Saturday, January 26, 2013

Power Yoga to Improve Your Posture and Relieve Back Pain

I started yoga at age 50. It was an eye opener. As a martial artist, I've been beaten to a pulp before but my first power yoga session was a killer. The actual session was amazing and my wife told me to perform the relaxation yoga session take a long hot bath before going to bed.

I totally forgot and woke up the next morning acutely aware of muscles I did not knew I had. My major muscle groups felt the way they did after an intense strength training session, the smaller muscles were screaming. I was surprised to find that my normally aching back was fine. That morning when I got up, there was one area of pain missing from my body. The usual lower back pain that I've experienced over the years was not present.

These days I've become more proficient in yoga and enjoy a variety of postures and styles. Like martial arts, yoga works best when we focus on the basics. By continually working on the essentials, we master them and like driving a car, we begin to separate the physical actions from our mental task list.

Most experienced drivers let their bodies handle the details of driving and can listen to the radio without worry or danger of crashing. The same is true of yoga practitioners who become experienced in poses and postures. This is essential for getting past the physical stage of yoga and developing the mental stage.

I made this discovery when I realized one day that my lower back muscles which were always adversely affected by my bad left hip no longer ached from sitting or standing for long periods. I first attributed it to the prolonged stretching from my yoga sessions. When I mentioned this to another more experienced practitioner, she asked me about my stress level. I told her that I was noticeably less stressed since I started regular yoga sessions and even more so when I became proficient in the breathing exercises.

Yoga practice separates the mastery of the body, mind and emotions. Each area gets a workout in yoga; each is offered its own focus for development. This is one reason why sticking to the development of the basics is so important. The spiritual aspects of yoga came to me after I was able to experience the physical forms and relegate their actions to my muscle memory. Only then was I able to effectively move on to the mental and spiritual aspects of yoga.

As a westerner, I tend to favor the simple names for the poses and one of my favorites is the triangle pose or trikonasana. This pose seems easy when you look at it but you can work the entire body with this pose when executed correctly.

This pose requires balance, flexibility and proper breathing. Start by exhaling, and then raise your arms to about shoulder level. Relax your shoulders and pretend that you are standing against a wall. You can actually practice this pose against a wall to get it right. Turn your palms downward and stretch your fingers.

As you breathe out, move your feet about three and a half feet apart and turn your right foot at a 90 degree angle to your left foot.  Your right foot's heel should be in line with your left foot's instep. Be sure to maintain proper balance throughout this pose.

Now maintain your posture as you open your hips and begin to bend from the waist to the right. As you bend toward the right foot, keep your back flat as if you were against a wall. Control your breathing as you go down. Your eyes are focused on the fingers of your left hand. Keep your neck and head in line with your spine. You are now looking up and breathing in a deep steady rhythm as you extend your spine.

You don't need to touch the floor from this position. As a beginner, you simply want to develop form and posture. At this point your hips are tilted and open but you are still flat. Your right hand can touch the lowest point on your knee or shin. Don't over do it at this time. You can explore this pose and increase its difficulty later.

Relax into the pose and breathe evenly. Explore the posture and pay attention to your form.  Exhale as you come up and slowly take your center position. Reverse the pose and do it from the left side. Do this pose three or four times in each side.

There are variations on the triangle pose that you can develop but the most important thing to keep in mind is the position of your spine. This pose helped me to overcome lower back pain and hip joint aches. Try it separately from your yoga routine and get to know it intimately, you'll find it liberating.

For more information on combating disease and getting fit with yoga, visit our website.

A Combination Of Yoga And Weight Training Can Provide Men With Vitality And Positive Thinking

I will address the physical aspects of the yoga technique in this article. No attempt will be made to address any so called "spiritual" aspects as that is beyond the scope of this text and can be counter-productive to the yoga experience.

As a hobby or even as a lifestyle, all categories of individuals and age groups are enjoying yoga. The physical and psychological differences between men and women have been studied (and are being studied) by yoga practitioners for a long time.

Men most often suppress their emotions and are known as less emotional than women in general. This ultimately, can lead to stress along with a higher risk of major heart problems.

Most dedicated yoga practitioners understand that there is a higher physical strength level for men than for women. Some of the poses that are dedicated to men involve more stamina and muscle power than women's poses, due to a man's greater physical strength.

A combination of yoga and weight training, many male yoga practitioners have found, can provide men with the necessary vitality and positive thinking they strive to achieve.

Yoga and weight training offer a complete and balanced program for total fitness of body and mind. This, in turn, will give the individual a better outlook on life and improved confidence in every aspect of living.

The delicate balance between mind and body is broken, in many cases, by different, and adverse, outside factors such as social problems, pressures, stress, etc. In such cases, the close link between the body and the spirit can often be seen.

If the spirit is somehow defeated, the body will invariably become ill and weakened. The more physical aspects of yoga are highly recommended for men for this very reason.

Certain physical standards are imposed on us by society: looking good (or the best that we can), and staying physcally fit, are two of the imposed standards we must endure.

Taking care of your body properly will instill a combination of self-confidence, self-respect and other positive benefits in the individual. When combined with a balanced and nutritious diet, some of the yoga poses you will read about in this article, will be great for keeping the body in excellent shape.

The chances of various illnesses such as elevated blood pressure, heart attacks, and osteoporosis will be greatly reduced, if not eliminated, by applying these physical yoga training exercises. So, we see many benefits resulting from practicing these exercises.

Yoga can provide sufficient shields against stress by offering meditation and relaxation techniques to keep the body and mind in peak condition at all times. Yoga practitioners gain an enduring state of peace and relaxation by beginning with half an hour of stretching of the muscles along with deep breathing exercises. This gives both the mind and the body the chance to replenish their depleted energy which is a positive aspect in dealing with today's rushed business atmosphere.

Excellent for aiding the body's blood circulation and allowing the heart rate to drop, are the benefits of special yoga poses such as the headstand. Deep breathing, thus improving brain oxygen, is also enhanced by this kind of yoga position. The positive effects of yoga breathing -- thus greatly increasing the lungs' capacity to process oxygen -- are enhanced by yoga poses such as the shoulder stand.

Particularly beneficial to the spine, both these poses -- the headstand and shoulder stand -- allow the spine to stretch and relax at the same time. In order to increase the strength of the abdominal muscles and lower back muscles the plough pose may also be used. The corpse pose, also known as savasana, is beneficial for resting and relaxing the body between asanas.

It is important that you accompany these poses with special breathing techniques. The anuloma viloma technique is highly recommended during use of physical exercises as it is especially effective for balancing the prana levels in the body.

Clearing the nasal passages and throat of phlegm, the ujjayi breathing method promotes better air circulation thus improving oxygen levels to the brain and other areas of the body. In order to maximize the responses of the nervous system, this technique works very well indeed.

The yoga experience results in greater physical strength, mental clarity, and improvered overall health. Practicing yoga can be a very rewarding, lifetime endeavor. I recommend it to everyone. It does not matter whether you are in poor, or excellent, health. You will enjoy many personal benefits.

Why not go out and purchase a manual on yoga technique and begin today? This is a form of exercise that can easily be done at home, so you save time by not having to leave the house for your yoga sessions.

I cannot think of any plan that addresses the physical and emotional sides of the person as well as yoga, so get to it! It can be fun as well as rewarding.

As we stated earlier, the meditative and "spititual" aspects of yoga are not addressed here - they are not required in order to enjoy the benefits of yoga - in fact, the so called, "spiritual" aspects might even hinder the benefits of yoga - but that is another topic for another day.

Learn to experience the soothing powers and benefits of yoga by visiting, a popular yoga websit ethat provides yoga related tips, advice and resources to include information on yoga for men, yoga for women, yoga for elders and the branches of yoga

Yamas and Niyamas - Some Basic Concepts

Yoga yamas are essentially rules that govern the way we interact with the outer world or interpersonal disciplines to lead us in our relationships with other people. The five yamas are: Ahimsa, Satya, Asteya, Brahmacharya, Aparigraha.

Satya means truthfulness. It encompasses accuracy of speech, ideas and deeds. Its practice involves honesty, owning feelings, adoring communication, assertiveness, providing constructive suggestions, forgiveness, non-judging, and the releasing of masks. Satya can be defined by the following quote: "The elf of the tongue desires the giant to operate it" - Bapuji. Honesty can be used as a weapon, so be cautious to be compassionate. It's not about being "right." Love is greater than truth. "Brutal Honesty" is not truth. If LOVE guides the way you use truth then you're exercising Satya. Ahimsa (non-violence) must be practiced together with Satya. Principles and notions keep us from the actual truth, keep it dirty. Learn to be accepting just like a newborn. Don't let Ego get in the way of Heart.

Asteya is a yoga yama that emphasizes non-stealing, not coveting, and not being jealous. Its practice involves making use of objects the proper way, such as proper time management. With Asteya you must Develop a sense of completeness, self-sufficiency, and forget about cravings. If you value material items excessively, this lure will come upon you from time to time; release that false value. Should you achieve what you need by sincere means, you should have no worries. Should you attain what you want by unethical means, you will live with fear.

Brahmacharya is a yoga yama that teaches the channeling of feelings, moderation in all things, and self-containment. It involves no overindulgence of thoughts, intelligence, conversation or human body; moderation on all levels concerning sex, foods, and all facets of everyday life. This is the most misunderstood Yama, so I will spend more time defining the meaning of it. The practice of brahmacharya does not necessarily mean complete repression, but rather control of sensual urges. It's defining principle is gratifying our desires for pleasure through food, sex, television and other hobbies conceals the emptiness inside. That emptiness is spiritual hunger. Our own soul wants satisfaction. There are many levels of our being, and we often don't take a holistic method of fulfillment on each one of these levels. We frequently simply view the simplest, surface level requirements and attempt to fulfill ourselves on a physical level. "Brahma" means the originator and "Charya" means teacher or guide. The term Brahmacharya is derived from the two words Brahma and acharya or even charya (take your own pick). Brahma is actually God as the creator or progenitor, acharya is teacher and charya means wedded to. Therefore you could say brahmacharya means getting wedded to Brahma or "to remain attached to the source" or to stay continuous with it. Brahmacharya follows this motto: "This day, I am moderate, centered, and complete. I personally use my energy in ways which lead me nearer to my Source. I treat myself and other people with respect, knowing the natural Divinity of all folks." Neither worrying nor repressing, make peace along with your sensual desires or virtually any interests which pull you off-center from the Source. Avoid overindulgence of thoughts, intelligence, conversation, and body.

Developing Stages:

1. Self-containment by means of reasonable sexuality as well as diet.

2. Absolutely no thoughts of previous or future sense pleasures.

3. Freedom from attachment to pleasures.

4. Free of duality as well as the illusion that you're incomplete.

5. Internal serenity.

6. Continuous inner fervor, exchanging outward emphasis of sensual/sexual energies.

Be reasonable in moderation also so it is not really a burden. It is a beautiful practice. It is regarding moderating the extreme conditions and not desiring too much (consumerism). Brahmacharya yoga brings out the fire in your spirit. A lot of energies come up. If it comes up, allow it to burn - smothering issues just makes these smolder. Once they re-emerge they will be hotter. Once they arise, observe exactly what the issues are, and move deeper to your own true motives.

YogaFit has a lot of very informative advice in all aspects of yoga exercises poses, training, and everything else. She also has a number of yoga meetings several times a year and is known yoga guru and mogul around the world.

Recognized Yoga Education Facilities and Employment Opportunities in Yoga

Yoga, the twin sister of Ayurveda is one unique science that deals with the physical and mental health of a person. Since ancient times, Yoga and Ayurveda were natural part of one's life. Over time, both sciences got buried in the history. A newfound enthusiasm on Yoga is visible all around the world, especially in the US, Germany, Australia and the UK.

Different universities in India today offer Graduate and Diploma programs in Yoga. There are only a few universities that impart training on Yoga. The certificate one gets after successfully completing the courses include BA, BSc and Diploma certificates, based on the intensity of Yoga training one has undergone.

Employment Opportunities for Yoga Professionals

Today Yoga has worldwide acclamation and people from all over the world today practice Yoga. Yoga instructors are now from almost all countries of the world and these Yoga instructors impart scientific yoga knowledge to people. These Yoga instructors conduct basic Yoga awareness classes and Yoga workshops. These are the most common type of employment opportunity in Yoga. Being a certified Yoga instructor takes dedication and hardwork for good reputation.

Yoga Ashrams set up in different parts of India is another place where Yoga instructors get employment. These yoga ashrams are usually situated at secluded locations, at scenic spots full of greenery and calm atmosphere. These are real places of practicing yoga as the atmosphere itself is relaxing and people find it easier to concentrate, learn and find peace of mind.

Tourist resorts like hill resorts, beach resorts, backwater resorts, forest side resorts too offer excellent employment opportunities for qualified yoga masters. Such tourist resorts are expected to grow large scale in the coming years in India. Tourism sector in India shows a continuous upward trend. The interest in Yoga is also increasing all around the world. Thus qualified yoga masters will be in great demand.

If you are interested in practicing Yoga full time, you can join reputed Yoga training programes offered by a university in India or the training programmes offered by recognized training centers.

Dev Sri provides insider information about Ayurvedic herbal medicine practices and Ayurveda in Kerala. Find more about Ayurvedic medicines at

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First Limb of Yoga- The Fourth Yama - Brahmacharya

Brahmacharya: The fourth Yama brings to mind words like chastity, celibacy, or abstinence. Consider this Yama to refer to restraining sensual or sexual pleasure; but also consider moderation as a key element. Moderation is a key to quality life.

To deprive the senses, tends to create frustrated people. How many of us have seen someone enter into a diet, and make everyone else miserable? The person who lives on a "lettuce diet," out of necessity, has a right to be frustrated.

However, if it is a diet of choice, then this person could apply a little spice, other vegetables, whole grains, herbs, legumes, and any anything else it takes to live a quality life.

If the mind demands chocolate, we cannot be unpleasant to everyone else, because we chose to go without it. People do the same with coffee. They suddenly quit, and take it out on their friends, family, and co-workers. If they are expecting an award or prize, they will get it. The destruction of their reputation will be known far and wide.

This is not an excuse to over indulge in everything, either. Even good foods can be consumed to excess. For example: We often hear that olive oil is good for you because of the Omega 6 value. This is true, but if we use it to excess, you will notice our waist lines expand rapidly.

Salmon is good for Omega 3 value, but have you seen how quickly bears can gain size while eating a salmon rich diet? Too much of anything is not good. It all comes back to moderation in every avenue of life.

Consider these famous words by Eubie Blake on his 100th birthday, "If I'd known I'd Live this long, I'd have taken better care of myself."

© Copyright 2007 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of Yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. He has been a certified Master Yoga Teacher since 1995. To receive a Free Yoga e-Book: "Yoga in Practice," and a Free Yoga Newsletter, please visit:

Try This Seated Chair Stretch For Lower Back Pain

Many people carry about tension in the lower back. This may not even feel like a noticeable pain on a regular basis as you go about your day. However it can be a hidden potential for a flare up of back pain, or simply an injury waiting to happen when you move the wrong way. Here is a mild, simple and tell-tale method for finding out if your lower back has pent up tension in it, and is also a way to stretch and eliminate that tension and potential pain. This is an exercise for both women's and men's back health.

This can be especially helpful if you sit a lot, if your back is tight when you wake up, and before or after a long drive in your car, and can keep you from reaching for that bottle of pain killers as often for back pain.

I have found that this mild exercise is best done first thing in the morning. Now that may not sound like the most appealing or first thing you do in the morning (OK, grab your cup of coffee first, and do this mild back exercise while you enjoy your morning coffee!).

1. Get a chair with a hard, flat seat, like a wooden dining or kitchen chair.

2. Place your feet flat on the floor, with your ankles and calves aligned perfectly straight up and down, not tucked underneath or extended in front of you.

3. Sit up straight, and extend your spine perfectly straight.

4. Slowly loosen your neck muscles, lower your forehead and allow your chin to drop toward your chest.

5. You may start to feel a tight pulling sensation in your lower back, below your waistband. That is OK, as we want to find out how tight your back is in that location.

6. Place your hands with fingers interlaced around the back of your skull, not your neck, and apply some added tension with the weight of your arms to go deeper into the position.

7. Keep your back straight, and keep applying more pressure with your hands and arms.

8. You can slowly let up on the pressure, and slowly bring your head back up to normal forward looking position.

9. Repeat this 4 to 5 times slowly, depending on the amount of pain or tension you feel.

10.You should notice a great feeling of relief in your lower back, even if there was tension when you first began.

For some people, this will really not indicate much tension, which is a good thing. For those people just remember this exercise and try it once a week or so. Vary the days you try it, depending on amount of physical workload, if you are ill or healthy, the amount of exercise or sitting you have been doing recently, and even changes in the weather.

For other people, you will immediately notice tension and mild pain, and for some a very acute pain. That is OK also, this is intended to be a therapeutic stretch to relieve that pain by stretching and training the muscles and tendons back there. Your body has more power to heal itself that you may give it credit for, but sometimes that takes effort, and pushing a bit beyond what is comfortable.

I simply caution you to go slowly. Try repeating it 5 to 6 times per session, going just a bit deeper into the stretch each time. Perform this exercise 3 to 5 times per week, in the morning. If you have something serious going on with your back such as recent surgery, it may be best to discuss or try this with your doctor or caregiver the first time you do it.

Phillip D. Meilbeck is a lifelong athlete, personal fitness trainer, nutritionist and yoga practitioner who makes health and fitness a lifestyle and a passion. He works with his wife Loredana, a registered yoga instructor, to bring the benefits of yoga to more men for improved back health. To learn more about the programs they have developed for you, please visit or

Friday, January 25, 2013

Let's Take A Look At Some Of The More Common Branches Of Yoga

Yoga has been practiced for over two thousand years, so it's inevitable that over such a long period of time variations and divergences have occurred. Nowadays there are many different yoga practices and branches available to choose from. Each one serves a different need or purpose, but they all tend to have one main purpose - to harmonize and identify the equilibrium between body and mind. Let's take a look at some of the more common branches of yoga.

Hatha Yoga

One of the main aims of hatha yoga is to increase your state of well being. It's considered to be a primary form of modern physical therapy. It teaches meditation, which has consistent with across all branches of yoga. Hatha yoga also focuses on teaching a series of important postures, referred to in yoga terminology as asanas, and practicing breathing exercises, called pranayamas.

Karma Yoga

You've probably come across the word karma before, and know that it is a principle that states that everything that happens to us in our current existence is directly caused by our previous actions. Because of this, one of the main purposes of karma yoga is teaching practitioners how to eliminate all the selfishness and negativity from their current life, so that they won't have to deal with the consequences in the future. Karma is something that should be practiced every day, whether at work or home, and there are many activities you can participate in that have the goal of helping other people and so fit well with the karma yoga journey.

Raja Yoga

The focus of raja yoga is meditation, and it is often referred to as classical yoga. This is quite a complex method of yoga training, and it's quite common for practitioners to start with hatha yoga, to prepare the body, before moving on to the more advanced training in raja yoga. Most of the people who are attracted to raja yoga are quite introspective, and interested in learning profound meditation. There are a number of religious groups that devote themselves to this yoga path, as it is closely aligned to a monastic or contemplative lifestyle.

Jnana Yoga

This branch of yoga is mostly of interest to scholars, as it focuses on the development of the intellect by studying traditional yoga scripts and texts. It's generally considered to be the yoga of the heart and wisdom. It's often described as being the most difficult of all yoga practices, but in some ways jnana yoga is one of the more challenging and direct paths.

Bhakti Yoga

This is another popular form of yoga, and it promotes and sustains the idea of devotion. Bhakti yoga is dedicated to the belief that any form of creation has something divine about it. So a respect, acceptance and tolerance of all forms of life is an important element of every interaction throughout life.

These are only some of the main branches of yoga; there are certainly many, many more that you can follow. The good thing is that with so many variations of yoga, it's possible to find a yoga practice that will closely align with your own goals and needs, and help you to find inner peace and equilibrium.

For more information about the many branches of yoga, yoga for men, yoga for women, yoga for the elderly and the life enhancing benefits of yoga please visit located at

Stress Relief - A Therapeutic Massage For The Soul And How Our Issues Are In Our Tissues

What we are thinking directly affects our body, our entire body, all the way down to the tiniest atom we are made of. The mind/body are connected as one. In other words, a direct inner and outer feedback loop exists between the mind/body. So what we think, actually affects us on a physical level. It affects our health, what our body looks and feels like-inside and out.

When you are thinking a stressful thought in your mind, your body will react to that thought no matter if the stressful situation is happening(real) or just being imagined in your mind.(not real) There is no difference between the mind/body so both the 'real' stress and 'not real' stress will still affect your body in the same way.

That is why staying in the present moment is so important. Because in the now..the mind/body can be more aware of what is actually happening and what is just a fear of the future happening. In the moment, it is easier to stay at peace and relaxed in your mind and thus your body will then feel more relaxed and at peace.

When you can stay this absolutely relaxed in your mind in the moment it can be like giving yourself the most therapeutic deep tissue massage from inside of yourself.

I first learned of this mind/body medicine years ago by reading about a field of scientific study called Psychoneuroimmunology. In this field of medicine studies show how our thinking affects our entire body, by breaking the processes down in the brain and the link between disease and thought patterns. This is mind/body medicine study of our human nature. Deepak Chopra is one pioneer in this field of medicine and a pioneer in helping people heal and stay healthy.

I was really intrigued and started studying it more deeply. I began to learn how thoughts are broken down into chemical processes and deeply linked to how our body operates. Those chemical processed break down into what our mind/body is made of pure divine energy. This opened my eyes and my heart.

For some people studying the physiology of the body is boring. For me it is heaven because I have come to learn about what amazing creations we all are down to the tiniest little atom.

Some chemical processes(thoughts) are healthy for our entire mind/body system and some are not. The unhappy emotional states, or negative thoughts like stress, fear, depression, anger, resentment and sorrow produce more pain in the body because they activate chemical processes within us that break our mind/body down.

It can be a cycle of stress/pain looping around on itself all the time. These emotional states also produce a weakened immune system. This is where we are more open to disease, disorders and sickness. Plus our muscles are just more tight and tense too.

The other side of this is that happy emotional states or positive thoughts like, gratitude, love, acceptance, compassion peace produce more relaxed states of the body. States of the mind/body like relaxed muscles, healthier immune systems...and healing from disease or sickness. Or never getting sick at all. It is easy to notice people like this because they seem to have a healthier glow about them.

Like I said there is scientific evidence for all this. Plus I have had direct experience of this in my own mind/body. Also, I have seen it in my clients during the many years I have been a mind/body medicine practitioner. I bet if you really started to look in your life and feel deeply into your own body, you could start to notice how your thoughts affect what your body is looking like and feeling like all the time.

When I initially became more aware I would begin to notice how my own body was deeply affected by my thought processes. How my being angry made my heart hurt or shoulders hurt. How when I was stressing out, my neck would hurt. As I started practicing yoga and meditation and becoming more calm, my body started to change and I was in pain much less. But the real shift in me came when I became aware of my thoughts being directly linked to my body, my muscles, my tissues on a moment to moment basis. So I started combining this awareness with watching my thoughts to see how just a thought would affect tightness in my body. I began focusing more on creating positive thoughts in my mind all the time, not just during my yoga class or meditations.

If I was stressing I would become even more focused on a positive, happy thought in the moment. As I did this I would notice almost instantly how my tense muscles would relax, my breath would become easier and I would just feel better. I also noticed how my mind/body was shifting into an almost constant state of ease and comfort. The mind/body loop in full effect!

As I was noticing in my own life I was also noticing it in the mind and bodies my of clients. As a massage therapist/bodyworker/yoga teacher it was truly amazing to witness and feel into while massaging my clients.

I was beginning to see how my clients bodies held muscular patterns in direct relation to what their mind states where. Clients that came in that were more stressed, angry, unhappy and sad had almost similar body patterns. They almost always had tighter muscles, more injuries and just reported more pain in themselves. The clients who were happier, calmer and more peaceful, guess what? They almost always had a body pattern of muscles that were relaxed, flexible and easier to massage. It has taken me many years to really start to see all the patterning that goes on the mind/body and it is pretty amazing.

The thought patterns we have about ourselves turn into(manifest) as a real, organic 3 dimensional full body representation of what we are consciously thinking most of the time. Our un(sub)conscious thought patterns affect our body too..but that's a whole other website...:)

A huge link to this patterning is about what our thoughts are moment to moment.

Plenty of people 'do' yoga and meditation and get positive results during their class for the few hours a week their connecting to themselves. Yet then they go right back out 'into the world' to being unconscious of what their mind flow is and how it deeply affects their body. People take a break from their chaotic life to do yoga and meditation without realizing that yoga and meditation are a life path focus of being aware all the time. We can become even more aware in the moment of the thoughts that cause our mind/body stress. We can learn to let those go in the moment, for the good our bodies, our minds and our lives. This is learning to re-train ourselves moment to moment, not just during the 1 1/2 hours we go sit on a mat in a yoga class.

There is a deeper internal shift that can happen so that we can be in a constant state of awareness. A deeper focus, a presence and an intent to be more aware all the time.

Thoughts become the 'things' of our bodies, or our issues are in our tissues. So I teach people to pay attention to what they are telling themselves all the time, all the time.

It can become easy to go into autopilot and go down an automatic path of stress and negativity. That stress and negativity affects how the body looks, feels and heals. Always.

It takes practice once we start to notice our automatic thoughts more and shift what we are thinking from within. We can ask ourselves whether we are telling ourselves that we are healthy, beautiful, cared for and loved. It is at that level of thinking we are start to train our mind/body to be healthier, happy and more at peace. All from a place of conscious choice Redding Massage-Redding, CA Yoga

Searching for Massage Therapists and Yoga Instruction in Redding, CA? Advanced Massage Solutions and Yoga in Redding, CA by Cheri Davis. Cheri offers Professional, Therapeutic Massage Therapy and Yoga instruction. Cheri Davis of Advanced Massage Solutions and Yoga is a Certified Massage Therapist, Certified Yoga Teacher and Mind/Body Awareness Guide. Cheri Davis has 11 1 years professional massage and 13 yoga experience.

Advanced Massages Solutions and Yoga specializes in visionary and alternative healing solutions for pain relief, stress reduction, injury recovery and peace of mind. Advanced Massage Solutions and Yoga enjoys helping clients with their healing and educating clients on the health benefits of receiving therapeutic massage and the health benefits of a yoga practice. Advanced Massage Solutions and Yoga in Redding, CA offers deep tissue massage, spa massage, sports massage with an emphasis in helping clients heal from injury. Side by Side Couples massage is becoming more popular in Redding, CA and Advanced Massage Solutions and Yoga offers that as well as Couples Massage Private Instruction in her Redding, CA Massage Studio.

In addition Cheri Davis is yoga instructor who teaches private yoga instruction for people who wish to take their yoga practice to the next level and learn how to be deeply present in their mind/body. Some of the health benefits of massage and yoga are detox of the body, relaxation of muscles and the mind, pain relief, and increased muscle flexibility.

Yoga For Stress Management: Start The New Year With A Yoga Plan

Any of us can make a lifestyle change, at any time, but most of us need mile stones such as a birthday, a new year, or a major event in our lives, for us to take the initiative and make a change. What can Yoga do to help you cope with the daily life cycle we know as stress?

If you plan to make Yoga a significant part of your life, you have to make it a regular routine - just like brushing your teeth. The main reason why some people see very little results from anything, is they say they have no time. Some of us make time to go to the liquor store, get lottery tickets, and then drink, but we have no time for our health.

At our wellness center, we have students and clients who practice Restorative Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga, Pilates, Personal Fitness Training, or a mixture of these methods. When we tell new Yoga students that they should practice Yoga three times per week, we often hear, "three times!"

A look of puzzlement comes over their face- as if Yoga should give instant results, when we attend classes once per week. I do understand that people are busy, but they do not take time for themselves. This cycle of stress, anxiety, insomnia, weight gain, and fatigue are interlinked, but can be broken by regular Yoga practice.

Some Yoga teachers adapt a "Spartan stance," telling their students not to bother coming to class, if they are going to practice once per week. However, recent studies have indicated that Yoga practice, once per week, slowed down middle-age weight gain. The results are clear, but how did Yoga help with weight control?

My theory is Yoga, of any kind, will cause lifestyle changes within the student. Yoga opens an awareness of daily events that contribute to bad health. When you practice Yoga, you become much more aware of what you eat and drink, how you breathe, how you posture yourself, and much more.

This changing of lifestyle does not happen in Yoga class. A Yoga class is a lesson, but the student does the "homework."

So, how do you incorporate a Yoga plan into your life and take control of your life? You have to make a list of what you want to change and write it down. Writing objectives down is much different from wishing for change. Writing and planning should be kept in perspective. We cannot spend our lives planning; but it helps to have some direction and purpose.

What you do at this moment does affect your future. When you take the time to plan your future, you will identify daily routines, which cause stress overload.

While you are planning your week, make sure to allow for some "open time." You can use this for Yoga, visiting, having fun with your family, or just taking time for leisure. Make sure you plan each day with moderation and enjoy your life. Now, that is a good start to a Yoga lifestyle.

© Copyright 2006 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, is a co-owner and the director of Yoga teacher training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. He has been a certified Master Yoga teacher since 1995. To receive a Free e-Book: "Yoga in Practice," and a Free Yoga Newsletter, please visit:

Yogic Principles of Fair Play

Many of us have learned the value of ahimsa (non-harming). Yet, mainstream humanity seems to crave violence and violent entertainment. News and entertainment is often built around violence. How can we break the cycle of violent thoughts that transform into action? It seems to be hard wired into our DNA.

Perhaps, we should look at the principles of mercy, compassion, and fair play. These higher thoughts make us unique as a species. The concept of fair play is well known. Some of us were brought up and trained to follow rules. We raise our children to follow the rules, but there are fields where the idea of following the rules is out of place.

On the surface, it may seem as if politics, business, and sports, run in harmony. Yet, the field of play is not exactly fair. Let's look at competitive sports, for an example. If a referee makes an erroneous call, will the coach of the team that benefits from the mistake dispute it? To take this further: Teams engage in signaling and reading other teams' signals all the time. Competition, for its own sake, breeds less than optimum morality.

Therefore, it seems that we have learned to have more than one set of rules for what we consider fair play. In Yoga, the practitioner learns to balance his or her health on the physical, mental, and emotional levels. Without concerning ourselves with any specific religion, anyone who has achieved physical, mental, and emotional balance will behave rationally.

The ultimate result is that training one's self to be balanced will cause spiritual growth and beauty to be enhanced. Ahimsa is a good example of a universal principle that is agreed upon by most of the people in the world. Ahimsa is often referred to as "non-harming;" yet, it is also showing kindness toward others.

Yogic principles of fair play are based on demonstrating loving kindness toward others. We often look at the principle of Ahimsa from the viewpoint of what we cannot do - rather than focusing on what is the right thing to do.

One final point to mention in regard to applying fair play toward daily life - when an emotional situation springs forth, it might be best to hold your tongue, rather than take sides immediately. It is very hard to achieve sainthood all the time, but if you take the time to completely digest the situation, before speaking, you will have many less regrets.

? Copyright 2011 - Paul Jerard / Aura Wellness Center - Publications Division

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of Yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. He has been a certified Master Yoga Teacher since 1995. To receive Free Yoga videos, Podcasts, e-Books, reports, and articles about Yoga, please visit:

Social Dynamics / Building a Social Circle

Here Is an article I have put together for those looking to help develope their social circle.

I've come up with a few tips... here are some used in my own life

Join a club e.g gym, pilates, yoga, dance club,

Get in touch with old school friends

Get to know the KEY people on the scene (promotional staff, club owners, promoters, Dj's, restaurant owner, your taxi driver etc)

Make a friend over a stranger-game isn't just about picking up chicks it's a way of life, game men and women and add the qualities they possess to your life

If you haven't already done so I highly recommend that you find a club or become a member of something. This can be something your interested in already or something where you can learn something new. Last year I enrolled in a holistic massage course at a nearby college that took part once a week on a Wednesday evening.... now you can imagine it, I was one of three guys in a class of 30, split between two rooms,think of all of those girls I met. Be the man who suggests the homework sessions once a week, the monthly meal at the really cool restaurant where you can each invite a friend. You can see how this is expanding already and the perception of what people have of you. People naturally start seeing you as the man with the plan which shows leadership, this is an attraction switch. You get access to a lot more people as time goes on, people start inviting friends and their friends and their friends etc.

Okay as time goes on you're going to lose contact with school friends, college friends, uni friends and old work colleagues etc and I'm not just talking about every Tom, Dick and Harry in the class or office I'm talking about friends from your past that you seemed to click with and had formed more of a connection with than the others. Lets face it as time goes on our priorities change so you shouldn't take it too personal if your best friend at work or school hasn't been in touch for so many years. The truth is they probably have been thinking that they should really get in touch but have just been preoccupied. I do this a lot, I'll look through my phone book and see who's gone quiet or I haven't heard from for a while and I'll just call them. This feels really refreshing to get back in touch with a good friend. Break this convention and pick up the phone TONIGHT and call someone you have become distant to due to situational circumstances,bring back that friendship by casually suggesting to meet up for a drink and to catch up on lost time and from this point on regularly start seeing each other again. Find an interest that is mutual, sports, bike riding, paintball, gym. From this you can invite them to be part of other things you have going on in your life, for instance a party you're hosting, a works social that you have organised and merge your friends from different areas of your life together... see what's happening here;) You're becoming the social guy. Soon when asked over the dinner table or in the club "how do you know everyone?" It's going to become common that YOU are the reason people know each other and YOU'RE the guy to know: Christmas cards from your local taxi firm, free entry and alcohol to the top clubs in London

Lets have a look at this then, if your more of a night gamer this ones for you! Get to know the key people on the scene. I have a very healthy habit of gaming men... sounds dodgy?? NO...I'm talking about the Promoters, Dj's,club owners, bar staff, bouncers, taxi drivers. I talk alot about this on our boot camps and go into much more detail of actually how I do this, those students that have attended our boot camps and residential courses will know exactly what I'm talking about. How I do this?... I can't tell you, as I promised them I will keep it exclusive to them:)

Remember guys, game is a part of your life that you can turn on and off and another area we can use it other than picking up hot beautiful babes is befriending people with certain qualities you think that will enhance your life. Where it be their great sense of adventure, their humour, their ability to comfort you, their outlook in life, their energy, they may possess a certain talent or just genuinely share the same interests as you. If you recognize this in anyone you meet in life it is best to keep hold of them and treasure them. Talk to everyone when you're out and really get to know what makes them tick... you might find a friend in a stranger.

Johnny Cassell
PUA Instructor

Yoga and Meditation - Why You Should Get Started

Yoga is not a religion but a spiritual and physical exercise, Yoga or any other spiritual exercise should come naturally and cannot be forced, you can learn the methods and techniques required to practice Yoga but you are in control of your body and of course your mind.

Yoga can not only help you understand your body and mind, Yoga can help you to be in control of your energy and mood. Yoga is a form of relaxation and you can benefit from it no matter what your age, you can easily find a number of home training videos so you can learn and practice Yoga at home in your own spare time. Yoga and meditation is a known cure for depression and self control in general, practicing Yoga or simple meditations can help you overcome daily stress and eliminate it completely from your life. Yoga can help the healing process of physical injuries, but it is always best to consult your doctor first before attempting anything yourself.

Different types of Yoga

There are many different types of Yoga, the routines can range from simple breathing techniques to more spiritual and a higher level meditations. Visualizing and focus is one of the important factors when practicing Yoga and is commonly known as Bhakti Yoga, the word Bhakti describes devotion, and basically means devoting your love to your god.

How to get started

You can clearly see that Yoga has a deep spiritual meaning and from ancient times it has been used as a spiritual and both physical exercise. Anyone can get into Yoga and benefit from practicing Yoga and you don't have to be a highly spiritual minded person, but some discipline is required when learning and practicing this amazing ancient exercise.

Download the latest relaxing music for Yoga and meditation here, New to meditation? Visit the for free yoga and meditation information.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Tips on How to Select a Fitness Gym

Just deciding to get fit or trying to maintain a regular exercise or workout schedule can be enough of a daunting task. There are so many programs available now, from yoga to strength training, and everything possible in between, and all can be done either at home or in a gym.  Choosing a gym and a fitness program will depend on a few important factors.

Consider your fitness level and be realistic. Things like body composition and flexibility levels need to be taken into consideration. A doctor should be consulted before you begin any exercise program, especially if you have not been physically active for a given amount of time. Once you have determined the level of fitness that you are comfortably able achieve, then set one or even a few key goals. Perhaps one goal would be to tone up or lose those last 10 to 15 pounds, or maybe you want to take part in a benefit walk with friends or co-workers. Whatever the goals may be, they will help you stay focused and motivated.

You should think about the kind of physical activities you really enjoy. If you simply pick things that you think are easy, or like because they are trendy, you may soon find yourself finding excuses as to why you don't want to go to the gym after all. For example if you like to dance, then look for an exercise class that offers aerobics which includes dance moves. If you are a social person then go shopping for a health club or a gym membership as opposed to exercising alone at home. Also, don't join a club that has more to offer than you will realistically use or do. For example, if you have no love of a steam bath, then why join a gym that offers sauna privileges?

Whether you choose to exercise at home or at a gym, be sure to maintain variety in your routine. This will help to prevent overuse or injury to a specific joint or group of muscles. It will also help to prevent boredom resulting from a repetitive exercise routine. 

If it looks like a gym or health club is the way you want to go, then you should consider the location. Depending on what time of day you plan to exercise and where it will fit into you daily/weekly schedule, you may want to have your gym be handy to home, or on your route to work. Also be sure to visit the gym you are considering at the time of day you plan to be there to do your workout. If you dislike crowds or prefer a large group to workout with, this will give you a heads up as to how busy the place is going to be when you plan on being there. When you visit, check the locker rooms to see if the showers are fresh and clean and look well maintained, or do they look like something from a horror movie?

You should also consider your financial status. Sometimes home gym equipment can be pricey as can memberships in health clubs. Don't join a gym to benefit your health then spend each day stressing out about how to come up with next month's fees. Instead, if the dues are just too expensive, check your local city or municipality recreation department. Many times they will have regular exercise programs offered at a much more affordable rate, and with just as good of a variety of programs as your local gym.

Once you are involved in a regular exercise routine, don't forget that when you have achieved the goals you set for yourself, set new ones based on your new fitness level. This way you will always feel motivated and continue to grow physically and emotionally.

With personal training Toronto, you can be on your way to a more healthy body & mind. Make positive changes in your life at Extreme Fitness gym Toronto.

Top 10 Tips of Workout Shoes

Cardiovascular exercise can be tough on joints such as the knees, ankles and more. With just a little common sense, you can help prevent some injury and pain.

1. Replace those wornout treads: Have you had those comfy workout or running shoes for a couple of years, but you're afraid to part with them? Studies show that you should replace your foot gear about every 300 to 400 miles. Walking shoes can be replaced around 400 hrs of use.

2. Big foot: No two feet are identical; even the two of yours. Each of our feet vary a considerable amount, just as the length of each leg. So, when you're trying on those new treads and the smaller set seem a bit tight, opt for the slightly larger pair.

3. No pain, no gain: If you're training and suddenly feel a sharp pain, STOP! There's likely a good reason. If the pain persists, remember the RICE rule - Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation.

4. Test Run: A solid pair of foot gear should feel supportive and comfortable not only when you first try them on, but also when they are broken in a bit. Therefore, it's a great idea to jog around the store several times, sit, rest. Remove the shoes, put them back on and go again. Invest a few minutes here and you'll be much happier when training for real.

5. Lonely Shoes: The shoes alone do not make your foot gear. Be just as adamant about your socks, their thickness and support as you are about your shoes. Keep them clean and dry. Moist socks or a pair that are too thin can quickly lead to blisters.

6. Don't "Pound the Pavement": Training on sidewalks and the shoulder of the road is simply a tremendous shock to your joints. Grassy areas and mother earth tend to give when you foot falls correctly. Save that achilles tendon and future lower back strain by training on a surface with less impact.

7. Stretch it out: Never simply begin your training without a proper warm up. A short yoga session, simply stretching the muscles and tendons in any manner with help get your system ready to exert the forces you wish them too and avoid muscle strain or torn ligaments.

8. 10% Rule: Your body needs to acclimate to increased distances or length of training. Use the 10% rule when advancing to the next stage. A 10% increase per week is fine, but refrain from over-training by training no more than 3 to 5 days per week. Even though you may not be in the gym, over-training your legs, calves and feet can lead to strains, joint damage, stress fractures and a long recovery time.

9. Weekend Warrior: With this fast-paced society we live in, it can be very tough to get to the gym or workout at home during the week. But, this doesn't mean cramming several workouts into one weekend. This is a certain path to injury and lowering your immune system.

10. Your Dr. is your friend: The achillies tendon, arch, ankles and knees are incredibly fantastic moving parts. But, when injured can hamper not only day-to-day activities, but also future training and weight loss endeavors. If you have a persisting pain, see your doctor right away. Stress fractures are more common than you think and your bodyparts may appear totally find to you or me.

Your feet and legs are your foundation. Take good care of them and they will take you anywhere you wish to go! Stay Motivated!

Pj Germain, CPT

Want to learn more about body toning from a Certified Personal Trainer and former bodybuilder? Visit for the no B.S. truth on toning your body.

Geared for the novice and intermediate fitness buff looking to lose bodyfat and learn the basics, quick and easy. We also have free resources such as links to the Top 20 Fitness Websites on the Net.

Yoga Certification in Kansas City

With Kansas City as your home, you enjoy a bustling city full of nightlife, entertainment and culture. In a city that has so much to offer, what are you offering yourself? If you feel stuck in your job and find yourself in a lifestyle rut, then maybe it's time for you to get your yoga instructor certification in Kansas City. Yoga instructor certification training can get you up and moving again in a city that is top notch.

If you think that yoga certification in Kansas City isn't possible for you, think again! With flexible certification classes being offered in your city, yoga training is quick and easy. In no time at all you can be living a dream life with more options than you could have imagined!

Yoga is a fantastic way to express yourself and also reap many health benefits in the process. Just imagine working with yoga all day! Your health will benefit, but your wallet will too. With a great market for yoga studios, yoga certification in Kansas City and surrounding locations can be very lucrative. Your training will pay off in no time at all!

If living yoga on a regular basis sounds just heavenly, then you are a prime student for yoga certification in Kansas City. Whether you choose to teach yoga workshops, or shorter classes on a more regular basis, you'll be away from the desk and on your yoga mat where you belong! Get certified today and all this will become your perfect reality!

Yoga is a great way to strengthen your mind and body and get in shape as well as a great way to unwind after a long day. Whatever your yoga and meditation supplies and supply needs, we have the information and resources to point you in the right direction. We have yoga music, mats, clothes, pants, videos and journals as well as information on the different yoga poses, postures and the history of yoga. If you are interested in becoming a yoga instructor learn more about yoga workshops in your city or state.

2 Simple and Effective Exercises For Flatter Abs

Strength training should be a very important part of any exercise training program. Many people focus on one type of exercise whether it be running or weight lifting however, doing one creates and imbalance in the body. To balance the body you should incorporate both strength training and cardiovascular exercises into your fitness regime. Strength training is important because it builds your muscles and makes them stronger. This plays an important role in maximising the movement of the body as well as preventing injury through physical exertion.

One of the most important key muscle groups are your core muscles or abdominals. These muscles are located around your mid section and play a vital role in stabilising the body especially the pelvic and spinal area. A strong core area will ensure your body moves with optimum power and effectiveness during exercise routines. Strong ab muscles are also less prone to injury when lifting heavy weights.

Your core muscles are in some way always working when you are moving your body. You do not have to strengthen your core muscles by lifting weights. In certain exercises it does not require any movement to strengthen these groups of muscles. By developing a strong core base you will be able to exercise more effectively and efficiently.

These two abdominal exercises are very simple to do. You also do not require any expensive training equipment as all you need is your body, gravity and a flat surface.

The Leg Extension Plank

This is a more challenging variation of the basic plank exercise. To begin the exercise lie flat down on a yoga mat. Place your elbows below your shoulders and have your forearms pointing straight ahead with both hands grasped together. Raise your belly button towards your spine so that your whole body is raised and supported by both forearms and the toes of each foot. Raise one leg upwards in to the air ensuring your back remains straight. Lower the leg and raise the other. Try and keep your body as stable as you can.

The Side Plank

This variation of the plank has you lying on your side. Your body weight is supported by the lower elbow. Ensure your body remains in a straight line. Begin to raise your body upwards until the weight of your body is resting on your lower foot and elbow. Your other arm can be placed flat along the side or if you like a further challenge you can raise it straight in the air.

If you have any medical condition or injury then always consult a doctor or physician for advice before doing any new type of exercise.

As a full time writer, Charles Woodbridge researches and writes articles on subjects he is passionate about. You can visit his new website that discusses rear facing pushchairs and information relating to double pushchairs and accessories.

The Truth About Options for Yoga Teachers, Part 7

Mommy and Me Yoga: These classes are popular enough to be a regular weekly class. Yoga studios do have them, but they are also popular at dance studios, child care centers, martial arts studios, and "kid friendly" fitness complexes.

The Yoga teacher, who considers teaching in a Mommy and Me Yoga class, must have "the patience of a saint." Teaching children Yoga is one hurdle that many Yoga instructors don't want to jump over, but teaching toddlers with their mothers, in the same class, is quite another matter.

Therefore, carefully establish guidelines to keep everyone's behavior in control. You may start out with ten rules, but after a few months I will bet you have many more. Interestingly, I have found that just a few obnoxious parents will, unknowingly, be the cause of rules, and safeguards, for the rest. Such is life - we have laws that most of us would not consider breaking, but always someone comes forth to be the cause of new laws and more rules.

Back to the saintly Yoga teachers who run Mommy and me Yoga classes. If you teach these Yoga classes, you have my deepest respect and I congratulate you.

I have never run one of these Yoga classes, but did once have the experience of teaching children, and their parents, martial arts - in a joint setting. Notice, I said "did once have" - one parent single handedly created 30 new rules before he was finally dismissed. By the way, his child is still welcomed. He was my personal test of patience.

Religious Yoga: Most people, outside India, discount the value of Bhakti Yoga. This is a serious mistake for the masses to be so involved in buying, gathering, and consuming materials, that "we cannot see the forest from the trees." With the condition of the world today, there has never been a better time to pray for peace, tolerance, a return to traditional values, and preservation of the families.

Bhakti Yoga is the Yoga for divine worship and devotion to God. It helps, if you practice this with other Yoga practitioners who share your same religious beliefs. This will avoid conflicts and create a strong bond within the group. This form of Yoga has not become as popular outside of India.

Perhaps this is the one link that is often missing in Yoga practice. Yoga is not a "soulless" or a mechanical practice. The connection to God is enhanced through prayer, meditation, singing, and Yoga practice.

Do not worry; Yoga is an equal opportunity practice. Yoga can be integrated with any religion. Yoga does not discriminate, or justify hate crimes, against people who think or worship differently than we do.

© Copyright 2006 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard is a co-owner and the director of Yoga teacher training at: Aura Wellness Center, in North Providence, RI. He has been a certified Master Yoga teacher since 1995. He is a master instructor of martial arts, with multiple Black Belts, four martial arts teaching credentials, and was recently inducted into the USA Martial Arts Hall of Fame. He teaches Yoga, martial arts, and fitness to children, adults, and seniors in the greater Providence area. Recently he wrote: Is Running a Yoga Business Right for You? For Yoga students, who may be considering a new career as a Yoga teacher.

Do The Reebok Easytone Trainers Really Work?

Sports giants Reebok have claimed that their Reebok Easytone trainers can improve the tone of your hamstrings, calves and bum by nearly 30% more than regular trainers just by walking. They claim the trainers can "train muscles your trainers never knew you had."

They seem too good to be true; you can exercise the same amount or simply walk around and your legs and behind get a workout that would usually take hours a day at the gym. But do they actually work or is this all just some marketing campaign? A team of scientists with backgrounds in exercise, sport and physiology at the University of Wisconsin conducted a study to test the claims on each of the shoes.

Heading up the test was John Porcari PhD who agrees that in theory the trainers should work the muscles harder because it creates instability that the body attempts to counteract. The shoes are based on a curved sole which creates an unstable surface which forces the wearer's body to constantly struggle to find equilibrium.

The team tested the Reetone range on a group of females aged between 19 and 24. The subjects were tested through exercise trials and measured by muscle activation, heart rate and caloric expenditure.

The trails were also conducted with a group aged 21 to 27 and both groups were tested with regular trainers to compare. The first results were not impressive, using the Reetone trainers did not increase caloric expenditure or heart rate and only produced aching of the muscles.

The scientists also surveyed users of the shoes over a period of several months and found that they experienced a degree of toning of the legs and bum. But the team struggled to determine whether the toning was entirely due to the imbalance the shoes created or the motivation to walk more.

The Reebok Easytone campaign has promoted the Easytone trainers by emphasising the positive effects on the toning and shaping of women's legs and bums.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Modifications for Supta Padangusthasana

Q: My student is complaining of pain in the wrists, which lasts for days, after Yoga practice. While performing Supta Padangusthasana (Reclining Big Toe Pose), we have been using a cotton strap around the arch of the foot. Then we hold the strap with our right hand, take the foot to the floor on the right side, and gazing beyond our outstretched left arm, held at shoulder height on the floor.

We then bring the foot overhead, change the strap to our left hand, and bring the foot across the body, while gazing beyond our right arm, outstretched on the floor at shoulder height.

The strap-holding arm is straight, but not locked, and both shoulders are held on the floor. We then do the other side. The student has tender wrists and has been wearing gloves, which support her wrists during practice. She is a golfer and has a great deal of inflexibility in her hamstrings, arms, and legs.

My student is unable to straighten her arms in some poses and is challenged to stand in a wide stance for standing poses such as Warrior II and Extended Lateral Angle Pose with the forearm on the thigh.

A: Students with pre-existing ailments, posture alignment problems, and injuries, never cease to amaze me. Some of them come to classes, listen to everything, and use what they learn - while others are in complete denial about the true nature and causes of their ailments.

This is interesting because her wrists are probably working fine on the golf course, but she has reasoned that it must be Yoga, which causes her pain for days.

It reminds me of a student, over 70 years of age, who insisted that Chair Yoga was causing her knee pain. Later, we discovered that she had been skiing every possible weekend of her adult life.

Once it was mentioned that her knee pain was probably due to skiing, she quit Chair Yoga, because she claimed that was the overriding source of the problem. She returned months later, due to her physician's advice, when the pain would not go away. She realized she would have to go easy on the skiing or stop altogether. She is pain free now, but goes skiing once in a while.

You can make this asana a bit easier by raising the lower leg, and heel, off the floor, on a blanket or pillow. Since she has some flexibility issues, she can perform this asana with the heel of the bottom leg pressed against a nearby wall.

This will enable her wrists to relax. You may also want to place a blanket just outside the hip of the raised leg. When she lowers her leg to that side, she can rest it on the blanket.

Finally, if she still continues to have pain, Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle Pose), also known as cobbler, or butterfly, is a good substitute, and her wrists will not endure any stress.

© Copyright 2008 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of Yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. He has been a certified Master Yoga Teacher since 1995. To receive a Free Yoga e-Book: "Yoga in Practice," and a Free Yoga Newsletter, please visit:

Confessions of a Former Kick-Boxer

I was kick-boxing back when most of the population never even heard of it. Nowadays, it seems, everyone is an expert. I flinch at what I see at the fitness centers or community gyms sometimes, when the young jocks strut around with all the fancy gear. Someone sold them the membership and the clothing, but not the skill to go with it.

I got into kick-boxing when in my early twenties. Different martial arts really had not helped me much and I was tired of getting picked on or whupped. In the eighties, the wispy, point-scoring martial artist was being replaced by the heavily conditioned contact fighter. Now the typical North American could forego years of disciplined training and get down to "pummeling an opponent."

The kick-boxing training was different. Even my former distance running had not prepared me for the upper body endurance needed to last in the ring. Still, I persisted and after a few months dealt with a scuffle with a couple of antagonists. Later, I competed as an amateur and it immensely improved my confidence.

Unfortunately, the hits to the head were not good for my studies and I had to struggle through vocational school. Later, it would effect my health and relationships. Over-training was another problem that I had as I was addicted to the training and the fatigue. I became a sort of exercise anorexic. This included mood swings, sleep problems, lack of appetite, fatigue, inability to concentrate and irritability. Even today, I still have to keep myself in check when I train too much. One way to tell if you are over-training is to check your pulse. If it is accelerated, then you have trained too hard and too much. Take a week of light training.

After age 35, I started visiting the chiropractor for hip problems. Too many hours of roundhouse kicking the heavy bag. Eventually, I learned Pilates (Mat Level 1 instructor), kung fu and Ashtanga Yoga. My back and hips felt much better, but I still had some hip and back numbness. Finally, an unarmed combat instructor, Rick Volpato, told me to "work the bag, don't let the bag work you." What I learned from his guidance was to re-develop snap into my kicks and punches and not just hammer away at the bag. Punches and kicks are suppose to send shock waves through the bag and not make the bag just swing.

So, re-learning proper technique kept me going long enough to teach classes for several years and compete for a welterweight title at age 40. This was a challenge as I had not had much sparring practice in years and mostly trained cardio kick-boxing classes. But, here is the fact: Good technique, as well as distance and timing coupled with some old guy patience won the match. This taught me that a forty plus guy does not have to hammer away at the equipment like a twenty year old might. It also gave me a whole new respect for the forms of kung fu, which I have also practiced for years prior to the match.

A note on kung fu forms. Many kung fu forms are more suited for concentration, health and flexibility. They have that re-charging ability that most western fitness methods lack. However, if done properly, kick-boxing training has its own exhilarating sensation. I find that older gents and ladies enjoy learning kick-boxing for the confidence and a little bit of that aggressive spirit that lies buried in us all.

Doug Setter holds a Bachelor's of Food and Nutrition. He has served as a paratrooper and U.N. Peacekeeper, has completed 5 full marathons and climbed Mt. Rainier. He held a welterweight kick-boxing title at age 40. He consults clients in alcohol reduction, stomach-flattening, kick-boxing and nutrition. He is the author of Stomach Flattening, Reduce Your Alcohol Craving and One Less Victim. Visit his website:

What Exactly is Power Yoga?

What exactly is Power Yoga? Power Yoga provides a total body exercise which enhances power, aerobic condition, stability and overall flexibility. It also enhances a person's body consciousness, raises physical command and allows for body competence. Because it requires a very thorough and integrated approach, yoga produces a longer, leaner and much more flowing body - additionally presently fashionable. Power Yoga also helps reduce anxiety, pressure and fatigue through its mindfulness, often quick movements and deep breathing concentration.

Power Yoga is different from traditional yoga because the poses link in a flowing heat developing technique. We relax only when absolutely needed. We heat up the body entirely with large body moves before doing any complex or versatility focused pose. We include fitness movements like sit-ups as well as push-ups, lunges and holds. We make a cardiovascular exercise by repeating several postures quickly once we are warm. We move from pose to pose having a full body workout focus, all body parts are worked equally. This is not your own mother's yoga exercise!!!

Starting Out Instructing.Group Personal trainers can start by initialing integrating yoga exercise poses into their already established classes; step, spin, kick box as well as aerobics. This provides an opportunity to get comfortable with a few basic postures,

Prior to Training- Respond to these key concerns:

1. Are you conscious of the AFAA as well as ACE Safety Guidelines of Contraindications?

2. Are you aware of exactly how these relate to Yoga?

3. Have you already been through a basic Yoga Teacher Training

4. Are you comfortable doing the postures?

5. Are you secure coaching the postures?

6. Do you have a consistent yoga exercise?

For those who have responded yes to ALL of the above then its time to begin.

Creating the room: Most teachers teaching in fitness establishments don't have the extravagance of free illumination and heating system controls. This type of yoga is an excellent choice for the fitness atmosphere because of this very reason. If at all possible dim the lights, switch off the Air-Con and choose audio for active yoga exercises.

Class Format: Whether you choose to incorporate poses into your existing class or create a yoga class, a warm up interval is crucial. In the same way we do not stretch out prior to physical exercise, we do not want to get into complicated yoga poses before our own bodies are hot and ready to be there. Each class must start using a minimum of three minutes of yoga breathing. This really helps to clear the mind and ready the body. The breath is the individual key to our own yoga training. By breathing in and out from the nose we keep the heat inside the body while focusing the mind. Deep rhythmic breathing is the solid foundation on which we build our yoga practice. We all constantly go back to our breath focus and need to constantly remind our students to do exactly the same. Rest as well as recovery are an essential part of the Power Yoga Workout, we rest not less than 5 minutes at the end of class to refresh, recover and revive your body.

Yogafit's founder and CEO has a lot of very informative advice in all aspects of yoga poses, training, and everything else. She also has a number of yoga conference meetups several times a year and is known yoga guru and mogul around the world.

10K Training Schedule and Consistency - The Keys to Running Success

To be a successful 10k runner or walker you need to follow a 10k training schedule and you need to do the workouts on that schedule consistently. But here's the catch that most beginner runners and some advance runners don't know, you don't have to push yourself very hard to become a good runner. Intensity and speed have little to do with the training process to be a better runner. Following a schedule and staying consistent are the keys.

The 10k race is a perfect distance for almost all runners, from beginners to advanced. It can be used to help you get in shape and to stay in shape. It is short enough that within about 8 weeks anyone can complete the distance weather it is running or walking. However, it is long enough to still provide a worthwhile challenge to all runners. And unlike the longer distances, you can start training for another 10k race almost immediately after your first one. This will lead to consistent athletic improvement, because you can avoid the physical and psychological ups and downs of some of the longer races.

Below is a 8 week long 10k training schedule geared towards beginners. Remember that constancy is the KEY to getting results with this program. So if you are an absolute beginner than you must keep in mind that it doesn't matter how fast you are running, it only matters that you ARE running. In fact you don't even have to run the whole time. If you don't think that you can run the whole workout, set yourself up on a run/walk schedule. For example run 1 minute and walk 1 minute. As you improve, over the course of the program, you can try to increase your time spent running while decreasing you walking time. This process should be gradual, because it will take time for your body to adapt to the stresses put on it. You should end each of your workouts feeling as if you could do more. This helps prevent injury, extreme soreness, and psychological burnout.

To most beginning runners, running can be quite uncomfortable and unpleasant. So besides slowing down your workouts and feeling as if you can do more when you finish, you should do whatever else you can do to make your workouts as comfortable as possible. This could included running or walking with a group or a workout buddy. You could listen to music, the radio, or an audio book on a portable music device while running (Warning: I know it goes without saying but I'll say it anyways, be sure do use caution when running with headphones outdoors). Some other ways to stay comfortable when running are to let your mind wander or practice a type of "moving meditation." You can run outside and enjoy a scenic route, or you can even run on a treadmill inside and watch TV during your workout. However you choose to do it, make sure that you "stay comfortable to stay consistent."

Here is the 8 week long, three day per week, 10k training schedule, mentioned earlier. If you want to and you are not too sore, it is OK to do cross-training on your non-running days. Cross training is any physical activity that isn't purely running. This could include playing sports, riding a bike, swimming, lifting weights, yoga, and many other activities. Try to give yourself one day of rest between running days, but notice the days are numbered on the schedule. This means that the days that you run on and the days that you don't run are completely up to you. The idea is to have a flexible schedule so that you can have a running program that fits your busy lifestyle. Here is the training program!

Have fun getting in great shape!

Week 1:

run 20 min
run 20 min
2 miles

Week 2:

run 25 min
run 25 min
2.5 miles

Week 3:

run 25 min
run 30 min
3 miles

Week 4:

run 30 min
run 35 min
3.5 miles

Week 5:

run 35 min
run 40 min
4 miles

Week 6:

run 40 min
run 45 min
5 miles

Week 7:

run 35 min
run 35 min
4.5 miles

Week 8:

run 30 min
run 15 min
10K Race!!

My name is Chris Murphy. I have been a runner for about as long as I can remember. I'm one of those nutty crazy people that actually enjoys running. I have raced in a number of 5k's and 10k's, having won some of them. I have also completed 7 half-marathons and 3 full marathons. The 10k remains my favorite distance race. I have helped numerous other people to become involved in the sport of running and discover its health and wellness benefits. Thanks for reading this article about the 10k training schedule and the importance of constant training. If you are interested in discovering more about running and 10k training please vist the sties listed below. Thanks!

Astanga Vinyasa Yoga Exercise

Astanga, or at times typed ashtanga Yoga exercise is in fact coached today by a person called Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, in Mysore, India. He has brought astanga yoga to the western world around two-and-a-half decades ago and still teaches right now at 91 years of age. Astanga yoga began with the rediscovery of the particular ancient manuscript Yoga Korunta. This details a unique method of Hatha yoga as practiced and created by the historical sage Vamana Rishi. It's believed to be the original asana practiced intended by Patanjali.

The actual Yoga Korunta focuses on vinyasa, or breathing-coordinated movement, where one does a posture with certain breathing patterns related to it. This breathing strategy is called ujayyi pranayama, or the victorious breath, and it is an activity that produces extreme internal heat along with a profuse sweat which purifies as well as detoxifies the muscles and organs. This also secretes advantageous human hormones and nutrients, and it is generally massaged back into your body. The breath guarantees efficient blood flow. The result is improved circulation, a light and powerful body along with a calm mind.

There's a suitable sequence to follow when doing Astanga yoga exercise. One must move on from one sequence of postures to move onto the following. The Primary Series (Yoga Chikitsa) detoxes and aligns the body, purifying it so that toxic compounds don't obstruct. The Intermediate Series (Nadi Shodhana) purifies the nervous system by opening and cleaning the power channels, enabling energy to move through effortlessly. The Advanced Series A, B, C, and D (Sthira Bhaga) incorporate the grace and stamina of the practice, which calls for extreme flexibility.

It's always best to find a qualified and educated instructor to help you through this discipline. It's an extreme practice that's rigorous, six days per week. You are guaranteed to find inner serenity and fulfillment with each breath you take.

Yogafit has a lot of very informative advice in all aspects of yoga exercise poses, training, and everything else. She also has a number of yoga conference meetups several times a year and is known yoga guru and mogul around the world.

Kinesiology Taping Course and Training Online

That is not always the case as there are products designed to provide support for the "average person." Such a person may need additional help performing a fitness routine.

As much as we would prefer not to think about it, age and injuries can impact our fitness workout routines. However, such external factors need not prevent us from being able to workout. There are accessories that can provide the vital support needed to be able to exercise without suffering undue stress. This means you can maintain your workout sessions with regularity. This, in turn, will aid in your ability to maintain your current health and fitness levels, and an increased quality of life.

There are pre-cut therapeutic tape devices which can help with support for injuries and strains. High quality tape applications can even be worn for around the clock. This can provide significant pain relief, which also allows the proper supporting tension for injuries to heal effectively. For those that have dealt with or are commonly subjected to muscle and/or joint pain and injuries during your fitness routines, support can prove helpful.

Some may wonder if wearing kinesiology tape applications can interfere with your range of movement. These concerns are valid because no one wants to workout with a product that restricts range of movement. However, with the right tape, you will not have to worry about such a problem. The designers of quality supports take comfort and range of motion into consideration. As such, the end result will be one that is appealing to those that live active lifestyles.

One of the ways this is achieved is by integrating a design that promotes a full range of motion. This turns the adhesive into a form of second skin that does not involve any restrictions when you employ it in the course of your daily activities. Such a process means you can employ wearing the accessory regardless of the type of workout you take part in.

This means those that are quite active with sport hobbies such as kickboxing, bicycling, or even mountain climbing can use such an accessory. Those that prefer to take part in much lighter workouts such as Tai Chi, yoga, or merely walking can also gain great benefit from using such accessories as well.

Once again, this will aid in the ability to properly recover from an injury. Your limbs will be supported during the activities you take part in. This can further increase the odds that you will enjoy proper and effective healing as a result.

Those that want to exercise while reducing some of the common aches and pains associated with the healing process would be best served by using pre-cut kinesiology tapes.

And possibly the greatest benefit to using such a tape applications is that they can help you heal your minor injuries. This can be achieved by keeping the aching joints and soft tissue supported so that the body's restorative healing powers can properly take effect. Best of all, you can still take part in your yoga sessions during recovery.

Visit Kinesiology Courses for more information on Kinesiology Taping Certificate Program.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

5 Tips to Help You to Stay Focused and Motivated Whilst Exercising!

1. Work out with a Buddy

This will not only give you a great support person it will also help you to work harder as mentally we don't want our friends to think we are lazy. Also it will keep us motivated if we mentally prepare to meet someone as opposed to going it alone we are much more likely to attend. You don't have to go it alone. Invite a neighbor or work partner or one of the mums from your kid's soccer club you will be surprised who will love to help you out as it just might motivate them to.

2. Make it Fun and part of your daily routine

Do something you enjoy, if you hate the idea of a gym don't go there are many ways to keep your muscles strong without lifting heavy weights in a gym. Do something you can maintain long term. Keep exercise fun, there is so much out there to choose from try something new, Yoga, Dance or a boxing class.

Your local council supports a healthily and active lifestyle of fitness and runs discounted training sessions and walking groups so there are no excuses. Check out your local council for details.

If you keep exercise varied and fun you are more likely to stick to it long term.

We all know it's hard to fine the time but we all have the same hours in the day right? So no more excuses.

Manage your time better.

Try going to bed 1 hour earlier and rising 1 hour earlier and take the dog for a walk before walk.

If you are taking the kids to soccer or netball practice or a music lesson go for a run. Everyone can find 30 minutes in the day for exercise.

People say to me all the time I have no time for exercise, what they really are saying is I am lazy and manage time poorly.

3. Set Small short term goals

Start with a realistic goal that is achievable for you and if you reach it early great don't set yourself a goal that leaves you no room to move.

That's face it we all have lives to live and things come up that have to come first from time to time.

A simple goal might be to walk at a moderate pace without stopping on the hills for 20 minutes. This is achievable and realistic.

A goal of competing in a marathon when you have never ran around the block is not.

4. Stay Positive

Look at exercise in a positive way in your mind and you are half way there.

Exercise starts in the mind even if you don't feel like it think positive and talk yourself into it. Think about how great you will feel afterward and not about the pain involved in getting you to you destination.

5. Reward yourself weekly

You are doing something that is going to benefit you greatly and give you quality of life. As you reach your weekly goals reward yourself go out and see a movie, or a football game or go shopping and treat yourself you deserve it.

Above all have fun and try something new the benefits of exercise far out way any short term pain and discomfort you may go through initially.

So jump into life and have fun!

Yours in health and fitness

Charlotte Parker
Personal Trainer

Charlotte Parker Certified Personal Trainer. author and motivational speaker, founder of Butterfly bootcamp ladies Outdoor Personal training for information on any of the camps go to

Yoga Teacher Certification or Registration - Part 1

Lately, there has been a lot of confusion as to what credentials are needed to teach Yoga. There have been some recent changes within the certifying bodies who train Yoga teachers. Here are some of the most common questions and answers in regard to Yoga credentials and regulations.

Why should a Yoga teacher be certified? What about established Yoga teachers who don't have a diploma? What is the "right'' Yoga credential to have? When should I become a Registered Yoga teacher? Who regulates Yoga?

In many parts of the world Yoga teacher credentialing is a new phenomenon. Yoga teachers had very small groups of loyal students and Yoga was not a mainstream activity. This same lack of credentialing still occurs within Tai Chi and some of the Chinese martial arts. The belief among some traditional Yogis has been that credentials would lead to commercialization.

As Yoga became more popular the need for certification became clear. Yoga teachers should be certified for their own protection. With liability law suits being so popular these days, it would be prudent to have a Yoga teacher's diploma on your wall. Yoga is not considered to be as dangerous as some of the other activities in health clubs, but some Yoga classes can be surprisingly vigorous, to say the least.

With Yoga classes reaching every corner of the earth, some students are jumping off the couch and going straight into the nearest Yoga class, without asking questions. This is one very good reason why Yoga teachers should have a questionnaire for new Yoga students. A questionnaire will inform you of health conditions, ailments, history, fitness level, and if a Yoga student is pregnant.

This sudden popularity of Yoga also creates a less formal relationship between the student and his or her Yoga teacher. Yoga may be seen as something to do in order to lose a little weight before swim suit season. Many new students of Yoga are "just trying it out." The incentive may be a doctor referral, a magazine article, or a news segment on television.

Yoga teaching credentials make acquiring liability insurance much easier. Depending upon the activities within a studio, the liability insurance policy chosen could be for Yoga only or a sports liability policy similar to what a health club would carry. So the short answer to the question," Why should a Yoga teacher be certified?" It's all about liability and don't leave yourself uninsured. Yoga is a relatively safe pursuit, but you should still cover yourself.

© Copyright 2006 by Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard is a co-owner and the director of Yoga teacher training at: Aura Wellness Center, in North Providence, RI. He has been a certified Master Yoga teacher since 1995. He is a master instructor of martial arts, with multiple Black Belts, four martial arts teaching credentials, and was recently inducted into the USA Martial Arts Hall of Fame. He teaches Yoga, martial arts, and fitness to children, adults, and seniors in the greater Providence area. Recently he wrote: Is Running a Yoga Business Right for You? For Yoga students, who may be considering a new career as a Yoga teacher.

How to Manage Your Very Own Yoga Business

Tips on how to manage your very own yoga studio:

A Yoga facility isn't a business that you would like to have to employ a supervisor for. You must be the manager. If you take into account the fact that the more days and hours you're available, the much more classes you got equates to the much more money you generate. You have to work the front table at least twenty hours per week. The more successful facilities haves classes sunrise to very well after sunset seven days weekly.

Be ready to work smart. Don't forget to start small, but build even bigger! Renting a huge studio or purchasing the costliest property around does not assure good results. A huge, beautiful retail space and gold-embossed company cards are great for the ego but not for the final outcome. If you don't have a large following from teaching about town, start small and increase organically.

Offer yearly memberships yet charge them every month. Most well know yoga studios there were absolutely no contracts but got more than 100 students on"Monthly's" Regarding automated payment. This will help you to understand that the overhead is included every month and can help you get through slow periods which arrive during Holidays and unforeseen dips in attendance. You will need a credit card processing system to do this..

Never ever forget to sell, sell, and sell more products! Selling a product rather than just offering it for sale almost always involves an emotional component. People buy anything that has emotional attachment to them. Offering an established type of apparel as well as Videos / CDs can really increase the bottom line. You could include this moneymaker to your studio using little room or expenditure. We would make use of wall surface area for slat wall exhibits. Provide Holiday promotions. Make your front desk employees market and pay them commissions for their own efforts. Give them a couple of tips in your ad that will help them with their problem. This will give your business credibility and gain your readers trust to buy your products or services.

Get ready to have your own training courses available. This is a very important and valuable concept in making sure that you build your business by increasing your clientele offline and online. It requires hardly any money to advertise a 1 or 2 day course. Some studios find that workshops are a fantastic inclusion to our studios, particularly in the sluggish months when attendance and energy wane. Some other studios discover that workshops don't fill at all. Begin your own promotion at least 60 days before your actual workshop. Provide a much better cost for pre-registration but do not ever forget that you'll sell mostly right at the door. Just a few thousand leaflets about town brings in brand new students to complement your present students to fill up a weekend workshop (2 - 4 hours). Keep your price reasonable and fill your own space. This is a great tip in making sure all areas or marketing for your yoga studio is covered.

Yogafit has a lot of very informative advice in all aspects of yoga dvd training poses, and everything else. She also has a number of yoga conference meetups several times a year and is known yoga guru and mogul around the world.

Weight Loss and Yoga

Contrary to cardiovascular workout, yoga does not make your heart palpitate or give you adrenaline rush, but it provides the same effects that any other weight training can give.

Here is a list of the benefits you can get from yoga:

Yoga makes you stretch and twist your limbs and tone down your muscles. These actions give your body strength and tenacity. After yoga, you are going to feel stronger and more flexible than before. You will also rarely experience muscle spasms and joint pains.

Yoga is going to help you move better. Every twist and turn you do in the art helps you to gain ease in bending and stretching without feeling pain in your hips. You are also going to be able to lift things easily and without experiencing shoulder pains.

Aside from weight loss, relief from stress is a benefit you can enjoy from yoga. It helps you cleanse your mind and bring you to a stress-free universe. Eliminating the stresses of life can help you become successful in your fat-burning and muscle-toning programs.

Breathing techniques are highly useful in weight loss programs, especially during exercise routines. Yoga teaches you how to breathe properly to not get tired in a very short amount of time. When your breathing is proper, oxygen can travel to and from your lungs freely. This gives you just what you need to keep up with your routines.

Now you know that yoga does not only contribute in your trying to get back into shape, it also provides you many healthful benefits that you would not get from any other weight training program.

Alice Rey has been writing articles online for nearly 2 years about various topics. Come visite his latest website at how to buy a mattress [] when he discusses also how to buy a custom mattress [].