Sunday, February 24, 2013

Get the Ultimate Exercises For Skiing Your Body Needs to Survive the Slopes

No, skiing is not an exercise in survival; it's a sport, and a very enjoyable sport at that. However, an inexperienced or out-of-shape skier that has felt unbelievable pain and stiffness the day after hitting the slopes may very well disagree with that!

Skiing puts great demands on your legs, arms, and core. You need to balance yourself on two tiny pieces of wood while standing on a mountain covered in snow and ice, and you need to guide and direct yourself down that mountain as well! This is tough enough even when walking in snow boots, so obviously skiing means more work and effort overall.

How to get yourself prepared for this? By using and repeating the best exercises for skiing possible, and performing those exercises in the most effective way possible.

The Wall Slide

Have you ever seen an exercise that looks very simple, but when you try it, you're amazed at the workout you get? The wall slide is one such exercise; it doesn't sound like much, but it's one of the best exercises for skiing you'll find.

To perform this exercise, stand with your back to a wall, your feet about six inches in front of you, shoulder-width apart. Gently slide down the wall, keeping your back upright and bending at the knees.

It helps to wear a shirt made of fleece or other such material, and you may want to try this in a doorway since there will be less resistance from that small bit of wood. Once your legs are at about a forty-five degree angle, hold this position for several seconds and then slide back up. Repeat for a count of six. You'll feel your thighs and calves working overtime to support your body, which means they're getting trained for ski season.

The Plank

A plank position is something you may find in many advanced yoga or Pilates routines, and it will help to strengthen your legs as well as your arms and your core. To perform this position, get on your knees on your gym mat and lean forward in order to place your elbows and forearms down in front of you, hands clasped. Stretch out your legs behind so that your entire lower body is on the mat, your toes down so the soles of your feet are pointing at the wall behind you. Your upper body is resting on your arms. From this position, point your toes and lift your knees up off your mat.

Your body's weight is now supported by your toes and your forearms. As you do this you'll feel your legs, your core, and your arms work to keep you steady and upright. Gently lower your knees back down and repeat this six times.

These exercises for skiing look very simple but are actually very challenging. They'll give you the rock-hard body you need to not only survive the slopes but to tear up the powder each and every time you're out!

To get into the best possible ski shape of your life and ski all day long without the dreaded aching, burning jello-leg, then grab your free report and start chiseling that body for ski season.

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