Saturday, September 14, 2013

Yoga Teacher Training Online to Train Your Mind

Disciplining the human mind has been a documented challenge for centuries. Some people have the perception, that the only method to train the mind, requires intensive study in groups and classrooms. While this is true for children and students, who need to learn the fundamental building blocks of a subject, it is entirely another matter for one who is capable of absorbing new information and knows the basics.

Some will say Yoga is strictly a "hands-on" learning practice. If that is so, then Yoga practice should be just like a personal training session, with a micro-managing teacher, in face-to-face situations - constantly correcting every possible flaw of our practice.

Heaven forbid that any one of us could be capable of reading, viewing, listening, and researching Yoga, while being free from external control. Should we consider Yogic independent study, or a path of self-study? If we are incapable of learning without a teacher present, then we should not practice Yoga at home.

In fact, if this over-handling philosophy were true, Yoga would have ceased to exist after the first generation of teachers passed away. The reason being: The second generation of teachers would have been completely lost without a guru to show them the answer to everything.

Learning the basics is a fundamental requirement toward mastery of any subject, but making people dependent, stifles creativity and innovation. Yoga is a science, and an art of living, that constantly evolves. There are many forms of Yoga, and all of them are continuing to grow exponentially.

Just within Hatha Yoga, there are many sub-styles, and all of them are constantly growing. If a guru tries to control a Yoga system, by limiting techniques, refusing to modify techniques for needs, strict dogma, and cloning teachers to become parrots, some teachers will eventually abandon the practice and grow independently.

Humans were designed to believe in independence. Religion, politics, philosophy, and language have many varieties. People do not easily accept absolute control over life's details. It is only natural to expand the mind through independent study, when one has mastered the basics.

Yoga is much like any other subject - we learn the basics in the classroom and apply them to real life situations. Each of us learns different subjects in a variety of classrooms, but the real test is when we apply a technique, and take note of the results.

In the case of Yoga teacher training online: Some web sites have so much free information available, in the form of videos, articles, MP3s, newsletters, forums, and Blogs, that this truly looks like the "Golden Age of Independent Learning."

? Copyright 2011 - Paul Jerard / Aura Wellness Center - Publications Division

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of Yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. He has been a certified Master Yoga Teacher since 1995. To receive Free Yoga videos, Podcasts, e-Books, reports, and articles about Yoga, please visit:

In Times of Economic Distress, Turn to Yoga?

Well Yoga is hopefully the plan of many Wall Street fitness centers and personal trainers. With the rising costs of gym memberships and an even more lack of clientele, many fitness professionals are looking for cheaper alternatives in helping others maintain a healthy lifestyle.

In the October 16th, 2008 edition of the New York Times, author Mandy Katz writes, "ON Wall Street, when the going gets tough, will the tough get yoga mats? Adding classes in yoga, meditation and other so-called mind-body regimens is just one way fitness professionals in the financial district are responding to recent economic uncertainties roiling their corporate clientele. Some are also offering shorter, cheaper personal training sessions and, in at least one health club, quiet discounts for members who lose their jobs."

This trend leads to larger class sizes which in turn help cut down costs since most Yoga instructors can work with a few dozen students at one time. It has been shown in a variety of studies that Yoga helps reduce stress.

In a recent article in Shape magazine Kelly Marages writes about, "the diet and exercise routine of Brook Barth, who lost 65 pounds gained during postpartum depression." She goes on to say that, "it is stated that Barth began by going for daily walks and researching diet information on nutrition Web sites. Her workout now incorporates regular cardiovascular exercise as well as strength training and yoga."

Not only is it an affordable way to get some stress reducing exercise in, the trend is becoming popular that many vacation spots around the world are offering it. Who would have thought you would need Yoga on a vacation right?

With all of the events going on today's world a reduction in stress is exactly what we need. Take the time to learn more about what Yoga can do for you and your anxiety level. Chances are there is somewhere local to you that are offering low cost or even free Yoga classes. Take advantage of them and you could be on your way to a reduced stress lifestyle.

About the Author:

Mr. Tucker is the senior editor for Weight Loss Nation, an online resource where you can learn various tips and tricks on weight loss, fitness and nutrition.

Mr. Tucker is also a regular contributor on Mike's How-To Blog, an online resource that explains a step by step approach on How to do just about anything.

The Five Most Interesting Bikram Yoga Poses

Bikram yoga consists of 26 sequenced poses that work on each part of the body to gain maximum efficiency performed in a heated area. Listed below are 5 interesting poses and a little information about each of them.

The Awkward pose - Utkatasana - is a pose that assists in aligning the skeletal system. It is a very strengthening pose for the lower limbs, upper arms and stomach region. It can assist in spinal problems, arthritis in the hip, ankle or knee and opens the pelvic area. This pose is the third in the sequence. It is an upright stance with arms straight out in front from the shoulder. Hips are lowered and knees bent.The pelvis is about 2 inches above the knees and in line with the heels.
The Balancing Stick pose - Tuladandasana is the seventh Bikram yoga pose and one of great concentration. It is a standing position involving a forward tilt with raised arm and leg being parallel with the floor. It benefits the heart muscle, increases circulation and unclogs arteries as well as relieving stress from the spinal area. It is done on both sides of the body.
Another interesting pose is Number 11 - the Tree pose - Tadasana. As the name suggests it is an upright standing pose. It is good for the posture, balance, spine and releasing tension in the lower back area. It encourages flexibility of ankle, hip and knee. It involves pressing the sole of the foot into the inner thigh whilst keeping the hips straight and balancing.
Standing Separate Leg Stretching Pose - Dandayamana-Bibhaktapada-Paschimotthanasana - is a great pose for stretching the sciatic nerves and assisting in the function of the small and large intestine. The vertebrae and hip joints also benefit from this exercise and flexibility and tone of leg muscles are improved. The aim is to have a straight back with knees locked and the pose is forward bending towards the floor.
Bow Pose - Dhanurasana expands the lungs by opening up the rib cage and encourages good spinal health. With its flexing and stretching, it increases circulation and aids many organs of the body such as liver and kidneys. It involves lying on the stomach, gripping the ankles and lifting knees, chest and chin.

This information is a brief overview.

These postures also involve correct breathing techniques. All of the Bikram yoga poses are taught at specialised Bikram yoga studios around the world under the guidance of trained teachers.

Christine Margaret has an interest in yoga. Please visit my site at for more information and products.

The Truth About Options for Yoga Teachers, Part 5

Kids Yoga: You really have to be connected to a children's day care center, private school, or public school, to have large numbers of kids joining your Yoga classes. This may not be the case everywhere, but it reflects the feedback I get from Yoga teachers worldwide.

It is also true for our wellness center in North Providence, RI. Our Kids Yoga class started small but now has a regular following of 20 students per class. To be honest, I brought Yoga into the children's martial arts classes by integrating Vinyasa Yoga with their regular warm-ups.

The result was children who shed fat, became a bit more muscular, and demonstrated more strength and positive attitudes than ever before. The parents are ecstatic about the results now, but wondered what I was up to, when children in Jujitsu or Karate classes were engaged in Yoga training, as part of the curriculum. The benefits to children who learn Yoga are endless.

This is a non-competitive atmosphere, where a kid can just be a kid. Children, who regularly participate in Yoga classes, do not have to put pressure on themselves, and can learn many life skills, such as enhanced self-appreciation.

If you are going to teach children, make sure you are prepared for them to be your biggest challenge. It is all about keeping their attention span, therefore, split your Yoga class into segments. Classes have to be fun, and you should only address four components such as: posture, breathing, relaxation, and meditation. Keep it simple, and don't go off into a lecture that will put them to sleep. Kids do not come to Hatha Yoga classes to learn the finer points of Bhakti Yoga.

Always praise each child who participates, as this does help their self-esteem. Many times, Kids Yoga class is similar to a carnival, where every child wins a prize. In this case, always point out the children who try. This atmosphere will create children who follow the best examples; then, praise those children who try to copy. This is a win-win situation for every child in your Yoga class.

If you do not have patience, please do not consider teaching Yoga to children. Teaching a Kids Yoga class is not for every Yoga instructor. You have to be creative, an entertainer, and a guide to become a kids Yoga instructor.

After all, Kids Yoga classes contain aspects of Yoga that many adults have lost track of - from a very silly Lion face, to an extremely serious meditation. When you are giving Yoga instruction to a class full of children, your mind must be as flexible as your body.

© Copyright 2006 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard is a co-owner and the director of Yoga teacher training at: Aura Wellness Center, in North Providence, RI. He has been a certified Master Yoga teacher since 1995. He is a master instructor of martial arts, with multiple Black Belts, four martial arts teaching credentials, and was recently inducted into the USA Martial Arts Hall of Fame. He teaches Yoga, martial arts, and fitness to children, adults, and seniors in the greater Providence area. Recently he wrote: Is Running a Yoga Business Right for You? For Yoga students, who may be considering a new career as a Yoga teacher.

Secret Health Benefits of Yoga and Tai Chi

Do people who follow Eastern philosophies know better than those of us who don't? If so, what is it that they know? Yoga and Tai Chi aren't just a type of exercise, they are a life style. I would suggest that before you start one of these regimes that you have a physical at your family doctor's. This is just to make certain that you are physically fit. It also gives you a starting point from which to work.

Yoga and Tai Chi (TC) can be learned through DVD's, television programs or through hands-on classes. I would suggest that you try the classes first because you will have an instructor on hand to assist you in your technique. The instructor can also teach you how the body movements will assist in your mental and physical health and well being. Yoga originated in India. The name means to unite and the movements unite body and mind. Yoga is also a method of meditation. Many of these methods pre date Buddha.

Yoga can be challenging for plus-sized people but it is an excellent way for them to exercise. Yoga gives a body extended flexibility. It is an exercise especially good for people with arthritis because it not only increases flexibility, it also increases joint lubrication. Yoga also completes the detoxification of the body and tones muscles. Because yoga is a lifestyle, it is considered a combination of breathing exercises, physical work outs, and meditation which are done on a daily basis.

Tai Chi Chuan is a Chinese martial art as well as a training form for longevity and health. TC is best known for the pictures of many Chinese in parks every day doing their exercise routines in sort of a choreographed dance. It is supposed to fuse the Yin and Yang. Many of the martial art postures are combined with the "pushing hands" movement we have all seen in Tai Chi demonstrations. Tai Chi is a part of the Wudang martial arts group. Many people follow TC who have absolutely no interest in martial arts.

TC is accepted as an adjunct in Chinese medicine. Aspects of Chinese medicine are taught to advanced Tai Chi masters. Tai Chi incorporates the use of leverage to ease the pressure on joints. Tai Chi also encourages using softness to meet hardness in life. They are taught to meet the yin with yang.

Lao Tzu said that the "soft and pliable will defeat the harsh and intractable". Those schooled in Tai Chi are sensitive to the movements of their opponents and can react to them. Modern Tai Chi emphasizes health. Classes are held in hospitals, schools, nursing centers, senior centers and community centers.

Medical professionals have found that TC is beneficial in recovering from stroke, heart attack and is good in treatment of Parkinson's, multiple sclerosis and arthritis. There is speculation that it also benefits people with diabetes. Studies made recently have shown some benefit in ADHD treatment. According to the Mayo Clinic the movements of TC reduce stress. It is non-competitive and self paced. It can be done in groups or alone.

Herb likes to stay healthy. Please check out his website with information on blackout curtain lining and details on black out curtain options.

Exercising Came Naturally to Me

Everyone has their limits, but everyone also has the ability to pursue excellence in every aspect of their lives. Stop dwelling on your short comings, and start to look at ways in which you can challenge yourself. It is just as easy to do as it is to say. It all depends on your outlook on the issues that you want to develop.

It is an amazing thing to realize the tremendous amount of potential you have. A major lesson to remember is that you have to be consistent with your effort, because excellence will arise out of consistency and persistence when quality is a habit then excellency will come natural.

Getting started in an exercise is easy when it comes natural to you. I have found some of the best workouts came naturally at home involving my pet dog, Buddy. I was sitting in a chair on wheels hanging onto Buddys' leash. I started to spin from side to side while holding onto the leash and using his size and strength as support in the center. It mimicked an ab machine exercise I had seen on TV. It was like a Pilates core training simulation, but more important, it was fun because mans best friend was involved too.

Aside from our pets being great motivators (there are now official sites for dance routines and workouts with your dog), our children can be wonderful training partners. There are yoga for moms and babies classes and videos out there for your enjoyment. My 9 year old son loves to lift free weights with me. He yells at me "one more" sometimes to make me push myself. For Christmas one year I got both of my sons their own yoga mats, blocks, straps and beginner video package. Their ages were 4 and 6 at the time. They saw me stretching on my exercise mat and wanted to do what I, as a parent, was doing to be with me.

These oversights are right under our noses sometimes and are clearly helpful along the way with almost any fitness routine. The front page of the local paper today presented that the local high school gym is now open to the public for a nominal fee and only for an hour and a half most nights during the school week. This comes as an opportunity for many parents to be engaging themselves in an exercise program while their children are involved in after school sports and activities. Instead of sitting around and waiting, they now can workout in a new, state-of-the-art gymnasium. The fitness trainer there offers free personal routines specifically suited to your needs.

Knowing what you want is half the battle. Getting what you want when it comes to exercise is as natural as the nose on your face. So, do not think too hard about working out, it will come to you in your time, naturally.

Check out the following site to learn 7 weird foods that burn stomach fat, unusual tips to lose belly fat, and even a cool "trick" that can prevent junk food cravings:

Here's to wishing you a leaner, healthier, stronger body!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Bikram Yoga - What Is It And Who Started It?

There are many types of yoga that you can do to help you get into shape or help you enhance your spirituality. The Bikram yoga is a physical type of yoga. It is more aerobic than other types are. Do you know who started this type of yoga? Who was Bikram yoga named after?

The Bikram yoga was founded by Bikram Choudhry. Bikram was born in 1946 in Kolkatta. During his life he became a disciple of Bishnu Gosh who is the brother of Paramahamsa Yogananda. He was very young when he became a disciple. He was only four years old at the time. He mastered the Hatha yoga technique, which allowed him to win the Indian yoga championship at a very young age. He retired an undefeated champion when he was very young.

Bikram went on to start many training centers for yoga under the direction of his master Bishnu Gosh. He later on in his life came up with his own system for yoga which became known as Bikram yoga.

When doing Bikram yoga you will do this type of yoga in a heated room. The temperature in this room is usually about ninety to one hundred degrees. This will help warm the body which in turns makes the postures that you are required to do much easier. The postures that you do with this type of yoga are done in twenty six postures. This yoga starts with standing postures, backward bends, forward bends and even twists. You will do each posture twice. In order to do the full routine for Bikram yoga it will take you about ninety minutes.

This type of yoga may not be the right type for you. Someone that is physically fit will be able to do the Bikram yoga with ease. However, when you are not in such good shape you might want to start with another type of yoga. Then when you have made your body stronger you will be able to attempt this type of yoga.

You want to make sure that you find out all you can about Bikram yoga so that you will know if it is right for you. You need to know what it is about and whether you can handle it. You don't want to do this yoga or any other yoga without first knowing what you will be doing. So take the time needed to find out about Bikram yoga before you attempt it.

Get more benefits from yoga by visiting where you will find yoga related information, tips, advice and resources to include yoga for men, women and the different branches of yoga.

Get the Upper Hand in Your Workout With Topnotch Women's Fitness Accessories

Have you recently embarked on a stimulating activity like yoga? Just started a weight loss exercise regime? Or are you a gymnast who trains frequently and engages in conditioning exercises? Or maybe you're bracing for a triathlon? Whatever your fitness goal, you can kick off to a good start with quality basic gear. Once you have the sweat-absorbing clothes and the right footwear for your particular sport or fitness activity, next in line will be the essential accessories.

The best deals on women's fitness accessories ranging from jumping ropes and high-performance sunglasses to exercise balls, yoga mats, and lifting gloves may be obtained online, or through sports specialty shops (particularly when there 's a sale).

Among the great finds online or in small family-owned stores are the eco-friendly yoga mats. Now some yoga mats may feel fine on soft grass but turn out quite uncomfortable for the yoga enthusiast when placed on the hard floor. A good yoga mat should keep the hands or feet from slipping. Choose yoga mats that are not only light and easy to transport but comfortable and firm. It should help the yoga enthusiast prevent undue pressure to joints and to engage in the meditative with ease.

An exercise ball that can aid in toning and building muscles may likewise beobtained at a discounted rate through online sports equipment stores. Just make sure your fitness ball is guaranteed safe and is burst-resistant. You can rely on brand names that have been in the sports equipment industry for a long time for reliable products.

Other useful women's fitness accessories for those who want to shape up and lose weight are a self-timer, pedometer, and heart rate monitor (which may be incorporated in a high-tech watch). Of these three, the heart rate monitor can be quite vital to a fitness training program, since it's a handy tool for monitoring cardio progress. For those who are engaging in strength training, having at hand quality lifting gloves which offer superior grip is advisable. Hand pads that can keep the hands cool and prevent soreness or calloused hands are a good alternative. Pack your workout accessories in a stylish gym bag or tote.

As for women who take to the ultimate fitness workout like cardio kickboxing, a complete set of women's workout gear consisting of shorts or training pants and tank plus durable gloves should help bring your workout to a new level. As for women taking up a new sport, like volleyball or badminton, it'll be good to invest on sport-specific footwear.

Op for durable court shoes that offer stability and flexibility. Women have varying taste s in choosing casual footwear. There are those who want something that serves a purely athletic purpose, while others want something high-tech and fashionable as well. Lightweight and stylish shoes are best when it comes to running and strolling in the park or mall. Remember that the best women's fitness accessories are those which won't just up boost style quotient but offer supreme comfort, are durable, and help in the realization of fitness goals.

Courtney has been writing articles for her blogs and for article directories for the past 4 years. She writes on a variety of subjects. You can check out her latest website Womens Workout Clothes and find out more as well as read about Workout Clothes For Women.

Detox Using Yoga and Ayurveda

I became very interested in detoxing after I was diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) about 12 weeks ago. My IBS suddenly developed after a car accident that left me with neck and back pain. Was it the stress of the accident, damage to spinal nerve flow or the onset of Crohn's disease? Or perhaps a food allergy, gluten intolerance, infection or possibly an intestinal parasite?

Like many people with a chronic condition, I began to investigate potential causes and remedies, desperate at times to relieve the colon spasms, nausea and my distended abdomen.

Being a yoga therapist, I decide to follow my own advice and use some yoga cleansing techniques to relieve the IBS symptoms. I knew I didn't want to continue using over-the-counter (OTC) laxatives, antacids or antibiotics.

I turned to yoga and Ayurveda (the natural medical system of India) partly because they are safe, easy and inexpensive. The Ayurvedic view of detoxifying suggests that we detox four times each year at the beginning of each season or minimally two times per year. The core of Ayurveda asserts that general immunity lies in the digestive track. Thus the goal of detoxing thus is to cleanse the entire alimentary canal and maintain open energy flow.

Second, yoga and Ayurveda assert that not only must the physical body be maintained, but also the mental body. They assert that indigestion and toxin accumulation are associated with blocked energy in the chakras or energy centers of the body. These energy centers become blocked due to stress, mental fatigue and negative emotions like fear, anger and frustration. Physical activity and cleansing techniques become crucial to maintain the energy or prana that governs colon health.

Below is a complete detox program based in yoga and Ayurveda. The detox is a shortened, modified version which can be practiced each morning (1+ days) between 5-7 a.m. when the colon is thought to be at maximal functioning. Practice on an empty stomach and always consult your doctor before beginning any nutrition or physical activity program.

Part I: Intestinal Wash and Yoga Postures

Prepare three, 16-oz glasses of warm water with a pinch of salt and a dash of lemon juice for taste. Drink a glass of water and then follow the five yoga postures. Repeat this cycle three times. Once completed go to the restroom.
Yoga Postures: Repeat each posture 8 times each cycle
Upward arm press with heel lift: Start in a standing position, inhale and open the arms above the head, exhale, interlace the fingers and press the palms to the sky, lifting the heels off of the floor
Blown tree: Keeping the arms extended from pose I, exhale and lean to the side. In hale back to the center and repeat to the opposite side
Standing twist: Inhale and twist the body to the left, taking the right hand to the left hip and the left hand to the right hip behind the body. Inhale back to the center and repeat to the opposite side.
Twisting knee pose: Come into low squat bending the knees and dropping the tail bone down (picture 4a). Inhale and release the right knee to the ground. Exhale and twist to the left. Use the right arm as leverage to press the left knee to the midline of the body. Repeat to the opposite side
Twisting cobra: Lie onto the stomach. Inhale and exhale lifting the chest and shoulders away from the ground while twisting. Inhale to the center and exhale, twisting to the opposite side.

Part II: Rest and Eat

Lie down and rest for 45 minutes.
Eat and lubricate the digestive tract with a meal of boiled rice and dhal (split peas) cooking in ghee (clarified butter) for one hour. Repeat this meal six hours later.

Part III: Evening Breathing and Mediation Practice

Alternate nostril breathing: Wait at least two hours after the second meal of rice and dhal. Come into any comfortable sitting position. Align the posture upright. Blocking the right nostril with the thumb, inhale through the left nostril. Close both nostrils at the top of the inhale and keep the left nostril blocked, exhaling through the right nostril. Continue alternating blocking the nostrils side to side as you breathe. Practice 5-20 minutes. This breathing calms the nervous system, brings mental balance and is a perfect aid for better sleep.

Ongoing Daily Detox Tips:

Practice morning water therapy: Drink two glasses of warm water with a pinch of salt and lemon for taste upon rising each morning. Store water in a copper container overnight and drink the water before eating.
Chew food slowly to facilitate full breakdown and release of digestive fire-enzymes, acids and digestive juices for digestion.
Exercise each day for 30 minutes, enough to elevate the core temperature and break a sweat. Exercise is one of the best ways to maintain our body's natural ability to maintain digestive fire.
Be mindful of emotions as you eat and avoid overeating.
Take a short walk after every meal, at least 100 steps.
Practice breathing and meditation in the morning and before bed to reduce mental tension, the second main cause of poor digestion.
Avoid late meals after 7-8 p.m. and keep evening meals smaller than breakfast and lunch. Allow for a 12-hour fast from the last meal to the next morning meal.

Darryl Olive, MBA, MHA, CSCS, E-RYT, LMT is a 500 hour certified and registered yoga teacher with the Yoga Alliance. He teaches Kansas City yoga classes, practices yoga therapy and leads yoga teacher training, Ayurveda Training, Yoga Therapy training?and Thai Massage Certification for KCFitnessLink. For more information, contact Darryl for information about yoga classes, Ayurvedic lifestyle consulting and yoga certification.

He leads yoga teacher training workshops and is the director of programs for KCFitnessLink. For more information, visit, e-mail

Enhance Happiness and Health by Cultivating Gratitude - Interview With Robert Emmons

Today we interview Prof. Robert Emmons, Professor of Psychology at UC Davis and Editor-In-Chief of the Journal of Positive Psychology. He has just published Thanks: How the New Science of Gratitude Can Make You Happier, a book that provides a research-based synthesis of the topic as well as practical suggestions.

Alvaro Fernandez (AF): Welcome. Prof. Emmons, could you please provide us an overview of the Positive Psychology field so we understand the context for your research?

Robert Emmons (RE): Sure. Martin Seligman and colleagues launched what was called "positive psychology" in the late 90s as an antidote to the traditional nearly exclusive emphasis of "negative psychology" focused on fixing problems like trauma, addiction, and stress. We want to balance our focus and be able to help everyone, including high-functioning individuals. A number of researchers were investigating the field since the late 80s, but Seligman provided a new umbrella, a new category, with credibility, organized networks and funding opportunities for the whole field.

AF: And where does your own research fit into this overall picture?

RE: I have been researching gratitude for almost 10 years. Gratitude is a positive emotion that has traditionally been the realm of humanists and philosophers, and only recently the subject of a more scientific approach. We study gratitude not as a merely academic discipline, but as a practical framework to better functioning in life by taking control of happiness levels and practicing the skill of emotional self-regulation.

AF: What are the 3 key messages that you would like readers to take away from your book?

RE: First, the practice of gratitude can increase happiness levels by around 25%. Second, this is not hard to achieve - a few hours writing a gratitude journal over 3 weeks can create an effect that lasts 6 months if not more. Third, that cultivating gratitude brings other health effects, such as longer and better quality sleep time.

AF: What are some ways to practice gratitude, and what benefits could we expect? Please refer to your 2003 paper in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, where I found fascinating quotes such as that "The ability to notice, appreciate, and savior the elements of one's life has been viewed as a crucial element of well-being."

RE: The most common method we use in our research is to ask people to keep a "Gratitude Journal" where you write something you feel grateful for. Doing so 4 times a week, for as little as 3 weeks, is often enough to create a meaningful difference in one's level of happiness. Another exercise is to write a "Gratitude Letter" to a person who has exerted a positive influence on one's life but whom we have not properly thanked in the past, and then to meet that person and read the letter to them face to face.

The benefits seem to be very similar using both methods in terms of enhanced happiness, health and wellbeing. Most of the outcomes are self-reported, but there is an increasing emphasis on measuring objective data such as cortisol and stress levels, heart rate variability, and even brain activation patterns. The work of Richard Davidson is exemplary in that respect, showing how mindfulness practice can rewire some activation patterns in the frontal lobes.

Now, let me give an overview of the paper you mention, titled Counting Blessings versus Burdens: An Experimental Investigation of Gratitude and Subjective Well-Being in Daily Life. The paper includes 3 separate studies, so I will just be able to provide a quick glimpse. More than a hundred adults were all asked to keep a journal, and were randomly assigned to 3 different groups. Group A had to write about things they felt grateful about. Group B about things they found annoying, irritating. Group C about things that had had a major impact on them. 2 out of the 3 different experiments were relatively intense and short term (keeping a daily journal for 2-3 weeks), while one required a weekly entry during 10 weeks.

Across the 3 different studies we found that people in the gratitude group generally evidenced higher-levels of well-being than those in the comparison conditions, especially when compared to Group B (the one journaling about hassles), but also compared to the "neutral" group.

In the longer study, which ran for 10 weeks, we also saw a positive effect on hours of sleep and on time spent exercising, on more optimistic expectations for the coming week, and fewer reported physical symptoms, such as pain. Additionally, we observed an increase in reported connectedness to other people and in likelihood of helping another person deal with a personal problem.

AF: We could then say that we can train ourselves to develop a more grateful attitude and optimistic outlook in life, resulting in well-being and health improvements, and even in becoming better-not just happier- citizens. And probably one can expect few negative side effects from keeping a gratitude journal. What do you think prevents more people from benefiting from these research findings?

RE: Great question, I reflect often on that. My sense is that some people feel uncomfortable talking about these topics, since they may sound too spiritual, or religious. Others simply don't want to feel obligated to the person who helped them, and never come to realize the boost in energy, enthusiasm, and social benefits that come from a more grateful, connected life.

AF: You talk about gratitude. Other psychologists focus on cognitive therapy, or forgiveness. How can we know which of these techniques may be helpful for us?

RE: The key is to reflect on one's goal and current situation. For example, the practice of forgiveness can be most appropriate for people who have high levels of anger and resentment. Cognitive therapy has been shown to be very effective against depression. In a sense both groups are trying to eliminate the negative. Gratitude is different in that it is better suited for highly functioning individuals who simply want to feel better - enhancing the positive.

Prof. Emmons, thank you for your time, and research.

You are welcome.

Copyright (c) 2007 SharpBrains

Alvaro Fernandez is the CEO and Co-Founder of, which provides the latest science-based information for Cognitive and Brain Fitness, and has been recognized by Scientific American Mind, MarketWatch, Forbes, and more. Alvaro holds MA in Education and MBA from Stanford University, and teaches The Science of Brain Health at UC-Berkeley Lifelong Learning Institute. You can learn more at

Yoga Certification - The Need of the Hour

The traditional techniques of Yoga date back to more than five thousand years ago. In primeval days, the longing for better personal free will, fitness and longer life, and sharp self control gave birth to this very unique system of mental and physical exercise which has since spread all over the world. The word, "Yoga" means "to join together," and it brings the mind and the body together into a single peaceful experience.

With the lifestyles of people tending towards greater amount of strain and efforts, many of us have starting finding our minds' and body's solace entirely in Yoga, which goes to show the rising significance of it in our lives. Hence, there is a need for proper guidance and training of the general public towards the understanding of yoga and its techniques. And yoga certification courses are something that prepare one to bring yoga into mainstream gymnasiums and health clubs, thus allowing one to guide and train people who otherwise might not have any regular access to these yoga classes. Yoga instructor certification for all levels of instructors and trainers are thus a great boon to the general welfare of the society. Whether one is just starting out or one has been educating about yoga for years, one can find workshops and yoga courses that fit one the best.

Earlier, when the art of yoga used to be an abstract one, known only to a few who involved themselves into it, there was not any need of a certification to train others. The techniques and their benefits were passed on by word of mouth. But now, with yoga becoming an integral part of the average person's life, training institutes and health centers prefer a certified instructor to teach yoga to the people attending. Slow and steady commercialization of the art has led to a need of yoga certification. Yoga Instructor Certification is designed such that a trainer holding it is well accomplished in holding engaging and safe yoga classes and has got sufficient number of tools in his repertoire that are required to resolve general queries. This is why yoga certification is given under various categories such as prenatal yoga, yoga for kids, and yoga for seniors and so on. Yoga certification allows one to bring together the top facets of yoga and fitness so that one can help one's students achieve good health of mind and body.

James Williams is a certificated yoga instructor. He is providing Yoga Teacher Training courses. James is an expert author who writes articles mainly on becoming a yoga instructor.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Are You Evolving Or Revolving?

Do you know someone (maybe yourself) who is always complaining about the same issues in their life? If you take a moment to truly observe what is taking place, you will realize that negative thinking, habits, or talking simply creates more of the same. Everyone knows what it is like when the same thought keeps going around and around in their mind. It gets on your nerves and you want to make it stop.

But, the more you think about how to stop it, the more the thought persists. Now imagine yourself physically in the middle of a revolving door; you keep pushing the door until that space comes available to walk out. For whatever reason, you choose not to get out. If you don't take the opportunity to walk out, you must go around again. That routine would get very old and tiresome. But, the average person chooses the physical exit the first time around to get to their next destination. What most people do not realize is that this same concept applies to your mindset.

For many, there is comfort in staying within their revolving door despite the repetition of negative events. It's what they know. However, if you never leave your comfort zone, you cannot move forward...or evolve. Instead, you stagnate. Stagnation leads to digression. Believe it or not, the digression does not simply occur in the mind; but eventually spreads to the physical body. Your mind's energy affects your body's cells. Sooner or later, your body will speak to you in a way that will force you to take a step one way or another. It may be a step you would have chosen had you taken advantage of an earlier opportunity.

Once you take that first step out of your revolving door, a whole new set of opportunities in your life emerge. How you choose to approach them opens other doors. Like Bob Barker used to say on The Price is Right, the thought "which door would you like to choose" presents itself to you. Unlike the game that offered one time prizes, every door in life has something behind it that will add depth to your growth as a spiritual being. Plus, unlike The Price is Right, the game isn't over once you choose what's behind door number 1. You have an unlimited number of doors to open. But first, you must slow the spinning of the revolving door within your mind so that you can catch that gap of space to let yourself out.

With the practice of yoga and meditation, as the body loosens, the mind loosens. As the mind loosens, the heart opens. Yoga enables you to become much more aware of what your body is feeling on the inside. Self-awareness is the first step in catching that gap. When you become more aware of what is taking place in the present moment, you are much more equipped to make positive choices. Practice yoga to help you achieve this awareness. Yoga helps you to learn how to help yourself. It trains you to be completely aware of the present moment and slowly trains your mind to stop dwelling on the past or predicting the future. As you master the mindset of living in the present, you will evolve.

Don't let the comfort of your learned convictions keep you from walking outside the door. The more you learn about yourself, the more you learn about the other people you share this planet with. Always have the mindset of being a student of life; regardless of the number of academic degrees or awards you have. There will always be something new to discover or see in a whole new light. Evolution is a life long journey and it can be a great one if you're open to learn. The practice of yoga will give you the keys to unlock the doors within your mind. With continued practice, the revolving door within the mind will slow down so that you can take that fabulous step outside and see more than you ever imagined!

My intention is to introduce (or re-introduce) the practice of yoga to everyone who would benefit. I teach yoga at the YMCA and Yoga Country. I strive to increase my knowledge in an effort to help people learn how to help themselves through the practice of yoga.

Athletic Clubs - What They Can Do To Get You Into Shape

The health of a lot of people could benefit from finding a good athletic club; Seattle and its neighborhoods like Northgate, Pinehurst and Victory Heights have great ones available to cover your exercise needs.? These Seattle gyms will offer you the opportunity to improve your fitness, personal training, Pilates, yoga, court sports and many other options included.

The health benefits that you will gain from these types of programs are only part of the benefits. You will also gain confidence in yourself and have a better overall outlook on your well-being by joining an athletic club, Seattle based, if you live in the area. ?

Pilates is popular with people who are looking for something to add to their sports strength training routine. Seattle Pilates will strengthen the core of your body which will help with improving your performance and prepare you for different kinds of sports offered in Seattle, golf strength training just being one of them.

You will also find that you are stronger in everyday activities, even small things as standing or walking will be easier for you after starting working at your fitness, ?personal training, sports strength training or court sports being some of the ways to improve your overall fitness at a good athletic club Seattle has to offer. If you get discouraged just remember the flat tummy that you will have as a result of doing your training.

Once you've found a good gym in Seattle, Pilates is a great training method, which molds and elongates your muscles, giving you an edge over the competition in your sports strength training and disciplines such as swimming, Seattle based or elsewhere.

Doing Pilates at an athletic club Seattle will strengthen your core and decrease any posture problems, that could lead to back problems. To improve your fitness, personal training that includes Seattle Pilates is very effective, and you might want to ask your personal trainer about adding Seattle Pilates to your gym routine.

Pilates, just like a Seattle yoga routine will help your mind, body, and soul. A good way to get started with Pilates is to try to improve your fitness, personal training included, through breathing techniques.? These are an important part of Pilates, which can increase your focus mentally. Having good focus will help you to concentrate on not only your sports strength training, but also things in your everyday life after you leave the athletic club Seattle when you are done with your exercise workout.

A benefit of finding an athletic club, Seattle or elsewhere, ?that offers Pilates is that your entire body gets an exercise workout from the Pilates fitness equipment Seattle gyms offer. You will learn how to control your body rather than having a gym routine that is hard on your body and joints. The resulting look you will get from Seattle Pilates is long and lean muscles rather than large bulky muscles that give you a body builder look. This is a big reason why people chose to do Pilates at an athletic club Seattle.

In Seattle Pilates is easy on the joints because it is so low impact, which makes it easy for anyone that wants to try it even if they have joint or muscle pain. To improve the benefits of fitness personal training, many trainers will incorporate some form of Pilates especially with people of advanced age that are trying to start or restart a gym routine or fitness plan.

This article was prepared by Jared Wilmers on behalf of Seattle Athletic Club Northgate, Seattle Athletic Club Northgate is located at 333 Ne 97th Street in Northgate, Seattle. Visit them today to reach your goal of total fitness, personal training, strength training, Pilates, court sports, aquatics, whichever kind of exercise workout best fits your training needs.

The Body Bar: How to Use an Old Favorite

The Body Bar has versatility. It can be used in strength, cardio and high intensity circuit routines.

The Body Bar is a straight, weighted stick. It has been on the market FOREVER, since 1987! In fitness, that's ancient! It has outlived many of the infomercial equipment crazes for three decades, for a few very good reasons:

It can be used like a barbell or free weights. Being weighted throughout the bar, oppose to loading plates, makes it an ideal tool for beginner barbell squats. It makes balance easier and the exerciser could practice on his/her own, without a spotter.

I also enjoy using the Body Bar for cardio and abs. Holding on to one for resistance when doing step ups, or placing it over the shoulders and twisting for core training, feels challenging, but comfortable.

A huge issue with barbell training is that even if the bar is placed correctly across the shoulder blades, oppose to across the neck, many people find it uncomfortable, and even unsettling. The Body Bar is not only slightly padded, but the even weight distribution, and lack of weight plates pulling down on the bar, make these type of exercises less intimidating and much more comfortable.

The Body Bar can be purchased in a range of weight increments from 3-36lbs. I find that even though it doesn't come any heavier, it's still a decent weight amount for a stronger person to use in an interval or cardio capacity, or for ab training, once in a while for program variety.

Exercises with the Body Bar

-If you lift weights in the 3-36lb pound range than any free weight or barbell exercise can be performed: Bench Press, One Arm Row, Shoulder Press, Bicep Curl, Skull Crushers etc.

-The Body Bar is probably best known as a core strengthening tool. Use it on your chest or overhead for weighted crunches. Or try my favourite, across the shoulders and twist from the core, while trying to touch the elbow to opposite knee.

-Across the shoulders for lunges, squats, and yoga poses with reps, such as warrior 1, 2 and 3.


-Compound exercises that will raise the heart rate. I like squat, bicep curl and shoulder press, or squat, curl and raise, as I call it.

-Over the shoulders for stair runs and step ups.

This is a small sample of the exercises that are possible with the Body Bar. They're perfect for a home gym. If you're looking for a new fitness toy to motivate your workouts, try it out. I would definitely recommend one.

Kaleena Lawless
Personal Training Specialist

The Oath of a Kundalini Yoga Teacher

"The Oath of a Kundalini Teacher: "I am not a woman. I am not a man. I am not a person. I am not myself. I am a teacher." ~ Yogi Bhajan

I have a confession to make. I struggled with The Teacher's Oath when I started my Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training. When I first heard it, I rebelled. What do you mean I'm not a woman? If I'm not a person than what am I? And if I am not myself, then who is me? I didn't get it and it confused me immensely. Who was this guy to tell me that I'm not me? Can you say "resistance?" How about that for a great start?

In this article, I'll explain about The Teacher's Oath and what it means to me now compared to my first impression. I'll also touch on the key ethical responsibilities a KY teacher has in terms of service to students, personal conduct, and roles. And finally I'll bring in my relationship to the teachings and to the source of the teachings.

Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa, of Golden Bridge in Los Angeles, says that, "as Kundalini yoga teachers, [we] take this [Teacher's] Oath. It sets the precedent as to why we are there and what we are to deliver: these sacred teachings. Our purpose is to deliver the student to himself-not to the teacher. We are there to inspire the students."

How do I feel about The Teacher's Oath now? It is about uplifting humanity! Yogi Bhajan gave the Teacher's Oath as a reminder to keep our ego out of our teaching and to always respond with what is in the best interest of the student. He is trying to teach us to "shine the soul of the student," not to shine our own egos. It is about being a messenger of the teachings; being a vehicle and letting it flow. The Teachers Oath reminds us to be the teacher and to uplift the soul of each student.

Hand-in-hand with the Teachers Oath are the ethical responsibilities a KY teacher has. These responsibilities are three-fold. First, is ethical responsibility in terms of service. As a KY teacher it is essential to keep the purity of the teachings and to teach them in a way that is selfless. It is the teacher's responsibility to connect students to the flow of the teachings and to elevate the student to the awareness of the Infinite within them.

Second, is ethical responsibility in terms of personal conduct. This is about walking the talk and teaching by example. It is also about relating to the spirit, soul, and essence of a person, not their ego. Additionally, the teacher-student relationships are to remain professional. Personal conduct is to be of the highest caliber and always from a place of deep care, respect, and concern for others.

The third and final piece is ethical responsibility in terms of role. As a KY teacher you need to let go of your identification with your own success or failure. In this role, a KY teacher needs to identify with "being a teacher" as an infinite task. It is about being mindful of the students (ability levels, never being harassive, honoring all belief systems, and keeping confidences). In terms of the role as a KY teacher, choose right over wrong, ethics over convenience...these are the choices that measure your life (not just your teaching experiences). Travel the path of integrity...for there is never the wrong time to do the right thing.

To close off this discussion, it is important to bring in what my relationship is to the teachings and the source of the teachings.

My relationship to the teachings is one of respect, consideration, love, appreciation, gratitude, and service, always, at all times, regardless of my particular momentary feelings and opinions, because that is the attitude I need to have toward my very Essence.

As for my relationship to the source of the teachings, it was difficult in the beginning. As a pure Sagittarian, I am often desperately unhappy in regimented situations as I tend to become bored and restless, and I also resent authority. So, to come to this type of spiritual teaching that is based on the tradition of a guru transmitting the wisdom was an interesting choice. I know that, typically, people surrender to the guru to lead the way until you have the discipline of the pure teachings. It all shifted into greatness once I started to trust my teacher and surrender to the experiences. Now, KY is a proven step-by-step system to walk my own path. It is all LOVE...pure LOVE. I surrender my ego to my soul. I came to explore the knowledge and didn't know that the knowledge would start to explore me. It was about the wisdom of yielding to, rather than opposing, the flow of life.

I get it now...just as Mark Ciaburri claims, "My whole being moves toward these teachings. I love what I am learning, and unlearning."

?Copyright 2010 Kundalini Yoga With Sharlene Starr. All Rights Reserved.

Sharlene Starr teaches Kundalini Yoga classes and is the author of the *FREE* Special Report," A Beginner's Guide To Kundalini Yoga!" If you're ready to awaken your mind, body, and soul, get your *FREE* copy at:

Surfing Fitness - The Key Elements of the Different Types of Training That Are Needed for Surfing

There are some elements that you should consider when talking about surfing fitness. Common sense tells you that you are going to need upper body strength, but there is a lot more to it than that.

Surfing Fitness - Cardiovascular

Surfing for awhile at a time is going to take endurance. You will need basic stamina to surf for extended periods of time. For those who are looking into surfing to try, or those looking to get better at surfing; there are certain things you can do to improve your stamina. Exercises like jogging, running, swimming laps, and aerobics are all endurance exercises. If you do these at a steady pace for twenty minutes at a time, you will see some improvement.

Upper Body

Surfing fitness in the upper body requires strength in your shoulders, chest, back, and the triceps of your arms. You should do light strength training (like light weight lifting) that focus on these areas. Butterflies and pull-ups are great examples of the types of exercises you should consider to increase your upper body strength. Another that you might want to try would be rowing. This will also help build up the strength in your back, as well as the deltoid muscle across the top of your shoulder. You will need these muscles for all the paddling you will be doing.

Surfing Fitness - Lower Body

Surfing fitness in the lower body not only requires strength, but balance. To improve strength try doing lunges and squats. For balance try using a stability ball. Another approach, though some guys would be hesitant to try it, would be yoga. There are a lot of poses in yoga that require you to keep your balance, and holding them for a couple minutes requires you to use the muscles to actually hold the pose. This is a lot like holding your stance while on the surf board so it could greatly improve your surfing.

There is quite a bit involved in surfing, and just as much involved in surfing fitness. That doesn't mean that surfing isn't fun. People wouldn't surf if it was nothing but work. To get the complete surf fitness guide visit

Yoga Balls Vs Office Chairs

Some people have introduced the concept of using yoga balls instead of office chairs at work. There are advantages and disadvantages to using these balls as the chair.

The advantages that are usually claimed by proponents of using a yoga ball include: improved posture, strength building, reduced cost, and the cool factor.

Posture-because of the way these balls work, when balancing on top to use it as a chair, it forces you to align your spine into a perfect vertical alignment. It is very difficult to slouch while sitting atop a yoga ball. There is a distinct advantage to using these balls because it can train your body to sit perfectly erect even when you're not using the balls.

Exercise-keeping your spine perfectly aligned strengthens the muscles in your back and stomach. It provides low-level effort work out for your core muscles. By using these muscles a little bit every day, you can develop a stronger back and avoid back injuries in the future.

Cost-the yoga balls cost much less than even the least expensive office chair.

Cool factor-with many companies trying to create an atmosphere of fun for the employees, walking into a room full of richly colored spheres instead of the standard gray and black office chairs can have a visual impact that is very cheery. It is very cool for company to do something so different and outside the normal stuff the way business has always been done.

In spite of these advantages, there are some real disadvantages to using yoga balls instead of regular office chairs.

Height-most of the balls do not position a person at the proper height for typing on the keyboard at a standard desk. This can lead to stream muscles in the shoulder as the person tries to keep their arms up to type.

Unprofessional-while it may be okay in certain industries, a person sitting on a brightly colored ball may be difficult to take seriously. For example, a customer at a bank applying for a loan to buy a house may wonder if getting into debt with this particular bank is a good idea while trying to chat with a loan officer sitting on giant sphere.

Fatigue-while it is true that sitting on these balls does provide exercise, it can also cause one to become tired at the end of the day. It is perfectly fine if you have both a yoga ball and a regular office chair. However, if you only have room for one, and you choose the yoga ball, you will regret it. There will be times when you want to sit and rest, recline, or stretch in your chair. These things are difficult to do on a yoga ball.

Adjustments-on a regular office chair a person can roll from side to side adjusting themselves from directly in front of the keyboard to some other part of the desk, for example, where there may be some paperwork they need to fill out. When sitting on a yoga ball, it is difficult to reposition oneself. Aside from slight movement from side to side, one must stand up, position the ball, and then sit down again.

Overall, the concept of using a yoga ball or a chair at the office is fun, but gimmicky. If you have the space to accommodate both a ball and a regular chair, the idea is perfectly acceptable, as long as the atmosphere is still professional enough for what is needed to be done.

You can find yoga balls cheap at any of the big box chains. However, they will never replace the standard chairs, for example the mesh office chairs, and you will still need at least one of those chairs per employee.

If you are looking for a cheap alternative to the fancier chairs, but don't want something as silly as a yoga ball, or you are in need of conserving space, consider stacking office chairs. Just remember, however, that they usually do not come with casters on them.

George regularly contributes to several syndicated blogs, providing shopping tips and strategies.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Pros and Cons of Joining a Gym

Have you ever thought about joining a gym? If you've done so, but you quit at some point, do you have any idea why? Gyms are a huge part of most bodybuilders and physical fitness experts and trainers, so if you are serious about fitness, you should be aware of gyms and know whether you want to be a member or not.

Pros of Joining a Gym

First of all, the equipment is likely to be top-notch and more varied than you could afford to provide yourself. You will be able to find all sorts of dumbbells, barbells, cardio machines, weight lifting machines, tracks, and even accommodations for sports like basketball, rock climbing, racquetball, and swimming. With all of these options, you will be less likely to run out of things to do to switch up your routine. This will keep you interested and excited about working out, and will maximize your dollars spent.

In addition to the equipment, there are usually personal trainers or staff available for you to consult with about your questions. Some types of professionals on staff could include dieticians, certified gym instructors, physical therapists, yoga instructors, bodybuilders, and aerobic teachers. These are people who can show you how to do an exercise properly and recommend dietary choices. If you want to have a good place to work out and get friendly advice without having to hire all of those professionals yourself, this can be a big benefit.

Finally, the cost is often better for people than trying to supply themselves with a home-based gym. All of the equipment they can ever use is probably at the gym, and as long as the gym isn't too far away, it is a great way to save space at home for other things and still get a good workout.

Cons of Joining a Gym

One of the biggest cons people find is the high cost of joining a gym. There are typically regular fees, be they monthly or yearly, that number in the hundreds or even thousands of dollars over time. If you want help from professionals, sometimes that's an extra charge. Some gyms might even charge for parking or use of the locker rooms. The only major reason to avoid a gym because of cost, though, is if you could be moving soon, which would keep you from getting back your investment.

When talking about the cons of joining a gym, you can't overlook the travel time and accessibility factor. Even though it can be nice to have a dedicated place to go for your exercise, sometimes you wake up ready to exercise, but you would be embarrassed to head over to the gym looking like crud. Plus, if you like to exercise at the same time as everyone else, you have to compete for the equipment, and this is never a good way to practice good stress relief.

Finally, time is sometimes a problem. If you have a home gym, you can use it whenever you feel like. If you want to take advantage of all of the features of your local gym, you might have to plan around certain times for classes or instructors to be available.

Emile Jarreau has been involved in Fitness and Bodybuilding [] for over 32 years. For more information regarding fat loss go to

How is a Gym Like the Airline Industry?

Any company can learn something from looking at how other businesses operate. You shouldn't limit yourself to your own industry, though.

In the commercial gym market, we can learn quite a bit by looking at some of the best practices that other industries have used. For one such case, we investigated the airline industry and their pricing policies.


One difference between the airline industry and the commercial gym market is that the airline industry is an oligopoly, which, as defined by Wikipedia, is an industry dominated by four or five very large players that will oftentimes move in unison. As an example, when one airline announced they would charge for checked luggage, others quickly followed. I am pretty sure that wouldn't be the case in the gym industry!


There are a lot of similarities between the two industries.

A treadmill in one club is the exact same as a treadmill in another club. Similarly, a plane ride from Washington to San Diego (the site of the 2010 IHRSA trade show, by the way) on United or Southwest or USAir gets you the same get to your destination.

Comparing prices online between different gyms or airlines is also pretty simple and straightforward. The cost-conscious consumer may be willing to put up with some inconveniences, like driving an extra 5 or 10 minutes, to go to a less expensive gym. That same consumer has the option of adding a stop in a flight to make it less expensive. I still don't understand how adding a stop makes it cheaper but maybe someone from an airline can address that!

What Can we Learn from the Airlines?

Pricing for seats is similar in practice to pricing for personal training. You buy one seat just as you buy one training session. There is one major difference, though -- airlines charge more for the best seats: aisle and emergency row seats. Maybe the gym industry could charge more for personal training booked during the best (peak) times. The 5:30-8:30PM time slots are certainly more in demand.

Interestingly, most clubs already allow different pricing for different trainers. Different pricing by time would allow a gym to take it to the next level and receive a premium for the high-demand time slots, as well.

This principle could also be applied to classes. A bargain-conscious member may be more inclined to make it to the 5:30AM yoga class instead of the 7:00AM class if it saves him or her some money.

Take some time to examine another business in another industry. Look for ways to utilize their best practices in your own company.

Hossein Noshirvani is the Executive Vice President for Motionsoft and is the head of Motionsoft's sales team. He has been involved in the health and wellness industry for over five years and has in-depth knowledge and keen insight into the industry.

Hossein is also an avid fitness junkie and thoroughly enjoys going to different gyms. This is yet another reason he has a well-rounded view of the industry that is not only rooted in software but in the overall operations and myriad functions that go into developing a successful enterprise.

Visit their site to learn more about Hossein and the Motionsoft team, or follow Motionsoft on Twitter.

Autogenic Training - A European Self-Relaxation Technique

Whenever I mention Autogenic Training in my classes, I am asked, "What is that?"

In contradiction to Germany, my native country, very few people in the US have heard about it.

Here is a short answer:

Autogenic Training (AT) is a relaxation technique. To be more specific, it is a mental relaxation technique.

Unlike yoga, for example, it is not physical but mental. With AT, we don't relax by moving the body but by quieting the mind. When the mind quiets down, the body follows.

We quiet the mind by repeating six mental phrases.

The six mental phrases are:

o My arms and legs are heavy.

o My arms and legs are warm.

o Calm and regular is my heartbeat.

o Calm and regular is my breathing.

o My solar plexus is warm.

o My forehead is cool and clear.

Each of these phrases focuses on a particular effect, related to a state of deep relaxation such as heaviness and warmth in the limbs and deep breathing. These physiological changes engendered by AT are those that naturally occur when your body is completely relaxed.

The shift to physical and mental relaxation is generated (Greek genos) from within yourself (Greek autos) - hence "Autogenic." "Training" indicates that mastering AT requires some discipline and a few minutes each day dedicated for your practice.

It is the oldest Western approach for facilitating recovery from psycho-physiological symptoms. Moreover, it is a medically proven mental relaxation technique designed to let you experience instant relief from stress symptoms with profound deep relaxation.

There are thousands of scientific publications on its efficiency (mostly in German, Japanese, or Russian) for various physiological and psychological conditions making Autogenic Training one of the best-documented and researched stress relief and relaxation methods.

In Europe, especially in Germany and Great Britain, but also in Japan, it has been taught in medical schools, and it is an integrative part of rehabilitation treatment and well respected by the medical community.

AT is so efficient that it has been used by NASA, the American Space Agency.

It is relatively easy to learn, if you practice daily for a few moments.

Once learned, it takes only a few moments to shift into a state of deep relaxation.

You can apply it in almost every situation. You may sit at your doctor's office or at a meeting, and nobody will notice that you practice Autogenic Training.

Although it is relatively easy to learn, it has its subtleties. Therefore you need a class and/or an experienced teacher. You find, however, very few opportunities to learn it in the US.

You find comprehensive information and a self-study program for Autogenic Training on my website.

Copyright 2009 Monika Walter

Monika Walter, a former chaplain and psychologist, teaches yoga, Autogenic Training, and relaxation in Southern New Mexico. Visit to learn more.

The Art of Allowing

I often see yoga students trying too hard to twist and mold themselves into certain yoga postures. I've seen a student reach frantically forward, determined to touch his toes no matter the cost! Although I admired his determination I couldn't help but notice the stress radiating from his muscles, his shallow breath and beads of sweat that were now dripping from his forehead. As I explained the practice of simply enjoying the posture and letting the exhale move you further into the forward bend, he could have cared less. It literally went in one ear and out of the other.

I've also had a client once who thought discipline in martial arts training meant giving every waking moment of her life to her training. Of course she became really good at her martial art but at what cost? Her body never had the chance to properly rest and rehabilitate, her diet consisted of quick food, protein shakes and energy drinks and her friends and family never saw her. Not to mention how this lifestyle put stress on her reproductive system. Even through physical injury she trained and trained, always pushing through, always striving to be the best and never satisfied with who she was at this moment. It was a miracle I got to work with her!

Which brings me to the heart of this article, the art of allowing.

If we use our yoga practice or perhaps our daily lives as a reflection of ourselves, take a moment to notice where you may be trying too hard. As much as I am a firm believer in goals and ambitions, I feel that the only way we know how to achieve those goals is by doing more, working longer hours or trying harder. It's the interpretation of the term, "no pain, no gain" gone crazy. Have you ever practiced letting go and allowing yourself to be here, in the present moment without the intense "need" to move forward? Some say, that is being lazy or may show a lack of goals, but that misses the whole point. The art of allowing is a calm peaceful place where you stop on a plateau, reflect on how far you've come to get to this place and sit back and enjoy it for a while before continuing on towards your goals. Because what good are goals if you never give yourself a chance to enjoy them? And what good are your goals if they turn you into a monster, a crazed fanatic, obsessed with achieving?

What if you practiced taking a step back for a second, savor where you are at this delicate moment with the people around you and swim in the joy of knowing you got yourself to this point? It's like climbing to the top of a mountain and taking the time to enjoy the view. Allow yourself the permission to enjoy this view, you deserve it!

Diane M. Cruz is a Yoga Teacher and Life Coach in San Diego, California. She believes in cultivating a strong body and mind to keep you moving on your spiritual path. Her classes and coaching sessions will empower you by providing life-enhancing tools to apply immediately to your life. Visit her website []

Continuing Education - Keep Your Mind Sharp

Most times when people think of continuing education they picture a college or a trade school, but really those are only a couple of possibilities and not the most common. Are you growing as an individual? Are you interested in growing, or does that thought make you yawn?

You must have some thought to self-growth; otherwise you would not be reading this article. So, how do we define personal growth? Is it the same thing as continuing education? I would say yes. I suppose you can grow without learning, but someone would have to explain that one to me.

If you are not growing, you are dieing. That is really what it comes down to. Whether you are reading a book or watching something on TV, there are lots of ways to get your brain in gear. To clarify, there are many shows on TV that are total crap, and not part of the learning I am discussing, but there are other shows where learning is ancillary to the primary focus of the show, but it is still there.

An example of this would be shows like Monster Garage or Flip That House. They are put together for the entertainment factor, but you can watch them and learn enough to know what questions to ask, or to have an idea of what you want to do with your house or car.

The 'real' educational shows I enjoy are things like "How It's Made" or Ken Burn's "The War" (on PBS.) I am not learning how to make things ('applicable' learning), but more mind expanding learning (abstract learning.) Either type is fine and adds to your wealth of knowledge. The point I am making is that continuing education does not need to be formal. Indeed, the best learning may be informal.

Yesterday I supervised my son in changing a tire on his bicycle. A few months ago I changed a tire and he observed and asked questions. This experiential learning gave him a lesson he will never forget. The learning we do on a regular basis is what keeps us alive, in my opinion. While we are growing in this fashion we are not giving up the will to live. The point is that learning comes in many different forms.

My own particular favorite is reading and then doing. There are a few series targeted for beginners in any subject, and those are a great way to get practical information explained in an easy to understand format. I have a few of those books, but I also have Learn HTML in 24 hours which taught me (years ago) the basis of web page design. Although most people use software to design websites, it really helped me out to know the abc's.

I don't want to disparage formal education by any means. I returned to college in my mid 30's and attained my bachelor's degree at age 41. The majority of that was abstract learning, but some of it I use on a regular basis. I have to say that community colleges are the most phenomenal institutions in this country when it comes to almost any type of learning.

Our local CC has course offerings in almost anything you might want to learn. Courses range from those aimed at helping you get your degree to yoga, fitness, alternative healing, tarot reading, photography, cooking and many more.

Don't let yourself slowly die in your easy chair watching mindless offerings on television. Think about dreams from your early life, or things that you've always wondered about. You don't even have to leave your home for many of the offerings out there. So much information is available on the internet; much of it for free! Learn how to speak Gaelic or fix that dripping faucet; how to build an airplane or play the ukulele. Don't waste the intelligence you have. Studies have shown that using your mind can help to preserve your mental capabilities. Use it or lose it. Continuing your education isn't a one time thing, it's a lifetime commitment.

In order to make progress in your life you have to commit to making change. If you don't make changes tomorrow is going to be very similar to yesterday, with the exception of you being a day older. Do you want to improve your situation? 10 Minute Transformation

Is ten minutes too much time to spend to live better? Robert Britt

Yoga for Health

Yoga has been practiced for thousands of years. It consists of ancient theories, observations and principles about the mind, spirit and body relationship. According to the principles of yoga the mind, spirit and the body are one and they together can heal itself.

Yoga has three main techniques:

Asanas or poses

The various yogic poses give your body flexibility and strengthen the muscles. Many asanas are aimed at improving blood circulation and functioning of specific organs in the body.

Pranayama or breathing

Pranayama is actually the most important aspect of yoga as they cleanse the subtle energies flowing through the body. These breathing techniques are an effective way to energize, harmonize and tranquillize the body, spirit and mind.


Mediation is an important way in managing stress and anxiety. Regular meditation trains the mind to be calm and relaxed; it curtails overreaction, emotional outbursts and temper tantrums.

When these three techniques are done together in sync the health benefits to the mind, soul and body are tremendous.


Yoga has many health benefits, the main are:

Yoga asanas massages all organs of the body. It works on the internal organs in a systematic manner. This stimulation of the organs benefits us by keeping away disease.

Yoga increases the lubrication of joints, ligament and tendons. Yoga positions exercise the different tendons and ligaments of the body.

Yoga offers a complete detoxification of the body. It ensures the maximum blood supply to various parts of the body, which helps in the flushing out of toxins from all over the body.

Yoga exercises strengthen the nervous system through its non-tiring physiological asanas.

Yoga breathing exercises and meditations develop parts of the brain that are normally dormant.

Conditions Benefited By Yoga

Though yoga has a beneficiary effect on all ailments, the ailments mentioned below have specially been helped by yogic practices,

Acid Stomach













Heart Disorders,

Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)



Menstrual disorders




Premenstrual Tension

Prostate troubles

Pain Management



Sexual debility


Skin diseases

Sore throat

Stress And Tension


Yoga helps to makes the body more flexible and helps you relax even at times of great stress. Practicing yoga makes you feel fitter, more energetic, happier and peaceful.

Ashish Bhattacharya is an exponent of oriental and alternative medicine. Armed with a degree in East Asian Therapies from China, he has worked in a Luxury Destination Spa Mauritius, and is an expert in Thalassotherapy in Mauritius [].

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Yoga Conference and a Healthy You

A yoga conference will help you with your health. Regular activity has numerous confirmed, positive health effects, specifically on heart health. Strenuous exercise strengthens the heart as a pump, creating a bigger and better muscle. Even average activity can increase HDL cholesterol, aid the circulatory system, and also reduce blood pressure level as well as blood fats. These outcomes translate into lowered associated risk for heart problems, cardiac arrest, and stroke. If you lose much more calories than you consume, then you will reduce weight.

Do strenuous exercise and you'll burn energy right away. And you may lose the same amount of calories with milder exercise: Simply does it longer and/or much more frequently. If you're unfamiliar with the number of calories burned during exercise, you will be discouraged when you first know about it. For example, if you weigh 150 pounds and continue a brisk, 1-mile stroll for 20 minutes, you will use about 100 calories, considerably short of the 3,500 calories necessary to drop one pound.

The biggest problem that almost everyone has with physical exercise and exercise is they have trouble staying with a workout routine long enough to receive any real advantages from it. Such things happen around New Year's Day when many people create their New Year's Resolutions. They will start getting serious during the month of January, but are finished when February comes around. If you are really serious about looking after yourself, as well as reaching your fitness goals, then you definitely need to make more of dedication than you have before and discover the benefits of physical fitness.

Routine workouts will help you control your weight, lower your risk of heart disease, and strengthen your bones and muscles. But before you put on your workout shoes, you might want to speak with your doctor. Though physical exercise is completely harmless for most people, sometimes it's important to get a doctor's OK before you exercise. Simply whenever a person has to see his or her doctor is not known. Right after each exercise session, take a few minutes to relish the good feelings that exercise gives you. This type of internal reward could help in making long-term commitment to regular exercise. External benefits can help, too. Once you reach an extended range goal, give yourself a break to a new pair of running shoes or even new tunes to take pleasure from while you exercise. If you are too occupied to work out or just don't feel up to it, take a couple of days off. Be gentle with yourself if you need a break.

Yoga Conference can get your health back on track. Begin with basic goals and then advance to longer range goals. Remember to get your goals realistic and attainable. It's easy to get frustrated and give up in case your goals are too ambitious. For example, if you haven't exercised in a while, a short-term goal might be to walk five minutes a couple of times a day. An intermediate goal might be to walk 20 minutes three or four times a week. A long-term goal might be to complete a 5K walk.

Yogafit has a lot of very informative advice in all aspects of yoga poses, training, and everything else. She also has a number of yoga conference meetups several times a year and is known yoga guru and mogul around the world.

Kundalini Yoga, Gong Meditation and Forty Days - Frequently Asked Questions

What is Kundalini Yoga?

Kundalini Yoga is a practice which, using the breath and certain poses and movements allows the individual to awaken the subtle creative power that is in each human being. When this energy is awakened and directed by the mind it creates health, awareness, creativity and an overall feeling of well-being. All types of yoga will awaken this kundalini energy. Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan is designed to work faster by acting directly to awaken this dormant energy in the body.

You experience it when the energy of the glandular system combines with the nervous system to create such sensitivity that the totality of the brain receives signals and integrates them. Then a person understands the effect of the effect in a sequence of the causes. In other words, man becomes totally and wholly aware. We call it the yoga of awareness. Just as all the rivers end up in the ocean, all yogas end up raising the kundalini in man. What is the kundalini? It is the creative potential of the man. " --Yogi Bhajan, Sadhana Guidelines.

How does it work?

Using Kriya (physical movement), Pranyama (breath exercise,) and Mantra (sound current) Kundalini Yoga awakens the dormant energy at the base of the spine. This energy known as the kundalini or "coil of the beloved" is the infinite potential of the human being.

Why do dedicated practitioners practice before sunrise?

Many yogis, monks, sages and religious devotees practice during these hours before sunrise because this time as well as that time just before sunset are the most powerful times to practice anything that integrates mind, body and soul. Known as the "in between times," these hours before dawn and at sunset magnify the body, mind and soul's ability to integrate with one another. There's less sunlight and therefore less electromagnetic waves and "static." This allows the mind a clearer focus and penetration to the heavens.

What's the deal with 40 days and why is that such a sacred period in spiritual practices and religion?

Many spiritual texts discuss masters and saints who went through various trials and overcame challenges over a period of forty days. Even most military boot camps are six weeks long, about 42 days. Since the mind works in cycles, influenced primarily by the lunar cycle, any practice maintained over forty days uses the will and intent to break a habit of the mind. The mind is said to release 1000 thoughts with every blink of the eyes. Consciously, the human being is powerless over these subconscious chains of thought. Therefore setting an intent and sticking to a practice such as doing a 90-minute yoga and meditation set over these forty days leverages the mind on the sub-conscious level. Over a forty-day period the cycles of the mind are overcome and the subtle thought-chains of habit can be broken. A habit is a simple chain of thought patterns that have been repeated to the point where the resulting actions have become behavior.

What if I miss a day or two while doing a forty day meditation?

The idea is to set an intent for something new you want to bring into your life. A positive change or habit you want to break. Doing any practice over forty days with a clear intent, especially a practice as powerful as Kundalini Yoga and meditation over 40 days will magnify that intent and simultaneously remove the blocks that are standing in the way of it. Schedules can be difficult to pin down, but the general rule is you must complete your chosen practice on the given day within the twenty-four hour period.

Technically if you miss a day it lessens the effects. It also causes an slippery-slope effect in the mind. If you miss one day you'll be very likely to miss two and then more. Part of the effect of completing the 40 days without missing a day is that it builds confidence. Once you know you've done it, that carries over into other things in your life and your will becomes stronger against the tricks of the mind. It becomes a building block for other things you set your mind to do.

What is a gong meditation and why is it so great?

The Gong has all the sounds of creation within it. You'll understand better once you've experienced it. A lot like Love, you can only know it by being in it! Because The Gong contains every vibration its sounds literally cancel out your thought waves and allow you to completely relax very deeply and quickly. Since your body is open from the yoga and breath, the mind is overcome and relaxed by the gong. This allows your higher nature, or soul to come to the forefront and that magnifies the intent you've set for yourself. Just ask anyone who's experienced it and they'll tell you it 's the ultimate reset button!

Is kundalini yoga is dangerous and can it make you feel weird?

Kundalini Yoga, practiced in the presence of a Certified Kundalini Yoga teacher is perfectly safe. There have been instances of "spontaneous kundalini awakening," where this subtle energy is awakened on its own. Since it is a very powerful energy it can scare someone who has no way of understanding the experience. This yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan is designed to gently awaken this energy, circulate it throughout the physical and mental bodies and then ground it down at the end. This leaves the practitioner with a safe, balanced experience.

Everybody says Kundalini Yoga is dangerous. I agree it's very dangerous because it makes a person their pure self. Then you are really not dependent on anybody. You know how beautiful it is to see somebody who is independent? Walking tall, carrying their God in their heart, dealing like a human: Sufficient, efficient, well mannered, well controlled, elegant, graceful. Do you have any idea how good that is? --Yogi Bhajan, 3/7/95
As the energy travels up the spine it removes sub-conscious blocks from the energy centers or chakras. These can be long-forgotten past experiences. This is sometimes why people may feel odd or experience emotions they haven't felt in some time, or remember past experiences that they'd long forgotten. This is a very positive thing. As the blocks are removed and the energy begins to flow the result is greater clarity of mind, awareness, intuition (being in the right place at the right time) and a general feeling of bliss.

Is Kundalini Yoga safe for beginners?

Kundalini Yoga is an amazing technology that works on more than just the physical body. Because of that, a student of any level or physical condition can come to class and each will get something out of it because you go at your own pace. Kundalini yoga meets the student at their level and lifts them up. Practicing in a group, especially a group that is together for a period of 40 days, creates a collective mind and multiplies the effects. Some students may be better at one exercise and others better at another. When a person feels challenged on one particular exercise, a stronger student's energy and the collective energy of the group will support them and vice versa. It's really something that has to be experienced.

How is this better than cardio or strength training?

These ancient kryias, which were once passed secretly from Master to student because of their power and potency are now available to the entire world thanks to Yogi Bhajan who taught them openly. Kundalini Yoga actually works potently and rapidly to improve the cardiovascular system, the electromagnetic field (brainwaves), the glandular (endocrine) system as well as the nervous system. Kriya, which means completed action is a series of movements and breath designed to synergize the systems of the body, depending on the particular focus. Different kriyas are designed to isolate and work on a group of muscles, organs or glands to purify and detoxify them, improving the overall function of the entire system. In some ways it works more potently than traditional, familiar fitness programs because it is a science of the human being, rather than just the physical body. By clearing the physical body of its toxins, the mind is able to relax in meditation and the soul body becomes more present, giving you greater intuition, awareness, mental clarity and balance.

Patrick Lacho is a writer, consultant and an IKYTA certified Kundalini Yoga instructor based in Los Angeles. He teaches classes and workshops as well as a yoga boot camp which takes students through a complete forty day transformation using Kundalini Yoga, meditation and sound therapy with the gong. The website: Kundalini Yoga Boot Camp is intended to be an online forum where everyone can read about and learn the many facets of Kundalini Yoga, meditation and the benefits of healthy living.

There is also wealth of information about Kundalini Yoga, philosophy, spirituality healthy living, vegetarian yogic and ayurvedic recipes and more on the Kundalini Yoga Boot Camp Blog

Women Need Strength Training To Lose Weight And Gain Muscles

For women who want to rebuild their body and image, it all comes down to diet and exercise. Therefore to lose weight and gain muscles go hand in hand. One of the most misunderstood aspects of exercising is strength training. Many women think that strength conditioning is something that only men should do. They fear building up bulky muscles and so they stay away from any type of strength exercises. The truth is that women can't build those bulky muscles like men through simple strength training. Additionally, strength building is a very important part of a complete workout.

What is Strength Training?

Part of the problem is that women misunderstand what strength training is. Firstly it is not bodybuilding, this is not about how to build muscles or weight lifting. When a woman does strength exercise the goal is usually to lose weight and build lean muscle. This means using lighter weights and focusing on moves that will tone and tighten muscles, not build them up and make them bulky. It does not involve lifting hundreds of pounds of weight, but rather using smaller amount of weight to challenge the muscles and help them to become tighter.

Why Are Strength Workouts Important?

Strength conditioning is important because it helps build and tone muscles. Muscles take up less room than fat and they burn a lot of calories. So, when a woman works her muscles she is helping to create a leaner look and increasing her body's calorie burn. In simple terms, toning muscle can help a woman to lose weight and gain muscles faster and get a leaner looking body much quicker than she would if she were doing only aerobic exercises.

Other Benefits of Strong Muscles

Helping you to get fit faster is not the only benefit of gaining muscle. Strong muscles will help to make it easier to do your aerobic exercises. Most aerobic exercises rely on your muscles to help you through the movements. For example, if you run, then you are using your leg muscles a lot. If your leg muscles are not in good shape then you won't be able to run as far or for as long. Working your leg muscles will help to increase their strength which will in turn increase how far and long you can run.

When your muscles are strong your body is strong. Strong back muscles help with your posture, for example. If you work your back muscles regularly you can prevent problems as you age with back related issues. This goes for every other part of your body. Strong muscles help you to move easier and to be able to keep your body healthy and fit as you age.

Strength training should be a part of every workout a woman does. It is not about building huge muscles. It is very difficult for a woman to bulk up without specifically trying to do so. If you are concerned about building too much muscle then stick with strength moves that do not involve weights. Try using a balance ball, resistance bands or just your body weight to do strength training moves. You can also try yoga or Pilates which are great to loose fat and for building long and lean muscles.

Simple muscle gaining exercises can be added to your workout three times a week on non-consecutive days. This will give your workout a boost and help you to lose weight and gain muscles and get your body healthy and fit as it was designed to be.

David Rowlands is a health and fitness expert, for up to date information on how to lose weight and gain muscles visit today.

Flexibility Techniques

Everybody needs to stretch after a workout. I don't care how boring or wussy you think it is. It's important! It helps reduce stress and release tension after a workout, flexibility improves your posture, reduces risk of injury and enhances performance in sports and exercise as well as everyday activities.

I recommend stretching 5-10 minutes at the end of every workout. Also take one stretching class every couple of weeks like yoga, Tai Chi or Pilate's.

In this article I'm going to discuss three flexibility techniques you can use to receive the wonderful benefits of stretching:

Dynamic Range of Motion

Dynamic stretching uses speed and momentum to bring about a stretch. However there is no bouncing or forcing your muscles to go beyond their natural range of motion. (ROM) Dynamic stretching is gentle, it's just not held like other stretching techniques. Dynamic ROM is more commonly used before a workout or to prepare your muscles for more intense (static) stretches. Examples of dynamic ROM would be knee raises, arm circles, walking lunges and side bends.

Static Stretching

This is the most common stretching technique. Static means no movement. This is where a muscle is gradually lengthened by holding the stretch for 10-30 seconds and repeating 2-3 times. This promotes a relaxation response and increased blood flow to the muscle. The goal is to gain more flexibility in the muscle than when you started. An important thing to mention is that the muscles need to be warmed up to preform static stretches. You will pull a muscle if you're not warmed up! So using this stretching technique after a workout is perfect. Examples of static stretches would be many yoga postures, and probably all the stretches you already know like being seated and reaching for your toes.

Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF)

PNF stretching is currently the fastest and most effective way to increase static flexibility. This is an advanced stretching technique that should only be preformed by a professional. This stretching technique is a combination of isometric stretches (a held Stretch where you push against yourself, something/someone for resistance) and passive stretching (holding a stretch or having someone hold your stretch like raising your knee to your chest and hugging your leg with your arms) The most effective PNF stretches are done with a partner. An example of this would be the partner pushing against the muscle being stretched for 7-15 seconds, allowing a couple seconds of recovery and then preforms a passive stretch for 10-15 seconds to lengthen the muscle.

Stretching is a vital component of every fitness routine. It's just as important as a warm up. Since stretching is at the end of a work out, it is usually overlooked. Next time you workout make sure you save at least 5 minutes at the end to preform a full body stretch routine. It will make you look and feel better. As well as prevent injuries so you don't have to miss any workout days.


Kaleena Lawless Personal Training Specialist