Saturday, April 20, 2013

Core Training - Exercises Part II

How do you train your core?

Core training should form a vital component of your fitness programme. Choose the exercises best suited to you to ensure you stick with it - remember this should be part of your everyday life. Power yoga, Pilates and Tai Chi all focus on the inner core musculature. You can also train your core on your own, at home or at the gym, with a variety of floor-based or stability ball exercises.

Good Posture

As with all exercise, you should train your core while in a good neutral posture. To find your neutral posture stand with your feet hip-width apart. Roll your shoulders up and then down, away from your ears, pulling your shoulder blades together. Lengthen your spine and neck, and keep your chin lifted. Contract your abdominal muscles by lifting your chest and pulling your belly button towards you spine. Make sure you're not tilting at the hips or pushing your bottom out - you should be able to draw a line from your shoulders to your hips to feet. If your posture is bad, relax into this position and take some deep breathes here. This is something you can practice anywhere, anytime.

Top Tips

Think slow and controlled

One of the most common errors when training the core is performing the movements too quickly. This can lead to injury in the hip flexors and lower back. Instead go slow and think strong. This will increase the intensity and the effect of the exercise.

Work your core every other day

Over- working your core muscles won't speed up the results, but you could risk injury from over-training. Instead train your core every other day, and certainly not if they are still sore from your last workout. Remember, these muscles surround your spine so treat them well.

Variety is vital

Your core musculature has several layers and regions, so include a variety of exercises to target all areas. This will stop you're muscles getting to used to the exercise, and will keep you motivated.


Inhale as you relax and exhale as you contract, the harder part of the movement.

Stay in line Always keep your neck, head and shoulders in alignment and imagine you are holding a tennis ball under your chin. This neutral position will reduce stress on the spine and ensure you are using your core, and not your hip flexors or shoulders.

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Sustaining Wellbeing With Kum Nye

A person who runs on only thoughts has little endurance. A person that has great ideas yet they 'just can't make it happen' may discover that the body is not actually involved. The Skillful Means way of speaking is that we need to give time for feelings to sustain our well being in daily life. Simply put: thoughts go fast and feelings go slow.

Our ability to think is overemphasized in our daily life to the point that thoughts are almost continuously pushing, shoving and demanding our attention. In the mean time, it may feel as if the more physical world of feelings lays waiting for a chance to come forward. We may get temporary relief from working out or, worse, an emotional outburst where our feelings suddenly surge up and take control. The way to get more lasting relief, to focus on and enter the feelings, can easily escape us. Usually, it is only at night that we begin to feel what happened during the day. We have become so accustomed to directing our energy toward thoughts, that as the feelings finally have a chance to come forward, we even assimilate these experiences through thinking. Often, even in sleep we have intense mental activity going on. We wake up feeling already tired. We need to learn to give time for feelings, and to give our mental activities a break, or deep stress will be the result.

With Kum Nye-Tibetan Yoga we are in luck! The postures of Kum Nye provide us with many simple ways to give the mind some much needed rest, and teach how to do this more consistently. The steps are clear and we know how we got there. Even after twenty minutes of Kum Nye we can feel revived, as if we have had the best kind of rest. The world around us will be experienced as sensual and vibrant. Even our thinking will be clearer. A Kum Nye practice is like a training that gives us a consistent method to bring the mind into the body.

It is the practice of Kum Nye that will teach us to sustain wellbeing by striking a balance between the thinking and feeling aspects of ourselves. The perfect example of this phenomenon comes to us from eKum Nye Level 2 Lesson 3. We are asked to perform exercise #25 Calming Inner Energy (the last variation on page 185 of Kum Nye-Tibetan Yoga). ".....the exercise emphasizes [many different places in] the body, the hands and the arms while also demanding your attention to focus on the ball of energy....." You have absolutely no choice but to continually keep the mind tied to the body. This is the rest your thinking mind truly craves.

One warning: It is possible to do Kum Nye wrong. You can simply do the physical movements while continuing the constant mental chatter and the exercise will still have an effect. If you want the kind of lasting benefits that awaken your inner resources for energy and vitality and to see the effects ripple out into your life, you must bring the body and mind together. The simplest way to do this is to focus on the feelings and sensations in the body without interpreting them. Just follow them. Go where they go. Feel them until the end. Then you will realize the body is the mind. You will experience a life not held back by limitations and doubt, and truly live your potential.

Meggie Hayne - Kum Nye Instructor -
Dharma Publishing

Three Popular Meditation Techniques

In this world we live in, chaos and disorder are parts of our daily lives. All of us are so very busy that we seldom find time for ourselves, let alone for our spiritual enlightenment. Meditation is like a breath of fresh air in this world of ours.

Day by day, people are realizing the benefits of this activity which are enormous, to say the least. There are millions of individuals in the Western world who have received a new lease of life after meditation came into their lives. The different techniques for it have helped individuals get in touch with their inner beings and attain spiritual peace.

The actual art goes back to Hindu and Buddhist traditions. The long and rich history will tell you that thousands of years ago, this was a technique practiced by nearly everyone in order to attain spiritual and psychological well being. Although the activity has definite religious or ritualistic roots, it has evolved into something that can be practiced by anyone, irrespective of religious affiliations. In fact, one can even say that meditation has attained the status of a secular practice with the object of ensuring general well being of individuals.

There are numerous meditation techniques that can be used in combination or independently in order to ensure your overall well being. And while there are many, some of the most popular ones are:

1. The first technique is that of mindfulness. In this technique, you have to keep your mind open. However, the present circumstances and thoughts have to serve as the anchor in your meditation. Things or thoughts, in this state of meditation, have to merely fleet in and fleet out of your mind, regardless of any kind of analysis.

2. Another kind of meditation that is very popular is the concentrative form. This technique is more popular in various kinds of religious practices. In this kind of meditation, you have to erase all kinds of thoughts from your mind. The focus must be on a specific object during this meditation. You have to concentrate on the one thing, and forget about the existence of all else around you.

3. The third technique is combined where you merge the two techniques mentioned above. This technique requires practice and it helps you be more aware of the energies in your own body.

One of the basic things about all kinds of meditation is introspection. You have to meditate amidst quiet surroundings with your inner being at peace with everything. The action brings inner peace and relaxation for everyone. That is one reason why it is being used in relaxation training or for treating stress related disorders. More and more psychologists are learning the new wonders of meditation in the field of healing. Thus, more doctors nowadays are falling back on meditative techniques to ensure the well being of their patients.

Meditation also helps in curing many diseases, including heart diseases. Since meditation makes your mind relaxed and fills your body with a sense of well being from deep within, it has certain healing powers.

Go for meditation and get a new lease of life. Experience life at its fullest and learn about the wonders of meditation through these meditative techniques.

Here's an excellent way to start enjoying the benefits of meditation today. The Deep Zen audio program is easy for anyone wanting to learn how to meditate - offering a free demo, and helps advanced meditators achieve deeper levels of meditation too. Try another free demo here: Totally Tranquil

Why You Need an Exercise Routine

There are many people who can't wait to get up in the morning so they can do their daily 5 mile jog. Just so we are all on the same page - that's not me, and likely not a lot of you either. I respect those hardy warriors who brave the elements and exercise religiously every day. Unfortunately I have not gotten into that habit as of yet, but the reality is that I need to.

Something to keep in mind for all of us is that our health is really all we have. People have been saying that if you don't have your health you don't have much of anything else. How many television shows have we seen where the uber-rich person has a clinic with full time doctor and staff on beck and call in their mansion? They lost their health making zillions and are now spending it to get their health back.

We need to evaluate our priorities and decide once and for all what is really important. When you get right down to it, there really is quite a variety of exercises. They range anywhere from, swimming, biking to the simple jogging program or to working out on a rebounder in the comfort of your own home. After all you can play music, watch television, do self reflection while rebounding and still get the exercise needed to stay healthy.

The reality is that whenever we move our body we exercise. The issue is how much exercise we get depends on the type of movement we do. Cleaning the house for an hour will get us some exercise, but not nearly as much as running 10 miles in an hour or an hour spent lifting weights. Don't fool yourself into believing that just because you are moving you are losing weight or being healthy. It is better than lying around, but not as effective as it could be.

It really is true that people who exercise regularly, who get their heart rate up, who sweat, are healthier and better able to maintain their weight. While it is good to move and get exercise whenever and wherever you can it is even better to start and maintain a daily regular exercise routine. Most importantly to create one you will stick with. It is not possible to count on every day being an active day, most of us sit at a desk from 9 -5 then drive home, sit at the dinner table, then to chill we lie down to watch television before we go to sleep.

Find or develop your own routine. Your routine should include cardio, strength, and flexibility training. Find a program that you will enjoy which incorporates all three of these parts. For example: Yoga or stretching is good for the flexibility aspect. You can do jogging, running, dancing or swimming are good for the cardio aspect. For the strength training you could do weight training or lift free weights at home.

Now that you have agreed that exercise needs to be an integral part of your life, and you have developed a program you will enjoy and follow, all that is left is to start working your plan. The important thing to remember is that you need to break through the first 21-30 days. After that your workouts become a habit and will take a lot less effort on your part to continue.

Get determined, stay focused - and yes - push yourself for those first 30 days and you will be well on your way to improving your health and your attitude. That's right: Regular exercise triggers endorphins, the happy mind chemicals! It's a win-win.

Next, if you would like to find out more about how jogging can help you get in better shape, then please visit Beginner Jogging Tips now.

To learn more about incorporating exercise into making healthier lifestyle choices please visit Health Secrets Explained now.

A Pilates Reformer Workout

The original Pilates Method consisted of 34 exercises performed as mat work; on a padded mat on the floor. Joseph Pilates, the founder of the Pilates Method, later invented several pieces of equipment, each designed for use with its own specific set of exercises. Most of the exercises done on the various Pilates equipment or machines was for resistance training, making use of the increased resistance the springs brought to the workout. Using springs results in "progressive resistance," meaning the more the spring is stretched, the more resistance there will be.

The most common piece of Pilates equipment is the Reformer, but there are other machines such as the Cadillac (also known as the Trapeze Table), the Ladder Barrel and the Wunda Chair that are often used in a modern Pilates studio.

Whether you use the added resistance of springs and Pilates equipment, or the constant resistance of gravity in mat work, the Pilates Method quickly builds strength and develops proper alignment and posture while increasing flexibility.

The Pilates Reformer is by far the most popular piece of Pilates equipment. It was invented in the 1920s by Joseph Pilates, the founder of the Pilates Method. The Reformer is still widely used and is extremely popular because of its versatility. Many of the Pilates exercises can be performed on the Reformer, you can do mat work, spring exercises and Cadillac exercises on the platform.

There are many benefits to using a Pilates Reformer. You'll build strength in your arms, legs, abs and back muscles... your "powerhouse," or core. Pilates stresses the importance of building a strong core and all Pilates exercises begin from this core and slowly move outwards to the arm and leg muscles. The many pulling and stretching exercises are designed to lengthen and tone the muscles without building bulk.

The Pilates Reformer was originally built for rehabilitation of joint injuries and is still widely used for that purpose. It is also popular with professional athletes who use the Reformer exercises to strengthen their muscles while improving cardiovascular fitness.

Many Pilates instructors recommend mat Pilates for beginners. Mat work is a good way to learn how to control your muscles during the exercises without having to handle the extra difficulty of equipment. Most students will be ready to add the Reformer after practicing the Pilates Method for about three months. One of the advantages of using a mat workout is its convenience, you don't need anything more than a Pilates mat; and if you prefer to workout in the comfort of your own home, there are many great Pilates DVDs that you can use for instruction. A Pilates DVD featuring a certified instructor can be found in every level and will provide an excellent workout.

When you're ready to add a Pilates Reformer to your workout, you can join a Reformer class or even purchase one for your home. There are many Reformers on the market that are reasonably priced and designed for home use. These often come with an instructional DVD to get you started.

A Pilates Reformer can enhance your pilates exercises and maximize the results from your workout. Whether you prefer mat Pilates, Reformer, or a Pilates Yoga workout, the transformation in your body will amaze you!

Yoga Teacher Certification With a Correspondence Course

Getting your Yoga certification with a correspondence course is one option for Yoga teacher training. On-site training is another option but many students find that it can be expensive, require travel and time away from work. In comparison, Yoga teacher correspondence courses, on the other hand can be much more reasonable. Home-study courses allow much greater flexibility and time for study and allows for practice locally.

Yoga home study certification courses are not a new concept. Teaching Yoga using written materials has been around for years. What is new is that most correspondence courses combine written materials with videos, CDs and training online with technical e-mail support. This makes learning how to become a certified Yoga instructor much easier than it used to be.

When considering a correspondence course it is worth remembering that courses can vary in the number of study hours and overall quality. You should be wary of getting a Yoga teaching course from a 'diploma house' where they certify everything from pet sitting to web design.

When you consider that 200 hours of study is the minimum accepted international standard, it would be wise to look into Yoga teacher training centres. It is more than likely, they can offer all manner of technical assistance once you have received your study materials. In addition, you should research the syllabus to ensure that you are getting a complete Yoga teacher training course. The course selected should cover all the facets of Yoga including anatomy, kinesiology, physiology, safety, modifications, props, and contraindications. In addition, the course should also offer materials for starting and marketing your Yoga business.

When a correspondence course offers complete training it eliminates concerns of not having enough knowledge to be a safe Yoga teacher. Furthermore, it gives you the knowledge and confidence to stay in the Yoga teaching business.

Click Here [] To Find Out More About Yoga Teacher Correspondence Courses [].

Friday, April 19, 2013

Tacfit Commando Vs P90x - Which is Better For You?

If you have not watch television in the last few years, you probably have not noticed the exercise program called P90x. The infomercials are seen almost on a continually basis on television and on the internet (e.g. YouTube). It is based on the concept of muscle confusion. With the P90x system, you will get experience working with:

* resistance training

* yoga

* plyrometrics

* kenpo (martial arts)

* stretching movements

* cardio routines (that combines yoga, kenpo, core, and plyrometrics)

* core and abdominal training.

The only tools you will need is a DVD player and television, pull-up bars, and a pair of dumbbells. After going through the 90-day exercise program, it has helped me tremendously with developing lean muscle mass and lose weight. Particularly, I like the emphasis on pull-ups and a variety of exercise movements.

Tacfit Commando is a recent system that has been used by special forces around the world. You will work yourself up to the commando fitness level. It is also about a 90-day routine. The emphasis on the program is joint care, regulated rest and intensity, training cycles, innovative body exercise movements, and tactical fitness (not just functional fitness). With the Tacfit Commando system, you will get experience working with:

* Intu-Flow and Prasara warm-up and recovery routines

* innovative body weight exercises

* system of monitoring your intensity training for maximum results and preventative care

* joint care

* neurological training

* other special bonuses on exercises and other fitness routines.

Personally, I have tried both of the programs. I finished the P90x and have found significant gains in strength and fitness especially in my pull-ups. Currently, I am doing the Tacfit Commando program and have found significant gains in flexibility, strength, and agility. After finishing the P90x program, I have continued with some of the routines such as the Kenpo, strength training, and cardio routines. After doing multiple pull-ups, I aggravated my shoulder and rotator cuffs. It took awhile to recover from this nagging injury. With the Tacfit Commando system, I have made significant gains in strength but have also taught my body how to recover properly. The Tacfit Commando system trains your body on tactical fitness (not just functional fitness). It trains your body to be prepared for intensity and recovery. Through the unique system of body weight exercises and yoga moves, you are training the whole body- the muscular system, the neurological system, the joints, etc. This is important to understand because most exercise systems addresses only one aspect such as strength training.

That is my perspective on the P90x system and the Tacfit Commando system. Both are good programs to get into. For the long run, I would continue with the Tacfit Commando system.

LEARN more about effective Health, Fitness, and Exercise ideas.
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Yoga Positions - Beginners Tips For Starting Yoga

If you're ready to learn yoga there are some important things you need to know before you begin. Just follow these Tips for Yoga Beginners.

IF you are a beginner at yoga it is advised to start slow and be cautious when practicing yoga positions. One important consideration when you are starting yoga is to make sure that you choose gentle yoga positions for beginners. The reason why this is important is you could run the risk of injury, particularly if you have been inactive and not practicing a regular exercise routine.

Choosing the Best Type of Yoga for Beginners

Finding a yoga to start with can be difficult for yoga beginners as there are various types of yoga. First of all, when choosing a type of yoga consider your current level of health and physical fitness. Also, take into consideration the goals that you would like to achieve.

You may want to start out with Hatha yoga, also known as gentle yoga. It may just be the best yoga for beginners. It is a good way for beginners to learn yoga positions as it is slow and gentle.

Yoga Training

When learning yoga, you might also take into consideration, hiring a personal yoga trainer. If you take this into consideration make sure that you search for a yoga class for beginners.

Hiring a yoga trainer or taking a yoga class can definitely work to your advantage. A Yoga Trainer will help you stay focused, guide you and make recommendations based specifically on your current fitness level. They will also help you ease into your yoga practice, making sure you are doing your yoga positions correctly.

Learn Beginner Yoga at Home

You don't necessarily have to attend a yoga class in order to benefit from yoga, however take into consideration attending a yoga class in the future as it would only be to your benefit.

It may be that taking a yoga class doesn't work into your time schedule or budget right now. If this is the case, there are a lot of good beginner yoga videos, e-books or online yoga training which will help you start out in the comfort of your own home.

Starting yoga can be a little intimidating but don't let it discourage you. Whether you decide to take a yoga class or start in the comfort of your own home, if you start off slow and easy, you will be off to a good start.

About The Author:
Savannah Stevens is a fitness enthusiast with a particular passion for Yoga. For more Yoga tips, Beginner Yoga Videos and help for Yoga Beginners visit Yoga Positions for Beginners. Also, learn Basic Beginners Yoga in the comfort of your own home.

Uncovering the Lost Art of Personal Training

Personal Training - A lost art form

The evolution of fitness and exercise programs has been drastic over the last fifty years, picture a frumpy Charles Atlas vs. Arnold 20 years later. From a performance standpoint, world records are broken every year. Football players get faster and faster, while simultaneously becoming more massive. Science continues to develop, and we understand more and more about the human body, thus learning cooler ways to make it grow or become more explosive. A good personal trainer stays on top of such science, and finds a way to incorporate new techniques into achieving your goals. However, a great personal trainer understands the meaning of motivation, and compassion. The science can take a back seat to hard work. The trick is knowing how to get trainees to push themselves well beyond their comfort zone while remaining to be a like-able individual. If you can't push people to the next level... then you're useless. If you can push but they hate you... you won't be successful. To find balance, a trainer needs to be experienced in the fitness realm and honest in every possible way. By keeping your words true, good or bad, trust is developed between trainer and trainee and that rapport will carry you through the demanding times.

Personal training has become slightly watered down in it's quality and understandably so. Tons of people like working out, and tons of people want to make money doing what they like. As a result, they figure, "Hey... I'll try to make money by helping people work-out!" They sign up for an online course, and go apply for a job at Work out World where the gym charges is clients $70 per hour. I purchased one of these courses and couldn't get past the chapter where they carefully explained what type of physical contact is "O.K." and what is not. If you don't understand what's appropriate with respect to physical contact, then your are a dumbass and you have no intuition. You probably shouldn't be a trainer anyhow. It seemed like these courses were more about anti-lawsuit training than they were about motivation or exercise science. The truth is, you can't teach someone how to be a trainer; the necessary qualities are slightly abstract.

Experience in the field is obviously necessary. I've been a fight trainer and fitness trainer for 12 years. I was a hard-core athlete since the age of 12. Without being exposed to hundreds of different kinds of training and feeling each of them, I couldn't possibly relate to my students. For example, when I teach a yoga technique, I make it clear that I understand what my trainee is going through. "Ignore the burning feeling in your groin, and breathe deeply into the tension in your back that results from this posture." They understand that I've been there before, and that I've pushed through exactly the same barriers that they face. This not only cultivates trust, it shows that you know what you're talking about!

Passion is something that simply can't be taught. As a fight trainer, I CAN'T STAND IT when my students throw sloppy punches. I yell and scream like a maniac! I will make them perform the same punch over and over in slow motion until they do it correctly... I don't care if it takes 1000 repetitions! You can't teach someone how to care about the results of their students. Many are happy to just say, "Good job! Niiiiice rep!" Then they take their money and go home, having given you little more than a pep talk. When it comes to lifting weights, you're going to get some results regardless of your form. You could also just head out to your back yard and lift a rock over your head and get something out of it. When it comes to technique oriented instruction, you really need someone who gives a crap about performance. I have a salsa dancing coach named Katie, and she's fantastic. Part of that is her love for dance in addition to her love of passing it on. She can pick out the smallest flaws in my form and correct them. Subsequently, my hips then sashay out of control... until she tells me that I look too feminine and corrects that issue. The bottom line is that to be a great trainer or teacher of any sort, you have to truly care that your student is able to develop as a practitioner. The first time that I don't care about the power behind one of my students kicks, I'm going to retire.

The last element that I'm going to touch upon not only makes you a better personal trainer, it's also just a basic part of being cool and being a like-able person. Be honest and as real as you can possibly be! When one of my students throws and ugly punch, I'll say, "That was absolutely terrible." If they do it again, I'll say, "That was even worse." If I know that they can punch harder, I'll ask them why they are punching like such a baby today. I don't sugar coat anything, because my communication is not real if I do! If my words are my currency, I want them to be worth something. I refuse to pretend that I'm getting the result that I want unless it's really there. This is not just an excuse to bark insults at your trainee. This is your opportunity to point out what they're doing wrong and teach them how to correct it. Later, when they perform the technique correctly and I yell and scream their praises, they know that I'm not just boosting their ego. I have no problems telling them when they're terrible, so if I'm yelling "Great job," they know that I mean it! If it's a tough process getting them to do something correctly, I express honest relief in my words. For example, "Thank God... I thought your uppercut was going to suck forever!" This allows me to communicate on a very real level with my trainees, and they appreciate it. If they are paying you for training, they want to improve themselves. It's up to you to make sure that happens, and communication is vital.

Here's where it get's interesting: honesty doesn't just include communication pertaining to the training itself. I take this to a degree that is almost a little out of control. For example, earlier this week, I was wrapping on of my students hands and I felt terrible. I was very hung over, and barely slept the night before. So I said, "Hey... I feel like crap so bear with me. I got wasted last night and hooked up with a girl that was well below my standards, and sacrificed my sleep to do it." Of course her response is to laugh, because crap like that is funny. Also, you don't want to just be a drone... issuing physical commands. By letting your students into your life a little bit, they become your friend and they realize that you're not entirely unlike them. If I have to fart, I'll say, "Hey, jump rope for a second... I'm going to go outside and let out a disgusting fart." If it's on your mind, just say it! Honesty is incredibly powerful! There are times when I will make up an exercise on the spot and be fully clear about the fact that I don't even know if it's possible! "Hey try to stand with one foot on top of this medicine ball and do a one-legged squat." If it's funny when they fall, then laugh at them! This is a practice that I employ not only in training, but in my every day life. Most people find it to be a refreshing break from the general dishonestly and hidden intentions present within other human interactions. Many times, people will train with you just to get a break from their every day lives, and being a straight-shooter is part of what makes this refreshing.

Whether you are looking for a personal trainer, or looking to be one, keep these things in mind. Personal training should not be a burden on the trainer or trainee. It should be a powerful experience that takes place with someone that shares a connection with you. You might have to shop around as a trainee and you might have to suck as a trainer for a few years before you get it. No matter what, stay passionate about the process and keep working hard. Love for the subject will conquer all barriers.

Travis Roesler is the head trainer and owner of New Jersey Personal Training and the webmaster of

Travis is a respected provider of NJ personal training and works at the forefront of his field.

How to Use the New Wii For Health

The popularity of the Wii is by far a successful product for Nintendo. Chances are you received one of these new machines from Santa and will not doubt have some fun playing adventure games and getting used to the new controllers etc.

One of the niche areas the manufacturer has seen a great deal of success in is the fitness market. With the combination of controllers, paddles and even exercise bikes, the normal game machine can now be part of your workout session.

Kids, grownups and even senior citizens can benefit from using the machine to help them become more physically fit. In addition the Wii fit + now provides software and a balance board controller to help the operator through Yoga, aerobics and even strength training exercises.

The new Fun Xercise Bike gives the user the experience of riding a bike through a video game environment. This concept provides an interactive experience between man and machine that has many people from all ages getting off the couch and becoming more active.

If you like working out with a friend or spouse, you can attach multiple devices to share the experience with others in the same game. Your only limited by the number of ports and friends.

In summary, there are many reasons to become more active and healthy and the wii franchise gives you one more incentive to get off your backside; fun! If you are looking for that little nudge to get you interested in exercising, perhaps the new Wii you received will be just what you needed. If bought the machine for your kids, feel free to use it when they are doing their homework. Interactive Games are not a substitute for real activity but they help get your kid off the couch. See more ideas at

Running Mistakes, Common Mistakes and Fast Fixes - Part 1

Mistake # 1

Easy for some runners is a four letter word, it is, but not a bad one. Some runners are afraid to slow down. They push on every run assuming that the harder they train, the faster they will get. Of course this is not how it works, your body needs to recover to get stronger.

Fast Fix

On easy runs, wear a heart rate monitor and keep your heart rate 15 to 20 beats per minute lower than your training rate.

On recovery days run with someone slower than you, and keep at their pace.

If all else fails, stop every fifteen minutes and retie your shoes. Sounds silly I know, but forcing yourself to stop will keep your pace from getting faster and faster.

Mistake # 2

You train faster than you race. During training you nail everybody, but only to fall short on race day.

Fast Fix

Know your goal pace for your training run and stick to it.

Don't allow your training partners to suck you into racing during training. It's tough, I know because theirs always one guy you really must just beat, sounds familiar doesn't it.

Take not of your breathing, sustain a controlled effort. Nail that guy (yes that one) on race day where it counts.

Mistake # 3

It's Monday or Tuesday or whatever day, but it's the day you run for 40 minutes. You never stray from this pattern, you run the same route at the same time religiously.

Fast Fix

Never run the same distance two days in a row, add or subtract 10 minutes when you head out the next day. This keeps your body challenged.

Vary your route, vary your pace. Mix it up, do fartleks one day followed by an easy run and then perhaps a couple of hill repeats the next day.

Mistake # 4

You run the same 10k, half marathon or marathon every year and you do the same training every year.

Fast Fix

Enter at least one new race per year. Something challenging, maybe a trail run or a cross a country race.

You will need to train differently for these and this variation in training is good for the mind and body.

Experiment with one new training technique at least twice a year.

Mistake # 5

You run, and run, and then you run even more. You devote all your exercise time to running.

Fast Fix

You must devote some time to a form of cross training. Whether it's yoga, strength training or cycling. Make time to cross train at least once a week and then bump this up to twice as soon as you can.

For a few weeks a year let running take a back seat and do something else, preferably a sport that will help you with your running weaknesses.

Mistake # 6

Your'e race-phobic. You'd love to race more, but it hurts like hell. Racing shouldn't be a walk in the park but it doesn't have to be a painful experience.

Fast Fix

You need to train your body and mind for the rigours of racing. Research your race you intend doing. Are there hills, when in the race do they occur, what surface will you be running on, what time of day is the race and so on.

Take everything into account and form a strategy. Try to recreate your race during training, set your goal time and make sure it's realistic.

Mistake # 7

Your'e a race-a-holic, you enter every race you can, if there's a race near you, your at the starting line. I actually know a guy who regularly will run a marathon on Saturday and then another one on Sunday, nuts.

Fast Fix

Schedule your main races at the beginning of each year, you will not perform at your best trying to run marathons within a week of each other. Schedule shorter tune up races in between the longer ones to stay fresh and motivated.

Racing continuously takes the excitement of of it and you will very seldom run a personal best.

Check out my running tips for all the top tips and advice on running Subscribe and get all the running info you will ever need.

How to Benefit From Prenatal Yoga Instructions

Yoga is good for overall health. It relaxes the body and the mind and has been used for thousands of years.

Taking advantage of learning the prenatal yoga instructions and the most gentle types of yoga are appropriate during pregnancy. New mothers recommend the physical and mental benefits of prenatal yoga during pregnancy.

It is for women who want to continue to practice yoga and have an easier pregnancy and birth. Many people use yoga to stay fit and maintain weight gain.

You can continue to do this even while you are pregnant. Choose an instructor who will provide you with individualized guidance.

A good choice for pregnancy is a low impact exercise that provides several benefits both physical and mental, like the prenatal yoga instructions.

The meditation techniques can be individualized to suit your lifestyle needs. The instructors keep you mindful of your breath and proper positions for pregnancy.

These yoga sessions can be a wonderful way to put time aside for yourself and your baby each day.

They will increases your overall strength, flexibility and well-being.

The deep breathing necessary for working through the yoga poses properly is another benefit to prenatal yoga.

This will also calm the mind while maintaining the awareness through movement.Yoga has been known to ease many of the problems present during pregnancy like nausea, cramping and high blood pressure.

It can help you maintain a good posture and is know to help with easing delivery.

The prenatal yoga instructions are aimed to help ease the delivery and prevent complications. The instructor will advise on which yoga poses are safe when you're pregnant and can offer you private instruction for one-on-one training.

He will help you to safely practice your yoga in the second trimester of pregnancy and avoid poses that should be avoided during pregnancy.You want to stay in shape and do what is best for your baby.

Prenatal yoga is a wonderful way to do both. You will learn how to modify your practice as your pregnancy progresses, poses and techniques that can ease your pregnancy and delivery, and how to get back in shape after you give birth.

Find out more useful & interesting information about this subject by going to:

S. Brooks is a specialized researcher focusing on providing valuable information & solutions for every day issues.

Home Gyms

If you've made a New Years resolution to get fit one too many times without success, then perhaps it's time to consider a home gym.

Home: where the healthy heart is

There are many reasons why a home gym might be right for you. Memberships to commercial gyms can be expensive, not to mention the time it takes to get to and from their location each time you go for a workout. Having the gym right there at home can redirect hours of personal time back into your schedule each week.

Of course, there are pros and cons to having your own gym at home. Firstly, you have to be self-motivated to actually get up and use it; otherwise the initial set up fees will be wasted. And speaking of set up fees, the initial investment in a home gym can be a little daunting for some, but remember that good quality equipment will end up saving you loads in the long run. This is especially true if you share the equipment with a partner or flatmates.

It goes without saying, of course, that to have a home gym you have to have the space for it. Keep in mind that some weights equipment in particular can be heavy on flooring, so you will have to consider whether or not your space can take the load.

If you do have the space and are keen to get going, then the greatest advantage to a home gym is that you can be the boss of it. You can work out when you feel like it, listen to your own music, or even wear your most beaten up clothes if you like. And you will never have to wait in line for equipment again.

What will you need?

What equipment you choose will depend largely on what you like to do when you workout. There's no point investing in a treadmill if you hate running or the latest in weight lifting gear if that's not your thing. You might want to consider some lightweights, an elliptical trainer and leave enough floor space for a yoga mat.

Perhaps you want to set up your own home gym to do more serious weight training. If this is the case, then consider flooring very carefully. A good hard surface, like the concrete flooring of a garage, can be great, but you will probably need to add some rubber matting as well to reduce noise and potential damage (to both floor and equipment).

When choosing equipment, avoid the infomercial and head straight to a shop that specialises in fitness equipment. They often not only stock reliable products, but also have the staff with the know-how to back them up.

For those on a budget, you need not relegate the idea of a home gym to your wish list only, but instead can deck a room out with minimal equipment that will get you good results. Choose to put your money into a good cardio machine like an elliptical trainer (which is lower impact and works both legs and arms) or a treadmill. Be careful when purchasing cheap equipment that may break easily, be of poor quality or may not be enjoyable to use.

Treadmills are a good example of this. Cheaper versions tend to be unstable and harder to run on. Choosing a model that is wide and long enough for you, that also has good shock support for feet, ankles and knees, is essential to ensuring you train safely.

Home gyms can be one of the most rewarding and convenient ways to achieve your fitness goals, and with the right planning, you can have an economical gym right there at home in no time.

Greg Mate is passionate about health and fitness and runs MrSupplement which is one of Australia's largest suppliers of protein and creatine.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Online Yoga Certification - How Technology is Changing the Face of Teacher Training Courses

Traditional Yoga teacher training programs still exist, but traditional programs often last years. Not so long ago, the concept of an intensive face-to-face training, for a month, seemed like a new idea. All you had to do was schedule your time, and you could combine your training, with a vacation, at a beautiful or exotic location.

Some of the pre-requisites would be previous experience. It would be wise to have two years of working knowledge as a student of Yoga before considering teaching classes. This may seem obvious, but there are those who jump "feet first" into everything.

There are more pre-requisites for the exotic Yoga teacher intensive. You should have the money required for travel, housing, meals, study materials, and any hidden costs. You should be single, with no children at home, or in a position to put your family on hold.

You should also be unemployed, or have an employer, who will allow you to take a lengthy vacation. Not many employers will rejoice to know you are attending a Yoga teacher certification course, while your work piles up. If your employer understands your desire to become a Yoga teacher, you are in a unique situation.

For all the above-mentioned reasons, most of us are not in a position to drop everything and attend an intensive course, without making some complicated arrangements with our families and employers. Hence Yoga instructor training, at home, has become a viable solution.

Books were, and still are, good learning tools, but Internet access, online video, DVDs, and CDs make learning the subtleties of Yoga much easier. The ultimate distance learning course should have an interactive mix of learning tools.

There was a time when Yoga books and face-to-face lectures, with a Guru, were the primary tools of learning; and they still have a valuable place. However, times are changing, and new technology has been integrated to produce a new breed of correspondence training for those who wish to teach Yoga classes.

© Copyright 2008 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of Yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. He has been a certified Master Yoga Teacher since 1995. To receive Free Yoga videos, Podcasts, e-Books, reports, and articles about Yoga, please visit:

Yoga Teacher Training Schools

Yoga Teacher Training Schools introduce basic fundamental tools that encourage integration of body, mind, and spirit. The goal of the yoga teacher is to support progression toward personal growth, mental acuity, and spiritual awareness in his or her students.

Originating in India, the practice of yoga dates back six to seven millennia. Yoga in India remains a vital tradition as a pathway to enlightenment, a means to attaining spiritual and emotional wellbeing. Karma, Bhakti, Jnana, and Raji, are four main types of yoga, but there are many others. Each type focuses on different aspects of or approaches to personal development.

Western style Hatha Yoga has become associated with postures that aim to increase flexibility and is used more as a fitness exercise. Flexibility increases energy, stimulates the immune system, and improves skeletal and musculature tone of the body. This reduces stress, improves circulation, heightens self-awareness, and can help in the effort to lose weight. Flexibility also enhances physical stamina, balance, and coordination, which in turn strengthens one's sense of well-being.

Yoga teacher training encourages exploration of yoga fundamentals and can deepen the experience of the future trainer in a direction best suited to the person. Training enables discovery of one's own unique expressions and styles of yoga and creates a context for offering skills to the purposes of others. Teacher training generally exposes the future trainer to a wide range of classes for varying fitness, yoga methods, and personal experience.

Yoga teacher training develops skills in the trainer that can help bring understanding of the correlations of physical, emotional, and spiritual belief systems to his or her students. The yoga teacher can also improve a student's skills of communication, compassion, and self-discipline, which enhance the quality of life.

Most yoga teacher training comprises 200-300 hours of study. Some yoga teacher training schools offer advanced levels of training to further and refine teaching capabilities.

If you are interested in learning more about yoga teacher training schools

and programs of study, search our site for more in-depth information and resources.

DISCLAIMER: Above is a GENERAL OVERVIEW and may or may not reflect specific practices, courses and/or services associated with ANY ONE particular school(s) that is or is not advertised on

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Michael Bustamante, in association with Media Positive Communications, Inc. for

Notice to Publishers: Please feel free to use this article in your Ezine or on your Website; however, ALL links must remain intact and active.

Michael Bustamante is a staff writer for Media Positive Communications, Inc. in association with Find Yoga Teacher Training Schools [] at; meeting your needs as your educational resource to locate schools.

The Benefits of Yoga - Yoga for All

Yoga is an ancient exercise, which was originated in India 5,000 years ago. Yoga is an applied science of the body and mind. Practicing yoga creates a balance between the body and mind. Yoga helps in internal as well as external strength. It balances the yin and yang. Yoga teaches about healthy body and healthy mind. Good health means calm mind.

The balance between mind, body and soul is established by yoga. Yoga was developed thousands of years ago by yogis. There are thousands of yoga asanas (exercises) and each has its own significance. Yoga can be done in the morning or in the evening. A trained instructor is required to teach the person. There are various breathing exercises, which help in relaxing the whole body. There are many standing exercises, deep breathing exercises and exercises, which are done sitting and lying flat.

There are many yoga institutes in US. There are various types of yoga, like kundalini yoga, hatha yoga etc. People with diseases and pain, whether it is migraine or arthritis, can utilize yoga as it can help in healing. By doing yoga the body's immune system functions well and the healing properties in the body is enhanced. Meditation helps in improving a person's concentration and memory.

Yoga also helps in muscle flexibility, stamina, lowers fat, improves blood circulation, lowers bad cholesterol levels and makes the mind calm. Everybody can do yoga and attain its benefits.

Paul has been providing answers to lots of queries through his website on a wide variety of subjects ranging from satellite phones to acne. To learn more visit

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Asana - Yoga Discipline

In the Asana (in Samskrta / Sanskrit, the ancient language base of YOGA) people manage to reach the stage of maximum personal capacity, an exacerbated development, an exceptional concentration and a powerful personal growth, all particularities of YOGA. The movement that follows the stop should be complementary to this and completely smooth, completely dominating the Gravity. In Asana we learn to relax in tension, which is a secret of Yoga.

The Asana, in Yoga, has the following objectives:

1. The muscle strengthening, stretching and its elasticity, and tendons;

2. The strengthening of bone, joint flexibility and functionality, and ligaments

3. The work and balanced endocrine / hormonal function, neurological / neuron-vegetative, and the health psycho-bio-physics

4. An intense brain stimulation, the full control of the body and mind and strengthening of the important anti-relationship brain / body (and hand), and especially the exploration of the relationship (inverse) body / brain

5. Control of the Universal Force, the gravitational stability, control of movement, and Harmony

6. Operation of organs, tissues, blood and lymphatic circulatory systems, digestive, excretory, selector and sexual

7. The strength and endurance, self-confidence

8. The ability to endure difficult situations in a lucid, accurate and stress-free way and face normal situations in a shrewd and clever form

9. A strong and super cerebral Irrigation and a super lucidity

10. Strengthening of the Will, living together with Tapa - heat of Self-Demand, training of Attention and Continuous Concentration for long periods of time

11. The opening, clearing, widening and strengthening of Nadi (Residual energy of the human DNA) the elimination of toxins, and the development of Chakra (pronounced tchakra - Centers of Energy and intersections of the Nadi)

12. The preparation for intense Energy and vibration work, directed mainly to the spine, spinal cord and ependyma chanel - Sushumna Nadi, predisposing to the passage of Super Power Kundalini (Residual DNA Energy), which once activated and well conducted, provides in Dhyana - True Meditation (another of the Twelve Technical

Disciplines of Yoga) Samadhi (Enlightenment) - Supreme Cosmic Consciousness Intellective-human.

I write on several different subjects. You can see my other articles by clicking on Adidas Yoga Pants [] and Yoga Pants Men [].

Yoga in Practice: Ten Solutions for Depressed Yoga Students, Part 1

Yoga teachers often struggle with methods for helping their students deal with a variety of ailments. Depression is serious, and is one of many ailments, but much like stress, it can be the "root cause" of many more problems. So, let's look at ten ways to turn a Yoga student's life away from depression.

Obviously, severe cases of depression really need professional counseling. Therefore, it is advisable to point some Yoga students in that direction, but all of us have our "dark moments," so these are solutions for milder cases of depression.

Meditate using Visualization or Affirmation: When you teach Yoga classes, always encourage your students to be self sufficient in their meditation practice. Some Yoga teachers have preferred methods of meditation, but visualization and affirmation are easy methods for all Yoga students to learn and master.

Yoga students should learn to envision something that gives them deep gratification and causes no harm to anyone. Often this is something very easy for them to visualize. It could be a loved one, a vacation spot, or an accomplished goal. Within this practice, the Yoga student learns to accomplish his or her vision.

Affirmation is a method that any Yoga teacher can learn to guide. This builds self-esteem and creates positive energy. There are many affirmations CD's to choose from; and we carry them in the pro-shop for Yoga students to work with at home. These two methods create constructive use of solo time, and depression will be purged from the mind, body, and spirit.

Relaxation Techniques: Teach your Yoga students a variety of relaxation methods. We are all familiar with stage-by-stage relaxation techniques, but there are many more methods to teach. There are also self hypnosis CD's that cover guided relaxation methods. These are great for bedtime or quiet time.

Walking Time: Many of us might prefer to do Sun Salutations, but Yoga students can benefit from a walk, just like anyone else. This could be at any part of the day; before work, at lunch, after work, and weekends will help. The fresh air is a needed break from daily drudgery. Strategic use of walking to break up the day has extraordinary health benefits.

Sleeping Patterns: Getting to bed earlier will help Yoga students, or anyone else, get the optimum amount of sleep needed. This will also give them a positive start on the following day. Yoga students that start the day earlier will have time for all of the above-mentioned solutions or have time to see the sun rise.

Sun Salutations, and meditation, on the following morning, after a good night's sleep, will definitely keep depression "at bay." Yoga students who start with these methods will positively charge themselves and feel the strength of self-empowerment.

© Copyright 2006 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard is a co-owner and the director of Yoga teacher training at: Aura Wellness Center, in North Providence, RI. He has been a certified Master Yoga teacher since 1995. He is a master instructor of martial arts, with multiple Black Belts, four martial arts teaching credentials, and was recently inducted into the USA Martial Arts Hall of Fame. He teaches Yoga, martial arts, and fitness to children, adults, and seniors in the greater Providence area. Recently he wrote: Is Running a Yoga Business Right for You? For Yoga students, who may be considering a new career as a Yoga teacher.

Yoga Props - Making It Easier

If you've ever been fortunate enough to have spent some time in a traditional village anywhere in Asia, you'll have marveled at the natural flexibility and coordination of the villagers. They sit in the half-lotus or lotus position as naturally as we Westerners sit in a chair and squat flat-footed and chat together for hours without the slightest discomfort. Indian yogis begin their practice of hatha yoga with this kind of natural flexibility, but we need to train ourselves. The best of the gurus who brought hatha yoga to the West understood this and helped their students develop blocks and other props to assist them in their practice.

Yoga blocks and yoga straps are the two most common and useful yoga props. There are many others. Some, like the yoga ball, have their roots in Western fitness regimes, but have proven themselves to be valuable aids in the practice of yoga. Like the guru who was perceptive enough to notice a non-traditional need in his students and ingenious enough to find a solution in a simple brick, Western yogis have found new yoga props that enhance the practice of yoga while depriving it of nothing.

The Yoga Block

The yoga block is perhaps the most versatile yoga prop. Usually made of stiff foam or cork, the yoga block resembles a brick. Rumor has it that this is because when a hatha yoga guru saw his students struggling with an asana, he scanned the immediate area and found some cast off bricks. These common bricks became the first yoga props in the West.

With three surfaces of different heights to work with, the yoga block is versatile as well as useful. The Half Moon pose (Ardha Chandrasana) is a standing pose that requires you to extend one leg parallel to the floor while balancing on the opposite arm. Executed properly, your entire body will be parallel with the floor while your supporting leg will stand straight and perpendicular. The Half Moon pose can be difficult or impossible without the aid of a yoga block, but with a block, it becomes "doable."

The Hero Pose (Virasana) comes naturally to indigenous peoples everywhere, but is deceptively difficult for Westerners and can cause injury if it's not eased into gradually. Virasana is a seated pose. Ideally, your buttocks will rest flat on the floor while you sit in a kneeling position with a straight back. Using a block for your buttocks not only makes it possible to sit comfortably with a straight back in the Hero Pose, it protects your knees from potential damage.

The Yoga Strap

Another extremely useful yoga prop is the simple yoga strap. There are many varieties available, but they all serve the same purpose. Basically, yoga straps (sometimes also called yoga belts) bridge the gap between your hands and your feet and allow you to do yoga asanas that might otherwise be difficult or impossible.

Both the Standing Forward Bend (Uttanasana) and the Seated Forward Bend (Paschimottanasana) require grasping the toes while keeping the legs straight. The benefits of gently stretching the spine and the leg muscles in this way are so great that the inability to reach that far without the risk of injury should never be an obstacle to doing these yoga postures regularly. With the aid of a yoga strap, anyone can do them and benefit from them.

If you feel held back in your practice because you can't do yoga like the masters overnight, don't worry, nobody can! Go online and learn about yoga props, find the ones that you need and keep practicing. Even if you never master the one finger hand stand (don't panic - there's no such thing!), if you do yoga regularly, it will do you a world of good.

Bunky Malone is an editor, writer, and active practitioner of yoga. Yoga Accessories Blog Yoga Accessories

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Beginner Yoga Classes For Stressed Out People

The best place to begin yoga is through beginner yoga classes. This is a group of students, a teacher who knows how to demonstrate to you how to perform the poses (using props if required) and assisting you to learn the appropriate method for the poses. Good quality information about beginner yoga lessons are easily found. You'll find it at fitness clubs, small studios, and gyms. The hard part is locating a yoga class that's right for you. Studios that are dedicated to yoga promote an additional dedicated practice. The students come back to class weekly, and instructors usually have specific license to teach yoga. A number of lessons are intended for beginners.

Whether you take fitness class or studio yoga classes, there are several tips to locate lessons and a trained teacher that suits you. Define your objectives. Maybe you have persistent back aches or other physical limitations. An Iyengar class, with its emphasis on accurate form and use of props, might be ideal. If you're seeking to decrease stress and improve attentiveness, think about a class that includes meditation. For a challenging workout, try an ashtanga yoga class.

Inquire about the instructor's background. There is no nationwide guaranteed certification for yoga so far, although a few places have instruction certification programs. You want an instructor who has been teaching and working for some time. Check out the classroom space. Look for rooms that are spacious and well ventilated. Lots of sticky mats, props, foam bricks, straps, bolsters and blankets are a good sign, also. Ideally, yoga classrooms are tranquil, but that might not happen in a gym type of location.

Yoga is the major popular form of the increasing mind-body physical conditioning group, made up of qigong, tai chi, and other forms of workouts. While many current Western practitioners focus on the physical asana, for others, yoga is a comprehensive path to bliss and way of existence. Keeping in mind yoga's lofty objectives, it's easy and can be performed anywhere, anytime. In its extreme, yoga incorporates a whole agenda, from nutritional practices and an ethical code to unlimited thought. The majority is mixture of asana, pranayama (inhaling workout) and some thought. Yoga can be an effective and relatively inexpensive alternative for many nervous and stressed people.

For more information about beginner yoga classes, try visiting, a yoga website where you can also find information about the branches of yoga, yoga fitness, kripalu yoga, and more. You can also visit our Yoga Blog.

Yoga and Mental Self-Reconciliation

Many of us need time to "find ourselves," and some of us never do. How can Yoga help a "lost soul?" Can Yoga really be a guide to better mental health? Where do you start to "pick up the pieces" and practice Yoga for self-reconciliation?

Judging by the number of social workers, psychiatrists, psychologists, and counselors, who take Yoga teacher certification courses, the public at large is dealing with the mental healing aspects of Yoga already. Yoga offers a chemical free form of relief for mental anguish and is a reliable alternative therapy.

This is not to claim that Yoga is going to be a miracle cure for depression, but Yoga practice has no harmful side effects when practiced safely. This is why you should choose a Yoga teacher carefully.

Your Yoga teacher is a knowledgeable guide to many avenues of health. A Yoga teacher is not just another exercise instructor, but someone who has in depth knowledge of holistic health.

What about mental and spiritual health? How can you learn about this aspect of Yoga? Many Yoga studios do not have classes for this need. This is why you have to shop around, and you may only be able to get private sessions for this type of Yoga training or Yoga therapy.

Why is this type of Yoga so hard to find? Yoga has been introduced on a massive scale to cultures who measure everything for results, pounds, inches, and calories. This mind-set has made Power Yoga and Hot Yoga popular, even when middle-aged and inactive students should be more cautious.

How do you calculate mental or spiritual health? The truth is - these two aspects of heath are just as important as physical health. It is easy to spot a person who has a severe mental illness, but you would be "hard pressed" to notice milder forms. Yoga can be an aid to many of the mild forms of mental illness and attention disorders that affect our society today.

At some point in life, we may all feel a little down, but severe depression is a serious condition and can lead to many other mental and physical problems. Depression can also lead to premature death.

Therefore, if you are feeling chronic depression, seek out a professional counselor, doctor, psychiatrist, or psychologist. Friends and family will help, but only you know how much pain you really feel. One last thought: Pain cannot be calculated by using a measuring tape.

© Copyright 2006 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard is a co-owner and the director of Yoga teacher training at: Aura Wellness Center, in North Providence, RI. He has been a certified Master Yoga teacher since 1995. To receive a Free e-Book: "Yoga in Practice," and a Free Yoga Newsletter, please visit:

Why Strength Training is the Missing Component of Your Fat Loss Program

Most People Who Train For Fat Loss Never Consider the Need For Strength

Many people hiring me as a personal trainer, especially in the last few months, have come in without the ability to do a simple body-weight squat. That's right - the same movement that you use to sit in a chair or on the toilet. Of course when you're sitting in a chair you can just sit back and let the chair "catch" you, but you can't do that with most common exercise movements (like the body weight squat). Some of the best fat burning programs that I've used, involved exercises like: jump squats, burpees, body weight squats, lunges, and sprints. So here's the problem:

If you can't do a basic squat with your own weight, how are your joints going to handle running, jogging or other exercises?

This is why many of my fat-loss clients spend the majority of their first month or two working on strength training.

I talked to a woman in my gym just the other day, who was experiencing severe knee pain because she tried to go running and injured herself. My heart goes out to her. After all, she took the common advice that's given out by personal trainers, books, and websites; which is to go running to lose fat. What Those Sources Don't Tell You is that You Need a Good Foundation of Strength Before You Can do Most "Generic" Fat Loss Routines.

So What Does Someone Do When They're Too Weak to Do Most Basic Exercises?

Note: Make sure that you're cleared by your doctor prior to starting any exercise program, and especially before following the advice below.


Now if you've heard about isometrics before, and heard that they're dangerous, please realize that there are actually two categories of isometric exercise. These Isometrics are called "yielding isometrics" because they let the muscle "yield" or lengthen, due to gravity, over time. These are much safer than "concentric isometrics" where a person pushes, as hard as they can, against an immovable object. Concentric isometrics can cause very high levels of stress to be placed on your joints and ligaments, and should only be performed by highly experienced trainees under qualified supervision.

Yielding isometrics are one of the best exercises to slowly develop strength in people who are extremely weak. In fact, it's often used by physical therapists to transition an injured person back to the point where they can do traditional resistance training.

1. Start Out By Doing the "Iso Wall Squat."

The Wall Squat is one of the safest ways to strengthen your lower body before you move on to traditional body weight squats or barbell squats.

Get a box or stool about 10-12" in height, that is strong enough to hold your body weight.
Find a wall that you can lean against (make sure it's sturdy)
Place your box or stool against the wall and stand with your back towards the wall while straddling the box with both legs
Lean against the wall with your back flat, and carefully pull yourself down the wall until your knees are bent at 90 degrees
Make sure that your feet are placed approximately as wide as your hips. Raise your heals off of the ground, so that you're resting only on the balls of your feet (this will help strengthen your feet)
Look Straight ahead and hold for 1 minute. If you can't hold that long, stand up and take three breaths, and then return to the same position. Repeat until you've reached 1 minute
Once you can hold your own body weight continuously for 1 minute, try doing a traditional body weight squat - you'll be surprised at how much easier it is.

Try the "Iso Push-up Plank."

The Iso Pushup Plank is great way to strengthen your core and develop shoulder stability.

Find Yourself a soft mat (like a yoga mat) or a carpeted area and kneel down on the mat with your hands on the ground in front of you
Raise your body up so that only your hands and feet are touching the ground (this should look like the top of a traditional push-up position)
Make sure that your hands are directly under your shoulders, not out to either side and not out in front of you
Ensure that your legs are straight and that only your toes are touching the ground
Brace against your abdomen (as if someone was going to punch you in the stomach) and look about 45degrees in front of where your hands are placed.
Make sure that the back of your head, upper back, and butt are all lined up. It shouldn't look like your butt is sticking in the air, or sagging down.
Hold for 1 minute. If you can't hold that long, rest on your knees, take three breaths, and then return to the same position. Repeat until you've reached 1 minute
Once you can hold continuously for an entire minute, you can move on to doing push-ups from your knees, and eventually normal push-ups.

I've had great results using these two movements to introduce my clients to much more difficult programs. It's well worth the effort!

Jonathan McSweet is a certified personal trainer (NSCA-CPT) and the owner of Artisan Fitness Inc.

Artisan Fitness Inc. offers Personal Training and a Baton Rouge Boot Camp in the Greater Baton Rouge area.

Tips For Choosing Yoga Training Courses

Yoga in Western countries may have started life as a something of a hippy niche, but over the last 20 years, it has entered the mainstream at a phenomenal rate. With this popularization of an ancient Indian tradition, there has been a huge growth in organizations offering yoga teacher training. Gone are the days when students had to travel to India to gain qualifications. But the plethora of courses has created its' own problems - not least in the question of quality and whether a course is recognized by the appropriate local and international associations. The prospective student must also ask themselves a number of important questions, the most fundamental of which is the type of yoga they wish to be trained in. But also, the wider question of what direction they wish to take their training in once completed. This article will address all of these points, and help provide a framework with which students may better choose amongst the many courses offered.

There are more styles of yoga available today than there has possibly been ever. Some represent a continuation of older traditions, that are relatively unchanged. This includes hatha yoga, and styles by Desikachar and Iyengar. Others represent a synthesis of different methods, even whilst being shrouded in mystical origins. For example, some have suggested that Ashtanga yoga is not derived from the yoga Korunta, but from a synthesis of traditions that may have included early acrobatics!

Some styles of yoga are very modern, and evolved more out of an adaptation to the West. Bikram yoga is a good example of this - and perhaps a very extreme one, given that Bikram copyrighted 'his' yoga poses and they way they were taught, despite yoga being essentially in the public domain.

Most people who train as teachers in yoga do so in a discipline that they have been practising already. This does make logical sense, as it's important to be passionate about what you do for a living. There is the additional experience that people will have with a particular style of yoga that no doubt makes it easier than starting from scratch in a different style.

But other issues may come into play when choosing a yoga school. Is the style of yoga you like well supported in your area? Is there sufficient demand for that style? Understanding who these particular styles of yoga appeals to will help later on when you set up your own yoga business, as it will guide your marketing, choice of location, logo, and business identity. It's worth thinking a little bit about these things before you make a time and financial commitment to getting qualified.

Finding out whether your course is accredited nationally and internationally is an important step. There are various governing associations at different levels around the world. For example, in the UK there is the British Wheel Of Yoga. In Australia, the government keeps a list of accredited training courses through the Australian National Training Authority. For a yoga specific association, try the Yoga Teachers Association of Australia. Globally, there is the International Yoga Teachers Association, which is available in many countries. There is also the American Yoga Association, Yoga Scotland, and the European Union Of Yoga.

Each of these organizations may have different standards by which they measure courses. But they do provide a good guideline for selecting providers with a minimum level of professionalism, integrity, and quality. You could look at contacting teachers who have gone through their training to find out what they thought of the course, and perhaps go to a few of their classes to get a feel for what is being taught.

Before going into any course, it's a good idea to have some sense of the bigger picture. For example, are you looking at combining yoga with other healing modalities, such as massage, nutrition, meditation, or some combination of all of these. There are some teaching colleges that integrate yoga with other modalities, both locally and abroad in India. For the sake of continuity, and ease of integration, it may be easier to look at this before any study is actually done. It may prove easier to study with an all-in-one provider who will provide a clearer way to integrate these different aspects of health.

In some ways, this broad integration of yoga with health is more closely aligned with the true nature of yoga, according to some teachers such as Desikachar. But Indian style yoga is not the only one that offers this approach, with the Japanese ki, or Ki yoga often integrated with macrobiotics and shiatsu.

If you're interested in going more deeply into yoga training for your own personal practice, as opposed to a prelude to teaching, studying abroad can be a truly rewarding experience. If you're looking for teaching qualifications, it may be wiser to choose an institution in your own country, at least initially. Because it should be adapted to Western learning styles, the structured environment it provides will be easier to learn in.

Yoga training can be intensely rewarding, and life changing in many ways. Provided you choose a course that is accredited, in a style of teaching you like, and that has good community support, it could be the start of a great new career.

If you'd like to explore the option of studying yoga in an Indian school, click here. If you'd like to read more yoga articles, click here.

The Purpose of Yoga - Building Self Image

Many times, Yoga teachers refer to the inner self or the observer from within. In a Yoga class, you may be instructed to observe without judgment, but how can we stop judging? We judge things all day long.

If you drive a car, you are judging timing, distance, and speed. In this case, judging is a matter of life and death, which concerns you, other drivers, and pedestrians. You have to judge, whether you like it or not, but you are told not to judge yourself in a Yoga class or during a meditation session.

Who do we judge the most harshly in the course of a typical day? For most of us, self-criticism is a large part of the day. We call ourselves uncomplimentary names. We do not forgive ourselves for past mistakes. We forget that we learn from mistakes and we create a negative self-image.

So how does the Yogi or Yogini get in touch with the inner being? This is a journey toward spiritual clarity, where any person can travel. Look at yourself and observe the two sides of your inner being. You can use a mirror, but I would suggest you use a piece of paper and a pen.

When training Yoga teachers, I have found that compiling lists allow them to be impartial. We can classify our traits and qualities as negative or positive, but the "big picture" is not always so clear, because some negative qualities may bring about positive results. The opposite can also be said.

Some people may talk too much, but talking has put them in a prestigious position. Other people do not speak up enough, but they have always "played it safe," and have no worries.

Karma is not always clear to see. Which trait or path is right, and which is wrong, is not crystal clear, but when you design your list, you may want to have three categories. These categories are positive, neutral, and negative.

Neutral allows for a "gray area," because life is not simply "black and white." It may look that way to a child, but as a child learns more, each issue takes on more gray area.

When you classify your personal traits and qualities, you can see what you lack, and you can praise yourself for what you already have. It is most important to see what you have and appreciate it, before going after what you do not have.

When you decide to make positive changes, you may want to focus on one change at a time. Most people cannot learn to appreciate themselves overnight, but you can be thankful for your good qualities and then go after a vital trait to build your self image.

Yoga teaches us to listen from within and to appreciate what we have right now.

© Copyright 2007 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, is a co-owner and the director of Yoga teacher training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. Just 20 minutes north of Providence, RI. He has been a certified Master Yoga teacher since 1995. To receive a Free e-Book: "Yoga in Practice," and a Free Yoga Newsletter, please visit:

Core Muscle Training As an Important Element in Muscle Building

What is referred to as the core is actually the abdominal wall musculature. This is the bridge in between the torso and the lower body. But why is there a need to develop and maintain the core? Well to put is simply, a strong core is your key in the prevention of injuries and back pain. So it's suggested to take the core as one of the primary body parts that should be developed when doing your muscle building.

Remember that any exercise that actually requires for the contraction of the muscles on the mid-section can do wonders for the body's core. Some of these exercises and muscle training exercises require no special equipment required can be very effective. So what are these training and exercises that you can do on your spare time, without the help of equipments? One exercise that you can do is abdominal bracing. For you to brace try imagining that you are pulling the navel towards the spine and hold that for at least 10 seconds. The push-ups are another tried and tested muscle training activities. These are old yet effective form of exercise that can strengthen the core. The side plank is another one, and this is a yoga move that can be started with the standard push up.

Another core exercise that can go well with weight training as well is the superman or the banana. The two are opposing exercises that can effectively engage the entire circumference of the core. Both of these moves should be held until you get tired.

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Tuesday, April 16, 2013

A Brand New Twist in Yoga Programming For Spas - Yoga As a Revenue Center

Looking for new health and fitness development for the health spa? Something new and different to excite your patrons as well as visitors? A means to incorporate many areas of your own health spa facility for more group training? A course that is mutually beneficial to a people of different age groups and physical fitness levels? Try yoga.

In case you haven't heard - " mind - physique " physical fitness is the craze for the brand new millennium. You cannot get a newspaper without hearing about yoga, deep breathing, Tai- Chi, Chi- Gong and a whole host of other Eastern exercises that are slowly creeping their way into popular American Culture. Not only are the health benefits of these exercises being touted but whenever you have got celebrities like Sting as well as Madonna (who would have thought... ) Ali McGraw and Marilee Hemingway meditating and exercising yoga - it has become downright fashionable. Yoga is currently the most popular and most readily available of the above-mentioned disciplines. IN this short article we'll discuss the "how-to's" of setting up an effective yoga plan in your club.

Demographics: These match. Aging seniors that are beginning to feel the effects of jogging, step aerobic exercises, Stairmasters and one too many reps upon their joint parts are turning to a much softer, gentler method to fitness. Furthermore as we all still make rapid increases with technology, people are being more disconnected from themselves. Yoga exercise provides them the opportunity to relieve tension, work their own muscle groups and clear their own minds. All in a single time. For hectic folks, it is an actually more powerful sell than hurting knees and harried schedules. A good yoga class is much like going to the chiropractor, massage therapist and psychologist all in one session.

Bodily advantages for fitness and versatility. YOGA provides members a total body workout, creating length and strength and balance. A great yoga exercise plan gives us the opportunity to produce self-competence on the physique, bodily control and higher body awareness. This heightened body-awareness could be an advantage in many areas of life. Longer, leaner more graceful bodies are covering the pages of fitness and fashion periodicals. Yoga builds up this type of body, a very diverse appearance than the muscular weight lifter physique or Amazon Woman Zena Warrior Princess look from the past.

Mental benefits for stress management: An excellent yoga exercise plan provides people the instruments to work on anxiety levels. Anxiety management basically indicates learning how to handle stress by observing that it does actually exist and then letting go of it through movements, breathing and awareness. Without this process, members become prospects for a number of anxiety related disorders: cardiac arrest, stomach problems and headaches.

How to get started with your own yoga business is to first attract visitors and customers by querying along with advertising. A successful plan depends on the number of participants. Many will appreciate it but don't realize it yet. While you might attract a few guests and customers by posting pictures of famous superstars standing on their heads, odds are you'll have much better luck submitting a questionnaire along with their own invoices requesting some of the next inquiries:

1.Are you knowledgeable about "body/ mind fitness"?

2. Are you aware of the good health advantages of yoga exercises, deep breathing and deep relaxation methods?

3.Are you searching for a new physical fitness routine?

4.Are you pleased with your current state of body/ mind health?

5.Do you want to increase your flexibility, develop more strength and learn to better handle your stress levels?

6.Would you be thinking about attending a special one-day yoga centered body/ mind workshop/training?

7. Exactly what day / time would work best for you, end of the week, weekday?

Yogafit has a lot of very informative advice in all aspects of yoga training poses, resources, and everything else. She is also known as the yoga guru/mogul and has a number of yoga dvd available in the market.

Yoga - A Nonreligious Spirituality

Yoga can help generate a non-religious spiritual society that promotes simplicity, self-control and a rich social consciousness. When one limits yoga only as a practice of Asanas or postures, it ceases to be the catalyst of social good but remains a means for body health.

The Yogi learns that the mind itself has a higher state of existence, beyond reason, a super conscious state. When the mind gets to that higher state, then this knowledge, beyond reasoning comes to man.

Once a true Indian viewed a socio-economic and political problem in a different angle that of a spiritual problem. He fought against the seven deadly sins of the society based on this non-religious spirituality (politics without principles, wealth without work, pleasure without conscience, knowledge without character, commerce without morality, science without humanity and worship/religion without sacrifice). In him, we find the true dignity of man of spiritual consciousness without the hues of material success.

There is a danger in stumbling upon the 'super conscious state' without understanding it. They are not 'trained' yogis. Inspired but stumbled up on the inspiration! Such men open themselves to hallucinations, brain being deranged, and promoting quaint superstitions along with their knowledge. They lead their followers to great evil of fanaticism, as it is evident in the political and religious history).

Yoga,if accepted and practiced in its original spirit, can invoke the dignified nature of man, against all forms of religious fanaticism, eradicating the inherent evil in individuals, thus help build a new generation in accordance with the yogic practices based on the principles of spiritual consciousness. Modern world at large is in a great need of such a social rejuvenation. In this growing market economy of greed and lust, which we blindly believe and portray as progress, it is high time to think differently, learning lessons from history and accepting Vedic wisdom as an example to the rest of the world. Yoga is a means to that end.

Dr. V.K. Subramanian transmits the message of the line of gurus to us, especially Parama Poojya Parama hamsa Parivrajakacarya Swami Sadananda Saraswathi in the following lines. "Yoga leads to spirituality and it controls the mind to the maximum extent. While aiming at spiritualization, we do not mean to neglect the utility of material life nor to underestimate it's importance, but to adopt the means through which material life can be sublimated into spiritual life.

Yoga Travel Destination: Wild Rose Yoga - Chiang Mai, Thailand

Recently I've had the privilege of visiting Wild Rose Yoga, found in the magical yoga travel locale of Chiang Mai, Thailand. This lovely studio serves as a haven for traveling yogis that make their pilgrimages to this Southeast Asian paradise. While not a yoga travel resort in the semantic sense, the studio offers many special trainings and events in addition to its regular class schedule. If you're planning a trip to Thailand, be sure to visit. Wild Rose will make you feel at home, making it easy to fall in love with Chiang Mai and extremely hard to leave.

Chiang Mai is an incredible city that must be experienced first-hand in order to fully comprehend its inner layers of beauty. Found in the north of Thailand, the city is a charming alternative to the concrete mayhem of its big brother Bangkok to the south. Chiang Mai's old town (where Wild Rose is located) is characterized by its chilled-out atmosphere with its multitude of vegetarian and organic restaurants, quaint coffee shops, and laid back watering holes. Situated amongst a tropical mountainous environment, the landscape surrounding the city boasts ancient temples, organic coffee farms, waterfalls, and elephant parks.

The lifestyle in Chiang Mai is easy going and simple, as is reflected on the smiling faces and warmth of its locals and visitors alike. Chiang Mai's friendliness is contagious. You'll quickly find yourself making new friends on a daily basis. In Chiang Mai, simply being in close proximity to another person is enough reason to start up a conversation and make a new friend. This gregarious warmth extends to Wild Rose Yoga as well.

Upon first reaching the studio I was greeted by Rosemary Bolivar, the owner of Wild Rose, who welcomed me and gave me the grand tour. The studio itself is nothing short of spectacular. A dark wooden foundation gives a rustic and cozy feel to the space. I had the opportunity to experience our asana practice during a monsoon shower which had a soothing effect of transforming the studio into a elemental shelter. Wild Rose also has a sauna which hosts weekly "Steam and Beam" sessions where patrons can enjoy herbal scrubs and masks after an invigorating yoga class.

I highly recommend Wild Rose Yoga in Chiang Mai for any yoga travel enthusiast. Stay up to date with coming events and guest teachers on the Wild Rose Facebook Page, which globally connects the yoga travel enthusiasts that have visited this great studio.

Matt C. Elmore is a Certified Yoga Instructor, Internet Marketer, and Electrical Engineer. His passions include health, love, the pursuit of happiness, yoga, dance, and travel. Yoga Travel Blog Free Yoga Website

What People Need to Know Regarding on the Best Acne Treatment

Every person all around the world must have their own issues with acne problems. In some parts of their life, acne might be the worse that have ever happened in their life. That is why many people are looking for the best way to cure their acne in a rapid way. However, that kind of act might actually worse the acne if you don't have the proper information regarding the matter.

First of all, when acne comes, people might turn into a panic situation where they often pinch all the pimples that come out of their face hoping that it will then disappear. In the end, the result is not exactly like what they hoped. In fact, it's just making it worse.
When you pinched the pimples, the bacteria that are contained inside it will come out and spread into another part of your face. The pimple that had broken will then leave a scar that surely is not good at all for your face appearance. And in the end, you will find out that pinching pimples is just not effective at all.

Other than pinching pimples, people are tending to choose lots of anti-acne creams along with lotions that are sold in local stores. That might be a good choice at first, but then it'll only work temporarily. The products are good in making the symptoms go away without solving the problem from the root. Thus, when you are already done solving one acne problem, another one might appear again making you addicted to the products which can also be dangerous in long time.

The best way for dealing with acne problems is by making sure that your body's hormone is in a balance state. Acne often affected teenagers at the age of puberty because at that time their hormones are in an imbalance state. However, adult people can still also have the problems with acne when they lack the awareness to watch over their health, like their bad eating habit or even the stress that came out of the heavy pressure from work.

In the end, you need to get rid of acne by making sure that you are having a balance life by paying attention to what you eat. It is best to avoid food that contains lots of fat and even dairy products. Fruit and vegetables will do you well in helping you getting rid of acne. Try to relax and ease your mind sometimes by doing some yoga training so you can avoid stress.

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Online Preparation Options for Fitness Careers

Training for a career in fitness can be completed through various online schools and colleges. You can choose from a number of career paths while studying from the comfort of your own home. Online career preparation programs are available to help you gain the skills needed to enter into a fitness career. Training can be completed in specialized areas of study and at a number of certificate and degree levels. You can learn more by researching available programs and requesting more information from the school or colleges of your choice.

By choosing to train online in this career field you can complete various coursework and studies at your own leisure. Some programs may require hands on training, so it is important to look into this prior to enrollment. You can choose to gain an education in various areas including athletic training, fitness training, and personal training. Specialized studies will help you to pursue the career you dream of. Training in these areas can be completed at the:

Associate Degree
Bachelor Degree
Master Degree

...levels of education. The specific degree or certificate will help to determine the length of study required. Training can last anywhere from six months to six years based on your desired career.

Accredited online schools and colleges are available to provide you with the coursework and skill training that will prepare you for a successful career in fitness. You will have the opportunity to obtain knowledge in various subjects that relate to the specialized area of study you choose. Training may consist of learning:

Fitness Activities

...and many other related course subjects. Training in areas such as these will help you to prepare for the career you wish to pursue. There are numerous career options in the field of fitness to choose from.

With online studies you will gain the knowledge and skills you need to pursue the career you long for. You can choose from a number of specialized career areas and training can be completed to enter into careers working as a fitness expert, yoga trainer, athletic trainer, fitness trainer, personal trainer, and many other fitness related professions. You can pursue careers in rehabilitation therapy, fitness, and much more. Education in this field may consist of advanced online courses in nutrition, exercise, and other topics that relate to all careers and areas of this field. Receiving an accredited online education will prepare you to enter into the workforce and begin the career of your dreams.

Accredited fitness education programs online can help give you the preparation you need to start an exciting new career. Agencies like the Distance Education and Training Council ( ) are approved to provide full accreditation to various schools and colleges that offer students a quality education. You can research various programs to find the one that fits your individual needs and career goals. By requesting more information you can be on your way to receiving the training you need to pursue a career in fitness. Start by choosing an educational path and enrolling in an accredited online learning program today.

DISCLAIMER: Above is a GENERIC OUTLINE and may or may not depict precise methods, courses and/or focuses related to ANY ONE specific school(s) that may or may not be advertised at

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Renata McGee is a staff writer for Locate Online Fitness Degree Programs as well as Campus Based Fitness Degree Programs at, your Partners in Education and Tuition Assistance Programs.