Saturday, November 30, 2013

How You Lose Fat From Exercise

One of the biggest things that a lot of people wonder about is how exercise actually helps us lose fat. This article will help you improve your training and fitness, lose body fat and stay lean for longer.

The first reason you will lose fat from exercise is because it disrupts homeostasis, or the body's state of equilibrium. Homeostasis is the body's natural inclination to stay the same. This means that if you are skinny, your body would want to stay skinny. If you are fat, your body would likewise want to stay fat.

With the right type of training, you can maximize this disruption in homeostasis and make the really body lose fat. To do this, the exercise must be of a stop-start nature like interval training or weight training. Constant exercise like cardio, running and cycling will not disrupt homeostasis as much.

The second reason you lose fat from exercise is that if you train correctly, you will increase growth hormone. Once you increase growth hormone production from training, you lose body fat quicker and it will help keep your body young. This is one reason why synthetic growth hormones are very popular (just think Sylvester Stallone in the latest Rocky), but training is a way of naturally increasing your growth hormone production.

In the 1970s, Eastern Bloc scientists discovered that the more lactate (otherwise known as lactic acid) your produce in training, the more growth hormone is produced also. They found the best way to increase lactate is through resistance training and not any other form of exercise.

The third reason exercise helps you lose the body fat you have been trying to get rid of, is it improves insulin sensitivity. In fact, the more insulin sensitive you can become, the leaner you will get.

Research has shown that resistance training trumps all other forms of exercise such as cardio, zumba, yoga, and so forth. It is only through resistance training that you would be able to maximise your insulin sensitivity.

So by doing the right types of exercise, like resistance training, you will lose fat a lot quicker and stay in shape for longer. For more information watch this video here.

Looking to find the best info on how to lose body fat, then visit to learn about the most effective way on how to lose body fat, and stay lean for longer.

Joseph Coyne ESSAM AEP Personal Training Gold Coast Expert

Joseph Coyne is an accredited exercise physiologist and the expert in personal training on the Gold Coast, Australia. He has trained four world champions and written for a number of major health & fitness publications. For more information go to

Fitting in Fitness

Congratulations. You have kick-started or geared up your exercise program. But how do you retain this newfound fitness when you go back to your daily routine? Do you have what it takes to keep up with the life enhancing habits that you are now becoming accustomed to? I hope that some of these simple tips will be useful to you to assist you in maintaining your fitness program. Of course, always honor your body and make any modifications or adjustments to these fit tips that are appropriate for you. Feel free to flex your creative muscles by coming up with your own fit tips and be sure to share them.

It is great if you can get to a gym and workout for an hour a day, five days a week. But sometimes in the real world, your schedule or perhaps even your energy level may not permit logging in hours at a gym. That is why it is so important to make a habit of incorporating fitness into your day. Even five or ten minute increments of exercise done five or ten times throughout the course of your day will result in increased fitness levels. When you couple this with a brisk walk, a weight room workout or stretch class, all the better for you.

In order to maintain a healthy weight and a healthy cardiovascular system you must increase your heart rate. Try to do something that makes you break a sweat every single day. A cumulative time of thirty minutes or more is better, but if you can only fit in ten, at least you get that.

* Make a habit of parking at the end of the parking lot and walk a little faster to your destination.

* Increase your stride - take longer, quicker steps everywhere you go.

* (Assuming you are in a safe place), take the stairs instead of the elevator. You might even want to try to walk up two steps at a time instead of just one.

* At your office building, take the stairs up a flight or two to use a restroom on a different level.

* If you are at the mall, park near the store the farthest from the one you want to go to. Every step counts.

* If you take a bus or train somewhere, get off a stop sooner and walk the rest of the distance.v
* Brown bag a healthy lunch and enjoy it at the park after a brisk walk.

* Instead of lounging in the pool, why not do some water aerobics. Sit on a noodle; move your legs like you are bicycling around the pool. There are an endless number of exercises you can come up with. Flex your creative muscles at the same time.

* Volunteer to walk the dog (or your neighbor's dog - you can make a new friend in the process).

* While watching television, spend a couple minutes marching in place, doing knee-kicks or half-jumping jacks.

* Turn the radio up and dance around while you are cleaning the house. Really exaggerate your movements and allow your body to feel good.

You also want to be strong, increase your bone density and rev up your metabolism by participating in strength training. Hand weights can be purchased very inexpensively or you can use water bottles, books or many other items found around your home or workplace for resistance. Isometric exercises (where you tighten a muscle and hold the contraction) are also very effective and you do not necessarily need to use weights at all. The following are some ideas to help you slip some body toning exercises into your daily routine. When performed with very light or no weights, these exercises can be performed on a daily basis. Many of the following exercises can be done in public places. In certain instances you may want to be alone when performing these exercises or at least inform any observers that your are fitting in fitness into your daily routine and invite the to join you. If you have a question about the proper form of any exercise, please speak to a qualified fitness professional.

Lower Body:

* When you go to sit down in the chair, just before your bottom touches the seat, hold for a second or two, then sit down.

* If you are walking down a long hallway, perhaps at work, at an appointment or in an apartment building, do lunge walks. (Take a step with your right leg, bend the left knee straight down towards the ground, straighten the left knee, and step the left foot forward to meet the right. Repeat taking a step with the left leg and allowing the right leg to lunge. Build up to walking the entire length of the hallway.)

* While in (or waiting for an elevator) take the opportunity to do some squats or lunges.

* Holding onto a reception desk, or the back of a chair or do not hold on to anything at all if you want to work on your balance: bring the leg forward and bend and straighten the knee - feel this in the front of the leg; bring the leg behind you and bend and straighten the knee; you can also point the toe and/or turn the toe out to the side and lift that straight leg behind you - feel this in the back of the leg and gluteal area; lift the straight leg out to the side and make circles in each direction - feel this in the hips; lift the legs out to the side to work the outer thighs and across the mid-line of the body to work the inner thighs. You should notice that the standing leg is also getting a great workout. Make sure you do this on each leg.


* During every other commercial on television for a one hour period of time, get down on the floor and do a different core building exercise such as abdominal crunches, holding a plank pose, side crunches, walking with the legs in the air, get on your hands and knees and alternatively lift the right arm and left leg and then the left arm and right leg, etc. You will be in great shape in no time.

* Just getting down on the floor and then getting back up may be a challenge and is a good test of your physical fitness. Take some time each day to get down on the floor. Make it a game and play with your kids or grandkids or a pet.

* While seated in a chair, (at work, in the kitchen or maybe while your are sitting in a booth a your favorite health food restaurant) support your lower back by placing your hands by your side and either hold your legs straight out in front of you or you can challenge yourself by making a walking movement with your legs.

Upper Body:

* When you are down on the floor during a commercial on television, you might as well do a set or two of 10-12 push-ups. Modified push-ups (the ones where you bend your knees) are okay too.

* You can also sneak in some push-ups against a wall or using the edge of a desk or table.

* You can use a dictionary or a jug of water instead of a weight to add resistance when doing a bicep curl (hold a book with both hands, arms are straight down, keep your elbows close to your body, bend the elbows so the book goes from mid-leg to upper chest.) Start out with two sets of 10-15 repetitions.

* Holding a book or a bottle of water in each hand, with your arms out to the side, the elbows bent and your hands about the height of your ears, push the arms straight up to the ceiling (but do not lock your elbows) then slowly bring the arms back down to return to the starting position.

* Work your triceps with the help of a stable chair or a desk or table. Sitting on the edge of the chair bring your hands to the edge, right next to your thighs with your fingers pointing out. Move your bottom off of the chair and then bend and straighten the elbows.

Yogic activities including stretching, breathing and a concentration or meditation practice will help you to relieve stress, improve mental focus, enhance your flexibility and develop your balance. Again, it is best to learn about correct form from a fitness professional. Trust your own instincts and get to know what is good for your body and then do it!


* You can point and flex the feet and circle the ankles in each direction while lying down, sitting in a chair at work, chatting with a friend over cards or while standing up and getting a balance challenge at the same time.

* Stretch the back with a pelvic tilt when lying down. You can also get on your hands and knees and round and release your spine. From a standing position, lean forward with a flat back and slowly roll up to a stand, one vertebra at a time, neck is last.

* Open your hips by coming to the front of a kitchen or office chair, cross one leg over the other, so that the outside ankle of one leg comes to the knee of the other, then lengthen through the back as you lean forward.

* After spending time holding the phone up with one shoulder, counter balance by stretching the opposite ear to the opposite shoulder as the one that you were holding the phone with.


* First thing in the morning, before getting out of bed, take several breaths, visualize what you want to achieve then focus your mind on having a great day.

*Before you accept a phone call, take a long, deep breath and then exhale with a sigh (Aaaahhhh).

* From time to time during the course of your day, just stop. Take a moment to be in the present. Taste what you are eating, feel what you are touching, notice what you are thinking.

* If you are sitting in traffic (you might want to put the car in park first), take a deep breath in, as you exhale, roar like a lion (Rroooaaaarrr) while at the same time splaying open the fingers, open your eyes really wide, open your mouth and stick out your tongue.

* Take a break. Find a serene place and just spend a couple of minutes being grateful.

* Before bed, just allow your mind to be quiet. Allow your awareness to follow the breath in and out, like a gentle wave on the shoreline. Silently repeat a positive affirmation and program yourself to sleep well.

Aerobics, strength training, flexibility training and relaxation are all key components of fitness. It is important that you find the right balance for you. Find different activities that you enjoy and do them every day. Change up your routine from time to time so that you stay motivated and help your body to stay fit. Find ways to sneak fitness into your daily schedule and you will enjoy the benefits of a healthier life.

Maria Ward is a yoga instructor and Licensed Massage Therapist located in Miami, FL. Additional information and articles may be located at

Yoga Pilates Basics

Pilates were invented by Joseph Pilate in the early 20th century. Yoga Pilates can prove to be of great help if all the necessary rules related to Pilates exercises is followed properly. Yoga Pilates is a regimen of exercise that can be equally beneficial and enjoyable. Very simply, Pilates is the contemporary part of the older Yoga movements. The number of Pilates exercises can be as many as five hundred exercises that can be performed by using only five chief instruments. Each pose of yoga has great significance similar to its Pilates equivalent. The important yoga Pilates basics that one must master are movement to and fro from center and revolving around center.

Maintaining good health and proper well being is the chief point of proper and regular practice of yoga Pilates. Regular action will definitely leave a deep, positive impact in your physical as well as mental life. After some days of practice you will find that your body's flexibility is enhanced. The stretching that is involved in Pilate yoga helps in lessening the threat of injuries.

One of the biggest benefits of Pilates exercises is that your body's balance is improved. With the passage of time, your body aches will reduce to a great extent as well. With regular exercise, the muscles are strengthened, resulting in the stimulation of your endurance, stamina and your energy level.

One great thing that you will experience as a result of Pilates yoga is that you will find that your body and mind is much more relaxed compared to how you felt before. Pilates yoga involves certain breathing patterns that help a person to calm down and relax, resulting in sounder sleep.

Now days Pilates are often prescribed by specialists like osteopaths, physical therapists, chiropractors and many holistic practitioners as a principal, practical taming process. Pilates indeed rank first in the western chart of fitness. The viewpoints of Pilates teachers and Yoga instructors are somewhat the same on the workings of the exercise. Many consider Pilates to be yoga on the machines while others see it as neuromuscular education or strength conditioning.

Basically Yoga and Pilates are reciprocally supportive: Yoga gives Pilates litheness and mobility while Pilates offers constancy and mobility in the movement. When united with Yoga, Pilates doctrine augments the practice by bringing central stabilization into light as well as training and substance for yoga postures (particularly in the strength to seize). Since Pilates is more about length and potency, Yoga helps to amplify the litheness capability.

Many people whose job demands sitting at a desk or driving almost 8 hours a day, gain a lot from Pilates Yoga. With easy ideas of figure and postural doctrines, it will support the backbone and unlock the oomph channels. It edifies consciousness and centering, suppleness and mobility. It is a coordination of associated exercises that are also helpful separately.

Dancers and professional athletes practice the Pilate form of exercise. This helps them to achieve flexibility of body and gain strength. Recently this form of exercise has become very popular among celebrities and models for keeping fit. There is no harm in practicing yoga Pilates. In fact, it is considered to be safe even when practiced during special conditions like pregnancy.

John Furnem is a dot com veteran, specializing in human resources and work psychology he has written articles about relief and stress management. John currently writes Stress Relief and Yoga articles.

Teaching Hatha Yoga - The Power of Belief

There are many ways to help your Yoga students become successful in life. Instilling positive energy is one way to develop a path toward achievement. Yet, the most powerful technique toward a life filled with success is instilling self-worth and self-esteem.

Our personal belief about ourselves is stronger than counseling, coaching, and positive reinforcement. If a Yoga student experiences self-doubt, this goes to the core of one's belief in his or her abilities. When we doubt our ability, we envision failure. When we are confident, we envision a successful outcome.

Many Yoga teachers design stress management courses for the public. If you organize a stress management class, seminar, or workshop, you should create a questionnaire that gives participants an outside view of their inner being.

A well-designed survey will yield much information in a journey of self-discovery. Here are a few questions that will help your participants change their outlook about their own self-worth.

o What is truth?

o Who do you think you are?

o How do you see yourself?

o What do you believe about yourself?

o Do you believe you deserve to succeed?

o How can you turn negative situations into positive ones?

Explain to your students that the past does not equal their future. Anyone can learn to change daily experiences through small achievements. In Yoga classes, we may hear the Sanskrit word "sattvah," which means truth. If you study history, you can see that two different truths can lead to warfare.

There is no need for internal conflict. Whether we are students, or teachers, of Yoga, we have learned that taking positive action, in small increments, will cause a flow of great change. We could also call this effect a "karmic wave."

Much like waves in the ocean, steady movement, in a positive direction, will change one's belief about his or her abilities. This will also cause a change in the experience and the outcome of situations. Vipaka is the result and the fruit of one's action.

This is not some "brand new" Yogic technique. This concept of the karmic wave is thousands of years old. Anyone can make changes, if he or she has the will to take steady action. Please be sure that your actions are positive and intended for the common good.

As you teach Yoga classes, you can make great changes toward ending the suffering of humankind, just by exposing your students to believing in themselves and their abilities. As a species, we need innovators who are emotionally balanced, caring, and kind in their thoughts, words, and actions. Yoga can train the mind toward complete stability and self-belief.

? Copyright 2008 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of Yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA.

He has been a certified Master Yoga Teacher since 1995. To receive Free Yoga videos, Podcasts, e-Books, reports, and articles about Yoga, please visit:

All About Yoga Breathing - The Art of Pranayama

'Stress' is another name for life these days. It results in improper breathing or lack of oxygen in the body. The body, when starved of oxygen, becomes a haven for diseases related to heart and other vital organs. Yoga breathing or pranayama refers to a combination of exercises used to achieve breath control. "Prana" symbolizes "life force" and "yama" stands for "control". Pranayama, therefore, is the systematic breathing intended to control breath, and revitalize the body by completely eliminating the diseases.

Breathing Process - The Various Stages

The ancient yogis developed the breathing exercises of nadi shodhana, shitali, kapalabhati, viloma, and ujjayi. It takes some time before you can start observing the benefits of these exercises on your body. Pranayama comes with various difficulty levels and to practice correctly, you need to initially train under a yoga expert. Practicing these exercises in a wrong way can lead to diseases, related to the lungs.

Pranayama exercises work by refining or tuning the following 4 breathing stages:

a) Puraka - the stage of inhalation or oxygen intake

b) Abhyantara kumbhaka - the pause before exhalation or discharge of carbon dioxide

c) Rechaka - the stage of exhalation

d) Bahya kumbhaka - the pause after exhalation

Refining the Breathing Stages Through Pranayama

A fast-paced life, full of stress, results in improper execution of the 4 basic breathing stages. The people practicing yoga are able to control their breath for long intervals of time. They achieve it through regular practice of the following levels of pranayama:

a) Adhama - Essentially, you start with adhama as a beginner. You execute puraka for 12 seconds, followed by execution of kumbhaka for 48 seconds, and of rechaka for 24 seconds.

The ratio of puraka, kumbhaka, and rechaka should stay as 1:4:2 for all levels of pranayama.

b) Madhyama - Perfecting adhama, you proceed to madhyama by executing puraka for 24 seconds, followed by execution of kumbhaka for 96 seconds, and of rechaka for 48 seconds.

c) Uttama - Having perfected madhyama, you move on to the advanced stage of pranayama, also called "Uttama". Here, you execute puraka for 32 seconds, followed by extended kumbhaka for 128 seconds, and extended rechaka for 64 seconds.

Once you master the art of uttama, you can achieve the state of keval kumbhaka. It implies arresting and resting breath for fairly long intervals of time, at will. In this state, the body is rid of all types of diseases.

General Guidelines to Follow, while Practicing Pranayama

You should wear loose clothes to achieve unrestricted air flow through the body. You should be empty stomach for 3 hours before starting pranayama exercises. Sit straight to enable your neck to be aligned with the spinal cord. This aids in proper breathing.

Pranayama should be enjoyed. You should practice, but not exhaust yourself. Start slowly and breathe in a smooth and consistent manner to avoid any jerks while breathing. As soon as your breath becomes a little uneven, stop and allow your breathing to get normal.

Asthma and heart patients should consult a doctor before starting with breathing exercises, or the art and science of pranayama. Pranayama refers to a combination of exercises used to achieve breath control. Learn more about art of breathing in yoga by visiting

Stretching and Strengthening - A Vital Combination

How often have you heard someone preach about the benefits of stretching to a fitness routine? I imagine the answer to that question is many times. The irony of how many times this is discussed and the benefits cited, is that it is rare for individuals to incorporate stretching into their routines. 

If muscles are tight, performance is inhibited and your body does not feel at its best. The reason is that tight muscles are a sign of weak muscles. This can be weakness in the tight muscles or in their antagonists, muscles that perform the opposing actions.   No matter what way you look at it, if there are tight muscles that are not kept healthy and elongated, you will diminish your ability to effectively reach your strength training and or overall health and wellness goals. 

Research has shown that regular, intense stretching for a minimum of 10 minutes can lead to increased strength and endurance in addition to improved flexibility and mobility.

It is important to note that there is a fairly common misconception that has developed about both Pilates and Yoga being exercise forms that will meet stretching needs. While there is truth in the statement that both of these exercise platforms offer some stretching, that is not their main focus. 

If you are thinking of starting to incorporate stretching and you are just starting out, below are some general tips:

* Include all major muscle groups.

* Hold stretching position for a minimum of 10 seconds, building duration as your stretching routing progresses.

* Repeat stretches 2-3 times, with a rest period equal to the stretch time performed (i.e.: 10 seconds stretch, 10 seconds rest).

* Perform static stretches, slowly move into the stretch position and hold for a set period of time. Do not perform bouncing or rapid movements. Move into and out of stretches slowly and with care.

If you have chronic muscle tensions or specific sports performance objectives, it is important to develop awareness of the specific muscles in your body that need stretching. This can be accomplished in a variety of ways through personal body awareness, working with a Massage Therapist and/or other skilled healthcare professionals trained in anatomy and physiology. With the knowledge in hand of specific muscles that you are looking to target in your stretching routine, you then can identify a well trained Athletic Trainer, Pilates, Yoga or other fitness instructor for stretching options for targeting these muscles. There are also a variety of books and Internet resources for information on stretching specific muscles.

Laura Violet Slenzak is a Nationally Certified Massage Therapist and Pilates Instructor with a private practice in Philadelphia, PA. Prior to bringing her sole focus to her own business she worked in the health care industry in medical sales and marketing where she was a key member of a team to sell a privately help company to a private equity fund while in her role as V. P. of Sales. Laura Violet holds a BA from Temple University, where she was Valedictorian of the College of Allied Health Professions. Her hobbies include marathon running, singing, merging, cooking, needle point and creative writing. To learn more about Laura Violet and consider joining her blog visit her website at

Friday, November 29, 2013

Five Things You Don't (and should!) Know About Stress

Whether it's called stress management, relaxation training, or its newest incarnation, "Resiliancy," it seems that the question of healthy response to the stress of daily life is on everyone's mind. But it's important to remember a few things about stress that are rarely discussed--if known at all!

1) Stress won't hurt you. Hans Selye, the "father of stress" was a polylinguist, whose first language was not English. Before he died, he said that had his command of English been more precise, he would have been known as the "Father of Strain" rather than stress. What's the difference? Enormous, from an engineering standpoint. Stress is pressure divided by unit area, whereas strain is measured in deformation per unit length. In other words, while strain speaks to the load you are carrying, strain deals with the degree to which that load warps you out of true. In other words, it is NOT stress that hurts you. It is strain.

2) Stress is necessary for life and growth. Far from being something you avoid, when healthy, the body and mind respond to environmental stress by becoming stronger. Look at this in the arena of physical fitness. Imagine a triangle with each of the three corners having a different designation: Stress, nutrition, and rest. Stress equals exercise, nutrition equals the foods taken in before and after the exercise, and rest equals...well, rest. If you have either too much or too little of any of these, the body breaks down. Note that astronauts in orbit must be very careful to stress their bodies daily with stationary bicycles and other apparatus: zero gravity decreases stress to the point that the bones literally begin to lose calcium. The truth is that, in life, we are rewarded largely for how much stress we can take without breaking. The intelligent approach is to both reduce unnecessary stress and to increase our ability to handle healthy stress without straining. We must also learn to nurture ourselves properly, and to recreate with joy.

3) Come of the best research comes from our former "enemies!" Russian research into the body-mind dynamic has produced valuable results. They hold it that that any physical technique has three aspects: Breath, Motion, and Structure, and that these three are dependant upon one another. Stress "dis-integrates" this structure as it morphs into strain. The first to be disturbed is almost always breathing. This is the reason that martial arts, yoga, Sufi Dancing and so many other disciplines teach breath control, and why they can use the physical as a vehicle for spiritual transformation. As we learn to handle greater and greater amounts of stress with grace, we naturally evolve to higher levels of integration and performance. It is our birthright.

4) It doesn't take years to learn proper breathing techniques. Seek out a Chi Gung, yoga, or Tai Chi teacher and say you want to learn proper belly breathing. A good teacher can convey the basics of this critical skill in an hour or less.

5) You don't have to meditate for an hour a day to get the benefits. While it's fabulous to spend two twenty minute sessions a day, massive benefits can be gained with just five minutes a day. Here's the trick: it's not five minutes all at one time, it's five one minute sessions spaced through the day. At every hour divisible by 3: 9, 12, 3, 6, and 9, simply stop and breathe properly for sixty seconds. You can do this while walking down the street, or sitting in a business meeting. The important thing is to learn a proper technique, and to practice it briefly, and correctly. This single act will improve posture, energy, digestion, and turn stress into high performance. How can you remember? Get a digital watch with a countdown timer, and set it for three hours! Five minutes a will seem a pain at first, but once you've got the hang of it, it's the best 300 second investment you'll ever make!

Steven Barnes is a certified hypnotherapist, black belt martial artist, Tai Chi instructor, and creator of the FIVE MINUTE MIRACLE stress-busting program. Learn more at:

Yoga Instructor Training - Mastering Your Communication Skills

When you consider all of the aspects to learn during a Yoga teacher training course - the case could easily be made that becoming a masterful orator is secondary. After all, there are so many subjects to cover, when considering postures (asanas), yogic breathing techniques (pranayama), meditation, stage-by-stage relaxation, chakras, bandhas, philosophy, anatomy, and so much more. How could anyone think that communication is so important?

Once you graduate, and face your students from the front of the Yoga class, communication, in its many forms, becomes very important. Students learn in different ways and at different paces. Some students will favor learning by sight, sound, or touch. No two students are exactly alike.

Your demonstration, cueing, and assisting skills, will be challenged to their very limits, when facing a group of individuals who want to learn every detail about Yoga. So, now you see that communication is very important, but where do you start? How do you reach a group of students, and make each one of them feel as if you are addressing them personally?

It should always be remembered that each Yoga teacher began as a student. The same can be said for public speaking - a good orator has taken the time to study the craft and refine the skill. It is also worthy of note to understand that throughout history, great orators have been very educated people.

Public speaking and communication require the complete unity of mind, body, and spirit. Eloquence requires practice, refinement, and the joining of all natural resources from within. The same can be said for public speaking skills.

To communicate effectively with a group, class, or a room full of people, is one of the highest forms of demonstration in our quest for self-mastery. It is one thing to amaze a crowd with Yogic feats of physical prowess. People gladly pay to watch elite athletes on display in stadiums and coliseums.

It should be noted that people will also pay to listen to an eloquent public speaker. Each person, who envisions teaching a Yoga class, primarily as a demonstration of his or her physical feats, is missing the opportunity to help students become the best they can be.

Teaching your students to attain self-mastery can only be achieved through effective communication skills. Class time is specifically reserved for student needs. A Yoga instructor should always be a shining example of how to put one's ego aside.

© Copyright 2008 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of Yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA - - He has been a certified Master Yoga Teacher since 1995. To receive a Free Yoga e-Book: "Yoga in Practice," and a Free Yoga Newsletter, please visit:

Back Health For Men - Take Action

For many men perhaps the most annoying and constant "ailment" that infringes on their life is back pain, and the same was true for me. While there are many cures and treatments claimed, many are temporary or risky or have side effects. I found a rewarding and permanent solution to back pain by taking an active role in the health of my back rather than a passive one.

As a lifelong hard-worker, military man and athlete, I built a strong back which performed well, yet I constantly ran into annoyances and even limitations due to back pain. A strong back, but forbid if I might sneeze on my way to the coffee pot first thing in the morning, my lower back would clench and put me to my knees. Any guy who ever cranked out a wicked golf swing after a day spent moving boxes in the garage or wakes up with a sore and stiff back knows what I mean.

Those lower back muscles out of whack from weight lifting, the cramped middle back from cycling and running, the compressed spinal discs from running on pavement all added to the problem. Even swimming, as non-impact and fluid as the movements are, left the small of my back tense from holding the streamline position and the short motions of the kick.

Either we just don't want to take the time, or more likely, the benefit is not as attractive to us as say, trimming strokes off your golf game, boosting your bench press by 20 pounds, or going sub-40 on your 10K. We want to perform on our workouts, and in our work, get the job done, and get on to the next thing. Plus there's always Tiger balm, heating pads, Tylenol... or a prescription drug that Dr. FeelGood can give us for that annoying back pain, although this does not cure, but only hides the problem.

We use our spine and the muscles that support it for virtually movement we make. While built with large, strong looking muscles, the male back is often overlooked from the physical training standpoint of care and flexibility, and most men experience back problems. The lucky few live with only slight pain or inconvenience from time to time. But according to reports, 80% of men suffer back problems, and are forced to endure back pain that not only hinders their workouts, but carries over into other aspects of daily life.

So men- why not invest some daily effort- enjoyably into relieving a good portion of that hassle and pain through some effective training?

Its true men- doing Yoga can do wonders for the comfort of your back.

Although for many men, (including myself prior to finding out otherwise), upon hearing the word Yoga may bring up images of incense filled rooms where thin women chant and twist themselves into human pretzels. Guys, don't allow this stop you from investigating it. Yoga is not just for women, and the benefits to us men are huge, especially for healing back pain complications.Trying yoga at home with the help of a yoga video gets you started. Doing about 30 minutes of a properly sequenced Yoga routine 2 -3 times a week can do wonders, but try it and judge for yourself.

Back problems are usually a complex dilemma, often stemming from tightness in the hips, buttocks and legs. Yoga poses, or asanas, are uniquely designed in a way that they address that which causes us tightness and pain. A properly crafted yoga routine focuses on poses and positions which concentrate on stretching of the muscle and ligament tissues, create spaces between the vertebrae, open the hips, and employs breathing to maintain focus and calm.

A yoga routine can be crafted to capitalize on the flow of movement from one pose the next and employs 'counter-poses' (sequential opposing postures) to create balance and symmetry. A yoga instructor thoroughly trained on back problems, with a carefully designed program should be sought.

A well crafted yoga routine specifically targets:

The flexor muscles in the lower back (multidifus and paraspinals).
The junctions between the thoracic (middle) and lumbar (lower) spine.
The spaces between the vertebrae (intervertebral discs)
The hamstrings (semimemebranosus and semitendinousus) and hips (ischial tuberosities)
Opening the hips.

Even if you have experienced a serious injury, doing a properly designed yoga on a regular schedule will help you increase flexibility, relieve back pain, increase strength and actually lengthen your muscles.

Phillip D. Meilbeck is a lifelong athlete, personal fitness trainer, nutritionist and outdoorsman who makes health and fitness a lifestyle and a passion. He works with his wife Loredana, a registered yoga instructor, to bring the benefits of yoga to more men for improved back health. To learn more about the programs they have developed for you, please visit

Fitness Exercise Workouts - Simple Guidelines For Success

We all, at onetime or another, make a promise to get in shape, stay in shape and feel good about ourselves. But the truth is, more often than not, working out and fitness exercising turns out to be a drag. It shouldn't and doesn't have to be that way when it can be challenging, exciting and interesting. When was the last time you were done your workout and you felt like you accomplished something - not just happy to be done! If you have trouble with the answer to that question the culprits are most likely inconsistency and boredom, two of the biggest factors and reasons why people don't reach their fitness potential.

Have you ever watched people come in the gym and do the same routine day in and day out, the same fitness exercises in the same order over and over and over again? You probably don't see them for long because boredom sets in and unfortunately they aren't seeing any fitness success, despite their hard work. So how do we fix that, you know what they say about variety. Over the years I've learned a lot from my clients, and number 1 on the list is the more I vary their workouts the more they enjoy it, the better they feel and the quicker they see success. The focus and goal remains the same but their workouts always have something new in them; challenging them both physically and mentally. It is really quite simple to vary your workout! Try using a stability ball instead of an exercise bench, if you do your back exercises with a high cable use a low cable, if you usually work on machines try dumbbells or barbells. Finally, one of my favorite ways to vary workouts is to do the exercises in the reverse order. Believe me, for the effort you put in to varying your workouts and challenging yourself, the rewards come back many times over. Variety is the spice of life and truly of exercising too!

Another important thing you can do to achieve your fitness success is to be consistent in working out. Consistency, by the way, comes in 2 parts. First and most obviously is in scheduling. It is a good idea to realistically assess how much time you can dedicate to your fitness goals - then schedule it in your day planner - in Pen! Think of it as a non negotiable event; be as consistent as you can with days of the week and times of day. Since you're going to spice up your routines, no more boredom remember, your regular workout schedule can become a treasured part of your week. Part two in consistency involves the exercise specifics for your goal. In order to achieve fitness success, you need to consistently follow the appropriate protocols including the number of reps, sets and rest time for your specific personal goal. An example of proper protocol would be if you want to loss weight, be consistent with 2 to 3 days per week of strength training and 5 to 6 days per week of cardio training. When you are strength training complete 1 to 3 sets of each exercise with 12 to 20 repetitions in each set and limit your rest time to 15 to 30 seconds in between sets.

I've talked about variety and consistency in planning your exercise program which brings me to this last point. How do you combine different kinds of exercises into your workout routine. Specifically, exercise types like cardio, strength training and flexibility, Yoga or Pilates. Believe it or not there is actually a proper order, exercise protocol, for what type of exercise you should do 1st, 2nd or 3rd and that's because of the effect that the exercise types have on your body. Accepted protocol is as follows. After a warm up strength training comes first because you always want your body the freshest and strongest when lifting weights. Cardio should always follow strength training because it's tiring and wears you out. Last should be flexibility, Yoga or Pilates because they stretch out your muscles. Remember to always end your workouts with and an easy stretch routine and a cool down! Use as many different types of exercises as you can in your workouts, but remember the proper order so you get the best benefit! I hope this makes it easier to achieve fitness success from all of the work you put into your workouts.

For more information and guidance about health and fitness issues, visit Tanya specializes in helping people achieve optimal health with a highly individualized approach to fitness exercise. Tanya Stroh is a nationally certified personal trainer and founder and creator of Tanya Stroh Training solutions, your online Personal Trainer. With over 500 unique exercises, and counting, our proprietary software, TS Trax, creates a fitness exercise plan specifically for your goals, your level of fitness, at home or at the gym with the equipment you have and like to use. With Tanya Stroh training Solutions you can stop guessing about how to achieve your fitness goals and enjoy faster results with no plateau. Be fit, be healthy, and be happy with

Three Most Effective Ways to Lose Weight

The three most effective ways to lose weight are classified as doing yoga, doing sports and dieting.

The first one is Yoga and there are different types of Yoga you can do. Very vigorous type of Yoga practice such as Ashtange and Power Yoga are cardiovascular exercise and may help people lose weight. Doing any type of Yoga will build strength. If just do the regularly, along with diet that based on Yoga principles would help almost all of us lose weight. The Yoga diet is vegetarian free of meat, fish and eggs. Fried and spicy foods and all caffeinated beverages like coffee, tea, cocoa and fizzy drinks are also prohibited. I did Yoga before and I consider it to be quiet and no sweat exercise and the exercisers' bodies must very flexible.

The second one is doing sports. It is the best calorie-burning exercises, walking, running, cycling, rollerblading and swimming burn the most calories. People must do them often enough and long enough, three to five times per week and more than 30 minutes per time. People can also lose fat by weight training and this kind of workout will add lean muscle tissue to our frame, which help increase people resting metabolism and burn more total calories. Muscle burns more calories than fat, so adding strength training to our exercise routine can help people reach their weight loss goals as well as gives then a toned body. It is very important for old people to lose weight also, basically they can do like brisk walking for preventing some high-age sick. Before I did body-building exercises and oxygen movement around 2 hours everyday in one month, then after one month I lost nearly 20 pounds. Doing sports is a better way to lose weight.

The third way is about diet, it is more important also. Eat plenty of vegetables, fruits, and grain products like bread and rice and eat only little food that is in high fat or calories, less sugar and fewer sweets, you had better not eat something with cheese and every morning people drink a glass of water or low fat milk, eat one egg and two pieces of bread. Sometimes you can eat an apple or drink a bottle of orange juice. At noon, you should have a good lunch like a lot of vegetable mixed a little meat, if they are not enough for you, you can also eat a little rice; make sure you are already nearly full, but not very full. Our supper around 5:00pm, just eat a little vegetable or fruits will be fine, then after 7:00pm, do not eat anything, just drink a little water if you feel thirsty.

The best ways to lose weight healthily are Yoga, sports and dieting. Leading eBooks Company

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Cross Training - The Key To Fast Weight Loss

As human beings, we are creatures of habit. We tend to create routines that guarantee a series of small pleasures or comfort. Though routine can bring a sense of order to life in an increasingly chaotic world, it can be counterproductive when working out - following the same exercise regimen over and over not only gets boring, but can lead to exercise plateaus that can decrease your results.

Performing the same activity repeatedly at the same level makes the body more efficient, which eventually results in lower caloric expenditure from the activity. In fact, research shows that by sticking to just one activity, the number of calories burned by exercisers may decrease as much as 25 percent..

For instance, if you normally exercise for 45 minutes four days a week on a treadmill with the same intensity and time for each workout, over time you will not benefit as much as you did when you began. Your body will become accustomed to the routine, and it can become increasingly difficult for you to meet your fitness goals. The repetitiveness also can be boring - even with music, TV or a magazine for distraction, the exercise might become mundane, which also can decrease the likelihood you'll continue working out.

Fitness professionals agree the best solution to dodge exercise plateaus and workout boredom is cross training. Cross training simply means mixing together a variety of exercise activities into a varied regimen. Cross training works because of 'energy efficiency'. This means that your body becomes accustomed to a certain type of exercise after a period of time. If you mix it up, you are surprising your body, which responds by burning more calories in an effort to 'adjust' to the new exercise. For example, if you play tennis after a long time, you feel sore the next day, because it's something new for your body. As you play more often, it get's easier to adjust (time to try something new?)

Do you work out at a gym? Instead of 45 minutes on a treadmill each time, jump on a Lifecycle exercise bike for 30 minutes, then spend 15 minutes on a stairclimber. Swim one day and lift weights another. Health clubs with an extensive choice of group exercise classes make cross training a breeze; once a week try indoor cycling, step aerobics or kickboxing. Check out the newest classes emphasizing stretching and toning, such as Pilates or yoga.

Home exercisers also have options. Some treadmills can be raised for steep hill climbing one day, lowered for running flat the next. Or vary the intensity level - alternate going hard for five minutes and easy for five minutes. Premium equipment usually offers different exercise programs to help spice up your workout. Just try experimenting - even participating in a recreational volleyball or softball league can add to a well-rounded, varied workout regimen.

Clinical studies show most people plateau in their exercise programs somewhere between their sixth and eighth week. Exercisers should make sure they change their routines at least that often to maintain workout efficiency and prevent boredom. Ideally, having at least two different activities should be alternated daily or conducted within the same workout.

By taking the routine out of exercise, fitness fans can reap positive results and enjoyment from their workouts. The result - Feel better, look better - after all, variety is the spice of life.

For more information about best diets to lose weight, register for free and get full-color exercise routines, diet plans and grocery lists, visit, for exercises for women, visit and to train with Nitin, visit

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Avoid Overdeveloped Mirror Muscles for Body Balance


Fortunately, out of all the back of the body muscle groups, the triceps are trained more regularly than the rest. Sure, the biceps may get more attention, but anyone who has been concerned over back of the arm being flab, or just having nicely toned arms in general, will have trained their triceps.

The triceps are also not only easy to train with exercises such as dips, (body weight) overhead extension, and skull crushers but also tend to show results really quickly!

Lower Back

On the other hand, the lower back is probably the least trained muscle group of all. If any muscle should be trained, it's this one. There are various reasons for neglecting this muscle group. Many people stick these exercises onto the end of their routine with abs training. When the workout is almost over, and one is tired out, even the abs will be denied a full effort. Usually the lower back is skipped all together. It doesn't help that the lower back is trained for core balance, and injury prevention. Not for an aesthetic purpose. You'll never get stopped on the street to be complimented on your toned lower back! Finally, the exercises to train this important muscle group may seem a little tedious, even uncomfortable. Nevertheless, training your lower back is a necessary component of a full body fitness regimen.

How to Train the Lower Back

For the most part your own body weight is great for building muscle to support your back. Having a balanced core will prevent the all-too-common lower back pain and injury. It will also improve posture.

Exercises such as the alternating back extension or Superman, is an easy exercise which also improves co-ordination and body awareness. To perform this one, start on your hands and knees. With one arm, extend straight out, and with the opposite leg, extend back. Hold for a few counts and switch. Repeat this 10-20 times. It can also be performed from a stability ball or lying on your stomach.

Many gyms have a back extension machine. Some have an extension apparatus which is used for oblique crunches and back extensions. People with a strong core will perform their back extensions with weight, but no weight is just fine. Yoga also offers poses such as the bow, fish, twists, and bridges or wheel.

A simple exercise to stretch and strengthen is a pelvic tilt. This one is so subtle and easy that you can work on core balance anywhere. Simple stand tall with your knees slightly bent and tilt your pelvis forward. This movement will stretch your spine down toward the floor. This is also known as lengthening the spine. Release and repeat 5-10 times. In Pilate this is usually taught on the floor. Both are extremely effective.

The lower back should also be stretched after every hour of sitting. Always sit upright with a straight back and tight abdominal. This may be uncomfortable at first, but it becomes much easier after time. Eventually you will be able to sit up straight naturally, without any conscious effort.


You would think that many people would want to train the back of their legs, and they would like to, but it's common to unintentionally neglect them. Squats for example, are a staple lower body exercise but they mainly target the glutes and quads. Lunges are also popular but most people focus on bringing their body back up to starting position by using their quadriceps in the front leg, instead of springing up with their hamstring supported back leg.

Hamstrings can be trained by performing standing leg curls. This exercise begins by standing with one leg bent back at a 90 degree angle with the foot flexed. Then the leg is pushed back away from the body while the hamstring is contracted. This exercise can be performed with body weight only, cables, gym machines or resistance tubes. There are also leg curl machines at the gym, which will work the hamstrings.

Another great exercise is the straight leg deadlift, which also targets the lower back, and that trouble spot between the bum and back of the thighs. Unfortunately this exercise requires professional instruction and practice first, preferably with no weight. It's very effective so ask your personal trainer to demonstrate and then make technique corrections before attempting.

One of the best ways to develop shapely hamstrings is sprinting, especially in the sand!

Remember to train the back of the body with as much enthusiasm as the front. A full body balance is important for the way we look, feel and function.

Keep Training

Kaleena Lawless
Personal Training Specialist

Made in the Shade

Last year, my wife and I moved to Boise, Idaho, also known as the city of trees. The name Boise comes from the French word boisé, which means "wooded" or "forest-covered", and compared to the desert landscape to the south and west, the name Boise is very appropriate. A few days ago, on a hot, sunny August afternoon, I was passing by one of the city parks and noticed a massive tree with a huge canopy of leaves. The tree provided welcome shade for the many people relaxing in the park and enjoying a break from the hot sun and triple digit temperatures. The scene made me recall a quote I had heard years before.

Warren Buffet, the brilliant investor and businessman, once said, "Somebody's sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago." Put another way, if we have the foresight and discipline to take appropriate action, we will reap the benefits in years (or even decades) to come. I think he was referring primarily to finances, investments, and the accumulation of wealth, but the quote can be applied to other aspects of our lives, as well. In fact, I think the quote can apply equally well to becoming healthy as it can to becoming wealthy.

There is no simple shortcut available to attain health. We are largely responsible for our own health based upon the lifestyle choices that we make. There are a few external factors which influence our health landscape, such as the genes that we inherit from our parents and the healthy or unhealthy behavior that we learn from those around us. Yet despite these factors, we have the opportunity to become healthier and more balanced by way of making healthier, more mindful decisions. The best way to improve upon your current health situation is by making healthier choices, so that in years to come you are able to enjoy the shade provided by your wise and prudent action today.

This entire concept underscores the importance of preventive health care, or health care aimed at promoting health and reducing our risks of health problems before they occur. As a society, we tend to be more reactive, seeking medical care when our problems can no longer be ignored, than proactive, taking preventive measures and making healthy lifestyle choices that may reduce or eliminate our risks before problems actually arise.

Whether you are aware of it or not, you make myriad decisions every day that affect your health. Do you fuel your body with natural foods, including vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, and essential fatty acids? Does your diet include processed foods, junk foods, or fast foods, often containing sky-high levels of sugar, fat, or sodium? Are you getting adequate and appropriate levels of exercise? Do you forego exercise completely because there's not enough time? Are you a weekend warrior, exercising infrequently, too intensely, and without warm-up, only to lead to injury? Do you take time out to reduce stress and anxiety in your life? Are you constructively expressing your feelings or keeping them bottled up to avoid potentially uneasy situations? Are you allowing yourself to get enough sleep? Do you set aside time to take part in activities that make you feel good, such as walking, gardening, being in nature, or spending time with a beloved pet? Do you smoke? Do you drink alcohol to excess? Do you require stimulants, such as caffeine, to get you through the day? All of these choices that we make, sometimes unconsciously, can positively or negatively affect our health today and for years to come.

In addition to making healthy lifestyle choices, there are also a variety of preventive health care modalities which promote wellness and balance, including acupuncture, massage, and yoga. A well-trained acupuncturist recognizes subtle imbalances in an individual and focuses treatment on returning that individual to a state of balance by using Chinese medicine techniques such as acupuncture and Chinese herbs. In addition, most acupuncturists make lifestyle recommendations that are custom-tailored to an individual patient's unique situation. For example, an acupuncture specialist may recommend that one patient consume more cooked vegetables and fewer raw vegetables to address a constitutional imbalance, while another patient with a very different imbalance may receive the opposite advice.

It is important to recognize the numerous choices that we make which affect our health and also the importance of making mindful, healthy decisions. Your state of health is an accumulation of your actions and decisions over a long period of time. There is no way to circumvent the laws of nature and become healthy overnight. When making healthful choices becomes part of your daily life rather than a quick fix scheme to create a temporary outcome, you will naturally and inevitably migrate towards a healthier state. Making healthy lifestyle choices on a consistent basis, combined with preventive health care modalities such as acupuncture, massage, and yoga, can allow your tree of health to provide you with adequate shade today and well into the future.

About the author: Peter Games is a Licensed Acupuncturist in the state of Idaho. Peter owns and operates a Boise acupuncture clinic with his wife (who is also a Licensed Acupuncturist). They specialize in the treatment of pain and infertility. To learn more about their clinic or the acupuncturists, please visit

Ways of Training in Winter

There are a lot of things you can do if you want to stay fit during the winter. Of course, you cannot ride your bike as much as you would like during the winter, as the temperatures outside are not in your favour, but this doesn't mean that you have to waste your time sitting on the couch and waiting for winter to go away. Here are some of the options you have if you want to maintain your muscles at the highest level.

First of all, you can choose going skiing. Miguel Indurain had a maximum VO2 level of eighty-eight, this being one of the highest levels in the history of cycling. Bjorne Daehlie has a maximum level of ninety-three. IN other words, if you are looking for a complementary kind of training, you should go for skiing because it is one of the best training methods you can choose.

Swimming is also very good. In fact, it is extraordinary for most of the ones who do some sports, but they have to be good swimmers or to swim correctly. This sport is perfect if it is combined with the gym exercises because it strengthens the muscles in the upper part of the body.

Stretching is another problem, yoga or the simple stretching exercises being very helpful. You just have to start slowly and to increase the intensity in time. Last but not least, skating is also perfect for this time of the year. Apart from being more relaxed, you will definitely see the other advantages provided by this sport. Don't forget to wear the right clothes and to hydrate yourself correctly!

Try a perfect adult mountain bike from the many ladies and men mountain bikes on our website and start practising cycling.

Five Reasons Why You Should Not be a Yoga Teacher

Truthfully, there are no reasons why any of us cannot be, or do, what we want, as long as you are not hurting anyone. You should always strive to be the best you can be. However, you may find that many people create obstacles, in front of themselves, to avoid success.

This is truly ironic that we hold ourselves back from making achievements, and teaching Yoga is just one of many goals that are not fully realized. Below is a list of common reasons why many good Yoga practitioners do not pursue their goal of becoming a Yoga instructor.

"I am too old to teach Yoga."

Actually, age is not a factor. There are many styles of Yoga; and the most common, outside of India, is Hatha Yoga and its many sub-styles. Although Hatha Yoga is the Union of physical mastery, it has many gentle and vigorous styles.

There is a need for mature, passionate, safety conscious, and gentle Yoga teachers. The world's population is aging and Yoga students are living longer. Who would have thought that hospitals and religious centers would seek out Yoga teachers ten or twenty years ago?

Therefore, Yoga is becoming readily accepted by mainstream society and does not have to apply to any one particular religious group. Some of the old barriers that prevented the masses from being exposed to Yoga are gone.

"Dancers, Martial Artists, and Gymnasts perform better Yoga asanas than I can."

Yoga is not dance, martial arts, or gymnastics. This is not to take away the importance of any of the above-mentioned arts. After all, I am a martial artist, and I was originally introduced to Yoga in a martial arts setting.

Being a little more flexible than the average person is a gift. However, it doesn't serve as a top priority for teaching Yoga. The best Yoga teachers are those who can communicate, and those teachers usually have to struggle to excel at Yoga.

Yoga teachers who are naturally flexible think that everyone else should be, as well. This is not always the case, as there are skeletal limitations within some Yoga students. This is not to say that they cannot increase, or improve, their flexibility, but each person's body is unique.

"Teaching Yoga costs too much money."

This is true in some cases; however, you can shop around for the best course at the most affordable price. Some onsite Yoga training facilities have Seva Programs, where you can work for partial tuition. This is much like a college, where there are scholarships for students who perform tasks around the campus. There are also a variety of Yoga correspondence courses, which allow flexible study hours, little or no travel, and no extra expenses. My wellness center offers such a Yoga course, and we have interns and graduates worldwide.

"I only want to teach Yoga to a few students and I don't want to go into the Yoga business."

Many Yoga practitioners feel this way and that's fine. This is not a problem because if you are teaching a few friends, as a hobby, it is not necessary to go through the certification process.

If your circle of friends starts to expand, it would be wise to get some type of liability coverage. There are a number of liability insurance programs to choose. You could purchase a sports, Yoga, or home liability policy to cover your specific needs.

You should also learn as much as you can about safety, anatomy, physiology, and kinesiology. The reason I mention this is so that you do not hurt your Yoga students. The compassion and knowledge to become a safe Yoga instructor is very important.

"I have a good paying job and teaching Yoga may not support my family."

Like all start up small businesses Yoga cannot offer "instant bundles of cash." You would want to build your business as an independent contractor first. In our Yoga teacher course, you will find 16 ways to grow your business, with little or no overhead. When you build up enough accounts, the decision, as to whether or not to open your own independent Yoga studio, will be clear.

This has been a radical job change for all of us, who go into teaching Yoga full time, but you do not have to take any sudden or financial risks. Growing your own Yoga business can start on a part time basis and later develop into full time, if you get the right guidance and take the proper steps.

Bear in mind that the business and marketing information in our Yoga course is current and "field tested." This information is specific to Yoga instructors and contains successful methods used, with regard to return on investment.

Right now, there are a lot of Yoga studios that "flounder" economically, because the owners have insufficient business or marketing skills. Within this kind of climate, it is not hard to get your market share of Yoga students within your geographic area.

Lastly, there are so many reasons to avoid progress, you could create a book of excuses, but the reason to succeed at anything is your passion. If you are passionate, safe, and knowledgeable about Yoga, this is an excellent starting point for anyone who wants to become a Yoga teacher.

Paul Jerard is a co-owner and the director of Yoga teacher training at: Aura Wellness Center, in North Providence, RI. He has been a certified Master Yoga teacher since 1995. He is a master instructor of martial arts, with multiple Black Belts, four martial arts teaching credentials, and was recently inducted into the USA Martial Arts Hall of Fame. He teaches Yoga, martial arts, and fitness to children, adults, and seniors in the greater Providence area. Recently he wrote: Is Running a Yoga Business Right for You? For Yoga students, who may be considering a new career as a Yoga teacher.

The Purpose Of Yoga

Yoga, or its ancestor, first appeared somewhere around 5,000 years ago. Since then, it has gradually evolved into the modern form. However, its "modern form" is neither completely modern, nor is it the only form of yoga. In the western world, when we speak of "yoga" we are commonly referring to Hatha Yoga, a branch of yoga introduced by Yogi Swatmarama in the 15th century. To keep it simple, Yogi Swatmarama saw Hatha Yoga, not as an end in itself, but as part of a pathway to a higher state on the yoga journey. Hatha Yoga concentrates more on the physical training, conditioning, and "preparation" aspects of yoga. So, as we talk about the purposes of "yoga", please keep in mind that we are talking only about one portion of the entire range of disciplines encompassed by the word.

We sometimes hear of someone who learned to become more relaxed by the practice of yoga. Or, maybe we have heard of someone who became more invigorated and energetic as a result of their practice. Perhaps someone else was able to play a competitive sport better than before they began practicing yoga, or perhaps they were able to lay aside the competitive aspect of their nature that had been driving them into bad health and broken relationships. We may have even heard all of these types of stories. I have! This, and all the claims made about the practice of yoga, creates a very confusing picture even in the minds of those willing to believe what they hear. For those who have doubts already, the multitude of claims can sound like those of an old-timey snake oil salesman.

Actually, research conducted by many prestigious organizations and institutions has confirmed that a regular practice of yoga can actually produce all of these effects and more. While some uncertainty exists in some areas as to exactly WHY yoga is so effective in relation to a given situation, condition, or result, the common ground seems to be that it works.

While yoga can return the same physical, emotional, and spiritual benefits as any other physical training or exercise program, it also produces a blend of positive results that allow the individual organism to integrate the effects and actions of several different systems to produce a whole overall outcome which seems to be greater than the sum of its parts. For example, the increased ability to relax may help the ability to perform, the strengthening of the physical body helps the emotional output to be brought under control. All specific benefits of yoga, when practiced regularly, work together for the overall benefit of the person.

It appears that this synergistic outcome combines the more specific benefits associated with any regular exercise program, with meditation, with deep breathing, with the "exercise" or "massage" of internal organs normally ignored by standard physical activities to produce the confusing array of "positive" outcomes mentioned at the beginning of this article.

Whatever the other positive outcomes of a regular yoga practice may be, its effect on physical and mental health in general should not be ignored. Yoga has been found to have a positive effect on such conditions as asthma, respiratory difficulties, high blood pressure, pain management, back pain, arthritis, and weight loss. Psychologically, it tends to increase self awareness, create a positive self-image, and uplift the spirits of the participant. Many who come to yoga for the first time find themselves with a "new lease on life" as one practitioner put it to me and find themselves trying new experiences, finding new friends, and taking control of a life which had, up until then, been in control of them.

Apparently, yoga has the potential of being effective in many aspects of life and health, and can, in most cases at least, mold itself to your needs. It might be said that the purpose of yoga is to serve in whatever capacity it is needed.

Donovan Baldwin is a Texas writer and a University of West Florida alumnus. He is a member of Mensa and is retired from the U. S. Army after 21 years of service. In his career, he has held many managerial and supervisory positions. However, his main pleasures have long been writing, nature, and fitness. In the last few years, he has been able to combine these pleasures by writing poetry and articles on subjects such as health, fitness, yoga, writing, the environment, happiness, self improvement, and weight loss. Learn more about yoga at You can also find articles on yoga and other health related subjects at .

Raja Yoga Offers Mental Health

We need to know how to build our health of mind and assume responsibility, as we must do for our physical fitness. Just as there are physical symptoms that can be corrected by self help by applying natural healing practices, so we are also well equipped to deal with any disturbances of our psychological state of being. But we must have knowledge about methods of self help.

Yoga as a system incorporates methods of self discipline to achieve and maintain physical health through Hatha Yoga. Many of the techniques are now common knowledge amongst exponents in the West. These Ayurvedic methods of self healing are embraced in what is called Yoga Chikitsa.

Raja Yoga extends to self care of our psychological being and includes simple emotional and mind training disciplines designed to help self confidence and independence by encouraging a balanced condition of the psyche.

Self help in these matters demands that to help our own emotions we must identify with our mental self and use our thoughts to effect changes. To help our own mind we must appeal to our own directing soul that can help create different patterns of thought. And when our soul is in danger, feeling damaged, hopeless and devoid of joy in living we must appeal to a higher energy of our own spiritual being and beyond.

Any healing effort to return to a state of wholeness or wholesomeness requires energy from a higher voltage power and battery source. We are provided with a means of raising our energy levels first, by our own use of our lifeline or breathing mechanism; when receiving assistance from a therapist or when communing directly with natural energies abundant in forests, bushland, seasides and outdoors.

There are basic exercises in sensitivity and awareness of our emotions and thoughts and exercises that assist the full development of our faculties. It is this fundamental self awareness that allows us to note any symptoms of disturbance before seeking to correct them.

Although the human psyche with its seven Koshas or layers of consciousness have been the basis of Indian and Asian thought regarding the whole person, the science of psychology is only in its infancy in the western countries. Here in western medicine the philosophy to use drugs for remedial physical ill health, is applied in prescribing psychiatric drugs to relieve inner mental and emotional states. But these artificial chemicals generally prescribed for mental conditions are capable of creating far subtler and yet more powerful inner damage to our being that can extend to self harm and suicide. We need to find alternative therapies to the mental illness that is now assessed as existing in one in four people in Australia.

Raja Yoga practices have been proven already over the centuries. We have this knowledge available and its methods are based on simple, reasonable disciplines that are designed to help us feel confidently seated at the control centre of our being, free to be receptive to healthy thoughts and feelings, free to create wholesome ideas and responses and free to enjoy life in a state of inner peace. This is a simple aim and has simple demands within reach of each of us if we have the will to be in control of our lives.

It begins not with effort, but with an attitude of relaxation and doing nothing but surrendering all activity. This is best applied lying flat on the floor until you find it comfortable, closing your eyes and maintaining stillness of your body, apart from the natural movement of easy respiration.

Together with this position is a mental attitude assumed - that is a surrender not only of a need for effort, but a surrender of your body weight to the floor. Learn to trust that you are safe in yielding to relaxation. Allow yourself to trust nature and its benign aim to restore and assist you to health. Relaxation is practised with no strain or effort or thought activity. You allow yourself to feel. Try it and see how you feel. You may choose to register your feelings and any thoughts that came in the period spent in relaxation as a reminder of how pleasant a self therapy it really is.

The next is to be able to sit still as a prelude to learning the art of meditation when you reach a state of mental stillness and your thoughts are no longer an enemy.

If you find you cannot keep your mind still - if you are anxious and fearful, restless and confused, or if you have unwelcome thoughts, your concentration is poor and faculties not as sharp as before; or if you are suffering strain and fatigue or depression you will certainly find that Raja Yoga will help you greatly and bring back to life your vital thoughts and ideas that motivate your life and its expression towards health and happiness.

Sally Janssen is a writer, and Yoga teacher well known both in Australia and abroad for her skill in demonstration of the Hatha Yoga practices and her wisdom in applying the principles of Raja Yoga -the study of the mind and consciousness. More details at Her book "Mental Fitness: A Complete Self-help Guide" explains the principles of mental fitness that can be applied by us all. The book may be found here:

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Open Your Heart And Access Courage With Yoga

"Courage faces fear and thereby masters it." Martin Luther King, Jr

During my first yoga teacher training in 2004, I learned how to move into upward facing bow or wheel pose*, which is an advanced back bending, heart opening pose thought to require a great deal of strength. It's done by lifting the body up into a bow as you press your hands and feet into the floor. It was not my goal to learn this pose nor was it the objective of the course. It came to me as the result of all the increased opportunities to practice the basic postures I was learning to teach and the more challenging postures I found easier to access over time.

I had decided to take the teacher training that year because I felt stuck. Having accomplished many personal and professional goals I had set out to attain I still found that I was holding back. I was afraid to take that next step required to live more authentically and to achieve my aspirations. I wanted to make the transition from working at a family service agency and a psychological clinic to opening up my own private practice and offering the most effective methods to help people struggling with anxiety and depression.

Yoga had been my support, my friend for a very long time. My love of yoga started over 30 years ago when I took a Hatha yoga class as an undergraduate in college. Since then yoga has been calling me back to it's healing embrace again and again. At times I would turn away from my practice, thinking I was too busy or too unfamiliar with it to be consistent, but I always came back especially during difficult times when my anxiety was high or the depression I was feeling held me back.

So in 2004 I was ready to immerse myself in the practice and study of yoga. As a student of the training I had many teachers in the form of books, gurus, teachers with varying degrees of experience and my fellow students. Some teachers helped me feel stronger and more confident feeling the power that I was able to tap into through the regular practice of this ancient art. Some helped to keep me humble and become accepting of being human and making mistakes. Many teachers were extraordinarily compassionate and because of that I was encouraged to begin to let go and open my heart more and more fully and joyfully even when I felt afraid to do so.

At first I gravitated to teachers who were very strong and disciplined. My logical mind told me the strength and confidence I lacked was the key to overcoming my fear. As I felt myself get stronger I started to try the more difficult poses, my confidence lifted. Still, I wasn't able to come up into a full wheel pose. Something stopped me just short of it's full expression. I learned that the muscle power I lacked was only part of the issue for me.

During the course I was introduced to a very compassionate teacher who explained we could create a safe space in our bodies so that the heart can open with ease. Forcing an opening only causes the heart to close more. She explained one way to create safety in this pose is to bring the shoulder blades together in the back so that the blades actually act as a shield for the heart in the back of the body so the heart can open freely in the front, just naturally lifting up toward the sky. She showed us a gentle way to bring the shoulder blades together by reaching our hands around the ankles of someone standing behind us. Logically, I couldn't understand how this would help lift me into the pose but when I tried it myself I went right up with ease. Feeling triumphantly free in that moment, my heart fully open, I felt as if a wall had come down.

Having this experience showed me that my body was actually built to protect the most vulnerable part of me. I was able to relax and in a sense step out of the way allowing something natural to happen. I could feel my heart opening without force or really even trying very hard.

I began to want to live more and more of my life whole-heartedly, coming from an open heart. I began to see ways in which I was holding myself back thinking that this was the safe thing to do when in reality it was hurting me and limiting my life. Instead of trying to keep myself safe I began to work on aligning myself with integrity, compassion and trust. This was not something I was able to do on my own. Reaching out for help became a regular part of my spiritual practice.

For most of my life I treated asking for help as a crime I had no desire to commit, as a weakness that could possibly lead to more pain. In actuality I found it necessary and essential to continuing on a spiritual path. In our culture we value independence to the point of dysfunction at times. It usually takes quite a blow to our ego before we are able to admit our powerlessness and the need for help. And when we do reach out for aid something transforms inside of us opening us to all the possibilities in the universe. Paradoxically, this sort of dependence helps us to be more independent in healthier ways. We are starting to develop the courage to change.

The origin of the word courage actually comes from a Latin word cormeaning heart. Courage was what I needed more of to move into wheel pose and to move forward in my life to become the person I was meant to be.

Later that year I changed my name from my given name, Eileen to a name that had more meaning for me. I opened my own business and found a teacher that helped me cultivate effective practices shown to help with anxiety and depression. My journey isn't over yet of course. I continue in my daily yoga practice to call on the qualities of the heart to help me navigate the ups and down of my life. I still get stuck and allow fear and doubt to keep me closed at times. Only now I have less tolerance for suffering and I'm more willing to ask for help, take the steps necessary to get out of my own way and move forward coming from an open heart.

If you are feeling stuck don't let fear stop you from moving forward. Try something different, ask for the help and courage you need and allow your heart to lead you. The joy and happiness this is sure to bring is your birthright.

*Not every yoga pose is for every body so as with any exercise program check with your medical professional to make sure a practice is safe for you.

Awareness Counseling is a private practice that specializes in helping adults and families struggling with anxiety and depression using traditional therapy and mind/body methods that are intentionally designed to bring your life into balance. The result is more joy, freedom and enthusiasm for life. The founder, Elle Garfield, ACSW uses an effective combination of methods including cognitive/ behavioral, experiential, mindfulness, bibliotherapy, and Life Force yoga to help clients gain freedom from fear.
For more information go to or Call Elle Garfield at 248-961-4081 or email

Meditation Trains Brain to be Kinder

According to a new study, Scientists have managed to prove what many Indian people have known for centuries; they have demonstrated that meditation is good for the brain.

During the study, which was published in the specialist journal PLOS One, researchers discovered that meditative training could produce specific measurable changes in the parts of the brain that are linked to empathy and compassion.

In the research into compassion meditation practices, researchers studied 16 Tibetan monks who had each spent many hours cultivating their meditation techniques. The monks underwent a number of functional magnetic resonance imaging brain scans during their meditation sessions, which highlighted any changes to the brain.

The meditating monks were pitted against 16 volunteers who had no previous meditation experience. These volunteers were taught basic meditation techniques just a fortnight before their brains were scanned.

The brain scans showed a number of differences between the brains of the monks and those of the volunteers. Most notable were the changes in the monks' brains, particularly in the circuits used to detect emotions and feelings.

The inexperienced volunteers were taught only the most basic elements of compassion meditation; they were initially asked to concentrate on their loved ones and send them wishes of wellbeing and freedom from suffering. After this, they were then told to generate a similar feeling towards people in general, not just specific individuals.

As part of the research, the 32 monks and volunteers were placed in a brain scanner, before being asked to begin compassion meditation or to refrain from the meditation altogether. While they were in each of these states, the subjects were exposed to either negative or positive human vocal sounds, which were specifically designed to evoke neutral vocalisations or empathic responses. The sounds used in the study included a laughing baby, a distressed woman and some background restaurant noise.

During the test, the scans indicated that there was significant activity in the insula - the part of the brain that helps the body represent emotion - when the monks were meditating and made to listen to emotional vocal sounds. The scans also showed a clear link between the strength of the activity and the intensity of the meditation.

However, journalist and yoga teacher Ruth Fowler is a little skeptical of the study. She said: "Meditation can change your life, but the kind of meditation the scientists are studying is a practise undertaken every single day for years, by, for example, Tibetan Buddhist monks, or hardcore yogis who are terrifyingly committed to mental and physical control. It's hard and it's tiresome."

She also seems doubtful over whether this study or any other research that extols the benefits of meditation will actually encourage people to take up the practice. She said: "Meditation may go on to be proven scientifically as a wonder cure for depression, but whether you'll get anyone to sit down in silence for an hour a day with their eyes closed is another matter."



Press Association

Samantha Srillian is a freelance writer, as well as a naturally gifted psychic medium and tarot card reader. She is interested in alternative therapies, angels and spiritual healing

The 6 Best Abs Exercises You Haven't Thought About

Non traditional exercises that will give you flat abs:

When one think about exercises that tones and flattens the abs, abs specific exercises like crunches and sit-ups usually spring to mind. But there are lots of other exercises that are actually very effective for getting flat abs. Here we will look at 6 such exercises that will help to flatten your tummy.


Pilates is an excellent exercise for flattening the tummy. All of the movements of Pilates originate from the core, and each and every exercise strengthens and tones the core (the muscles of your abs, lower back and hip flexors). This results in a toned and a tight tummy. It also help to increase your overall flexibility, which is never a bad thing!

Kick box aerobics / taebo

Kick-box aerobics (Taebo) is one of my favorite exercises. It strengthens the core (resulting in a flat tummy) and it is a high intensity exercise that will have you burn lots of calories and fat.

Hula hooping

Just imagine what spinning a hula hoop around your middle will do for your abs - it will tone and strengthen your ab muscles, resulting in a flat tummy. Invest in a hula hoop and get a flat tummy the fun way!

Any sport

Most sports use the core area to move, and will tone and flatten your abs as a result. Any sport that involves cardio will also help you to burn some calories, resulting in weight loss. In my opinion, the best sport to do is one that you enjoy doing, as that will greatly increase the probability of you continuing to do it.


When you are stressed your body produces excess cortisol, that in turn leads to your body storing excess fat on your tummy (bad news if you want flat abs). Yoga relaxes you, causes you to de-stress, and will help to combat the effect of stress. Not only will this help you get those flat abs you wanted, but it will also greatly increase your quality of live.

Weight training

Weight training is one of the best ways to burn lots of fat and calories, and will give you a leaner appearance as you start to build muscle.

These exercises will all help you to get a flat tummy in the non traditional way. Just implement these exercises, together with a healthy eating plan and you will be on your way to a flat tummy.

If you want to ensure that you get a six pack, the Truth About 6 Pack Abs program might be the one for you. You should also read my 10 reasons to buy the Truth About Abs!

What is Holistic Anyway?

You've heard the work "holistic" and most people think it's some kind of weird way of living. It is a basic philosophy of living your life in a whole body and mind manner.

In other words:

- Eat things that keep your digestive system healthy.

- Stay active to keep your muscles, heart and lungs healthy.

- Practice forms of stress relief to keep your mind healthy.

- Practice random acts of kindness to keep your soul healthy.

Be aware that your body and mind are connected whether you want to admit it or not. As a whole person you can live a holistic lifestyle. In today's world we get caught up in the fast pace of living and push some of our needs aside. Rushing here and there and grabbing something quick to eat, no time to exercise and before you know it the stress gets to you and you are exhausted.

When you get to the point of exhaustion, or stressed out, it affects your physical self. Muscle aches (you know, when your shoulders are tight and your head is pounding...), digestive ailments, and even fatigue and insomnia can be the effects of stress.

If we see a doctor because we can't sleep, he or she may give you sleeping pills. If we see a doctor for headaches and muscle pain, he/she might prescribe meds for that. A holistic doctor would be more apt to take a look at your lifestyle; i.e. your eating habits and your exercise routines, your stress level and how you are relieving that stress. Making some changes in your lifestyle might just cure some of your ailments.

Let's talk about FOOD. Greasy, processed and other high fat, high sugar foods will not keep you healthy. We need lots of colorful veggies for their antioxidant and healing qualities. We need less processed grains because the less they are processed the more nutrients they have. We need different forms of protein to keep our muscles strong. Protein can be consumed in many foods from meat to nuts.

When we eat foods with higher levels of nutrients our bodies work at full capacity to break down the foods and absorb those nutrients. Vitamins, minerals and nutrients absorbed from food go right into the cells that need them. When we eat foods that are high in fat or processed there are less nutrients and more waste for the calories ingested. Instead of absorbing nutrients our bodies absorb fat and chemicals - yuck! Fat and chemical certainly don't make us feel good.

Moving on to my favorite subject - EXERCISE. A well rounded exercise routine is the best choice. Strength training (you don't need to be a bodybuilder to practice strength training), cardiovascular exercise and flexibility are three of the important areas to focus on. We should be exercising regularly ~ daily if possible. We need to do something good for our physical body every day.

STRESS RELIEF is an important part of any lifestyle. My belief is that YOGA serves two purposes (well, much more than two, but for the purposes of holistic benefits we'll say two for now) when practiced regularly. Yoga promotes flexibility and stress relief. A yoga breathing practice alone can be stress relieving, as can a regular meditation practice. I find that breathing into my yoga poses is stress relief at its best with the added benefit of flexibility in my physical body. But find your most stress relieving practice. It might be knitting, gardening or even just soaking in a hot bath.

KEEP YOUR SOUL HAPPY by doing nice things for others. When we practice acts of kindness it makes us feel good. The littlest things can make someone happy. Random acts of kindness don't need to cost anything, simply go a little out of your way to be nice to someone - even people you don't know.

Call someone that you know is sad; volunteer at an organization that needs help: soup kitchens, nursing homes, hospitals. Hold a door for someone carrying something on a cold rainy day, or for someone not carrying anything at all. Donate some of your used clothes or blankets that you don't need any more. Reach something in a grocery store that someone can't reach or bring an older person's grocery cart back for them.

The possibilities are endless. Do something nice for someone - you will see how good it makes you feel. The idea is to live your life to the best of your abilities. This doesn't mean make the most money or have the best job or even have the most toys. Live a meaningful life. Live your life for your whole body, and all of its parts: physical, mental and spiritual.

By Kathi Duquette

Certified Yoga Instructor
Certified Personal Trainer

How to Make Yoga Fun

Yoga can be a beneficial exercise for many women, but some may find it a bit boring. It can be an effective routine for weight loss and stress management. No matter the benefits, if there is no fun and excitement involved, many people will fail to continue to practice yoga in the long run. However, there are different steps you can take to make yoga fun, which will in turn make it more enjoyable for you.

Taking a Yoga Class

Enrolling in a yoga class can be more interesting than practicing the exercises in your home. There, you will have a chance to socialize with others while you work out, and maybe even make new friends. Most people find that having others to exercise with makes it more fun that going at it alone. It will also be beneficial to have accountability with the group of people to ensure you come to class and meet your weekly exercise goals.

Throwing a Yoga Party

Having a party with a few close girlfriends will definitely make yoga fun. Not only does it give you a chance to hang out with friends, but you all can work on your stress levels, balance, and body toning at the same time. This is a great way to open others up to the world of yoga, and its benefits for health and wellness. If you are a newbie yourself, pop in a yoga DVD or browse the Internet and print out a few positions. If you have experience, act as a yoga instructor for the night and have fun teaching your friends how to correctly form the poses.

Yoga Booty Ballet

Yoga Booty Ballet is a revolutionary way to mix yoga positions with intense dance and body sculpting moves. With this form of exercise, you can make yoga more fun by getting the mind relaxation benefits and cardio intensity training all from one workout. The routines offer various levels of difficulty, which gives it the ability to be incorporated into anyone's exercise plan. With the flexibility of the activities, you are able to tailor them to your needs and add your own style to the workout.

As you can see, yoga can make a beneficial exercise program. However, many may overlook it as an option as the activity may seem quite dull and monotonous. Finding ways to make yoga fun is imperative to help you develop an exercise routine that you will follow through with. Making it seem less like exercise and more like a fun activity will make you more willing to get up and move each day.

Surfer Body Fitness, an Online retailer who specializes in workout products from Beachbody such as Yoga Booty Ballet. Visit Surfer Body Fitness for all of your fitness needs.