Saturday, June 8, 2013

Beginning Your Yoga Workout

Yoga is less workout and more mind-body exploration. Yoga is not exactly about sweating as you push your body into exercise mode. However, the term "workout" will be used loosely for simplicity's sake.

Here is a good way to start your yoga plan. Begin with the "easy pose". Easy pose is a comfortable seated position for meditation. This pose opens the hips, lengthens the spine, and promotes grounding and inner calm. You will be sitting crossed legged like you did in school and as your teacher probably used to say "Criss cross apple sauce".

With the buttocks on the floor, cross your legs and place your feet directly below your knees. Rest your hands on your knees with the palms facing up. Press your hip bones down into the floor and reach the crown of the head up to lengthen the spine. Drop your shoulders down and back and press your chest towards the front of the room. Relax your face, jaw, and belly. Let your tongue rest on the roof of your mouth just behind your front teeth. Breathe deeply through the nose down into the belly and hold as long as is comfortable.

Downward-Facing Dog. After the easy pose, move into downward-facing dog. This is one of the most widely recognized yoga poses. Downward-Facing Dog is an all-over, rejuvenating stretch. This yoga pose is known to calm the brain and help relieve stress and mild depression, energize the body, stretch the shoulders, hamstrings, calves, arches, and hands, strengthen the arms and legs, relieve the symptoms of menopause and much more.

Use caution doing this pose if you have carpal tunnel syndrome, are in the late stages of pregnancy, or suffer from high blood pressure. Come onto the floor on your hands and knees. Set your knees directly below your hips and your hands slightly forward of your shoulders. Spread your palms, index fingers parallel or slightly turned out, and turn your toes under. Exhale and lift your knees away from the floor. At first keep the knees slightly bent and the heels lifted away from the floor. Lengthen your tailbone away from the back of your pelvis and press it lightly toward the pubis. Against this resistance, lift the sitting bones toward the ceiling, and from your inner ankles draw the inner legs up into the groins.

Then with an exhalation, push your top thighs back and stretch your heels onto or down toward the floor. Straighten your knees but be sure not to lock them. Firm the outer thighs and roll the upper thighs inward slightly. Narrow the front of the pelvis. Firm the outer arms and press the bases of the index fingers actively into the floor. From these two points, lift along your inner arms from the wrists to the tops of the shoulders. Firm your shoulder blades against your back then widen them and draw them toward the tailbone. Keep the head between the upper arms; don't let it hang. Stay in this pose anywhere from 1 to 3 minutes. Then bend your knees to the floor with an exhalation and rest.

Sun Salutations. On days when you think you have no time for yoga, try and do at least one or two rounds of the Sun Salutation. You'll feel the difference. After downward-facing dog, move into 3 rounds of sun salutations. Stand facing the direction of the sun with both feet touching. Bring the hands together, palm-to-palm, at the heart. Inhale and raise the arms upward. Slowly bend backward, stretching arms above the head. Exhale slowly bending forward, touching the earth with respect until the hands are in line with the feet, head touching knees. Inhale and move the right leg back away from the body in a wide backward step. Keep the hands and feet firmly on the ground, with the left foot between the hands. Raise the head.

While exhaling, bring the left foot together with the right. Keep arms straight, raise the hips and align the head with the arms, forming an upward arch. Exhale and lower the body to the floor until the feet, knees, hands, chest, and forehead are touching the ground. Inhale and slowly raise the head and bend backward as much as possible, bending the spine to the maximum. While exhaling, bring the left foot together with the right. Keep arms straight, raise the hips and align the head with the arms, forming an upward arch. Inhale and move the right leg back away from the body in a wide backward step. Keep the hands and feet firmly on the ground, with the left foot between the hands. Raise the head.

Exhale slowly bending forward, touching the earth with respect until the hands are in line with the feet, head touching knees. Inhale and raise the arms upward. Slowly bend backward, stretching arms above the head. Stand facing the direction of the sun with both feet touching. Bring the hands together, palm-to-palm, at the heart.

Feeling the benefits of yoga already? You're probably already convinced that it's your kind of thing!

Patrick Carpen is the designer, writer and owner of the website is a content based, consumer oriented website that provides high quality content on selected subjects. This website was created to help internet users get a better insight into the art and practice of yoga and serve as a guide for buyers of yoga products.

Five Fitness Marketing Strategies For Personal Trainers

As a personal trainer, you already know that you can't get anywhere without taking the bull by the horns. You can't build a better body through wishful thinking; you have to lift those dumbbells all by yourself.

The same goes for your business. All your fitness expertise amounts to nothing if you don't let people know about it. If you want amazing success, you need amazing marketing.

So what do you need to do? Read on to find out.

Focus your expertise.

You're not Superman; it's impossible to be a master at everything and remain either sane or effective. Accepting anyone and everyone who comes to your door sounds heroic, but in the end, it's self-defeating: "good intentions" can't make up for the brutal truth that you have neither the capacity nor the expertise to tend to everyone's needs. You'll be a mediocre trainer for the masses, instead of a masterful trainer for the few.

Picking a niche is the only way you can become a top fitness professional. If you narrow down your prospects to the elderly, for instance, you can focus specifically on the services a senior citizen would want. Osteoporosis prevention through weight training? Check. Gentle yoga for flexibility? Check. Weight loss and heart-healthy nutrition to combat disease? Huge check.

Once you've honed your focus, you can explore the depths of your niche, expanding your reputation and your client base as you go.

The best things in life are free - and the same goes for marketing.

Some personal trainers drain their bank accounts chasing cold leads and hunting for prospects, thinking the more money they pour into marketing, the greater their returns will be.

This is what they call the sunk cost fallacy - "throwing good money after bad" - and it will send you to the poorhouse.

There's nothing heroic about willingly riding a sinking ship to the bottom. And if you don't want your business to become synonymous with the Titanic (i.e. a huge, ill-fated investment), you'll take heed of the power of low- to no-cost marketing options. In fact, free strategies - such as word-of-mouth referrals and Craigslist ads - are known to drive more prospects to your door than radio commercials, newspaper advertisements, and other expensive means of promoting yourself.

Become your clients' one-stop shop for health and wellness.

Forget what you've got printed on your business card: you're not just a personal trainer. You're an authority on health. You should be the first person your clients ask when they have a question about supplements, diet fads, protein powder, workout clothes, or whether Ben & Jerry's will make them fat.

If your clients have questions to ask, answer them. If they don't, tell them what they should know. If you can provide everything that your clients could want in a health professional, you won't be just a personal trainer to them: you'll be someone they can trust, and they'll be more than happy to refer you to their friends and family.

Use special offers to bring in long-term business.

Some professional trainers are afraid of offering discounts, free services, and special rates because these seem like surefire ways to lose money. This is true, as far as immediate income is concerned. But if you give a free training session to a prospect who ends up sticking with you for five years, how many times will you regain that initial loss? I'll let you do the math.

When it comes to marketing, never lose sight of the big picture. A client who pays for a month of discount sessions is worth far more than a client who pays pays for a single full-price session and then vanishes.

Lifelong clients are also likely to come back to you for other services. Never underestimate the power of freebies to bring in business.

Make every client feel special.

Speaking of long-term customers: you need to give them a reason to stick around.

Your clients live in their own personal hell, a depressing little pocket of existence shared by many others, who one and all seem to live only to crush what little self-worth they maintain out of them. As crazy as it sounds, you may be one of the only people in your clients' lives who makes them feel truly appreciated.

Strike while the iron is hot. Welcome your clients with excitement and enthusiasm. Show interest in their lives. Congratulate them on their progress and thank them for their hard work. Add a personal touch by sending them special birthday gift certificates. The ways you can earn the gratitude of your clients are limited only by your imagination.

And if your clients can think of you as a loyal, trustworthy friend, just think of what they'll tell others about you! Happy clients means more referrals: now that's math you can take to the bank.

Casey Kaldal is a leading expert in helping Personal Trainers build their business, attract more customers, and earn more money in less time.

He has one of the leading fitness marketing blogs dedicated to the success of Personal Trainers looking to improve their skills and knowledge.

Casey also teaches fitness instructors how to become fitness Rockstars and snag incredible Personal Trainer Jobs.

Myopia Exercises - Proven Eye Trainings to Cure Nearsightedness Effectively and Fast

Nearsightedness is often referred to as myopia. Those people who suffer from myopia will usually not be able to see an object that is located at a distance quite far away from them. Myopia is often caused by the bad habits of the sufferers themselves. For example, it is often the case that myopia happens due to the sufferers' habits of reading book within a pretty close distance. Fortunately, there is an opportunity of curing nearsightedness by carrying out some myopia exercises as the following.

Exercises to boost concentration

Sit comfortably in a chair with your neck and back straight. Focus to see the tip of your nose for about 2 to 3 minutes then close your eyes to relax. Then focus on the area ahead between the eyebrows above your nose. Stay at this position for about 2 to 3 minutes then close your eyes. The next thing to do is focusing both your eyes on your right shoulder. Remain focusing in this position at about the same time. Then close your eyes before repeating this movement toward the left shoulder. After completing this relax and cover both of your eyes with your palms. This exercise will help improving eyes concentration.

De-stressing your eyes and the mind

This is a myopia exercise to alleviate stress from your eyes. First lie down then close your eyes. Breath slowly and deeply. Open your eyes then gaze at an object. Then close them and try to imagine your eyes are still looking at the object. This exercise can help to balance between mental focus and imagination.

Another exercise to de-stress your eyes is as follows. Lie on your back then cover your palms over your eyes. Inhale deeply then exhale slowly. Continue breathing in this way for a few minutes then open your eyes. Then move your eyes to look at an object keeping your mind relax and empty and do not stare it hard. This exercise helps you to focus without straining or forcing your eyes.

Myopia exercises to strengthen eye muscles

Vision problems are often caused by eye muscles strain. There are many helpful yoga eye exercises such as palming, blinking, sunning that you can follow to keep your eyes muscles strong and healthy. Allow yourself to join yoga class in you area or read instructions from recommended books on yoga eye exercises available at book stores.

Apart from doing myopia exercises, you should always take frequent breaks to rest and relax your eyes especially after doing heavy works like staring at computers or reading for long hours.

Myopia can be cured naturally. Do the above eye exercises regularly and properly on daily basis, and you will see the result in a short time. Just click here to find other useful tips on how to perform myopia exercises effectively. You will also be guided to a direction on how to correct vision without surgery through simple do-it-at-home eye exercises, eye relaxing techniques and many other vision trainings to achieve better eyesight that you've always wanted.

Elizabeth Moller has written many articles on natural therapies and natural vision improvement with many years of research in this field and has helped many people to find their chances in improving their eyesight. One of the methods that she has recommended can be seen at

Enjoy Well-Being With Two Chi-Kung Stress Relief Techniques 110a

Chi-Kung is a type of training which is one of the stress relief techniques which invigorates the body and it is an ancient Chinese practice which they allege brings health and wealth. If you break down this fact, it is clear that most wealthy people in the world have a very spiritual "sense" of energy and educating themselves how to control their Chi energy. Those who never learned this concept, often burn out or develop some type of adrenal problems connected with stress and adrenalin. This kind of training is assumed to be a belief in the reality of the universal energy that maintains the universe, called qi.

The training consist of more than one kind of training which are ways of coping with stress and the following two are:

? Meditative Chi-Kung

Most training will entail some form of meditation as part of the stress relief exercise. The details of Chi-Kung practice will differ depending on the origins of the meditation tradition. In the Buddhist technique, the plan is to calm down the mind through inward or outward focal point in Confucius scholar custom, the focus is on virtue and compassion with the intention of self-enlightenment and in Daoist and TCM tradition, meditative Chi-Kung searches to lead qi through the correct meridian pathways with the intent of finishing a smooth continuous flow of qi through the practitioner.

? Chi-Kung with external agents

In Medical and Daoist ways, specialised food and drinks are prescribed to support in the direction of qi. In martial arts Chi-Kung, the use of massage and various other forms of body conditioning are used to encourage qi flow. In some systems, a Chi-Kung master can discharge qi or manipulate the flow of qi within the practitioner as a type of treatment or to guide the flow of qi.

The different kinds of training highlights different aspects of Chi-Kung theory and it was derived from different fundamentals in the Chinese culture. Many of the different Chi-Kung training methods like Yoga, Meditation and Tai Chi, to name a few, are all exceptional stress relief techniques.

Annemarie Nel - About the Author.

I am working on a part time basis helping a Perception Specialist to write her e-books and I am also writing articles for her website. Apart from my full-time job I enjoy long walks in nature.

Stress relief techniques are necessary in coping with stress and anxiety on an everyday basis.

If you are interested in practicing any of these ways of relieving stress and different training methods, it is a good idea to start with an Instructor or to find a class near you. Contact a Perception Specialist and she will direct you to her personal contacts in London.

You can also download her ebook for free at:

Weight Training the Best Way to Burn Fat

Weight training is one type of strength training and the most common, seen by all but specialists as synonymous with strength training. It's a type of training that uses weights for resistance. Resistance training helps keep your body strong and healthy, by increasing muscle mass and improving your metabolism and increasing your bone strength.

Did you know that strength training is crucial for successfully losing weight and keeping it off.

When you have a high percentage of body fat, that body fat is stored not only in the tissues that are obvious, such as your hips and your midsection, your arms and legs and so on it's also stored intramuscularly, which means it's stored within the muscles of your body. Cardio exercises are the real secret to lose body fat.

For a home workout, starting equipment could include an adjustable weights bench for doing various exercises; dumbbells perhaps even only two or three different weights; an adjustable step for aerobic stepping; an exercise or yoga mat for floor exercises, and a fitness ball, which is an inflatable ball on which a variety of body exercises can be performed.

In just 20 to 30 minutes, you can do a complete series of weight training exercises for your arms, shoulders, abdomen, chest, back and legs.

The American College of Sports Medicine and the American Diabetes Association recommend that you train a minimum of two times per week, doing eight to 12 repetitions per set of eight to 10 exercises targeting major muscle groups.

The Greeks first witnessed progressive resistive exercises when ayoung man lifted a calf each day until it reached its full growth.

Spending 30 to 45 minutes doing five to seven weight-training exercises is plenty when you are first getting started. The circuit training format utilizes a group of 6 to 10 strength exercises that are completed one exercise after another.

Muscles grow while resting, so pushing yourself as hard as you can seven days a week won't do you any favours. A pushup is a good example of using the body's own weight to train arm and chest muscles.

Weight or resistance training or strength training has important benefits beyond building big muscles, which is often the focus of much media attention.

Best exercises to develop Hamstring muscles including Leg curls, Straight-leg deadlifts, squats, lunges.

Regular weight training can help you reduce body fat, increase lean muscle mass and burn more calories. While fat certainly gives your body shape, muscle is what gives you the shape you actually WANT.

Imagine your body is a car, your muscles are the cylinders in the engine, and your bodyfat is the gas. People who lift weights and do other strength training exercises such as push-ups and squats may not lose pounds but they shed fat, and because muscle is more compact than fat, their bodies appear leaner, streamlined and toned even when they do not lose many pounds.

A complete weight training workout can be performed with a pair of adjustable dumbbells and a set of weight disks (plates). Weight trainers commonly spend 5 to 20 minutes warming up their muscles with aerobic exercise before starting a workout.

The most common beginning weight training program is comprised of ten reps per set and three sets per exercise. A muscle will get used to a weight or a number of reps and it will cease to be overloaded. In order to consistently overload the muscle, use this formula.

Do three sets of ten reps for three workouts, then, move the reps up to eleven and do them for three workouts. Then, increase the weight by five pounds, and begin the cycle back at ten reps again.

Holding astretch for 30 seconds and doing twoor three reps should be enough. One to three sets of 10 reps, resting one minute between sets.Three sets of 10 to 15 reps, resting three minutes between sets. Athletes "power lift" by using heavy weights with few reps to increase power.

Once you're able to do more than 10 reps, increase the weight. Doing higher reps with moderate weight could be beneficial for several reasons when it comes to fat loss.

Mark is the owner of which is a blog based around healthy weight loss, he is passionate about helping people lose weight naturally

The Purpose of Yoga: The Big Picture

"Why has Yoga become so popular?" Newspapers, and local news reporters, often ask Yoga teachers this question, but what is the underlying truth? The fact is: Yoga classes are a sanctuary for Yoga students, from the every day stress and anxiety, which everyone feels.

There are so many matters for us to be frustrated over. Relationships, work, traffic, finances, children, personal history, and the fear of losing something, are just a few of the factors, which can trigger a panic attack. Our minds are racing around all day, and do not rest from worry, even when we sleep.

How do we stop the cycle of worry? How do we learn to calm down? One way to make progress is to practice Yoga in local classes, but you will learn to take your Yoga practice anywhere. You can breathe, sit up straight, walk in good posture, and be mindful at any time.

Now consider this: How many problems can you solve at once? You may be able to multi-task, but in reality, you must solve problems one at a time. As a result, you can write a list today and prioritize tomorrow's challenges. You can even add hourly deadlines to them, if you wish.

This method will give you the "big picture." You will notice that you stop worrying, when you start solving. Too many people worry about the "small stuff." Take organized action, and let God handle the details. People who continually take action are a very small minority, so you will be in "good company," as you progress toward positive solutions and objectives.

Lastly, accept that "Rome was not built in a day." Do not stress yourself over goals, objectives, and progress. Yoga teaches us that each day is an adventure to look forward to. Do what you can, and move forward - even if it is just an inch at a time.

© Copyright 2007 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of Yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. He has been a certified Master Yoga Teacher since 1995. To receive a Free Yoga e-Book: "Yoga in Practice," and a Free Yoga Newsletter, please visit:

Friday, June 7, 2013

All About Pilates From the Pilates Princess

Pilates has been a lifesaver for me!

What is Pilates, you might ask, and just how did it save my life?

Well, please let me tell you a story.

Pilates, pronounced puh-lah-teez, was originally developed by Joseph H. Pilates, who was working as a nurse in England during World War I.

Pilates developed a series of exercises that were designed to help bed bound patients to regain their strength. He connected springs to the bed mattresses and then helped the patients to either push or pull against the springs in order to create resistance and to help them strengthen their muscles and improve their flexibility.

This gave the patients hope as they were able to move their extremities and regain their muscle tone even though they were bed bound. What a gift to the world that Pilates created and then refined over the years has been such a blessing to so many!

After having been unable to lose the baby weight after the birth of my last child and as my knees and hips have gotten more achy as I have reached 40, I was looking for a more gentle exercise that would still give me a good workout and hopefully give me the healthy body that I used to own.

Pilates helped me to do that within just a few weeks. Since Pilates focuses so much on training the core muscles of the body, my abdominal muscles as well as my back got a great work out early on. I also found that the gentle movements of Pilates helped me to have fewer aches and pains in my legs and backs, especially after I have worked a long shift on my feet.

Pilates is an incredibly easy and gentle exercise that is so powerful!

It helps you to strengthen and lengthen your muscles. Pilates allows you to become more flexible. I feel better.

I have more flexibility than I have had in years. My back doesn't hurt so much any more and for the first time in my life, Pilates has helped me to find some abdominal muscles! Who knew they were there!

Pilates is an incredibly motivating exercise since I have been able to see the results of the magic Joseph H. Pilates created so long ago.

So, if you haven't tried it before, take a Pilates class and give this exciting form of exercise a try.

For more information on Pilates be sure to visit You'll find tips and advice on Pilates techniques, Pilates basics, Pilates and pregnancy, and much more information.

Cleaning Up Your Body & Wash Away Body Fat

So many of my female clients approach me with this question. You may find yourself or a friend asking or thinking about it yourself, from time to time. Repetition in this area is good for emphasis. Not only on the work itself, but in the steps to bring about a reality to the end state and desired goal.

We work hard on our body but are frustrated when we do not see the results you would like or prefer to see. Sometimes we feel like we are in a catch-22 cycle. I liken the process to doing the laundry weekly, which I hate like no other chore, "wash, rinse, dry and fold." No doubt, the more clothes I buy, the longer the process becomes (yes, the time in between is longer) and the bigger the pile remains! The process and steps are always the same, "wash, rinse, dry and fold." You will understand what I mean as you read on.

A young 25+ year old woman is looking for a longer, leaner look in her jeans. She has "always been lucky to be very slim," but started noticing she started to gain a little more body fat and, thus "started to get much more wobbly" about the hips, thighs and glutes. Although she still considered herself to be slim, she was not satisfied with the tone and shape of her body any longer. She needed to "cleanup" her program, i.e., do the laundry, and wanted a few tips how to wash away the fat while building new muscle.

Wash Cycle

When doing the wash, first, we must get all the dirty things sorted out into specific piles so that the colors don't blend during the wash cycle. To clean up the body fat in an over-20 body, it is a good idea to include a number of personal training sessions into a program so that you learn how to perform all the exercises well and in good form. Our 25+ year old states that she,

"Started doing personal training once a fortnight for 30 minutes and 2 group personal training sessions each week (60 minutes) in hope that this will bring me back to my regular small size." She noticed that the work seemed to be "building up my muscles and I actually feel bigger rather than smaller." She further stated, "I have always been very lean, but it seems like I am getting bigger from all the training... my jeans are starting to feel tighter on me around the legs and are uncomfortable, which is unusual for me."

Using the right tools in the wash cycle is tantamount to success. You cannot use bleach on colors and wouldn't use fabric softner without first using detergent. Right? Thus, my admonition for washing away body fat is as follows:

Cardio and Strength Training are crucial to the maintenance of a healthy body, toned form and physique. Cardiovascular training (bike, elliptical, running, hiking, kickboxing and even dancing) will assist you in building and toning your heart muscle while supporting your weight management efforts in balancing the calories you intake as food. You need to do this to use and burn excess body fat that surrounds the muscle you are building. Strength Training (weight machines, dumbbells, dynabands, resistance training) will tone and tighten the underlying muscle but body fat reduction is imperative to reduce, eliminate the "wobble" and "giggle" frequently found and hated by women in our hips, legs, arms and abdominals as we get older.

Rinse Cycle

The rinse cycle of the clean-up process with the laundry adds a bit of "softness and suppleness" to the fabric of our clothes. Stretch and massage of the muscles of the body, whether following a workout, in between sets or as a separate process altogether should not be ignored as regular part of a fitness program. Unfortunately, in our haste to "lose and burn the fat" many people overlook the importance of this cycle or aspect of the fitness regimen. Our 25+ year old did not mention it as a variable in her program.

My admonition to elongating an overworked muscle and gaining flexibility, tone and length is regular stretching and lengthening thru Pilates and Yoga exercises; excellent disciplines to pursue for lengthening the muscle while you develop it. Strength training alone will build tight, taut and sometimes seemingly bulkier muscle mass (the latter is more likely on men than women, due to our constitution and hormones). As the muscle is developed and trained, the fibers grown stronger, denser and create the defined curve so characteristic of a toned body.

Working the muscle - while lengthening it - from origin to insertion with slow, repetitive, eccentric exercises and stretches will create a longer defined line of the fibers of each muscle involved. Stretching while strengthening should take time, never be skipped nor rushed. The use of resistance bands, movement with light hand weights and balls can add additional resistance and oppositional stretch.

Dry & Fold Cycle

Our 25+ year old further stated that she had, "a fast metabolism and I eat lots of small meals throughout the day. I generally eat pretty well. I have not been weighing myself, so I am not concerned with getting heavier from the muscle, I am just concerned that my legs and bum in particular are actually wider and more prominent than they have ever been before." Just wondering if you can give me some ideas as to how I can tone up but still remain really lean. I just want to get rid of the fat and not really build much muscle.

Metabolism and dietary habits are key; just as the last very important step of drying and folding the laundry is to wearing the clothes. If you eat high-fat, high-carb foods with regularity you will continue to spin like a mouse on a wheel to achieve the long, lean look you desire. Several small meals, consisting of quality protein, healthy fats and complex carbohydrates are the foods of choice for active individuals seeking to manage body fat and muscle definition. Use the VitalHealthZone to uncover the best models for eating to support lean muscle development.


There is a balance you want to achieve with both cardiovascular and strength training. I personally use and recommend that 25+, 45+ and 65+ year old's incorporate a minimum of 2-3X week of 30-40 minutes of cardiovascular training and 2X week of 45-50 minutes of strength training and perhaps 1-2X a week of a stretching and muscle lengthening program as a clean-body maintenance program. Too much of one will result in the loss of either strength, tone and definition or stamina, flexibility and endurance.

Lastly, my personal favorite "cleanup tip" for legs and glutes? Lunges are my favorite exercise for tightening and toning the legs and glutes. Everybody hates lunges; easy they are not! However, they are very effective for elongating the leg muscle. Ask your trainer to incorporate them into your personal fitness program regularly and feel free to use the article entitled "Twenty Minutes to Longer, Leaner Legs!" which can be found listed on my Author Page, as below.

Gina Jackson made a conscious career and lifestyle change to fitness in 2000 and assists clients in lifestyle fitness training programs; she is the Fitness Consultant, creator and energy behind the which provides fitness resources, tips, articles and MP3 downloads designed to assist all in realizing their fitness goals.

In addition to being a webmaster, Gina holds an MBA, from New York University, has Advanced PFT recognition as a member of the International Association of Fitness Professionals (IDEA); and is certified as a NY Power Pilates Teacher and a proud Business Member of the Pilates Method Alliance.

Please Note: You are granted permission to republish this article on your site only with maintenance of the credits, links and author's bio intact.

How To Find An Online Personal Trainer

Virtual training is becoming more and more popular. Whether you are pressed for time and want to work out at home, or you are bringing your trainer to the gym with you on your iPod, virtual training is where it's at! When you are looking for your online personal trainer, you want to go through the standard precautions of making sure they are certified through reputable organizations such as The National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA), American Council on Exercise (ACE), or the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NSCM). Also make sure they have a degree in an exercise science related field and have at least 5 years of experience. The Training market is saturated with novice trainers who can just as easily get you the results you want as they can permanently injure you.

After you have looked through the many online personal training services, and taken advantage of their many free sample downloads, your choice should be based on a few simple criteria. First of all, what environment are you going to be training in? Do you have the technology that your online trainer requires? (video iPod for some, streaming video for others, or simply an mp3 player). Are you a visual or an audio learner? Perhaps you're a hands-on, tactile person that needs to be shown exactly what to do, and how it is supposed to feel. Bear these things in mind when you are shopping for an online personal trainer, as some services are only audio based, while some offer diagrams, charts and written explanations of exercises. How about video quality? It's nice to get neat new exercises from your online trainer, but how clear is the explanation of what it is you're doing? How are the exercises cued? Can you understand, learn, and most importantly apply what you are learning? Are you motivated by the tone and enthusiasm of the online personal trainer?

The third major thing to consider when shopping for an online personal trainer, is what services are you actually paying for? How "personal" is your online personal trainer? Do you have the opportunity to interact with your trainer? Some online training services offer free forums for their members to ask questions on. Others have archived newsletters for you to search through to find answers to your questions. If you are spending money for a monthly online personal training service, you should have access to your personal trainer. Make sure you can email them, call them, text them, whatever it takes to keep you motivated, educated, and accountable. This is what you pay a personal trainer for right? Other services you may check for include nutritional advice and meal planning as well as yoga, pilates or some other form of "soft" fitness.

Lastly, as with all technological advances, test the system to make sure it actually works! Try a free download or two. Not just sitting in front of your computer, but in the field. Does it work for you? Can you see yourself getting fired up for more of the same? Is this a tool that you are going to utilize, or is going to be like the treadmill in the basement that has become the most expensive clothes hanger you ever purchased?!

Online personal training is perfect for the traveling executive who can't nail down a schedule. It's good for the new mom, who likewise has no set schedule. It's also a great thing for those of you who just hate gyms and crowds in general. Imagine being able to get personalized service in the convenience of your own living room! Welcome to the new age of fitness! Look forward to seeing you getting fit!

About The Author: Online Personal Trainer Tim Murray has been training clients for 15 years. He is a NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, ACE Certified Personal Fitness Trainer, spinning and yoga instructor. Tim trains clients via his online personal training business and also at his private fitness facility in Denver, Colorado.

Mudras & Hand Symbolism: Mudras of the Esoteric Christian Tradition Part 2

The Channeling Hands

There are times when we need to direct healing energy to a person. This may be done with the Channeling Hands. Although there are many techniques and methodologies for channeling energy depending on the nature of the problem and the healing tradition, this method is simple to recall and does not require much effort on our part.

For a general healing, the two hands are extended outwards--towards and within the aura of the patient--a centimeter or two away from the subject's physical body. Imagine the hands radiating a white-golden force filling the patient's aura. Next seal this magnetic-field with an inscription of a symbol meaningful to you. Trace this symbol in the air slightly above or beyond the person or object.

Like everything else in metaphysical practice, prior spiritual training under a true Guru, directly or indirectly appointed by the Holy Council of the Chohans, gives greater satisfactory results in healing operations.

The Manifester Mudra

"And it shall be, that thou shalt drink of the brook; and I have commanded the ravens to feed thee there. And the ravens brought him bread and flesh in the morning, and bread and flesh in the evening; and he drank of the brook." 1 Kings 17:4,6

Elijah, one of the biblical prophets, was commanded by God to go to the "wilderness" to "hide." This can actually be conjectured to be God's (actually a Guru's) command to Elijah to undergo a spiritual retreat to engage in meditation and other spiritual disciplines. Such spiritual retreats are called "Uzzlah" in Islam and "Hitbodedut" in Judaism, of which a specific physical environment is not always meant. Some people seem to think that meditation should only be done in peaceful and quiet surroundings--this is not true for someone of Elijah's caliber who is able to precipitate such conditions in his soul whenever he wills. Advanced practitioners are not dependent on the environment for peace, for this is a false sense of peace. True peace comes from within and is a state attained by meditators wherever they physically find themselves.

Now while in retreat Elijah was fed bread and meat by ravens. This anecdote may be interpreted literally or more appropriately, esoterically and symbolically. We will not overdwell upon this issue here. What interests us is that Elijah's needs were somehow fulfilled by an external force as a result of the workings of Cosmic laws. The scriptures do not relate this, but Elijah's desire or need was preceded by a request to be sustained--"ask and it shall be given"--that is the spiritual injunction. How desires may be requested for fulfillment is "coincidentally" depicted in the picture of Elijah above. The finger-tips of the two hands are placed together forming an empty space between them. Occultism teaches that this mudra builds up a natural magnetic-force between and around the hands while in this position, and this force may be imbued with a certain quality, feeling, idea, or thought. The resultant accumulation of power and the magnetization of this packet of energy with a thought or feeling is known as a thought-form, and at more advanced levels where a degree of consciousness is embued to it, the packet of energy becomes a "servitor" or a "familiar."

When subsequently released to the Cosmic realms, this thought-form strives to manifest on the physical plane that which it was programmed to do. This is why we name this mudra "the Manifester," for it helps to generate the energy and force to manifest one's desires--one reason why it is instinctively used during prayer. The mudra is one of the secret tools applied in the art of mental creation. We may manifest anything within the world of possibility and such manifestations may occur instantly or after a time delay.

In order to manifest anything, one must first accumulate psychic energy. There are many methods of doing this which are taught in metaphysical schools. One must also be able to release the thought-form to angelic intelligences and elementals and to urge their cooperation in the work of manifestation of which in this context we act as the First Cause. Their help are essential and this cannot be done if we do not acquire and maintain a good relationship with these beings or have authority over them. In the biblical story of Elijah mentioned previously, these elemental and angelic beings are represented by the ravens.

As this work with the elementals requires training under a qualified Guru, we will not offer the formula in full here for to convey such power to those who would abuse or misuse it is a dangerous thing to all parties concerned. We are to be responsible for what we give out. If a student abuses power the teacher likewise reaps a percentage of the karmic effects. There are metaphysicians who would deny this in their ignorance; nevertheless, it is true. In their ignorance, irresponsible "paranormals" or Gurus offer their occult teachings, their so-called powers and knowledge without any consideration as to the moral fitness of the recipient. We emphasize right here that some things just cannot be put into print for public consumption--not when the false ego reigns supreme. However, to return from our digression and putting the training work aside, the basic steps for manifesting anything are as follow:

1) Assuming the mudra and the generation/accumulation of Power

2) Attunement

3) Invocation of the angelic intelligences and elementals

4) The building-up of the thoughtform and empowering it

5) Release of the thoughtform with the certainty and faith that it will manifest

The Beast Master

Every student of biblical study is familiar with the story of Daniel and how he was thrown into the lion's den due to the nefarious plot of jealous individuals (Daniel 6:3-24), and also how he survived the ordeal. Like many other stories in the scriptures, this tale offers more value to us when interpreted esoterically rather than understanding it in a historical sense.

Metaphysically speaking, beasts of prey represent the lower instincts, desires, and emotions within man. The task of the disciple is to tame these energies and harness them for a higher purpose. Therefore, Daniel, having subdued the lions signifies a disciple's spiritual mastery over the forces governing his four-fold personality--his mental, astral, etheric and physical bodies.

The Beast Master mudra collects energies from the cosmos and directs them to the heart, it also raises and transmutes the lower "animalistic" energies residing in the solar plexus to the heart region where a major chakra is located. The energy that accumulates in the heart builds up the chakra that subsequently attracts a greater influx of power from the Monad, which is the divine spark within the microcosm.

To conduct the Beast Master exercise, extend your left hand outwards, palm facing upwards. The right hand should be placed over the heart, palm inwards. The next step is to visualize the left hand collecting energy from the cosmos. See silvery-golden light from a spiritual source entering your left palm and travelling to your heart. Do this for 5-10 minutes. By placing your right palm over your heart, a closed-circuit is formed that would build magnetism within the chest and thus further nourish the important heart-center.

Continuing to the next phase of the exercise, while still in the same mudra position, visualize a ball of energy in the solar plexus region. See it scintillating and vibrating with power. Suck this energy upward to the heart until the ball of energy at the solar plexus diminishes while the energy in the heart chakra area increases. This second part of the Beast Master should also be done for several minutes.

After completing the second stage, continue with the last step: Visualize a scintillating ball of silvery light above you. Chant and vibrate the word "Yeheshua" for 7x. Now inhale deeply and as you do so, direct a beam of light from this silvery ball of power above you to the crown of your head--continue visualizing its descent downwards where it engulfs the heart. As you hold your breath, see your heart covered in divine radiance as depicted in the picture above of the Benediction mudra. Exhale when you feel uncomfortable. Repeat the chanting and the breathing cycle for 5-10 minutes.

Once the heart chakra has unfolded, the energies residing in it may be directed in various ways by the white magician.

The Heart Polarizer Mudra

The purpose of the Heart Polarizer is to strengthen the psychic center in the heart region and to polarize one's consciousness at the level where love reigns in all its splendor.

The average person is polarized in the solar plexus chakra where the lower emotions are based. By transcending this chakra and focusing and functioning from the heart center we liberate ourselves from our human mortal thoughts, feelings and attitudes, and claim the heritage of our innate divinity.

To perform this mudra: place the left hand sideways against the center of the chest, thumb inwards to the heart as may be seen in the picture above. Maintain this position for 5 minutes or more while doing deep breathing. Focus your attention upon the heart where the spark of your divinity lies.

The Energizer Mudra (Sign of Reverence)

This mudra generates a certain energy within one's bio-magnetic field. It is a hand pose to be found in the practices of countless spiritual traditions and religions. While in prayer we often assume this pose and arise out of it spiritually strengthened and nourished. The power generated with the use of this mudra uplifts the mind giving one a new zest and enthusiasm for life. Needless to say, one of the secrets of prayer is the pose of the body and hands that configures one's energy structure to greatly facilitate the communion between worlds and the exchange of forces.

Execute this mudra by uniting both hands at the level of the chest, palms together and fingers pointing upwards. Maintain this pose for 5-10 minutes--or much longer if you are able to. Feel the energy developing in the area of the hands as it slowly spreads up to the arms and body. This mudra could trigger an automatic response from the nervous system resulting in unusual movements of the limbs and body.

The Christ Wisdom Mudra

This mudra develops in us spiritual wisdom. As mentioned in a previous chapter, every finger symbolically and magnetically represents a certain element. In this mudra we have spirit or ether (middle finger) acting on air or the mental faculties (index finger). When the mind is influenced by spirit it develops spiritual wisdom--not the wisdom of this world, but the wisdom of the gods that transcends human understanding.

For 5-10 minutes (or longer), place the tip of the right forefinger upon the tip of the middle finger of the left hand. The rest of the fingers of the right hand are folded, while in the left only the thumb and first three fingers are extended. The palms of both hands should face towards the chest. Refer to the painting at left.

[Note: This paper contains images which may be seen as originally published at our website]

Copyright © 2006 Luxamore

Metaphysical teacher, counseler, healer and merchant of occult/magickal items of Indonesia.

The 3 Best Exercises For Core Strength Training

This is a follow-up to a previous article on the benefits of core strength for running performance.

To recap, I covered the key benefits of core strength for runners such as improved efficiency, better posture, plus improved balance and stability. I also mentioned some activities for improving core strength, namely floor exercises, cross training, yoga, pilates and gym training.

In this article I want to quickly mention three of the more effective specific exercises that are scientifically proven to be the best at build your core.

Before I start out, I just want to point out, when most people start an exercise program they tend to start with easy exercises first with the intention of building up to the more advanced exercises when they get fitter. This will probably works for some, but when I undertake a new exercise program, I prefer to start on the most effective exercise (which is usually the hardest) first and work up to doing more reps over time.

I feel however it is too easy to become complacent with light-weight exercises and often wonder if I'm actually getting any benefit from them at all. So unless the hard ones are totally and utterly beyond me, I'd rather start with the advanced exercises first, knowing that I'm getting the maximum return on my time and effort.

I concede I will probably not do many reps when I start, but that's ok, because I'm just starting out.

If I can only manage 5, it doesn't matter. Next time I'll try for 8. Then the time after that I'll shoot for 10 and so on until I become more proficient with the particular activity.

I'd also like to state that I'm no fitness instructor and while this has worked for me, this is just my personal way of doing things. While I certainly advocate starting with the hardest exercises possible I also want to make clear that this isn't the same as pushing yourself to extreme limits when you're starting. I always start at a very basic level build myself up slowly and incrementally.

From years of personal experience, I have learned, where fitness is concerned, erring on the side of conservatism is usually the best policy.

So what are the best types of exercises for core strength?

Abdominal exercises are scientifically measured using a technique called electromyography (EMG) and rated relative to the traditional crunch - which is far from the best form of abdominal exercise by the way, contrary to it's popularity.

You should be aware that some exercises work on the rectus abdominus or your six-pack for those who have no idea what that is. Others work on your obliques which are located more to the side of the rectus obdominus. It is important to focus on both areas.

The Three best abdominal/core strength exercises

Bicycle Crunch

Bicycle Crunches top the list of the most effective abdominal exercises. To perform this exercise, lay flat on your back as if to do a crunch, placing your hands behind your head for support, bend your knees 90 degrees, then raise your left knee, while at the same time bringing your right elbow to your left knee, then alternate: right knee to left elbow, left knee to right elbow and over and over. The exercise should resemble a peddling motion.

The Bicycle crunch is extremely effective for your rectus abdominus as well as the obliques.

It rates 248% and 290% better than a traditional crunch respectively.

Another advantage of the Bicycle Crunch is it can be done without expensive gym equipment (or gym membership).

Hanging Knee Raises or Captain's Chair Exercise

You will most likely need to perform this exercise in a gym as it requires you to hang from something with your legs off the ground.

The standard gym equipment for this is called a power tower, also known as a knee raise machine or knee raise station and sometimes referred to as a captain's char.

You will also need good upper body strength. When hanging, you start the exercise by bringing your knees to your chest without using momentum and keeping the upper body straight, holding for a second, then lowering your legs again.

The Captain's Chair Exercise is 212% better than a traditional crunch for your recuts abdominus and 310% better for your obliques than a traditional crunch.

Abdominal Crunch on an exercise ball

You will find an exercise ball in a gym, or if you could buy one for yourself, an excellent investment I do say! Firstly sit on your ball (the exercise ball) in a comfortable position. Slide your body so you are on top of it, the ball should be somewhere between butt and upper back. The closer the ball is to butt, the more difficult the effort. Now perform a regular crunch - i.e.keep your hips and lower body still, "crunch" forward and lift your shoulder blades off the ball. Hold for 1 second and slowly lower back down to the starting position.

The abdomian crunch on exercise ball is 139% more effective than a traditional crunch for your rectus abdominus muscles and 147% more effective for your obliques.

I have provided links in my signature to demonstrations of these exercises on YouTube, I'm not affiliated with the authors of these videos and have included them only for demonstration purposes.

The purpose of this article is to offer these exercises as for improving your core strength. This in itself is fine, but does not take into account the need for a a training program tailored to your individual needs. If you are unsure about your overall program you should discuss your needs with your coach or a personal fitness instructor.

Rod McAnally is a competing long distance runner and sports enthusiast. Rod's mission is to take the confusion out selecting, comparing and buying a Timex IRONMAN watch and other sports watch timepieces. If you liked this article, more watch related information can be found at

Demonstration videos:

Horse Training 101 - Prepare Your Horse!

It doesn't matter whether you're coursing at 4ft. or heading out on a leisurely trail ride. Without proper preparation you could face some serious setbacks. You can call it mindful horsemanship or "Zen" riding but from the paddock to the performance ring following a methodical plan for getting your horse ready to work will eliminate wasted time, effort and energy not to mention possible injuries.

Let's start with the simplest exercise in horse work, the turnout. How hard can that be? Actually it seems more horses are hurt during a simple turn out than any other time. To insure your horse's safety you must first assess the turn out area. Is it safely fenced? Is the gate secure? Are there obstructions inside, rocks, wire, etc? Can the horse reach through the railings and make a meal out of the foliage growing next to the fence? Is the footing so deep your horse could pull a tendon or is it so hard that he could scrape his fetlocks or hocks from laying down to roll? Or is the footing so uneven that he might pull a suspensory? Do you have the proper tendon boots on your horse to protect his legs or bell boots in case he overreaches and can scrape his heal or pull a shoe? Can he jump out and if so, how dangerous or secure is the surrounding area?

So now that you're starting to get it... let's proceed. Let's talk about the round pen. Many of the same precautions above apply but now you have a little more control. First thing you need to consider is that the horse will be going in a circle around you. Having a constant bend in a horse's frame puts a lot of torque on his legs and the faster he moves the more it pulls on the tendons and stresses the joints. Tendon boots are a good idea as well as taking it quite slowly when the horse begins. There's great danger in sending a horse out on a circle at higher speeds without giving him a substantial warm up, truth is, it's dangerous at higher speeds period and so a proper warm-up is crucial as well as exercising a good deal of restraint on the handlers part.

But you say you're just going on a little trail ride? What sort of preparations could possibly be needed for that? To start with... has your mount been out lately or is he all hot and anxious because he hasn't been exercised for some time? Depending on your horse, this is where a bit of a turnout might be on the agenda. It's not fair to expect him to be relaxed and attentive to you if he just needs to go out and rip for awhile. It will be a much more pleasurable ride for you and your horse when he's not dancing on needles underneath you while exhibiting maneuvers along the trail that even a Lipizzaner would envy.

If you're jumping your horse you must consider him an athlete taking all the precautions necessary for any sport using the proper equipment for his protection and comfort. Warm ups are essential as well as cool downs taking breaks in between sessions so that he may avoid being winded. (Remember, when a horse is pushed past his ability to replace oxygen in his blood to nourish his muscles injuries will occur) Your horse should also be warmed up gradually over smaller jumps before taking on something bigger. I so enjoyed watching Michael Matz once as he prepared for a Grand Prix competition by jumping mostly over a small 2ft. vertical in the warm-up ring. His philosophy was that every horse only had so many "big" jumps available to him in his lifetime and that they should be used sparingly.

So you tell me you're only going to do a little Dressage? My question to you is; "are you going to ask your horse to go onto the bit?" Do you know that in doing so you're asking your horse to engage from behind which requires a good deal of muscle strength and control and it is unfair to expect your horse to do something that difficult without being properly warmed up. It would be comparable to a Yoga master doing a full lotus without first stretching resulting in some seriously sore muscles the next morning or something worse like pulling a muscle or popping a joint, ouch.

I think whether you heed what you know is proper warm-up for your horse depends on how much he means to you and how well you appreciate his efforts. I can only imagine it is not easy to be a horse especially when your owner either is ignorant of your needs and the demands his requests puts upon your body or they just don't care to take the time to insure your comfort. It is hard enough for your horse to do what it is you want when all the conditions are right so do your horse a favor and help him out a bit. Recognize him for the tremendous athlete he is and be determined to help him reach your goals in reasonable comfort and health!

If you'd like to know more about anything regarding horses, check out my website:

An Easy and Simple Golf Conditioning Program

Your body dictates your golfing ability. There's no way around it. If you're fit, chances are you'll play better golf. If you're not fit, chances are you'll play poorly. While you should stay in shape all year round, the winter is great for starting a golf-specific fitness program. Regardless of age, gender, or playing level, participating consistently in a golf-specific exercise program pays dividends in your game and in your life.

A golf-specific conditioning program consists of resistance training, cardiovascular conditioning, and functional flexibility. Resistance training strengthens the "core" body-- the abs, low back, and hamstrings. Cardiovascular conditioning generates energy to play longer at peak performance. Functional flexibility enhances swing mechanics and shot execution. Together, these three components build strength, suppleness, and stamina. The also build confidence in yourself and your game.

Functional Flexibility

Flexibly is a key to a consistent golf swing. Recreational golfers often lack the flexibility to perform swing mechanics correctly. Instead, they compensate for it by making adjustments in their swing. They risk hitting a bad shot and injuring themselves. Adding flexibility exercises to your winter workout improves your swing mechanics and your shot execution.

The Lunge with a Twist Exercise combines the power in your lower body with the core rotational movement needed for maximum golf swing speed and distance. Use a medicine ball or a single dumbbell for this exercise.

o Assume a standing position with your arms straight and hanging down in front of you, holding the dumbbell or the medicine ball.

o As you step forward with one leg, rotate your upper body to the same side holding the medicine ball or the dumbbell chest high the whole time.

o Return to the starting position and do the opposite leg.

o Repeat each side 10 times for 3 sets.

This exercise improves rotational range of motion and strength. It also strengthens the core area of your body. The Seated Twist is an offshoot of this exercise. Instead of standing and lunging forward, you simply twist from side to side while sitting on a chair and holding a dumbbell chest high. This exercise can be done in your office.

The Straight Leg Rotational Hamstring Stretch stretches the

hamstrings, hips, lower back, and mid-section. It trains the hamstrings, glutes, hips, lower back, obliques, and upper back muscles.

1. Begin by placing feet shoulder-width apart, extend arms overhead, and clasp hands together. Turn so that you are facing to one side.

2. Slowly extend arms toward the top of your shoes, keeping your legs straight.

3. Extend downward to your level of tolerance, pause slightly, and return to the starting position.

4. Rotate torso, shoulders, head, and arms to the other side.

5. Slowly extend arms toward your shoes, keeping your legs straight.

6. Reach downward to your own level of tolerance, pause slightly, and return to the starting position.

7. Return to the other side and repeat the same sequence, then return to the center position.

8. Perform 15 to 25 repetitions.

Yoga is also a good exercise for enhancing flexibility. PGA pro Jamie Mulligan includes Bikram Yoga in his conditioning program. Bikram Yoga involves making precise movements for 90 minutes in a superheated room. It keeps the body loose and supple, and strengthens concentration and focus

Resistance Training

Resistance training should be part of your winter conditioning program. When you improve strength, you improve control and balance. Also, strength training involves body awareness, muscular control, and coordination--all key elements for improved golf. When you do resistance training, you increase blood flow through a functional range of motion, and strengthen the tendons and ligaments in you body's joints. In conjunction with a stretching program, strength training improves flexibility, not hinders it.

The strength-for-golf commponent of your program addresses your body's "core" area--the abs, low back, and hamstrings. Contrary to popular belief, weight training does not cause you to lose "feel."

A golf-specific conditioning program incorporates moderate weight, with medium (12-15) repetitions, and in a time frame of 30-45 minutes. This type of program is designed to improve your golf-specific strength and endurance, not build muscle. A typical strength training exercise includes

o Leg Extensions

o Leg Press

o Leg Curl

o Low Back

o Abdominal

o Rotary Torso

o Double Chest

o Super Pullover

o Triceps

o Biceps

o Forearm

o Four-way Neck

The Tire Exercise is a different type of resistance exercise. Invented by golfing great Henry Cotton, this simple exercise strengthens the arm and wrist muscles and helps you judge swing speed.

Take your normal stance with the tire positioned as the ball. Employing a normal grip use a quarter swing to hit the back of the tire, moving the club head as fast as possible. The pitch of the swishing noise and the sound of the club's impact are your speed indicators. The loudest crack at impact is heard when the clubhead is released properly. Do 3 sets of 15 to 20 swings. Then turnaround and do it from the left side.

Aerobic Conditioning

Improving your cardiovascular system boosts energy. It also increases stamina and focus. Waking, biking, stair stepping, running, and swimming are all good cardiovascular exercises. Since golfers walk a lot, many focus on it as their main cardiovascular workout. A cardiovascular program incorporating 20-30-minutes of walking at an intensity 10- to 15-percent higher than when you walk a course works well for most golfers.

Using the winter to get in shape pays dividends. It improves your golf game, enhances your quality of life, and builds self-confidence. Instead of being depressed this winter because the season is over, start a golf-specific conditioning program to get yourself ready for the spring.

Jack Moorehouse is the author of the best-selling book How To Break 80?And Shoot Like The Pros. He is NOT a golf pro, rather a working man that was able to figure out the secrets of shooting in the 70?s on a consistent basis without quitting your day job. Jack has helped thousands of golfers from all seven continents lower their handicap immediately.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Chair Yoga Vinyasa Flow

Here is an option for your Chair Yoga classes. There are seated flows and standing flows from the back, or side, of the chair. "The flow," which we know as "Vinyasa," is synchronized breathing with movement. This brings to mind vigorous Yoga classes for young, energetic, and fit Yoga students.

However, Vinyasa can be gentle, too. If introduced correctly, Vinyasa Flows can be fun for students of all ages and most health conditions. The exception to this is extremely severe arthritis. Unfortunately, excess movement is not encouraged for this particular group.

Do not give medical advice, and explain to your students that you are a Yoga teacher, not a medical doctor. If one of your Chair Yoga students does not like their physician's advice, he or she has the right to seek a second medical opinion from a qualified physician, but do not give medical opinions.

Many physicians advise their patients, with severe arthritis, to stop exercise altogether. Constant friction, in the joints, without lubrication, is an existence of constant pain. This particular group would even be taxed in a gentle restorative style Yoga class or while performing isometrics.

So far, I have met a rare few, who have a severe level of arthritis, and they held postures for a long time with very little movement. That was all they could realistically endure, due to the level of pain they constantly live with. The fact that they try gives them mental comfort.

Again, in the above case, most physicians do not recommend any kind of exercise; however, Pranayama and meditation were a big relief. Vinyasa, of any sort, was "out of the question." So, let's concentrate now on the 99% of your Chair Yoga students who are looking for a little stimulation in the form of Vinyasa Yoga.

Your Chair Yoga students can hold a posture for one complete breath. That is one full inhale and one full exhale, while holding a posture. This will be much less vigorous, but your Chair Yoga students will love it. This is not a race and is also mildly aerobic. The benefits are mentally uplifting, as well.

For a fit crowd, an inhale on one posture, and an exhale on the following posture will be fine, but the breath should still be complete. The Chair Yoga teacher is not a "drill sergeant," so the pace of any Chair Yoga Vinyasa flow should be slow, thorough, and controlled. Chair Yoga Vinyasa Flow is not a race. The absolute and top priority is to keep Yoga practice safe. Fun is one thing, but safety overrides fun every time.

© Copyright 2006 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard is a co-owner and the director of Yoga teacher training at: Aura Wellness Center, in North Providence, RI. He has been a certified Master Yoga teacher since 1995. He is a master instructor of martial arts, with multiple Black Belts, four martial arts teaching credentials, and was recently inducted into the USA Martial Arts Hall of Fame. He teaches Yoga, martial arts, and fitness to children, adults, and seniors in the greater Providence area. Recently he wrote: Is Running a Yoga Business Right for You? For Yoga students, who may be considering a new career as a Yoga teacher.

The Benefits of Yoga Accessible to Children

The physical practice of Yoga, as many studies have shown, reduces stress, balances and aligns the body, mentality and spirit. It is indeed a preventative cure! Regular practice helps keep the positive life energy, or Prana flowing. You are in a better mood! Toxins are flushed which build up in the body through diet and stress. Yoga improves co-ordination and flexibility. With practice, you are able to sleep better as your body is able to relax and focus on rest. Breathing becomes integral and thus a positive manipulation of thoughts.

So why not introduce this godsend practice to our children? Yoga for children is essential. Children are under an immense amount of stress on a regular basis. Besides hormones raging, there is the pressure of school. Kids have homework deadlines, peer pressure of trying to fit in and be noticed in a large social world, pressure from teachers and parents to perform. Many schools have opted to delete PE from the curriculum, to cut down on budgets! Many children are left frustrated and unable to cope with all the stress. They then get home and turn on the television, or computer. Where is the outlet?

A teacher training session through Yogafit, for example, equips their teachers with their Yoga Essence. Their focus is on personal tools, which will help, anyone's yoga practice, including a child's.

There is the focus on breath, where one listens to the breath. The child could watch his or her stomach rising steadily. Visualization techniques could be used to better monitor this breath. Children are great at imaginary games, this in turn, calms down the hyperactive individuals.

Another,is letting go of expectation. One has to enter the yoga class with no expectations from oneself, the instructor or other participants. Too often children are motivated through competition. The need to get ahead to receive a prize, the best player to receive recognition, in yoga there is no competition. Everyone is here on his or her own accord. Yoga encourages individuality. No one can do a pose wrong. Everyone is unique in his or her own way. This is definitely a positive believe for children.

Judgment, is another. Yoga encourages compassion for all, and every living thing. Children are constantly encouraged during a class. It is playful and full of fun.

There is only peace in the present yoga moment. The tree pose, the warriors and meditation are great tools to introduce this to children. They are led to focus on their breathing and stance. They are encouraged to check in to their bodies, to asses how they are feeling.

When introducing Yoga to children, another important factor is a proper diet. The less fatty and processed foods they eat, the better their bodies will feel. The fewer toxins they are introducing to their bodies. Thus body consciousness is encouraged. Fresh fruit and vegetables are to be eaten.

Even though Yoga classes are wonderful, they are not always accessible to many families. Classes can be costly and also, not listed in many neighborhoods. There are ways to get around this. The local libraries offer books and DVDs on Yoga practice to kids, for free! The local newspaper may have free class postings. Yoga can be practiced anywhere! On the beach, in the backyard, on a patch of grass, on a hilltop celebrating the sun, doing the sun dance. In the quiet of your bedroom in the early hours of the morning, right before the start of your day, is a great way to get motivated for school! Yoga in the living room with a Yoga DVD can be just as effective.

Yoga for children is important. They are natural yogis and yoginis. Every child has the right to Yoga practice. It leads to their optimum living! The sooner we introduce yoga to all children, the better our society will be!

Candice Beyers is an aspiring Yoga Instructor. She has been involved in Yoga for over 8 year and has worked closely with children ages 1 to 12 years old.



Yoga Face Training For Nintendo DS

The Yoga Face Training for DS is similar to the Face Yoga that is used worldwide to improve the circulation of your facial muscles. This will improve the flow of blood and oxygen to facial tissue, and is said to help adults maintain a youthful face and have a better skin tone.

If you remember the Brain Training which was also a hit game for Nintendo DS and was promoted by Nicole Kidman, this game will be using Zoe Ball, Julie Walters, and Fern Britton for its advertising campaigns.

This game works like what anyone would do in a Face Yoga class. You will be looking at the instructor positioned at the upper screen of the console. You need to follow the instructor and achieve the goals. Using the camera of NDS, you will be comparing the instructions of the game and what you are currently doing. The camera will serve as your mirror and will show you if you are doing great or not.

At the same time, Nintendo announces the release of the camera that will be placed in the GBA slot of NDS. This is another innovation from Nintendo and is the first in the gaming industry. Imagine the games that you can play in NDS using a camera, the built-in microphone, the wireless connectivity, and the stereo speakers.

If you wanted to keep your facial skin in great condition, this game is definitely the right one for you. This will not only prevent facial lines to appear, but will also enhance your skin tone.

Games are really not bad for your health. In fact, most of the game releases these days are focused on your health. All you have to do is to maintain a healthy lifestyle together with a dose of the health-friendly games offered by Nintendo consoles.

Read the latest video game reviews at our video game blog.

Practice Dahn Yoga - How It Heals Your Body

Yoga is one form of physical exercise that millions of people all over the world are taking to with lots of interest. Its popularity is growing at tremendous speed and more people are being influenced into practicing it. The most common form of yoga is Hatha Yoga. This form of yoga involves breathing exercises and physical exercises which involve doing postures. Doing hatha yoga makes a person gain strength, stamina, vitality and become flexible. The blood flow throughout the body also improves to a great extent.

Hatha Yoga also involves certain meditation techniques which help people become more peaceful and also creates self awareness. Doing Hatha yoga changes your outlook towards life making you more aware of every tiny detail. Various centers have been established in many cities that are promoting hatha Yoga.

You do not need to learn yoga through a teacher, getting yourself a book or a proper DVD or Video on yoga would be enough. Dahn Yoga is another form of Yoga other than Hatha Yoga.

Dahn yoga is also known as Dahn Hak or Dahnak and it originated as a Korean instruction program in its early days. The aim of the program was to teach people to have a larger perspective of life by expanding their physical and mental consciousness. This yoga got lost for some time and was rediscovered much later and had its first center in Korea. Dahn Yoga first came into the Untied States in1991 and ever since many new centers have opened up. Dahn yoga does not involve any form of physical exercise.

In Dahn Yoga a person is taught about the action and movement of energy in the body which is what the basic principles of this yoga are. Dahn yoga believes that it is due to stress that a person's body becomes aged and weak. So by removing the stress factor one is able to see great improvement in one's health there by increasing their life span. The knowledge of improvement and development of energy inside the body is what Dahn Yoga is all about. This form of yoga teaches a person to communicate with their body effectively.

People who are into this practice believe that there is healing energy inside each one of us. And it is this natural healing power which needs to be stimulated which connects the body to the conscious mind.

Dahn yoga involves breathing techniques along with deep stretches and meditation so that the physical, mental and spiritual healing energies are stimulated. Doing this yoga helps us become more relaxed while we discover our inner self. Our lives then become stress free without any trace of anxiety which gives us greater self control and awareness.

Deep breathing and meditation helps the body to accumulate more energy which makes the body's system and various organs to function effectively. This helps in elimination of toxins from the body. When we have a healthy body we also have a healthy mind which is full of positive thoughts making us brim with self confidence. We thus become free from any addictive behaviors.

The integration of the body and mind helps all our dormant abilities to come out and we start achieving our goals. Most people who practice Dahn Yoga volunteer to teach and train interested people for free. Living a healthy life in peace is what Dahn yoga is all about.

Abhishek is a Yoga teacher and he has got some great Yoga Secrets up his sleeve! Download his FREE 106 Pages Ebook, "How To Maximize The Power Of Yoga!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

Yoga Insights: Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutations), Part 2

For exceptional benefits to the thyroid and parathyroid, it is arguable that other asanas would be more effective, especially if held longer. For example: The shoulder stand, (Sarvangasana), held for a longer duration, would be more beneficial for sending oxygenated blood to the thyroid and parathyroid.

However, the condition of a Yoga student's neck should be a prime concern when performing the shoulder stand. Therefore, in this instance, the standing forward bend with a chin lock, performed in a Sun Salutation, is much less risky.

The Sun Salutations will help eliminate toxins from your body. By creating healthy circulation and speeding up the elimination systems, within your body, the Sun Salutations work like a tonic. All of this physical movement, that occurs while practicing the Sun Salutations, will thoroughly oxygenate your blood and open your breathing passages.

In turn, the body is more relaxed, flexible, and stress is reduced. Yoga students, who perform Sun Salutations on a regular basis, will sleep better at night and become much calmer.

Just remember to allow a few hours between the end of the Sun Salutations and the beginning of bedtime. This will allow your body and mind the time to wind down and relax. Also, this is just one more good reason to practice Sun Salutations during the morning hours.

Strength, muscle tone, and coordination are also benefits that Yoga students can expect to see and feel. During my experience while teaching Yoga classes, I have noticed that students, at any age, noticeably improved in strength, muscle tone, and overall coordination, when they regularly practice Sun Salutations.

Some of them even loss weight, but diet is also a large factor in this. Yet, some that did not lose weight did lower body fat. We know this because privately- trained Yoga students do have their body fat checked when they start. This is not a requirement, but it is an option. Some Yoga students must see and feel the physical benefits first, in order to "stick with the program."

Mental health benefits of Surya Namaskar are many, but when anxiety and stress are lowered; the quality of life goes up. With this in mind, the odds of becoming depressed are drastically reduced. Some Yoga students practice Sun Salutations just to keep depression "at bay."

With all of the above-mentioned benefits, Sun Salutations should be considered a very valuable part of Hatha Yoga practice. They can even be modified for Chair Yoga practice. Therefore, always consider Surya Namaskar to be an essential part of your class - especially, if you teach a form of Hatha Yoga. Always remember that Surya Namaskar is much more than a warm-up.

© Copyright 2006 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard is a co-owner and the director of Yoga teacher training at: Aura Wellness Center, in North Providence, RI. He has been a certified Master Yoga teacher since 1995. To receive a Free e-Book: "Yoga in Practice," and a Free Yoga Newsletter, please visit:

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

27 Strength Training Tips For More Muscle and Increased Football Performance

27 Quick Tips for Better Performance

No matter how good your football strength training program is, we all get stuck at some point. Sometimes you need to pull something out of your bag of tricks to get progress going again. It can be something huge, like a total program change. Or, it can be something as simple as mixing up the reps or adding a new strength training tool to your toolbox.

Here are 27 tips and tricks to get you closer to hitting your football strength goals.

1. Guns not growing? Try Arm Wrestler Curls. This partial movement allows you to overload the biceps and also build explosive strength, which will allow you to use more weight in your normal curl exercises. Sit down with bar in hands, place your forearms on your thighs, and explode the weight up. Go heavy. 3 - 5 sets of 4 - 6 reps.

2. "Choke up" on the bar when doing Dumbbell curls. The biceps' job is to turn the palms, so by placing your index finger closer to the plates on the dumbbell, the bi's will perform more work when supinating the hands. This may not seem like much, but it can make a big difference.

3. If you are having trouble putting on muscle, try slowing down the negative portion of the lift then exploding up! This won't do much for strength but it will lead to an increase in lean muscle.

Slow the negative down and then explode up as fast as possible.

4. Always lift the bar as fast as possible, no matter what the exercise or how much weight is on the bar. Lifting fast will train your fast-twitch muscle fibers, which will lead to a better physique and improved performance in any sport. Even if the bar is heavy, the intent to accelerate it as fast as possible is what counts.

If you concentrate on always moving the bar as fast as possible, you'll never have to worry about not being fast enough for football! This type of training is the secret on how to get faster for football...

5. Use chains and bands to accommodate resistance. The problem with lifting fast is that the body will decelerate the bar as it nears lockout to prevent bad things like your joints breaking. Adding bands or chains to the bar actually "adds" weight to the bar as you near lockout, so you must accelerate all the way through or you will miss the lift!

Another issue is that often we are strongest in the last 1/3 of a lift, so that portion of the motion is under-trained. Bands and chains will increase resistance as the chains come off the ground or the bands are stretched, thus making the entire lift hard.

6. Bands aren't just for explosive strength. Adding bands to the bar and fighting their pull on the way down will accentuate the negative and lead to more muscle gain. A great way to try this is to loop one end of a band around a barbell, and the other end around the bottoms of your feet (a position called stumping). Do curls as you normally would, but fight the bands on the lowering portion. You'll feel it the next day.

You can also stump the band around your back and transform the ordinary Push-up into a hard-core, muscle-building movement that will challenge even the strongest lifters. High rep push ups with bands added is an excellent way for a young football player to add quality muscle to his upper body.

7. Is your Deadlift or Squat hurtin'? Try performing some jumps before your pull or squat. Do about 5 jumps either onto a plyo box, on stairs, over a bench, or just do Vertical Jumps. I picked this up from Joe Defranco and it always seems to help get the big leg exercises going after hitting a wall.

One of my football players hit a 10lb P.R. in the Trap Bar Deadlift after weeks of stagnation after adding the jumps. Many others have seen similar increases.

8. Static stretching just before lifting heavy or performing athletically is not always a good idea...except for the calfs and hip flexors.

In most athletes, these two areas are notoriously tight and relaxing them prior to going all out can help increase performance. Football players are notoriously bad in this area!

Hold static stretches for 2 sets of 30seconds, each leg. For the hip flexors, the lunge stretch works best. Remember, tight hip flexors have been called breaks, so don't let them slow you down.

9. This one is a little odd, and might be hard to do if you train in a commercial gym, but, from time to time, try training shoeless. This will provide a much different stress for the legs and also help actually train the feet. It seems weird, but get a foot injury and you'll quickly realize the importance of foot health.

10. Go outside! Coach Dan John often talks about this. Why is anyone running on a treadmill when we have thousands of miles of beautiful landscape to sprint across? There is just something refreshing about going out into the elements and exercising. Don't let weather be an excuse either. Living in Jersey, I've trained in freezing rain and in choking humidity. If nothing else, sprint and run outside. Buy a Kettlebell and get out and do some swings and snatches and throws and anything else you can think of!

11. Video your lifts or routines as often as possible. The old saying in football is true in every sport; the film doesn't lie. If you are having form issues either on stage, in the weightroom or on the field, the video will expose and allow you to fix them.

12. Training is great, but at some point you've gotta' put it on the line. Obviously we all compete in football, but I'm talking about something more...

Think you're strong? Enter a Powerlifting or Olympic Lifting meet. Competing will help keep you focused, give you an idea of where you are, and inspire you to constantly strive to perform better.

13. Train in different types of shoes, especially when Squatting. Try Olympic Lifting shoes, Deadlift slippers, Chuck Taylors, and even boots with a heel. All will put a different spin on the squat and help improve strength and give more complete development in the legs. Most sneakers are terrible for lifting weights. They have too much cushion and the force that you should be applying to the floor through your feet is just lost.

14. If your Bench, Incline, or other pressing movements are stalling, try changing grips. Go wide, narrow, mixed or reverse. This can provide a subtle, but much needed change to get things moving.

15. Constantly change bars and handles on your pulling movements. Lat pulls can be down with a Lat bar, Rope, V-handle, Rotating Handles, D-Handles, Thick Bars, Spud Straps, or a towel. In fact, any cable exercise for the back can be trained on a huge variety of handles.

16. Change bars often on all exercises. Take the regular Squat and give it a wicked twist by using a Safety Squat Bar, a Hip Belt, Manta Ray, or Cambered bar. Powerlifters constantly change the type of bar they squat with and they are some of the best squatters on the planet. Use a thick bar for curls and pressing.

17. Have a big training session or meet coming up? Try this: 45 minutes pre-workout take 2 caffeine-free Spike, 3 L-tyrosine caps and either a strong cup of coffee or half a caffeine tab. This will inhibit serotonin, get the CNS fired up, and get your brain ready to train.

18. Sore in the middle of a heavy training cycle? After the first heavy session of the week take a hot Epsom salt bath, then perform 20-minutes of static stretching. The next session, rub either Blue Heat or if you are feeling risky, try the super hot Nicoflex, on whatever areas are still sore. It's best to wear long sleeves and sweat pants when doing this. Whatever soreness you have will be gone, along with quite a bit of sweat. Be careful with the Nicoflex in any areas that could burn, it gets super hot and the warmer you get, the hotter it becomes!

19. Super tired? Dragging yourself to the gym? Try everything listed in #17, take the Spike, Tyrosine, Caffeine, and take a serving of Power Drive then immediately take a 15 - 20 minute nap. This works best for those who have trained themselves to fall asleep quickly.

The nap provides much needed sleep and the supplements will start to kick in just as you wake up. Save this for when really needed.

20. If you are having trouble holding on to Deadlifts, ditch the straps and train your grip. Straps are ok for training sometimes, but don't neglect your grip strength! I realize it's not always sexy for a woman to be able to crush walnuts in her hand, but improved grip strength will help your biceps grow, give you better control in all exercises where the bar is in your hands, and, if you are an athlete, your hands can never be too strong.

You can train your grip in a variety of ways, but here are some favorites:

- Use Grippers
- Do Timed Claw Holds holding one end of a hex dumbbell
- Train with Thick Bars
- Use a thick handled Forearm Roller
- Do Power Holds: Load a thick bar and hold it at waist level for as long as possible
- Put a few plates together and perform a Pinch Grip Hold for time

Train your grip 1 - 2 times per week and you'll notice a huge difference in almost all other upper body exercises.

21. If you find your progress slowing but you have some extra time, try splitting some of your workouts in two. Instead of doing a long leg workout on Monday; do half Monday and the other-half on Tuesday.

This is inconvenient for most people long-term, but it can provide a much needed intensity boost. Instead of giving the movements in the second half of your session half effort, move them to the next day and go after it hard.

22. Get in shape to get in shape: even if you don't compete in Figure or don't play sports, it's always a great idea to include 1 - 2 GPP (General Physical Preparation). Do 20 minutes of any of the following, once or twice a week:

- Walking with a loaded sled or Prowler
- Walk with a weighted vest
- Run Hill Sprints
- Swing a Sledge Hammer (10 - 1 minute rounds, each side)
- High Rep Kettlebell Swings with a light weight

So many people, athletes included, just run out of gas during hard training; train your GPP and you'll be able to power through even the toughest of training sessions.

23. Reading and learning is great. But, learning without applied action is worthless. Don't be one of those lifters who spends months planning the perfect diet or program, all the while doing nothing! Part of the fun of this whole lifting thing is to learn along the way. Read, study, apply. Too many young football players and lifters spend so much time planning the perfect strength program that they do nothing at all. Don't be that guy!

24. Shake up your supplements. Supplements are just that; a way to supplement your nutrition plan. But, just as we tend to continually return to the workouts we like time after time; most of us stick to the same supplements as well.

Remember, you don't have to stick to the conventional wisdom. I had a football player have tremendous results using Hot-Rox Extreme while bulking. Try new products and track results closely.

25. Speaking of supplements, don't think that only high-tech products are result producing. Products like ZMA (maybe the most underrated supplement in the world), Creatine, Fish Oil, and Powerdrive may not promise to add 20lbs of muscle in 6-minutes, but they will provide you with outstanding long-term results.

26. At least once per training cycle, do something completely off plan. Use much higher reps, do exercises you don't normally do, or perform the entire workout as one giant super set.

Yes, long term these plans might not be the best fit for your goals, but, even when we make a concerted effort to change our plans often, we can fall into a rut. The best thing to do is go out and do a program that is so unlike your current program that you are almost scared to do it! As Charles Staley once said, "The best program in the world is the one you're doing now."

You only have to do this for a day, so no need to fear. Actually, this is a great time to utilize tip #10 as well. Take a Kettlebell outside and do high reps or throw it like you are training for the Highland Games!

27. Hire a coach. I admit I'm biased on this one, but sometimes you have to look to a professional for guidance. Even if you are quite advanced, having someone else who knows their stuff evaluate part of your training can pay off huge.

I recommend hiring someone for an area that you are either deficient in or just hate doing. For example, as much as I preach flexibility to my athletes, I slack off on stretching. Well, until it gets bad and my deadlift starts to look like a demented teeter-totter!

In that case, I hire someone who stretches me (either through Yoga or by a massage therapist). See, it's easy to blow off stretching while watching "How I Met Your Mother," but when I'm paying someone to do it, you can bet I'll be stretching! (Cheapness is a great motivator)

To get Free Football Training Reports "7 Steps to Insane Game Speed," and "14 Must-Do Exercises to Increase Football Speed," please visit Increase Football Speed and Get Stronger for Football.

It's Easier to Take Up Yoga Than You Might Think

Deciding to take up yoga is just the first step in reaping the benefits of this wonderful exercise regime. That decision made there are four steps you need to take to get started: picking a yoga type, finding a class, finding out what equipment you need and learning what to expect. In this article we'll walk through each of these steps to set you on your way.

1. Pick a yoga type

You might be surprised to learn that there are many different types of yoga and the first thing you need to do is decide which one is right for you.

Hatha or vinyasa styles are good for beginners as the poses are quite basic. Hatha yoga is slow-paced and gentle so you will have time to learn the postures. Vinyasa yoga is usually a little more vigorous and you will often work up a sweat. Poses and postures in this style of yoga are linked together in a series of movements synchronized to your breath.

2. Find a class

Once you have decided on your yoga style you'll then need to find a class. You need to practice yoga at least three times a week for it to be effective so think about finding a class that is conveniently located near to your home or your work.

If you are a member of a gym then ask if they offer yoga classes and whether the cost is included in your membership fees. Alternatively look online or in your local telephone directory for specialist yoga studio.

3. Find out what equipment you need

You don't need a lot of expensive equipment to practice yoga, and can usually get started with just a sticky yoga mat. Many gyms and studios will rent you a mat so you don't even have to spend any more until you are sure that yoga is right for you.

You might need to buy suitable clothing though, you will want something lose and comfortable to wear during your class. Don't worry about expensive training shoes though, yoga is best practiced in your bare feet.

4. What to expect

Before taking your first class you might want to observe one, just so you can see what to expect.

Most classes are similar; students place their mats facing the front of the room, leaving enough space between you and your neighbour to allow you to stretch your arms during certain poses.

The instructor will then guide you through a series of poses and postures depending on the style of yoga being taught. You will often start with breathing exercise before moving into some warm up poses. From there the more vigorous poses and stretches follow before you move into the final relaxation stage.

Take the time to learn more about the different yoga styles so that you can choose one that's right for you. Follow this up by finding an affordable class in a convenient location so that you can aim to practice at least three times a week. Make sure you have some comfortable clothes and decide whether you'd prefer to rent or buy a yoga mat for practice. Finally observe a class so you know what to expect. Follow these steps today and you will be on the road to experiencing the benefits that yoga has to offer.

If you need some help choosing the Yoga equipment you need to get started then head over to where you'll find the best yoga mats and bags as voted for by the people.