Saturday, September 7, 2013

Cross-Training For Cyclists

For cycling enthusiasts, 'off-season' - the season that one has to get off the saddle - can present something of an exercise crisis. It is widely acknowledged that cycling year round can be counterproductive and lead to more injuries and more wear and tear, possibly preventing the overzealous athlete from cycling properly next season. The solution, however, may lie in cross-training - throwing oneself into entirely different exercise and workout regimes between (and even within) seasons, in order to hone and enhance cycling skills and capacities.

The excellent news about cross-training is its sheer diversity. While there are some limitations to its scope (an elite cyclist is unlikely to improve his or her skills during off-season by playing darts), there is also a dizzying variety of alternative sports and exercises, all of which can contribute substantially to cycling acumen and stamina. Cross-training need not be confined to off-season - it can actively support and boost cycling capacity during peak season. For anyone who has become inured to the treadmill and the cycling machine at the gym, here are some intriguing alternative activities which will keep the cycling enthusiast in tip-top condition for next season. And this season, as it happens.

Cross Country Skiing

The undulating, forward thrusting motion of the cross country skier's lower body is strikingly reminiscent of cycling action and provides a superb cardiovascular workout to boot. Athletes who are in the right climatic conditions might seriously consider this profoundly enjoyable sport as a significantly beneficial supplement to cycling. For those who are contemplating sun-baked (or rain-soaked) landscapes, however, similar effects can be obtained with the correct use of an elliptical cross-trainer at the gym. They are generally more enjoyable, demanding and exhilarating to use than the standard treadmill, and will reach the abdominals, hips and quads more effectively as well.

Ice Skating and Inline Skating

For the unfamiliar, inline skating involves similar hip, thigh and body movements to ice skating, which in turn are similar to cycling. The lower body movements involved in both ice skating and inline skating closely mimic those involved in cycling, but recruit other muscle groups as well - a variation which can coalesce to produce better cycling efficiency and performance. Any cyclist desiring to keep gluteal muscles (buttocks) and the quadriceps group (thigh muscles) in optimal shape should seriously consider these options. A comparable aerobic workout to running can be achieved with the most vigorous skating forms, without the pounding and jolting that striding the track imposes.


Some might preemptively dismiss running as boring and repetitive; in reality, it can more often be a jubilant and frankly addictive workout. It uses the same lower body muscle groups as cycling, but in subtly different ways. The differences become more pronounced if hill running becomes an option: this exercise recruits muscle groups that cycling and flat-surface running leave untouched, but will radically enhance athletic performance in both. It tends to be more aerobically demanding than cycling, which of course means that it will appreciably enhance cycling performance and endurance. Upper body exercise is also involved, especially those muscle groups which cycling often neglects - the shoulders, upper arm and upper back. Cyclists should note that running is an excellent adjunct to cycling.

Martial Arts

Elite cyclist Jorel Hendershot puts his mountain bike into hibernation during the winter months. In Oceana, Michigan, where he lives, snow and ice drive the most committed cyclist into the indoor gym, no matter how powerful the peddling commitment and devotion may be. Jorel, however, has delved into an interesting alternative: the Korean martial art of Tae Kwan Do. This exercise involves intense discipline and focused attention and, practiced properly, delivers an excellent workout (900 calories per hour, to be precise). While it chiefly emphasizes powerful kicks, it also fosters agility, fast reflexes and significantly strengthens quadriceps, gluteals and hamstrings - all the muscles necessary for efficient cycling. Other martial arts, such as the many forms of Karate, or Kung Fu, Ju-Jitsu, Judo and Aikido, to name just a few, similarly foster mental focus, agility, quick reactions and core strength. One may not be able to earn a black belt in cycling, but it is possible to be a black belt who cycles.


An even more impressive calorie burn can be achieved with an hour's squash (1080 calories, compared to 900 for Tae Kwan Do). It works shoulder muscles, all leg muscle groups, and encourages fast-responsiveness and agile hand-eye co-ordination. It is also a fantastic aerobic workout. A closely-run match, though, can be an exciting, uplifting joy, even for the 'loser'. It is also a sport which yields satisfying skill progress with every single game - one can move from novice to passably deft proponent in a few matches.


For athletes accustomed to extreme aerobic workouts, this might seem like an anomalous choice. However, it can contribute significantly to cycling strength and efficiency. Practicing yoga poses for 15 minutes a day (or better still, attending yoga classes at least one to three times per week) will encourage strength, stamina and flexibility. The poses may not be immediately recognizable as relevant to cycling, but the physical results - greater suppleness, greater core strength, greater stamina, and a greater sense of calm - can all significantly enhance cycling performance. Yoga styles vary, from the almost sleep-inducing to the most heart-pounding. The cyclist should choose the style that fits best with personal fitness requirements during the off-season.

Cross-training: The Verdict

Cross training should not be viewed as an alternative hobby, something to fill in time while waiting for the cycling season to resume, but as a vital adjunct to optimal cycling performance. The range of sports to choose from is immense, and far exceeds the brief summaries outlined here. Other cyclists opt for soccer, surfing, baseball and ice-hockey. Cross training, in other words, should perhaps not be viewed as an off-season, second best alternative to cycling, but a valuable enhancement to the sport.

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The Secret - How To Stay Young At Any Age

Part One: Avoid Sarcopenia

We have all heard of age related diseases such as Osteoporosis, Alzheimer's, and Cardiovascular disease but I doubt that Sarcopenia has ever been mentioned by doctors or health agencies. Unfortunately over 50% of aging senior citizens probably have it as do a majority of nursing home patients. There are no drugs, associations, or groups out there promoting this crippling disability that ages you rapidly.

Sarcopenia is a muscle wasting disease. How do you know you have it? If your in your late 70's or 80's and can't get out of a chair or bed without help you have it. If your younger and have to use your arms to get out of a chair your heading in the wrong direction health wise. If we lead a sedentary lifestyle we gradually lose muscle mass and get weaker. The result is loss of balance, strength, and agility. Have you noticed how many senior citizens are very slow and cautious in their movements? That's aging, not old age. The old adage, "Use it or lose it" still rings true.

I remember back in the 70's showing a film to my class that was researching the effect of resistive exercise on senior citizens. In this one scene it showed an 88 year old man in a wheel chair who needed help getting up and walking. In the first segment they put a harness on him, helped him up and had him walk across a padded surface. While he was walking they pulled on the leash and he lost his balance and fell. After only eight weeks of light resistive training they repeated the test but this time he got out of the chair without help and when they pulled on the leash he stepped back and caught his balance.

That was amazing and it killed the old theory that senior citizens could not benefit from resistive exercise. With close to 90 million baby boomers closing in on their senior years we will have to add Sarcopenia to our list of health care concerns.

What should you do? Think prevention. Regardless of your age start now to live a healthier lifestyle by making regular exercise and a healthy diet part of your daily life. Even walking has been shown to slow the onset of muscle loss but I would encourage you to add some resistive exercise such as weights, palates or yoga. Three or four days of aerobic for thirty minutes and two to three sessions of resistive exercise would be a good start. For those of you who are younger pay attention to senior citizens and look for the symptoms of muscle loss that you want to avoid. You can never start too early. As my good friend Jack LaLanne always said "Stay in bed your dead"

Watch this site for part two of HOW TO STAY YOUNG AT ANY AGE.

Frank Addleman is professor emeritus at Santa Ana College where he taught nutrition and fitness. He is the author of GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER, Think Healthy, Be Healthy available at

or 800-342-6068.
He can be contacted through his website.

The Top Exercise Ideas For Seniors

If you are 55 years or older and looking for good exercise ideas, this article will be very helpful for you. We will look at the benefits of fitness for seniors and which exercises are best and how to do them to avoid injury.

As your bodies age there are many physical changes that take place. But just like when were younger the need to exercise remains. The problem seniors all too often get caught up on the advice that health professionals suggest which is over their head. We are told we must exercise 5 times a day, for at least an hour per day. That couldn't be further from the truth. This information actually has a negative effect for seniors. They think they can't possibly exercise that much and then do not exercise at all.

Here is the point-any exercise is good for you. Even if you only exercise in some form or another a couple times a week, it is better than no exercise at all. Any form of exercise will help increase your physical and mental well being.

Before beginning any exercise program it is always best to talk with your physician first and get their advice. The can help set you on the right path so you choose the exercises that will best fit your physical situation.

Here's why exercise is so good for seniors:

Provides a feeling of youthfulness
Increases self confidence
Can help to slow down or diminish the effects of chronic illness
Increase flexibility
Lower cholesterol
Lower blood pressure
Reduce inflammation
Overcome depression
Increase energyAs a senior when you exercise it is important you start every session off the right way. Stretching is very important. The best way to start a routine is to begin with about 5 minutes of a cardio exercise to get your body warmed up. Next, go through a series of stretching exercises. After this you will be ready to begin your fitness workout.

When you choose an exercise program to become involved in be sure to pick something that you will find fun and stimulating. Also if you get dizzy or light headed switch to something else.

Here are the top exercises ideas for seniors

1. Swimming. Swimming is very low impact and great for the joints. It can help with cardio fitness and help to tone muscles. Water aerobics are offered by many gyms and can also be a great social event where new friends can be made.

2. Strength Training. Lifting weights can be very helpful for seniors as it will help to retain muscle mass that goes away as we age. Retaining strength in arms, back, core and legs will help a senior s do better with everyday activities.

3. Yoga. Yoga can be a great form of exercise form of exercise for seniors and can help with circulation, flexibility, range of motion, strength and,mental well being.

4. Walking. Walking is still considered a great form of exercise for seniors. Walking is easy to do and is the most natural form of exercise. This can be done in a gym or just about anywhere outdoors or even a shopping mall. Walking is good for burning calories and cardio fitness and retaining strength in the legs.

Now the idea is to get off the couch and get moving. Your physical and mental well being will improve with the right exercise and as you have learned you can slow down the aging process.

As we age, certain tools and furniture in the home can also be very helpful. One piece in particular is very helpful for seniors and elderly, that is the Electric Lift Chair. Also, here is where you can go for a great selection in the very popular Acorn Stair Lift.

Why Do a Yoga Pose?

Yoga is not something which has to be done by a specialized group. It is a universal exercise and is practiced by children, the elderly, and everyone in between. So what's the big deal about doing a yoga pose? Simply put, yoga is good for you. Unlike many other forms of exercise, yoga can be done at the pace of the individual involved and targets not only your physical well being but your mental and spiritual as well.

The mental benefits of doing a yoga pose are endless. Have you ever heard the saying that a healthy mind

gives a healthy body? Yoga is an important way of keeping the mind healthy. How does it do this? It does it by training you how to deal with all those thoughts floating around in there. You know the ones that pretty much attack you when you're on the verge of sleep and make you worry incessantly. The very nature of the world today is such that it's virtually impossible to not be concerned about something. That concern is helps to keep you grounded. However, it's very easy for this to become a serious problem if you find that you can't relax.

What ends up happening is you become stressed and this can have very bad consequences for your health, both mental and physical. Doing an asana helps you to concentrate on something other than whatever you're worrying about. The deep breathing done in conjunction with most of these postures puts the body into a state of relaxation. Often, the teacher will give simple instructions and lead you through mental exercises designed to calm your mind and your emotions. Yoga practitioners have reported a sort of mental rejuvenation after completing a yoga position.

You may ask what about physical rejuvenation for the body? Each asana typically targets a particular region of the body and has its own effects and benefits. As a whole though, yoga positions generally strengthen muscles, increase flexibility and aid in proper alignment. Many people don't view a yoga routine as cardiovascular exercise. Proponents of more strenuous forms of yoga, such as Ashtanga yoga, will beg to differ. In fact, all types of yoga improve the circulation in the body and some postures, such as inverted poses, serve to supply the brain with increased supplies of critical oxygenated blood. This in turn reduces sluggishness and boosts your energy levels.

Doing the body poses is a very spiritual activity. In the beginning many yoga classes neglected the meditation aspect of yoga, but they are now coming to realize what an integral part of the exercise this truly is. Have you ever wondered why so many meditation exercises take place against a background of nature sounds? Through such practices it is possible to transcend the fetters of the physical plane and genuinely begins to see the beauty that we are surrounded by each and every day. Practitioners of the yoga postures are often more attuned to their surroundings and better able to draw solace from it. Some even say that it makes them feel closer to the Supreme Power.

How many different types are there? Personally I've never counted but they number in the hundreds. That's because there are quite a few types of yoga. Those who are new to yoga, or perhaps have not had as much exposure, often think that yoga is practiced in one all-encompassing form. The fact is that there are many 'offshoots' of the original exercise done thousands of years ago. Now it is common to hear terms such as Hatha Yoga, Bikram Yoga and Ashtanga Yoga. Still, they do have more than a position or two in common. Postures such as the corpse pose and the mountain pose are typically part of the basics regardless of the type of yoga being practiced.

Sherry Holistan is a Hatha, Vinyasa and Bakti Yoga Practitioner. For reviews of the Best Yoga DVDs please visit

Female Athletic Training - An Interview with John Paul Catanzaro (Part 1)

This is the first of a three-part interview on female athletic training with strength

coach, John Paul Catanzaro.

Q: In the past, you have discussed the importance of training efficiency for women.

What do you mean by that and why is it important or relevant to the female trainee?

A: Many females I consult with feel it necessary to perform yoga and

stretching to increase flexibility, aerobics to reduce body fat, and pilates to improve

core strength. Guess what, strength training will do all the above and then some! It's

called "killing many birds with one stone" and that is the concept of training

efficiency that I discuss. When one has only a limited time to train in any given

week, they should use that time wisely.

Also, many females are disillusioned with strength training believing that it will lead

to gigantic muscles and a bulky appearance (this condition has been coined

"myophobia" by Charles Staley.) Nothing could be further from the truth! It's hard

enough for most men to achieve this condition, and yet, females have androgen

levels that are up to 30 times less than males (around 10 times less testosterone), a

fewer number of nuclei in their muscle cells as well as fiber composition,

biomechanical and structural differences that are not conducive to huge muscles. In

my opinion, the muscle magazines are to blame for this illusion ("dis-illusion") and

we all know what type of ergogenic aids are necessary to achieve that unnatural


In fact, Staley makes an excellent point on this subject. Ask any woman in her 30's

or beyond when she looked the best in life and most likely she'll respond with her

late teenage years. Ironically, this is when she had the most muscle! So if it is put in

a different perspective then it may be easier to understand. I apologize if I veered

off topic, but it seems to be an uphill climb to sell the importance of strength

training to females.

Q: What are the most efficient training methods and exercises?

A: The most efficient training exercises involve compound, multi-joint movements

performed in full range of motion (ROM) using free weights. In other words, the

exercises that most people hate to do! These will give you the greatest bang for

your training buck.

The following statement from the Ebben & Jensen, 1998 commentary sums things

up quite nicely:

"Since well-designed strength training programs include exercises with free weights

and dumbbells and exercises that use body weight resistance, both women and men

should include these in their training, and women should train at the same

intensities as men."

"The use of strength training machines and abdominal exercises need not be

discontinued, but emphasis should be placed on the use of free-weight exercises

including foot-based lower-body exercises such as the lunge, diagonal lunge,

walking lunge, step-up, lateral step-up, and squat. Women should also include

upper-body exercises that employ multiple muscle groups such as the bench press,

incline press, latissimus dorsi pull-downs, pull-ups, and back extensions. Finally,

women who have developed a strength base should consider total-body exercises

such as the push press, hang clean, power clean, clean and jerk, and snatch."

"A training program should also stress multi-planar, multi-joint, functional

exercises because they develop intermuscular coordination, proprioception, and

balance and result in strength that transfers to sports and daily activities. For

example, the step-up exercise is superior to using the leg-extension machine

because it offers functional strength for walking up a flight of stairs while carrying

bags of groceries. For athletes who play foot-based sports such as basketball, the

squat is superior to using the leg-press machine, since the squat is functionally

more similar to the sport and requires greater balance and weight and body control

in all three planes of motion."

Q: What applications are there for training efficient exercises in fat loss programs?

What would you use in these programs?

A: Of course, there are many ways to skin a cat - I'll give you two very diverse


a) Here's a version I adapted from Charles Poliquin's German Body Composition

program that I used recently with a thirty year old fitness model.

She came to me training 6 days a week - her body fat was actually climbing, her

strength was going nowhere and she was constantly sick. Obviously her training

(which was the typical protocol you see in many bodybuilding magazines) was not

efficient! I cut her frequency down to 4 days out of the week, added in some energy

system training (i.e. interval training) to complement the strength work and made

some significant nutrition and lifestyle changes. Here's the first of four programs

that I used with this individual leading up to competition.

Day 1 - Mon & Thurs

A1) Cyclist Squat 3-5 sets x 10-12 reps @ 4010 tempo, 60 second rest interval

A2) Wide Pronated Grip Front Lat Pulldowns 3-5 x 10-12 @ 4010, 60"

B1) Lying Leg Curl Feet Inward 3-5 x 6-8 @ 5010, 60"

B2) Incline Dumbbell Press 3-5 x 10-12 @ 4010, 60"

C1) Wide Stance Squat 3 x 20-25 @ 2010, 60"

C2) Seated Rope Cable Row to Neck 3 x 10-12 @ 2012, 60"

D1) Romanian Deadlifts 3 x 10-12 @ 3020, 60"

D2) Seated Arnold Press 3 x 10-12 @ 3020, 60"

Day 2 - Tues & Fri

A1) Bent-Knee Deadlift 3-5 x 10-12 @ 4010, 60"

A2) Sternum Supinated Lat Pulldowns 3-5 x 10-12 @ 4010, 60"

B1) Lying Leg Curl Feet Outward 3-5 x 6-8 @ 5010, 60"

B2) Flat Dumbbell Press 3-5 x 10-12 @ 4010, 60"

C1) Walking Dumbbell Lunges 3 x 20-25 @ 2010, 60"

C2) Seated V-Bar Cable Row 3 x 10-12 @ 2012, 60"

D1) Russian Good Mornings 3 x 10-12 @ 3020, 60"

D2) Decline Dumbbell Triceps Extensions 3 x 10-12 @ 3020, 60"

I won't get into all the details of this routine and why it so effective (there have been

numerous articles and three books written on the subject if you are interested.)

Basically, it involves pairing a lower body exercise with an upper body exercise

using hypertrophy parameters.

After this one program alone, my client reduced the sum of 11 skinfolds by 63.2

mm total which equates to a 5% drop in body fat while losing 9 pounds in

bodyweight with a slight increase in lean body mass. Not bad for a person who was

in decent shape to begin with!

John Paul Catanzaro, B.Sc., C.K., P.F.L.C., is a certified kinesiologist and professional fitness and lifestyle consultant with a specialized honours Bachelor of Science degree in Kinesiology and Health Science. He owns and operates a private gym in Toronto, Ontario providing training and nutritional consulting services and trains many women, from fitness models to grandmothers. For additional information about JP and his services, visit his website at or call 416-292 -4356.

Alternate Your Strength Training Workout With Some Yoga

Many who think of strength training equipment think of the massive muscles that many bodybuilders get and consequently show off in competitions. This can be a plus or a drawback for many consumers. The average consumer likes to be able to say feel good about themselves when they go swimming, but many are concerned about building too much muscle and suffering from stereotypical viewpoints. This needn't be a worry for anyone considering strength training equipment.

The average body builder works out a lot in order to get the muscles they are famous for, plus they have to be on a very strict regimen with lots of protein and little or no fat. It would take you a lot of effort to become as built as the average bodybuilder. Many consumers can use simple free weights in order to maintain the muscle mass that they have or to add a little muscle strength. Some use strength training equipment to add a little tone or shape to certain areas of the body.

If you use them properly and alternate your strength training workout with some yoga or stretching exercises there is little risk of you bulking up too much. Many find that they enjoy the challenge of working out with strength training equipment. You can gradually increase the weight as you work out over a period of time and after your workout you really will feel the 'burn' in your muscles.

Though you should be careful of using too much weight at once. Its easy to sprain a muscle and hurt yourself, putting you out of commission for a few days or more. A good rule of thumb is that if you think you can start out with a certain weight begin about five or even ten pounds lighter and after a few repetitions move up to the next weight level. You can check out strength training equipment reviews online for an idea of what others are doing.

Read more strength training equipment articles and strength training equipment reviews news or visit our strength training equipment site.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Muscle Strengthening and Toning With Yoga

Yoga is certainly a unique art form with many beneficial values. There are many who have practiced yoga for hundreds of years and are able to attests to its healing and health values. As an art form of exercise, yoga has strengthened and toned the muscles of many practitioners thus giving them more strength and the ability to experience more vitality from life.

The practitioner is able to derive strengthening of the muscles from yoga based on the consistency of practice. Daily practice allows the muscles to be awakened and used in such a way as never before. Ordinary exercise does not allow the training, flexibility, and strengthening of the muscles as yoga does. The daily stretching of the muscles based on a variety of yoga positions eventually brings flexibility to the muscles. Additionally, daily practice strengthens the muscles in a different way unlike doing every day chores which does not.

Toning of the muscles is also achieved from the strengthening practice of yoga. One of the great aspects of yoga is that it is gentle. Unlike the lifting of weights in the gym and punishing of the body, yoga has a tender spot which motivates the practitioner to appreciate the ease of practice without any straining, grunting, or excess physical exertion. Yoga does not produce masses of muscles as one would find in Mr. World Body Builder; however, it works with the muscles in a natural way thus producing normal perfection in toning and conditioning.

Finally, yoga allows the practitioner to appreciate a better quality of life based on the benefits derived from strengthening and toning the muscles. The person is able to feel better, sustains a more active posture, and feels more alive on a daily basis. The flexibility achieved from the strengthening and toning of muscles by yoga, allows better range of movement, more ease of efficiently in movement, and a quality of appreciation which comes with the streamlining of the body.

Joseph S. Spence, Sr. (aka "Epulaeryu Master"), authored "The Awakened One Poetics" (2009), published in seven languages, "A Trilogy of Poetry, Prose and Thoughts for the Mind, Body and Soul," and "Trilogy Moments for the Mind, Body and Soul." Joseph is a Goodwill Ambassador for Arkansas, and is a US Army veteran.

Back Pain Secrets Part 2

How to avoid back pain maintain correct weight exercises for back and abdominal muscles (carried out while lying down) wear comfortable flat or low heel shoes (soft and well padded if long walk) firm sleeping mattress correct lifting by squat dawn in knee-bend and keeping back upright. Usually after six to ten sessions patients can start their individual program of exercises to prevent the stiffening process of spine.

Once the pain and stiffness is reduced the patient will have to do special exercises, which will restore full function of the joint. Preparatory exercises or training must be introduced for one who is involved with sports like football, rugby, ski or running.

Engaging in exercises that don't jolt or strain the back, maintaining correct posture, and lifting objects properly can help prevent injuries. A routine of back-healthy activities may include stretching exercises, swimming, walking, and movement therapy to improve coordination and develop proper posture and muscle balance. Any mild discomfort felt at the start of these exercises should disappear as muscles become stronger.


If the neck is not treated will damage joints and fuse them which brings permanent neck rigidity and pain. The neck is the highest part of the back and like the lumbar spine, needs active management. Most movement of the vertebral column occurs in the cervical and lumbar spines (neck and low back); of these the lumbar spine carries the most weight or load. Chiropractic/Spinal Therapy treatment can help with problems such as; pain, discomfort and stiffness relating to the joints and bones, including the back, neck and shoulders, muscular aches and pains, most sports injuries including tennis/golfers elbow, hand, knee and foot problems, cervicogenic headache and migraine, whiplash injury, sciatica, and "trapped" nerves.

This is important in deciding what action you can take for yourself or whether you need to seek the advice and help of a spine-care practitioner. Exercises are an important part of the treatment of back and neck pain. Almost all spine-care providers advise exercises as a part of neck and back pain recovery programs. Back, neck and limb stiffness, ache and tightness are typical symptoms of changes in the muscles and joints. And problems in the spine and neck can also cause symptoms such as dizziness, headaches, clicking jaw, pins and needles and many more.

Articles on the Yoga techniques for posture-related pain: learning to apply these techniques will help you to change your condition and help prevent any further discomfort with regular practice of yoga.

Glen Wood - The Yoga Teacher, dedicated to unlocking the Real Secrets of Back, Neck and Shoulder Pain.

To help you further with your back, neck and shoulder pain you need to sign up for your FREE "Yoga and You" report at

Sahajayoga Meditation and Self Improvement

Help through Sahaja Yoga to overcome stress

Sahaja-Yoga works on awakening of primordial energy within us called Kundalini. When the Kundalini rises and crosses the sixth energy centre, it brings us into a state of thoughtless-awareness - no distracting thoughts from future or past are bombarding the mind. All conflicts residing in the mind that create stress, evaporate. We enter into a state of peace within, remaining completely in the present and aware of everything around us.

Sahaja-Yoga meditation brings us into balance.

As mentioned about the human subtle system, we have a subtle body within us that consists of seven energy centres and three channels. In our daily life, either one of these channels can be more active leading to a certain state of our behavior. If we move to the right channel, we become overactive, restless, stressed and tense. If we move to the left channel, we become depressed and lethargic. But if we remain in the centre channel, we become dynamic, energetic, moral - all leading to an integrated personality. The regular practice of Sahaja-Yoga helps us to activate the centre channel.

Finally, Sahaja-Yoga connects us to the All Pervading power. We become one with the energy source, which creates, manages and nourishes the nature and is the primal spring of the energy that is called Kundalini. As we are always connected to the source of the energy, our energy centres are constantly nourished by this All Pervading power. So we always remain fresh and cheerful and do not get fatigued, tired and stressed out and completely enjoy every activity we are involved in.

Medical Research on effects of Sahaja Yoga on Hypertension

Medical Research conducted by physiology department of the Lady Hardinge Medical College, New Delhi, India and Sucheta Kripalani Hospital on varied groups of individual Sahaja-Yoga meditators has revealed that the practice of Sahaja-Yoga is accompanied by a decrease in tension, stress, anxiety, depression and hypertension.

These studies were conducted upon 10 people in the age group of 35 to 50. They were from the department of Physiology and had no previous training in any form of yoga, meditation. They were given two days training by a qualified Sahaja-Yoga teacher in the physiology department. Thereafter they practiced it 20 minutes daily, for a few weeks, under the watchful eyes of the tutor.

At fixed intervals doctors studied the effect of Sahaja-Yoga on the heart rate, blood pressure, the level of the blood lactic acid, VMA in urine, which indicates secretion of adrenalin by the body and the galvanic skin resistance (GSR), which shows whether the patients were tensed or relaxed. All 10 were patients of hypertension; some of them were on drugs. As the Sahaja-Yoga practice progressed, the medicines were reduced and finally stopped. In the 12 weeks the diastolic blood pressure dropped from the 100 to 80 and the adrenalin flow, also dropped. The GSR in the group changed from 43.9 kohms to 164.7 kohms; Mean level being 103.9 kohms

Many people practicing Sahaja Yoga regularly had already reported empirically what has now been confirmed by medical research. The outcomes of the research have shown that practice of Sahaja yoga has had various healing effects on the mind and body leading to improvements in quality of life. Various other benefits of Sahaja yoga on all living things including plant growth etc are being considerably researched around the globe.

Man is the culmination of evolutionary process that has been at work for thousand of years, and has been given extraordinary powers compared to other living organisms, to regulate and control the environment around him. But the ultimate frontier, and one which acts as the source and suffers as the receptor of stress, is the human mind. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi has given the mankind a unique gift in form of her discovery of Sahaja Yoga, which should be utilized fully by the being for achieving peace and harmony in his/her daily life while remaining free from stress and tensions.

Effect of Sahaja yoga practice on stress management in patients of epilepsy.

Defence Institute of Physiology and Allied Sciences, Delhi.

An attempt was made to evaluate the effect of Sahaja yoga meditation in stress management in patients of epilepsy. The study was carried out on 32 patients of epilepsy who were rendomly divided into 3 groups: group I subjects practised Sahaja yoga meditation for 6 months, group II subjects practised postural exercises mimicking Sahaja yoga and group III served as the epileptic control group. Galvanic skin resistance (GSR), blood lactate and urinary vinyl mandelic acid (U-VMA) were recorded at 0, 3 and 6 months. There were significant changes at 3 & 6 months as compared to 0 month values in GSR, blood lactate and U-VMA levels in group I subjects, but not in group II and group III subjects. The results indicate that reduction in stress following Sahaja yoga practice may be responsible for clinical improvement which had been earlier reported in patients who practised Sahaja yoga.

Sahaja yoga in the management of moderate to severe asthma: a randomised controlled trial.

Natural Therapies Unit, Royal Hospital for Women, NSW, Australia.

BACKGROUND: Sahaja Yoga is a traditional system of meditation based on yogic principles which may be used for therapeutic purposes. A study was undertaken to assess the effectiveness of this therapy as an adjunctive tool in the management of asthma in adult patients who remained symptomatic on moderate to high doses of inhaled steroids. METHODS: A parallel group, double blind, randomised controlled trial was conducted. Subjects were randomly allocated to Sahaja yoga and control intervention groups. Both the yoga and the control interventions required the subjects to attend a 2 hour session once a week for 4 months. Asthma related quality of life (AQLQ, range 0-4), Profile of Mood States (POMS), level of airway hyperresponsiveness to methacholine (AHR), and a diary card based combined asthma score (CAS, range 0-12) reflecting symptoms, bronchodilator usage, and peak expiratory flow rates were measured at the end of the treatment period and again 2 months later. RESULTS: Twenty one of 30 subjects randomised to the yoga intervention and 26 of 29 subjects randomised to the control group were available for assessment at the end of treatment. The improvement in AHR at the end of treatment was 1.5 doubling doses (95% confidence interval (CI) 0.0 to 2.9, p=0.047) greater in the yoga intervention group than in the control group. Differences in AQLQ score (0.41, 95% CI -0.04 to 0.86) and CAS (0.9, 95% CI -0.9 to 2.7) were not significant (p>0.05). The AQLQ mood subscale did improve more in the yoga group than in the control group (difference 0.63, 95% CI 0.06 to 1.20), as did the summary POMS score (difference 18.4, 95% CI 0.2 to 36.5, p=0.05). There were no significant differences between the two groups at the 2 month follow up assessment. CONCLUSIONS: This randomised controlled trial has shown that the practice of Sahaja yoga does have limited beneficial effects on some objective and subjective measures of the impact of asthma. Further work is required to understand the mechanism underlying the observed effects and to establish whether elements of this intervention may be clinically valuable in patients with severe asthma.

A pilot study of mind-body changes in adults with asthma who practice mental imagery.

he Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York, NY, USA.

CONTEXT: Despite the growing number of studies of imagery and the use of complementary and alternative modalities as treatments for asthma, research on mental imagery in adults with asthma is practically, nonexistent. The purpose of this feasibility study was to lay groundwork for a larger follow-up clinical trial. OBJECTIVE: To determine whether pulmonary function, asthma symptoms, quality of life, depression, anxiety, and power differ over time in adults with asthma who do and do not practice mental imagery (MI). (Power is the ability to make aware choices with the intention of freely involving oneself in creating desired change.) DESIGN: Randomized controlled study using univariate repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) and replacement through block design. SETTING: Lenox Hill Hospital, an affiliate of New York University Medical School, New York, NY. SUBJECTS: Sixty-eight adults with symptomatic asthma, after 4 weeks of baseline data collection and analysis, met requirements for this randomized controlled study. Thirty-three completed pulmonary function as well as self-report tests at 4 time points over 17 weeks. The 16 experimental participants also completed the 4-session imagery protocol. INTERVENTION: Individual imagery instruction (week 1) and follow-up (weeks 4, 9, 15). Participants were given 7 imagery exercises to select from and practice 3 times a day for a total of 15 minutes. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: 1) Spirometry (FEV1); 2) medication use; 3) Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire; 4) Beck Depression Inventory; 5) Spielberger Anxiety Scales (A-State and A-Trait); 6) Barrett Power as Knowing Participation in Change Tool, Version II; 7) Epstein Balloon Test of Ability to Image. RESULTS: There was little evidence of statistical change in this feasibility study; yet, valuable lessons were learned. Paired t-tests indicated there was a significant difference in the total power scores in the imagery group, and in the expected direction (two-tailed, t-statistic = -2.3, P = 0.035) and the choices sub-scale (two-tailed, tstatistic = -2.93, P = 0.01) of the power instrument from weeks one to 16 of the study. Eight of 17 (47%) participants in the MI group reduced or discontinued their medications. Three of 16 (19%) participants in the control group reduced their medications; none discontinued. Chi-square indicated differences between groups (X2 = 4.66, P = 0.05). Persons who reduced or discontinued their medications showed neither an increase in pulmonary function prior to medication discontinuation, nor a fall in these parameters following discontinuation.

CONCLUSIONS: Findings related to major outcome measures must be viewed with caution due to the small sample size resulting from attrition related to labor intensiveness and, therefore, low statistical power. However, the study did provide significant data to plan a larger scale study of the use of mental imagery with adult asthmatics. The study also demonstrated that imagery is inexpensive, safe and, with training, can be used as an adjunct therapy by patients themselves. Its efficacy needs additional exploration. Further research for adults with asthma who practice imagery is important, as current treatments are not entirely efficacious. Lessons learned in this study may facilitate improvement in research designs.

Effects of relaxation intervention in phase II cardiac rehabilitation: replication and extension.

University of Michigan Medical Center, Ann Arbor 48109-0378, USA.

OBJECTIVES: To examine the effects of progressive muscle relaxation and guided imagery on psychological and physiologic outcomes in adults with cardiovascular disease who were participating in a phase II cardiac rehabilitation program. To examine tension levels, practice patterns, and perceived helpfulness of the intervention reported by subjects. DESIGN: Prospective, quasi-experimental, with random group assignment within sites. Independent replication and extension of a study by Bohachik (1984). SETTING: Four midwestern hospital-based phase II cardiac rehabilitation programs. PATIENTS: Fifty patients who within the preceding 12 weeks had had acute myocardial infarction or coronary artery bypass surgery or both, studied during 6 weeks of participation in a phase II cardiac rehabilitation program. OUTCOME MEASURES: Psychological measures included state and trait anxiety scores on the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory and reported symptoms on the Symptom Checklist-90-Revised. Physiologic measures were resting heart rate and blood pressure. Subjective tension levels before and after home practice, practice patterns, and perceived helpfulness of the intervention were examined. INTERVENTION: Individual instruction session in progressive muscle relaxation and guided imagery at the phase II cardiac rehabilitation program, followed by daily home practice with audiotape instructions over a 6-week period. RESULTS: No statistical differences at the p

To know more about how to start practising Sahajayoga, visit the official website and click "centres near you". This would be the turning point of your life.

How to Become a Pilates Instructor in 4 Quick Steps

Pilates is now one of the most popular exercise methods in the world today. Many individuals enroll to different fitness centres just to achieve the ultimate sports experience. Pilates has two key elements: core muscle strength and spinal alignment. This requires complex movements and muscle flexibility to learn efficient exercise methods and to achieve successful results. Most health schools and fitness institutions need qualified instructors to guide practitioners of this sport and help them attain the best results from Pilates. Job opportunities are pouring in for many health and fitness providers to be able to build a career and here is how to become an Instructor in four quick steps.

Enroll in Pilates Training Courses

Pilates certification is necessary to be able to qualify and professionally teach Pilates. Pilates certification is generally divided into two parts: the mat certification and the Comprehensive Pilates certification. Aside from these, there are various levels of advanced training available for those who would like to specialise in a certain field of Pilates teaching.

Take the National Pilates Certification Exam

Every professional practitioner requires certification exams to evaluate their technical knowledge and skills in teaching their chosen field of profession. Although some fitness centres or health schools might not require any certifications for those who want to teach Pilates, it is still advised to acquire one. It will be your best protection in being a provider. You can also acquire certification for combining this sport with the use of fitness equipments and other exercise methods. This includes yoga-Pilates or Pilates on ball techniques that will enhance your skills and efficiency as a Pilates instructor.

Be Physically Fit

In order to provide effective Pilates teaching, you should be physically fit yourself. Pilates uses muscle flexibility and core muscle stability that can be very difficult to execute and teach if your body is not properly conditioned. You may be putting your students and yourself at risk when performing complex movements and exercises. You should also be aware of the six essential Pilates principles to give your practitioners the real experience. Centering, Concentration, Control, Precision, Breath and Flow form the foundation of providing the correct Pilates approach that makes it unique from any other exercise methods of today.

Build Discipline

In order to become an effective Pilates instructor you should be able to acquire self-discipline and passion for Pilates. Teaching requires patience, diligence and love for the field. Many students will need your energy and attention towards their own performance to be able to teach them the proper ways of executing Pilates. Communication is also a very important part of being a Pilates instructor. Pilates is more physical than any other kind of physical exercises or activities. You should be able to let your students feel Pilates in a more holistic perspective.

Young health professionals are more and more interested in taking Pilates courses in Dublin to enhance their own skills and well-being. Pilates teacher training courses are widely offered by most health and fitness schools to many health practitioners and professionals and Pilates is expected to become a flourishing career in the years to come.

This article was submitted by Simona Rusnakova, SEO consultant of, on behalf of National Training Centre - providing Fitness Courses Dublin, Pilates Courses, Sports Massage Courses, Personal Trainer Certification

Yogic Stress Management Therapy

Once in a while, a new student comes through the door, seeking asylum from stress. He or she may have arrived due to a medical, psychological, or friend's referral, but the biggest step was walking through the door. Our Yoga studio is seen as a haven from the pace of life outside the walls.

In fact, stress is so automatic in our society, that people can be consumed in it, while going to any new place, including visiting my Yoga studio in Attleboro, for the first time. Once he or she is made comfortable, we can then discuss the causes and solutions to his/her stress and anxiety attacks.

People often wonder why Yoga became so popular worldwide. There are many reasons for Yoga's popularity, but the world needs solutions and Yoga has them. People are caught up in the global epidemic of stress and anxiety.

"Finding yourself," "chilling out," self-realization, transformation, and living a quality life, are catchy phrases, but these are a handful of the many benefits of Yoga practice. What surprises the public most is that there are many styles of Yoga, and many different approaches to health problems.

Yoga is a science of life, which takes the full view of mind, body, soul, and emotion. Yoga, and its sister science, Ayurveda, find holistic solutions for the entire being without side effects or a precision attack on part of the body.

The combination of breath, exercise, meditation, relaxation, diet, and many more Yogic methods, develop an awareness of what is important in life. Being part of the "rat race" is not for everyone.

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of Yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. He has been a certified Master Yoga Teacher since 1995. To receive a Free Yoga e-Book: "Yoga in Practice," and a Free Yoga Newsletter, please visit:

? Copyright 2007 ? Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Bug Repellent Athletic Shirts and Fitnesswear

Most people know about compression clothing by now. The controversy surrounding its ability to help athletes optimize his/her performance potential has helped its sales success in this largely niche market. You may also know that people love its ability to wick moisture away from the body, or to help keep your body insulated during cold condition training. Until now the compression garments were largely homogenous except for color patterns and labeling. They all did, pretty much, the same thing. Their distinctive differences are about to change. One company, Thunderstruck, is coming out with a compression garment that actually repels would be pests, such as mosquitoes and the like.

Is this a great idea or what? Most people would agree athletic training usually takes place, for the most part, during warmer weather. Yes, save for winter Olympic sports. Given any warm weather marathon or biking event you'll find people competing in these events half naked either to show off their physique or because it's just too damn hot out. These folks are just ripe for mosquito feasts, fire ant attacks, gnat swarms and other hostile critter attacks. Every cross training athlete knows unless you have "glops" of bug fighting stuff...keep your shirt on. The practical implications that an exercise outfit would have in not only enhancing your performance while helping to properly regulate your body temperature, but also in thwarting malignant pests from feasting on your post workout body are understandably advantageous. The clothes conform to the body, so if it's a matter of showing off your new chisels then that's fine because the garments already do that.

These pest fighting clothes won't be out until a little later this summer, but when they come out you should already have your order reserved. Most runners, bikers, and other field training athletes love anything that will help them get to the next level. If you can do it without being "pestered" who wouldn't want it? Distinctive advantages are what make products popular and their companies successful. It's these kinds of ideas and thinking outside of the box, which allows for paradigm shifts in what we consider the norm.

Just as Peanut butter is to Jelly, some combinations are not obvious until someone reveals their hidden compatibility. If you don't like peanut butter and jelly try something else. The point is there is a winning combination that works for you, but you may not have tried it, yet. Until you've tried it don't knock it. It will be exciting to see what other advances will come about in sports equipment technology.

It would be great if someone would just invent clothes that can suck fat out of your system. It may not be around yet, but that doesn't mean someone isn't working on it. For now let's get out there push our bodies to the limit and give it all we've got. But, for goodness sakes keep your shirt on. You don't want to be the marathon mosquito feast.

Carlos Rosario is the owner of Focused Life a fitnesswear company that specializes in fitnesswear, athletic shirts and yoga apparel. If you'd like more information you can visit his website at

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Resistance Equipment Explained

Everywhere from magazines and health clubs to commercials and videos you hear weight equipment talked about as resistance equipment. Not to try to confuse you any more than necessary I would like to explain this to you as it is an important word to know. Resistance can be simply put as an opposing force, like a weight or even gravity. In order for you to gain more muscle and keep your muscles toned you will have to work against resistance.

Resistance equipment, believe it or not, is a much better term than weight equipment because you do not even need weights at all to have resistance. For example, using rubber bands for exercise is a great way to build muscle but the bands themselves weigh only a few ounces. This is a prime example of resistance equipment. You will most likely hear the terms weight training, strength training, resistance training, and weight lifting used interchangeably.

Once thing to remember is training your muscles is very similar to training a new skill. You were not born knowing how to do it, even though you were born with the means to do it. Lots of people think that because they own a body that they know how to use it and train it. This is about as accurate as saying because someone owns a dog they will be able to train it. You will be much more successful in all training if you take the time to research and gain the skills necessary. In fitness, discovering how to use the equipment properly is a very important step.

Resistance equipment typically belongs in one of the following categories:

Free Weights

The free weight category is home to many of the familiar items you see in a gym. Dumbbells, weight plates and barbells all fall into this category. There are many different sizes, weights, and materials used for this type of equipment.


Resistance machines normally are made up of a chair, adjustable weight units, a cable or wire, and movable bars. Like the free weights, machines vary in construction. Many machines being manufactured now include high tech gadgets such as computerized tracking and voice encouragement.

Bands and Tubing

Rubber and other resistant materials are often used for weight training. Bands or tubes are lightweight and ideal for people who travel often or are limited with space. The idea when using this type of equipment is to bend or stretch the rubber which causes the muscles to contract.

There are also other items you can add to a workout to increase the effectiveness of the training. A couple of these items are:

Foam rollers and Balls

Adding foam rollers and or balls into your existing workout will give you a less stable base to work off of. This increases the muscle use to keep your body in position which leads to the workout of other muscles groups such as your abs and back.

Body weight

Using your own body weight can be a great way to add to a workout. By exercising against your own body weight you can be quite effective. Workouts such as squats and lunges are great examples.

Pilates and Yoga

While they are not technically in the family of weight training; they do offer many benefits when added to an existing weight training regimen. One main advantage of these types of exercises is they help with flexibility which is beneficial to increasing strength, coordination, balance, and mental health.

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Life 101 For Teens & Adults

Looking back at my high school yearbook, the senior class asked what you wanted to attain in life, most people said simply to "be happy." Of those who I have kept track of, I think very few have found true happiness despite having attained financial success. You readers, you students, have been asking me for years to create a "Course in Life for Teenagers," so I have, but in creating it I realized that it is perhaps even more important for parents to take it, really, everyone. Most people don't have these success skill sets. The answers lie within, happiness lies within, but you have to learn how to go within. I will teach you this.

The first training involves learning how to connect. How can we achieve anything in life without knowing how to connect, or how to gain the clarity and insight to make the right choices? First we must empower ourselves by knowing ourselves, we must search within and know what brings us our greatest joy, what gifts do we have to share, what contribution we can make. We need a map and compass, this course gives you that map and compass to navigate the currents flowing through your life. Like a Jedi, you learn to use the forces of nature and natural law to attain happiness and peace.

The next step is to take conscious control of your mind. To realize your full potential and find enduring happiness and peace, you must become conscious. I am going to show you how to transcend limiting beliefs and fears and develop a healthy self esteem, one built on humility and true self knowledge. You need a Yoda. The force is within you, but if not used wisely it's easy for our mind to go to the dark side, seriously. Higher consciousness is then applied to every facet of your life, including communications, relationships, sex, work, money, and investing in order to create prosperity, happiness and peace. The third and forth classes provide the secrets to conscious relationships, Jedi mind power through voice, and how to love and be loveable and have respect and confidence. You will also learn the secrets of financial success, so any teen can become wealthy.

Finally, we are going to give you a whole program for physical, emotional and mental well being, a whole new paradigm for living. Don't get stuck in habits that will hold you down later, and learn how to get into the shape and state of mind where you are on top of the world. We just gleamed the best, from the best, and put it in a package that is easy and tasty to digest. This is the "if I only knew then what I know now" shortcut, why go through a lot of difficult learning experiences to get it. Get it now. Like getting all the answers before the final exam, the point is that you learn it, sooner rather than later. This is a proven way to have it all. Live your dreams.

From the heart,

Steven S. Sadleir

Steven S. Sadleir is the Director of the Self Awareness Institute and is recognized as a Shaktipat Master in two lineages. He has developed powerful distance learning programs for people of all cultures and faiths, trained thousands of people from all over the world, and welcomes all of you who are ready for full Self-Realization.

Visit [] for FREE guided meditation mp3s and ebook!

10 Effective Yoga Back Pain Exercises

Despite all the warnings and advice about the risks of back pain and injury, most of us do not exercise enough or take care to protect ourselves against further back injury. The good news is that there are some wonderful back pain exercises that not only help to relieve pain, but are also excellent in strengthening the back to prevent against further injury.

Below are 10 effective yoga back pain exercises, if you take the time to learn, will be able to ensure that your back remains strong and healthy indefinitely:

"Triangle pose." This is a yoga pose that can help the chronic sufferer by concentrating on the hips which has a strong influence on the spine. It also tones the leg muscles, spinal nerves and abdominal organs.

"Mountain pose or Tadasana." The Mountain pose is probably one of the most important poses in yoga as it is the starting and finishing point of all standing poses. It is especially helpful in establishing the ideal spinal alignment and helps in the overall improvement of the body.

"Pelvic tilt." The pelvic tilt is one of the basic movements in yoga. It is excellent in working the abdominal muscles and helps to correct the lower back posture. It is also a great way to stretch tight muscles around the hip including the hamstrings and quadriceps.

"Bridge pose." This is an extremely effective pose to practice, yet very simple. Practicing this pose helps to promote a flexible spine while strengthening the legs and buttock muscles at the same time as well as stimulating the abdominal muscles and organs.

"Reclined Big Toe pose." The primary function of this pose is to stretch the hamstrings and calves. However, it can also help reduce pain by addressing the lower back posture.

"Cat Pose." This pose is very popular as one of the back pain prevention exercises for both yoga and Pilates. It is very effective in helping you to establish the ideal spinal alignment, strengthening and stretching of back muscles as well as developing the coordination of spinal movement.

"Down Dog Pose." The down dog pose is excellent because it stretches and releases tension from the spine. It also strengthens the shoulders, arms and back and it is great at relieving headaches and back pain.

"Cobra pose." As far as yoga exercises go, the Cobra pose is probably one of the more popular poses because it has a rather extensive list of benefits including relieving the pain in your back, strengthening of the spine, stress relief and reduction in sciatic pain.

"Child's pose." This is quite an all-rounder pose because not only does it help to alleviate certain types of back ailments, it is also a great aid in relieving stress, anxiety, tension and fatigue. It is also used before and after more complex and strenuous poses.

"Corpse Pose." The corpse pose can also be considered an all-rounder because in addition to alleviating the pain in your back, this pose also calms the brain, helps reduce stress and depression.

As you can see, there are a lot of back exercises that are effective in relieving chronic back pain, and they also have a whole host of the added benefits. However, in order to execute these yoga back exercises correctly, it is highly advised that you get the proper training from a professional yoga instructor.

Want to know the secret about back pain exercises? You must visit where I will show you how to get rid of your back pain quickly and easily, today.

A Review of Personal Trainers and Other Fitness Services in Aberdeen

Aberdeen is Scotland's third largest city with a population of more than 210,000. The city has a number of health and fitness clubs as well as private companies that offer other fitness related services, so there is certainly no excuse to be lazy.

The Warehouse Health Club on Mearns Street, Aberdeen has a range of classes on offer. The Mixed Martial Arts class with Marc costs 4.00 per class. As well as toning, strengthening and improving cardiovascular fitness, the classes will help anyone with confidence issues. You can also do Body Blast with Wendy at The Warehouse Health Club, which is suitable for all levels. For those who like a little dancing, there is some simple choreography in this class. With a highly choreographed step class Kerry will play the latest tunes and incorporate the latest moves for the more advanced fitness fans out there.

If it's moving to energised music then Zumba may be the perfect choice. Zumba is Columbian slang for 'buzz like a bee' or 'move fast' and was created by the Columbian dancer and choreographer Alberto 'Beto' Perez in 2001. After forgetting his aerobics tapes he substituted them for his salsa and merengue music and his class loved it. It now has a worldwide following and is available in many locations within Aberdeen. Zumba fitness programmes combine the fast paced Latin rhythms with a workout that's fun and exhilarating. It aims to tone the entire body with elements of resistance training alongside a cardio-based workout appropriate for any fitness level. Zumba classes are available with Alison Livingston at the Aberdeen Academy of Performing Arts on a Monday, the Kincorth Sports Centre on a Tuesday or the Holburn Bar on various days of the week. Alison urges people to join her as every class feels like a party and it's not necessary to know how to dance. Many people do want to learn to dance.

Dancing not only improves fitness levels, it also gives participants skills that can be used socially at weddings or dinner dances. As with classes in any area of fitness, there is also the opportunity to meet new people and learn how to work at something together. Dance classes are available throughout Aberdeen. Citymoves is the dance agency for North East Scotland and is part of Aberdeen City Council's Education, Culture & Sport Service. It nurtures and supports the work of dance artists, groups, tutors, creators and companies, and takes a lead role in dance development in the city of Aberdeen and the North East. A range of inclusive dance activities are available at Citymoves for people of all ages and abilities, including ballet, tap, jazz, creative, contemporary, traditional and world dances. Classes and workshops in the studio attract participants from a fifty mile radius of the City. Classes and workshops are also run at outreach venues throughout Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire.

The Northern Dance Club provides tuition in Ballroom and Latin American dancing, for complete beginners, and improvers, as well as a fun social dancing calendar that includes demonstration nights with dance cabaret performances from top class ballroom and Latin dance couples. It is possible to learn the Waltz, Quickstep, Foxtrot, Tango, Rumba, Jive, Cha Cha and following tuition there is an opportunity for social dancing which encourages members to try out what they have learnt

The University and Aberdeen City Council are the funding partners of The Aberdeen Sports Village, which aims to provide a variety of sports for all. The Sports Village also delivers a wide range of facilities and services that can be customised to the particular needs of organisations in and around Aberdeen. Their packages include gym membership with swimming, athletics or squash from less than 35 per month, and an all inclusive package for ?45 per month.

If you didn't mind spending a little more or you prefer a private health club, then you might like to try Cannons Health Club on Justice Mills Lane. The Club has become a Nuffield Health, Fitness and Wellbeing Centre and as well as the normal facilities you would expect from a private health club, Cannons are able to provide personal training services.

The personal trainers at Cannons have the expertise to deliver bespoke training programmes, specifically focusing on technique so that should you wish you to train on your own at the club, you can do so safely and effectively.

Whilst a gym environment may suit some people it doesn't suit all, so there is another option.

Workout at home takes the personal training service one step further by delivering training sessions in the comfort and privacy of your own home. Workout at home has recently recruited Nick Kelly, who is an experienced and highly qualified personal trainer in Aberdeen. By getting Nick to come to you, you will save time not having to travel to the gym and you will not have to worry about what you wear. You do not even need to have your own fitness equipment because Nick will bring all the necessary equipment with him.

Martial Arts is steeped in a philosophical approach to increased fitness and the Aberdeen Martial Arts Group on Links Road advocates martial arts as a vehicle for personal growth and development. The focus is on mental fitness as well as physical fitness through responsibility taken for personal safety as self-defence methods are cultivated. The theory is that as higher martial arts training is achieved these higher standards are ultimately reached within the trainee. The arts on offer by the Aberdeen Martial Arts Group include jeet kune do, jun fan gung fu, the filipino martial arts, muay thai, jkd grappling and brazilian jiu jitsu.

For those that want to focus on their core strength and stability then it's well worth considering Pilates. Aberdeen Pilates Studio was established in 2001 and has continued to grow in popularity ever since. Pilates like martial arts incorporates philosophy with physical activity and aims to increase a person's understanding of their mind as well as their body. Pilates can benefit people with acute injuries, chronic pain conditions, recovering from surgery, those with neurological conditions, who are pregnant or post natal and older adults. The Aberdeen Pilates Studio promotes Pilates as a safe and relaxing form of exercise. Many people associate yoga with relaxation and the people of Aberdeen find it releases tension caused by everyday stress and strain. However, the Love Yoga Studio that is based in Union Terrace in Aberdeen believes that Yoga is also a way of generating positive physical energy.

Through yoga, one's body becomes stronger and more flexible. Again, the combination of focusing on the mind as well as the body is highlighted. Over time the techniques encourage participants to tune into thoughts, as well as their bodies. Love Yoga Studio offers choices from Traditional Hatha Yoga; Yin Yoga; Astanga Yoga (also known as Power Yoga); Private Classes; Dancing Yoga; Yoga for Kids; Workshops, Retreats; Prenatal Yoga; Shiatsu Massage and more.

Lastly but no means least don't forget Boot camps. Not for everyone but if you are the type to enjoy a gruelling workout then it might be for you. GI Julie Boot Camp in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, offers a residential weight loss boot camp and a one day boot camp. Boot camp is about intensity and group bonding, but GI Julie also offers one to one personal training if someone is looking for some more individual attention.

Jason Korinek, Workout at home
JJ Fitness and Wellbeing Ltd
Tel 0845 50 50 540

Yoga for Pregnant Woman - Journal, Exercise and Position - Control of the Body, Part 2

If you eat ghee and butter, you become fat, but in yoga the more ghee and butter you take, the thinner you become. Yoga is a course of related exercises and postures intended to promote control of the body and mind and to attain physical and spiritual well being. Yoga's preserving effect of body is so profound that daily yogic routine can make a huge difference to one's ageing process. In case of time constraints you should try and practice Maha Bandha and Vipareeta Karani Mudra daily.

Maha Bandha

Sit in padmasana : place your palms on your knees.

Exhale from your mouth.

Bend your head forward till your chin presses against your chest.

Straighten your arms,lifting and locking your shoulders.

Contract the perineum.

Pull in your stomach.

Hold the posture.

Release the perineum, then the stomach and finally the shoulder lock.

Lift your head and inhale.

Relax and repeat the procedure 5-9 times.

Vipareeta Karani Mudra

Lie down on your back .

Supporting the trunk with your hands, throw your body upwards.

Straighten your legs to a vertical position.

The body should be at an angle of 45 degrees.

Breathing normally, hold the posture as long as comfortable.

Slowly lower your body to the floor.

Random Tip- Benefits of Exercise!

a) Prevents Osteoporosis: Exercise builds strong bones. Running and walking helps lower the odds of getting osteoporosis as you grow older.

b) Lower High Blood Pressure: Exercise is good for your blood pressure, no matter what your age or weight is. And it really doesn't matter whether you get exercise from a brisk walk or a swim.

Must Read - Exercise Schedules to combat different health problems of woman at []

Mudras and bandhas are very powerful and should be attempted after a year of practicing asanas and pranayama. Asanas are the yogic postures and pranayama refers to the proper breathing technique. The delicate tissues of the lungs can be damaged due to undue strain of these are practiced in advance. When you are used to the internal and external retention of breath for extended periods only then should these practices(mudra and bandhas) be taken up. The correct sequence asanas, pranayama, mudra and bandha must also be followed. Asanas clear the energy pathways, pranayama generates energy, while mudras channelize it and the bandhas lock it in. The affect of stress on ageing is well known. So practice yoga nidra and keep stress at bay.

Random Tip- Yoga Exercises- Headache Cures - Yoga is probably the most ancient science that deals with every kind of mental, physical and physiological ailment while keeping one fit and supple.

The best thing to do when encountering a headache due to excessive heat is practicing the two pranayamas- Shitali and Sheetkari.

Shitali- Roll the tongue into a tube (as best as you can) and stick the tip out of the mouth. Inhale through the tongue and hold the breath in for 4-5 seconds with the shin pressed against the chest. Exhale using Ujjayi Pranayama through the nose. Repeat 5-10 times.

Sheetkari: Curl the tongue touching the roof of the mouth as far back as you can to the soft pallet. As you inhale clench the teeth together and slightly part the lips making a hissing "ssss" sound. Exhale through both nostrils. Repeat 5-10 times.

About the Author:

Ashley Green: for [] your complete and most comprehensive guide on Muscle Building.

Look out for highly effective women muscle building programs at Weight Training for Women- Workouts and Tips []

Yoga in Practice - The Secret Arts of Yoga and Meditation

Would you like to learn the secret arts of Yoga? The real truth is - there is no secret to: "Study, practice, study more, and practice again." Yoga is a lifelong journey, which for some Hatha Yoga students may start much like a gymnastic event. Then, over years of study, Yoga training evolves into self-realization and transformation. Below is a question and answer session, with a student, who is seeking to find the answers to the mysteries of Yoga and meditation.

Q: Is doing meditation by oneself safe?

A: Yes, meditation alone is fine, provided you receive some basic foundational instruction from a teacher or Guru. Books and DVD's can also be very instructive. Please research the style of meditation before taking up the practice.

It should be noted that a student of meditation should preferably practice one style with one teacher long enough to understand the basics. Impatient beginners do too much hopping around from teacher to teacher.

Invest time in research and practice for ten to twenty minutes per day for a month. You could always practice longer, but beginners have a tendency to "burn themselves out." Meditation is preventative medicine for a balanced mind.

Q: How can negative thinking be minimized?

A: The only way to keep negative thinking under control is to fill your mind with good thoughts. Mantra, japa, prayer, and positive affirmations will help. Instead of focusing your mind on what you should not be thinking, fill your mind with positive, happy, and compassionate thoughts. It is impossible to be a happy pessimist.

Q: Can I stay completely free from stress with Yoga?

A: No, stress is a part of life. Too much stress is not healthy and must be reduced. Every style of Yoga is capable of reducing stress levels. Please remember that moderate stress can be healthy, but overwhelming stress is potentially harmful.

Q: Are there any internal powers in our body?

A: Yes, there are internal powers within all of us. If you spend time with the right teacher, you can find it, and feel it, within the same lesson. For some students it may take longer, but your Yoga teacher is a helpful guide.

Q: How can we feel it and in how many days?

A: A feeling of empowerment without ego can easily be felt. There is no specific time frame for this process to take place. If time is a major concern, you should train under the guidance of a competent Yoga teacher or Guru. In this way, your teacher will guide you through the "learning curve."

Q: Is there any spiritual link between meditation, Yoga, and God.

A: Yes, there is definitely a healthy spiritual link between meditation, Yoga, and God. Yoga is filled with information for spiritual health and growth. It is true that some people do not believe in the concept of God. In this case, spiritual growth will still be realized with regular practice.

Some Yoga teachers only address Asana for the physical body, but there is much more. All you have to do is continue your meditation practice, while putting the concepts of non-harming, compassion, patience, mindfulness, tolerance, and happiness into practice during your daily life.

© Copyright 2008 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of Yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. He has been a certified Master Yoga Teacher since 1995. To receive Free Yoga videos, Podcasts, e-Books, reports, and articles about Yoga, please visit:

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Yoga Is Not As Hard As You Think It Is - Or Try To Make It

Okay, so there you are in Borders or Barnes & Noble. Immediately in front of you is a table full of books on yoga.

It's alluring, yet frightening.

All those skinny people contorting themselves into those strange positions.

Heck, you and I couldn't have gotten into those positions when we were kids!

Oh, it would be so great to feel young, supple, and so full of energy and life as the people on the book covers seem to feel.

Maybe you get carried away and actually pick up one of the books and open it.

"Who knows," you think. "Maybe I could do yoga."

However, as you look through the book, it's not just that the descriptions seem confusing or that the text seems to sometimes smack of the mystical, but that all the people are as thin as your right leg and as flexible as a rubber band.

"No way!" you think, and putting the book back down with a sigh, head for the diet section, hoping to find some way to eat yourself thin, supple, and strong.

Don't sell yoga short as a health and fitness option just because it looks difficult or seems esoteric. There's a lot of hard evidence that yoga delivers the goods, and there are thousands of big, heavy, old, arthritic, inflexible, non-athletic people out there enjoying the practice of yoga...and the mental and physical benefits that go along with it.

It is not just that the people in the pictures have practiced yoga for years, or that they eat only a handful of bean sprouts or tofu each day. Most were also born with a genetic makeup which helps them achieve the levels of yoga mastery that they have.

This is true about almost any exercise or fitness discipline. While anyone can benefit, both in health and appearance, from methods such as aerobics, weight training, or yoga, each will achieve their particular level of success partially based on the genetic material handed down from their personal group of ancestors.

Each one's individual achievement will also depend on age, personal lifestyle, eating habits, level of commitment, time available for practice, and so on.

Most will not want to commit and dedicate themselves to the time and effort required by most to achieve "yoga book photo model" level of ability or fitness. However, even a less demanding but regular practice of yoga, and other exercise methods, will pay off in levels of health, fitness, self awareness, and self confidence that most people cannot even imagine achieving.

You will never know how far you can go or how much you can achieve until you try. You might even learn that yoga is NOT for you, but you won't know that either until you try. Realize, however, that you will have to learn the basics and gradually build a yoga routine which works for you. You may find that one in a book is perfect for you, but you may also find that you get more out of a personalized routine which incorporates movements and positions from several different routines.

The point is to get started and learn as you go.

Two great things about yoga are that it is fairly easy to learn and doing what you can do, not what the pictures show, will take you a long way.

You can find a lot of information about how to get started online, at your public library, or at such yoga-specific online sources as Wai Lana Yoga, or Gaiam. Eventually, of course, if you want to continue to grow in your abilities you will need personal help from an expert. However, getting started is easy, and cheap, since you can do yoga in your underwear (or naked, as some people do) on a space only three feet by six feet in length.

So, don't make yoga any harder than it is, and, for the beginner, yoga does not have to be hard at all.

Donovan Baldwin is a 65-year-old amateur bodybuilder, freelance writer, certified optician, and Internet marketer currently living in the Atlanta, Georgia area. A University Of West Florida alumnus (1973) with a BA in accounting, he has been a member of Mensa and has been a Program Accountant for the Florida State Department of Education, the Business Manager of a community mental health center, and a multi-county Fiscal Consultant for an educational field office. He has also been a trainer for a major international corporation, and has managed various small businesses, including his own. After retiring from the U. S. Army in 1995, with 21 years of service, he became interested in Internet marketing and developed various online businesses. He has been writing poetry, articles, and essays for over 40 years, and now frequently publishes original articles on his own websites and for use by other webmasters. Learn more about yoga basics at

Yoga Stretching Flexibility Techniques

It has been proven that stretching help increase flexibility of the body and performance of the muscles and decreases the risk of muscle injuries. Traditionally stretching was done during cool down; after a workout but it is now recommended that one should even do stretching as an activity in itself apart from cardio or strength training. It should take not more than 10 minutes to complete a full body stretch. Stretching is known to enhance the range of motion of the body parts. People who stretch more are known to have a high degree of flexibility. Some of the benefits of stretching are as given below:

Increase in the range of motion of the body parts
Increased physical fitness
Reduced risk of injuries during work out
Decreased muscular soreness and muscular tension

A few stretching techniques are listed below:

Forward /Backward bending: Stand upright with both legs together. Raise both your hands above your head. Slowly bend downwards to touch your feet with your fingertips. Hold this position for a few seconds and slowly go back to the starting position. Repeat 3-4 times. This increases the flexibility of the body.

Side bending: Stand with legs apart and arms stretched wide apart and palm facing downwards. Bend towards one side with the hand on that side touching the foot on the same side and the hand on the opposite side curled over your head and pointing in the same direction as the other hand. Feel the stretch on the waist and hold the position for a few seconds. Repeat for other side. Repeat 8-10 times. This also increases the flexibility of the body.

Cobra pose: Lie flat on your stomach with hands beside your chest, legs straight. Slowly raise the upper part of your body with your face towards ceiling. Try to maintain an angle of 70 degrees between the ground and the upper part of the body. Hold this position for a few seconds. Feel the stretch at your abdomen and the lower back. Concentrate on your breathing. Draw your breath in as you stretch and exhale as you come down. Slowly go back to the starting position. Repeat 3-4 times. After a few days, try to hold the stretch for as longer times. This is a yoga pose and is known to relieve back pain and work on the tummy.

Calf stretch: Stand on a step on the front half part of your feet. Raise yourself and try to shift the weight completely on the toes. Feel the stretch on the calves. Slowly lower yourself and go slightly below the starting position and again feel the stretch on the calves. Return back to normal position. Repeat 3-4 times. This strengthens the calves.

Apart from the above there are various other techniques for various parts of the body. One is free to select the exercises one feels comfortable with. A judicious mix of these would make the body more flexible and boost the immunity.

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The In's and Out's of Pilates Equipment

The Pilates Method, also known as Pilates or Pilates Exercises, is a physical fitness method developed by Joseph Pilates in the early 20th century. Joseph Pilates sometimes referred to these exercises as Contrology, or to put it simply, the way through which one learns to use the mind to control the muscles in the body.

The Pilates Method focuses on the core postural muscles that keep the body balanced and provide support to the spine. The Pilates Method also involves the learning of awareness of breath and alignment of the spine. It focuses on strengthening of the torso muscles that are important to ease and prevent back pain.

Pilates equipment used for training is interesting if it is nothing else. You will come across names like Reformer and Cadillac. There are several types of Pilates equipment and props that can be used during Pilates training.

The Reformer was the first Pilates equipment to come into use when Joseph Pilates was interned in England during the First World War. During that time he spent a lot of time training people from Scotland Yard and at the same time helping with the rehabilitation of bed ridden patients that were suffering from the 1918 influenza epidemic.

The Reformer is made of a series of springs attached to a sliding platform. The whole thing is supported by a frame. With a little imagination it can start resembling a rowing machine. The platform can be moved by either pulling the pulleys or by pushing on the foot bar. When you are on the Reformer, the platform is moving and maintaining balance can become difficult but that is where the exercising of the muscles comes into play. There are many exercises that can be performed on the Reformer.

Another popular Pilate's equipment is the Cadillac. Due to its appearance the Cadillac can give people mental images of medieval torture racks. Please be assured that it is completely safe. The Cadillac consists of a platform with posts on all four corners. It is somewhat like a bed with the corner posts providing various levers and pullets that provide support as well as resistance during your Pilates workout.

Since the time of Joseph Pilates, more than 80 separate exercises have evolved and all of these can be performed on the Cadillac. Each of these 80 exercises focuses on a specific group of muscles in the body. A lot of exercises focus on the development of the body's core strength in the abdomen.

A note of caution with regard to Pilate's equipment and exercise: Do not use either without a thorough demonstration from an experience Pilate's exerciser.

You can find more great Pilates information at Check out some of the comments by top pilates instructors.

Accessories and Props Make Your Yoga Practice More Comfortable and Effective

Some people are attracted to yoga because it seems simple, low cost, and can be done anywhere without the purchase of expensive equipment. While that is true, there are some props and accessories that you can use to make you more comfortable or safer, allow you to relax more deeply, or allow you to move in a way that you cannot naturally due to flexibility challenges, thereby making your practice more effective. Some accessories are virtually mandatory while others are purely matters of the taste or desire of the yoga practitioner.

Clothing should be comfortable and allow you to move freely. You don't want your clothes to be too tight and inhibit movement and stretch, but neither do you want it too loose so that it rides up at inopportune moments. Plus, closer fitting clothing will allow your instructor, if you are taking a class or personal training session, to more closely observe your poses and offer suggestions for improvement or modification. If you have longer hair, you likely will want to tie it back or use a "scrunchy" so that it doesn't fly all around or drop into your face and block your vision. You don't want the perfect pose to be interrupted by having to shake your head around to clear your hair out of the way.

You can practice yoga on almost any surface like grass, the beach, or carpet. However, if these are uncomfortable to you or if you are practicing on a bare or wood floor or frictionless surface, you will want to use a yoga or "sticky" mat. The mats are called "sticky" because they provide a certain friction to avoid sliding around. The mat will allow proper placement of hands and feet without slippage out of the poses. In addition, mats can provide protection and cushioning for your knees, hips, and lower back. Yoga mats are made in various sizes, normal or wide width, normal or long length, and even various shapes, rectangle being the most usual but also including round. Different thicknesses are also available, adding more or less cushion but also adding more weight as the mat gets thicker--which can be bothersome if you have to carry your mat to and from class.

If you are new to yoga, are taking a vigorous power or ashtanga class, or just sweat a lot, your yoga mat may get slippery from dripping perspiration. The solution may be to use specially made yoga socks and yoga "gloves." These cover your feet and hands and may cover fingers and toes or may be open to allow fingers and toes to protrude out through holes. They have special non-stick pads so that your hands and feet don't slip. Although they are becoming more popular, I find them too hot, especially in very vigorous classes. Another solution to slippage is a skidless yoga towel. They come in various sizes from a small towel about the size of a face towel to a large towel that covers almost an entire standard yoga mat. The side of the towel that contacts the mat has little plastic or rubber grippers that hold the towel, and therefore hopefully you, in place. Towels have a couple of drawbacks, at least initially. First, until they are washed a few times they can still let your hands and feet slip. To avoid this, you may want to spray or sprinkle water onto your towel which will cause your hands and feet to stick due to friction. In a hot class, the perspiration will eventually perform this task! In addition, until you are used to the towel being there, you may "trip" over it a little when moving from pose to pose. Once you get used to the towel, however, it is almost impossible to think of taking anything but a slow, restorative or serenity class without the towel to keep you from slipping and absorb perspiration. A final note on yoga towels, when you wash them don't use fabric softener; it can make them slick when next you use them.

One of the most common accessories or "props" used in yoga is the block. Blocks can be made of foam, cork, wood, or other substance. Most are approximately 9"x5"x3". You can use blocks as an extension of your body to gain more benefit from poses. For example, in a wide legged forward bend, your instructor might suggest that you rest your head on the floor. For me, that result is a long ways away. But I can rest my head on top of a block and get the same relaxation response and relief of pressure in my neck. In doing downward facing dog, you may not at first be able to get your heals down and stretch your seat bones to the sky to get length in the spine while your hands are flat on the floor. Put your hands on top of a block and you may achieve all of this. It might not be possible to do a revolved triangle with your hand on the floor, but put your hand on a block instead and you may get there. Using a block as an aid can allow you to get better alignment, stretch tight areas, and avoid unnecessary strain.

Other props that can increase the effectiveness of your practice include blankets, straps, bolsters, sandbags, eye pillows, and meditation cushions. In our capitalist society, manufacturers are constantly coming up with new accessories to try to sell you, like backbending benches, calf stretchers, yoga ropes, and more. Some of these accessories, like one backbending bench I've seen, can cost up to $750. But adding a few useful, fairly inexpensive accessories like well-fitting clothing, a good mat, a non-skid towel, and a block or two can enhance your practice without a lot of expense. While using some props if you don't really need them can dull your practice, using accessories and props appropriately can make your practice more comfortable and effective.

Ms. Holm, with her husband Steve, is the owner of Seahorse Ranch and Vineyard, a premium boarding facility and retreat in Florahome, Florida adjacent to the Etoniah Creek State Forest and George's Lake. She is enrolled in yoga teacher training at Sara Torbett's Yoga Life Studio, Deerwood, Jacksonville, Florida and host of the East Meets West Neighmaste Yoga Retreat at Seahorse Ranch and Vineyard Oct. 22, 23, 24 2010. For more information see

Google Adwords Success Tips Vol. 1

When you use Google Adwords and can't be certain of what keyword matching option you must use, then you can enter all three variations you have in your keywords list. For instance:

Art Posters

"Art Posters"

[Art Posters]

After using them for some time you can check the clickthrough rates of the keywords and delete the ineffective keyword combinations.

Always use the negative keywords feature. For example if someone uses the search term "free art posters" then you should use the negative keyword -free in the Google appropriate field and in result your keyword "Art Poster" will not be displayed.

By doing that you avoid the freebie seekers who are not targeted in your offer and as result you improve your clickthrough rates and reduce the cost of your campaigns. You can also use similar with the "free" term such as:

-no charge

-no cost



and so on.

The keywords number factor. The age of creating an ad group and load 4000 keywords instantly is over. Although there is not a specific rule for how many keywords you should use, follow Google's recommendations on the amount of keywords. Google recommends: maximum 100 Ad groups per campaign and 750 keywords per Ad group.

Targeted but not over targeted. So many people loose money because of that reason. If you have yoga training center in Florida it's obvious that people from New York won't be interested in your services. So displaying a general term such as "Yoga" or even " Yoga training center" will display your ad on Google Adwords and prospects with no interest in your offer will click your Ad which means extra cost for your campaigns and not transformed into sales.

On the other hand if you use a specific term like:

" Yoga Training Center in Florida"

You have more targeted clickthroughs, targeted prospects and eventually more sales.

But there is a drawback on that tactic. If you are extremely targeted and use a keyword of over 6-7 words it's highly possible that no one will search for that term and have no clicks or even views for your Ad.

How to find keywords? You could use the Google keyword suggestion tool but because so many other Adwords users use it, the keywords from that tool are very expensive.

Other tools you can use are:

Overture suggestion Tool:

123promotion Tool:

Good Keywords:

These tools are free but if you want a more sophisticated and advanced option you can use word tracker paid service:

Use always the plural form of your words. Don't use " Yoga Training Report" but also " Yoga Training Reports".

Exploit the misspelling errors. Research indicates the 12%-15% of the search phrases and words are misspelled. So don't use only the term "staff" but also "stuff".

Use hyphens. For example use both terms like: " Yoga Training Center" and "Yoga-Training-Center"

Use Acronyms: If you use the phrase "internet service provider" in your campaigns you can also use the acronym ISP in your Ads.

Use of domain names. This is powerful because it's the most targeted term you can find. If your website's domain name is you must use it as keyword term.

Christos Varsamis is an Internet Marketing consultant. Find more about Successful & Profitable Google Adwords campaigns on