga teachers do both, depending on the particular lesson plan.

One thing that should not be missing from your Yoga class is a warm-up and proper warm-up exercises, which will slowly warm up joints, connective tissue, and muscle tissue. Some Yoga teachers might feel that advanced Yoga practitioners do not need to do a detailed warm up, and I totally disagree with this philosophy.

Consider this: Professional athletes, who practice, and train, almost every day, are always instructed to perform warm-up exercises. This is very cautious, but with professional athletes, thousands, or millions, of dollars could be on the line.

Yoga students do not usually have such "high stakes" involved within the physical performance of their jobs, but each student should be taught with safety guidelines intact. This is why I feel so strongly about the value of a warm-up at the beginning of a Yoga class: It's just common sense to take care of your students.

Should you start or finish a Yoga class with meditation? Some Yoga teachers guide students through meditation at the beginning, and the end, of the same Yoga class, while some teach meditation only after asana practice.

Unfortunately, a comparatively small number of Hatha Yoga teachers do not include meditation at all. This happens when a Hatha Yoga class is converted into a "fitness only" atmosphere. In truth, this is every Yoga teacher's prerogative; and some health clubs may not want meditation in Yoga classes.

When you are teaching Hatha Yoga, you are teaching mental, physical, and sometimes, spiritual health. Meditation addresses a very valuable health component, but exercise alone is not a guarantee of good mental health. Hence, if you are teaching any style of Yoga, you should, at least, be teaching the basics of meditation as part of your Yoga classes.

How should you incorporate Pranayama within your Yoga class? With beginners, you should cover at least three Pranayama techniques that you commonly use during the course of a Yoga class. If you make Pranayama an extra curricular part of the class, you may find some beginners will try to avoid that particular time of Yoga class.

Many Yoga teachers have become accustomed to full classes, and it was not that long ago, when we taught to small dedicated groups of students. Therefore, we want to maintain popularity, but any component of Yoga can become unpopular.

This creates a delicate line for full-time Yoga teachers to walk. You know the benefits of long-term Yoga practice, but beginners have to stay long enough to "feel the results." This is much different from exercise, where a practitioner might see visual results in a month or two.

The many health benefits of a well prepared Yoga class require time, and you must use public relations skills along the way for students to see the "big picture."

© Copyright 2006 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard is a co-owner and the director of Yoga teacher training at: Aura Wellness Center, in North Providence, RI. He has been a certified Master Yoga teacher since 1995. To receive a Free e-Book: "Yoga in Practice," and a Free Yoga Newsletter, please visit:

How to Find the Best Yoga DVD

There are many yoga training styles available today for home practice. When looking for the best yoga DVD for yourself if you are a beginner, then keep it simple. A lot of people want Ashtanga because they have heard the term often. The Ashtanga training method most often includes the eight aspects of yoga, as the name itself suggests in translation, eight limbs. Hence, for getting the best results from an Ashtanga yoga training DVD, one must get trained from an individual or institution with a good reputation.

This is very important, for any yoga training because the instructor should have proven expertise in all the aspects of yoga to pass it on to those viewing. It is also very important that the person presenting in any yoga DVDs should understand the safety measures involved in that they are not there directly with the student in the same room. We know we should not go beyond our limits but it is good to be reminded at the appropriate times and with certain exercises.

When one is in the hunt for the best DVD, it always pays to explore the review sites and to listen to what others say is good. There is no doubt that different teachers have different curriculum, but is more than likely that you will not be familiar with a particular teachers style when you order the DVD, so again, reputation, ratings and recommendations count.

Before getting going, know if you want a beginner yoga DVD or something that demands a higher level physically. For example, an Ashtanga yoga training course one is one of the most physically demanding styles of yoga if taught at an advanced level. It is always advised to consider one's physical limitations before determining on an Ashtanga yoga training or power yoga training as your first choice. However, if one is very keen on this method of yoga training, it is better to start with the beginner's level which involves basics like understanding the human body through the use of it and the impact of this style of training on the body, mind and spirit.

As discussed earlier, in typical methodology, you learn different sequences of body poses or asanas. Primary courses can include 70 or even higher number of asanas (or postures). Don't worry if you are beginning, you have to start some where. These asanas are connected with breathing sequences. The Vinyasa style is know to help connect the breath to the sequence which includes the timing of breathing in and out as one moves in between different asanas.

Most good yoga training films start with in-depth instructions. These instructions are about the primary practices of yoga. The purpose of these instructions is to increase a student's ability to apply adjustments to yoga moves. These sections which can include breath and meditation also aim at helping students in making their postures deeper and hence more rewarding.

It is also very nice if you get orientations on the names of the postures in Sanskrit. All the names in North America are known by there English names but the sound of the original Sanskrit has a special sound resonance in the body. It is also helpful if you learn during the course of the workout some of the advantages of different fundamental aspects like vinyasa, pranayama, drishti and mudras. The viewer can benefit greatly by getting a comprehensive idea on the fundamentals of yoga philosophy and translations of that for improvement of everyday life. Nevertheless, the best yoga DVDs also encourages students to continue their regular practices while preparing for taking what they have learnt into their daily lives.

Sherry Holistan is a Hatha, Vinyasa and Bakti Yoga Practitioner. For more great tips on finding the Best Yoga DVD for yourself, please visit

Personal Training - 3 Powerful Ways to Position Yourself as an Expert

Regardless of what profession you are in, it is critical that people believe that you know what you are talking about! You won't find very many successful lawyers whose clients never win in court, or popular doctors whose patients are continually misdiagnosed. This concept obviously applies to personal trainers as well, and making sure you are viewed as an expert in your field is as important as having the knowledge to begin with.

It is helpful to be aware of the simple fact that a person's perception is their reality, even if that perception is incorrect. Let's use the example of the doctor in the above paragraph. If you heard through personal references that Dr. John Smith wasn't a very good doctor, the chances that you would ever go see Dr. Smith are pretty slim. However, do you actually know for a fact that Dr. Smith is a bad doctor? No - you just have the perception that he is a bad doctor because that is what you heard. Do you see how your perception is your reality, and how Dr. Smith is unlikely to be getting any of your business?

Your mission is to make sure that you are always viewed as an expert in your field! Otherwise you will end up like poor Dr. Smith, and your list of clients will be short indeed, as will the life of your business. However, if you have done your job and created the impression that you are an expert in your field, then the opposite will hold true. People will have "heard" that you know what you are talking about, and your reputation and your business will grow as a result. In order to get to this desired end result, three effective ways for you to build your reputation include media exposure, writing books, articles, or success tips for your field, and approaching any given situation from a "position of power".

Media Exposure

The most common ways to get viewed as an expert using media exposure include news programming on television, magazine and newspaper stories, and radio time. Each of these methods has one thing in common: mass exposure via a publicly accepted system of obtaining information.

Consider this point from your own perspective. If you see an interview on the news, read an article about a company in the newspaper, or hear about a professional organization on the radio, your natural instinct is to believe that the company or organization has a firm grip on the ins and outs of their product or service.

Why do you think that? Is it because the radio program included a long list of professional references for the company? Is it because the magazine article listed a passing grade by a professional review board or other certifying agency qualified to judge the advertised organization?

The answer to those questions is most likely "no". Why then do you believe in the company's ability to provide the product or service that is discussed? The answer is simple: because you were exposed to the company via a publicly accepted system of obtaining information. Whether that system was the six o'clock news, your local daily paper, or your favorite magazine, chances are that you believed what you read or heard simply because of WHERE you read or heard it!

Ideally, all consumers - including professionals such as yourself - would use other additional methods to determine the qualifications of a company before purchasing their product or service, but in reality, does that happen very often? No, not really. Most people believe what they read and what they hear, and as a Fitness Professional, you can take advantage of that fact. Granted, you should not profess to be an expert if you aren't, but assuming that you really do know what you are talking about, use the media to let others know, too!

Writing Books, Articles, and Success Tips

Comparable to the "expert" status that is afforded a company based on their mass media exposure, a similar assumed professional status can be taken on by any company or individual that publishes written works in their field.

Refer back to the power of the mass media that is referenced above, and you will see a very similar effect generated by published works. If someone writes a book, publishes articles, or generates a regular flow of "success tips" in any given field, it is automatically assumed by the reader that the author of the book, article, or success tip knows what they are talking about.

Is it true that the author is an expert in their field just because they know how to write or type? Of course not! However, the mass media phenomenon applies to published written works just as much as it applies to interviews done on the news, in magazines, or on the radio. The author is assumed to be proficient in the field that the book, article, or tip discusses, even though there is rarely indisputable evidence of the writer's expertise included with the written works.

Again, it is not being suggested that you write books, articles, or success tips unless you really do hold expert status in your field. However, since the "assumptions of excellence" apply as much to the written word as to audio and visual exposure, take advantage of that fact and write as much and as often as you can!

As a side note, writing is also an excellent way for you to enhance your own knowledge in your field. Frequently during the process of writing a book or article, you are called upon to reference the sources of your information, and gathering that type of information expands your own knowledge, as well as your understanding of how to find information for similar projects in the future.

Assuming a "Position of Power"

Utilizing a "position of power" is one of the most effective methods of positioning yourself as an expert in your field. Approaching a situation from a position of power is simply the art of assuming that whoever you are talking to already perceives you to be an expert. Remember that a person's perception is their reality, so as long as the other person believes that you are an expert, then in their eyes, you are!

For example, let's use the story of a talented personal trainer who is applying for the position of Director of Fitness Programming at a small but successful local gym. We will call our imaginary professional Joe Trainer, and we will say for the record that Joe does indeed hold an effective track record in the personal training industry. His clients have benefited from his knowledge and guidance, and he has successfully changed many people's lives in a positive manner. However, Joe Trainer has never been a "Director of Fitness Programming" before. Is he qualified for the job?

Let's review Joe's history. He has worked or worked out in dozens of gyms over the years. Joe has utilized all manner of fitness equipment, from paint cans in his garage when he was a teenager, all the way up through the most modern computerized workout machines available in some of today's fitness facilities. Joe has put together hundreds of different workout programs for hundreds of different people over the years, and we have already determined that his client track record is excellent. Joe has also been called upon many times over the years to recommend fitness equipment purchases to his many clients, including a cost to benefit ratio analysis (in other words, if the equipment is worth the money). Joe has also been exposed to many different lines of nutritional supplements, dietary guidelines, and he has even taken aerobics classes and yoga from time to time.

Has Joe Trainer ever been a "Director of Fitness Programming" before? No. However, is Joe Trainer qualified for that position? Most likely yes! However, now Joe has a dilemma. He has scheduled an interview with the local gym, he really wants the job, but he is nervous about the fact that he has never really been a "Director of Fitness Programming" or a director of anything at all, for that matter. Joe now has 2 choices.

Choice number one is for Joe to go to the interview, ramble on uncontrollably about the hundreds of clients that he has successfully trained, babble about how many different gyms he has been in, and go into mindless detail about why he thinks Supplement A is better than Supplement B.

Do you think Joe will get the job? Let's try a different approach.

Joe mentally prepares for the interview by reviewing the many different ways that his experience will benefit the facility. He puts together a few examples of how he successfully recommended or used one type of fitness equipment more effectively than a different type. Joe puts together mental notes about how aerobics and group exercise classes have added success to his training programs over the years, and how incorporating a cross training approach has kept his clients motivated and continually seeing results from their training programs.

By this point, Joe's confidence in his ability to be a "Director of Fitness Programming" has increased, and he honestly believes that it is not him who is being interviewed, but it is he who is interviewing the facility. Joe doesn't need this job - he has proven his ability to make a living as a personal trainer dozens of times over the years. He is applying for this position because he believes that he can be a great asset to the facility, and he wants to expand his experience in the field. In fact, the facility would be lucky to have him! For that matter, he may already be considering countering the posted pay scale with an increase if they want to hire him. After all, he is Joe Trainer, and his success record speaks for itself!

Now, do you think Joe will get the job? Pretty safe bet.

Is the Joe Trainer in the first example any different than the Joe Trainer using the second approach? No - we're talking about the same person. What is different then? Joe's belief in himself - and more importantly - Joe's ability to show the facility how they would be missing a great opportunity if they didn't hire him. It is Joe who is interviewing the facility, not the other way around. Joe assumed a "Position of Power" before he even got to his interview. He walked out with a new title and a nice salary, an increased confidence in his own abilities, and the opportunity to mold an entire staff of personal trainer into successful, results-oriented Fitness Professionals!

This same concept can also be applied when negotiating with potential new clients. Remember that you are the fitness professional. You are the one with the knowledge and the experience that the client needs. You are not asking them to be your clients, but rather you are giving them the opportunity to become your clients.


As you can see, as Fitness Professionals in the ever-growing field of health and physical fitness, we have many tools at our disposal when it comes to positioning ourselves as experts. However, we have an equal amount of responsibility to not utilize these tools unless we are 100% confident in our status as experts in our chosen disciplines. Use your knowledge and your tools wisely and appropriately, and you will see your professional and personal success grow beyond your wildest dreams!

Aaron Potts is a Fitness Coach, Personal Trainer, and Personal Development Writer who teaches people to take control over their lives by combining a proper attitude with effective health, fitness, and weight loss practices. Learn more about Aaron and sign up for his free Newsletter at, or visit his Coaching website at []

A Well Rounded Fitness Program Will Benefit Your Yoga Practice

Many people who exercise regularly will add yoga to their exercise routine for the flexibility benefits. I add other exercise routines to benefit my yoga practice. It might sound backwards to you but Pilates' core strengthening helps in every single yoga pose. Weight training helps with the strength needed to hold poses in yoga, and cardio exercises increase lung capacity and keep your heart strong. A well rounded fitness routine is a good idea to keep your body in balance, and to keep improving in your yoga practice.

During any yoga practice there is always something you should be doing with your core; pulling it in, activating it in poses to help with the balance, etc. Pilates is about strengthening the core, along with the rest of the body, and about adding some flexibility. Practicing Pilates exercises adds flexibility. It is similar to yoga in that you attach your breath to your movements. Since teaching yoga is my passion, I am biased in my belief that yoga has more of a flexibility benefit. Pilates, on the other hand, has more benefit of core strength because people will practice a few core strengthening poses in yoga, but will rarely practice a whole yoga session focused on the core.

Joseph Pilates studied various exercise practices including yoga. Pilates taught that functional exercise would improve posture and physical fitness. His exercises were intended to keep the mind, body and spirit in balance. With physically fit bodies we can live with ease and enjoy life. So as you can see, there are many similarities in a yoga and Pilates practice: Increased strength, flexibility, using breath connected exercises and the mind and body connection.

One benefits the other when you practice them regularly. I teach many yoga and Pilates mixed classes and I teach them separately. Both are beneficial; they are simply in larger doses when you do them separately.

Weight training brings a series of new benefits to your yoga practice. Strengthening the legs helps to hold poses a little longer. Standing poses require some strength in the legs and that strength will increase by practicing yoga alone, but if you can strengthen additionally to your yoga practice you are ahead of the game.

Upper body strength training helps with those plank (push up) poses, and any poses that strengthen the shoulders and upper back. If you are not strong enough to hold yourself up in a high pushup you can always use your knees for support, but if you can strengthen that upper body through weight training, your strength gains will be quicker.

When I teach power yoga I have a series of poses that takes you from an upper pushup position (plank pose) to a low push up position where you hold your body straight a few inches off the floor. Then you come into an upward dog pose and back to a low pushup. This is a fantastic move to strengthen the shoulders and the core, but you need a little bit of strength to do it. It requires both upper body strength and core strength. Of course any yoga pose can be adjusted and you can gain strength from practicing it on your knees, but again, if you gain some strength from other activities your overall gains will be quicker.

Cardiovascular work increases your lung capacity. If a sedentary person tried to full out sprint for a mile, the first problem would be they wouldn't be able to breathe. Someone who regularly does some sort of cardio exercise will have more of a chance to run the mile. Increased lung capacity is another one of yoga's benefits, but once again, if we practice cardio regularly the gains will be quicker.

So how often should we be doing each? Weight training should be 2-3 times per week for 30-45 minutes. You want to work on all of the muscle groups starting with the bigger muscles groups and working towards the smaller ones. Chest, back and legs should be first, and then do some shoulders, biceps and triceps. You can use any sort of strength apparatus, strength machines in a gym, free weights (dumbbells), or resistance bands work well. Consult someone certified in weight training or research which exercises to start with. Just, please, be safe about it.

Pilates can be practiced at home with many available DVDs or at a gym or Pilates studio. You can get great results from practicing 2-3 times per week for 30-60 minutes.

Cardiovascular exercises can be done outside, i.e. walking, jogging, or riding a bike. If the weather is bad these can be done inside on a treadmill, cross trainer or stationary bike. Dancing, ice skating, and playing football with the kids, are all good forms of cardiovascular exercise too. You want to focus on getting your heart rate up and being slightly out of breath; Slightly out of breath meaning that you can speak a sentence while you are doing the activity.

Interval training is another great way to build respiratory health and lung capacity. If you are walking you want to bring a way to keep track of time. You could walk slowly for a few minutes then walk briskly, then back to slow, etc. If you are at a higher fitness level you could walk and run in your intervals, jog and sprint, etc. You get the idea. You want to bring your heart rate up and then let it come down a little, then back up and continue that way. Cardiovascular exercise is recommended 30-60 minutes daily.

This sounds like a lot of exercise but an example of a weekly schedule could be:

2 days of weight training for 30 minutes.

2 days of Pilates practice for 30-60 minutes.

3-5 days of yoga for 45-60 minutes.

Add 30 minutes of cardiovascular to each day.

You don't need to do everything at one time either, break it up if you only have 20-30 minutes at a time to exercise. Make a commitment to yourself for better balanced physical fitness.

You are looking at an hour a day to improve your physical fitness, increase respiratory health and lung capacity and increase your overall sense of feeling good ~ physically and mentally.

Have fun!

By Kathi Duquette

Certified Yoga Instructor, ACE certified Personal Trainer

For more basic yoga information, please check out my website at

Bikram Yoga

Bikram Yoga and Restorative Yoga

Bikram Yoga is a style of yoga for which you need to be very healthy and strong. It is done in a heated room to replicate the heat of India where this style originated. Like all forms of yoga it gives you a thorough workout, working through the body in a series of postures that strengthens and moves all muscle groups. Apart from the fact that it is done in a hot room the workout you get is designed to get you sweating and feeling like you have done a serious amount of work on your body. Said to be good for stamina, strength and weight loss this is a demanding style of yoga. In complete contrast the style of yoga called Restorative Yoga is slow, done in a temperate room where the body is comfortable and no strain is placed on the body at all. In fact a restorative class may have its students lying or sitting on sheepskin rugs in order to give a soft cushion for their postures. Restorative Yoga is for people who have been unwell, either through stress related illnesses or some prolonged period of illness or injury. It enables people who feel weak, but who want to be doing something good for themselves and their bodies, to gently begin to unlock their own healing processes and make steady steps towards the day when they will be ready to do more a more active Hatha yoga session.

The thing that is so important about yoga classes is that you have to find the style and the teacher that is right for you. Bikram Yoga is great for some people, but not all. Ashtanga Yoga with its constant movement and lovely flows of postures is not right for everyone - but suits others perfectly. Restorative Yoga is not right for everyone all the time but most people find it wonderful at periods of their lives when they feel fragile, but determined to be well again. As a person considering taking up Yoga it is important to know what style might be good for you and then to try and find a class where you can try it out. After that it is a case of whether the teacher suits you. Yoga teacher training is precise and makes sure that yoga postures are taught safely and respectfully however every teacher brings their own personality to it and that makes a difference to the classes.

Have a look round and read up on the different styles and talk to people who attend classes while you find the sessions that are right for you. Dont be in a rush as yoga will be a great friend for you throughout your life if you yake the time to find classes that make you feel wonderful when you have done them and lead you to a quieter, stronger more balanced state of body and mind.

Restorative Yoga Workshops and more information about how to use this form of self healing can be found on Restorative Yoga and Yin Yoga. The Fifty, Fit and Fabulous programme provides a step by step approach to wellbeing through holistic care and is outlined on these sites.

Joseph Pilates and Who He Was

Joseph Pilates was the man who invented and promoted the Pilates method of fitness. He was born in the year of 1883 in Germany. His father was one of the best gymnasts of the time and won prizes for the outstanding job that he did. His mother worked in neuropathy. All and all, Pilates was a sickly child. He suffered from a number of ailments such as the rickets, asthma, and rheumatic fever. He dedicated his entire life to improving his overall physical strength. He studied yoga, Zen, body building, gymnastics, and even skied.

When he was 14, he was fit enough to pose for anatomical charts that were used. He believed that poor health led to bad posture and inefficient breathing. He quickly devised a plan of exercises and training techniques to use to correct these issues. He engineered the equipment that was used for these exercise techniques as well. He learned how to use, tune, and even the specifications of the exercise plan to teach the exercise methods he developed to others properly.

He was originally a gymnast, bodybuilder, and diver. He earned a living in 1912 when he moved to England and performed in circuses, professional boxer, self defense trainer in police schools across the area, and Scotland Yard. He developed Contrology while being interned during World War I in a concentration camp. He studied the movements of yoga, animals, and other fitness routines during this time. He trained other inmates the techniques of his exercise and a lot of the inmates made it through the camps due to good physical shape.

He returned to Germany after the war. He trained others with his exercise and trained police officers as well. He did not want to train the members of the German army and immigrated to the US in 1925. He then opened a studio that taught Contrology which used the mind to control muscles throughout the body. This focuses on the core postural muscles that keep the body balanced and erect. He taught the awareness of breath and the alignment of the spine. This was to help strengthen the torso and abs.

They then took in dancers who needed rehabilitation. This was to strengthen their dance through the Pilates method of exercise. Many of the great dancers such as Martha Graham and George Balanchine were sent to them. Pilates wrote several books such as Your Health and Return to Life through Contrology. He became a prolific inventor of sorts with over 26 patents. They had many people who continued to teach their methods as Pilates became older. They were learned firsthand by Pilates himself, and continued to pass it through generations. Joseph Pilates died at the age of 84 in NY in 1967.

For the latest information on pilates please visit

Friday, June 20, 2014

Yoga Poses for Runners

When it comes to running you wouldn't think yoga applies but you would be wrong. Most people think yoga and meditation is just good for stress relief however, it does so much for strength and flexibility. Being flexible and strong will prevent injuries and will allow you to enjoy running for years to come. There are many types of yoga however Prasara works well for runners or any other athlete. Runners and athletes are constantly moving this movement or flow is what makes Prasara yoga different. Prasara focuses on the movement between poses unlike other forms of yoga. It's almost like dancing. With Prasara Primer you will:

Increase your strength and mobility

Develop proper breathing techniques

Increase flexibility

Develop and lean and toned body

Reduce injuries

Improve your overall mindset

Prasara yoga has 5 different flows which are designed to target different athletic movements. When practiced in order you will be building a stronger body and mind. Each flow has different levels of difficulty and motion. As you master each one you will get smoother in your execution. Since doing Prasara I have become more focused not only while running but in my overall view on life. So last June I ran my first 1/2 marathon in Seattle's Rock N Roll marathon for Team in Training. Not only did I accomplish but with my new found outlook on life but I raised over $10,000 to find a cure for cancer. Running is something I will continue doing as long as I am healthy and with Yoga for runners I don't doubt it!

What is P90X? An Extreme Home Workout Fitness Program

Many people ask me, what is P90X? Will it get me ripped in 90 Days? and I tell them maybe. Every one has different perspectives of exercise, some are filled with Fire and others, Excuses. P90X has done wonders for Myself and if you follow this program to the Tee, then you are guaranteed great results. P90X is based on "Muscle Confusion" This is a great method of training and really get the most out of your hard workout. P90X is divided into 3 phases. In Phase One you will be doing a series of workouts ( according to the schedule you choose). In the Classic Version of P90X you will do ( on Monday, Wednesday, Friday) a Weight Training Video followed by a 15 minute Ab Ripper X DvD. Tuesday and Saturday you will do a Cardio Based Workout. And on Thursday you will do Yoga ( and Its Def. not Easy). Weeks 1-3 you will do the following:

Monday: Chest and Back, Ab Ripper X
Tuesday: Plyometrics
Wednesday: Shoulders and Arms, Ab Ripper X
Thursday: Yoga X
Friday: Legs and Back, Ab Ripper X
Saturday: Kenpo X ( Karate )
Sunday: X Stretch or Relax

And on the 4th Week You will do a Recovery Week.

The workouts range from a Total of and 1:10 to 1:30. Yoga is the Longest which is an Hour and 30 Minutes Long. As you can see This Program is No Joke and it demands alot from you, But the modifications are built into this amazing program so that you can keep up and progress with each day. Now heres where the Muscle Confusion Comes in. In Phase two ( each phase is 30 days long) you will do a completely New Set Of Workouts.

Monday: Chest Shoulder & Triceps, Ab Ripper X
Tuesday: Plyometrics
Wednesday: Back and Biceps, Ab Ripper X
Thursday: Yoga X
Friday: Legs and Back, Ab Ripper X
Saturday: Kenpo X
Sunday: X Stretch or Rest

Week 4 you perform a recovery week like in phase 1.

In Phase 3 they really mix it up and make you do a different set of workouts each week.

Weeks 9 and 11:

Monday: Chest and Back, Ab Ripper X
Tuesday: Plyometrics
Wednesday: Shoulders and Arms, Ab Ripper X
Thursday: Yoga X
Friday: Legs and Back, Ab Ripper X
Saturday: Kenpo X
Sunday: X Stretch or Rest

Weeks 10 and 12:

Monday: Chest Shoulder & Triceps, AbRipper X
Tuesday: Plyometrics
Wednesday: Back and Biceps, AbRipper X
Thursday: Yoga X
Friday: Legs and Back, AbRipper X
Saturday: Kenpo X
Sunday: X Stretch or Rest

So this is what the P90X schedule looks like and it is 90 days of Pure Dedication, Hardwork, Sweat, and Fun.

To Know more about P90X contact me at

The Truth About Yoga

Yoga seems to be one of those activities that people either love or hate. If you ask a group of people for their opinions about yoga, some will tell you how much the enjoy doing it and how great it makes them feel whilst other will look a little confused or crack a joke about meditation or even levitation!

Unfortunately, there are lots of myths and mis-truths about yoga, many of which contribute to some people being discouraged from trying it out. Below is a run down of some common myths and rumours surrounding yoga. Have a read and then why not think again about yoga!

Myth: Yoga is nothing more than a bit of stretching.

Truth: This common view of yoga is far from accurate. Yoga does involve stretching and exercise but also requires mental focus and calls on the use of the mind.

Myth: Yoga can only be done by people who are extremely flexible.

Truth: In fact, yoga can be enjoyed by anyone and a suitable programme can be devised to fit all abilities and bodies. You don't need to be a contortionist to enjoy yoga!

Myth: Yoga is only enjoyed by Asian people.

Truth: The origins of yoga are found in India but it is now practiced and enjoyed the world over by all sorts of different people. Some elements of yoga have been adapted to suit the needs of other tastes and cultures but the fundamental benefits of yoga practice are acknowledged by professionals all around the globe.

Myth: Yoga is only suitable for skinny people.

Truth: The exercises which make up yoga are carried out in a calm manner but some moves actually require core strength and good stamina. Yoga is even used by some professional sports people as part of their training routine.

Myth: Doing yoga won't build muscle.

Truth: Yoga is actually great for conditioning and improving strength. There are a large amount of moves that can work all areas of the body and help to develop muscle size.

Myth: Yoga can't be practiced without an expert.

Truth: Whilst attending a yoga class is a good idea if you are serious about taking up yoga, there is no reason why you can't try out some basic exercises by your self in your own home. Pick up a good yoga book or DVD and get started!

So you see the truth is that yoga is a great exercise system to add into your lifestyle and you can realise the benefits of yoga even if you only practice once a month. Why not forget your misconceptions and give yoga a go today.

Good luck!

Will has considerable experience writing in a professional capacity. He is a keen sports enthusiast who specializes in fitness and diet topics. His most recent website was inspired after spending many hours searching for a cheap fridge and aims to help others find great discount refrigerators.

When the Golf Season is Over

With the season over, now is the ideal time to begin training for next year. To help improve your swing, staying in shape all year round is vital. Your focus should be on strength and core training, keeping in mind the golf-specific moves that are required during a round of golf. Here are some tips and exercises to get you where you need to be come opening day 2011.

1) Medicine Ball Throw: This exercise is done with a partner. Here's how to do it:

1) Face each other.

2) Get into a golf address position (as if you were going to tee off). Toss a medicine ball to your partner. During the throw, open up your hips and follow through like you would with a golf club in your hands.

3) Once you catch the ball, set up into a golf starting position and repeat step 2. Doing about 3 sets of 10-12 reps should do it. You really want your legs and hips to do the work here rather than your arms and shoulders. For your golf swing, this exercise will help you maintain balance and power throughout the golf swing.

2) Ball Twists: This exercise can be done on your own with an exercise/yoga ball. Here's how to do it:

1) Rest your shoulders (but not your back) on an exercise ball.

2) Outstretch a medicine ball (or dumbbell) above your chest without bending your arms.

3) Rotate your shoulders to the right and then back to the left. Do 3 sets of 10-15. You should feel your abs and lower back really working on this one. This will help you generate a tremendous amount of club head speed as your back swing and follow through will be extended and more powerful.

3) Step Up Lunges: This exercise is done on your own with a bar (or hockey stick, broom), resting on your shoulders or with no additional weight at all. Here's how to do it:

1) With bar resting on your shoulders/top of your back, lunge forward with your right foot onto a step or other elevated platform. Make sure your leg does not go below parallel to your knee. Slowly return to standing position. 2) Repeat with the left leg. Do 3 sets of 10-15. This exercise will work your quads and lower back improving your explosiveness with your lower body during the golf swing.

4) Cardiovascular training: It will be very important for you to maintain some cardiovascular training throughout the winter months to replicate walking 18 holes on the golf course. If you have access to a treadmill, utilizing the incline feature will easily keep you in shape for those hilly courses. Outdoor training is still possible in the winter, just be aware of temperatures, especially wind chill factors, and dress accordingly. Try doing some cardiovascular activity 2-3 times a week for at least 20 minutes at a time.

Following the above routine, or something similar, will not only keep you in shape, it will help keep your golf game in shape. Save yourself the grief and get started today.

Jason James Ferris

Four Types of Flexibility Training As You Age

Flexibility is important as you age. What if you can't bend over to tie your shoes, raise your arms to slide on a shirt or dress, or pick up something you've dropped on the floor? Obviously, it's' not good. Although doing some aerobic activity, which can range from simple walks to running marathons in the seniors division, and strength training, which can range from using rubber tubing to weight machines to pumping iron at the gym, are both important, remaining flexible is critical to health and independent living.

Flexibility training can help you remain flexible, and ranges from simple exercises you do on your own to various types of group exercise you may enjoy. Here are four types of flexibility training.

Stretching: Simple stretching helps maintain your flexibility, requires no special equipment, and can be done anywhere. It's also a great way to slowly warm up your body before engaging in any more rigorous activities.

Yoga: Yoga can do wonders for flexibility, stamina, strength, and more. There are many different types of Yoga, ranging from primarily meditative to extremely physically challenging, a nd they will all improve your flexibility.

T'ai Chi: T'ai Chi increases flexibility, balance, and muscle tone. It's been around for over 5000 years and is appropriate at any age. Many places have senior oriented classes.

Pilates: Think of Pilates as Yoga, dance, boxing, and much more combined together. Although originally for professional dancers, it's popular among just about everyone and every age group now.

Flexibility is important, especially as we age. If you don't work on it, it may leave you.

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Yoga And Its Importance

Yoga is a traditional system of healing for the mind and body. It means union. It is a popular belief that yoga can cleanse your body of toxins and improve muscle tone, as well as help in blood circulation. Yoga was first originated in India, where it still remains a living tradition and is followed as a means to enlightenment. This spiritual practice has been evolving for more than 5,000 years now. In yoga there are many spiritual and physical exercises that are practiced to improve ones health and well being. It is very beneficial for people suffering from anxiety, arthritis, headache, migraine, multiple sclerosis, osteoporosis, pregnancy, rheumatoid arthritis, and much more.

Healthy body and happiness:

It is a popular saying that a sound mind could lead to a healthy body. Everybody has the right to be happy. Happiness and peace comes from within. It depends on your thinking and also on your body. Your body's health and your mind are directly related. Only if you have a healthy body will you be free from any physical pain, and your mind will not be disturbed. Without good health you cannot be completely at peace. In yoga various types of meditation are taught, and you are made to concentrate on your inner self. It helps to focus on positive thinking and push all the negative thoughts away. Every disease and sickness is considered nothing more than an imbalance in the natural harmony of the body and mind. Restoring this balance leads to true healing.

Yoga has become very popular worldwide. People are seeking for it, as they realize the importance of self-contentment and inner peace. Be it work pressure or health problems, yoga can help you see through it. Following yoga postures, breathing exercises and meditation can relieve you from all pains and troubles. Yoga can also help you to lose weight. It lets you tune in, chill out, and shape up, all at the same time.

Health benefits of Yoga:

Yoga is said to be beneficial for healing many problems. Some of the benefits of yoga are:

o Helps to control anxiety

o Reduces stress

o Improves arthritis, back pain, and osteoporosis

o Relieves asthma

o Controls blood pressure, diabetes and epilepsy

o Combats chronic fatigue and depression

o Cures headaches, heart disease and multiple sclerosis

o Improves concentration and creativity

o Improves blood circulation

o Lowers fat

o Creates a sense of well being and calm


It is very important to practice yoga under the supervision of an experienced and well-trained trainer; otherwise doing wrong exercises can sometimes worsen your problem and lead to complications. The best time to do yoga is said to be in the morning. Pregnant ladies can also do yoga, as it helps in easy delivery and helps lose weight post pregnancy.

Reach your goals:

Yoga means to unify all forms of life. It has a holistic approach to all aspects of life - physical, mental and spiritual life. Each person is considered a unique combination of body, mind and soul. It teaches the importance of maintaining harmony between the mind and the body. One can achieve happiness, contentment, liberation and enlightenment from the union with the divine consciousness known as Brahman, or with Atman, the transcendent Self. With yoga, one can achieve these goals.

Paul MacIver is a contributing author for Information Spring - Visit Guide To Yoga [] where you can read more about yoga, yoga mats [], yoga wear, and yoga equipment.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Sophisticated Yoga Can Challenge Your Body - Yoga Positions For Beginners

If you have completed beginner and halfway yoga you may well be all set for advanced yoga. A complex session requires more power and flexibility than a lower level lesson and you want to be certain that your body and talent level is ready for this. A superior lesson will push your body to another point and you want to be confident that you have the training required to take it to this next level. Be certain to have completely learned most yoga positions for beginners beforehand.

When you enlist for complex yoga you might need to take the lower level courses before you can register for this type of lesson. You want to ensure that you do not hold the group up and that is why you might want to take part in these lower intensity lessons even if you need them as a reminder before you enroll for an advanced course.

When you take superior yoga you may find that you become tougher after every class. You will be pressed very fiercely in this type of class and this will help you to increase your strength and suppleness even further. If you are seeking a test then this is what an sophisticated class should present you. If you feel as though you are not being challenged you may want to speak with your yoga tutor and see if there are any things you can do to help give yourself a challenge.

Having discovered yoga positions for beginners, you will want to practice advanced yoga at home also. This will help you build power and will discover things more rapidly. If you rehearse at home you will be equipped for your next class and you will not have to agonize about being left behind. Yoga is all about working up to the next skill and it is important to master all of the stuff you study and this can be done with a lot of rehearsal.

If you want to learn at your own rate you may consider using a DVD or online resource to help you learn sophisticated yoga. You may well not have as much time as you would like and when you learn from your house you will be able to move on at your own rate and master each step ahead of proceeding to the next.

To unearth the finest internet guides to Yoga, visit our website to peruse reviews of a number of internet resources to help you discover Yoga at all levels.

Secrets of Exceptional Yoga Teachers, Part 1

Would you like to know a formula for becoming an exceptional Yoga teacher? What separates the exceptional yoga teacher from the "pack?" Here is an itemized formula to become an exceptional and successful Yoga instructor.

Continuing education is part of a Yoga instructor's job description. Although you may teach Yoga, you must accept being a student of Yoga for life. Learn what you can, to benefit your Yoga student's ailments, and when you have time, learn a little bit more. With 5,000 years of documentation behind it, Yoga is like a great mountain where one lifetime will just not be enough to discover everything.

Patience is the next ingredient within an exceptional Yoga teacher. Be patient with yourself, your family, your friends, and your Yoga students. Do not put pressure on anyone unnecessarily. Some Yoga students have to grow into the practice. You might be unknowingly doing the same to yourself or your loved ones. The key is to become aware of it and always be mindful of others.

Take action and understand the laws of cause and effect (Karma). Most of the world takes no action at all, but exceptional Yoga teachers do not "sit on their hands." Just by taking action, you will be a success in life. Great ideas mean nothing without action, but your actions should always help others. It is fine to help yourself, just make sure you are not harming anything in the process.

Compassion is needed to become an exceptional Yoga teacher. You must show compassion for Yoga students and for mankind. Treat everyone possible with loving kindness. When this is impossible avoid negative people who seek pleasure through spreading pessimism, bigotry, hatred, greed, and envy.

Passion for Yoga and for helping other people can be found in most Yoga teachers. The Yoga teacher who just "does it for the money," will not last. If you feel like that, you should find your "real calling," passion, and true desires. Life is too short to waste time doing a job that you dread. Strangely, I have never met a Yoga teacher who regretted teaching Yoga. If I ever find one, I will let you know.

Courage is required to be your own boss. To wake up each morning and go it alone, without someone over your shoulder is a Yoga teacher's life reward. Most of the masses like to be told what to do, but the Yoga teacher makes his or her own hours. There is some responsibility that goes with any business, but every Yoga teacher knows the responsibility is worth it.

© Copyright 2006 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard is a co-owner and the director of Yoga teacher training at: Aura Wellness Center, in North Providence, RI. He has been a certified Master Yoga teacher since 1995. He is a master instructor of martial arts, with multiple Black Belts, four martial arts teaching credentials, and was recently inducted into the USA Martial Arts Hall of Fame. He teaches Yoga, martial arts, and fitness to children, adults, and seniors in the greater Providence area. Recently he wrote: Is Running a Yoga Business Right for You? For Yoga students, who may be considering a new career as a Yoga teacher.

Should I Get Serious About Having a GPS Heart Rate Monitor For My Running Exercises?

Having workout sessions at the gym have become a common fad among working adults, especially those who spent most of their time working at the office or at home. As you can see, more people are willing to spend their money on hiring personal trainer or participating yoga and Pilate sessions. Then, someone might be asking to herself, "Should I get real serious to have a GPS heart rate monitor watch?"

Basically, this particular wrist-watch able to track your target heart rate zone or a "threshold" - which is important to determine whether you have an effective workout by reaching the "threshold" within certain period of time. Since this tool has a GPS feature - it is more suitable for running exercises as it can track the distance that you have travelled. One Timex Ironman user named Anthony commented that tracking distance was very accurate even under heavy trees. If you prefer running on walking lanes, it would simply track your running distance as accurate as possible.

In short, this particular watch can help you "kill two birds with one stone" - means that you can analyze your exercise data and construct your own workout programs at the same time.

For instance, most people would keep on tracking their previous performances by analyzing their exercise data which were stored in the heart rate monitor; using the free software provided by the heart rate monitor manufacturers. If you can get this done, you can set your own goals that can elevate your workout performance.

There was one Garmin Forerunner 305 user who had found confidence and motivation in improving his health issues by overcoming his pacing issues. He had to challenge himself by setting small goals at a time like 10 minutes per mile. If he pushed a little harder, he could reached about 9 minutes per mile but when he let it up, he could reach 11 minutes per mile. Then, it seemed consistent over his entire 2.5 mile run.

If you were in his shoes, you would probably achieve better results if you really push yourself hard and having a GPS heart rate monitor could be a turning point of your health problems.

For more information about heart rate monitor [] , visit

Better Balance, Improved Core Strength and More Fun With the Right Exercise Ball - Here's How

One of the most enjoyable ways to tone your body is to use an exercise ball to work out. The instability of the round ball causes your core stabilizers to work with nearly every movement. If you weight train, you can use the ball instead of the bench, in some strength training exercises, or use the ball with dumbbells.

Choosing the right ball

If you want an effective work out, and who doesn't, you need a good quality ball of the correct size. One of the most common mistakes people make when choosing an exercise ball is to pick one that is too big and too cheap (cheap balls burst; enough said). To get the most out of a ball, remember that the size and quality of a ball is important. Spend a little more and buy a good quality ball; you won't be sorry.

When you sit upright on a ball, with your feet on the floor, your knees should be bent at a 90° angle. If they're more than 90° the ball is too big, if less, it's too small. Here are some average guidelines:

If you're shorter than 4'8" your ball should be about 17.1/2" (45cm)
If you're 4'8" to 5'3" your ball should be about 21.1/2" (55cm)
If you're 5'3" to 6' your ball should be about 25.1/2" (65cm)
If you're taller than 6' your ball should be about 29.1/2" (75cm)

It's easier to balance on a softer ball, so beginners may want to purchase a ball that is slightly oversized and under inflate it, so it is the correct height. With the softer ball, balance will be easier until you get the hang of it. Once you do, begin practicing with the ball fully inflated to improve your balance. When you're comfortable on a fully inflated ball, you may want to then purchase a ball of the correct size.

Don't use a ball that isn't designed for exercising. They're too flimsy to hold your weight and falling, when a ball bursts, is not as much fun as it sounds. Some reputable exercise ball manufacturers are: FitBALL, Resist-a-Ball, SPRI and Thera-Band. Most ball manufacturers also sell workout DVDs for the ball, which you may want to purchase as well.

Features to look for

Burst resistant: Falls to the ground caused by a ball that bursts, are generally the worst ball injuries, so you want to make sure you get a ball that is strong enough to hold your weight while exercising. Fortunately, the tougher materials used to make balls these days, are more puncture resistant. So get the strongest ball you can find. Tough material is also more resistant to sharp objects, if you happen to roll over one while doing your workout. In fact, it probably wouldn't hurt if you were to inspect your workout area, before each workout, just to make sure there are no staples, sewing needles or railroad spikes hiding in the carpet.

Slow ball deflation: The risk of injury is reduced if your ball is made to deflate slowly when it is punctured. Such a ball will let you down more slowly and help prevent injury. Most such injuries occur when your ball bursts and drops you to the ground suddenly; if you happen to be holding dumbbells at the time, it can be even worse; first because you can't use your hands to break your fall and second because the dumbbell strains your arms and increases your weight. Spend a few dollars more and get a slow deflating ball; it's worth it.

Weight testing: Some exercise balls are made to hold up to 1000 lbs. While you probably won't need a ball that strong, you should check the ball to see how much weight it is rated to hold. For most people, a ball that has been weight tested to hold 600 lbs. or thereabouts, should be sufficient.

With the right exercise ball, you can relax and enjoy your workout, confident that it won't let you down (literally). You can use your exercise ball, with your other strength training exercises, to add variety to your workouts. The ball will also make your core stronger, give you better balance and if nothing else, it will certainly make your workouts more fun.

Richard has been publishing articles, in multiple online venues, since 2003. Interested in researching and writing about a wide variety of topics, this author publishes articles not only here and on other article sites, but also on his own web sites. Check out his latest website about Washers & Dryers which discusses topics like Front Load Machines. This site was created to help the consumer find the right product at the right price for his needs.

Wellness Retreat Training

Work related stress, unfavorable lifestyle, unhealthy habits is the order of the day. No wonder people tend to catch on to stress and lifestyle related diseases at very young ages. Moreover, busy work schedules and tight competition has made it more difficult for people spare time for spirituality and health care. At such a juncture wellness retreats are a possible way out of the vicious cycle.

Wellness retreats are places or centers offering training programmes for ensuring better health. They offer alternative training programmes for health and spirituality like yoga, Ayurveda etc to fight lifestyle and stress related diseases. Since they are retreats, they usually are places offering overnight stays where people usually go for vacationing and in the course of the vacation also embark on spirituality and health nourishment training.

Programmes included in such retreats are: Yoga training: Combinations of several mental and physical disciplines through meditative practices of Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism, brought together in a comprehensive health and fitness programme for fighting lifestyle diseases.
Meditation and healing arts: The best way of putting mind and body together, relive stress and proceed towards spirituality is through meditation and pranayam. Alternative healing methods like reiki, acupuncture, shamanism, music therapy etc are included in the retreats.
Healthy gourmet food: Ayurvedic and vegetarian food prepared from essential and gourmet herbs and spices to revolutionize your diet and change lifestyle patterns for better and healthy living. Tips for cooking the wellness food are also provided.
Ayurveda/ Ayurvedic medication: Ayurvedic consultation, Ayurvedic massages and medication for fighting stress and lifestyle diseases like blood sugar, blood pressure, heart problems, hypertension, headache, body ache, Spondylitis etc.
Spa facilities: For pampering your body and skin one can choose from an exciting mix of spa treatment services. Therapeutic massages, energizing massage, aromatherapy massage and enriching treatments are usually included in the programme
Stress reduction: Several techniques like Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction or MBSR are directed at combination of mind strength and physical abilities to release stress. It works on the mind's ability to be aware.
Workouts and exercises: Combinations of aerobics, state-of-art gym and other physical training programmes like pilates, i.e. a full body workout for building muscles through a sequence of controlled and precise movements.

Wellness retreats are often designed specifically for either sexes for ensuring convenience and privacy. Wellness retreat Victoria, Brisbane, Ontario, California, Kerala, Agstri is famous throughout the world. People across continents flock to these places for treatment, meditation and well being. This if you have been suffering from any stress or lifestyle diseases or just seeking a relaxed and healthy holiday wellness retreats could be your next destination.

For any help on wellness retreats, check out the info available online; these will help you learn to find the Wellness retreat Victoria!

Why Personal Training Could Help You Meet Your Fitness Goals

When you want to lose the fat off your stomach and when you want to get fit, you will find that looking at personal trainers is going to be something to consider. Personal training can make a huge difference to how quickly you meet your fitness goals, and if you want more confidence when you move forward with your workouts, this might be the resource that you need to think about!

When you are thinking about personal training, you will find that you are looking at a process where you get fit with the help of a professional expert. Different personal trainers will have different areas of expertise and this can be an important way for you to move forward.

Personal fitness training was first created as a way to make sure that people exercised and to make sure that those who were first going to gyms knew how to use the equipment. Personal training exercises were then developed by the personal trainers themselves and these programs could be very different. While professional athletes were the first ones to use personal trainers with regards to exercise and fitness, the practice has spread a great deal.

While not many of us are actually professional athletes, this is not to say that we cannot benefit from the diet plans and exercise plans that have been created for us. Look into the personalized programs that they might come up with, and think about how good exercise and good diet can shape our bodies for us.

One thing that a good personal trainer in Irvine will give you is good exercise advice, including proper techniques and learning how to read signs from your own body. Changing the way you do your exercises or even adding a new type of exercise can make a huge difference to the way that you work. Personal training takes motivation, and when you go looking for personal training, you will find that that can be precisely what you get!

One issue that you will run into when you are exercising on your own is that you might easily plateau. When you plateau, you are not working as effectively as you are going to be and you will find that a personal trainer can help. They are going to get you started on days when you need goals set for yourself and they will ensure that you do not skip the exercises that are harder.

Personal training may be expensive when you are looking at large commercial gyms, but when you start looking at smaller, private fitness centers, you will discover cheaper prices and personal trainers who are more interested in forming a relationship with their clients. You will find that some personal trainers in Irvine will offer private sessions and special deals, and a little research beforehand can teach you a lot about what is available. Are you interested in yoga, dance or Pilates? Find a personal trainer who is also a teacher, and you will discover that you can get some impressive benefits from the way that a lesson and a personal training session can mesh.

Steve Hochman is a personal trainer in Irvine California. For more than 10 years, Steve has been the leader in helping local residents lose weight, tone up and feel great in the shortest possible time with his personal training in Irvine CA. To learn more about how you can get in amazing shape fast, visit

Yoga Teachers Lead by Example (Part 3)

Behavior toward neighboring Yoga schools, Yoga teachers, and their students, should be cordial. Like the old saying goes, "If you do not have anything good to say, do not say anything at all." When we speak of other Yoga teachers, or former Yoga teachers, in a hostile manner, what do we teach our students?

Unfortunately, Yoga teachers are human and behavior is not always optimum. Show respect toward neighboring ashrams by letting the director, master teacher, or guru, know about your events - in the form of a letter or invitation. Do not post your events on their doors, on their cars, and on telephone poles nearby their ashram.

Do not encourage your Yoga students to tear down advertisements of other local ashrams in the markets and local coffee shops. Harmonious coexistence with local Yoga studios and ashrams is healthy. When Yoga students are encouraged to become sectarian, or elitist, they are being strayed away from the true meaning of Yoga. Always remember Yoga means "unity."

Avoid moving your Yoga studio next door, above, below, or across the street from another Yoga teacher. The world is a very big place. There is no need for us to behave like rivaling businesses. If that were acceptable, Yoga would be just a business, and our true mission is to help others.

Try to maintain good relations with former Yoga teachers and their students. Sometimes, there are complications in the student / teacher relationship, but try to be as friendly as possible.

Relationships with your Yoga students should be balanced and kept intact. Yoga teachers should avoid using their position for leverage or special favors. If you are having feelings beyond the usual Yoga teacher / Yoga student relationship, you should seek qualified advice, do some "soul searching," or withdraw yourself from the situation.

The Yoga studio is not a romantic playground, or part of a dating service, for Yoga teachers. As a Yoga teacher, your relationship is founded upon the trust of your students. You also want to avoid "fueling" any distractions from Yoga practice.

Lastly, you want to encourage your more advanced Yoga students to become independent creators of their own practice. It is nice to be needed, but your Yoga students will grow if they are allowed to be innovators. You can always show them the safest methods to keep them on the right track, but you do not want your advanced Yoga students to feel dependent on your existence.

To draw a small comparison: A pair of adult eagles takes wonderful care of their chick, but someday, that chick will grow to be as large as its parents. The solution is to encourage their offspring to fly and become independent. You know, you will not be around forever, so encourage your Yoga students to keep the practice evolving.

Paul Jerard is a co-owner and the director of Yoga teacher training at: Aura Wellness Center, in North Providence, RI. He has been a certified Master Yoga teacher since 1995. He is a master instructor of martial arts, with multiple Black Belts, four martial arts teaching credentials, and was recently inducted into the USA Martial Arts Hall of Fame. He teaches Yoga, martial arts, and fitness to children, adults, and seniors in the greater Providence area. Recently he wrote: Is Running a Yoga Business Right for You? For Yoga students, who may be considering a new career as a Yoga teacher.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Teaching Hatha Yoga - Set an Intention For Your Lesson Plan

At the beginning of each class, Yoga teachers often prompt students to set an intention for their practice. This is usually part of the opening, or greeting, at the beginning of a Yoga session. Bringing a student's mental focus into the present moment can be accomplished in many ways.

Centering, meditation, rooting, pranayama, and warm-ups are some of the various methods for establishing presence in the moment; but setting an intention allows a student to choose an objective. This same principle holds true when we design a lesson plan. What is the objective? It depends on the general health condition and needs of the group.

If three out of fifteen students have scoliosis, we should take spinal health into consideration, when designing a sequence of Yoga techniques. Some of the most common ailments can often be traced back to chronic stress. Knowing this, stress reduction must be addressed for every age group, including children.

If we are planning a private lesson, the sequence we design is based upon the specific needs of an individual student. Creating, and following our Yoga class lesson plans, are not a matter of guidance through the unknown. Each and every session is created with intention and purpose.

The concept that one sequence is the cure all for everything that ails humanity is interesting, but not practical. When we design a sequence, for teaching Hatha Yoga sessions, the age and health of our students are factors to be considered. Some people may say, "Age does not matter." That statement is difficult to make, when the average student in a chair Yoga class is over 70 years of age.

At the same time, health is not just a physical matter. The condition of the mind, and one's emotional state, are among the many factors involved when accessing a health condition. If a student is dealing with grief, loss, or going through a divorce, these factors affect general health. We may, or may not, spot them on the surface of physical health, yet they are apparent to the particular student.

Where do we start, when considering how our lesson plans should be created and the evolution of a student's practice? If we have a Guru, we may spend time with him or her. We may also consider an online Yoga teacher training course or an onsite intensive. The well of Yogic knowledge is deep, and we can easily share from it.

© Copyright 2010 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of Yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. He has been a certified Master Yoga Teacher since 1995. To receive Free Yoga videos, Podcasts, e-Books, reports, and articles about Yoga, please visit:

Yoga Relaxation Techniques for Phobias

It makes so much sense to think that Yoga's relaxation techniques would help a person with phobias, and extreme anxiety, cope with his or her irrational fears. Yet, there are reasons why relaxation may fail. Let's take a closer look at the obstacles that may hinder the progress Yogic relaxation can make.

State of Mind: The mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual states of well being are out of balance when we experience constant bouts with irrational fear. Relaxation techniques are another method in Yoga's tool chest for training the mind. For one to relax, proper preparation is the keystone.

A warm bath or shower will help loosen muscle tension. Asanas will also help release tension. This helps relax the body, and the mind will follow. Aromatherapy scents for bringing about states of relaxation, such as vanilla, lavender, chamomile, rose, jasmine, bergamot, and sandalwood are good aromas for soap, oils, or after-bath creams.

If one has a difficult time relaxing, try using any of the above-named scents, during and after, a warm shower or bath. A few restorative Yoga postures will also make a nice addition to change one's state of mind. Relaxing music, at a low volume, might also help. Controlling one's breath (pranayama) is another method that may ease phobias or anxiety. It can be practiced before, during, and after a Yogic relaxation session.

Common Objections: There are many objections people fall back on to prevent a relaxation session. Here are a few: "Can't we just skip this and take medication." "Relaxation won't work on me." "I'm so stressed out; I don't have time for Yoga or relaxation sessions."

Prescribed medication might be a solution, but why volunteer to take a prescription, if you can find a natural solution with no side effects? In some cases, a prescription could be a temporary solution. This is a decision that must be made with the guidance of a medical professional.

If a person believes something will not work - it most likely will fail. Every form of therapy, whether it is scientific, medical, alternative, or natural should fail, if we strongly believe it will not work.

Time: Just saying, "I don't have time to relax," is self-defeating. When I was a teenager, I worked for my grandfather as a roofer. As a young man, it was hard work, but it took a toll on the roofers who were over 50. There are some jobs that require so much physical energy, that every muscle in your body aches from exhaustion.

No matter how taxing your job or life is, you have time to relax. As my wife, Marie, says: "Yogic relaxation and meditation; are like the maraschino cherry on top of a hot fudge sundae." In other words - relaxation and meditation are the most prized techniques that Yoga has to offer. That says a lot - if we consider the many valued aspects of our Yoga practice.

? Copyright 2010 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of Yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. He has been a certified Master Yoga Teacher since 1995. To receive Free Yoga videos, Podcasts, e-Books, reports, and articles about Yoga, please visit:

Yogic Traditions in Practice

There are many ancient traditions, many of which are retained in the classical teachings even today. However, in western application most are modified and adapted to suit the current lifestyle but the principles are adhered to nevertheless.

In India it is seen as natural to seek a spiritual Guru at some stage following maturity, usually after a period as a householder and adherence to the general cultural practices and values required for daily living. It is not a foreign concept for the spiritual aspirant to look forward to commencement of a new stage of life as a renunciate or to devote time to philosophic studies and cultural refinement. In the classical eras the spiritual stage of life was perceived as a fine reward after practical effort.

It is common for Indian parents to encourage a child's early memories of previous incarnations. This is in stark contrast with western parents who will often chastise any child who speaks of 'imaginary' or 'make-believe' events unrelated to the present. Occasionally an exceptional soul instinctively attracted to the spiritual life will initiate a spontaneously programme of intense meditation as a child. Such an inspired child requires exceptional care and tutoring.

In conjunction with spiritual care and teaching in the home, centres of spiritual teaching called Ashrams were established for the purpose of spiritual training and meditation and this continues. As with the monasteries of the west, part of their function was concerned in healing through herbs, food as well as and yogic health practices. No doubt much of the classical training is incorporated into the national health education system today.

Until comparatively recently there were no formal yoga classes nor was Yoga taught in the schools in India. Parents are seen serve as the initial spiritual guides for children in a training that begins with learning ethical and moral principles.

Practising the physical disciples of Hatha Yoga has certain formal simple preparations and traditions including the following...

Prior preparation includes attention to hygiene that bowels, kidneys and stomach are empty. Clothing must be as light as possible. Barefoot when entering the ashram or place of practice is symbolic of shedding contact with worldly activities.

Firstly a natural environment in the fresh air if possible with Incense, flowers, natural water, lakes, gardens etc all assists.

A personal mat made of natural fibres placed directly upon the earth or floor serves as a personal space.

North/South polarity is used for Relaxation in prone position.

East or North facing positing is used for practising meditation.

Mala - A string of beads or mala is usually encouraged as a personal sacred rosary for prayer and mantra - this held in the hands for meditation. The Guru will usually magnetize or impregnate the beads with his influence to assist the chelae, but after this, only the chela touches the mala.

Yoga Practice is recommended at dawn, midday, sunset, midnight or 6, noon, 6, midnight

Vegetarian diet is obligatory in India and with all serious students of Yoga.

Fasting at special times and prior to spiritual festivals is universal.

If suffering illness - herbs and foods and water are taken as medicines.

Reading and studying the wisdom teachings and sacred writings is imperative for personal understanding and in the classical tradition the beautiful Upanishads are used as a focus for the mind.

Included here is a beautiful quotation for contemplation upon life and the values we place upon our own experiences of the soul through its many successive incarnations

And thus shall ye think of all this fleeting world

A star at night, a bubble in a stream

A flash of lightning in a summer cloud

A flickering lamp, a phantom - and a dream. Katha Upanishad

In a relationship as a chela or student of a Guru, the aspirant is expected to demonstrate to his teacher and mentor, loyalty and devotion. In turn the chela is to dedicate his talents to helping serve mankind. In the system there are many other strong traditions and customs that still prevail but are unfamiliar to those outside.

Generally in society, as when greeting the Guru or Acharya, greetings in India are not by touch, but by the customary gesture of placing the two palms of the hands in the prayer position and slight bow of the head in sign of respect for the god or higher self within the other person. This gesture is usually assumed to indicate appreciation at the conclusion of teaching or in private practice as a sign of devotion to one's higher self, one's teacher, to Nature itself or to God.

Understanding some of the customs allows respect for the age old traditions that have reason and design. Westerners should ensure that they comprehend the purpose before adopting any custom that is not in tune with their personal inclination or their own birth culture.

Sally Janssen is a writer, and Yoga teacher well known both in Australia and abroad for her skill in demonstration of the Hatha Yoga practices and her wisdom in applying the principles of Raja Yoga -the study of the mind and consciousness.
More details at
Her book "Mental Fitness: A Complete Self-help Guide" explains the principles of mental fitness that can be applied by us all. The book may be found here:

Nothing Like a Traditional Yoga and Massage Session to Up the Paradisiacal Experience at Bali

Bali is called the Island of the Gods for a reason. Everything you can imagine that is associated with paradise is here. If you like beaches, well, there's a plenty here. And some of the world's best. If you like rolling hills, you can't beat the ones here. Volcanoes are abundant. Scenic rice fields dot God's island. And a rich diversity of plants and animals ensure that outdoors men and women are satisfied. Throw in some of planet Earth's best resorts, hotels and accommodations and you're in for a holiday of a lifetime here. Compliment your time in Bali with a mind and body experience that would only add to the many highlights of your trip.

A truly revitalizing and relaxing experience awaits you. There's nothing like a day consisting of yoga and a traditional Balinese massage to soothe the mind and relax the body. Enter Desa Seni, an eco-friendly village resort giving visitors an authentic Indonesian experience through the exploration of culture, art, yoga, organic farming and complete wellness.

The resort's beautiful gardens and village atmosphere makes for the perfect destination for your 90 minute yoga experience. And to add to the atmospheric experience, you'll be doing it at its expansive 90 square-meter open-air yoga studio overlooking organic vegetables gardens. If you're doing yoga for the first time, have just picked it up and starting practicing it or are a seasoned veteran, there's an instructor for you here. And one more thing. Just bring yourself. All accessories and equipment are provided.

The swimming pool looks tempting, doesn't it? Feel free to jump when after your yoga session. It's got your name written all over it. Then enjoy a purely organic lunch, with ingredients picked straight out of the resort's garden.

And now for the icing on the cake. Cocoon yourself in the treatment area and prepare for a firm and deeply therapeutic massage. The trained therapists will work their magic through a combination of techniques designed to relieve tension within muscles, tendons and ligaments. How do they do that? By touching upon the pressure points of the body, muscle soreness and tension will dissolve as your body is returned to balance. Walk out of the session feeling like a new person!

This Mind Retreat tour deal goes great with any Bali packages in our Indonesian tour deals.

Yoga Instructor Certification Course - Why Registration Is Not Enough For New & Established Teachers Yoga instructor certification course or is a teacher registration simply enough? This article will discuss the reason for taking your registration one step further and becoming a fully qualified yoga instructor.

Here are the most common questions and answers related to yoga teacher credentials and regulations.

Yoga trainer credentialing is relatively new. In the past when the study and practice of yoga was not as mainstream as it is now simply registering as a trainer was thought to be enough.

However, certification became a priority once this spiritual exercise became more popular with people in the western world. The main reason why any trainer must be certified is for their own legal protection. As a result of increasing lawsuits these days it is fundamental that your students see your diploma displayed clearly in your work place or exercise room. While there is no doubt that this activity is nowhere near as dangerous or as risky as some martial arts programs or other sports, it can be incredibly vigorous and some people may be prone to some form of inadvertent injury during a class if they have not stretched beforehand or have done a move incorrectly.

If you are fully certified as a yoga teacher you will find it a lot easier to acquire liability insurance. It is important that you are never left uninsured, regardless of the fact that this is a relatively safe and gentle pursuit compared to other activities.

Unfortunately a lot of exercise classes are conducted with little or no regard of the new students health, conditions, fitness level and general history. For this reason a questionnaire is highly recommended.

Even established yoga instructors need a diploma. Practitioners of this activity for a longer period of time may not have had certification available to them when they started out. Nowadays certified trainers are well versed in Hatha Yoga or Kundalini Yoga. If you are already a professional then you should find out if you can receive credit or recognition for past experience and work practices.

While there is really no right or wrong credential to have, you should have 200 hours of study at a minimum and the certification course should include every facet of yoga with particular importance placed on anatomy, physiology, safety, modifications, props and important contraindications.

Additionally, if you are starting out then it is advisable to find a study course that also includes the fundamentals of running your own practice and making it profitable from day one.

Instructors are not required to be registered. However, some studios may require registration. In other areas you will have to be certified before they will even take a look at hiring you for one of their classes.

Currently there is no government backed regulator of this industry. To keep up to date with the latest changes and news I would recommend that you network with teacher associations and other trainers.

Lastly, it is absolutely imperative that the single most important factor always be borne in mind at all times - the ultimate health, wellbeing and safety of every study in your class.

For more information about becoming certified in your state as a yoga instructor check out the website below!

Copyright 2007. Yoga Instructors Course Certification Are you wanting to become certified as a yoga instructor? Not all yoga instructor certification courses are the same. I spent hours researching the range of yoga instructor certification courses available and have announced my number one choice at my yoga training website. Yoga Master With 5000 Hours Of Training Under His Belt Teaches Future Yoga Instructors How They Can Earn $150.00 Per Hour As A Professional Yoga Instructor And Be Certified Within Just 3 Months In His World Class Yoga Teacher Training Course Online. Start your yoga instructor certification course today at

Winter Health: 5 Simple Tips To Ski All Season Long

If you've already hit the slopes this year, you know that the off-season can take a heavy toll on what were once sturdy winter legs, and that the onslaught of cold-weather adventure can take an even heavier toll on the rest of your body. Between sore muscles, chest colds, sunburn, minor injuries and overall fatigue, getting back into ski shape and then maintaining your well-being throughout the season can be an uphill battle. With that in mind, to help you with the self-imposed torture that is one of the best outdoor sports in the world, here are a few easy health tips to keep you upright all season long.

1. Prepare (Back Into Shape) - Even if you've been bulking up at the gym, even if you're a yoga fanatic or an iron-man enthusiast, it can still be hard to target those specific muscles needed to blast through moguls or keep up in the pow, and harder still to keep them going strong day after day after day. If you missed your pre-season ski-prep course, exercises such as agility ball squats, wall squats, straight lunges and side lunges can all help with muscle strength, balance and endurance, while strengthening your core (your entire core) will prove invaluable for upright stability. And don't forget the cardio.

2. Stretch - Stretching before and after you ride will help prevent injuries, increase your flexibility and mobility, reduce muscle tension, and allow you to ski harder and longer throughout the season. Be sure to stretch your whole body, but pay extra attention to your hamstrings, quads, calves and back. Take days off to allow your muscles to rejuvenate, but keep them loose and ready with daily stretching routines.

3. Hydrate - The human body consists of up to 60% water (so does Vodka, but Vodka doesn't ski), and that water needs to be replenished for the body to function properly. Drinking extra water will help nourish your muscles, your brain, your nervous and immune systems, your skin, and everything else you want to be healthy to help you make the perfect turn. Not drinking enough water leads to poor performance, fatigue, dehydration and other ailments, and even a loss of muchness on the slopes. And nobody wants to lose their muchness.

4. Sunscreen - Need we refer to Mary Schmich's famous beat-accompanied commencement speech - If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it? The higher altitude and prolonged exposure in the mountains highly intensifies the sun's effects on skin, even if no sun is actually visible. And while you might not notice any immediate effects, the long-term negative effects of sun exposure are being revealed as far more harmful than we ever imagined. Plus, let's be honest: Raccoon eyes aren't sexy unless you're an actual raccoon.

5. Get The Right Gear - Don't let boot problems ruin your day, affect your abilities, or even permanently disfigure your feet (nobody likes a sixth toe). See a boot specialist, get orthotics, or finally splurge on the new pair of boots you've needed for so long: whatever problems you are having, something can always be done to fix them. Boots are such an integral factor in your ability to ski well; don't let pain or even poor support get in the way of the athlete you could potentially be.

Jonathan Berger is a contributor for Active Junky. For more of his useful articles on staying in shape in the winter, outdoor sports and saving money on gear check out the Outdoor Gear and Ski Gear sections of

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Practise Yoga And Promote An Overall Healthier Lifestyle!

It is hardly surprising that the majority of people who regularly practice yoga start to develop a healthier lifestyle in a short period of time. These positive changes are seen in many facets of their existence. Once the benefits that yoga can bring about are seen and experienced by these new practitioners, life takes on a whole different meaning and is seen through different eyes. The feeling of having their energy levels increased by practise is really encouraging , to the extent that it spurs people on to make more changes and get even more out of their lives. Some more of these 'magical' effects include:

Diet, where a change from foods of low nutritional value to healthier foodstuffs with higher nutritional value can only promote good health;

Illnesses that are sometimes hard to shift tend to be disguarded rather rapidly;

Trouble with sleeping and insomnia that was pre-Yoga training suddenly changes and sleep becomes more sound and fitful;

The self-awareness of Yoga practitioners is heightened to such an extent that they are able to focus in on troubled aspects of their lives more accurately, thus allowing them to combat these troubled areas more effectively and at a much greater pace;

Ongoing emotional problems that may have been burdening them for a long period of time become clearer more quickly, thus allowing the sufferrer a new found freedom to enjoy life and all the good things it has to offer to those who have found the release brought about by a Yoga re-awakening. A re-awakening that must be taken advantage of.

The powerful positive energy force that is released by practising Yoga becomes greater as it overflows into more and more areas of a persons life, especially focused where it is needed. Each area brings the body and the mind into greater harmony with one another; this being the ultimate aim of Yoga. By eliminating the current imbalances, there is no longer the constant conflict found within the different areas of our lives which tend to be constantly fighting against one another.

There comes a desire to live a healthier life because that is the natural state that we should all be living in and it is a state that makes you feel really good. It opens up and unclutters the mind, allowing it to see more opportunities that present themselves in addition to achieving higher levels of success.

Yoga is such a powerful source that once embraced and followed, the changes can become unstoppable which is really a great thing to look forward to.

Start practising Yoga now to see the great long term health benefits you will receive.

Take action now by clicking here to discover the most effective way to dramatically improve your physical and mental well-being easily [].

Yoga And Running

The force of the impact of your heels on the ground is your weight multiplied by 3 or 4. Therefore it is not uncommon to hear of runners complaining of sore feet, tight hamstrings, even bad knees & backs. The pain experienced by runners does not come from the exercise itself but from wrong balances caused and intensified by running. Yoga can correct these imbalances.

The individuals who use running to keep fit are probably the most balanced in structure and can really manage the physical stresses of the exercise with little or no pain, in other, words the 'no pain, no gain' type. But no runner can last the imbalances that this hard work presents. The chronic pain is very common if not aggravated by injury.

The average runner suffers excessive contraction, tension, & hammering of the muscular system without enough elongation, restoration and slackening work. Without the opposing actions, the tendency of the body is to make up to avoid injury by finding a way around the instability. This compensation transmits the stress on the joints, muscles, & even the other parts of the body.

This imbalance causes the muscles to double their effort to correct the discrepancy. The tight muscles increase their tautness and the weak muscles decrease their strength. Tight muscles have the properties of hardness, brittleness, & inflexibility. Their secondary purpose, which is to absorb shock for the body, is gone because they are no longer soft & supple. This brittleness brings about the rubbing & grinding of the joints, causing them vulnerability to injury.

Rigidity of the muscles occurs because the training is focused on specific actions indicated for the sport. In other words, they do the action again and again making the body perform like clockwork. This concentration on external technique makes the body structure unfit causing excessive tightness.

Yoga can refocus the awareness internally on the body movements instead of the external outcome. It can balance body strength & extends its range of motion. Not only is the body being trained but also the mind.

Aside from that, yoga develops the fostering of body wisdom & confidence. As you learn more about the body and its functioning, you will then be able to hear the messages being sent by the body & act in response to them. As you can see, running causes the body to generate lots of endorphins, natural painkillers, which can really numb the pain of injury & illness.

Are you enthusiastic about teaching yoga? Avail of our yoga instructor course and become a certified yoga instructor. This course will provide you with a yoga instructor training plus a certificate.

The Purpose of Yoga - Harnessing Empowerment with Jnana Yoga

Do you feel that good things always happen to other people? If someone told you Yoga could change your life exponentially would you believe them? Positive change starts from within. Yoga will help you from the inside out, but you must believe you deserve better, envision it, take action, and never give up.

When I was growing up, some members of my family believed that good things only happen to other people. I was told, "Success does not happen to our kind of people." Yet, some members of my family did not listen to this talk. My grandfather went into business for himself as a successful general contractor during the Depression.

The first book he gave me, as a child, was his copy of "How to Win Friends and Influence People," by Dale Carnegie. I was a book worm, so I read it more than once. We did not have computers in those days, so I referred to it so many times, the binding cracked and the pages fell out.

My Uncle had read the same copy, so I cannot take all the credit for the wear. Here's the interesting part: My Uncle went into business for himself and owned two successful shoe stores before he passed away. I left the corporate world and opened a wellness center, which trains Yoga teachers worldwide.

My Uncle and Grandfather never studied Hatha Yoga. Yet they both practiced Jnana Yoga without realizing it. So, what is Jnana Yoga? Jnana Yoga is a spiritual path of compassion, discipline, study, visualization, and meditation.

© Copyright 2007 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of Yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. He has been a certified Master Yoga Teacher since 1995. To receive a Free Yoga e-Book: "Yoga in Practice," and a Free Yoga Newsletter, please visit: