Saturday, October 12, 2013

Yoga: Benefits of Pranayama

Pranayam is made up of two words Prana + Ayam.

Prana is the vital force present in whole cosmos. We have been provided Prana, the supreme source of energy by the creator. Proper utilisation of this free source of energy can make remarkable changes to our physical and mental health, vitality and self confidence. Prana is more subtle than air and can be defined as the energy essence that is within everything in the universe.

Ayama means to control or to give a rhythm or a definite flow.

In this sense Pranayama may be defined as a process and technique through which vital energy can be stimulated and increased and this brings about perfect control over the flow of Prana within the body. Pranayama locks the scattering of pranic energy, consolidates it at the centre of your body-mind complex and laser-beams it to an intense awareness of the self. In simple language Pranayam can be said to be the right form of breathing technique to control our energy.

Breathing Technique: We can train ourselves to breathe more slowly and more deeply. We can reduce our breathing rate from about fifteen breaths a minute to 5-6 breaths a minute. Reduced breathing rate leads to slowing down the heart rate as more oxygen can be pumped even with less number of breaths. Time of exhalation should be longer than that of inhalation in the breath cycle.

Types of Pranayama:

1. Bhastrika Pranayama

2. Kapal Bhati Pranayama

3. Baghi Pranayama

4. Anulom Vilom Pranayama

5. Bhramari Pranayama

6. Udgeet Pranayama

Most of us are not well aware of tangible and intangible benefits of Pranayama. All benefits of pranayama cannot be written down, few of them are listed below:-

Healthy Heart: Heart is the key organ of our body which beats about 70 times per minute to pump blood non-stop all your life. The health of your heart indicates our life expectancy and quality of life in old age. More oxygen in the blood means more oxygen to muscles of the heart.

Better Blood Circulation: As a result of better breathing techniques, the freshly oxygenated blood travels from lungs to the heart. The heart pumps it via arteries and blood vessels to every part of the body, where in turn is absorbed by every tissue and cell. This improves the blood circulation and more oxygen energy reaches all parts of your body.

Stress Management: Pranayama is an excellent stress relief technique. Pranayama practice provides freedom from negative thought, anger, depression, lasciviousness, greed for money, arrogance etc. With pranayama fluctuations of mind are controlled and it prepares the mind for meditation. With practice of pranayama, we can experience lightness of body, feeling of inner peace, better sleep, better memory and better concentration whereby improving the spiritual powers/ skills. Mental peace and clarity of thought occur in our mind. Cheerfulness and enthusiasm is increased in life.

Functioning of Body Organs: By practice of pranayama all body organs gets more oxygen, toxins are removed from body; therefore onset of various diseases is prevented. Better functioning of autonomic system improves the working of lungs, heart, diaphragm, abdomen, intestines, kidneys and pancreas. Digestive system improves and diseases pertaining to digestive organs are cured with good appetite. General irritability due to lethargy/ fatigue vanishes. Pranayama strengthens the immune system. Pranayama reduces wear and tear of internal organs.

Longevity and Quality of Life in Old Age: Higher the breath rate, lower the life of creature in the world. Dog and monkey have higher breathing rate and lower life in contrast with elephant and tortoise taking four to five breaths in a minute and it lives up to 200 years or more. As a person with sedentary lifestyle reaches middle age, lung tissues tend to grow less and less elastic and lung capacity decreases. Pranayama can help to reduce the effects of following old age problems.

Reducing Stress With These Secret Methods

Stress is a common occurrence in the modern world where individuals constantly face pressures in their daily life. The pressure to improve job performance, school performance or otherwise are not only forms of emotional stress, but physical stress as well. The average person may be surprised to know that the physical stress reaches even the minuscule cells of both the spinal system and nervous system.

There are various methods aimed at reducing stress, but all methods share in common the recognition of the well-being of both the mind as well as the body. Some of the methods found to be most effective for reducing stress include yoga, meditation, Network Chiropractic Care, and regular exercise. Network Chiropractic Care is undoubtedly the most recently developed approach used to reduce stress.

Network Chiropractic Care is most likely the least well known of all the methods to reduce stress, but it is important that people are aware of its benefits. Sometimes Network Chiropractic Care is referred to as "Network Spinal Analysis" due to the focus on the role of the spine in stress relief. Those specializing in network spinal analysis are trained chiropractors who incorporate their professional training with the patient's understanding of the tension blockage in both the spinal and nervous system.

Doctors often insist that surgery or prescription medicines are the only methods of reducing extreme stress, specifically in the spine. Yet leading specialists in Network Chiropractic Care insist that once patients improve nerve energy flow, their stress is notably reduced as a person's health improves. Most wellness centers delivering the network spinal analysis approach tend to incorporate other important components of stress relief, specifically yoga meditation and regular exercise.

It is important to fully perform an evaluation of an individual's lifestyle when assessing the sources of daily stress. A change in lifestyle, including eating habits, meditation or exercise, can lead to a serious change in stress that used to prevail in daily life. If an individual is capable of reorganizing the flow of energy based in the nervous system, then they can limit the stress that ails them.

Yoga and meditation sessions revolve around a key ability to mentally focus or visualize during the session. Key ingredients to reducing stress through yoga and meditation is to successfully practice deep breathing exercises. The individual's ability to realign their nerve energy flow during meditation allows them to realign the flow of stress. Since Network Chiropractic Care improves energy flow over the nervous system it compliments all types of stress relief and healing methods.

Learn more about stress relief visit the website of a Denver Chiropractor. For more info about Network Chiropractic Care and stress relief or to claim your free copy of the eBook 52 Health And Lifestyle Tips you can check out this Denver Chiropractic website.

Ab Machines Waste Time

These machines will help you strengthen your abdominals, but to achieve ripped abs, ab machines are a waste of time. Increasing your overall metabolism through resistance training, controlling your diet and decreasing stress in one's life will help you achieve your ripped abs.

Overall resistance training has shown to increase the body's metabolism. The increased lean body mass that results from resistance training increases the muscle's activity, which utilizes the excess body fat to fuel its needs.

Exercises that incorporate interval training have shown to increase the body's metabolism. The anaerobic component of the exercises allows the body to increase its metabolic activity, which thereby increases the use of excess body fat as fuel for the body. The body also continues to burn fat well after the exercise activity has ended.

Watching what we eat is another factor that will help us achieve ripped abs. Avoiding processed foods, fatty foods, fast foods and sodas will help keep your diet balanced and help you control your caloric intake.

Controlling the calories we consume, by increasing the number of meals we eat to 5-6 meals and decreasing the meal portions, allows our body to stabilize its energy levels and allow it to burn excess fat as fuel. When the body burns what we eat, it will then turn to the fat and use that as fuel.

Controlling stress in our lives is another factor we need to consider. Stress has the ability to make our body store excess body fat in our belly area. The hormone Cortisol causes our body to react this way, so in order to keep that from happening we must decrease our stress levels.

Activities like deep breathing, yoga, tai chi and meditation will help us manage our stress levels more effectively and help decrease the storage of body fat in our abdominal area.

Ab machines are a waste of time and really have no effect on achieving ripped abs. To effectively get ripped abs, we must increase our overall metabolism through exercise, diet and decreasing stress in our lives. When we are able to control these factors, we can achieve ripped abs.

If you want to burn fat and fix joints the right way, please visit

How Yoga Can Help Asthma

You may have the mistaken idea that Yoga is just the next best workout offered among a smorgasbord of options.

Yes, Yoga can be a workout and a really good one for all the muscles and joints. You can stretch and strengthen with Yoga and get the best workout of your life. Just ask Madonna. I read, several years ago, that after she discovered Ashtanga Yoga,(a rigorous style and practice), she never went back to the gym again.

But beyond the physical training offered by Yoga, and the calming serenity you may feel after a class, Yoga can give you a whole new way of looking at breathing. For those with asthma or other breathing problems Yoga can definitely help retrain you in how to breathe better...more deeply, more fully and more slowly.

Most of us take our breathing for granted. We inhale; we exhale; that's it. But what if we consider something we do so many times each day, perhaps we better take another look at our breath and make breathing more conscious.

Dr Andrew Weil, the eminent physician and author, incorporates complimentary medicine into his practice and his writings about health. He includes the instruction of how to breath consciously when treating his patients for all kinds of ailments. He reports much healing success through learning to breathe properly.

In Yoga there are many breathing techniques. Some to calm, some to balance, others to energize you.

I personally have three favorite methods. All can be done sitting on the floor crossed legged or in a straight back chair. If are sitting, it is best that your spine be upright, rather than leaning back. Or you can lie down on the floor or a bed and practice the following techniques. You will see the good results in a short amount of time.

1. Diaphramatical Breathing

Diaphramatical or belly breathing is the natural way to breathe but many of us do upside down breathing by sucking in the belly on the inhale. This breath gets oxygen into the lowest region of the lungs. Place your hands gently over your belly. As you inhale through your nose allow the belly to expand into your hands and as you exhale through the nose the belly moves back toward your spine, squeezing all the air out. Then you start the next inhale.

2. The complete Yoga Breath

This breath accessing the lungs full capacity to breathe and getting the breath into all three chambers of the lungs.Place you left hand gently on your belly and your right hand over your heart. As we did before inhale and expand the belly and then continue to lift the inhalation through the ribs, all the way up to the heart area. Hold the breath in for a moment at the top and then breathing through the nose, slowly exhale down the torso. When you get to the bottom, contract the belly a bit to squeeze all the air out. Then begin again.

You might slowly inhale up for the count of three, hold at the top for the count of four and then slow the exhale down for the count of seven. Repeat as many times as you would like.

3. The Ha Breath

Take a deep breath through your nose and open your mouth and let ot the sound of a gentle "ha". Allow your mouth and jaw to relax as you exhale all the breath.Repeat three times anytime you feel stressed and you will feel the anxiety just floating away.

by Angelena Craig

Angelena Craig is a professional level Kripalu Yoga Instructor with fifteen years of teaching experience. She was the founder of Beacon Light Yoga Center of Boston and has trained thousands of beginning and more experienced yoga students.

As a teaching consultant for the Massachusetts Department of Housing of Finance she created her Chair Yoga program primarily for seniors. She then produced Chair Yoga DVD, "Angelena's Yoga Using a Chair" to make this easy to follow program more accessible to anyone of any size, shape or fitness level in a format that can be used in the comfort of the home or the office.

In 2008 Angelena opened her new business The New Aging Movement, how to stay young while growing older. She offers private and group Yoga classes and Wellness workshops in Sarasota Florida and in the Boston area. Each summer she teaches Yoga on the Beach, Plum Island, MA and each winter leads a yoga adventure/retreat to Jamaica, WI.

She may be reached at

Questions About Yoga Teacher Certification Through Correspondence Courses

Have you ever been curious or skeptical about how correspondence courses, for Yoga teachers, work? Below is a question and answer session about educating Yoga instructors through distance learning. These courses are online, or correspondence programs, designed for the education of new, or established, Yoga teachers.

Q: It's hard to believe that someone can be certified as a Yoga teacher without face-to-face contact. How does a correspondence course for Yoga instructors compensate for personal contact?

A: Technology, in the form of streaming video, via Internet and DVDs, has changed the face of education and training in every field. Correspondence courses traditionally entailed learning by reading, and maybe sending a few photos of postures, but video has made learning and testing much easier - especially when you add telephone, or Email contact,

Many graduates of correspondence courses are already certified or registered Yoga teachers, but they need Continuing Education Credits for re-certification from the registries or their original certifier. Therefore, Yoga certification organizations provide continuing education for Yoga teachers, and the world's Yoga registries approve of non-contact continuing education units (CEUs).

Q: What kind of testing requirements do Yoga teacher graduates go through?

A: The examinations process is the same as most on-site Yoga teacher training courses. There will be written exams, but you will retain more information from essay-style written examinations. Multiple choice and true or false examinations do not require a Yoga teacher intern to do in-depth thinking and research.

There may be essays, research, and a synopsis or two. The highlight of the testing process is the practical exam video, which may be 50% of the entire grade. The video may require you to demonstrate, assist, adjust, and explain, pranayama (Yogic breathing), relaxation, asana (Yoga posture), and meditation techniques.

Depending on the practical exam requirements, there may be other techniques to demonstrate, and explain, such as: Mudras (gestures, usually performed with the hands), bandhas (locks), or something else.

Q: Is knowledge of all the aspects of classical Hatha Yoga required?

A: A well-rounded distance learning Hatha Yoga course should contain educational materials about the following aspects: Anatomy, Physiology, Kinesiology, Asanas, Modifications, Yoga philosophy, Yoga teaching methodology, Adjusting posture (asana) alignment, Chakras, Bandhas, Mudras, Yamas, Niyamas, Pranayama, Meditation and Relaxation, Working with special populations, Yoga Teaching Tips, and Yoga Teacher Ethics.

Granted, some Yoga distance learning courses have less material to learn, but the very first level 1 course should contain at least 200 hours worth of material, to set a solid foundation of knowledge. In fact, a level 1 Yoga certification course is often considered a foundational course, which opens the path toward constructive continuing education for life.

? Copyright 2008 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of Yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA.

He has been a certified Master Yoga Teacher since 1995. To receive Free Yoga videos, Podcasts, e-Books, reports, and articles about Yoga, please visit:

The Truth About LinkedIn That You Might Not Want to Hear

Spend a little time on LinkedIn and you will be amazed; I know I was. You really can reach out and tap some pretty amazing and accomplished people on the shoulder.

The site has attracted some real power players including executives at some of the world's largest companies, as well as top-level executives at all sorts of start-ups. If you find that you are looking for a job, then you will definitely want to take a look at LinkedIn.

Now, I think LinkedIn is a very valuable and useful website, whether you are trying to land a job or you are networking for the purposes of Internet marketing. You can meet just about any type of person in any industry just by spending a little time on this website. Yet, LinkedIn isn't exactly what you might think it is.

Many people start using LinkedIn and expect a job to just "fall in their laps." If you are using LinkedIn for the purpose of finding a job, then you should understand that it takes time for LinkedIn to be truly effective for you. In other words, you should expect to invest some time doing some serious networking.

Simply logging into to LinkedIn, building a short profile and expecting the jobs to roll in makes about as much sense as sending out five resumes and wondering why you don't have a job. LinkedIn is a great tool, but it's not a magical one.

I field a lot of questions from people, but by far the most popular is people wondering how I was able to become financially independent so quickly. The reason that people ask this is that I lost everything in 2007 when the real estate market collapsed. I was working as a mortgage broker and literally woke up one morning stunned and jobless.

Fortunately, I had been studying yoga for years and had even been a teacher. As I am constantly telling people, when you find yourself in a stressful situation being able to keep you cool is what it is all about.

Thanks to my yoga training and my philosophy on life, I was able to think logically about how to make money. I jumped into Internet marketing with both feet, and now I make far more money than I ever made as a mortgage broker.

Keeping level headed allowed me to explore and use tools like LinkedIn to their fullest. It is critically important that you believe in yourself and use the great tools that are out there on the web.

Didar Khalsa is an Internet marketing guru who is literally changing the way people are making money online. By blending the mental and physical discipline of his extensive yoga training with a demonstrated mastery of Internet marketing. Visit his homepage at, and check out his blog at or you can reach Didar at 954-551-8425.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Yoga Tips And Equipment For Maximum Results

Whether you are a beginner or an advanced student, yoga requires a lot of self discipline. The postures (also known as asanas) are designed to be slow and steady. None of these postures are meant to be painful, but they are challenging. When you are practicing your postures, be careful not to extend far enough to cause yourself discomfort. As you practice, you naturally extend the reach of your muscles and at a point; you will find that you are able to relax into each of the stretches with ease.

As with any activity, there are tips that will allow you to progress more quickly. The tips for practicing yoga that you should remember are:

- Clear your mind, let go of your worries and put the day dreaming on hold

- Yoga requires peace and quiet prepare yourself by turning off your phone and do not answer the door

- Prepare your body and mind for your lesson. Take a warm, relaxing shower; wear loose comfortable clothes that will allow you to stretch easily.

Many people find that clearing your mind takes a bit of practice. Aromatherapy is one external method that is designed to help you relax; a few of the others include subliminal tapes, "sounds of nature" type of tapes, and even "white noise" machines. If you find that you are having trouble relaxing, consider using one of the many external methods at first. This "practice" relaxation, just like your posture practicing will train your mind and body to relax. Practicing with an external method will soon have you able to relax on your own.

Once you are able to relax at will, you will find that it becomes easier for you to control your thoughts and clear your mind. You will be able to begin your yoga sessions more quickly and will achieve better results with each session.

There are several small items that you will want to buy. These include:

- A yoga mat. Resting on the pad keeps you from slipping and sliding on the floor. This allows you to maintain your focus.

- Belts or ropes. These are used to help you extend your legs by pulling them into a better stretch. (Remember that you should not extend them far enough to cause yourself discomfort, just enough to extend your current stretch.)

- Blocks or balls. These are used to sit better, for standing posture and to prop yourself up.

Remove your shoes and socks if you would prefer. Pull your hair back, or take it down, whichever is the most comfortable for you. Adjust the lights if you like (or leave them alone and work in the sunlight).

Many people starting out prefer to take a yoga class. This gives them the confidence of knowing that they are performing the postures correctly. The social aspect is another advantage of a class setting.

Whatever you decide, remember that although the yoga postures are important, getting them perfect is not the real goal. Yoga is not just a physical exercise; it includes controlling your mind and body. It is a spiritual exercise as much as a physical one. Learn to control your mind and body and you will have much greater control over your emotions and reaction in other areas of your life.

Belinda Nelson is a free lance copywriter who enjoys writing on a variety of subjects. Each article is carefully researched and put together for the benefit of the reader. You are invited to find out more and leave your own comment about her findings on the subject of self improvement by visiting: Be sure to sign up for your free gift while you are there!

Traditional Versus Fitness Yoga

There are so many different styles and kinds of yoga I'm not sure you could even list them all. Even within the same style each teacher teaches differently enough that you could say each teacher really does have a style of their own.

There is a big difference between traditional and modern yoga though. This is my take on it:

Traditional Yoga

Traditional yoga classes are typically 90 minutes. They are held in a studio which generally does an amazing job of creating a restful atmosphere. You need to arrive 10 minutes early at least and I always feel it appropriate to whisper for some reason. Traditional yoga often can include chanting and more advanced breathing practices so be sure to read the class description if you aren't comfortable with that. You sign up for a period of time or a session of classes. The studio's are great because they have a large amount of different types of props for customizing poses. The studio's are also very good at cleaning the mats and other props. Traditional yoga doesn't always follow current alignment principles - for example many poses bring your knee forward of your ankle. Just be sure to be careful and listen to your body. The costs are higher to attend classes in a studio setting. Look into the teachers teaching credentials as there is no standard as to what level of training private studio's need. They could be anything from a student teacher to a 500hr Registered Yoga Teacher.

Modern/Fitness Yoga

Modern/Fitness yoga classes are typically 60 minutes. They are held in a gym or community center setting. Depending on the teacher they can try to set the mood but very often these facilities do not have dimmers and sometimes it's not even a fully enclosed room. I have often taught in a studio area baking onto the racquetball court - a test in concentration to say the lease. Very often participants are running in right as class starts. These classes can be drop-in, sessions or part of a gym membership. These facilities very often don't have props or even an yoga mats so call ahead to find out. I suggest bringing your own to a fitness yoga class. Modern/Fitness yoga is more aware of current fitness principals such as alignment. This type of yoga is a cheaper than traditional but be aware that the instructor may or not have the same credentials as a studio. To teach in a fitness facility you only need to have the BCRPA (British Columbia Recreation and Parks Association) Yoga leader designation or equivalent in your province or state.

The above might on the surface a bit bias toward the studio setting but that is not the case. I suggest trying a variety of facilities, styles and teachers before settling on one you want to invest your time and money into. Even after you find that magic place and teacher be sure to visit other classes.

If you want to try yoga but can't fit in a 90 minute traditional class please don't hesitate to try a nearby gym or community center. The benefit are amazing!

This article by Gaylene Thoeny, a 500hr Registered Yoga Teacher, Personal Trainer, Lifestyle Manager, Yogi and mom. Go to [] for more information. Gaylene specializes in creating a grounded life on and off the mat. You can also follow her online on twitter & facebook.

How to Succeed as a Yoga Teacher

Upon successful graduation from a Yoga teacher training course, many new Yoga teachers feel they still need some direction. After spending five months, up to years, with a Master Yoga teacher, Swami, or Guru, the new Yoga teacher has left the nest, but where should he or she go from there?

Let's look at an organized way for new Yoga teachers to expand their knowledge, while pursuing their passion. After all, Yoga instructors cannot share the same interests all the time. With so many forms of Yoga, and a multitude of aspects to choose from, "the sky is the limit."

Are you interested in Office Yoga, Prenatal or Postnatal Yoga, Chair Yoga, Yoga Therapy, Yoga for Stress Disorders, teaching Yoga to children, or another Yoga teaching path? There are many directions to specialize in, and it is best to keep the list small.

This brings up the first step in finding your direction: Write a list of goals, interests, and objectives, for teaching Yoga. There is something very powerful about "etching ideas into the subconscious mind," with a pen and paper.

If you decide to enter deadline dates, for short-term goals, you might be shocked at the number of goals, which reach fruition. When you put ideas into writing, and take action, the success rate does go up.

Avoid procrastination, and do not allow excuses to run your life. This is a pitfall on a goal-setting path. I guarantee that you will run into obstacles. Nobody has a life without them; however, look at each one as a stimulating challenge.

Do not waste time on blaming anybody, or anything; this will make you stronger as you journey toward becoming a better Yoga teacher. This will also guide you in the right direction to meet the needs of your students.

Organize your list of goals by priority. Which goals are more urgent? Decide by projected deadlines - in measurements of days, weeks, months, and years. This will help you to avoid wasting time on long-term goals, when you have a serious deadline facing you this week.

It is human nature to try to avoid the tough projects. Yet, you are best off to tackle the difficult projects first. Once you have taken care of the toughest chores, a heavy burden has been lifted from your mind and you can think clearly.

Get rid of all distractions for optimum use of your time. For example: Cell phones, television, time wasting chatter, and Email must wait if you are in the middle of an important project or your studies. You do not have to live the lifestyle of a Spartan, but there are some times when the "technological toys" get in the way of real progress.

Lastly, reward yourself with quality time, when you have finished a project. Make sure that you take the time to enjoy your family, friends, and quality relationships. You are a Yoga teacher, who teaches the art of living, and you should also enjoy a balanced life.

© Copyright 2007 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, is a co-owner and the director of Yoga teacher training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA, hust 20 minutes north of Providence, RI. He has been a certified Master Yoga teacher since 1995. To receive a Free e-Book: "Yoga in Practice," and a Free Yoga Newsletter, please visit:

Yoga Instructor Training - Yoga and Sciatica

Causes of sciatica can stem from several things. Spinal disc herniation is one of them. This occurs when the soft center of a spongiform ring of cartilage between spinal vertebrae bulges out. This effectively tears the tougher outer ring. The nerve is no longer protected and gets compressed. A herniated disc occurs usually from some rotational movement. Students with spinal disc herniation must be more cautious than others with any poses involving rotation of the spine.

Sciatica can set in during late pregnancy in some women due to the uterus pressing on the sciatic nerve. Women who already have sciatica before getting pregnant will suffer an increase in symptoms during their pregnancy.

For anyone with sciatica and especially pregnant women, it is important to keep a slight bend in the knee during any forward fold. As mentioned previously, it may be best to avoid these types of poses. If the student is comfortable doing these poses, make sure they are modified to avoid further pressure on the sciatic nerve roots.

Poses suggested for sciatica suffers are the cat-cow pose and pelvic rocks. Have students' alternate arm and leg raises while focusing on breathing. These poses and the pelvic rocks can be done several times a day to alleviate symptoms.

Yoga has many poses (asanas). With proper guidance asanas can relieve pain. The pigeon pose helps to open the hips and stretch the muscle in the gluteal region, the piriformis muscle. Both the locust pose and the cobra pose effective stretch the sciatic area, improving circulation and lifting pressure.

All students should be continuously encouraged to listen to their bodies. This is even more essential for students with sciatica. Remember to make sure that they only push each pose as deep as it comfortable for them. Yoga students with free range of movement are able to push their limits.

Sciatica sufferers, however, must take care not to further damage their backs or cause additional pain. Remind students to continue to regularly practice their yoga poses even after pain is gone. Regular yoga exercises maintain health all around for a higher quality of life.

© Copyright 2008 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of Yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. He has been a certified Master Yoga Teacher since 1995. To receive a Free Yoga e-Book: "Yoga in Practice," and a Free Yoga Newsletter, please visit:

Exercises to Relieve Back Rigidity

There are a number of ways to get shot of back rigidity. You have the conventional option of taking differing types of drugs or you can select the more natural way. In the natural way you can shed your back difficulty by performing assorted exercise routines. There are a few different exercises which will assist you achieve this. Below is a stockpile of some of them.

If you want to get rid of back rigidity and need to use exercise as a therapy, you'll need a formal exercise regime. It is not necessary not obligatory that you enroll yourself in a formal exercising plan for this purpose. In a number of cases where the back trouble is just at its beginning stages, nothing but straightforward bending and stretching would be needed. If you have sedentary lifestyle, this will really help.

If you are still vital on joining a correct exercise course; then yoga is one useful option for you. Yoga helps to make you more flexible. In this manner it helps to eliminate one of the major factors that lead to agony in the back. It also helps to improve the power of the back muscles. Though yoga is helpful; not every yoga pose is intended for you. If you are nursing back problem; steer clear of some yoga asanas that can increase our chance of hurting your back. For this it is important to find direction of a trained yoga instructor. This will help you avoid certain yoga poses that might prove deleterious to your back. Follow the poses that you can practice easily without straining your back.

Another new form that provides help in back pains is water exercise or aquatics therapy. These exercises involve use of water in various different exercises to treat the issues. As you try and float in water, it brings a feeling of support and weightlessness. The result's that your back, especially the sundry joints become considerably relieved of pressure. You can simply move your back, thanks to the pressure reduction on joints. As additional benefits, these water exercises increase your muscle strength and improve overall flexibility of your body.

Core stabilization coaching can also turn out to be of significant help in treating back difficulty. In simple words core stabilization training refers to practicing exercises that are meant to strengthen the core muscles of the body. Stronger core muscles improve the posture and afterwards relieve back stiffness. If you're going to the gym, you may ask your instructor about a fitness program that can exercise your core as well.

You can choose from any of these exercise types to ward off back pain in a natural manner. But, make sure that you talk to your GP before you go ahead with any of these exercise plans. So, what are you waiting for? Start exercising and you'll be able to get rid of back pain for sure.

To know more about Backache Exercises and Back Pain Treatments visit:

What is Yoga and What Should Be the Yoga Company's Vision?

Yoga is designed to improve the health, performance, and mental acuity of athletes or individuals interested in improving their level of fitness. Based on the ancient fitness science of hatha yoga, it blends balance, strength, flexibility and power in a fitness format. Yoga training overcomes the mystery of yoga by delivering a practical, user-friendly style, which is accessible, understandable, and doable by individuals at any level of fitness.

Many people think that yoga is just stretching. But while stretching is certainly involved, yoga is really about creating balance in the body through developing both strength and flexibility. This is done through the performance of poses or postures, each of which has specific physical benefits.There are still a lot of misconceptions about Yoga, for instance, Yoga being a religion. Yoga is not a religion. It is more of a set of techniques for us to find spirituality.

Breathing techniques were developed based on the concept that breath is the source of life. In Yoga, students gain breathing control as they slowly increase their breathing. By focusing on their breathing, they prepare their minds for the next step - Meditation. Yoga has gotten popular over the years and is now known as one of the best ways to stay fit.

The vision of Yoga Companies is to bring Yoga to the public. When mainly 10 percent of the US populace is associated with a health and fitness club, there is a yearning and need to get folks moving is necessary. Yoga is a gift belonging to the body and also the mind. In the flagship Yoga Studio in Hermosa Beach, CA, companies started giving Yoga courses for donation exclusively. The community responded gratefully.

Businesses such as these think that if everyone within the planet offered one hour per week of neighborhood service work, the earth would be a greater place. That is why they call for each and every Yoga Trainee to do 8 hours of practice teaching within a Community Service environment before obtaining a Certificate of Completion. These students have brought the practice and benefits of Yoga to senior citizens in long term care homes, stressed out business professionals, cancer patients and survivors, disabled persons, imprisoned persons, terminally ill individuals, children, mentally challenged people and military servants, only to name some.

The Community Service Program presents the Trainees the means to apply their fresh teaching abilities inside a less stressful environment with an appreciative crowd. As the hundreds of letters we get inside our corporate office, state, volunteering time and effort has proven to be probably the most satisfying experience for a number of our Trainees. This particular yoga company is focused on this function since it advances the fact of giving and sharing without restraint.

This then promotes and supports the philosophy of "Conscious Business." In this Millennium they think that the businesses that are socially responsible will prosper from great will and great karma. Together they are changing the paradigm of what it really signifies to do good business... really good business.

Yogafit has a lot of very informative advice in all aspects of yoga teacher training, poses and everything else. She also has a number of conferences several times a year, a very popular yoga DVD and is known yoga guru and mogul around the world.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Awesome Anti-Aging Exercises You Can Do at Home

Natural anti-aging is something we would all like to accomplish. This is easy to do at home without expensive or risky plastic surgery. Here are three awesome anti-aging exercises to get you started.

Weight training or resistance exercise is one of the best exercises to shape your muscles, keeping them in place and to stop them from drooping. The extra muscle created can help burn more calories, making up for a slower metabolism that naturally happens as you get older.

You can do weight training in a gym with an instructor, if you are very motivated. A trainer can ensure you use the right moves and avoid injury. Using heavier weights is effective at not only building muscle, but also creating and maintaining bone density. This can be very helpful to protect you against osteoporosis.

If you don't have the desire or motivation to go to a gym, you can do resistance training at home. There are a number of methods such as using a workout dvd along with lighter dumb bells. These are safer instead of heavier weights as you work out on your own, yet are still very effective. Of course as you progress in your workouts, you can start using heavier weights for more resistance.

Other forms of resistance exercise include using a home gym that uses weights or cables. Still other types of exercise include working out with an exercise band, workout ball or calisthenics that uses jump squats, push-ups or similar.

The important thing to remember when doing these types of workouts is to be sure to stretch out your muscles. In addition, doing a little light aerobics before or after your work out can help you to stretch out more effectively while reducing the risk of muscle soreness.

Many people prefer the slower and gentler yoga as their preferred anti-aging exercise choice. Yoga is excellent to help stretch and tone muscles at the same time. And a flexible body is a youthful body. In fact, yoga philosophy says that a person is as young as her/his spine is flexible.

Yoga is used not only to stretch and tone, but to maintain mental health by keeping stress levels at bay. It is said to keep a person's mental competence in tact. Other anti-aging benefits include; more vitality and energy, increased resistance to disease, rejuvenation of glands, improved vision, and a more youthful, toned body.

Yoga can be done in a class with other people. This can give you an excuse to get out and meet people as well as set aside a time of day to focus on yourself. This is still another benefit of yoga.

If you don't want to take the time, there are plenty of home DVDs available. They don't cost a lot and it gives you time to work out the moves on your own. As you complete a few tapes, you have the knowledge to create a workout on your own and do it to relaxing music.

Our last exercise is going to be different than you think for it does not involve your entire body. Facial exercise is quickly becoming one of the most popular alternatives to a traditional face-lift.

Your face is bone, skin and tiny muscles around the bone and under your skin that give your face some of its shape. These muscles get droopy with time, causing a tired and aged appearance. On the other hand, these tiny muscles respond to exercise just like any other muscle.

Some people have "heard" that this can cause wrinkles. However, if you research facial exercise you will see that these exercises are becoming increasingly popular because more people are doing them. With a higher demand comes a higher offering of people and their programs.

This would not be in demand if it caused wrinkles. On the contrary, it is proving to be an effective and safe alternative for many people. There are some apparatus that help you perform the exercises and then there are others, sometimes called "facial gymnastics," that require only to learn how.

Use any of these natural anti-aging exercises as part of your at-home age proofing program. And don't forget the healthy diet to go with to keep your body youthful for many years to come.

Cindy Papp has been helping clientsfor 17 years. Check out more natural anti-aging techniques or lift your face with facial exercise.

Pilates, a Super Easy Guide

What Exactly Is Pilates?

Pilates has become a very popular style of work out which in some ways is close to Yoga or Tai Chi, in that the workouts are slow and controlled, emphasising optimum breathing and posture all the way through. It puts very little pressure on the spinal column or the joints, whilst encouraging higher muscle tone, strengthening and lengthening of the spine.

Exactly Where Did Pilates Come From?

Pilates was formulated over 95 yrs ago by founder Joseph Pilates during, and in the several years just after the first World War. Around those days he was wanting to allow hurt soldiers to get well, gain back movement, increase strength and greatly enhance stamina. It is a whole body fitness system with concentration on breathing and slow controlled moves.

A Total Fitness Workout.

However the main emphasis of pilates is on strengthening the core muscles of one's body, that's the muscles of the abdomen and the back. It's a total fitness exercise program. Pilates will help you maintain strength and flexibility, tone the abdominals and pelvic floor muscles and really encourage good health and fitness.

Is Pilates Safe For Everyone?

Its growing level of popularity has led to a long list of devoted enthusiasts, including Hollywood stars, fitness experts and professional athletes, but pilates is suitable for everyone. From the very fit to the not so fit. Right from the very young to people into their senior years. Pilates is endorsed by numerous doctors.

Can Pilates Help You Build Muscle?

Pilates is a fitness workout that develops overall flexibility, strength and endurance without adding muscle tissue by focusing primarily on the abdominal, hip and back muscle. Referred to as the body's "Core" muscle.

Where Is It Best To Learn Pilates?

As a result of it's level of popularity pilates classes are located in most neighborhoods and cities all over the world. Gyms, Health Clubs, Fitness Classes and so on are now almost all offering some sort of pilates training.

Is It Always Better To Use A Pilates Studio?

Some people tend to learn pilates within a specialized pilates studio. If you choose to learn using this method, you will get the perfect start. Pilates Studio's provide 1 on 1 pilates training and as with learning anything brand new, it usually is best to learn from a specialist first.

How About Learning Pilates at home?

Once you've learned the basics from your pilates teacher, after that you can carry on your pilates workout in your own home. There are many Videos and Dvd's it's possible buy to follow along with at home, but do stay in contact with your favorite pilates teacher and work out along with them from time to time. You will see they always teach you something that a Dvd or Video can't.

Aiden has been writing articles on-line for over 4 years now. He runs an Appliance Repair Company Washing Machine Repairs Portadown and a Dryer Repair Company Tumble Dryer Repairs Craigavon

About Yoga Pranayama and Similar Cleansing Techniques

Are you confused by Yoga's many techniques and their similarities? If so, you are not alone. Let's look at a question and answer session from a recent Yoga teacher training intensive.

Q: Would it be possible to tell me what is the difference between the following breathing techniques (Agni Sara, Kapalabhati, and Uddiyana Bandha)? They are performed in a similar way (forced abdominal contraction) and bringing the thoracic cage into neutral position while holding the breath.

A: All of these techniques are somewhat similar, but there are subtle differences in technique and purpose.

Agni Sara - On the physical level, this looks like a combination of Kapalabhati and Uddiyana Bandha. The combination of pranayama and asana looks to be more similar to Uddiyana Bandha. The deeper emphasis is on the use of all muscles in the lower abdomen and, specifically, use of the pelvic floor. When we consider agni sara for the subtle body, it is said that this technique activates kundalini shakti, at our navel center. Agni Sara is a primary step toward harnessing prana, which should result in spiritual growth.

Kapalabhati is a shatkarma (Kriya - primary cleansing duty) and an important pranayama technique, which focuses on cleansing the nasal passages and lungs. When practicing Kapalbhati, force is used only during the exhalation (rechaka) stage of breathing. Many Yoga teachers explain Kapalabhati as an active exhale, and passive inhale, pranayama technique.

The preferred position is a seated and comfortable asana. Relax the abdomen and forcefully exhale through your nose. The force is all at the stomach level - not at the pelvic floor. Ten rounds is a good start. This is a gradual practice which can expand to minutes, but never more than a total of ten minutes in one day.

It should be noted that any pranayama technique, that deprives your brain of oxygen, can cause brain cell damage, to some degree. Sometimes, too much of a good thing can become potentially dangerous.

Uddiyana Bandha is the abdominal lock itself. Uddiyana Bandha is not actually a form of pranayama, but a pure abdominal retraction locking technique. It is recommended that most students begin the practice of Uddiyana Bandha in a standing position. Later, it will be possible to practice in a sitting, all fours, or supine position.

Q: If I wanted to practice Yoga breathing, what breathing is the easiest and hardest?

A: This is a matter of opinion, but most of the teachers I talk to, mention that their students have more difficulty with Kapalabhati than any other technique. As for the easiest, the answer is wide open. Each student will have a different answer, but their favorite pranayama technique is often the easiest and the one technique they identified with right away.

Q: What is the goal in these exercises?

A: To open the mind and body connection is the most common goal of Kapalabhati and any pranayama technique. Agni Sara and Kapalabhati can also be classified as cleansing techniques for the physical body. All of the above mentioned techniques, massage the internal organs.

Q: How many repetitions should one reach to master these exercises?

A: Mastery of any Yogic technique depends on how much time we spend practicing and how much guidance we receive along the way. If a student practiced one million repetitions with poor technique, mastery may never happen. Therefore, there is no clear cut number of repetitions. However, it would be wise to receive guidance from a hands-on training session with a competent Yoga guru.

? Copyright 2010 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of Yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. He has been a certified Master Yoga Teacher since 1995. To receive Free Yoga videos, Podcasts, e-Books, reports, and articles about Yoga, please visit:

Use Cross Training to Shed the Pounds

Many people who want to lose weight take up a workout regimen based around running, just as people who want to build up their bodies do a weight-lifting regimen. So, these people run and run for miles and miles many days out of each week. And they often do lose weight, and they feel energized. But there are problems with the distance running method for training to lose weight.

*Even though the need to hold up the arms while running for many miles does strengthen them above the average sedentary person's (in a pound-for-pound comparison), distance runners' arms are often quite underdeveloped compared to other athletes' and not as developed as the runners would like them to be.

*Runners' upper bodies don't get any workout from running. So, for instance, take a distance runner specialist and invite him to go skiing with you or play volleyball with you and in spite of how fit he is, he will probably not make out very well.

*Because they melt off fat but tend to put on little muscle other than some in the backs of their legs and their buttocks, distance runners run the risk of becoming underweight.

*Some people who take up distance running find they are not losing weight like they want to. They become highly frustrated.

*Distance runners, especially men, often would like more sculpted bodies but aren't getting them from running.

*Running for miles and miles all the time puts tremendous strain on the knees, shins, feet, and lower back. These areas are commonly injured, and when they are injured there is no running--but there is some pretty bad pain.

*Running can become terribly monotonous. If this happens, motivation is lost due to boredom, the runner stops going for runs, and fitness deteriorates.

The purpose of this article is certainly not to bash running. It's one of the greatest fitness exercises in the world and it can give you a huge psychological lift, too. Certain so-called "health experts" today like to bash distance running, and they are wrong to do so. But--the problem here is, it's too specialized. That's why the problems listed above happen with those who run to lose weight or otherwise get fit.

Cross-training is the best way to get fit--and the best way to lose weight, too. Cross-training is so called because you are training physically "across the board". You aren't specializing in any one exercise. You do an array of different exercises, either together or on different days (or both). Some of your exercises are aerobic, some are anaerobic, some are about strengthening muscles and tendons rather than about cardio, some are about increasing flexibility.

While doing the same exercise over and over again for months does make you become super-efficient in that skill, it also puts great wear and tear on the muscle groups and joints involved, leading to a higher probability of injury or inflammation (which is the root of cancer, they now know). It also doesn't develop any other uninvolved area of the body, which could leave you weak or inflexible in areas where you don't wish to be. Your cardio-vascular health will be underdeveloped because either it won't be taxed enough or it won't be taxed for a long enough period. Consider the bulky weight lifter who can't move well, and who has poor core strength, and who turns into the Blob during his "off season".

Especially for someone who is looking for weight loss and fitness, not mastery of a sport, cross-training is the ideal way to fully develop the cardio-vascular system and tone or strengthen the entire body, not just a few muscles. Your strength and agility will both increase, and these are great benefits in and of themselves; but how does this make efforts to lose weight and keep it off more successful?

*Muscle burns more calories faster than fat does. The more of your body that is nicely muscled, the more calories you are burning even in your sleep.

*Since the cardio-vascular system becomes better developed, your body's metabolism becomes more efficient, and hence more calories are burned with greater ease and speed.

How does the cardio-vascular system become more efficiently trained with cross-training? It's due to the inclusion of both aerobic and anaerobic activities. Anaerobic activities mean pushing yourself as hard, as all-out, as you can for only a very, very short period--usually less than one minute (because you can't sustain it longer than that). Anaerobic activities would include:

*Wind sprints

*Sprinting uphill (either as a runner or on a bicycle)

*Running up and down stairs as fast as you can

*Lifting free weights "to failure"

Pushing yourself to your physical limits for very short but super intense periods revs up your cardio-vascular system more than long, sustainable aerobic activities and pushes it to new levels of efficiency. But because these events must necessarily be very brief, aerobic activities such as distance running or cycling are needed to keep your body at a high cardio-vascular level and keep your muscles from atrophying from too little use in between intense bursts.

Cross-training also keeps you away from the enemy of all fitness: boredom. When you're going to face some different challenge today than you did yesterday, you automatically take greater interest in today's workout. Your subconscious mind isn't saying, "Oh, it's the same old thing again." You push yourself harder without even realizing it, out of instinct. This greater intensity naturally leads to greater results.

In addition to running, sprinting, and cycling, cardiovascular events to make part of your cross-training schedule can include:





*Jumping Rope


For your strength training, try:

*Hindu push-ups

*Hindu squats


*Lifting Kettle-bells


Finally, don't forget stretching (yoga is great for this) and plyometrics. Once again, keep the whole body and mind involved in your weight loss and fitness endeavors through holistic cross-training.

Exercise is important, you should never ignore anything that so directly affects your bodies. Television commercials as well as a multitude of other media sources try everyday to pull you into their profit margins by disregarding your health. Fight their tactics with proven techniques that not only allow you to lead a healthier life but repair all the years of damage that your body has suffered through at the hands of corporations.

The Metabolic Maximization System will give you the tools and resources to finally take back your life and get the body you've always wanted.

Go to now to find out the 10 deadly mistakes that dieters make when trying to lose weight...

Weekly Workout Routine

You're already aware that no great accomplishments were achieved without preparation and planning. The same goes for getting in shape, building muscles, and improving your healthy. Staying organized is imperative to getting the results that you want, and developing a weekly workout routine that is easy to follow will keep you motivated on the days you don't feel like getting out of bed.

First you have to cover the basics of what days you're going to workout, and what major muscle groups you're going to target on those days. You're aware of the idea that your muscles do need a recovery time to repair themselves and grow, so it's important to incorporate those rest days into your routine. However, some overlap is just fine.

For example, let's say that on Mondays you are going to focus on chest and shoulders. Then Tuesday you workout your biceps, triceps, and forearms, and how about some abs. Of course you're shoulders are going to have to input some energy during the arm exercises, but they're use is only casual and you're not demanding much from them. They'll be ok.

Wednesday would be a great day to incorporate some cardio. This could be a run outside, a kickboxing class, swimming, a bike ride or whatever you enjoy. And don't overlook yoga either. Stretching is incredibly important for overall physical health, and it doesn't get any better than the stretch you'll get in yoga while making your entire body sweating like mad from the demanding positions. A weekly workout routine is never complete without incorporating time for stretching.

Thursday we bring the weights back in and focus on back muscles and your legs and hit the abs one more time. Notice that we only targeted the legs once, and that's all you need. With all of the cardio work you'll do and your other adventures outdoors, your legs will get plenty of work.

Friday we return to some intense cardio of your choice. Saturday, get out of your house, get out the gym, and go for a crazy long bike ride or an awesome hike in the mountains. Have fun, and guess're working out at the same time. Sunday is a fantastic day to rest and allow your body to catch up. Many studies have shown that taking a complete day off from any form of difficult labor is good not only for your muscles, but your mind and soul as well.

Always track your activities so you can approach your exercising with intention and focus. And keeping track of what you've done will be fantastic motivation when you look back two months later and see how far you've come.

If you're interested in learning more about extreme workouts and dramatically improving your physical fitness, visit my website, where I share what routines I have personally been using daily.

Visit my website at:

Forget Your Cardio Workout! Complete Workout at Home For Fat Loss

There are so many places out there where you can get both bad and good exercise information, including TV, websites, books, and ebooks, that it's easy to become confused. If you're looking for a bodyweight program that will help you reveal those strong and athletic abdominals, without doing any cardio, then you should try Circular Strength Training (CST) bodyweight exercises.

Here's the problem with most bodyweight workouts: they're boring. If they're not boring now, then they'll be boring later. And if you become bored with your training, there's a less chance that you'll stick to it. And if you don't stick to a program, you won't get any results.

This is exactly what happened to me. After gaining around fifteen pounds of fat, despite exercising regularly, I started looking for a better, more effective way I could get back into shape in the comfort of my own home. A friend of mine urged me to check out CST bodyweight exercises.

CST is a system developed by Coach Sonnon. The system is all about moving your body in unique ways. This is beyond typical pushups, pullups, and bodyweight squats. Coach Sonnon's workouts combine movements from Yoga, Dance, Gymnastics, and Animal exercises.

Once I started using CST principles and exercises into my bodyweight training my workouts immediately became more exiting, challenging, and started producing results. I was able to lose all the fat that I had gained, and even more, without doing any cardio!

What I learned was that the key to effective training is to keep your eyes open and search for alternatives and variations you can incorporate to keep your workouts fun, challenging, and produce incredible results. The moment your workouts become stale, boring, or easy...switch them up!

I know of an incredible fat loss program which uses CST exercises and training principles. The name of this program is Bodyweight Blueprint for Fat Loss. I've written a complete review of this program on my site, WorkoutWithoutWeights.Net

You have permission to publish this article in your web sites, ezines or electronic publication, as long as the piece is used in its entirety including the resource box, all hyperlinks (HTML clickable) and references and copyright info

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

P90X Yoga X

Tony Horton's P90X training program wonderfully balances the age-old practices of yoga while at the same time introduces different movements and stretches that helps in not only toning the body, but also building endurance and developing lean muscles. The P90X Yoga X that Tony introduces interestingly is not what most of us may think it to be. The yoga is far from relaxing, instead is as challenging as possible with intensity focus on the front and the centre. The yoga is physically demanding and even the toughest ones complain that they feel spent after the intense one hour thirty minutes yoga sessions.

However, those who are going through the P90X fitness program say that the P90X Yoga X has been adapted to add intensity to the overall workout and burn more fat. The result is much faster and more effective and thus more enjoyable as you know that you will be rewarded with a new you. This yoga session must not however be mixed with meditation as it is far from that, but does involve the usual yoga movements in a more free-flowing manner. Some of the P90X Yoga X are tough and involves difficult movements, but can be mastered with practice.

The P90X Yoga X is introduced in the workout sessions on the fourth day of the 90-day training program and is a welcomed changed after the fast-paced exercises of the previous 3 days. The yoga too, is based on the concept of muscle confusion and the exercises are so planed that it targets particular muscle group and thus encourages growth. The yoga involves not only difficult moves but also difficult balance postures and all target to improve the muscle endurance. The movements also help to increase concentration as the movements involved require concentrating the weigh on a certain group of muscles and hold the pose for some time.

The p90x yoga x helps to develop the coordination of the mind as the posture are free flowing and very spontaneous and alerts the reflexes of the person doing the exercises. The extensive stretches and twists that are involved in the yoga helps build endurance and make the body more flexible and agile along with toning the muscles. However, other than these purposes, there is another benefit that the yoga gives- it helps the mind to have control over the body. As the body starts dealing with difficult and challenging positions, the mind becomes more focus and the yoga perfectly complements the other exercises of the training program and thus gives the best possible result when combined together.

The p90x yoga x is spread over an hour and half and gradually builds up in 15 minutes and then the workout is very intense with the different poses like the Warrior pose, the triangle pose, the runner pose of the crescent pose and then finally the corpse pose while you end the yoga session.

And by the time you complete the p90x yoga x total set, you will feel that you have done a completely new form of exercises which are demanding but rejuvenating.

Yoga For Beginners

My article "Yoga For Beginners" is drafted to people like yourself who are interested in yoga, but not sure as to how to get started. I will take you by the hand and guide you through:

1) How yoga is defined,

2) Identifying the most best style for you,

3) Initial "tools" you might want, and

4) Getting Started. Navigating the world of yoga is actually not as hard as it might seem, if you have a map!

Yoga Defined

According to Wikipedia, Yoga refers to traditional physical and mental disciplines originating in India. The practice is associated with meditative practices in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism. Yoga for beginners is much simpler. Yoga is a sequence of positions and postures, coordinated with your breathing, designed to elevate your mind, body and soul. ultimately, as you go through the various stages, the result will be a sharper mind, improved fitness and, if you are a spiritual person, a stronger connection with the universe!

Yoga Styles

Yoga has 10 "popular" styles. However, the differences among the styles reside in the individual emphasis of the styles versus the poses or postures:

1) Hatha (Ananda): This style is characterized by a slower pace, personal affirmations, and self-control, versus an true workout. This is the best style of yoga for beginners.

2) Ashtanga (Power Yoga): As the nickname "Power Yoga" suggests, this is a more intense, faster pace form of yoga. This is not for beginners.

3) Anusara: This style is describes as "heart-oriented" and makes good use of yoga equipment. These classes are somewhat intense but still appropriate for all skill levels.

4) Iyengar: This style is characterized by a great attention to detail and a concentration on bodily alignment. Much more stamina is required for this style, as poses are often maintained for an extended period...not the smartest place for you to begin.

5) Integral: An appropriate style of yoga for beginners. This style focuses equally on meditation, poses and breathing, Integral is a more general style, like Hatha, that will expose you to the areas of concentration of the remaining styles.

6) Bikram (Hot Yoga): Are you ready to sweat? It's called Hot Yoga because it's performed in a room temperature of around 100 degree! This allows cleansing sweat to flow and muscles to loosen. Beginners pass for now.

7) Kundalini: Focuses on the release of energy through breath control and breathe/movement coordination. Sure why not.

8 ) Kripalu: This style concentrates on breathing and progressing at your own individual pace... a perfect style of yoga for beginners.

9) Sivananda: Among the larger schools of yoga, this style uses a more holistic approach, inclusive of diet, relaxation and thinking. Great option for those of you looking for guidance in areas beyond just fitness.

10) Svaroopa: You won't break a sweat here. This style is more about raising your consciousness. This is absolutely appropriate for beginners, but not if your focus is improved fitness.

Equipment of Yoga

Here are a you might want to pick up for your journey:

1) Mats: You'll want the extra cushion and support, even if your practicing yoga on carpet! Most classes are taught on hard floors, mats are a must for yoga, for beginners or experts!

2) Blocks and Straps: Are you lacking the flexibility to do the poses and stretches the same as the instructor? These help you to compensate.

3) Proper clothing: relatively loose clothes to allow greater range of motion. Long pants are help to prevent carpet/mat burns.

4) Training Videos; These may be in the form of DVDs or direct downloads from the internet, but they are essential, if you'd prefer to begin your journey at home. I've always practiced yoga in the comfort of my own home!

Get Started!

No surprises here... get started! This is what you need to learn yoga for beginners. Now go find a local class, or a good video. Final piece of advice... start with at home workouts and save yourself some embarrassment!

If you truly wish to succeed at being in the best shape of your life, then you must visit the world's best resource. Go to Yoga and Weight Loss immediately, to see how easily it can be done with at home workouts! Just as every good house should have a good foundation, every good yoga practitioner should have a good Discount Yoga Mat!

Deep Breathing Exercises For Yoga Beginners

Breathing is such an unconscious act that you may not be aware of just how complex and important breathing relaxation exercises are. Learning how to breathe well is one of the most important lessons you will learn when you start yoga.

On a basic level, breathing allows you to draw in oxygen into your body, eliminate toxins and bacteria which impede your body's ability to function correctly.

From a yogic perspective, breathing well allows you to create a greater sense of harmony, balance and control over your mind. The deeper you breathe the more space and energy you create in your body and the more in touch you become with your spirit. Yoga philosophy teaches you that your breath is intrinsically connected with your life energy, life force or as it is known in yoga "prana". It is your life force that gives you energy, the ability to do what you do, to eat, to socialise, work, and do everything you have to do in your daily life.

Learning how to breathe well helps to activate, stimulate and rebalance your energy. You can use deep breathing exercises to energise your body, calm your mind or bring balance into your heart. Your breath is the link between your mind and your body. If you are like most of the population, chances are you do not make use of your full breathing apparatus when you breathe. Have you noticed how deeply and smoothly a baby breathes; their tummy moves in and out as they sleep. In adulthood, we tend to breathe very shallowly and fail to maximise our full breathing potential.

When you breathe deeply and fully you activate the parasympathetic nervous system. This allows the rest and digest response to filter through your body - as opposed to the fight and flight stress response which generally governs your life. Prana is then able to flow freely through your body in subtle energy channels which in yogic terms are known as "nadis". There are approximately 72,000 nadis in your body, if this term is unfamiliar to you, imagine a major railway system in your body. The nadis can be viewed as the train lines/tracks. So, to ensure your breath travels through all the rail lines, you need to breathe correctly.

How to do Breathing Exercises

To breathe correctly, you need to lie down on your back with your lower back supported and arms comfortably resting by your side with your legs straight out along the floor (unless you have a bad back or pain in your lower back, then bend your knees and have your feet flat on the floor) and focus on your breath. Breathe in, slowly and fully in and out through your nose. Alternatively, sit on a chair, make sure your back is straight and away from the back of the chair, have your feet flat on the floor and rest your hands on your lap, tune into your breath and start to breathe consciously in and out through your nose.

You can also practice deep breathing exercises standing up. To do this, stand in the mountain pose (feet facing forward, tail bone tucked under, spine straight, head straight up as if you are hanging from the ceiling from your crown). Place your hands on your belly and focus on breathing deeply in and out through your nose, being aware of the movement of your hands.

As you can see with patience and practice, you can learn how to calm, relax and energise your mind, body and spirit through deep breathing exercises.

If you are looking for a quick and easy way out of your current crazy hectic lifestyle and wish to regain calm and balance in your home-work life then claim your FREE special report Yoga Exercises And Relaxation Techniques To Help You Start Your Day In A Calm and Peaceful Way on guaranteed to help you start your day on a positive, peaceful vibe.

Blessings From Ntathu Allen, Yoga and Meditation Teacher. Visit me for further support and encouragement on your personal wellness journey on

The Miracle of Self-Help Through Yoga Practice

Can Yoga make miracles happen? Can we make miracles happen? How often do you hear people hope or wish for a miracle? Many people perform wishful thinking, but how much action do they put into their wishes? Let's look deeper into our daily Yoga practice, in order to recognize miracles - whether they are big or small.

When we sit down to meditate, it does not have to be a chore. There are many forms of meditation. One of them is through mindful self-reflection. This is not a time for self-destructive criticism, but for objective observation. When we take the time to observe without judgment, it becomes easier to see, and appreciate, the many miracles that take place each day.

Observe the impact you have made on others. Have you made someone smile? Have you encouraged someone to pursue their hopes and dreams? Have you made success possible through transferring positive feelings toward them? These may seem like small matters, but karma is a chain of small matters, which are a result of initial action that "set the wheels of motion" into a concerted action.

Many people are not aware of how much good they do for others, until the results of initial action become apparent. Consider this: Yoga, in all of its forms, is designed to end or reduce suffering. This may not seem to be a miracle, but it makes a big difference to someone who is in extreme pain. If you have pain from sciatica, all you can think about is pain. Yet, if you visit a Yoga teacher, or therapist, and as a result your pain goes away, it would seem like a miracle.

Pain, suffering, or being handicapped can bring about emotions, such as anger, depression, helplessness, self- doubt, and many more negative feelings. Any physical problem can challenge your mental and emotional ability to cope with it. Worse yet, our spiritual health can become challenged. It is still common, for those who suffer, to blame God.

In the past, our ancestors sacrificed each other to various Gods in order to end suffering. At this point in time, we consider ourselves civilized, in comparison to our ancestors; but when suffering is overwhelming, it becomes easier to take rational thought and "toss it out the window."

We are still human, and unbalanced, emotional health can take a toll on anyone. Yoga is a system, which allows one to train the mind for those times, when we are challenged by life's struggles. This is the daily miracle of Yoga practice.

© Copyright 2009 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of Yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. He has been a certified Master Yoga Teacher since 1995. To receive Free Yoga videos, Podcasts, e-Books, reports, and articles about Yoga, please visit:

Top 10 Way to Train Your Brain For Peak Performance

There are many people who have problems with remembering things such forgot where you put your keys? Can't remember telephone numbers? or forgot where you parked your car. So you're not alone really on this problem but there are good ways that you can use to improve your memory.

Here are 10 ways, which you can follow to keep your memory in shape, and also techniques that can actually help you to improve your memory's condition and performance.

1. Eat your brain food

What we eat every day, affects the performance and long-term condition of our memory. Surveys in recent decades, have shown that certain foods can contribute to the better functioning of the neural circuits of the brain that control memory. Fish and foods that contain a lot of omega oils nourish the brain, and this can help improve your memory. Include plenty of fruits and vegetables in your diet and avoid foods that are high in sugar.

2. Physical exercise

Physical exercise increases the flow of oxygen and nutrients in the blood. The benefits of exercise affect positively many body systems, and particularly our memory and other cognitive capabilities. It is enough to exercise for 20 minutes everyday in simple forms of exercise such as walking, cycling, swimming and dancing.

3. Play A Game

Play engages the prefrontal cortex, responsible for your highest-level cognitive functions - including self-knowledge, memory, mental imagery, and incentive and reward processing. Activities like bridge, chess, sudoku, role-playing games, and challenging crossword puzzles all provide rigorous neural workouts.

4. Meditate

Meditation is an excellent way to focus your mind and awaken your brain in the morning. Make the time to sit and mediate for 15 minutes each morning, focusing on only your breath and heartbeat. Your mediation session will leave you feeling calm and able to begin creating your day. Mediate again before bed in order to let your mind naturally sift through the remnants of the day and prepare yourself for a restful sleep.

5. Music

Music is a great workout for the mind. Listening to the right type of music will allow your brain to process information better and become more receptive to that information. Listening to classical music composed by Mozart or Beethoven is highly recommended.

6. Get plenty of rest.

Some scientists believe that the poor sleep patterns and sleep deprivation experienced by many overworked adults - contribute to forgetfulness and memory loss. Aim for at least 7 or more hours of sleep each night to keep your brain functioning at its best.

7. Never stop learning

Look for topics that interest you and really get involved with learning new information and developments about them. Think of something that you've always wanted to learn to do and then get started. Reading, following lectures, programs, information on television and the Internet, are sources of continuous education for your brain with beneficial results to your memory.

8. Reduce Stress

when you're Stress or anxious, you can't concentrate or process information. Learn to calm yourself with breathing exercises. Yoga offers a great way to unwind. Remind yourself of what's important and good in your life. Let the rest of it go.

9. Take a vitamin

Vitamin and nutrients stimulate the functioning of brain and are beneficial in memory retention. Certain vitamins play an important role in brain health and memory, including B-vitamins, choline, vitamin E, vitamin C, Omega-3 Fatty Acids and other antioxidant nutrients.

10. Aromatherapy

Studies show aromatherapy can be used for both the body and the mind, helping to ease physical and emotional illnesses and improve mood, memory and concentration. One herb that particularly helps the brain is rosemary.

If you want more information about health please visit this site right now.

My Beginning Yoga Experience

As I walked out of the Bikram Yoga studio toward my car after my first class, I found myself declaring, "If I can actually do this yoga, it will totally change my whole life." I had only been able to attempt half the postures, with the rest of the time lying down, just dealing with the heated, humid room. But it was a revelation as to the sorry state of my body's condition, and the pathetic condition of my mind-body connection.

I had already made the firm decision to do yoga class every day for two months, after reading Bikram Choudhury's introductory yoga book. He says, "Give us two months. We will change you." After living with years of back pain due to compressed lumbar discs and a sedentary lifestyle, I was ready for that change--so ready, in fact, I was willing to subject my de-conditioned body to 90 minutes of vigorous cardiovascular activity in 105° heat and 60% humidity (making the "apparent temperature" somewhere around 145°). But the prospective discipline of it appealed to me, and soon I was actually enjoying the gentle torture of it, as I began to move muscles, bones and cartilage that hadn't been moved in years.

Beyond the rewards of seeing my body stretch and reach new ranges of motion in class, it was after and between classes where the payoffs truly lay. Bending over to pick up something no longer hurt, standing up after sitting for a while no longer involved pain and stiffness, and I began noticing how good I felt instead of how bad.

Of course, getting to these improvements took a while; and although I had committed to two months of daily practice, it has now been nearly eight months, and I can now say yoga is an indispensable part of my life. This path has blatantly announced to me how I had incrementally reduced my own range of motion with each tiny discomfort, each injury, each bout of stiffness, in an attempt to protect myself from future pain. It is a common life strategy, but a very wrongheaded one. The body needs to increase its range of motion over time, and each discomfort or injury points the way. As the World's Stiffest Person at 50, I was on the fast track to being a crippled old man by 60.

I drew a valuable conclusion from this, that all the little aches and pains and microconditions we had as twentysomethings, if not dealt with in a broad and holistic way, are the exact pains and conditions that amplify over time leading us to our ultimate demise. From this perspective, what is commonly referred to as "aging," is actually more like an excuse for not answering the body's calls for help early on. I'm just not buying the "I'm just getting too old for this" refrain I hear from my friends. Time, friction, and gravity will take their respective tolls, but only with permission from you. If I end up dying at 94, I would rather have gotten there vital, active and pain-free, instead of feeble, crippled, and tormented.

The main thing I've learned from my beginning yoga experience is that it takes MUCH MORE WORK than I thought to reverse my past slothfulness, and much more diligence on the day-to-day to maintain what gains I have acheived. Bikram refers to the "body's bank account." You invest into the account with yoga, and then spend the account when not doing yoga. Of course, I found I was sorely and deplorably in DEBT, and am only now seeing the light at the end of that tunnel, striving for the day I can touch my forehead to my toes, rest my leg on my shoulder, and nap on my back with my head on my feet.


# 1. If yoga turns it on, yoga will turn it off. I've had many classes where a muscle or joint will "release" (I used to wrongly identify it as "strain"), causing pain and stiffness or soreness after class. By the end of the next class, invariably, that soreness and pain disappears.

# 2. Your body is stronger than you think it is, and you have more energy than you think you do. One day in class I decided to completely ignore my thoughts as to what I could or couldn't do in class, and was surprised to find a whole new range of motion, and a whole new area of energy and strength. The body obeys the limitations imposed upon it by the mind. Because Bikram Yoga is one of the most strenuous forms of hatha yoga, it is easy to claim to myself that I MUST be tired after all that exertion. Letting myself engage in this way, certainly obtained the result. The REALITY of yoga class is that it CREATES energy. Although it is natural to feel weakness or exhaustion, that feeling is actually RECOVERY, and in a few minutes, I claim to myself that I am refreshed and energetically ready for life. And, magically, I am.

# 3. Trust your body to know what it needs to do. Patience. As obedient as the body is to the limitations of the mind, it has also retained the awareness of the sequence of how those limitations were imposed, and knows how to undo them. The deeper problem with this is that many times there seem to be opposing limitations and confused commands operating within the body. These were put there by the mind, resulting in the wrong muscles being used to do certain motions. The trick, of course, is to get the mind out of the way, and it WILL resolve.

# 4. How you do yoga is how you do your life. The corollary to this is what happens during yoga practice is a microcosm of what happens to you in life. Paying attention to this is the road to revelation--as well as some inner grins.

# 5. Flexibility and core strength are the keys to health. Nutrition is important, drinking lots of water is important, getting proper amounts of sleep is important--all things I had been doing throughout my life. Unfortunately, I had overlooked the two most important things. Exercise is inadequate (and I dare say useless) without flexibility and core strength training. Again, it has taken much more than I thought to keep my body's bank account from going into the red, and the quickest way into the black is with flexibility and core strength training. (By "core strength" I mean the deepest core muscles that create movement in the body, such as abdominal and back muscles.) With a high degree of flexibility, all the enzymes, minerals, blood flow, and myriad other rejuvenating substances the body creates to heal and build itself can get to those areas that need it. Without flexibility, there is withering and dying. I also noticed that I didn't engage my abdominal muscles when I should, such as when bending over, lifting, carrying, walking, standing up. This set up bad habits of motion, and the obvious developing flacidity and inappropriate muscle recruitment.

# 6. Breathe. Combine this command with how you do yoga is how you do your life, and you'll quickly see where you cut off your life force in daily living. I would stop breathing when I felt weak, for example. Ooops.

# 7. Use your mind to guide and expand. This is a corollary to Number 3 above. I noticed that by setting and visualizing goals on each posture, as well as for the entire class, and by refusing to entertain any other thoughts--such as how hot it is in the room, what hurts, what I'm afraid of, etcetera, etcetera--lo and behold progress gets made. The body wants to feel better. Help it out by concentrating on improving each posture, and when not doing that, concentrating on breathing. I'm saving myself a lot of unnecessary torture by applying this point in my practice, and in my life.


These are life's small potatoes...The most impressive effect underlying all the physical changes has been my greatly increased ability to confront life in the proper perspective--what I'll call the "Small Potatoes Effect." This is where one does something so monumentally difficult that the rest of life's daily conflicts, conundrums, irritations and niggly stresses seem to all pale in importance. Or, more accurately, they begin to assume the quality of merely the backdrop texture accompanying my personal goals and purposes. They become the tiny, swirling dust devils stirred up by my atmospheric movements of intention. These are no longer "stresses"--they are revealing acknowledgements that life is changing according to my desires.

As the practice advances, I'm wondering if perhaps it is not so much that it is "monumentally difficult" to do this yoga, but that certain firmly embedded toxic conditions residing for decades deep within organs, muscle and bone are at last being purged--and that translates as a monumental achievement on some subliminal cellular or auric level.

Whatever it is, it has restored my sense of humor, allowed me to rediscover my enjoyment of living, and added an aura of leisure in everyday activities, even as I find myself accomplishing more.

And so I continue on with my daily practice of Bikram Yoga with an inner smile, remembering that Bikram says, "You gotta go through hell to get to heaven," and remembering that the only reason the "hell" is there was my own doing. But with yoga, my days of redemption are at hand.

Boyd Martin is a well-known writer and musician (drummer) in the Portland, Oregon, area, having toured the U.S. and Europe with national-level musical acts. He is an avid, daily Bikram Yoga student, with a keen interest in metaphysics, natural health, and alternative healing methods.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The Benefit Of Yoga

Yoga, and the benefit of yoga, is generically defined as a Hindu discipline that helps unite the body and mind. Aimed at achieving a state of perfect spiritual insight and tranquility, it is practiced in the West most commonly as physical exercise practiced as part of the discipline.

The benefit of yoga practice is nothing new. It has been recognized for many years as the perfect discipline to help one achieve tranquility, better health, and longer life.

Many people view the benefit of yoga as some weird discipline that involves yogi's contorted in unnatural positions, doing strange acts of the body, and living on a mountaintop somewhere in India. I personally remember a television documentary many years ago featuring a yogi that had his tongue split, using it to clean his sinus cavities! Anyone interested in yoga has probably also seen images of yogi's supporting great weight with their genitals.

In this modern age, much has been learned about the benefit of yoga. Yoga practitioners achieve greater mobility, longer life, and internal happiness through their practice of the art. Yoga as we know it today is aimed at uniting the mind, body,and spirit. The mysticism of the Hindu discipline is no longer a myth, and is reachable by all willing to learn.

Yoga practice is roughly grouped into three categories - the Yoga Postures (Asanas), Yoga Breathing (Pranayama) and Meditation. These categories embrace physiological, psychological, and biochemical effects. In addition, clinicians have compared these results against the Western practices of jogging, aerobic exercise, and weight training, and find results comparable.

The most popular style of Yoga in the West today is Hatha Yoga. It is designed to focuses on the physical well-being of a person and believers in the practice consider the body as the vehicle of the spirit.

Ananda Yoga, a classical style of Hatha Yoga, uses Asana and Pranayama to awaken, experience, and take control of the subtle energies within the body, and focuses on the energies of the seven Chakras.

Anusara (a-nu-SAR-a)yoga is defined as "stepping into the current of Divine Will", "following your heart", and "moving with the current of divine will." This new style, which was developed by John Friend, is defined as "yoga positions that flow from the heart." It is heart-oriented, spiritually inspiring, and is based on a deep knowledge of outer and inner body alignment. It is based on the principles of Hatha Yoga and biochemical practices. Students of this discipline base their practice on attitude, action, and alignment.

Ashtanga yoga could possibly be the perfect Yoga for those looking for a serious workout. Ashtanga was developed by K. Pattabhi Jois, and is very physically demanding. A series of flows, moving quickly from one posture to another, is utilized to build strength, flexibility and stamina. This style is not good for the beginning practitioner, as it requires 6 series of difficulty. The physical demands of Ashtanga are not for the casual practitioner beginning the journey of yoga fitness.

Bikram Yoga, named for its founder Bikram Choudhury, is practiced in a room with a temperature of up to 100 degrees. Twenty six Asanas are performed in a typical session, and focus is on warming and stretching muscles, ligaments, and tendons. Each pose is accompanied by Kapalabhati Breath, the "breath of fire." Practice of this style promotes cleansing of the body, the release of toxins, and ultimate flexibility. One must be in very good physical shape to practice Bikram Yoga.

These basic definitions will give the person seeking the benefit of yoga a clear-cut understanding of what is to be expected, and will help them make the proper decision to find the discipline that best suits their needs. More information is posted on a regular basis at Visit today to learn about the practice of yoga to meet your exercise needs.

Alden Smith is a published and award winning author whose website informs and educates the person wanting to learn more about yoga and its practice. Visit his site to stay informed on the exciting world of yoga.

What Are the Key Elements in Building a Successful Yoga Studio?

Recognize your own market, know your group - serve your classes to the public of that demographic but provide a multitude of classes for those students. Keep in mind - everyone is a possible student!

Grass Origins & Business-to-Business Marketing:

Firstly, always make sure to print schedules and disperse these within a ten mile radius from your yoga studio. Every month print your own schedule and a coupon on a 8.5x11" sheets of colored paper and make a few hundred copies. Every week distribute them around town to every spot you visit. Coffee Houses, Health food stores, Organic Health & Chiropractic specialists- nail salons, hair health care and therapeutic massage health spas.

Second, provide free yoga classes and courses. The actual airplane is flying so why have empty chairs?

Offer free of charge courses to every hair dresser, massage therapist, beautician and nail technician in town, furthermore chiropractors, acupuncturists and naturopathic doctors. You will discover new students come from referrals of these professionals who deal using bodies on a regular basis.

Third is to join a variety of promotional listings. High Schools, PTAs, neighborhood magazines, neighborhood companies all have bulletin boards. In addition to that, look at natural food shops, and co-ops all provide fantastic free boards to share to people thinking about your own services.

Fourth, bringing a free buddy will definitely give you free promotion and you don't even know it! Your classes are the one greatest and minimum method of advertising you've got. Getting a customer in the studio and keeping them returning is paramount and the very best thing you can do to your very own yoga business, no doubt about it. Get yourself a buy one acquire one free, or Totally Free Yoga Week usually placed in August or December. The reason for that is the fact that these times are the traditionally sluggish months out of the year. When you select one week in every thirty days, it is definitely free of charge.

Yoga courses definitely work for new students. Having fixed expenditures, it will cost you an identical to instruct 3 or 30 enrollees at the same time. The actual airplane is flying fill the seats anyhow you can.

Fifth is to build your very own yoga community. Anything that brings students collectively can help you build a huge following. Create a community of like-minded folks with fun and exciting courses as well as events. One great example would be to to hold a full moon meditation, nutrition courses, yoga dances and even wine beverage sampling at your very own studio. These ideas have been done before and have worked dramatically in building your clientele.

Last but not the least, make trainers accountable for creating their very own classes. Provide your trainer's goals and make them accountable for creating a fantastic class and client maintenance. Give them free passes and ask them to distribute to their close friends, co-workers and social contacts. Hold monthly meetings to strengthen the importance of greeting each customer having a smile.

Yogafit' has a lot of very informative advice in all aspects of yoga training, DVDs and everything else. She also has a number of meetups several times a year and is known yoga guru and mogul around the world.