Saturday, July 6, 2013

The Skinny on Weight Lifting - Bulking Vs Toning - Get the Beach Body Look

The theory that tone is achieved by lifting light weight, with higher repetitions, has been debunked over and over again. Still many men and women hoping to achieve the beach body look, oppose to a body building physique, claim to have a genetic predisposition to bulking up. And you know what, I believe them. However, I still advice no more than 15 reps a set.

The thing is, many people do indeed put on mass more easily than others. It's actually quite difficult to gain inches in muscle. A 1/2 inch increase in the bicep, for example can take up to eight weeks on a new exerciser to achieve. Not to mention building muscle also involves a lot more eating, and sometimes even that is not enough.

I've noticed throughout my years as a personal trainer it's hardly the amount of muscle that disturbs people. I can promise that you will never wake up one day looking like The Incredible Hulk. It's the way the actual muscle looks, that is the problem.

When we lift weights, the muscle contracts. This tightening effect produces a shorter, bulkier physique, instead of slender and lean one. The simple, skinny solution: Stretching and cardio.

Muscle grows and takes shape by contracting and lengthening. If you are only lifting (contracting, shortening) and not stretching (lengthening, elongating) you are only getting half the result!

Take a look at a yoga body. A person that only performs body weight exercises, and a lot of stretches, such as an Ashtanga yoga student or a marathon runner, will develop very long and thin, or "stringy" muscles, whereas a body builder has stock and bulk.

Combining all of three disciplines will develop the beach body look:

-Build muscle from weight lifting, to increase metabolism, protect bones, joints and ligaments, and to tone.

-You need cardiovascular activity for your heart, lungs and fat all-over burn.

-Finally, stretching brings it all together. It has a big place in physique development. Not to mention the wellness component to a fitness regimen. It's relaxing, and protects your body from the pain and stress that vigorous exercise places on it.

In short, don't blame the weight lifting, or lift little weights to tone out. Balance your exercise routine with the primary components of fitness: Weight lifting, cardiovascular activity and flexibility training.

Train Smart!

Kaleena Lawless
Personal Training Specialist

Social Blog - How to Maximize Your Earning Potential

If you are self-employed with any kind of business; real estate, insurance, massage therapy, yoga training, sports gym, restaurant, network business or any kind of specialty service, business or ARE missing out on potential clients and business income if you do not have a Social Blog.

Social Media is HOT right now and will continue to be in the future as platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, etc. continue to grow with an immense number of new members on a daily wide. Social Media is here to why not be a part of it?

Here are a few reasons why it is critical for business owners to have a Social Blog:

Having a social blog brings your business credibility to an entire new level by automatically positioning you as an expert in your niche. This gives you the leveraging power to successfully market and sell your services, products or business opportunity.
A social blog is better than a static website...why?...because a blog is fresh, interactive and more "alive" than a static website that can't be updated or changed on a daily basis. You want to update your blog on a regular basis with content that has value in your niche so that people will automatically want to follow you and keep returning to your blog when you post new, valuable content.
A social blog will be the central hub for all of your social media marketing. As you come across new potential customers through the social media networks...your blog will become their first impression of you and your business. Blogging is all about giving free content that is relevant to your niche. You want your content to be interesting and inspiring so that people will come back to your blog for more in the future. When posting your content...ask yourself these questions: Does my content build relationships? Does my web presence create trust in people? Do I make it easy for people to buy from me?
With social media marketing, a social blog is the hub of your online presence...this is where you want to drive all of your traffic to from the social media networks. On your blog it is CRITICAL to have an opt-in form to capture your potential customers by asking them to enter their name and email is best if you can offer some sort of free give away in exchange for them opting in. This is going to build "Your List."....and the MONEY IS IN THE LIST!
On your social blog you can have multiple income streams positioned, allowing you to earn passive income literally while you sleep! (yes, you can!) Your blog becomes your personal STORE front where you can showcase your own products, services, affiliate products or business opportunities. "The List" that you are building becomes a back-end income stream that you can use to email offers to your potential customers...who already know who you are because of your blog. And isn't it easier to sell to people who already know, like and trust you?

Blogging and Social Media are FREE!

So why not get started today with your own Social Blog.

Janice J. Charles is an active Real Estate Professional with 20 years in the industry and she is also an online Internet Marketing Pro and Mentor. Her passion is teaching Business owners and Self-employed people how to market their businesses online THEMSELVES without spending a fortune. You can get FREE video training on Social Media Marketing, just visit:

Rapid Fat Loss - What Works

What works in rapid fat loss are stress management, healthy eating habits, and interval training. These are effective easy methods to achieving rapid fat loss, and it works!

Stress has a way of storing body fat into our system. When we are in a stressful situation, the body releases a hormone called Cortisol, which takes the fat and calories in our body and stores it in our belly. The body fat is then stored in the belly to be used at a future time. Increased belly fat also increases the risk of stroke, heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes.

Stress removal activities like deep breathing, tai chi, yoga and meditation are all great ways to manage stress and help us remove it.

Healthy habits in eating are great ways to control our caloric intake. By controlling and avoiding fatty foods, processed foods and sodas, we are better able to avoid the high calories of these foods and not overeat. If our body is not able to burn the calories of the high calorie foods, it is converted to body fat and stored away on the body.

Eating 5-6 times a day helps provide you with energy throughout the day and give you a way to watch your caloric intake. By watching your calories, you will be better able to burn the calories and burn fat.

Interval training kick starts our metabolism by forcing the muscle to train at a higher intensity. The greater intensity forces the muscles to use more energy, which results in more fat being burned.

The high intensity interval training forces the muscles to work harder. The greater activity of the muscles causes a build up of waste products and causes the body to bring oxygen to repair the muscles and remove the waste products from the muscles. The increased metabolic activity of muscles remain active and continue even after the physical activity is over.

Stress management, healthy eating habits and interval training are what work in rapid fat loss. These simple methods will jump start your system and give you the results of rapid fat loss.

If you want to burn fat and fix joints the right way, please visit:

P90X- The Essentials

If you're thinking about doing P90X I highly recommend that you take considerable time in evaluating your current physical state. P90X IS extreme and does require a large amount of devotion and demands that you be in decent shape to begin with. If you haven't worked out in years or feel you may be unable to perform the difficult exercises in P90X I would recommend trying another of Beachbody's less extreme products such as Power90.

That being said, if you're ready for P90X here's what I recommend having:

Some type of pull up bar, the one that Beachbody sells is great and allows for multiple pull up positions which you'll need.
A yoga or plyo mat. These can be purchased almost anywhere including Beachbody's website. I highly recommend this as it is helpful on yoga and plyometrics and I actually use it for all my workouts.
Dumbbell set or resistance bands-  I have both, I'm used to using the dumbbells but I have used the resistance bands and they work fine, on some exercises they actually work better than dumbbells.
Lastly, you'll need any area with your TV and DVD player that has adequate room to maneuver and perform the required exercises. My living room works fine for me and I generally use about a 5 foot by 5 foot area to work out in. The plyometrics routine demands the most space as it is "jump training" and you are constantly moving and jumping around.

Once you are set up, now it's up to you to keep pushing play and "bring it" as Tony Horton says. The great thing about P90X is that it comes with a 90 day money back guarantee so you should at least try it, there's nothing to lose. Take it from me, I'm a guy who has had a gym membership since I was 16, after doing 2 P90X workouts I immediately canceled my 24hour gym membership and haven't looked back. I can honestly say this has been the best health and physical fitness investment of my life. I look forward to working out because everyday is different, P90X brings so much variety, I mean the entire program is based on just that. A variety of exercises over 90 days that promotes "muscle confusion" so there is no plateau, which in turn results in increased results and muscle development.

As part of the P90X package you will also be given a meal planner with recipes and daily food suggestions to go along with each phase of the program. This is a key part of the P90X program because if you don't eat right, then any and all physical effort will be a waste. This program is not just about "getting ripped" but more importantly, it's a lifestyle change. What you put into your body has a direct result on how much energy you will have to perform your daily activities. Honestly, there are plenty of healthy and tasty meals, you're not going to starve yourself or eat rice cakes and broccoli for every meal. This is not a fad diet or extreme in any way, it's designed to max out your potential and train you to eat right so that you're diet becomes conducive to the commitment you have made.

In summary P90X is a fantastic choice for anyone who is serious about getting in the best shape of their life and living a healthy lifestyle. For me, it was about wanting a change. A change from the same boring gym exercises I had been doing for the past 10 years. I had plateaued and I wanted to see some serious results. P90X has challenged me like no other workout routine I've ever done, including my career of high school and pre-high school athletics. Make the commitment and order P90X today, you will not regret it.

Brian Carroll is an active advocate of physical fitness and healthy living and writes various articles on such subjects. Please visit my personal blog at

At Home Workouts Without Weights For Fat Loss

If your goal is to develop an effective at home workout without weights for fat loss, then you should learn from athletes who use their body on a daily basis to create exceptional physiques and fitness levels: gymnasts, yogis (people who practice yoga), and dancers.

I've learned so many new techniques just by watching these athletes in action. For example when I do a pullup, I switch hand positions, and move on to the other side of the bar. This simple technique gives me another pullup variation to perform and keeps me excited and challenged so that I can stay consistent with my workouts.

Most people are bored with their bodyweight workouts. And that's why they don't see results. When a workout routine is boring and easy, there is a less chance that you'll actually perform the workout. If you are not consistent with your training, you won't see results.

So, you need to think about how you can make your exercises more difficult. Start off by observing dancers, gymnasts, and yogis, and try and figure out how you can incorporate some of their movements into your current training. You don't need to take a class. Just turn on the TV or crack open a book.

Once I started experimenting with my bodyweight exercises, I realized that it's the little things that will add some great variety and improvement into your training. For example, a pause at the top of the movement, or a slight change in your hand position will make a huge difference.

There is actually a great bodyweight training program out there which uses gymnastic and yoga movements to create high intensity bodyweight fat loss workouts. You can find out more information about this incredible bodyweight fat loss program on my site, WorkoutWithoutWeights.Net

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Friday, July 5, 2013

Exercise Guidelines - How Much is Enough?

"Those who think they have not time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness".
(Edward Stanley, 1873)

One of the first questions I get asked as a Personal Trainer is 'How much is enough?', or to translate, 'How little exercise can I get away with?'. Government guidelines suggest exercising at least three times per week for 40 minutes.

However, there is no single answer as everybody has different goals, different schedules, different preferences for training and a different genetic make-up.

Therefore each exercise programme will be different for each person. What works for a friend may not be suitable for you. For those who have less time each day, opt for frequent, short but intense workouts. Others may prefer to cycle/walk/run/swim or attend an aerobics class for 60minutes, 3 times a week. Once this becomes a regular habit, try pushing the bar a little higher, either adding an extra workout every week or training for longer.

Whichever exercise programme motivates you the most and suits your lifestyle, I recommend a combination of resistance (weight) training and aerobic activity, whilst increasing your everyday activity levels. Be sure to include a warm up, cool down and stretch each time you exercise to prevent injury.

Remember, there is no 'someday' on your calendar. Schedule exercise for a real day. How about today?!

Did you know....?

One in three Americans over the age of fifty is completely sedentary.
In a study conducted in California, 20% of people admitted they had done no vigorous activity for the past 20 years. And is this study 13% of colon cancer cases could be attributed to physical inactivity.
In a study conducted on a Chinese population, physical inactivity was an even greater risk to health than tobacco smoking. One-fifth of deaths in those over the age of 35 in Hong Kong in 1998 were due to physical inactivity.

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Typical Calories Burned During a Yoga Workout

Yoga workouts have been said to be some of the best workouts that you can do for your body. But when you start crunching the numbers, how many calories are you actually burning?

The simplest and most practiced yoga training burns around 200 calories per hour, which is the typical calorie burn for a normal-paced walk through the park.

Power yoga is an Americanized version of Ashtanga Vinasa yoga. This style of yoga moves much more rapidly between poses. This can also shorten your workout to about two-thirds of the time it takes to complete a normal yoga workout. This style of yoga also burns nearly 34% more calories per hour, bringing the average right around 300 calories an hour, or comparable to a slow jog.

The hardest yoga, and by far the most intense is called Hot Yoga, or Bikram. This yoga is exactly what it sounds like, you preheat the room to slightly above 100 degrees and a preset humidity. This is an expert level of yoga, which requires very specific dialogue and breathing techniques, but also burns an extremely high amount of calories. Typical results are well over 550 calories, or comparable to a brisk, hour long jog.

If spending an hour in a super-heated room isn't your cup of tea, not to worry. There are ways you can increase the number of yoga calories burned per hour. One of the best ways is to "grow" on each stretch you do. Pushing yourself on each stretch can be one of the most beneficial things to do. Not only does it increase flexibility overtime, it will also burn more calories. It's a win-win workout technique!

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Yoga Instructor Certification in Idaho

Yoga is great for everyone, no matter where you happen to live. If you are a yoga lover in Idaho, yoga instructor certification is a great option for you. There is no need to relocate, yoga can be taught as well as learned anywhere. Get your yoga instruction certification in Idaho, and you will have a flexible job that contributes to your good health, flexibility and mental growth.

If you are looking to become a yoga instructor, you first need to find a yoga teacher certification class. A class that works with your schedule will surely be available including night and weekend courses. You can gain a new career without turning your life upside down. Getting your yoga instructor certification in Idaho will be easier than you could have imagined.

With yoga instructor training under you belt, you'll be ready to teach yoga your way. Perhaps you are most interested in teaching a day to day class. You will have the option to choose a schedule that works best for you. Yoga instructor certification in Idaho is your ticket to flexibility!

Perhaps yoga workshops are more your style. With an intensive weekend of yoga classes, tourists and others can enjoy the benefits of yoga in a setting that allows them faster training. Or maybe you are interested in hosting yoga retreats. A yoga retreat is a wonderful way for your new students to relax in the slower paced setting of scenic Idaho. Your yoga instructor certification in Idaho holds endless opportunities.

Yoga is a great way to strengthen your mind and body and get in shape as well as a great way to unwind after a long day. Whatever your yoga apparel and equipment needs, we have the information and resources to point you in the right direction. We have yoga music, mats, clothes, pants, videos and journals as well as information on the different yoga poses, postures and the history of yoga. If you are interested in becoming a yoga instructor learn more about yoga teacher certifications in your city or state.

Keep Fit - Simple and Cheap Exercise That Will Make You Super Fit

If you are looking to keep fit or you have already been training for a while and you need to add more variety into your training then, I have a great exercise routine for you. This is simple to do and you won't need any expensive fancy equipment or expensive gym fees to do it.

The exercise I am talking about is circuits or to be more official circuit training. This is one of the most effective exercise routines that will give you a total all over body workout. It builds strength, power and agility in to your body. It will also improve your cardiovascular health.

Circuits are easy to do and they can be done in the backyard of your home. The exercise consists of a number of stations or stopping points. Each of these stopping points represents a different exercise routine that needs to be completed. Each station is separated by a distance of 10 to 20 metres. If you have more space then you can increase the distance if you want. Each exercise must be completed within a set time once it is completed you sprint to the next station to begin the exercise. You are not supposed to stop until each station is completed.

You can do as many of the circuits as you possibly can. When you finish you will know that you have had a good workout. To be effective the exercises should be a mixture of cardio and strength training. These can include sit ups, crunches, arm curls using dumbbells etc. For doing exercises such as the sit-ups use a exercise or yoga mat. To get you started the following exercise is a great addition to your circuit training.

The push-up

This is a classic exercise that simply works. Push ups are an excellent way to build upper body strength. However, many people do them wrong. If you do not get the technique right it will not be as effective. To do push ups properly you begin by lying with your front body flat on an even surface. Support your body with your arms, your palms are flat on the floor and your toes. The key thing is to keep your back and legs perfectly straight, no bending towards the floor. Begin by lowering your chest towards the ground until your chin is about one inch from the surface. Then raise your body up to the starting position. Avoid locking your arms, and repeat.

If you have a health condition always consult with your doctor first before you engage in any new type of exercise.

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Dance - The Answer to the "Core" Question

Core training has been around long before the word "fitness" arrived at its current popularity and status. And the word that existed in its olden day form is DANCE.

When it comes to fitness, we all are attempting to be vigilant about our routines especially in the core area. These days there is more scientific evidence to support why we should work the core muscles, how we should do it and with what weights, balls, bands, cables, videos, magazine articles, photographs, clothing and all the rest to assist us. But really it doesn't have to be all that complicated.

Dancers have long known the built in benefits of not only core training, but as an additional advantage, aerobic, plyometric, flexibility and strength exercises. You need only attend any modern version of the Nutcracker, Romeo and Juliet or Swan Lake to observe core strength in action. Balances on pointes and demi-pointes for men and women; sugar plum fairies, swans and lovers lifted on high by their princely men whose rock hard abs have no rival, except for their lovely female counterparts whose core power not only keeps them on their toes, but supports feet glued to ears elasticity; jumps, plies, dives, turns and leg lifts of every sort all working from the center. The endurance factor alone stands these athletes apart from all others as a ballet dancer's movements are intense and exact to a very high degree.

Los Angeles choreographer and former BalletMet, Ohio company member, Michael Cornell, likes to describe ballet as free standing Pilates. If you have ever taken a ballet class you immediately realize that it is all about the core. You can't help but improve your over all core strength and posture if you take ballet a couple of times a week.

Nike has been promoting dance via some of its popular YouTube posted videos of femme power hip hopper, Sofia Boutella, dance battles between ballerinas and hip hoppers and its Nike Dance for Women athletic line. Ballet Barre technique classes, Yoga Bootie Ballet classes, Pilates/dance workouts and all kinds of other off-shoots are popping up everywhere in every form. Clearly everyone is finally back on the dance band wagon well beyond the days of Flash Dance and the original Fame now revived.

But the other real benefits of dance are the fun, ageless, timeless, anyone can do it, stress reducing, body slimming and lengthening, factors. Awkwardness of jumping in for the first class aside, whether one has been dancing a lifetime or for the first time, dance is an experience that incorporates the core with ease and perfection without the expensive or need more space for storage at home peripherals or the monotony of the gym.

Finally, dance will make you smart. According to recent Scientific American MIND articles, by developing the core muscles and staying mentally engaged, the body develops its own body-brain intelligence and a level of awareness in three dimensional space and coordination. A double plus for focus and cognitive functioning.

In and of itself, Dance is a perfect balance of intelligence, core strength fitness, ease and fun for anyone. As an answer to the Core fitness question, it is the very reason to opt for old school simplicity over modern workout hassle.

(c) 2009 Tracey Paleo

Tracey Paleo is the owner and media director of, a PR and Media company, whose focus is dance, sports and music movement. Michael Cornell is a local Los Angeles choreographer, dance teacher and former professional company dancer of BalletMet, Ohio.

Natural Hypertension Remedies That Lower Blood Pressure & Work With Prescribed BP Medication Part 3

There is growing evidence to suggest that yoga works to enhance stress-coping mechanisms and mind-body awareness. Research is under way to find out more about yoga and it's effect on the diseases and conditions for which it may be most helpful.

People use yoga for a variety of health conditions including anxiety disorders or stress,asthma, high blood pressure, and depression. People also use yoga as part of a general health regime to achieve physical fitness and to relax.

The Status of Yoga Research

Research suggests that yoga might:

o Improve mood and sense of well-being

o Counteract stress

o Reduce heart rate and blood pressure

o Increase lung capacity

o Improve muscle relaxation and body composition

o Help with conditions such as anxiety, depression, and insomnia

o Improve overall physical fitness, strength, and flexibility

o Positively affect levels of certain brain or blood chemicals.

Side Effects and Risks

Yoga is generally considered to be safe in healthy people when practiced appropriately.Studies have found it to be well tolerated, with few side effects.

People with certain medical conditions should not use some yoga practices. For example,people with disc disease of the spine, extremely high or low blood pressure, glaucoma,retinal detachment, fragile or atherosclerotic arteries, a risk of blood clots, ear problems,severe osteoporosis, or cervical spondylitis should avoid some inverted poses. Although yoga during pregnancy is safe if practiced under expert guidance, pregnant women should avoid certain poses that may be problematic.

If You Are Thinking About Yoga

Do not use yoga as a replacement for conventional care or to postpone seeing a doctor about a medical problem.

If you have a medical condition, consult with your health care provider before starting yoga.

Ask about the physical demands of the type of yoga in which you are interested, as well as the training and experience of the yoga teacher you are considering.

Look for published research studies on yoga for the health condition you are interested in.

Tell your health care providers about any complementary and alternative practices you use. Give them a full picture of what you do to manage your health. This will help ensure coordinated and safe care.

If you have high blood pressure which is impacted on by the stress from your job or daily life yoga can have an increasing and effective benefit when practiced. High blood pressure sufferers who are attempting to use natural therapies to aid control by decreasing stress levels will use yoga when the may be feeling tired or worn out. they find that being comfortable and relaxed will help them feel calmer and relieve tension and so help them to feel a sense of well-being whist doing their job.

Here are some yoga exercises which you can consider doing at work:

Eye exercises that counteract starring at the computer strain
Seated Neck and shoulders exercises that reduce tension
Seated stretches
Deep breathing exercises
Palming exercises

All of these exercises can be completed at work, at your desk without too many people being aware of what you are doing.

If you want more great advice like this and to listen to our free audio sample of a powerful and natural way of taking control of your hypertenison and instanly lowering your blood pressure visit

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Teaching Hatha Yoga - What Do Hatha Yoga Students Want?

At this point in time, Yoga has gone "global." Most Yoga students, outside of India, have heard of three of the nine main types of Yoga; the most commonly known are Hatha, Raja (Ashtanga), and Kundalini Yoga. Of these three, Hatha Yoga, and its many sub-styles, have received the most publicity.

In general, the public perception of Yoga is classified as a "mind and body exercise." When you ask the average person what that means, he or she will respond by saying, "Some sort of exercise." Hence, the reason why Yoga can be found in many health clubs is that Yoga becomes an exercise class, which is categorized with Tai Chi and Pilates.

With that said, beginner students, with little knowledge of Yoga, have the perception they are entering an exercise class. Their reasons for coming to a Yoga class differ greatly. The main reasons for beginning Yoga practice are: Weight loss, weight control, stress management, low impact exercise, or pain management.

Notice that beginners do not often seek enlightenment, meditation, mantras, Pranayama, or to change their lifestyle. In fact, the classification of Yoga levels is easy to understand, but it is inaccurate. Terms such as, beginner, intermediate, and advanced, are all based upon the physical difficulty of performing an Asana (Yoga pose). Again, the physical challenges are presented as the major aspects of Yoga practice.

So, what do Hatha Yoga students want? To put it simply, they want some sort of mind and body exercise. Beginner Yoga classes could be presented as an exercise class, with much more to learn on the horizon. To guide beginner Yoga students on the path toward the study of Yama, Niyama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, and Samadhi, is a lesson in futility.

Many beginning Yoga students do not know what they are looking for. Most beginning Yoga students do not want to hold Asanas for long. They are so used to stimulation from technology, that short attention spans are common place. This is why Flow Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga, and Power Yoga, are so popular with beginners. To ask them to practice Pranayama and meditation is a big challenge. This would require the mind to focus.

There is an old sales and marketing saying which goes like this: "Sell the sizzle, not the steak." Let's look at the old saying and how it pertains to teaching Yoga classes. After 5,000 years of research, Yoga is a very deep subject, which cannot be covered in one class. If a student enters your class, or studio, looking for fitness - So be it.

Label a few classes on the schedule as: Beginner fitness Yoga, Yoga fitness, fitness Yoga, or Yoga exercise. Start with warm-ups, teach Yoga postures, mix in a few breathing techniques, and end with a five minute body scan relaxation technique. On your schedule, write descriptions of all your classes, and give them options to go deeper into the subject of Yoga.

The more serious Yoga students will take the path to study more about Yama, Niyama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, and Samadhi, but there some who will choose to exercise the body, only. This is not a problem. Remember this: A little bit of Yoga is better than none.

© Copyright 2007 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of Yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. He has been a certified Master Yoga Teacher since 1995. To receive a Free Yoga e-Book: "Yoga in Practice," and a Free Yoga Newsletter, please visit:

Benefits of Yoga For Pregnant Women

Yoga can not only help you stay fit through a pregnancy, but also boost mind and body, helping to keep your pregnancy hassle-free. As an ancient Indian practice, tracing its roots back almost 5000 years, yoga is a tried and true means of dealing with your overall well-being, both mind and body. Each yoga pose, or asana, is tied to breathing techniques, or pranayamas, and focuses on specific parts of the body to ensure a complete body effort. Specific to pregnant women, yoga asanas helps to open muscles of the pelvis, reducing pressure on ligaments and easing lower-back pain. Additionally, it promotes flexibility, strength and stamina, as it focuses the entire body on releasing and relaxing. No activity does better at centering the mind and relieving stress, while gently toning the body. Not only does the mother benefit from yoga, but the baby does as well by receiving increased levels of oxygen and endorphins. The benefits of yoga for pregnant women are described in detail below.

One of the most common benefits of yoga for pregnant women is to help stay in shape throughout the pregnancy. Regardless of your fitness level or skill level, yoga is a gentle, but highly effective way of toning the muscles throughout the pregnancy. Additionally, many yoga instructors are trained and certified in yoga for pre-natal women and can help to customize your yoga workout to ensure the greatest level of safely and the most effective workout possible. Yoga can help to target specific trouble areas for pregnant women during pregnancy, such as helping to strengthens abdomen muscles and pelvic floor.

One of the benefits of yoga for pregnant women is that it can help to boost circulation and help with fluid retention. This is extremely important as you are doing the work for two during pregnancy. Additionally, asanas help to relieve aches and pains. Working with your instructor, you can tailor your workout to focus on specific areas of pain and discomfort. As many asanas focus on proper alignment of the body, yoga will help to improve posture, helping to ease back pain, which is common in pregnant women.

Another one of the benefits of yoga for pregnant women, and for people in general, is that spending time focusing on the combination of body position and breathing, you begin to obtain an increased awareness of your body. Through this greater awareness, you are able to better understand what is happening to your body throughout pregnancy. Some aspects of pregnancy, such as weight gain, morning sickness and decreased sexuality, can bring about feelings of depression and low self-esteem. Yoga can help deal with these feelings by allowing you to refocus and balance your energy, helping to shift into a positive mindset.

As a safety precaution when starting yoga, always remember to check with your doctor if you are unsure of a safe level of physical exertion for yourself during the pregnancy. When looking for the right class, make sure to take both the style of yoga and instructor into consideration. Certain styles of yoga are better for pregnant women, such as Ananda, Hatha, Kundalini, and Iyengar, are better for pregnant women as they are more focused on proper alignment of the body and breathing than on a high intensity workout such as Power or Bikram yoga. If you are unfamiliar with yoga or the specific style of yoga you will be taking, make sure to take a supervised class, at least initially. Good instructors will be able to help you customize your workout to meet your unique needs. Additionally, make sure your instructor is certified in prenatal yoga though an accredited yoga institute.

Regardless of your skill level, make sure to start slow to best understand your bodies capability during this time of change. The best rule to follow when practicing yoga is, if it doesn't feel good, don't do it. As you get comfortable with the asanas, feel free to practice on your own, but again, talk to your instructor to discuss poses that will provide the greatest benefit and that are safe to practice alone. Many yoga books and videos are also available that are focused specifically for pregnant women.

Avoid strong back bends or asanas requiring strong use of stomach muscles as this can cause undo stress on the body. Use your best judgment when doing balancing poses, especially those done on one foot. If you want to perform these poses, make sure to use a chair, wall or another individual for support. Make sure to not to overstretch the body as the ligaments around the joints become loose and soft during pregnancy. Be care not to overheat when practicing yoga as it can be harmful to the fetus. For this reason forms of yoga that involve turning up the heat in the room should be avoided; this includes both Hot and Bikram Yoga. As stated above, make sure to listen to your body and stop if you begin to feel the slightest bit of pain or discomfort. A gentle approach over time yields the best results.

Outside of the workout element, one of the benefits of yoga for pregnant women is social atmosphere it provides for pregnant women. In yoga classes specifically tailored to pregnant women, mothers-to-be are able to share stories and discuss issues and concerns. Often, the relationships built during these yoga classes, build into playgroups for the children after birth and long term social groups.

Yoga can be practiced until late in the pregnancy. As your body changes, make sure to modify your workout to ensure personal comfort. Yoga can provide benefits even during labor. The focus and relaxation achieved during a yoga session can be mimicked during labor by using pranayama techniques to center yourself and helping to open musculature and quiet the mind. After child birth, yoga can help to maintain a proper body shape, as well as strengthen the pelvic floor and abdominal muscles. Additionally, the focusing techniques in yoga can be helpful for those facing post-partum depression. You can start practicing yoga six to seven weeks after delivering delivery.

With both physical and mental benefits that can last throughout the pregnancy, yoga can prove to be a valuable tool to pregnant mothers.

For more information visit

Get Into Yoga is aimed at people who are looking to take the first step to learning about the world of yoga. This goal of this site is to provide an introduction to yoga and break down those barriers that stop people from getting into yoga. The pages and links in the site help to provide readers obtain with a complete picture of the world of yoga as well as the necessary information and tools to start right now. To visit the site go to:

Thai Massage - An Amazing Variation Of Massage Therapy

If you're making an appointment for your next spa massage soon, you might wish to find out more about getting a Thai massage. This massage technique is one of the oldest and efficient methods in history, and will leave you feeling relaxed as well as limber. Your massage therapist might also refer to this massage as a conventional massage or passive yoga, since it stretches the muscles and serves to help you to get rid of any tension in different parts of the body.

Thai Massage History

The massage technique started in ancient India, and is based on the Ayurveda, which is a structure of natural science that Indians have used to treat illnesses as well as body ailments, and to cure diseases. The method then moved to Siam, which is now called Thailand.

The thai massage is very analogous to yoga, because parts of your body will be stretched and extended to get rid of stress as well as muscle contractions. You will also be put in a number of yoga positions throughout your massage, which makes it akin to a mild workout; this will also permit the blood to flow freely through your body throughout as well as after the massage, which can cut down on headaches as well as insomnia.

When you make the appoint to experience a Thai massage, you should make certain that you bring comfortable clothing because you will be lying down on a mat or mattress on the floor and will have to move often throughout the process. This is different from the majority of other body massages, because you will get to participate a little more, but the process is astonishingly relaxing.

A Different Way of Being Flexible

You can even get your body massages in a group of different people, similar to a yoga class. And, you will not need any massage oil for your Thai massage either; your massage therapist will lean against your body through the use of their hands and forearms, and will implement pressure to each part of your body, including the pulling of the fingers, toes and ears so that they can make the joints more flexible.

Your Thai massage should last for around two hours, so be sure you are prepared to remain at the spa for a while. When you leave, you will feel more energized, and might even be in a better mood. If you have ever gone through a sports injury lately, or are having back pains or prevalent headaches, you might wish to ask your doctor or physical therapist if a Thai massage is the best method of treatment for you.

Listen to Korbin Newlyn as he shares his insights as an expert author and an avid writer in the field of health. If you would like to learn more go to Foot Massage advice and at Tantric Massage Therapy tips.

Horseback Rider's Winter Training Tips: Improving Out of the Saddle

Too many horseback riders hang up their boots once the snow flies, resigned to hibernating until spring. Indoor riding arenas are expensive to board at or lease, and even more expensive to build! What's the committed equestrian to do? The focused horse rider can continue to progress, even if she or he does not have access to a safe winter riding area, or even own a horse! Here are 5 proven, out-of-the-saddle tips that will launch you back into the saddle come spring.

Out of the saddle, into the gym! Physical fitness and flexibility are essential for equestrian success, but many riders fall short of the mark. Jump-start your springtime season by committing to personal fitness goals this winter. Check out several local gyms and join the one where you feel most at home. Try some yoga or Pilates classes for flexibility, balance and control. Treat yourself to a personal trainer to learn the most effective way to use to machines. Pump up your cardio - especially if you enjoy high-intensity equestrian events like polo, three-day eventing, or reining. The dynamic social setting is a refreshing antidote to winter doldrums. The commitment of joining may actually get you working out, especially if you have a gym buddy!
Home is where the horseman's heart-and health- is! Maybe the thought of working out in public gives you hives, or perhaps the only gym near you is a candidate for the Health Department's Most Wanted list. Commit to working out at home. Buy, beg or borrow workout videos. Explore something totally new to you (but balance, fitness or flexibility related) such as salsa dancing. Check out your library, Goodwill, eBay, or your best friend's bookshelf for inexpensive or free DVDs. Hint- if you follow the stay-at-home route, set a schedule and buddy-up with an accountability partner so you're less likely to sack out on the sofa when you should be tearing up the rug!
Break out the books! Regardless of where your passion lies, someone (likely many someones) have written about it. Take these quiet months to increase your knowledge of horse psychology and behavior, effective training techniques, or even explore different disciplines. The more you read, the more tools you'll find in your horse training toolbox come springtime.
Audit a clinic. Many horse farms with indoor arenas host clinics with top trainers and riders throughout the winter. For a small fee or even free, you can audit. Remember to bring a chair, notebook and pencil, and more warm clothes than you think you need- indoor riding arenas are the coldest places on earth when you're not in the saddle!
Explore an expo. Horse expos and equine extravaganzas are becoming more and more prevalent. Take advantage of great instruction, varied demonstrations- and great shopping- at one location. Challenge yourself to learn about a breed or sport you're not familiar, pick an expert's brain about a particular problem or veterinary issue, or learn from one of your own equestrian heroes.

Bonus Tip- Give back. You reap what sow, so sow generously! Volunteer for a therapeutic horseback riding program. Teach an unmounted session to the local pony club, 4-H, or the folks at your barn. If you're not confident in your own skills, volunteer to host someone who is. If even that sounds too imposing, invite your barn buddies over for pizza and a good horse training DVD. Come spring, you'll all be better horsemen!

Kirsten Lee produces extraordinary results for horses and riders!

Join Kirsten "ringside" as she helps horses and riders achieve their dreams on her real-world training blog, Visit her boarding farm at

Kirsten's versatility comes through her holistic approach blending Natural Horsemanship, Classical training principles, and human/ equine psychology and biomechanics. With this powerful and harmonious fusion, Kirsten is able to pinpoint and solve training challenges, tailoring the solution to the individual horse and rider regardless of their experience, discipline or learning style.

Why to Prefer Health Club Over Home Exercises?

Every New Year begins with many resolutions. Most of the people vow to get their body in shape. Somehow only a few are able to achieve the results. The difficulty lies in seeking appropriate health clubs which can meet their desires and standards. Choosing health clubs out of various options available such as gyms, fitness centers and boot camps is not a vague decision. They have cardio equipments to burn your fat. They also have weight training programs for you to maintain your stability and to analyze growth pattern. Many people choose health clubs over home exercises for very simple reasons. One reason is numerous varieties of equipments available and another is home away factor as you want a competitive and exciting atmosphere around you. Some people don't workout at home because they get distracted by other home activities. This is also on of the reasons for preferring health clubs over home exercises.

Everyone is conscious about his health. This intensity of self consciousness varies person-to-person. For example, sometimes you feel comfortable working out besides beautifully shaped people. Sometimes you get discouraged if an obese person is working out around you. It is nothing but the basic human mentality which only you can change. The condition becomes worst if you are one amongst obese or overweight people. Health clubs bring in awareness in you so that you can fight back and overcome with your shortcomings.

There is more to be offered by health clubs. They have centralized place to exercise and in-built latest technology aerobes. Many of them offer spas, rooms for yoga, gourmet meals, rock climbing, squash, tanning beds and special aerobic classes. If you are keenly interested in shaping your body and can let loose your pocket, just opt for a personal trainer. Belonging to middle class is not a loophole, you just need to look for an appropriate location for the health club and choose right equipments to fit your budget. The sky is the limit with modern facilities. So take some time out of your busy schedules and give it a try.

Sako Yakinian is one of Orange County's top personal trainers. Owner of No Limit Personal Training and No Limit Boot Camp. For more health and fitness tips at Sako's Blog [].

Universal Laws of Yoga - Part 1

What is Yoga? Why do some religious fundamentalists fear Yoga? What is the objective of Yoga? These questions about the true purpose of Yoga always arise, but the answers are not quite clear. So, let's get to the heart of the matter.

Yoga is many things and there are many forms of Yoga. For example: Bhakti Yoga (Yoga of devotion) is commonly practiced in India, but is rarely practiced in the West. The most popular form of Yoga in the West is Hatha Yoga (Yoga of physical mastery).

It is understandable that Hatha Yoga and its many sub-styles would take hold in the West, especially on the American continents. Physical mastery, in and of itself, is much easier to absorb than over 5,000 years of Indian culture. The physical aspect of Yoga is the easiest to master, but the study of Yoga is a long journey.

Bhakti Yoga, as mentioned earlier, is the Yoga of Devotion and more emphasis is placed on spiritual and mental health. Religious practices, of any faith, will be much more pronounced within a group of Bhakti Yoga practitioners.

To put it simply, Yoga is the union of mind, body, and spirit for complete health. There are far more benefits to be realized through the constant practice of Hatha Yoga, or any other kind of Yoga, but this is the foundation of "unity." Physical mastery is constructive and, at the very least, keeps us healthy.

Please bear in mind that all forms of Yoga may overlap in aspects of complete and whole health, but the emphasis within each style will be different. For example: In a Hatha Yoga class, physical, mental, and spiritual mastery may be practiced. The aspects taught depend on the curriculum, the exact style of Hatha Yoga, and the Yoga teacher.

Once a Yoga practitioner embarks on the path of unity, self realization and tranquility are acquired. The Yogic path is filled with many steps before self realization, tranquility, and oneness with God. The following are some of the steps we should take toward self-improvement.

Purify your inner being by freeing yourself from vanity, intolerance, anger, attachment to material, and the ego. We are only human and self-perfection is a difficult road to travel, but we must keep going one step at a time. What do we do when we make a mistake or sin? We pick ourselves up, learn from our mistakes, and amend our behavior.

© Copyright 2006 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard is a co-owner and the director of Yoga teacher training at: Aura Wellness Center, in North Providence, RI. He has been a certified Master Yoga teacher since 1995. He is a master instructor of martial arts, with multiple Black Belts, four martial arts teaching credentials, and was recently inducted into the USA Martial Arts Hall of Fame. He teaches Yoga, martial arts, and fitness to children, adults, and seniors in the greater Providence area. Recently he wrote: Is Running a Yoga Business Right for You? For Yoga students, who may be considering a new career as a Yoga teacher.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Full Body Workout Without Weights For Fat Loss

When people think about working out without weights, they immediately think about traditional bodyweight exercises such as pushups, pullups, and squats. But what about all the other forms of training without weights? Have you ever wondered why gymnasts have such strong and powerful bodies?

What about the grace and body control of a dancer? And of course, no one can forget the lean physiques of some of the most prominent Yoga instructors in the world. These athletes, are lean, strong, and powerful - despite not ever lifting a weight and without performing traditional bodyweight moves such aspushups, pullups, and squats.

Yoga is one of the best forms of bodyweight exercise. And when you combine it with pushups, pullups, and bodyweight squats, you can take your health and fitness to the next level. And don't forget fat loss.

But you don't need some Prasara Yoga or gymnastic instructor to show you how to lose fat with bodyweight training.

How to Combine High Intensity Bodyweight Movements, Prasara Yoga, and Mobility Drills for Maximum Fat Loss

So, how do you exactly combine these three seemingly unrelated methods of training? Well, I can't tell you EXACTLY, but I'll give the gist of it. Coaches Adam Steer and Ryan Murdock use a system called 4×7. It's a periodization system which cycles between periods of low intensity and high intensity training.

The main idea is that you give your body a break from the high intensity training buy performing a medium intensity workout like Prasara Yoga.

And you top it all off with some mobility drills. The mobility drills may seem the easiest, but in my opinion are the easiest. Before I came across Coaches Steer and Murdock's training methods, I was performing some very basic dynamic stretching drills.

I thought this was enough. But it actually wasn't. Your body moves in so many great ways. Why not do some REAL full range of motion training.Pushups, pullups, and squats are great exercises but only train your body to go up and down.

Instead, train your body to go sideways, twist, hop, hop and twist, etc. One of the biggest mistakes I made when I was younger was to quit gymnastics. But now I have the opportunity to train like a gymnast without actually being one.

I strongly suggest you check out Adam Steer and Ryan Murdock's Bodyweight Blueprint for Fat Loss training system. You won't be disappointed! You can find out more information about this incredible bodyweight fat loss program on my site, []

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Yoga Exercises for Weight Loss

I recently attended a class focused on yoga exercises for weight loss. This was a Bikram style class combining classic yoga asanas with a heated workout space. The floor area maintains a constant temperature of 104 degrees. This workout approach is a good methodology to follow for those seeking a fitness routine based around yoga. Whether following a Bikram specific routine or other yoga discipline the following conditions are ideal as part of any weight loss program:

Heated Floorspace

A heated workout area provides immediate benefits when exercising as your body can warm up quickly. This minimizes the chance of injury and allows you to put your body into deeper poses. Yoga exercises for weight loss involve a strenuous and active workout and a heated practice area provides increased gains in flexibility and muscle development.

Oxygenated Blood

Although not immediately noticeable to the practitioner, the increased heat profile of the practice space provides a constant flow of oxygenated blood throughout a person's body. This is because it is easier to get into a deeper stretch when doing a pose. This has a positive effect on contracting the muscles more completely and the result is a more pronounced flow of blood throughout the body. That has the effect of carrying more oxygen and allows you to perform at a higher, more aerobic level. In layman's terms you can push yourself harder and you will see a weight loss benefit.

Constant Routine

One of the key things to look for in utilizing yoga exercises for weight loss is how constant the workout routine is. The class I participated was led by an instructor that moved from pose to pose, relatively constantly. A yoga pose was shown, practiced by the class and then repeated - usually 3 times. Once completed the instructor moved the class to the next pose with very short breaks occurring only every 20 to 30 minutes. This had a fairly aerobic effect simply due to the pace being practiced.

Maximum Workout with Minimal Impact

Certainly a complete and very active workout occurs using this type of exercise routine. But perhaps the greatest benefit is the minimal impact to the body's joints, ligaments and tendons. This workout, while very aerobic, did not add unneeded stress or pressure to these critical parts of the body.

I cross train regularly practicing different yoga postures with other physical fitness activities. The positive benefits described here occurred due to the fact that this was a strenuous and active workout approach. Embrace the right yoga exercises for weight loss, increased flexibility, and muscle strengthening as they play an important role in an overall fitness regimen.

Heath Jackson writes about health, wellness and living a natural life. Learn more about his approaches to sensible dieting and weight loss at yoga asanas for weight loss or Click Here for information, tips and ideas on how to incorporate yoga into your weight loss exercise routine.

Yoga Meditation - The Logical Benefits

All forms of Yoga originally contained meditation techniques. Some Hatha Yoga styles have little to no meditation time within the classroom structure. How did this happen and why? As Yoga was transplanted outside of India, many more forms took root.

This is not entirely a bad thing, but some of the core aspects of Hatha Yoga have been pushed aside in order to make time for more asana (posture) practice. Among the aspects, which have taken a back seat to asana, are meditation and pranayama (Yogic breathing).

The benefits of Yoga's many forms of meditation are not to be taken lightly. Improved concentration, health, and attitude are keys to a better quality life, which results in states of happiness. The inner peace within, brings about better relationships with family and friends.

A focused or trained mind is a powerful tool, when used for acquiring knowledge. With that said, meditation will enable a student or teacher to become more proficient. For a young adult, meditation is a tool for academic achievement.

At the same time, peer pressure to "go out and party" is put aside for the real priorities of learning and achieving. It is easy for a young adult to stray off the path, while in college, and away from home. It takes much discipline to pursue your goals, with so many distractions around you.

Yet, these same distractions and temptations can take place at any point in our lives. Yoga meditation is a method for bringing the mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual self, into balance. As a result of steady practice, we can achieve harmony with the people, and the world, around us.

With the right mindset, we can heal ourselves better, and faster, when faced with a health crisis. The opposite effect is to become a pessimist, when faced with a life endangering health problem. Therefore, enlist the power of your mind when faced with chronic stress, distraction, or illness. Meditation is a method which trains your mind to become your best ally.

© Copyright 2009 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of Yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. He has been a certified Master Yoga Teacher since 1995. To receive Free Yoga videos, Podcasts, e-Books, reports, and articles about Yoga, please visit:

Yoga Instructor Training - Cultivating the Orator Within

When training to become a Yoga teacher, many people struggle with public speaking. Even if we are able to get the right words out, we may be looking for the right volume, tone, or voice inflection, at the right time.

What can you do if your voice makes you sound like a drill sergeant barking out commands in a Yoga class? Your voice may be naturally assertive, which is great in life, but difficult for projecting a serene mood in a Yoga class.

You may want to practice with an audio recorder to change the tone. Perhaps you are uncomfortable, when you initially teach, and it changes your tone, or causes you to speak faster. Slowing your speech down will require practice. You may also want to try meditation before teaching your classes.

What can you do if your voice is too soft to carry itself across the room? In this case, you will have to raise the volume of your voice, without over compensating. For many people, it is not easy to find a balance, in their voice, without some form of voice coaching from their teacher trainer.

Usually, the speaker's state of mind has an influence on his or her speech. Here are some examples of mental preparation for speaking in front of a Yoga class or to a larger audience. Once you look at these points, you will feel more comfortable talking at the front of your Yoga class.

Mentally connect with your class by looking each student in the eyes. Observe all of them as individuals and scan the room. Start to become conscious of each student as a separate individual. Address their needs and problems, with each individual in mind.

Talk to your students as if they were guests in your living room. You want to establish trust and a rapport in your classes as soon as possible. Make them aware that class time is their time.

If you practice speaking at home, look at yourself in the mirror. What is your facial expression? Do you move your body as you speak? Did you realize your hands are public speaking props?

You should have a natural smile when you speak to your students. Your hands and your head should move naturally; especially, when you are making a point. It is not an accident, when a Yoga teacher captures the attention of a class or a large crowd.

Some Yoga teachers will go through the motions, while others learn to master their communication skills. The most positive part of your character must be present in every Yoga class you teach. Once this is achieved, you will capture the attention of each student.

© Copyright 2008 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of Yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. He has been a certified Master Yoga Teacher since 1995. To receive a Free Yoga e-Book: "Yoga in Practice," and a Free Yoga Newsletter, please visit:

Benefits Of Yoga - Five Great Things Yoga Can Do For You

Unlike some forms of exercise, yoga classes can be fantastic for anybody; young, old, fit or not so fit. Below you'll find five great benefits of attending yoga classes. Give it a go and see what yoga can do for you:

1. Easy does it.

Yoga practice can help you achieve and then maintain a supple body, capable of easy, effortless movement. If everyday physical tasks and movements feel easier then this in turn will make you feel more energetic.

2. Gently does it!

Many yoga styles use an extremely gentle approach, allowing participants to gain all the benefits of exercise without the risk of strain or injury.

Poses used in yoga can be easily adapted to an individual's specific needs. They are also practiced with relaxed knees and elbows, reducing the risk of damage to these joints.

3. Be prepared.

As well as being a great form of exercise in itself, yoga can also be used as part of a warm-up (or cool down) routine for other forms of exercise or sport.

Improved focus and raised energy levels can improve athletic performance. Many top athletes use yoga in their training regimes.

4. Deal with it.

Yoga practice can help you to cope better with life's stresses and strains.

Everybody functions better and deals with life more effectively if they feel relaxed and focused rather than stressed out and anxious.

Whether it's an important meeting at work, a job interview, family problems, financial problems or any other of the frequently stressful situations we can find ourselves in, they are easier to deal with and resolve if we can feel calmer and relaxed in ourselves.

The situation we're confronted with is the same but our ability to deal with it improves.

5. Take it with you.

Yoga is adaptable and portable

Yoga can be practiced anywhere - not just in yoga classes. You don't need any special equipment with you apart from a mat.

Visiting friends for the weekend or in a hotel room anywhere in the world - yoga goes with you!

So what are you waiting for? Check out the yoga classes in your area to find one that's right for you and start reaping the benefits of this fantastic universal exercise.

If you're looking for yoga classes in Bristol UK then visit for more information

How Does Hatha Yoga Heal Us?

One of the most common questions Yoga teachers answer is about the healing aspects of regular practice. As we become more aware of our health, we would like to capture wellness and hold onto it for as long as possible. This is not only an indication of self-awareness, but also a sign of intelligence.

Unfortunately, some of us will abuse our bodies in one way or another, but Hatha Yoga gives us a path toward the best possible health. The asanas (yoga postures) create movements, which we can visibly see, but there is much more going on at the microscopic level.

As you move, you stimulate the circulation of lymphatic fluids throughout the body. These are clear fluids, which are derived from blood plasma. Lymphatic fluids move throughout the body to rejuvenate tissue cells and return waste matter (toxins) to the bloodstream for elimination from the body. The lymphatic system carries cells, which help fight disease.

Yoga movements and pranayama (yogic breathing) also stimulate the circulation of oxygen and blood. The result of all this movement is improved efficiency of the immune system, and less infection or disease. If you add a good diet, such as the Sattvic diet, which contains many natural and whole foods, you have taken another serious step toward improving the immune system.

Stress levels are lowered, as a Hatha Yoga practitioner stretches, when performing asanas, because tension is released within muscles, soft tissue, and joints. As tension is released, stress levels are lowered and the Yoga practitioner finds peace of mind.

This leads to the mental aspects of Yoga practice. Controlled Yogic breathing (pranayama) is the easiest connection between mind and body. In turn, pranayama cultivates positive energy within the mind and body. The result of a steady Yoga practice is a trained mind.

To be able to create a state of tranquility, at any time you choose, is complete empowerment and mental mastery over emotions. The establishment of emotional stability is a priceless asset of Yoga training. Not only is a trained mind good for your health, but it can bring you to a path of success.

How often have you seen a talented person lose his or her position because of one angry outburst? You could make the logical argument that social status is not everything, but why "shoot yourself in the foot?" Yoga practice does not equal sainthood, but it does allow one to attain mental clarity. If you can maintain a state of emotional bliss, you will likely have a happy and successful life.

© Copyright 2009 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of Yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. He has been a certified Master Yoga Teacher since 1995. To receive Free Yoga videos, Podcasts, e-Books, reports, and articles about Yoga, please visit:

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Maintaining Body Fitness With DVD Workouts Affordably, Leisurely, and in the Comfort of Your Home

Many people have accessed their particular situation and have made the choice to exercise in the privacy of their homes using DVD workouts, and are not regretting their decision to do so. Perhaps you too will join the forces.

The decision to spend enormous amounts of money on a fitness health club membership or fees for an exercise class is, of course, entirely yours. However, if you find that you simply cannot afford either of them, do not have the spare time to exercise, or do not enjoy taking classes or joining gyms, take heart in knowing that it is entirely possible to workout at home effectively and inexpensively.

One method of achieving physical training of our chosen exercise medium is to workout at home through the use of the wide variety of exercise workouts available on DVD today. All you need do is find the DVD that you will enjoy and that will suit your physical ability, clear some space in your home to workout in, and you are on your way to better fitness.

It should not be too difficult to acquire an inexpensive Fitness DVD in your chosen exercise medium that you can workout to at your leisure, and best of all, at home. It is important, however, to choose the type of exercise that suits your physical ability and that you will enjoy. There is a wide variety on the market to choose from and some of them are listed below - -

1. Varieties of Yoga for different levels of fitness, such as Yoga for Beginners, and Yoga designed for the Mother-to-Be (Prenatal)

2. Mat Workouts, also known as floor exercises

3. Aerobic workouts that have cardio benefits

4. Aerobic workouts that have more than one level of intensity designed to help you lose weight, and,

5. Sculpting workouts that target certain parts of the body.

Not only are Fitness DVDs very affordable, there are many available featuring top instructors, and they can actually make you feel as though you are working out in a class.

A word of advice - - Once you have purchased a Fitness DVD, you should always view it at least once, if not twice, or even three times to prepare yourself for the workout. It is always better to familiarise yourself with the fitness program so that you will be able to perform the exercises safely and effectively. If the DVD offers workouts with three levels of fitness, start with the first level. Once you feel that the first level is becoming too easy, you can advance to the second, and when you feel ready, proceed to the third level.

To put it in a nutshell, you can still reap the benefits of a regular exercise program using a variety of Fitness DVDs that you will be enjoying at your leisure and in the comfort of your home.

Marilyn M. Maddison

Having been a Yoga practitioner for many years, I found it extremely difficult to accept the fact that I could no longer afford to attend the Yoga class that I thoroughly enjoyed. Fitness DVDs came to my rescue, and allowed me to economically keep up my Yoga Practice, at my leisure and, in the privacy of my own home. So, why not stash your cash and reap the benefits of working out with Fitness DVDs in your free time, and best of all, at home.

Visit for Reviews on the Top Fitness DVDs

Regular Exercise - A Sure Sort Way to Beat Stress

Stress is a common problem that we use to face in our daily life. It is very important to beat stress as soon as it shows its signs. We people are overloaded by work pressures which causes stress and make us mentally and physically weak. To live a healthy life it has become very essential to manage stress and thus various experts give certain remedies to beat stress. A healthy life style has to be maintained. Doing regular exercises is a way to a healthy life style and thus a sure shot way to beat stress.

Regular training gives us the potential to fight many diseases and physical and mental exhaustion. It is not that you need to go to a gym regularly for doing your training. You can do swimming, walking, jogging, aerobics, dancing, cycling or anything of your choice. All you need to do is to give some time to yourself as you will be highly benefited once you make it a habit. If you get sufficient time you can go to a gym and keep fit on a regular basis.

Keeping fit purifies the body by removing toxins from the body in the form of sweat, urine etc. It also increases the heart beat and thus more blood is pumped, it improves the circulatory system. Regular exercise keeps the chemical reactions in the body in a balanced form. Apart from that, regular exercise helps us in relaxing tense muscle and helps us to fight depression, frustration and anxiety. Exercise also makes your body fit, well built, slim and trim.

Being fit prevents you from chronic health problems like diabetes, artery hardening, high blood pressure, stroke, heart attack etc. If you are suffering from long term stress the best way to keep it aside is to do regular exercise. Regular exercise also improves your energy level and keeps you full spirited.

Yoga can be your regular keeping fit tool too. You can also do yoga daily in the morning and evening as yoga helps us to beat stress. You need to follow a routine in life and make sure that you are doing your regular exercises as it will help you in developing your personality and give you a good status.

Food, adequate rest and regular exercise should be the main points of attention. Thereby you can bid stress farewell for good.

Andrew James offers a no cost video showing you step-by-step how to overcome negative thinking patterns. please visit [].

Learn How to Loose Weight

There is no more natural and guaranteed solutions on how to loose weight that having a regular exercise schedule. This includes carrying weights, doing cardio routines, playing sports, joining an aerobics class, and doing other fitness alternatives such as dance, yoga, and Pilates. Carrying weights is an important component in losing excess pounds since body building programs include exercise routines that target all the muscles in the body, beef them up and at the same time enact fat consumption through intense sweating.

Cardio routines like jogging, biking, and walking are very substantial in a weight loss project since this is where much fat elimination takes place. Through cardio routines the body is compelled to perspire a lot and consume the energies stored in fat layers. While carrying weights swell up the muscles, cardio routines take out the fat covering these muscles. Six pack abs, for instance, can only be seen if the flabby layers are eliminated. Beginners can start with 10 to 15 minutes of cycling or jogging, until the body gets used to the exhaustion and gradual intensification can begin.

Playing sports is an alternative to people who easily get bored with routine exercises in a body building program. Sports like baseball, basketball, volleyball, tennis and the like also perform cardio processes and muscle building movements. Leisurely activities, such as aerobics, dancing, yoga and Pilates are also an option to people not comfortable with carrying weights. The communal environment in these activities fosters a positive attitude in exerting more efforts to lose weight. Moving with funky or soulful music and seeing how others also try to lose weight are ways in which the mind is set in a framework more determined and dedicated.

A combination of all or some of these methods is a sure way to achieve the perfect weight, and the perfect figure naturally and with no entailing side effects.

Finding the right workout program or diet isn't an easy task. Find out what suits you and your needs best for the best way to figure out How to Loose Weight []

Meditation Certification - 4 Main Reasons to Join Meditation Teacher Training

This article will tell you reasons why you should join meditation training. It also examines about a great demand of yoga and meditation. It also traverses some information about counterfeits teachers or trainers.

1. Nowadays, yoga and meditation faced a great demand.

Followed by increasing welfare in the entire world, lots of people started to search their secondary needs. It is the outside of their primary needs like foods, shelters and clothes.

2. Followed by stress pressure in their office, school and home, now people are seeking for peace, stress management, stress reduction and spiritual guidance, and the best answer for their problems are yoga and meditation.

3. Eat Pray Love Effect

Some spiritual and relaxation ritual actually known widely by lots of people more than decades ago, but recently, a best seller book and box office movie called Eat, Pray, Love which published this year, made the demand of spiritual guidance, yoga and meditation in greater high demand.

4. A life style

For most of the developed countries around the world such as United States, United Kingdom, etc it becomes a life style. Not only the developed country feel the euphoria of yoga and meditation, some of developing countries are beginning to step in to this spiritual business, proved by there are some yoga and meditation studios starting to popping out.

This spiritual guidance demand which growing greater everyday, unfortunately not accompanied by service, teacher and trainer that adequate. Some people starting to claim to be a yoga or meditation teacher. But, they have not a distinct background of where they learned or others information about their teacher background.

These counterfeit teachers and trainers are caused lots of people who learned from them never been experienced of the its benefits. With meditation teacher training, people who want to be a meditation or gentle yoga teacher or trainer, will get a proper and official certificate to legitimize their teacher ability.

You can learn more about Meditation Teacher Training and get 5 parts free meditation mini course at Meditation Certification Website. If the link doesn't work, you can copy and paste this link into your web browser

Are You Overtraining?

Overtraining, otherwise known as OT, is a serious syndrome which affects those who engage excessively in strenuous physical activity without taking adequate breaks. Anybody who consistently performs any kind of activity which involves strenuous exercise should beware of developing this syndrome.

The difficulty with this syndrome lies in the fact that it will quite likely not suddenly hit you one morning; rather it will creep up on you very slowly. The symptoms occur because you may wear out your body to the extent that it cannot recover itself adequately. As such, it is important to remember that allowing the body to rest is just as important in developing fitness. Only through proper rest and giving the body breaks in between workouts can you truly get healthy.

Most people who suffer from overtraining are athletes who engage in high intensity training every day, or bodybuilders who never take a break. However it is something that everyone who engages in physical activity on a regular basis should be aware of. Since there is really no way of treating the syndrome the only thing you can do is be aware of the risk and avoid developing the symptoms in the first place.

Prevention is thus the best strategy. In the first instance, therefore it is always important to vary your exercise routine. Do not do the same thing over and over again without mixing it up a little. You should never be working out the same muscles on consecutive days, especially for longer stretches of time.

You should also beware of taking on repetitive motion tasks without proper preparation or breaks. For instance, some people develop tennis elbow because of consistently playing tennis. Alternatively, runners often get shin splints. Different kinds of exercises can have different effects on different areas of the body. So when you repeatedly use one muscle group, particularly at the expense of the others, you can start to wreak havoc on you body.

There are many symptoms of overtraining, the most common of which include lethargy, decreased performance, loss of motivation, depression, increased injuries, and an increased resting heart rate. Beyond this you might also experience increased amount of colds and flu, insomnia, headaches, lack of appetite, and difficulty concentrating.

Overtraining is very hard on the body's immune system, so those with the syndrome will often get sick easily, and also get injured easily because their muscles are so strained and weak. Instead of continuous training helping to strengthen your body and your health, overtraining can lead to serious ailments, poor health and illness.

While the best thing to do for overtraining is to simply avoid it in the first place, there are certain things you can do to mitigate the effects so you can get healthy again as soon as possible. Should you have already overexerted yourself follow some of the steps below for taking a load off and giving your body a break.

The first and most obvious thing is to simply take some time off. Even though you may feel like you're being lazy, taking some time to rest can be the best thing you can do for your health and your fitness. Remind yourself that you're only making yourself weaker by continuing to train ever day.

Secondly, after a week or two off from working out, begin slowly again and don't overdo it. Be sure to stretch well before and after each workout and keep the workouts short and sweet. Once you've injured yourself or diminished your strength through overtraining, it is essential to start out slow. Remember that overdoing it will leave you back at square one, having to take more time off to recover.

Next, start to mix up your workouts by taking up a new sport or by engaging in some potent cross training. If you were previously only into doing weights, be sure to add some cardio. If alternatively, you were a cardio junkie, start to work on your core and begin adding some weights to your routine.

Exercising the core group of muscles, your abs and back especially can be the key to preventing future injuries. Yoga and Pilates are two great ways to get your core in shape and to slow down the mind while exercising the body. Both Yoga and Pilates can be intense physical workouts even while helping you to reach a relaxed meditative state - a state no doubt that many over-trainers could use.

Finally, be sure to take breaks between workouts and to rotate your routine so that you don't exercise the same muscles every day. This can cause strain and injury and lead you back down the road to suffering. If you are doing legs and butt one day, be sure to work out the arms and back at the next opportunity, or to put a cardio routine in between the two.

Unless you are a professional athlete, bodybuilder or are training intensely for a particular challenge (in which case the intense training should only be temporary), you don't need to be working out more than 5 times a week. Taking a walk the other two days is more than enough to keep your metabolism going and to stretch out your body.

Once you have the syndrome it can take quite awhile for the symptoms to ease, anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. So, if you don't want to go through this again, follow the above advice and keep yourself well and healthy.

Dale Miller is a health, sports, fitness and nutrition enthusiast. He operates and writes a blog at

The Different Types of Yoga - An Introduction to The Most Common Yoga Styles

Yoga is a training system for body and mind that can be traced back more than 5000 years. It focuses on what is here and now and on being present. Therefore yoga has become more popular than ever - it brings back focus on the present, in a world that is constantly changing and where humans are often focusing on the future instead of the present. There are many different types of yoga and they are all a development of the ancient form. However, as a beginner it can be very difficult to know which type of yoga to try out with. Only by trying different styles, you can find out which one suit you better. Therefore, this article will provide you with a brief overview of some of the most common types of yoga.


The classical Hatha yoga consists of the original physical postures and breathing exercises, usually done in a calm and relaxed pace with pauses between the positions. Most of the yoga types performed in the West are inspired by Hatha, and they all vary in their shape in terms of 'asanas' - the natural positions - and their focus on breathing and meditation. The focus of Hatha is typically to perform the classic posts properly in accordance with the body's abilities. 'Ha' means in Sanskrit 'sun' while 'tha' means 'moon'. Hatha represents the duality in life - yin and yang, masculine and feminine, darkness and light. Hatha Yoga tries to balance these opposing forces.


Vinyasa yoga is more dynamic than Hatha yoga since the yoga exercises are performed at a fast pace without long breaks between them in a flow. The name Vinyasa refers to the movement respiratory system, and it is about the relationship of the breath and the movements.During the practise of Vinyasa yoga much heat is formed in the body and therefore the body produces a lot of waste through sweat.


Astanga yoga is a very physically challenging type of yoga, and provides good training for strength, flexibility and endurance. Astanga yoga consists of a series of yoga exercises performed in a flow without a break in between. In Astanga Yoga, the breathing must be coordinated with the movements as in Vinyasa Yoga.


Yin yoga is developed by Paul Grilley, and is a tranquil type of yoga, which focuses on deep stretching and balancing of the body. In Yin Yoga positions are held for a long time. Yin yoga combines wisdom from Taoism and Chinese acupuncture with the Indian yoga philosophy.


Power yoga is based on Astanga yoga and for those who want a vigorous workout. This type of yoga is often seen in gyms and fitness centers. Even though it is based on Astanga yoga, it is often a mixture of many different types of yoga, forming a very dynamic yoga class.


Iyengar Yoga was developed by B.K.S. Iyengar - one of the most known yoga teachers in the world. In the physical positions there is a strong emphasis on detail and on body position and straight lines. Another characteristic of this yoga style is that it frequently uses tools such as blocks and belts. In Iyengar yoga, each position is often held for a long time, and the breathing deepens the effect of each position.


Tri Yoga is a trinity of physical poses, breathing, and focus on a combination of flow and static positions. Characteristic of this type of yoga is the use of wave-like backbone movements and breathing exercises. The founder Kali Ray has created seven levels of severity and meditative content.


Sivananda yoga is a gentle form of yoga and recommends a healthy vegetarian lifestyle and positive thinking and meditation. This yoga style was founded by Swami Vishnu-devananda. A Sivananda yoga class also consists of chanting, meditation and deep relaxation.


Kundalini yoga includes physical exercise but is concentrated on breathing exercises and chanting. The purpose is to awaken the kundalini energy located at the bottom of the spine and help it to move up along the spine through the body's chakras in order to reach your head and give a strong spiritual experience. Kundalini is very powerful and should only be exercised in collaboration with an experienced teacher.

click here to read more articles on yoga and other related issues.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Give COPD the Workout it Deserves!

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease is a major loss of the lung function and if you have been diagnosed with this illness, you may have been told that a physical workout is one of the best things you can do to help you feel better. If you are having trouble breathing, that may seem like the last thing you want to do, but it is best to take the doctor's advice on this one!

Many benefits come from exercising when you have COPD. Here are some of the main ones:

1.Although it may seem like exercise causes you to be short of breath, in the long run, it actually reduces shortness of breath.

2.Exercise will help build endurance and muscle strength, which will help you to be more active for longer periods of time, and everyday chores will be easier to do.

3.Getting outdoors or to the gym will motivated you. Keeping busy and doing something good will go a long way toward keeping depression or feelings of loneliness and isolation at bay.

4.Exercise will help to improve your body's ability to use existing lung function.

If you are planning to exercise, it's a good idea to have a plan. The first thing you should do before anything is talk with your doctor to see what is best for you. Choose activities that you are interested in and enjoying doing. If possible, get some friends to join you! A good regimen should include stretches to warm up and cool down. In between that, it is up to you. Here are some types of exercises that you should include somewhere in your schedule:

Aerobic Lower body Upper body Flexibility Endurance Strength training Yoga

You can put your muscles to use anywhere. You can do it in the comfort of your own living room or in the fresh air of a nearby park. Once you have started your routine, stick with it. You may find that you get tired easily but that is normal and the more you stick with it, the less tired you will be.

Set goals for yourself and try to meet them. You don't have to meet a goal in one session, but try to accomplish it over a period of time. While exercising, keep an eye on your breathing. Don't over exert yourself. If there are any 'Drill Sargents ' around, tell them go throw themselves under the next bus.

Try breathing slowly and through your nose for maximum benefits. If you feel overwhelmed, take a break. You're not training for the Olympics, you're just coping with COPD and trying to breathe easier.

Bill Justice coping with Copd in every way possible with a little help from my friends.

The Importance of Yin Yoga

Don't let the name fool you. Yin yoga by name may appear to be a less strenuous form of yoga, and in comparison to styles such as ashtanga or bikram yoga, it is. But nevertheless, it is very challenging in its own way. This does not require the muscular endurance that ashtanga and bikram, rather it requires being able to hold certain positions for at least 3-5 minutes at a time. Some may hold positions for up to 20 minutes. Sounds easy, but it is far more challenging than it seems.

What is Yin Yoga?

If you were to think of the more "power" styles of yoga, such as ashtanga, as "yang" yoga, the term "yin" yoga makes perfect sense for what it concentrates on. Yang yoga's primary focus is muscle lengthening and muscle contraction. The emphasis is on the muscle itself. Yin yoga focuses on working the connective tissues, such as the ligaments and tendons. More specifically, the ligaments and tendons of the pelvis, hip and lower back area are worked.

Why Should You Practice Yin Yoga?

During a yang practice, or even regular exercise such as jogging or resistance training, we are engaging our muscles in repetitive movements. This repetition breaks the muscle fibers down in order to build back up. This scenario is ideal for toning the muscles to give them definition. However, this is just part of the puzzle. Making sure the tissues that connect the muscle to the bone are healthy and malleable is extremely important.

These positions help to ensure the connective tissues are properly aligned. In addition, this strengthens the joints by creating space that allow for better and safer range of motion. This reduces the risk of potential injury that exercises focusing on muscular contraction can cause. When the joints have accumulated tension, the risk for injury is high if it is not addressed. Yin yoga can pay a huge part in releasing joint tension and opening the body.

When Should You Practice Yin Yoga?

Ideally, the greatest benefits of Yin yoga are reaped when the muscles are not warm. The perfect time would be just upon waking. The reason being is that warm muscles will take the impact of the stretching away from the connective tissues, which is what you want to be working. You may also incorporate a Yin yoga session right before a regular exercise session or before a Yang yoga session. For women, the time of menses is also a great time to incorporate a Yin yoga session, as it is said to help conserve necessary energies.

Incorporating a yoga practice in which the focus is on strengthening and opening the joints and connective tissues is very important in reducing the risk of injury. It is also important to ensure bone health as our bodies age. Most exercise programs focus on working the muscles, but making sure the other tissues are worked simultaneously ensures you get a well-balanced, highly beneficial work out. This balance will keep our bodies healthy for years to come.

Jenn Aguirre a ' Hercules Fitness Trainer ' and runs 3 different ' Hercules Boot Camp [] ' locations where she incorporates functional and strength training.

Exercise Ball Workouts Are Ideal For Weight Loss

It's six o'clock in the morning and you're up and out of bed with only one thing on your mind and that is "I need to lose weight". A lot of stress is compounded by that unwanted extra fat that lines your body and pull you down to the ground. "Down to the ground" - well this can be related to two things... Firstly, one's morals, spirits, and even personality can get altered due to the fact that one is overweight. Secondly, with extra flab hanging, the body tends to sag.

Losing weight is a task by itself, but when you make up your mind and you know what you want, all it takes is concerted effort in the form of workouts. Many go to gyms; some go for various home remedies like drinking honey with warm water or eating flax seeds. But, to be honest, all these either give temporary results or there are no results seen at all, for it may work for some people and not others.

Many traditional weight loss programs and workouts have become popular over the years. However, exercise ball workouts are becoming increasingly accepted as an effective form of exercise for weight loss programs. You will find exercise balls at many gyms and they are a part of many aerobic and yoga training classes as well. Not only can you lose weight with an exercise ball but increase your stamina and correct your posture too.

Though some people prefer going to gyms and follow various workout programs, it is seen that many people don't actually continue the workouts as they fail to go to the gym regularly due to various reasons. Well to be practical one doesn't really need to go to the gym to work on the extra flab. One can simply stay at home and try out the exercise ball workouts.

Exercise ball workouts are now the most commonly and most wide spread form of exercise which has exploded over the last few years. People tend to think that there can be no better way to lose weight and get into shape. This form of exercise helps strengthen the core muscles, and works out the hard to get muscles. One doesn't require a personal trainer, an instructor, or any other kind of health professional.

A big bright colored ball which looks fun can be all that is required to lose weight along with having fun. However, what you need to keep in mind is that proper equipment is the key which ensures you to get the most out of your exercise ball workouts. Another key point is proper alignment, through which you are ensured safety as well as maximum result out of each exercise.

Exercise ball workouts have proven to be one of the best forms of working out. To begin with, you need to start with the exercise ball basics which deal with warm up, stretches, etc. The exercise ball workout also helps to trim your upper body lower body, and also acts as a metabolism booster.

Therefore, all you need to do is lose weight the fun and easy way, and have a great day with no stress and lots of confidence. Exercise balls are an effective way to develop abdominal muscles and core strength, plus the movements do not place stress on wary joints and ligaments. Find out more about abdominal conditioning and core strength at