Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Managing Stress Using Yoga

Stress is one of the major ailment of the 21st century. Stress is caused due a high pressure job, a bad marriage, social isolation and the list is endless. A lot of psychiatrists and shrinks have made a fortune because of this ailment. Almost every individual faces stress related problems because of the pressures of this era. A lot research and material is available to solve this problem.What is Stress?

Stress is usually a mental pressure exerted due to fatigue or excessive work. It is also caused from worrying about the work or happenings in the past, present or future. Every individual faces this problem but those who cannot handle these face problems. Stress is one ailment where the mind wins over the heart. Stress also leads to physical problems, but if not attended to can cause an individual to go into a depression or snap. There have been several instances that this has caused people to harm others. If I have to put the causes of stress in a nutshell, it would be because of the high population. High competition in education and jobs cause people high levels of mental agony. There might be many ways to overcome stress, but let us now look at an age old technique that is YOGA.

Some of the steps are:

1) This might sound clichéd but a simple stress buster is breathing. Pranaya technique in yoga teaches individuals deep breathing techniques. It helps proper bold flow to different parts of the body and relaxes the mind after a disciplined session.

2) The other form of stress management is the Hatha technique. This involves a series of poses that designed to increase strength and flexibility. Poses range from lying on the floor while completely relaxed to difficult postures that may have you stretching your physical limits. It has been scientifically proven that this technique promises quick results.

3) The Mantra technique - This involves imagery, here the individual relaxes his mind completely and then meditates, he is here trained to invoke positive imagery and tries ti shun away negative thoughts away from his brain. The Secret movie also explains on how positive thinking and visualization results in happiness.

4) The Surya Namaskar is a intense body workout that leaves the mind refreshed after doing it. A great way to combat stress is indulging in intense physical activities as the body and mind are in tune while performing the act.

Yoga Today

Yoga practiced today s is very different from what it was practiced by the ancient people. Today yoga has not only become a thriving business but it has also become a fashion statement. Science has now proved that yoga can prevent and cure diseases and can help mankind lead a stress free life.

Feeling the Stress!!!! Find out a quick fix yogic solution on how to deal stress with yoga at

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