Saturday, April 26, 2014

Protecting The Elderly From Falls With Yoga

With old age says scientists, yoga exercises done gently can cut the risk of falls being painful.

With as little as only two months of yoga classes, women who took part in the program for the over 65's found that they had improved muscle strength, balance and flexibility with the result of any falls less likely and when falls did take place the recovery rate was much quicker.

They also felt more confident and had a more positive attitude the study found in the United States.

Figures show that falls are one of the most common causes of death in the over 75's. The study also showed that half of the women die within two years of a fall.

Dr Jinsup Song researcher of the Temple University in Philadelphia said that at the end of the nine week course the women's walking speed, strength and balance all improved along with flexibility and confidence. This also helped the women maintain their mobility and independence.

He said: There was also a pronounced difference in how pressure was distributed on the bottom of the foot, which maintains balance". It was shown that they had improved muscle strength which helps with stability and balance.

One of the participants, Maryanne Brow, said "I feel more centered now with more confidence when I walk".

Another benefit discovered which was unforeseen was that during the course the participants found they had a better outlook. Also the class gave them something to look forward to.

Other studies showed alarming fracture statistics, persuasive advertising, and conscientious physicians are directing millions of the worlds "worried well" to osteoporosis testing and on to preventive medication.

There is no mention of the important role that regular physical activity can play in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis and reducing risk of hip fractures. Several systematic reviews of the effects of exercise on postmenopausal osteoporosis have shown an increase in bone mineral density.

"If you prevent falls, you prevent fractures," Grabiner said. Instead, the key is preventing falls before they happen, according to researchers like Mark Grabiner, head of the movement sciences department at the University of Illinois at Chicago, who studies how people fall. Fall Prevention for Seniors: Injuries from falls are significant among the elderly population, and the risk only increases with increasing age.

After nine weeks of participating in an Iyengar yoga program designed for senior citizens, 24 elderly females had a faster stride, an increased flexibility in the lower extremities, an improved single-leg stance and increased confidence in walking and balance, according to the findings of researchers at Temple University's Gait Study Centre.

This randomized controlled trial compared the benefits of yoga, conventional therapeutic exercise, and a self-care book for chronic low back pain. Women who are drawn to Yoga practice, and build a long-term practice, may experience significant benefits not seen in this six-week intervention.

Conclusions: a training that improves functional balance does prevent falls.

If you found this of help to you and you would like further information here's what you need to do now:

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Benefits of Bikram Yoga

Bikram yoga is a form of hot yoga that is very restorative and healing. It has recently gained popularity in the United States for the many healing benefits that can be experienced with regular practice. Most people start practicing Bikram yoga with the desire to lose weight and end up benefiting from many more aspects such as relief of migraines, arthritis, chronic injuries, depression, etc... This type of hot yoga is practiced in a room maintained at a temperature of 105 degrees Fahrenheit. A typical yoga session involves a set of twenty six poses, done at this temperature. This promotes profuse sweating, which is said to rid the body of toxins. The temperature also promotes flexibility.

There are two descriptions of the 26 poses. They are asanas (postures) and pranayama (breathing exercises), both of which rely on each other to deliver positive results. Most people only use up to 50 percent of their lung capacity, and just like any muscle, the lungs must be stretched and with time will be able to withstand holding more oxygen.

How often does one need to practice Bikram yoga to see results? It is said that to experience weight loss and relief from chronic conditions, one must practice Bikram yoga ten times (or more) per month. Positive changes are usually seen after about 15 sessions. Remember, it most likely took years of bad eating and sleeping habits to gain the weight. Also, chronic conditions, such as arthritis, depression and muscle tension may have been part of your life for years as well. It will take hard work, persistence and time to change your body.

Tamara C. Tangney

The Journey from Back Pain to Yoga Class

Why are doctors referring their patients, who have chronic back pain, to Yoga classes? How many studies have been conducted on back pain and Yoga? Is Yoga a "cure all" for back pain? What kind of Yoga class is best for back pain? Let's look at all of these issues and see if we can clear up some answers.

It is conservatively estimated that more than half of the world adult population suffers from some sort of back pain. Yoga, for back pain, is the most popular subject that teacher interns write about at our Yoga teacher training center.

However, this does not explain why so many doctors, within the United States, refer their patients to Yoga studios as an additional alternative to medication and physical therapy. The truth is, that within the U.S., there have been very few studies, and I only know of one in particular, which was the Group Health Cooperative study, which recently took place in Seattle, Washington.

Therefore, one study is not the answer; especially one study which just happened. The truth is, most of the studies on back pain and Yoga, as a form of therapy, are taking place in India. So, why does your family doctor, chiropractor, or orthopedic doctor, take a leap of faith outside the view of traditional western medicine? To put it simply, doctors read and continually educate themselves. They do not look down the narrow path of medicine that is laid down by bureaucracy.

Yoga is relatively inexpensive, in comparison to prescription medicines, so why bother to do a study? In comparison to the joint ventures, and potential profits involved in pharmaceutical studies, Yoga can't promise a "big pay day." Yet, the fact that physicians, within the United States, are willing to "look outside the box" for answers, speaks volumes in regard to their integrity. Doctors are often accused of being too quick to prescribe medicines, but the public often demands quick and effortless solutions in regard to health care.

Is Yoga really a "cure all" for back pain? In short, the answer is "no." How can I say that? Nothing is a cure all for back pain, but Yoga helps most of the students I work with. No prescription can claim 100% patient satisfaction either. Odds are that most people, with pre-existing back pain, who take up Yoga classes for relief, will reduce the number of pain killers needed. This fact has been stated by my Yoga students over the years.

If you have pre-existing back pain, which style of Yoga should you seek out? Regardless of style, you may want to observe a Yoga class before trying it. You should seek out a gentle style, and you should talk to your prospective Yoga teacher ahead of time.

Stay away from vigorous Yoga classes. I would advise against taking part in my Vinyasa Yoga class, but I would welcome you with open arms in my Restorative Yoga class. Why do I say this? Yoga styles, class formats, lesson plans, and teachers differ.

My suggestion is that you get a private session first, and your Yoga teacher will work with you "first hand." If possible, get a referral from your doctor, or from a friend, who practices Yoga. This will help you avoid the guessing process.

© Copyright 2006 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard is a co-owner and the director of Yoga teacher training at: Aura Wellness Center, in North Providence, RI. He has been a certified Master Yoga teacher since 1995. He is a master instructor of martial arts, with multiple Black Belts, four martial arts teaching credentials, and was recently inducted into the USA Martial Arts Hall of Fame. He teaches Yoga, martial arts, and fitness to children, adults, and seniors in the greater Providence area. Recently he wrote: Is Running a Yoga Business Right for You? For Yoga students, who may be considering a new career as a Yoga teacher.

Muscle-Building and Yoga - 5 Reasons Why They Were Made For Each Other

Yoga is a 5000-year old practice that has only recently gained some traction in the West. Now it seems like yoga studios are popping up like weeds. And it's popularity continues to grow. This is due to the multitude of benefits yoga offers it's practitioners. But isn't yoga for skinny people? What if you want to gain weight?


The two are not exclusive. It's true that doing yoga exclusively isn't likely to result in major increases in size. By adding it to a workout routine, however, you can supplement and super-charge your workout. And I'm not talking about airy, New-Agey nonsense. Real, concrete results. Read on for the reasons why you should add yoga to your fitness regimen.


#1 - Breathing

Key to any athletic endeavor is breathing. While many athletes gradually figure out the correct breathing techniques for their workout, some don't ever get it, and it interferes with their results. Yoga makes breathing an integral part of its practice. And you can learn a variety of different breathing techniques. Yes, breathing is more than just air goes in, air comes out. Correct breathing to the situation improves the oxygenation of your blood and keeps you at your peak for longer.


#2 - Endurance

On the subject of your peak performance, endurance is also an important factor. Many forms of burst athletics - sprinting and weight-lifting for example - focus on explosive power over a short period of time, but they are quickly depleted of energy. Yoga corrects the problem. Through slow movements and a combination of isometric and resistance exercises, an athlete can build their staying power as well.


#3 - Flexibility

This may or may not be a priority for you, but maintaining a certain degree of flexiiblity can benefit you in both your workout and your daily life. Many forms of exercise - weight-lifting in particular - can tighten up on muscles and joints and reduce mobility. Why limit yourself? A fuller range of motion leads to a fuller life. Additionally, some flexibility in your joints can help avoid painful injuries during training.


#4 - Warming Up and Cooling Down

So you think you don't have any more time for yoga? Take a couple of classes, and you'll probably see that you've been doing yoga longer than you think. Many of your stretches are probably practiced as yoga poses. Put a series of those poses in sequence, do it quickly a couple of times, and you have your warm up. A short yoga session not only loosens you up, but it also gets your blood circulating and your heart pumping. It's more than just stretching, it's cardio too.


#5 - Intangible Benefits

Yoga was originally developed as a meditative practice. And while the spiritual development side of it has been touted over and over, I promised you I'd keep this practical. Yoga helps develop focus and regulate your mood, especially when combined with some sitting meditation. A happier, more focused mind will help with the rest of your exercise routine.


They say variety is the spice of life. Why not add some variety to your exercise routine? Many experts agree that variety is necessary for an effective workout, so may as well try yoga. If you don't like it, try something else. If you do like it, though, you've just found a practice that can go with you throughout your entire life.

For more information on how to get what you want out of your workout please visit our website. And for free tips, tricks and techniques to advance your workout please sign up for our newsletter at the same site:

Intuition Through Yoga

The Penguin Dictionary of Psychology defines Intuition as under:

Intuition: A mode of understanding or knowing characterized as direct and immediate and occurring without conscious thought or judgment. There are two distinct connotations which often accompany this term: a) that the process is unmediated and somehow mystical; b) that it is a response to subtle cues and relationships apprehended implicitly, unconsciously.

When you misplace an item, despite thinking sequentially through all the things you did earlier, you can't remember where it is. But in the evening when you are relaxing suddenly you remember that the missed item is in your table drawer. Where did this flash of insight come from? It was generated by your right brain, using data supplied by your left.

The best known example of a scientist who intuitively perceived a theory is Albert Einstein. Explaining how Einstein perceived the idea, Peter Russell explains in his book, The Brain Book: "Einstein is a logical thinker. Yet his ideas initially came to him as pictures and images, and subsequently he put them into words and mathematical symbols. The theory was born when Einstein was lying on a grassy hillside one summer's afternoon. He was gazing up at the sun through his eyelids, playing with the light came through his eyelashes, when he began to wonder what it would be like to travel down a light beam.

He lay there in a dream state letting his mind wander freely, imagining himself traveling down a light beam, when suddenly he realized, one almost has to say in a flash, just what it would be like. This realization was the essence of the theory of relativity, and it had come to him not as a logical deduction, but as a creative, intuitive insight, the result of synthetic rather than analytic thinking."

Einstein recognized the intuition and placed a high value on his intuition and wrote: "The intellect has little to do on the road to discovery. There comes a leap in consciousness, call it intuition or what you will, and the solution comes to you and you don't know how or why."

Analyzing the whole subject intuition, in her beautiful book, 'The Sixth Sense' the author Laurie Nadel assures that one can develop the ability by following easy steps.

The important step to identify and develop intuition will be to meditate regularly.

Meditation activates both the right and left side of the brain.

Sudden flashes and logical thinking both are ensured by meditation.

Yogis visualize pictures through their meditation and foretell what is to happen to individuals.

Indian yogis, through their intuitive power had invented many wonderful inventions for the benefit of humanity as a whole.

Hundreds of incidents reveal their intuitive abilities and the whole humanity see them with wonder.

P.D.Ouspensky, in his book, 'A New Model of the Universe' says, "The sage of India knew that the powers of man in all the spheres and provinces of his activity can be greatly increased by means of right training and by accustoming man to control his body, mind, attention, will, emotion and desires. In connection with this, the study of man in ancient India was on a level quite inconceivable to us. The powers which yoga gives are not limited to the strengthening of the capacity of understanding. Yoga increases the creative capacity of man in all spheres and domains of life, gives him the possibility of direct penetration into the mysteries of nature, discloses to him the secret of eternity and the enigmas of existence."

S.Nagarajan is a vehicle body engineer by profession. He has written more than 1300 articles in 16 magazines and published 18 books so far. He is revealing Eastern Secret Wisdom through T.V.Programmes, magazine articles, seminars, courses. His email

address is:

Ilchi Lee - Mentor & Master Teacher

While searching the net for information on a means of balancing my crumbling life, I came across articles and postings bearing the name Ilchi Lee. Lets first start by saying I've been a martial artist for the majority of my life. After a few trying events that left me in a broken state, I lost my way and slipped in to deep depression. I've always been a very strong willed and Self-Motivate individual, so needless to say depression was something new to me. I've never found myself so vulnerable; I'm not ashamed to say that I did not shower for weeks. I was despondent I needed to find some answers.

The great part about finding the answer was a truly life changing experience, I was always an aggressor, it had to be my way or the high way. I can now safely say that I accept people and events as the come. Learning to let go was the most important lesson I could ever learn. Thanks to principles of The Healing Society Dahn Yoga, the meditation techniques that was instrumental in my new life outlook, I've gain understanding and have redistributed my body's energy thus restoring balance in my life. Dahn Yoga, is the study of life energy (Ki, Chi), based on the integrated mind/body training program of ancient Korea and recreated for contemporary times. It teaches to use Ki -energy to regain true mastership of our life.

Dr Ilchi Lee is a world-renowned peace activist and spiritual leader. He is the creator of Dahn Yoga and Brain Respiration, a comprehensive system of physical and mental exercises that seeks to use the energy, or "Ki" system of the body to attain a spiritual awakening.

More Facts:

Brain Respiration created by Dr Lee, is a scientific system of developing the full potential of the human brain through integrated mental and physical exercises. It combines ancient Eastern philosophy with modern scientific methods to elevate human awareness.

Adorne Richardson

Friday, April 25, 2014

Golden Years: Nine Ways a Dog Boosts Your Health

What if there was a simple way to reduce stress, prolong and improve the quality of your life, banish the blues, and best of all, decrease the number of doctor visits?

There is! Get a dog. Here are nine ways that having a dog can boost your health.

Improved heart health. Dog owners have lower blood pressure, cholesterol and triglycerides than non pet-owners. All these reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Recuperate from illness faster. Seniors in hospitals respond better to treatment and recover more quickly when they have contact with a dog or therapy animal.

Increased chance of surviving heart disease. A clinical research project of heart-disease patients showed that having a dog was the strongest social predictor of survival, even compared to having family and friends.

Longer life expectancy after a heart attack. The presence of a dog improved survival rate even more than having a spouse or close friend. One study showed that men who had a dog were six times more likely to be alive one year after a heart attack than men without a dog.

Reduced stress. Just sitting and petting a dog reduces your heart rate, and therefore stress level.

Regular exercise. It goes without saying that dogs need to be walked, but did you know that even seniors who don't walk their dogs are more active than seniors without dogs?

They don't call dogs man's best friend for nothing. Ninety-five percent of senior dog owners talk to their dog. Over three quarters report that their dogs help when they feel sad. Almost that many say that their dogs help when they feel physically bad. In general, seniors with dogs are better able to tolerate social isolation that seniors without dogs.

Fewer doctor visits. A study of a thousand Medicare patients showed that seniors with dogs had nearly ten percent fewer doctor visits compared to seniors without dogs. Other studies put his figure over twenty percent, a strong reflection of the health benefits of having a dog.

Improved well-being. Alzheimer's patients have fewer anxiety attacks and fewer mood disorders when allowed to have a dog nearby. Dog owners report fewer headaches, fewer bouts of indigestion and less difficulty sleeping. Studies show that elderly people caring for a dog improve their overall health compared to their peers living without animals in the home.

Need one more reason? Be a lifesaver. Adopting a dog from a shelter saves a dog's life, too. Senior dogs are too often passed over at shelters for younger dogs or puppies with a longer life expectancy and more energy. But senior dogs have a lot to offer. They are often already housebroken and trained, they are not as active as younger dogs, and they are generally more interested in companionship than a run in the park.

Many shelters have adoption programs to match senior pets with senior people. They will help you choose a suitable dog and often provide ongoing support--sometimes at reduced or no cost.

Having a dog may not be the answer for everyone, but if you're interested, call your local shelter to find out more. There may be a Rover, a Spot, or a Freckles ready to give you a whole new leash on life!

How to Meditate with Your Dog: An Introduction to Meditation for Dog Lovers presents a non-dogmatic approach to meditation. To fetch a free chapter from the book and the introduction from the audiobook go to

Yoga Supplies - Which Ones Are Best and Which Ones Are Essential?

Essential yoga supplies include a mat and a mat bag.  The supplies may be available for use in your classes, but I still recommend that you purchase your own.  Yoga can easily be done without any accessories, but the right supplies will enhance your experience; adding comfort, support and more confidence.  Of all the yoga supplies the yoga mat is the most common, and the first one you should think of purchasing.  But yoga supplies are more than just mats and exercise clothes, many people also use resistance weights on their wrists or ankles when they do their yoga exercises. 

Yoga Balls and Bands

Believe it or not, something as simple as a rubber band or a rubber ball can be very effective as a yoga supply to enhance for your overall yoga experience and make the poses easier or more enjoyable.  This article will try to educate you on how yoga supplies can increase your flexibility, strength and provide peace of mind during your practice. For those of you buying yoga supplies and setting up a yoga studio in a den or study this is an ideal solution.  In fact, the yoga supplies you will purchase are so compact that they can easily be stored in a closet when they are not in use.  Choosing the proper supplies is important because cheap supplies could be damaging to your health. 


Something as simple as a beautiful scented candle, incense, statues, or an incense holder can be a great yoga supply/accessory to think about purchasing to change the ambiance for you.  Any kind of yoga supply is important to suit your specific exercise needs, it doesn't matter what they are, but the quality and how it is made is very important.  Many people like to purchase yoga supplies such as sets of blocks of several different sizes, and this is useful too, especially when you are getting started. Most yoga supplies are relatively inexpensive and allow you to practice your poses any time of the day. 

Yoga Exercise Tools

Here are some yoga exercise related tools: mala beads, incense, neti pot, meditation book and other meditation supplies.   Yoga supplies also include things like: yoga mats, blocks, straps, bolsters, blankets, bags and many others.  Few supplies are necessary to practice the art, but owning a few really good quality pieces can make your experience easier and more pleasureable.  Prior to beginning any workout routine you should become familiar with the equipment and supplies that you may need to train successfully.  Additional yoga

Accessories include videos and DVDs, eye and neck pillows, and yoga mat cleaners which are more recent but still come in handy. 

Brett Simpson has practiced yoga for many years. For more useful articles, videos and a free eBook: Easing Your Stress With Yoga, visit his ~Dream Yoga~ website.

~Dream Yoga~

Your Yoga Resource

Tantra Yoga Secrets

Tantra Yoga is unity by controlling sexual energy. When you consider the main Indian Yoga styles, Tantra Yoga is probably the most controversial of them all. So what is the problem? Is it our "sexual hang-ups" or is it something more? What is the origin of Tantra Yoga? Is it all linked to the Kama Sutra or is there more to it?

Since Tantra Yoga uses many components of the classical Yoga styles such as mudras, pranayama, asanas, meditation, Bhakti, Yantra,and Kundalini, there are many similarities to other forms of Yoga practice. Some Yogis say that Tantra Yoga is the hardest Yoga to define, but there is a fundamental difference.

The major difference is Tantra Yoga accepts and embraces the power of "desire." Tantra Yogis are not trained to avoid desires that arouse the senses. This is a stark contrast from the many other forms of Yoga, which train their students to renounce desire. This is the foundation of the division between Tantra Yoga and the other classical Indian styles.

The origins of Tantra Yoga and the Kama Sutra date back to the Fourth Century A.D. The author of the Kama Sutra was Vatsyayana Mallanaga, who is somewhat of a mystery in the history books. There are no other traces of him to be found. He did write the world's most famous sex manual to date.

Northern India seems to be the birth place of Tantra Yoga and it appears to have migrated further north to Tibet, and China, before going global. Many contemporary Tantra Yogis practice Tantra Yoga of Tibetan or Indian origin. Tantra Yoga practitioners focus on the opposites and dualities within the universe such as, male and female, Shiva and Shakti, or Yin and Yang.

At different points in time, ritual Tantric sex has been considered common place within certain Tantra followings. However, it is not as common place as some might think. There is also a common belief that Tantric sex is always intentionally prolonged. This is not always the case and sometimes Tantric sex takes it own natural course.

Lastly, it should be noted that the Kama Sutra might have been considered a "racy classic" at the time of its writing, and during conservative points in history. However, by today's standards, the Kama Sutra would offend the masses much less. Some of the entertainment, at this point in time, has managed to make the public more callous than we should naturally be. Entertainment of the present day is sometimes comparable to that of the Roman coliseums in the past.

Tantra Yoga is a good example of the cycles and evolutions of morality within human history. Whether we think Tantra Yoga and the Kama Sutra are right or wrong, the current moral code will change with time, but we may not live long enough to see it.

© Copyright 2006 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard is a co-owner and the director of Yoga teacher training at: Aura Wellness Center, in North Providence, RI. He has been a certified Master Yoga teacher since 1995. To receive a Free e-Book: "Yoga in Practice," or a free Yoga newsletter, please visit:

Top Exercises for Arthritics

Exercise is really important even if you are healthy but the importance of exercise increases greatly when you have arthritis. If you choose to rely only on medicines for combating your problem, you might be fighting a losing battle. Arthritis, as you may well know, affects your joints and makes movement really painful. But with exercise, you can actually fight back!

Ideally, you should hire a personal trainer who specializes in dealing with arthritic clients. Remember that not exercises are for you, and working out without professional guidance can aggravate your condition. A trainer can develop an effective exercise plan which consists of only those exercises which will help you live a normal life. Moderate exercise on a regular basis can help you gain more stamina, strengthen muscles and increase flexibility of joints.

So then, what are the best exercises for you to consider? As an arthritic, you can incorporate three different exercises in your fitness training regimen.

1. Flexibility exercises: gentle stretching can be really helpful in easing your joints. It is a great way to get rid of stiffness in your joints and get ready for more exercise. Nowadays more and more trainers are advising the benefits of doing stretching exercises in a swimming pool. This can help you derive the benefits of hydrodynamics.

For improving your range of motion, you can try exercises such as tai-chi or yoga. Tai chi is really effective if you have knee osteoarthritis.

2. Resistance exercises: these exercises are conventionally known as strength training workouts. Your aim here is to increase muscular strength in order to reduce the stress on your joints. Stronger muscles can also protect your joints from injury and help you do your daily activities normally.

These exercises can be isometric as well as isotonic. Isometric exercises aim to strengthen your muscles without you having to move the joints. Isotonic exercises on the other hand, need you to flex your joints as you workout. When done under professional guidance, both types can be beneficial. However, isometric exercises are safer if you have acute joint pain.

3. Aerobic exercises: these exercises can give you the normal life that you so strongly desire. Arthritis restricts you from around like a fit person, but aerobic exercises can help overcome such restriction. These are basically cardiovascular exercises such as swimming or cycling.

By including cardio exercises in your fitness training schedule, you can make your heart, lungs and muscles work in tandem to help you live better. Do aerobics to get to your target heart rate zone (optimal rate at which your heart should beat). This should not take you more than 30 minutes of workouts to achieve. However, go slow when you have just started out and increase the duration as you progress.

A combination of these three types of exercises can help you in your fight against arthritis. Your personal trainer is the best person to know how much of each exercise you should do and so, she can devise fitness training plan accordingly. Follow the plan and prevent arthritis from taking over your life. All the best!

If you have arthritis pain you should try fitness exercise with Crystal Lake personal trainers.

Or for personal trainers in Huntley, IL, check out this site.

The Purpose of Yoga - Releasing Anxiety

Yoga is a great relief from feelings of anxiety, but anxiety is part of life; and some of us have more anxiety than others. No matter how many years you practice Yoga, you are still human. You are bound to feel feelings of frustration, angst, irritation, and anxiety.

Most people think that Yoga practice will make these negative feelings disappear, but that is not entirely true. Some people think that Yoga will aid you to throw negative feelings into separate compartments, but that is not really true either.

So, how do long-term Yoga practitioners release their anxiety? They seem so calm and collected all the time. What is the big secret? Firstly, let's cover some options you should never practice, and then look at Yogic solutions for releasing anxiety.

Myth 1: Yogis can make anxiety disappear.

Never believe that anxiety will magically disappear. Yoga, and medical prescriptions, cannot make anxiety go away permanently. For anxiety to disappear, something has to change within you. List the causes of your anxiety, and how you respond to them.

Then find solutions for purging them in a healthy way. Yoga does help, but Yoga has its limitations, too.

Accept and identify anxiety for what it is. In life, you also have to have to "come to grips" with hate, jealousy, greed, and anger. We should not embrace negative thoughts or feelings, but we should quickly be able to identify them and their private agendas.

Life is a lot easier when we are honest with ourselves. After we find the true nature of a problem, we can then find realistic solutions to deal with our negative feelings. If you wake up feeling a little down, do not waste your time on denial, but do find a solution to rid negativity from within.

Myth 2: Yogis can "bottle up" their emotions.

Holding emotions inside will still cause damage to the individual. You cannot stop an earthquake with a land fill. This is not a permit to go around making rude gestures, "telling everyone off," or an endorsement of "road rage," but there are healthy ways to "let steam off."

The secret of controlling emotion is: Deflection of anger, but it will take much time, and conditioning, before you are able to do this. Yoga is, in fact, an archive of solutions for anxiety, but you must have the will to maintain a regular practice for complete mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health.

© Copyright 2007 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, is a co-owner and the director of Yoga teacher training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. He has been a certified Master Yoga teacher since 1995. To receive a Free e-Book: "Yoga in Practice," and a Free Yoga Newsletter, please visit:

Holistic Approaches To Back Pain Relief

Is your daily life burdened by constant back pain? Try relieving it with Holistic treatments.

Quite a few people suffer from back pain on a daily basis. Some people deal with mild soreness from stressed muscles while others deal with agonizing and debilitation conditions. No matter what level of pain you are dealing with, you may be able to get relief from your back pain by utilizing Holistic forms of treatment. This article will explain what holistic therapy is all about and introduce you to four treatments that have the potential to alleviate your back pain. Hopefully these treatments will allow you to take a more proactive approach at relieving your back pain and allow you to live your live to the fullest; PAIN FREE!

Recent statistics have indicated that almost half of all the pain related complaints in the workplace are due to back pain. And that's only for the United States alone. Due to its very nature spinal pain can affect virtually anyone regardless of job environment. Construction workers, office personnel, and even medical professionals can be affected by back pain while performing their job, and many times that pain follows them home as well.

The working population is not the only ones that have to deal with pain regularly. Work at home parents, retires, and even young adults who have yet to enter the workplace often times suffer from degenerative conditions like osteoporosis and arthritis. And of course you have those who may have led a perfectly pain free life and suddenly suffer some sort of back injury which causes them to have to deal with back pain the rest of their lives. Fact is, it doesn't matter whether you labor at a back breaking construction job, sit in an office chair all day, or just have fun and play all day you are still susceptible to pain.

You should familiarize yourself with what holistic treatments actually are if you plan on using them to treat your pain. Holistic therapies combine the physical, psychological, and spiritual aspects of life and apply them in specific ways to alleviate pain. There have even been some medical studies that have stated that an individual's social, economic, and even cultural background may play a role in determining who is more likely to suffer from back pain.

Acupuncture - This is a form of treatment that has been used by the Chinese for over 2,000 years. Many people have found Acupuncture to be very beneficial for treating pain. Acupuncture involves the use of needles to stimulate nerve pathways throughout the body. When used in the treatment of back pain the needles stimulate nerve pathways along the spinal cord from the base of the spine to the brain. In the process of stimulating these specific nerve pathways, the nerves release hormones which cause the brain to experience pain less intensely. Also in the process the body releases additional hormones which help the healing process. Contrary to the way it sounds, acupuncture is not a painful treatment at all.

Yoga - Another form of holistic treatment that can be used to alleviate back pain is yoga. Yoga is a form of spiritual healing that originated in India over 5,000 years ago. It combines breathing exercises, physical postures, and meditation to relax the body and calm the nervous system. One of the primary advantages of using yoga to relieve back pain is the belief that when in a meditative state the muscles of the body will relax and all stress will be eliminated. While some forms of yoga are more physically intensive than others, Hatha and Sivananda yoga are more reserved in their physical training and are well suited for back pain treatment.

Neuromuscular Therapy (NMT) - NMT is a fairly new form of treatment which can be used to treat chronic pain. It is a form of massage that applies a somewhat constant pressure to specific areas of the body in order to relax muscle and calm nerves. Many clinics around the country employ trained practitioners of this form of therapy. Much like Acupuncture, NMT is used to stimulate various trigger points on the body to relax muscle and calm hyperactive nerves.

Herbal Treatment - There are various herbs that can be taken that have the ability to relieve pain and relax muscles. Boswellia for example acts as an anti-inflammatory and muscle relaxant by increasing blood flow to inflamed areas of the body such as the back. Ginger is another useful herb which has the ability to inhibit the release of pain causing hormones in the body. Ginger can also be taken on a long-term basis. There are also various oils and herbs that when combined provide quite potent pain relieving properties. Many of the over the counter pain relievers that are marketed for back pain contain such herbs and oils. Another reason that herbs are becoming more popular for pain treatment are because they are non-addictive.

Always consult your doctor before you start any new treatments for your back pain. Although these treatments have helped many people relieve and even cure their back pain, they may not be safe for use on some specific back conditions.

If your doctor objects try not to get discouraged and keep in mind that many western doctors are not familiar with holistic practices and may even try to disprove their effectiveness. If your doctor insists only on prescribing traditional pain medications and treatments then try to get another opinion from someone who is more familiar with holistic treatments. It is your body and health after all, you are free to take care of it however you wish.

There are so many ways to relieve back pain that does not involve a doctor's visit or expensive prescription pain medications. You may even be able to prevent your back pain before it even occurs. B.M.Hayes is a freelance writer and avid alternative health enthusiast. You can visit his new website at [] for detailed information and products reviews relating to back pain exercises.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

How to Combine Exercises to Tone Your Stomach You Haven't Thought About For Best Results

If you are looking for ways to tone your stomach, exercise shouldn't be the only thing on your mind. This is because exercise is not the only solution if you want a flat sexy tummy. You may exercise as hard as possible, but if you are not combining your efforts in the right way, you will get fewer results than expected and your weight loss may be slower than you hoped for.

There may be various reasons why your tummy isn't flat. And doing only toning exercises won't help on its own. This is way it is important to learn about the various aspects that will help you get that flat tummy faster and with fewer frustrations. The various aspects of getting a flat stomach can be divided into two different parts: exercise to tone & stomach exercise that you may not even have thought about.

Exercises to tone

The only way to tone your abs is to do exercises that impose some resistance. The best way to tone your whole body is by doing weight training. Taking up weight training will help you to lose fat. And by building muscle you will increase your resting metabolism. This means that you will burn calories even in your sleep.

If you do any weight training exercise, either for your upper or lower body, you will not only burn fat, but you will also strengthen your core. Your core is the muscles of your abs and lower back that stabilizes you, when you weigh train, your core is also involved. So you will strengthen your core while you do weight training. With your upper and lower body weight training, you also have to include abs specific exercises to tone (stomach exercise). Some of the best abs exercises include the bicycle, the crunch and if you have access to the gym, the captain deck chair.

Other important tips to maximize your results

Doing weight training and toning exercises alone won't get you your desired results in your required time. To save you frustrations and to maximize your efforts, its worth keeping in mind some extra things you may not even have thought about, like:

1. Bloating

If you are bloated, your tummy will never look flat. You can reduce bloating by limiting your intake of fizzy soft drinks and to eat less gas forming foods like cabbage, beans, pulses and sweet corn.

2. The impact of stress

If you stress, the body produces more cortisol. And this excess cortisol is responsible for storing excess fat in your body, especially in your tummy area. So if you want a flat tummy, you better increase your stress coping abilities. Some great exercises that strengthens your nervous system and your core at the same time, includes Yoga and Pilates. Meditation is also a great way to increase your feeling of well being as well as your stress coping abilities.

3. Fat Burning exercises

You will never see all your hard work from the weight training if your abs is still covered by fat. The only way to get a flat stomach is to lower your total body fat percentage. Doing cardio for 20 minutes a time will lower your body fat percentage significantly over time.

You might also want to go on a diet. But, before you go on any fast weight loss diets, be sure to check out my article about the dangers of diets like the 1000 calorie diet.

If you combine the above tips and exercise advice with a healthy eating plan, and you don't eat more calories than you burn, you will definitely tone your tummy into a flat sexy sculpture of pure muscle.

The Endomorph - Hard Losers and Their Training and Nutrition Strategy

Most people who are working hard but still struggling to lose body fat are endomorphs. An endomorph is someone with a slow metabolism who is genetically prone to store fat easily. Endomorphs are usually, but not always, large framed with medium to large joints.

Endomorphs sometimes have varying degrees of carbohydrate sensitivity and insulin resistance, so high carbohydrate diets are usually not effective for body fat control. Processed and refined carbohydrates that contain white sugar and white flour are especially detrimental and tend to convert to body fat more rapidly in endomorphs. Low to moderate carbohydrate diets with higher protein usually work best for endomorphs.

While some genetically gifted mesomorphs and ectomorphs can eat whatever they want and never gain any fat, the endomorph must eat clean and healthy almost all the time. This requires the development of high levels of nutritional discipline. Endomorphs are the types who will tend to gain body fat very quickly if they eat too much or if they eat the wrong types of foods.

Endomorphs cannot "cheat" frequently and get away with it. Their metabolisms are extremely unforgiving. One or two cheat meals per week seem to be the limit. Poor daily nutrition habits or frequent cheat days always set them back.

Endomorphs generally have a very difficult time losing fat with diet alone. Even a nearly perfect diet sometimes won't work by itself because the endomorph needs the boost in metabolism that exercise provides.

A larger quantity of cardio is almost always necessary for the endomorph to lose body fat. Someone with a low endomorph component may stay lean with little or no cardio at all. Extreme endomorphs usually need cardio every day before the body fat begins to come off.

Occasionally, an extreme endomorph (7 on the endomorph scale), will have a difficult time losing fat even while on a well-constructed training and nutrition program. Extreme endomorphs sometimes need to restrict carbohydrates drastically (under 100 g./day for women, under 175 g./day for men) before any substantial fat loss occurs. They may also need to use a carbohydrate cycling approach that rotates high carbohydrate days with low carbohydrate days in order to stimulate their sluggish metabolisms and prevent going into starvation mode. Santa Claus is the archetypical endomorph.

Endomorph characteristics

Naturally high levels of body fat (often overweight) Usually large boned, large joints, large frame (but not always) Short, tapering arms and legs Smooth, round body contours (round or pear shaped body) Wide waist and hips Waist dominates over chest Tendency to always store excess calories as fat (can't get away with overeating) Keeping fat off after it is lost is a challenge Tendency to be sluggish, slow moving and lacking energy Slow thyroid or other hormone imbalance (sometimes) Fairly good strength levels Sensitive to carbohydrates (carbs are easily stored as fat) Responds better to diets with higher protein and low (or moderate) carbs Naturally slow metabolic rate/low set point (fewer calories burned at rest) Falls asleep easily and sleeps deeply A lot of cardio is necessary to lose weight and body fat Extremely difficult to lose weight (requires great effort) Bouts of fatigue and tiredness Often describe themselves as having a "slow metabolism" Tendency to gain fat easily as soon as exercise is stopped Tendency to lose fat slowly, even on a "clean," low fat, low calorie diet. Often overweight, even though they don't eat very much Respond best to frequent, even daily, training

Endomorph training and nutrition strategy

When it comes to fat loss, a well-planned, strategic approach to nutrition and training is more important for the endomorph than for any other body type. The endomorph strategy focuses on high levels of activity and extreme levels of discipline and consistency in nutritional habits. Most endomorphs also need some degree of carbohydrate restriction with higher protein levels to compensate.

High protein, medium to low carbs

High protein, low to moderate carb diets work best for the endomorph. Endomorphs usually have varying degrees of carbohydrate sensitivity and insulin resistance. Therefore, high carbohydrate, low fat diets are usually not effective. Sugar is a major no-no: Processed and refined carbohydrates that contain white sugar and white flour tend to convert to body fat very rapidly in endomorphs because of the way they affect the hormone insulin.

Exercise is an absolute MUST

Endomorphs generally have a very difficult time losing fat with diet alone. Even a close-to-perfect diet often doesn't work by itself because the endomorph needs the boost in metabolism that comes from exercise. The endomorph must do everything in his or her power to stimulate their metabolism and this means combining good nutrition with weight training and aerobic training. To diet without exercising means certain failure for the endomorph.

Large amounts of cardio

Someone with a low endomorph component may stay lean with little or no cardio at all. Endomorphs need a larger quantity of cardio to lose body fat. Most endomorphs will lose fat with surprising ease by doing some type of cardio at least 4 - 5 times per week. Extreme endomorphs usually need cardio every day (seven days per week). All endomorphs will tend to gain the fat back if they stop doing cardio completely. Often, they successfully lose weight, but then put it back on if they haven't made the commitment to continue exercising for life.

Get more activity in general

Endomorphs usually (but not always) have a tendency towards relaxing as opposed to staying constantly in motion. Their natural inclination is usually to kick back in the easy chair, while their ectomorphic or mesomorphic counterpart might "relax" with a nice 40mile bike ride.

The best strategy for the endomorph is to get active and stay active! You have to get moving! Take up some sports or recreational activities in addition to your regular workouts in the gym. If you're an endomorph you should get some type of activity almost every day.

Make a lifelong commitment to fitness

Endomorphs must commit to a lifelong exercise program and avoid quick fixes or any short-term approach to fitness. After reaching the long term ultimate body fat and body weight goal, the endomorph needs to commit to at least three days a week of exercise -for life - to keep the fat off. This should be done for health reasons anyway, but for the endomorph, exercise is essential to maintain a desirable body fat ratio. Once you begin, you must keep going or you will lose your momentum. Every time you stop working out, you can be sure the body fat will slowly start to creep back on. Long "vacations" from physical activity are not a good idea. Get your momentum going and keep it going.

Train hard

The basic endomorph disposition is towards taking it easy and relaxing. If you are an endomorph, you must fight this urge and train with high intensity. You have to push yourself constantly. Not only must you train almost every day, you must push yourself to train harder every day and repeatedly beat your own personal best. The best advice for the endomorph that I've ever heard came from a Zen master; Roshi Philip Kapleau. He said,

"Don't relax your efforts, otherwise it will take you a long time to achieve what you are after."

Increase your training frequency

This is important - the endomorph must stay in motion to keep their metabolic engine revving. Staying still for too long is the death of the endomorph. The boost in resting metabolism from training doesn't last long. For someone with a naturally slow metabolism, the only way to keep it elevated is with a high frequency of training.

Increase your training duration

Losing fat all boils down to burning calories. You must burn more calories than you consume each day. The most obvious way to burn more calories is to do your cardio for a longer duration. 20 minutes is the recommended starting point for effective fat burning, but for the endomorph, this is seldom enough. 20 minutes is a maintenance workout for endomorphs. For maximum fat loss I recommend 30-45 minutes of continuous aerobic activity and in some instances it may be necessary to go as long as 60 minutes until a goal is achieved. Go back to the 20-minute workouts for maintenance only after you reach your goal.

Avoid over-sleeping.

Endomorphs should avoid excessive sleep. They should be early risers. The chances are good that if you're an endomorph, you are not an early riser and you often have the urge to hit snooze and go back to sleep. Resist this urge. Getting up early for morning cardio is one of the best strategies for the endomorph.

Watch Less TV

Any pastimes or hobbies that glue your rear end to a couch are not the preferred option for an endomorph, especially if you also spend 40 hours or more behind a desk each week. This means you should replace as much TV watching as possible with physical recreation or exercise (unless your workout machine is parked in front of the TV and you're on it).

Use metabolism-stimulating exercise

Weight training exercises that utilize large muscle groups like the back and legs are extremely effective for stimulating the metabolism and for stimulating the hormones that increase fat burning. High rep compound leg exercises (squats, lunges, leg presses, etc) are particularly effective for this purpose. Toning classes, yoga, pilates and similar activities have some fantastic benefits, but for the endomorph, this type of activity is NOT the ideal way to lower body fat. Participate in these activities as a supplement to your regular weights and cardio, but not by themselves.

Always be on the lookout for something to motivate and inspire you.

Endomorphs sometimes lack motivation, especially in the beginning. The solution is to be on the constant lookout for anything and everything to motivate and inspire you. Read biographies. Watch the Olympics, get a training partner, read motivational books, hire a trainer or personal coach, re-write your goals every single day, or enter a before and after fitness contest. Stay pumped up and fired up!

Restrict carbohydrates, but never remove them completely

The endomorph nutrition strategy leans towards higher protein (and slightly higher fat) diet with more moderate carbohydrates (Similar to a "Zone" diet). This is necessary because most endomorphs tend to be carbohydrate sensitive. People with normal carbohydrate metabolisms can consume up to 50-60% of their total calories from carbohydrates and stay lean, while endomorphs will tend to get fat eating this many carbohydrates.

Keep cheat meals to only once per week

Endomorphs have very unforgiving metabolisms. They cannot "cheat" frequently and get away with it. One or two cheat meals per week seem to be the limit. Poor daily habits or frequent cheat days always seem to set them back. Cheat days should be reserved for special occasions or as well-deserved rewards for a week of great training and nutrition.

Be consistent and persistent

The endomorph loses body fat more slowly than ectomorphs or mesomorphs. Therefore, endomorphs must be very consistent and diligent in eating and exercise habits 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year. Going on and off diet and exercise programs will never work for the endomorph. Endomorphs will lose body fat just like everyone else, but it almost always takes a little longer. The results will come, but not without time and effort. Patience is a virtue all endomorphs must cultivate.

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ADHD Behavioral Modification - Awareness Training

In the area of managing ADHD behavior management there are three basic options; behavioral therapy, cognitive behavior therapy, and awareness training. In this informational article titled "ADHD Behavior Modification" we will be discussing awareness training.


The ADHD personality is a complex mix of productive and unproductive behavioral attributes. The key is minimizing or change the problematic ones and maximizing the productive ones. It is as if this type of personality is constantly performing a circus high wire act. It they can just stay balanced long enough to get to the other side they will be successful in managing their condition. The problem lies in the fact that with such challenging symptoms as inattention, distractibility, impulsivity, and hyperactivity it is almost impossible to make it without falling off. Think about it this way, if you lose your balance only to regain your footing you will eventually make it to the other side.


Awareness training is an attempt to get the ADHD personality to think in the here and now. There are many different forms of this promising technique. Part of the broad ranging appeal of awareness training is that it can benefit almost alone. This form of behavioral management is most effective when a coach is involved.


There are many ways to increase awareness. You may remember the old martial arts movies where the student was blindfolded and taught to grab the renegade fly. While this extreme teaching method seems outlandish it does fit the basic criteria of ADHD behavioral modification. Now, let's move on to more tangible awareness techniques.


* Meditation - The ADHD personality has a busy mind, moving from thought to though in rapid fashion. They have trouble staying focused and love to start new projects only to leave them unfinished. The goal of meditation is to slow the number of thoughts down to a trickle allowing you to eventually focus on one thought at a time. Focus on slow relaxed breathing and releasing those unwanted thoughts. You may be surprised how quickly you are able to identify and overcome some of the more common ADHD symptoms.


* Yoga - Yoga has helped people become more aware of themselves and their surrounding for hundred of years. If you can find a coach who both understands ADHD and yoga this approach could prove to be very beneficial.


There are many other mind/body therapies such as Tai chi, sensory integration and certain martial arts that would be good alternatives as well. Ultimately, your goal is to focus your attention on how you feel, what you think, and how you act. Understanding these issues will prove helpful in determining where you behavior comes from and giving you the information needed to formulate a plan to change it.


Additionally, many people with ADHD are choosing to combine the benefits of behavioral modification with alternative remedies for ADHD. These natural ADHD remedies are very safe and have been shown to be effective in addressing such common ADHD symptoms as inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity and are an option worth considering.

R.D. Hawkins is an enthusiastic advocate of alternative natural health products and supplements with over 10 years experience. To learn more about homeopathic natural health visit Purchase

Designing a Plan to Become a Yoga Teacher, Part 2

Many of the "quickly certified" Yoga teachers, come to a realization and later join other Yoga teacher programs to be re-educated, and re-certified again, because they, themselves, did not learn about contraindications, modifications, working with special populations (senior citizens, children, students with ailments, less flexible students, handicapped, etc.), Yoga methodology, and a multitude of other previously mentioned Yoga subjects.

Unfortunately, these Yoga teachers are often trained to teach Yoga as an exercise program by learning a dozen or two dozen asanas, and not much beyond this. The fact is, Yoga is much more than an exercise program. Yoga is the most complete health maintenance system known to mankind, with a lineage of thousands of years. Whole health needs to be addressed by much more than an exercise program.

On-site training is not cheap and can vary from the low $2000.00 range to very expensive. When you consider travel, lodging, and all of the expenses involved a typical Yoga teacher training may well cost you $6000.00 or more. Does anyone offer Yoga teacher interns a guarantee? Not often, and as of today, I only know of only one guaranteed Yoga teacher training course in existence.

On the other hand, Yoga teacher correspondence courses are much more reasonable, but can vary in the number of study hours and overall quality. For example: A forty hour Yoga course is just not enough time for anyone to safely learn to teach Yoga students. Once again, you should research the syllabus and get a complete Yoga teacher training course.

If you are considering a Yoga teacher correspondence course, you should have sufficient knowledge of Yoga. Also, make sure that customer service is always a priority to the Yoga teacher training center after the sale has been made to the Yoga teacher intern. If you call during business hours and get a live person who answers your questions diplomatically, that will give you some indication of the technical service you should expect.

While you are at it, make sure that you are calling a Yoga teacher training center and not a "diploma house." If they certify everything from pet sitting to web design, what do you think they really know about teaching Yoga?

Once you have received the study material, there will undoubtedly be questions, concerns, or need for further assistance, via email, or telephone, from the intern who has purchased the Yoga teacher course. Make sure you get answers if you are "stuck" during your Yoga teacher internship.

What are your goals in regard to your Yogic career? Plan long term and short term goals, but add your continuing education to both lists. At least, make it a point to read Yoga books and watch Yoga DVD's. Audio books are handy too.

What is your estimated time frame to become a Yoga teacher? All you have to do is pencil in a realistic deadline. It does not have to be tomorrow and the idea should not create any stress. You should have fun, and "enjoy the journey," when you are working toward your goal of teaching Yoga.

What kind of salary can you expect to earn as a Yoga teacher? If you are looking at an hourly rate, anywhere from $35 to $120 is about right in North America.

There are many factors involved in pricing, such as demographics and demand. If a Fortune 500 company hires you to teach Yoga, or stress management, to their executive staff, you know the price should reflect your preparation and travel time.

Lastly, if you feel the calling to teach Yoga, please do the following. Write your plans down, take action, and go after your goal of becoming a Yoga teacher. The public needs more compassionate Yoga instructors and the job is very rewarding.

© Copyright 2006 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard is a co-owner and the director of Yoga teacher training at: Aura Wellness Center, in North Providence, RI. He has been a certified Master Yoga teacher since 1995. He is a master instructor of martial arts, with multiple Black Belts, four martial arts teaching credentials, and was recently inducted into the USA Martial Arts Hall of Fame. He teaches Yoga, martial arts, and fitness to children, adults, and seniors in the greater Providence area. Recently he wrote: Is Running a Yoga Business Right for You? For Yoga students, who may be considering a new career as a Yoga teacher.

Find Out the Best Massage Courses

Massaging as a form of therapy generally implies the manipulation of the superficial muscular layer to enhance the function of the muscle and treat various muscular problems. The health care industry is finding more openings for people who are qualified in Physical Therapy courses. These physical therapy courses are beneficial for those who wish to pursue the subject professionally.

The growing popularity of Massage Courses

The availability of a person duly qualified in massage techniques is rare. There is tremendous scope for success in this field. If you have an interest in pain and injury treatment, courses like the National Qualification Certificate are easily available. A qualified person with knowledge of physiology or even an unqualified person may pursue this course. If you are a nurse, a physiotherapist or a massage therapist, these courses can prove to be very helpful in getting you a recognized certificate. You may work either in a private practice, sporting teams or injury clinics. These massage courses will enable you to work as a qualified therapist and offer treatment for soft tissue or muscular pain or injury.

Receiving Physical Therapist Training and its benefits

There are many courses which are available in terms of physical therapy. These help in developing the skill of the person even further. There are two levels of course which are typically present in this arena. These include certificate courses and higher diplomas which are offered by some institutes. With the help of these, one can get physical therapist training. The qualification which you will get after the completion of this course is that of a Neuromuscular physical therapist. The possession of a higher diploma will get you recognized as an advanced practitioner in the field. This training as a physical therapist training is extremely important for practising as an Orthopedic Specialist, Chartered physiotherapist and a sports medicine practitioner.

Future after pursuing Sports Massage Courses

As sports are gaining prominence in the worldwide arena, the need for qualified sports massage experts is increasing. Most teams and individual players require some form of therapy to obtain relief from their sport related injuries or pain. Here the role of a sports massage expert becomes important. If you wish to go into this, there are many sports massage courses which you may be able to pursue. These courses are available with most leading training centres.

Pilates Courses, Pilates training and Pilates Teacher Training

Pilates has made its way into most popular workout regimes. It is growing popular and is being practised by many people in the same way as yoga or even aerobics. Pilates courses Dublin offers you the opportunity to possess a professional qualification as a Pilates instructor. The basics of the courses include Pilates training which equip you with the appropriate skills and knowledge which are required. If you want to become a personal trainer or a fitness instructor, courses for Pilates teacher training are good options to get started.

Physical therapy and fitness training are the emerging fields in the healthcare industry. These are good career options if you plan to become a qualified physical therapist or an instructor.

This article was submitted by Simona Rusnakova, SEO consultant of, on behalf of National Training Centre - providing Fitness Courses Dublin, Pilates Courses, Sports Massage Courses, Personal Trainer Certification.

Yoga Teacher Training Aspects - Communication

The higher value of respectful and courteous communication, between a Yoga teacher and his or her students, cannot be understated. A harmonious classroom is the ultimate learning center for all students, as well as teachers.

There are rare moments when Yoga instructors refuse questions, but let's look at a possible reason. Perhaps a teacher was once "mentally tested" by a student during class time. Some students have no respect for their teachers, because they see no value in the subject. Arrogance is the reward of the ignorant.

Does this justify a Yoga teacher's refusal to answer questions? In short - No, because you cannot let one relationship taint all of your future relationships. People are not the same.

We cannot take it out on the world because we had one difficult person upset us. On the other hand, just like everyone else, Yoga instructors are human too. We all make mistakes, and one moment is not an indication of our imprint on this lifetime. Yet, people will easily remember our worst behavior.

With that said, there are many more possibilities. Perhaps the Yoga instructor is the one who is arrogant. We could blame the Yoga teacher training facility, by insisting, "The apple doesn't fall too far from the tree." Yet, an elitist or egotistical mindset is usually cultivated from within. History has a few exceptions, but in the end, all of us have to accept the responsibility for our actions, whether they are good or bad.

There are some underlying problems when a Yoga instructor refuses to answer questions during class. The teacher has probably not taken the time to be aware of each students needs. Student health, contraindications, and modification to postures, may take a "back seat," if a Yoga instructor refuses to communicate.

All this leads to one common thread: A Yoga class is unsafe, when the instructor is self-absorbed. The agenda has most likely become a "workout" for the teacher, and students are allowed to "come along for the ride." It is interesting to see how many students, of any subject, are attracted to teachers who could care less about student safety or welfare.

Luckily, there are extremely few Yoga instructors who are self-absorbed. When you are going through the Yoga instructor certification process, there is a certain "magic" to the experience. As you continue to teach Yoga, you still want to capture the magic and share it with your students.

© Copyright 2008 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of Yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. He has been a certified Master Yoga Teacher since 1995. To receive a Free Yoga e-Book: "Yoga in Practice," and a Free Yoga Newsletter, please visit:

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

6 Reasons Yoga Benefits Weight Loss

Yoga has become a prominent part of many popular workout routines. It's commonly touted as a cure for everything from stiff joints to breathing problems. But will yoga help you lose weight?

Sitting on a mat and meditating seems counter-intuitive to someone who wants to build strength and shed pounds.

But yoga has been given a thoroughly modern makeover. Now you can work up a sweat while you learn to get your body and mind in synch.

Here are some of the ways yoga can help you lose weight and increase your sense of wellbeing.

1. Vinyasa yoga burns calories.

Also known as "flow yoga" or "ashtanga yoga", vinyasa yoga is a physically active form of yoga that increases the heart rate and sends the body into fat-burning mode.

Vinyasa yoga sends the practitioner through a series of poses known as sun salutations.

These poses are held for several breaths, and then the practitioner flows into the next pose in the series. Vinyasa yoga is frequently combined with other cardio exercises, like walking, for a balanced weight loss routine.

2. Yoga puts you in touch with your body.

When you practice yoga, you learn to clear your mind of the distractions that prevent you from really listening to your body. By getting back in touch with your needs, you can learn to differentiate between hunger and cravings.

The more you learn about your body and its amazing abilities, the more you will want to take care of it by avoiding junk food and radical diets.

3. Yoga reduces stress.

Yoga is a real stress-buster. By practicing mindful breathing and quiet meditation, you can bring your mind and body to a peaceful state. This decreases anxiety and can even reduce your body's production of the stress hormone cortisol.

Cortisol sends our bodies into self-preservation mode, which translates to increased fat storage, especially in the abdominal area.

Learn to relax and breathe during yoga, and you will eventually learn to incorporate those skills into the rest of your life.

4. Power yoga improves strength and flexibility.

Power yoga is a westernized version of vinyasa yoga that combines sun salutations with stretching, strength training, and intense bursts of cardio.

This produces a stronger heart and more lean muscle mass. Since muscle burns more calories than fat, power yoga can help you burn more calories even at rest. That's a great way to speed up your weight loss.

5. Hot yoga provides quick, temporary weight loss.

Hot yoga really makes you sweat. It's like regular vinyasa yoga, but it takes place in a sauna or other hot surroundings.

As you can guess, the quick weight loss comes from shedding water weight.

While this is not a good long-term strategy, it can give you a good workout and help you look more svelte before a special occasion. Just be prepared to regain those few pounds once you get rehydrated.

6. Yoga makes you mindful.

Perhaps one of the most valuable lessons yoga teaches us is the lesson of mindfulness. Yoga practitioners learn how to be "in the moment", focusing on their breathing and their posture rather than worrying about work, family, or other stressors.

You can apply this mindfulness to your weight loss plan as well. Learn to focus on your food and your enjoyment rather than choking down your meals while watching TV.

By taking your time and keeping your mind on your meal, you will tend to eat less and be more satisfied.

Yoga can benefit your weight loss plan in many ways. You can add yoga to your routine by finding a class near you, or renting a yoga DVD from your public library.

Remember: if one style of yoga doesn't suit your needs, there are many more to try.

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Yoga Works

Yes Yoga Works!

Many people have heard of yoga but fewer have tried it. Most people who try it find that it is wonderful and they get a wide range of benefits from it. Others try it and for some reason they have the wrong teacher for them at that time, or it is a style of yoga which doesn't work for their body and they give up on it. Other don't try it at all because they feel apprehensive about attending a class on their own or in case yoga is something a bit weird and mythical.

For the people who find Yoga the journey just gets better for the regular practice of yoga brings a load of health benefits. You tend to sleep better, breathe better, have more energy, tone your body and calm down - all from the regular practice of doing some postures. Of course having a good teacher to help you do the postures, or asanas as they are known within yoga circles, is a wonderful gift. Teachers are well trained and they will compile a lovely flow of asanas designed to take your body through a range of motions such as a forward bend, backward bend, spinal twist, an inversion and the ever popular relaxation posture. It is harder to achieve this kind of flow when you are taking yourself through a series of postures. A well run class will leave you feeling relaxed, refreshed and ready for the day - or the evening if it is a later class. Good teachers will vary their routines according to the time of day. Yoga came from the tradition of self realisation where monks wished to make contact with the divine and needed to build strong, flexible and healthy bodies in order to do the amount of prayer and meditation needed to travel within their own psyches and reach somewhere wonderful and spiritual. Because of this it is always very helpful in aiding people calm, centre and develop a higher level of self awareness.

Most people these days use Yoga as a fitness programme and it works well in that format. Doing some of the more active forms of Yoga such as Ashtanga or Bikram or Iyengar will certainly keep you fit and healthy. Other more gentle forms of Yoga are equally valuable and have slightly more impact on the mastery of the mind and calming of the spirit than the active ones do but nevertheless keep a body supple and toned.

For people who had a more negative first experience with yoga or who are worried about attending a class in case it is 'strange' I urge you to think again. Yoga is a holistic way to work with your body and health and is worth pursuing. Give it another try. Find another class. Speak to people who attend other classes and I am sure you will find a Yoga to suit you. Then you can really enjoy the benefits of an ancient practice but with a modern twist.

Find out about Restorative Yoga by attending workshops such as the 'Rising of the Phoenix' and then use it yourself at home as part of your self help regime. You will find it quite amazing in its effects.

Restorative Yoga Workshops and more information about how to use this form of self healing can be found on Restorative Yoga and Yin Yoga. The Fifty, Fit and Fabulous programme provides a step by step approach to wellbeing through holistic care and is outlined on these sites.

P90X Yoga For Women

This article explains the P90X Yoga routine which is a part of the P90X workout program.

The P90X yoga routine is not the ordinary body soothing, calming and meditative yoga. This is a power punched yoga program that is repetitive, flexing and stretching yoga routine. The program deploys the standard yoga techniques for breathing, inhaling and exhaling but the yoga poses are not meant for just building flexibility but to gain the firmness and toning of the body. The yoga here is not about the body mind connect but about body stretch and push. The various yoga positions like the Frog position or the Arch or the Heel Calf Stretch are not as easy as it may seem.

The P90X yoga program is normally practiced on day 4 and to that extent is a little lighter session after the first 3 rigorous days of the P90X program. P90X yoga works on the endurance of the muscles and also encourages postures that allow the balance of the body on muscular body parts such as legs and hands. This means that it forces the body to concentrate because balancing your body cannot happen unless the mind and body are in sync. The other benefit of the P90X yoga is that it is directly focusing on body strength and hence is physically more demanding and builds stamina and agility, both. Women especially like the P90X yoga because it gives them smooth body curves and also eliminates the flab and loose body tissues that hang about.

This is not an ordinary yoga routine with smooth body movements. This is more a workout that is based on the principles of inhalation and exhaling via the yoga standards. The P90X yoga program fits with the overall spirit of the program and builds to create muscle confusion or avoiding the standard and the predictable. This simple aspect makes P90X yoga a very different style of practice than the better known meditative Yoga. P90X yoga is an extensive program and helps to build muscle strength.

Some people complain that they cannot hold the poses prescribed in the P90X program of Yoga because they are not easy poses. It is recommended that these people buy what are called Yoga blocks because these are small brick like blocks which help the people to balance and gain stability as they smarten up their moves in P90X yoga which is Yoga with that extra something - usually called the X factor. p90x yoga is not a set of coordinated body movements along with breathing but a set of strong muscle confusing and endurance building routines.

Personal Trainer Salary - How to Beat the Averages

If approximately 75% of personal trainers make less than $50,000, how can you be one of the few who makes more than $50,000? First determine if you will work part time or full time. If you have 20 hours per week to work, then you have seven ways to maximize your part time salary. If you can work full time, you have even more options, but these are a great start.

1. Diversity! If you serve a particular group, ask them what other products and services they want. Anyone can sell fitness balls as desk chairs but what about special hair dresser scissors if all your clients are hair dressers? Be creative and make sure you are providing more value to your clients than you are asking in return - they'll love you for it!

2. Raise your rates! Are you charging too little? Your clients will value your service less if you charge too little. Understand your market. You may feel like underpricing to get established, but it can really backfire on you.

3. Teach a Special Class: Boot camp, Cycling, Higher number of participants, price like yoga studio.

4. Train More Clients per Session. If beginners no more than 3. If you've worked with them and they understand all of your instructions, up to 6. They like discount, you'll enjoy more $.

5. Work More Hours. If you're working less than 20 hours a week, you are seeing too few clients to get the critical word of mouth buzz you need for your advertising ROI to be positive.

6. Focus on Intensity. Create more intense workouts. Intensity, force applied in specific manner for specific duration. Train more clients per hour. Intensity allows you to reduce 60 minutes, 45 minutes, 40 minutes, and 30 minutes without sacrificing quality.

7. Hire Staff! You need to spend time training clients. Hire staff, interns and future PTs to answer your calls, set appointments and even perform initial evaluations and or trial sessions. Eventually your may need them to perform the first few sessions with a client to get the client up to speed.

-Kate McKeon

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Yoga Teacher Training Aspects - Your Personal Commitment to Physical Health

If you teach any form of Yoga, you are expected to be a living example of good health. This can be easy for some and a daunting task for others. Any one of us could suffer from any one of the multitudes of ailments or diseases, while living a healthy lifestyle.

When students see you for the first time, they make initial judgments. Whether it is right or wrong, people make judgments. Bearing this in mind, Yoga teachers should be eating correctly, cross training, getting a good night's sleep, and abstaining from bad health habits.

Body weight is difficult to control; especially if you have reached middle age. As a result, your diet and physical activities should be regulated according to your present weight. Walking, jogging, or swimming, should be part of your daily routine.

How much cross training is necessary? This depends on your present body weight, your blood pressure, and the condition of your heart. Some studies recommend walking 10,000 steps per day.

You could log this in by using a pedometer. It has also been discovered that moderate intensity exercises, such as: Swimming, biking, walking briskly, or dancing, are also of great benefit to our overall physical health.

The most important thing is to take part in physical activities, which you find stimulating. In good weather, a brisk walk outside is a wise habit. Granted, there are machines, which are designed for moderate intensity exercise. The elliptical trainer is a good example of such a machine.

Eating correctly, and moderately, should be no mystery to any of us. The Sattvic, or Yogic Diet, has plenty of solutions for weight control. One thing to consider is that raw vegetables, fruits, and water, are of extreme value to your physical health.

© Copyright 2008 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of Yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. He has been a certified Master Yoga Teacher since 1995. To receive a Free Yoga e-Book: "Yoga in Practice," and a Free Yoga Newsletter, please visit:

What is Shiatsu Massage

There are a multitude of massage techniques. Knowing what a massage technique is or what it can do for you is sometimes confusing. One of the more popular massage techniques is Shiatsu massage. We will see what it is and how it works.

Shiatsu derives from both the ancient healing art of acupuncture and from the traditional form of Japanese massage, amma. Shiatsu is a Japanese word: "shi" meaning finger, and "atsu" meaning pressure and is based on acupressure. It can be likened to acupuncture without needles - using finger and thumb pressure instead. Shiatsu can be done through light clothes or directly on the skin.

Shiatsu balances the body's QI (energy, or life force) to keep your body's systems in perfect harmony. The goal of each of the different types of Shiatsu being practiced, Zen shiatsu, tsubo point therapy, shiatsu massage, and water shiatsu "watsu", is balancing energy flow. Shiatsu can also stimulate the healing of specific injuries and improve symptoms of poor health such as chronic pain, soreness, stress, insomnia and other conditions that are not effectively treated by Western medical practices.

In shiatsu therapy, practitioners can promote the prevention and recovery of illnesses by stimulating the immune system and natural healing power that people already possess without treating a specific problem. Treating the body as a whole, so they say, helps to restore the physical functions of the nervous system, circulatory system, bone structure, muscles, and internal secretion and stimulates the whole of the mind and body to find harmony. Skilled shiatsu practitioners can contribute considerably to regional health and medical treatments.

Shiatsu can help you if you experience any of the following conditions: anxiety, stress, jet lag, back pain, sciatica, neck and shoulder tension, headaches, insomnia, depression, digestive disorders, PMT or low energy levels. Shiatsu can be very helpful for postural and muscular-skeletal problems and stress related conditions. Shiatsu can be beneficial for people of all ages from infant to elderly. It can also help to create improved body awareness and ease childbirth. The mother, birth partner or midwife can also use shiatsu in labor.

Zen Shiatsu teaches that the abdomen reflects conditions of health and un-health in the body and that we can influence our health directly by massaging and self-massaging our abdomen (self-hara). Self-Hara is part of Do-In, a self-therapy that involves principles of Shiatsu and self-massage. In the practice of shiatsu, each person is primarily responsible for his or her own health and well-being and immunity towards all disease.

Barefoot shiatsu used mostly in Shiatsu and Thai massage modalities, which includes walking on the person's back, leg, and feet, are commonly practiced. It also uses techniques such as rolling, brushing, vibrating, grasping and in one particular technique developed by Suzuki Yamamoto, pressure is applied with the feet on the persons back, legs and feet (special set up is required for the "foot" Ashiatsu). Thai similar to acupressure and shiatsu combined with stretch movements and yoga positions.

Watsu is the combination of hydrotherapy and shiatsu developed by Harold Dull. The work entails much movement in the water and practitioners believe that it incorporates the activation of the energy lines derived from shiatsu.

Early on, George Balanchine, Ivan Nagy, Martha Graham and many other dancers experienced regular shiatsu sessions to relieve their pains and restore and maintain their vitality. It is well known that Liza Minnelli and Henry Kissinger have received shiatsu treatments to promote and maintain good health.

Massage Therapy can be relaxing and extremely beneficial for your health. If you are interested in massage therapy as a profession or you are a massage therapist and want to increase your business, you can find out how at Amen Massage.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

An Alternative to Aging

Springtime and summer in all its abundance! A time of rebirth and blossoming all around us. Life energy flowing, first slowly, building imperceptibly, as we impatiently wait for the buds to blossom. We know the life force is rising and we want to see it in all its glory: the green, the flowers, the Earth rejoicing! How reassuring that nature is abundantly alive after such a long dormant winter, year after reassuring year. We too, are that. How long have parts of us remained dormant, just waiting to burst forth and blossom?

Yoga itself is a process of unfoldment. For centuries, one of the symbols of yoga has been the thousand petaled lotus, unfolding unfolding, unfolding; reaching deeper and deeper within. As we begin a yoga practice, the first challenge is to overcome the mental and emotional resistance to our inertia, getting our own life force flowing. We challenge the physical limitations of lack of strength and flexibility we feel after perhaps a long period of dormancy. The process of moving comfortably into and out of the poses, maintaining a consistent breathing rhythm and focusing the mind is our process of tuning into the flow of our own life energy. Patience is required, but that flow of life is as surely there within us as it is in nature's springtime. Its our own personal springtime waiting for us to encourage our life force energy to rise and bloom into summer flower.

Just as different types of plants thrive in different conditions, so do each of us relate differently to different styles of yoga. There are as many different teaching styles as there are yoga teachers. Even those trained in the same traditions bring their own special approach to their classes. Shop around for a yoga teacher that feels nurturing to you and encourages you to unfold at your own pace, in your own way. As we master the physical challenges of yoga, we are also diving deeper into ourselves. The physical yoga is really only the beginning of opening the many layers of petals of our own personal lotus.

We, ourselves, are full of surprises. Our blossoming takes many forms, and a consistent yoga practice can be the springtime nurturing that brings hidden areas of our unfoldment into the summer sunshine. Focused and grounded in our physical form, we can integrate and balance the other areas of our lives into a blossoming of our true potential, an expression of our own powerful, peaceful, precious life paths.

Should You Be Doing Interval Training?

You have probably heard of interval training, and if you have not, certainly the P90x, "Burst" training, H.I.T. (high intensity intervals,) training, and similar programs have been brought to your attention. These programs talk about shortening workout times and ramping up the intensity level in order to burn more fat, get in shape quicker, and get "the body you've always dreamed of in record time."

So how effective is it in molding the body you're after? Interval training is an effective way to train, but regardless of what name it goes by (or program) it is the same concept which has been used for decades by athletes all over the world. The athlete trains at an intensity up to, matching or exceeding competition levels for short periods of time, followed by active recovery or complete rest, and repeating this cycle for the prescribed time.

For example, a long distance runner may incorporate a max effort sprint for 30 seconds several times during training runs, followed by steady pace running, and again by several minutes of faster paced, but not max effort running. This type of training for runners increases power and VO2 max which help them push strongly through the end of a race, or during difficult phases of it.

Another example would be high intensity intervals for wrestlers, boxers, or MMA fighters. These athletes must simulate the environment they are competing in. To do this, high intensity rounds of 5-10 minutes focusing on isometric strength, strength-endurance, and increasing anaerobic power are vital to their success.

Considering how widely used it is, intervals must be the only way to go, right? Yes and no. In one sense, a person doing intense workouts like these are encouraging a powerful training response in their body if they are working hard enough. The body goes into oxygen debt, the muscles are broken down, and for several hours or days afterward, it works hard to recover. It is this response that burns additional calories after the workout.

Also, studies sited in the NSCA's performance training journal, as well as those by Tabata, et. al, have shown that in the short term, this type of workout can elicit a positive aerobic response; mainly by increasing your VO2 max, or max oxygen volume intake.

There are some considerations to be made though. First of all, if you are training for long distances, intervals do not replace the training effect of the so-called 'long, boring cardio.' A program can be enhanced with them, but the physiology of the human body demands extended cardiovascular training to be able to go long distances.

Second, if you are doing short, intense bursts of training the way the Tabata study subjects did, and the way most commercial programs encourage, the body will be seriously taxed, and it needs time to recover. Going high intensity every day will burn you out and stop your progress, or worse, you will overtrain.

As with most good things, too many high intensity interval sessions can be a bad thing. To make it work for you, balance the routine with steady state or low-intensity exercise such as gentle yoga, walking, or relaxed swimming. Above all, schedule plenty of rest to allow the body to recover, adapt and continue to make progress.

Chris Montgomery is constantly developing new workouts and workout tools, from the straightforward to the bizarre. Research has been done on any products being endorsed in these articles, either through purchase and testing of the product, or diligent application of the same principles. For more articles and fitness adventure stories, visit him at

Yoga Education - Additional Study With Your Education

Yoga education in India represented so far merely by a few yogic postures and breathing exercises, is taking a step towards a more formalized structure. A ninety year old yoga institute in Mumbai is working to create a formal course that, if adopted, can impart yoga education to students from class I to the undergraduate level. The institute recently presented its case, to include yoga in school curriculum, to the health and education ministry officials at a seminar in Delhi.

There is a need to rescue yoga education from institutes that have restricted its scope to mere postures and breathing exercises. In reality, it is the science of a basic value system which if imparted to children in a proper way can lead to their holistic development.

Besides the basic set of asanas and pranayams, yoga teaches its students how to live life. If children can be taught yoga as a part of their school curriculum, there will no longer be a need for psychologists, counselors and self help books.

But seeing as how this value system is essentially considered a part of Hindu philosophy, will that not affect a school's so called secular outlook? The basic value system that we are proposing though the curriculum includes general precepts universally applicable to enhance a child's personality like self analysis, peace, faith, tranquility, co-operation and performing one's duties.

The problem comes when these precepts are imparted with certain techniques that are core to Hindu philosophy, like humming the sound of OM. However, the curriculum that we are proposing does not include these techniques and leaves out Vedanta philosophy.

On how a child will relate to these concepts, which are considered philosophical in nature - yoga talks about joyful learning and based on this, we have proposed an indirect method of teaching through nature, stories and games to train children in controlling their mind from a young age.

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