Saturday, June 7, 2014

Yogic Insights - Faith in Humanity

Could Yoga help you restore your faith in humanity? Have you ever had "one of those days" where everything seemed to go wrong? On one of those days, it may start with one crisis of the moment, and continue onto the next, until we become exhausted by the events of the day.

In the worst of times, we might feel like: "What worse can happen next?" Maybe your faith in humanity is challenged by rude behavior, traffic, or an Email that attempts to steal your identity. You might begin to think: "Whatever happened to courtesy, honesty and compassion?"

There are some points to review, while you are off the Yoga mat. Some Yoga teachers explain the wealth of Yoga, we may know, as "Raja." Some will refer to this as the "Yoga of Patanjali," because he classified many aspects within the Yoga Sutras.

Within the Eight Limbs, mentioned by Maharishi Patanjali, are the Yamas. One of the five Yamas mentioned is, "Satya," which we may roughly translate as "truth." Truth and honesty seem simple enough, but they can become complicated. Are we truthful to ourselves when we get caught up in believing the world has taken a turn for the worst?

There is a quote from Hamlet by Shakespeare, which reads, "This above all: to thine ownself be true." It is so easy to see the weather, friends, family, and our jobs, as not up to our expectations. If we expect anything, it should be with tolerance and compassion. Life is full of surprises. Therefore, expect the unexpected, and do not worry about the worst possible situation.

Worrying about a situation, that never happens, is a waste of energy and will shave years off your life. Worrying, during a bad situation, will not solve the problem. To prepare is wise. To seek a solution, during a crisis, is an example of how Yoga can train your mind to maintain rational thoughts.

The teachings of Yoga allow us to renew our faith in humanity, because our viewpoint of life is what we choose. If I choose to be a member of the "doom club," I can see everything has gone wrong everywhere. This is like Rush Limbaugh's quote, when he stated, "I Hope Obama Fails."

Regardless of our beliefs and differences, as contributing members of this planet, let us never wish for anyone to fail an attempt at a noble cause, especially if the situation affects millions or billions of people.

© Copyright 2009 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of Yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA - He has been a certified Master Yoga Teacher since 1995. To receive Free Yoga videos, Podcasts, e-Books, reports, and articles about Yoga, please visit:

Baby Yoga and Me

Having carried a sizable bump around for a very long, very hot summer, I really wasn't in the mood for a work out.

As Gwyneth Paltrow and all of my other coat-hanger thin celebrity peers snaked their way, all skin and bone about the tabloids, I scowled and knew that, even if the mood did ever take me as I sat covered in powered milk, I would just never have the time to get back in shape now that I always had my baby in toe. After all, its not as if I could balance Harry on the rowing machine as I made for the nearest treadmill - I didn't think they'd like that down at the health club.

I did try the gym. Once. Inspired by Gwynnies size eight flat chestedness I did deposit Harry at my mums', and went for one swim amongst the well toned - but my self-esteem could just not cut it. Having been a large pregnant woman and having had a difficult birth, my body was not as it should be, and I didn't stay for long. I'm sure no one cared about my having varicose veins now, but I did, and I suddenly felt very much like a mum, and nothing else.

Loosing faith in the idea that I'd ever have a waist again, I pooled my NCT friends to see if they had any tips on how to regain a good shape, without the embarrassment.

There was no way I was doing yoga. It turned out after speaking to the girls that they already had a fitness plan, and were meeting to go to some yoga class the following week. I'd only ever seen yoga on television, and I wouldn't have even considered trying it pre-Harry - I was never that skinny and stealth. The women all looked like they hadn't eaten for at least five years, and there was no way I was ever learning how to be a 'delicate lotus' with all of the cellulite I'd accumulated now. I lied and told them I couldn't get a babysitter...

Turns out you can take your little ones to baby yoga. I was worried it would be new agey, but our first session soon dispelled all the worries I had about that. Friendly and chatty, the class was only for parents, and I met a whole gaggle of new local mums. We chatted about our babies, their first rolls, nappies and missing socks, and Harry played merrily with the other tots that were there - something which really made me smile as he's an only child and I was worried that when it came to mixing with other babies he'd wouldn't cope. Turns out he's a bit of a socialite - that's my boy!

A qualified baby yoga teacher, our leader, Sue, started us off with some very simple stretches, which were fine for any physical type. Her training with Birthlight means she knows exactly what our bodies have been through, and so nothing was too much. I was petrified that Harry would cry when it came to including him in the work out (the baby isn't put under any stress either by the way - there's just lots of great, gentle skin to skin contact and muscle stimulation, no sun salutations just yet!) but he just smiled. It must feel good, after all, to have the shouty tired woman who's been harassing you for all this time give you some proper, physical warmth and lavish attention.

The stimulation that babies receive doing yoga releases endorphins in the brain, and so they clearly glow after a session, just as we do after a turn at the gym. It was great to know he felt so cared for.

As time went on, our classes did become more adventurous. The stretches we learned started to actively include our babies (they are fabulous weights!) and we all became far less inhibited, and felt happy to move onto the more complex movements.

To calm the babies, Sue introduced music into the classes, which soothed them no end - in all the time I've been going now, I don't think we've ever had a baby have to be taken out for crying. After Harry's bath, I often do yoga with him at home now, and the heat of my hands and the slow, rhythmic nature of the movements send him to sleep with much greater ease than a simple cuddle and a song tape ever could. He started sleeping through the night months before a lot of other babies that we know, and I'm in no doubt that that has sonething to do with our yoga.

Being an enthusiast now, I've read up on the later benefits of what baby yoga can do and I'm excited. It's clear from the fact he rolled early that Harry has good spatial awareness, and plenty of confidence in what his body is capable of. When we took him for his eight-month check my health visitor told me he will miss out crawling stage - his spine is strong, and having been made aware of the limitations of his body through yoga, he doesn't need to go through the exploration that crawling allows.

As well as the very evident physical benefits of baby yoga, it's also been a lifesaver for me. On maternity leave I was a bit of a lonely mum, and now I have something of a network. Size ten again and happy, there is never a morning goes by when Harry and I do not have a play date. It's turned things around. I think ill go down the gym tomorrow...

To find details of Baby Yoga activities in your area visit

Lucy Curran

About Teaching Private Yoga Lessons

There are currently hundreds of Yoga teacher training programs for instructors throughout the world. Many of these programs offer 200 hour and 500 hour levels of teacher certifications. Despite a lagging economy, or perhaps more accurately because of the lagging economy, more and more people are turning to the restorative and stress-reducing practices of Yoga.

According to Yoga Journal, there are now over 14 million Americans who practice Yoga on a regular basis. The practice of Yoga has expanded from retreat centers and ashrams to mainstream settings such as: health clubs, community centers, schools, hospitals, and even jails.

Although there are opportunities to work as a Yoga instructor in many of these settings, a Yoga teacher may also want to consider offering private lessons to his or her students. Working as a private Yoga instructor can be both very rewarding and lucrative. You will be able to work with people who may not otherwise be able to physically attend a Yoga class. You will also be able to set your own rates and hours.

Whether you are looking to supplement your income by teaching some private Yoga lessons or want to eventually teach only on a private basis, building up your private clientele may be a wise choice. Of course, the demographic area where you live is an important consideration when you are evaluating if you should focus on developing a private Yoga student base.

You need to work in an area where people generally have enough disposable income to pay for private Yoga instruction. It would be best to gear your marketing efforts to neighborhoods that are more affluent. You may also want to consider working through a referral agency that will place you in a hospital or medical facility where you could work with patients who are recovering from serious medical conditions.

Do keep in mind that you need to charge enough per hour to compensate yourself for travel expenses and commuting time. Don't undervalue the convenience or quality of offering private Yoga lessons.

A great way to evaluate what kind of Yoga your students are interested in, and how much they would be willing to pay is to hand out questionnaires at the end of one of your classes. Ask them to give you some feedback on how much they would feel comfortable paying and what type of Yoga they would be most interested in studying on a private, one-on-one basis. As an incentive to fill out the questionnaire, you could give out gift certificates for the local coffee shop or juice bar.

? Copyright 2011 - Aura Wellness Center - Publications Division

Faye Martins, is a Yoga teacher and a graduate of the Yoga teacher training program at: Aura Wellness Center in, Attleboro, MA. To receive Free Yoga videos, Podcasts, e-Books, reports, and articles about Yoga, please visit:

Strength Training For Seniors - Regain Mobility

Strength fitness training is important for seniors to gain or maintain the use of the muscles. When people neglect to incorporate any type of regular movement into their life, the result is decreased mobility and lack of balance. By exercising the muscles through resistance exercise, mobility and balance can be restored and improved.

The most important muscles to begin training are your leg muscles. Incorporating walking into your weekly routine is a good start. Then specific exercises such as squats will further develop your legs. It's a good idea to add exercises for your entire body as you get more and more fit. When you include a variety of exercises for your body you enhance good posture and overall mobility as well.

Resistance training can be in the form of weight training at home or at a gym. It can also be done with resistance bands. Or you can perform exercises with just your body weight. If you are just starting out with resistance training, using your body weight is an excellent place to start.

You don't have to use a lot of exercises to start. Just pick one or two movements for each body part. Start with your biggest muscles(legs) then work to the smaller muscles. Repeating each exercise after a brief rest. Try to establish a workout at least twice each week. Eventually working up to twenty or thirty minutes each session is the goal.

A combination of cardiovascular exercise and strength training is ideal. Doing resistance training two to three days a week(for example:Monday-Wednesday-Friday), then doing cardio such as walking, biking, swimming, etc. on two to three other days, is a great way to schedule your exercises.

The importance of strength training for seniors can't be emphasized enough. It can mean the difference between a low quality of life as opposed to a higher quality of life. In many cases, older adults just simply need to get moving again. The fact is that it doesn't even take a great deal of time or effort to see improvement in mobility once an exercise routine is established. The key is to set a few goals and keep it simple.

Here are some other exercises you can try which also help to improve your muscles. Tai Chi is a low-impact exercise form that can be a gentle way to get back into shape. There are videos and books available that are just for seniors. Pilatesis a form of exercise that can strengthen and improve flexibility. Pilates can be done in a gym setting or you can also find instruction on video and in books. Yoga is yet another low-impact activity that also can improve strength. Yoga can also improve balance as well as flexibility.

Improvement in overall health is the goal of an exercise program. Using resistance training and flexibility training should be done on a regular basis. As you put your routine together try some of the different types of exercise forms as part of your resistance exercise. This type of activity is important in your strength fitness training.

My name is Dave Tabern. I have a degree in education with a minor in physical education. I have a lifelong interest in fitness and health. I believe that exercise is important for all ages, especially for older adults.

For more information and tips about fitness and health please visit: or

Get Your Bearing

In and around everything that exists lie fields of organizing intelligence. That which creates us and sustains us is also guiding us; it is guiding us in every situation, everywhere, all the time. When we are aligned with the flow of this expression of consciousness, or spirit, we are guided to positive learning experiences and find fulfillment, happiness and peace. When we connect with and allow our body and mind to serve as a vehicle for this innate volition we are drawn to the people, places and situations that support our growth and development and life is good, very good.

When our mind diverts our attention away from this natural inclination, and to the degree it does, we feel a commensurate degree of suffering and pain. These are the signs pointing out that we are out of touch, disconnected, lost. Like a compass needle being pulled to magnetic north, our spirit is always pointing the way for our optimum happiness and peace. We are never really disconnected with spirit itself, but our mind can get so preoccupied with the stories that it creates that we all too often get lost in our own mind. But no matter how lost you are, no matter how difficult life gets, no matter how disconnected you feel, you can always come right back, get your bearing and find peace.

You get your bearing by tuning into the subtle life force currents flowing through you and around you. The more you tune in, the more tuned in you are. The more you connect with the source of life within you, the more connected you are. The more connected you are the more you will be guided to those life experiences that are helping you to learn, and grow, and evolve your consciousness to its highest expression and fulfill your life purpose. Shaktipat meditation is the means to connecting with this innate guiding volition; it's your direct connection.

Shakti is life force, or spirit. It is energy. It makes your heart beat; it is life itself. But it is more than just energy, it is innate intelligence, it is the expression of consciousness that has been guiding you all along. It is you, it is what you are, it is what continues on long after the body expires and the sooner you are plugged into it and guided by it, the sooner you will find enduring happiness and peace. It is where you find clarity, it is where you find inspiration and guidance, it is where you find happiness and peace, and it is what is guiding you to read these words right now. You are being guided by it to find it, to realize it. The more you connect with it, the more you meditate using this Shaktipat, the stronger your connection is and the happier you are. We know, we've trained thousands, we see it transforming people's lives every day, and we would love for you to experience the profound shifts that result as you awaken this inner knowing, guidance and love.

From the heart, Steven S. Sadleir

"Find your Self and find true happiness. All other happiness is transitory and fleeting."

Steven S. Sadleir is the Director of the Self Awareness Institute and is recognized as a Shaktipat Master in two lineages. He has developed powerful distance learning programs for people of all cultures and faiths, trained thousands of people from all over the world, and welcomes all of you who are ready for full Self-Realization.

Visit [] for FREE guided meditation mp3s and ebook!

Wiccan Spells - The Yoga of the West

Wiccan spells are often characterised into two major types, "White magic" being associated with good and benevolent aims and "Black Magic" often associated with evil deeds and satanic worship.

Many modern Wiccans have stopped using this duality, arguing that the colour black is just another colour that has been dramatised by Hollywood, and that the colour itself should not have any associations with satanic ritual or evil at all.

Wiccans believe that magic spell casting is a fundamental law of nature. A law that we have yet to completely understand. Other believers of the Wicca Religion do not claim to know how their magic works at all, it is enough that it does work and that they have seen it work for themselves.

Wiccan spells or Wiccan Magic is defined by most Wiccans as "the Art of causing changes to occur in compliance with one's own will". The term Wiccan, simply refers to anyone who practises the Wiccan Religion.

A Wiccan spell is a practise or ritualised event which leads to measurable changes in the physical or emotional sphere in accordance with the intentions of one or more Wiccans who are casting the spell.

Wiccan magic spells normally practised include love spells, healing spells, fertility spells as well as spells to help remove any bad influences.

The Wiccan Sacred Circle

Wiccans often cast spells during ritual practices inside of a construct called "the Sacred Circle", in an attempt to bring about changes to their world.

A Sacred Circle is a circle or sphere of space marked consecrated by Wiccans to either contain energy and form a sacred space, or to form a barrier of protection. The Sacred Circle can sometimes be both.

Sacred Circles are created by making a ring from salt or chalk. Some Wiccans will even scratch a line in the earth and in some cases it can simply be visualised by a Wiccan Witch to produce the same results. Similar circular constructs appear in some Eastern religions

Wiccan spells, in the majority of instances are cast to help materialise a benevolent outcome. The truth is the majority of magic spells cast by Wiccans (as well as many other believers and advocates of the "Old Religions") are cast for good and not evil.

The Law of Threefold Return

This is demonstrated by the Wiccan Rede, which simply states "an it harm none, do what ye will". Many Wiccans also believe in another element of Wiccan morality which is "The Law of Threefold Return".

This law holds that regardless of what type of Wiccan spell is cast, be it benevolent or malevolent, the actions of the spell will return to the practitioner with triple the force or power.

This belief is very similar to the eastern philosophy of Karma, first espoused in ancient India and later appearing in various forms in the Buddhist, Jain, Sikh and Hindu philosophies. This is one reason why Wicca is regularly referred to as the yoga of the west.

Yoga, itself is one of the six schools of Hindu philosophy. Yoga is about discipline and training working together to help the consciousness reach a state of perfect spiritual insight and tranquillity. Many modern Wiccans will view this statement as a fair definition of their belief systems too.

Wiccan Spells come in many types and variations, so long as you practise your spell casting with a good and benevolent mental attitude, you will find like many of that the old nature religions such as Wicca can be rewarding and as fulfilling as many more eastern and western belief systems.

Nathan Ward is one of the authors at "The Wiccan Way" blog. The Wiccan Way is a place for both new and old Wiccans to share information and their experiences for the greater good of the Wiccan Community and those who would like to know more about the "Old Religions"

If you enjoy this or any of the other related articles about Wicca, Wiccan Spells or Candle Magic, please fell free to visit our website and leave your views by going to we would love to hear from you.

Blessed Be,
(Nathan Ward)

Weight Training to a Slimmer Body

If you're looking to lose weight and aren't particularly drawn to diet fads or medication to achieve your goal, weight training might offer an alternative.

Weight training isn't the same as bodybuilding, power lifting or Olympic weightlifting, which are categorized as sports rather than any form of exercise. Strength training is a term that describes and encompasses all exercises dedicated to increasing physical strength. Finally, flexibility training is a stretching exercise (yoga) while endurance training is an aerobic exercise.

Before starting any weight training workout, you should spend anywhere from 10 to 20 minutes warming up your muscles. In order to decrease muscle soreness and increase strength, you need to develop a good stretching routine prior to and after training. Remember you need to warm up the particular muscle group you are about to work on. As an example, if you want to work your legs, you should do a warm up set to make the muscle group more supple. This warm up exercise will deliver more blood to the chosen muscle group and increase strength and stamina. You should also get into the habit of stretching 'after' weight training, simply to reduce soreness the next day.

The use of dumbbells and barbells, also called free weights, involves more muscle groups in order to move the load while remaining stable. Free weight exercises will allow any athlete or bodybuilder to increase practical strength.Isolation exercises are the key to improving the look of your body without having to meaningfully increasing strength.

The use of weights can also help you reduce body fat. The more muscle you have the more calories you burn while training as muscles tend to eliminate calories more than fat does. Dieters know the benefits of weight training as a method of preventing lean body mass loss as opposed to fat loss under a caloric deficit plan.

Always stop an exercise if you should feel sudden pain to circumvent possible injury.

In the case of weight training, the expression "no pain, no gain" should not apply. The pain may indicate serious muscle tissue injuries.

When you are serious about changing how your body looks, keep in mind weight training is still the best way to go. Dieting alone isn't sufficient. Use light cardio exercises to warm up before moving on to heavier weights. When first starting out, be certain to let your body guide you by listening to it. Don't go overboard and place yourself in a situation you are not physically ready to achieve.

So, if your objective is to lose body fat and change the way you look, you really need to start weight training. Your body will thank you for it.

Michel T is an active writer and would like to extend you an invitation to view his website at where you can get great deals on dining room chairs

Friday, June 6, 2014

Cultivating A Spiritual Relationship

It has been claimed that every person in the world is connected to each other in a lot of possibilities. Even with just one task that certain individual does, it can completely affect the lives of other people, even those he does not know personally. This type of thing is called relationship. You will find different kinds of relationships which individuals share with one another and one kind is the spiritual relationship. This kind of relationship basically aspires for the greatest good for everyone engaged. It completely transcends every tangible being and matter in the earth and envelops people with the sole purpose of attaining greater things in life.

Disregarding The Physical Condition

There are many ways by which people may develop a spiritual relationship with another person or with others. Generally, you must know that as a human being, you're not only created having a physical body. So, instead of concerning yourself primarily with your physical being, you should remember that the spirituality is much more important. And in order to discover your life in an exceedingly different viewpoint where you'll be able to truly say that you're capable of cultivating a spiritual relationship with another man, just take into account making your spirit and your mind much healthier and wealthier instead of satisfying your physical body into the worldly and material things,

Having Freedom

Next that you need to understand is by being a human person; you have entitlement to your personal freedom. This means that you have total control of your life. Nevertheless, this sort of thing just isn't so simple as it may appear; you'll have to have control of your mind as well as consciousness at all times. Having such freedom means that in every scenario we're in, it is important that we look for several options on exactly how we ought to react to such a circumstance. We can for that reason have either a optimistic or a detrimental response; it totally depends on how we respond to situations. It's when you believe in the spiritual relationship that you are in, that you will know very well what your decision is going to be.

Avoid Judging Other People

The third thing that you should bear in mind in order to cultivate a healthy spiritual relationship with others would be to avoid judging other people. It's definitely valuable that you do not evaluate others as if they are far lower than you are for the fact that every individual is created with the same image and likeness as our God. Remember the minute you judge, you'll immediately develop an egoistic mind that will absolutely produce damaging thoughts inside your head and for that reason, lead you to bad behavior and pursuits.

Accepting People For Who They Really Are

The 4th thing which you need to do so that you can accomplish a spiritual relationship with other human beings is to be capable to accept not just yourself but other people for who they really are. It's very important that we accept one another for growth to genuinely happen to every single person active in the relationship.

Spiritual growth has always been integral to an individual's sense of well-being. And to some people, this can be achieved with the practice of yoga. By attending yoga conference and trainings, one can truly improve his quality of life. With Yogafit, you'll definitely have all the information you need to start on your quest.

How to Increase Fat Loss like a Fitness Model

Losing weight and burning fat can be a daunting task for many people trying to shed pounds. If you want to learn to increase fat loss more easily then you will need to exercise, provide your body with the proper nutrition and control calories. After implementing these ideas you will be able to enjoy more fat loss easier than ever before.

Everywhere you turn whether it is a magazine or an article on the internet people are preaching that you should do cardio to get rid of fat. While exercises like running on a treadmill or joining a yoga class will certainly improve your heart health, many of these same writers forget that building muscle through resistance training has more increased fat loss potential than cardiovascular training.

When starting a resistance training program, be sure to check with your doctor to make sure you are good to go with this type of exercise. Then enlist the assistance of a personal training at your gym to put together a workout routine that strengthens your large muscle groups. Starting out with large muscle groups will strengthen your ligaments and skeletal structure while maximizing your metabolism burning potential.

Depending on your body type you will still want to incorporate a cardiovascular program. One of the best exercises is the elliptical machine. The elliptical will not only workout your legs and torso but it will also strengthen your upper body and arms. Make sure to utilize interval training as it will jump start your cardiovascular health and calorie and fat burning potential.

As always eat a macro nutrient balanced diet and drink plenty of water. The key is to eat a nutritionally dense diet. Include good proteins, both simple and complex carbohydrates and fats. Eat smaller meals four to six times a day to alleviate cravings. Finally take a multi-vitamin once a day.

Losing weight and increasing your fat burning abilities is really pretty straightforward. You need to incorporate strength training with the appropriate amount of cardio for heart health. Incorporating a well balanced diet will fuel your body with energy for you to enjoy life and increase fat loss.

Not getting the fat loss [] results you were hoping for. Avoid conflicting fad diets and start burning fat faster [] Visit [] to subscribe to our blog and get fat loss tips that actually work.

Child Yoga - What is All the Fun About?

Many adults have taken up yoga, but yoga has not gained as the same popularity with children. Child yoga can offer many of the same benefits to kids as it does to adults.

What can yoga offer your child?

A healthier body - Childhood obesity is on the rise and one of the main reasons for it is that kids today do not move enough. Yoga is a powerful technique for children to begin moving their bodies in ways that feel good and help them look good. Even if your child is of normal weight, yoga can help her become stronger, gain endurance and flexibility. If your child is involved in another sport, a regular yoga practice is a great cross training activity and it may help him reduce the risk of injuries.

The ability to control stress - Today's children are under enormous stress. They are often over scheduled, they face tough competition in school, they have to deal with peer pressure, and they are trying to find their way in the world. This combination can cause children to become stressed out. Yoga can help your child learn how to relax. When your child learns how to control her breathing and relax during her practice, she can then apply this to her world when she encounters challenging situations.

Increased self-esteem - Yoga is a non-competitive activity. Yet it does offer your child the ability to master challenging poses (especially as he gets older). Your child can feel good about his increasing ability without having to worry about how he compares to everyone else. This experience of success can help your child feel more confident in his ability to be successful in other things too.

Greater concentration -
The breathing and inward focus that is a main component of any yoga practice can help your child learn to focus his mind more effectively. A number of studies have shown that many children who practice yoga, especially those with problems such as ADHD, are able to concentrate for longer periods

of time.

What is a child yoga program like?

The main focus of a child yoga program is on fun. Often the children will pretend to be the animal for which the pose is named. For instance, when they are doing Cat Pose, they become the cat and may even meow. If they are doing Downward Facing Dog with their butts high in the air, they will often bark, as they become the dog. The children are encouraged to fully participate in and enjoy the 'game of yoga.' Sometimes the instructor will create an entire story about the poses that the children are in so as to make the class interesting and to fully engage them. The children don't realize how much they are benefiting from the practice; the only thing they know is that they are having a good


Practicing yoga at home with your child.

While child yoga classes are wonderful, they are often hard to find. Depending on where you live, you might not be able to find a place to take your child. Don't fret. There are a number of excellent videos and books that you can get which will help you become your child's yoga teacher.

*Find a spot in your home where you have room to move freely.

*Establish an atmosphere of fun.

*Put on the video and do the poses together, hopefully with lots of giggles sprinkled in.

*Pick out some poses from a book that you can do - have your child choose some of the them.

*When doing the relaxation exercise, talk your child through it by describing a warm, inviting place such as a quiet field near a bubbling brook with butterflies and singing birds. Use your imagination to create a safe and friendly space and help your child experience it in his imagination.

Child yoga is an enjoyable activity that can provide major benefits to your child. It will help her grow stronger physically, mentally, and emotionally - and she'll have a lot of fun too!

Della Menechella is a yoga and fitness enthusiast who has been involved in fitness for over thirty years. Her website is filled with practical information about how you can make yoga and fitness a positive part of your life. Visit the site and get your free meditation e-book.

Yoga For Beginners - Five Things You Need to Know Before You Start Your First Yoga Class

People have many reasons for thinking about starting yoga. Maybe like me, you were advised by your midwife to take-up yoga as a form of relaxation during pregnancy.

Perhaps you are overweight, have a stress-related medical condition and been advised by your doctor to "exercise and relax more." Or you may have seen an article in your favourite magazine featuring Madonna practicing yoga.

Maybe you are a parent and have to juggle the demands of parenting with a hectic work schedule. This can be exhausting and leave you with little time to care for yourself, relax and, recharge your batteries.

Yoga is the ideal form of exercise to help you relax, strengthen and nurture your body and calm your mind. To the novice student, it can be quite bewildering to know where to begin when want to start practicing yoga.

Types of Yoga

There are various styles and different approaches to yoga. In essence, postures (known as asanas) breathing exercises, relaxation and in some cases meditation and chanting form the basis of all yoga styles.

However, different schools of yoga place difference emphasis on these aspects. Some yoga teachers, may focus more on breathing techniques (known as pranayama ), whilst another may pay more attention on the alignment of the body in the poses.

Yoga classes can be taught in rooms which are heated more than 100F (Bikram Yoga, as developed by Bikram Choudury) or more traditionally, classes can take place in your local leisure centre or yoga studio. You can even have private 1-2-1 yoga lessons in the comfort and convenience of your home.

Given the array of styles and classes, how do you choose which style/class is "right for you?" How do you know what qualities to look for, what questions to ask when enquiring about a particular class?

So before you pick up the phone, or click on a prospective teacher's website email address for further information, make sure you have this list to hand as a guide to help you chose your style of yoga.

Five Things You Need To Know Before You Start Your First Yoga Class.

One: It is always best to learn yoga from a qualified yoga teacher. Ask your prospective teacher where they trained, how long their course lasted and what subject areas where covered. Also, find out how long your prospective teacher has been practicing yoga and who inspires her to continue with her practice.

Two: Enquire whether your prospective yoga teacher or yoga studio runs classes specifically for beginners'. A beginners' class will be tailored to ensure you learn the foundations of yoga in a safe manner.

Three: Check out the average number of people who attend the class. As a beginner, look for a class that isn't too crowded - between seven to fifteen students - this allows the teacher to get to know you, observe your practice and make appropriate adjustments to your technique.

Four: The class needs to be at a time and venue which is convenient for you. Maybe you prefer to take a class on the way to or from work, or a class which is near your home. Anything too far, difficult to reach or held at an inconvenient time for you, makes it harder for you to start and integrate the class into your daily routine.

Five: Talk with your prospective yoga teacher. This gives you the opportunity to see how comfortable you feel working with the teacher. By talking, you will also find out more about their particular style of teaching, experience and to share any health related matters you may have.

It may take you time and energy to find a class or yoga teacher suited to your individual needs. Preserve. Once you start, you will feel lighter, calmer and glad you took the time to find a class and teacher suited to you.

Ntathu Allen

c. 2008

Registered Polarity Practitioner and Hatha Yoga Teacher, Ntathu inspires and supports you in your health and wellness journey. She offers private 1-2-1 yoga at home sessions, yoga at work and yoga for children. Through the practice and teachings of Yoga and Polarity Therapy Treatments, she helps you learn simple yoga stretches, meditation and relaxation techniques which you can use to release stress, boost your energy, relax and, feel more alive. Email


Choose Your Own Change During Financial Loss to Avoid Disempowering Victim Thoughts and Feelings

When you lose all your money and all your financial wealth and assets that you accumulated over time, a part of you feels like you have died. This part of you experiences devastating loss. It feels as if life itself has attacked you and left you for dead.

This part of you identifies itself and its feeling of safety with the possession of money and financial assets. These represent a buffer of safety from the harsh, uncaring world 'out there'. If you find yourself in this situation, allow yourself to grieve naturally as you would any other tremendous loss. As with any other form of death, allow yourself space, time and patience to move through every stage of grief and anger so that renewal and a new start can follow.

Here are a few points to remember if you find yourself in a situation that involves financial loss, insecurity and a looming unstable economic future.

1. Allow yourself to fully grieve and release any and all negative emotions that come up. Find every creative way to express what you feel, think and believe The more you do this, the more quickly you will release and let go energy depleting low frequency vibes so that you can move on with attracting new abundance on all levels. Although it is wonderful to talk things out, take the time now for introspection, inner reflection and inner strengthening via:

a) Journaling

b) Recording via audio or video or

c) Whatever other means you feel comfortable expressing how you feel to yourself

2. Focus in on your true passions and pay attention to ideas that come up for making money from your passions then:

a) Choose one that truly calls to you at a deep level. This may be the option that fills you with the most fear as well as the most 'light you up' of all the options

b) Evaluate the common threads that exist between all the jobs, businesses, interests and money making experiences you have already had

3. Find and create support that you need:

a) Join a support group or get a coach to help you identify and manifest new job or business possibilities

b) Start stress releasing activities or classes that help you process, transmute and balance your stress, anxiety, anger, frustration. This can include yoga, daily walks, cranking the music for your own personal dance class, meditation, expression through art and emotional release

Know that life itself supports your success on every level. You must trust that even if you have to daily clear blocks to that trust that pop up with fearful thoughts, feelings, attitudes and beliefs. Work your inner game and your outer game hand in hand and you will create not only money for your bills but financial freedom from any outer economic downturn and financial loss.

And to access weekly inspirational spiritual wisdom thoughts and FREE One-Hour Guided Spiritual Meditation, get your bonus FREE membership information here:

From Angela Chen Shui, "the Soul Alignment Coach", with love and blessings for an unforgettable, Soul-aligned day.

Copyright 2010 - Angela Chen Shui. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Master "The Force" Like a Jedi

Whether you call it "The Force" as in Star Wars, innate intelligence, nature or spirit, we all recognize that there is something inside us animating our existence, and all existence. Some kind of energy is flowing, intricate systems of organizing intelligence and will, all working together. The more we connect with this force, the more powerful we become in using it. The more you find it within yourself; the more you realize the true nature of your enlighten. You ARE this spirit, and it is guiding you now to the full realization of God, within you and around, in every place, in all situations, all the time. As you tap into the wellspring of life itself, you tap into the flow of love that sustains your existence...and it is guiding you now.

Use The Force: Take a deep breath and connect with the life force within you, that is you. Be present to that presence within you that knew to lead you to these words. Feel the volition that is guiding you, and guiding us, to bring more light into this world. As you begin to connect and be guided by the spirit within you, you will also begin to become conscious of how spirit is guiding other people, situations and events and will know when, how and what to do. You are so much more powerful when you know what is going on. As you become more conscious you learn to use these flows of spirit as this is how we are guided to fulfilling our life purpose.

The more you are on purpose, the more everything flows. To the degree you are "off" you will find your life becomes more difficult and painful. Difficulty and pain is a sign of resistance; you just need to be guided back on track, to get back on purpose. Use your Jedi skills; use The Force. Where there is darkness bring the light. Like Master Yoda says: "Anger leads to hate, hate leads to the Dark Side." Watch where you energy goes. Are you getting angry? Are you in fear? Is there darkness in your mind? Meditate. Connect with the source of life within you, the light within you that is you.

As you become increasingly more conscious of how energy is flowing into and out of your mind and your life, you will become adept at using the energy like a Jedi. An instinct innate within you is already guiding you. The Force is with you now compelling you to read these words. Spirit has your mind's attention. You have come to a pivotal point in the evolution of your consciousness where you are now consciously seeking ways to further evolve yourself to enlightenment. Your training is about to begin. Are you ready?

From the Heart,

Steven S. Sadleir

"You are part of a movement that is changing the world forever."

Steven S. Sadleir is the Director of the Self Awareness Institute and is recognized as a Shaktipat Master in two lineages. He has developed powerful distance learning programs for people of all cultures and faiths, trained thousands of people from all over the world, and welcomes all of you who are ready for full Self-Realization.

Visit [] for FREE guided meditation mp3s and ebook!

4 Common Ab Workout Mistakes

There are many common ab workout mistakes that prevent people from reaching their fitness goals. This is where a personal trainer can be really helpful. This articles shares tips and information on how to avoid the 4 most common abdominal workout mistakes.

The first abdominal workout mistake is attempting to spot reduce through ab exercises. This is probably the most common abdominal workout mistake. If you are performing ab exercises simply to reduce your stomach fat, then you are wasting your time.

Ab Exercises cannot magically get rid of stomach fat. Spot Reduction is the #1 Ab Exercise Myth. The weight loss industry keeps perpetuating this myth because it's profitable. But, the truth is that no amount of crunches or sit ups alone can magically give you a flat stomach. If you want to lose stomach fat, you need to take a comprehensive approach to fitness, fat loss, and weight loss by performing aerobic exercise, weight training, and eat a healthy diet.

The second workout mistake is not progressing your ab exercises. If you want to continually make progress and improve your fitness, then you must continually challenge your body so that you don't hit a plateau. As a personal trainer in the gym, I often meet people who have been doing the same ab exercises for months and months. Their ab training routine is boring, repetitive, and less effective.

When you start doing ab crunches for the first time, you may find that it's hard to finish one set of 15. But after a couple of weeks, 15 crunches will seem easy. Once your ab exercises become really easy, that's a sign that it's time to progress to a more challenging abdominal exercise.

A simple way to progress ab exercises is to increase the resistance on your abdominal muscles with weights, cables, inclines, or ankle weights. You can also progress your ab workout by using a more challenging workout technique such as supersets or circuit training.

The third common ab training mistake is not varying your ab exercise movements. When I first started practicing yoga, I remember reading about the benefits of exercising your spine in all directions- forwards, backwards, side to side, twisting left and right. If you want to have a healthy and strong spine, you must be strong in all directions. Since crunches are so popular, most people make the mistake of focusing solely on moving forwards to work their abdominal muscles.

In addition to doing exercises like crunches, you should also practice movements of the pelvis and legs like during marching, leg raises, or reverse crunches. You should also practice twisting motions like oblique crunches or bicycle crunches. You should also practice side to side motions such as standing side bends or moving side planks.

Also, try to vary the positions that you work your abdominal muscles. Every ab exercise should not be done while lying on your back. Practice exercises in which you're faced down like the plank or sitting as in Russian Twists. And also practice exercises from standing like cable lifts or cable rotations. Your body must do a variety of movements so, prepare for many different functional challenges by training your abdominal muscles in many directions and multiple positions.

The fourth common abdominal training mistake is actually overtraining. Your abdominal muscles are similar to other muscles, and sometimes more is actually less. You do not need to spend hours on end doing thousands of repetitions to achieve fitness improvements.

You can develop your abdominals by focusing on ab training 2-3 days a week. If you are a hard core athlete, you may be able to push your ab training to 4 days a week and still have adequate time to recover after your ab workout.

When you work any muscle really hard and you're super sore the next day, that's a sign to let that muscle recover before another intense workout. 6-12 sets 2-4 days a week is plenty for ab training. Of course, this is just a sample range for your ab workout. If you are a beginner 1-3 exercises for 1-2 sets gets you started in the right direction, and if you are at an advanced level, 3-4 exercises for 2-4 sets keep you super strong.

In a quest for perfection, we sometimes over train our muscles. Three signs of overtraining are persistent soreness that lasts for days, decreasing strength, or overuse type injuries such as tendonitis. Don't make the mistake of overtraining your abs.

If your goal is to get a great ab workout, remember that ab exercises by themselves cannot magically get rid of stomach fat. Also, remember to progress your exercises, use a variety of movements, and focus on a few exercises performed with great form.

Charles Inniss is a Physical Therapist and Personal Trainer. Visit his website to learn over 100 Ab Exercises, and also learn tons of ab workout tips.

Hatha Yoga Certification Home Study Courses

Let's say you have decided to become a Yoga instructor, but you do not have weeks or months, of free time, to spend away from your family, friends, and obligations. You have researched Yoga certification classes from NYC (New York City) to Sacramento, CA. The typical training course for Yoga instructors will also require you to pay fairly large sums of money, which creates another hardship.

Are there any other Yoga instructor training options for the working person, with family obligations and a budget? Yes, there are - and a Hatha Yoga certification home study program meets the needs of many practitioners who aspire to teach Yoga. With Internet technology, we also have online Yoga instructor training study programs.

Hatha Yoga Certification home study courses, correspondence courses, and distance learning courses, have existed for decades. Not everyone has the financial resources, or free time, available to "fly off" to Tibet or India.

In an ideal world, it would be nice to have the time, and money, to attend a Yoga teacher certification class in Honolulu, but maybe it's just not realistic thinking at this time. Is a Hatha Yoga certification home study course starting to sound more realistic?

What should you be looking for in a home study course designed for Hatha Yoga instructors? What material should a Hatha Yoga home study course contain? Will there be Yoga certification videos or DVD's. Should the whole Yoga instructor's training course be designed for online learning?

A Yoga instructor's training course and certification should consume a minimum of 200 study hours. This 200 hour standard has become the generally agreed minimum requirement for most Yoga teacher certification organizations.

There are some Yoga teacher certifications that require less than 200 hours, but will you learn about modifications, contraindications, anatomy, physiology, the subtle body, chakras, mudras, bandhas, doshas, kriyas, asanas, meditation, and Pranayama in less than 200 hours? Remember that 200 hours is the generally agreed "minimum" number of Yoga teacher training study hours.

DVD has become the most popular international format for video, so Yoga certification videos should be in DVD format. If you have previous experience as a Yoga student, and had, or have, a Yoga teacher for guidance; your Yoga instructor internship will be a smooth process. Experienced Yoga practitioners can easily grasp the concepts presented within Yoga certification videos.

However, if you have no previous experience, as a Yoga student, you can make life easier on yourself by seeking the guidance of a competent Yoga teacher in your local area.

Lastly, the ability to turn in written assignments by Email speeds up the Yoga instructor certification process, but it also helps to get tutoring by Email or phone. These are options to consider when choosing a Hatha Yoga certification home study program.

© Copyright 2006 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, is a co-owner and the director of Yoga teacher training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. He has been a certified Master Yoga teacher since 1995. To receive a Free e-Book: "Yoga in Practice," and a Free Yoga Newsletter, please visit:

5 Reasons Why Yoga is Good For Getting Pregnant

Yoga refers to conventional physical and mental regulations established in India. The term is associated with contemplative customs in Hinduism. Painless pregnancy and a normal childbirth are some of the advantages of yoga for getting pregnant. But most of all, this meditation method execute astonishment on the physical and psychological progress of the fetus.

Here are 5 reasons why yoga is so beneficial when you are pregnant:

1. Conceiving moms are very much attuned with their body all through these life-changing nine months. For pregnant ladies, paying attention carefully to their bodies can create a major variation on how they are taking care of their bodies. Yoga helps this relationship even deeper since it leads to greater personal consciousness to what our bodies really need rather than wants and desire. Additionally, this personal responsiveness constructs an easier path for which mothers can interact with the little life within her.

2. No discussion of yoga would be comprehensive without talking about the sense of calm that practicing of yoga develops. The complex relationship connecting the breath and yoga poses permits pregnant ladies to achieve a point of calmness, slow down and understand the numerous transformations that are happening inside of her. And eventually, conceiving yogis-to-be can call upon this calmness when they need it most, whether they are in the throes of struggle or besieged with which color to paint the nursery.

3. Pregnancy educates us plenty of ideas from the exceptionally difficult, such as how wonderfully gifted our bodies are, to the extremely fundamental, such as how to take in air. Prenatal classes facilitate to train pregnant ladies on how to breathe properly when they are in various phases of labor.

Yoga's deep breath exertion takes this training one step further by teaching pregnant ladies how deep breath works all the way through the whole process of pregnancy to boost the oxygen supply to their bodies and their child. This boost in oxygen levels results in healthier pregnancy and in several instances, a smoother labor.

4. Yoga for getting pregnant also recommends a low-impact technique of exercise so that mothers are capable of staying healthy and in shape. The varieties of postures have the supremacy to reduce lower back ache, lessen nausea and develop the cardiovascular capability.

Be attentive however that conceiving enhances flexibility as joints and muscles expand and turn out to be looser. Although yoga positions can facilitate in soothing this contraction of muscles it is significant to employ caution when performing positions so that you are not pulling your muscles.

5. After giving birth, yoga is an exceptional technique to reduce stress and boost energy levels.

In conclusion, I hope these reasons are sufficient enough to use yoga to get yourself pregnant,

Eddy Wai KK is an avid researcher on infertility and pregnancy for the last 5 years. For more detailed instructions on yoga for getting pregnant, be sure to visit, and get your FREE 10-day mini-eCourse right now.

The Art of Mindfulness

When we first see or hear something, there is a fleeting instant of pure awareness just before we conceptualise or 'think' about the thing - before we identify it. That moment is known as 'mindfulness'. It is the mental equivalent of what we see with our peripheral vision, as opposed to the hard focus of our normal or central vision.

A common malady of our fast-paced world is that we are so intent on understanding things that the moment of mindfulness is passed over.? Rather than always having to evaluate our cognitive and emotional experiences, mindfulness teaches us simply to notice them. This increases our openness to experience and reduces our tendency to label some experiences negatively.

Mindfulness reflects only what is happening in the present moment. It is the ability of our mind to pay deliberate attention, in a particular way, to the present moment, and to do so in a non-judgemental way.

The concept of mindfulness has its origins in many cultural and philosophical traditions, which recognised that these moments of unfocused awareness contain a very deep kind of knowing. In modern psychological practice, mindfulness techniques are being used as a powerful tool to reduce our stress levels and heal our psyches.

We can cultivate mindfulness using a variety of techniques, including yoga, mindful walking, mindful breathing, listening to music (music therapy) or spending time outdoors (eco-therapy), all of which have a meditative component.

It is important to distinguish 'mindful' meditation from 'concentration' meditation, which entails restricting the focus of our attention to a single stimulus, such as a word, object or thought. If our attention wanders, it is redirected back to that anchor. No attention is paid to the nature of the distraction.

In contrast, mindfulness meditation involves observation of constantly changing internal and external stimuli as they arise. Rather than shutting out the world, mindfulness meditation entails practicing being receptive to any and all stimulation that may arise.

Mindfulness training can help us gain greater awareness of many aspects of our personal beings, rather than simply paying attention to those that seem most emotionally pressing. Enhanced awareness leads to an increased sense of mastery over mental processes. This improves our mood and lowers the likelihood that we will brood on our past failures, which can lead to loss of confidence in our health-related choices.

SLOW aging is about actively engaging with and savouring the aging process. We have content at the forefront of anti-aging and how to live longer in great health. Many of our articles are derived from our book Fast Living, Slow Aging which has been a bestselling book covering all aspects of aging well.

For further information

The Joy of Weight Training at Home

Gyms are great. They offer their users the latest and greatest exercise gadgetry, well lighted spaces, wall-to-wall mirrors, and strategically placed TVs you can watch if you get tired of staring at yourself sweating.

For some people, gyms are also a place to meet folks and to enjoy camaraderie with fellow fitness buffs and fitness seekers. There are people there to spot you on difficult or potentially risky exercises, or to give you advice on the best ways to flatten a tummy or build bulging biceps.

If you can afford the fee--and, more importantly, if you have the commitment to actually go on a regular basis--by all means, join a gym.

I always advise my own clients, though, to begin their weight training program at home. There are several reasons for this:

Beginners, especially, are often self-conscious working out in front of others--particularly if those others happen to be better toned or more chiseled than they. This is not often a problem in one's own home (where you can even close the blinds if need be!).
At home, you can exercise practically any time of day or night. No need to forgo a workout because the gym is closed or it's inconvenient to get up and out the door to drive there.
Starting a workout program at home offers an inexpensive way to give weight training a tryout before committing deeply to it.

Although I happen to think that weight training is good for everyone, I know, realistically, that some individuals just aren't going to stick with it for more than a few weeks at most. It's better not to sign a gym membership contract until you know you're in it for the long haul.

Now, if you're just beginning weight training, and you're going to do it at home, please don't rush out and spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on equipment. You can easily embark on your new workout adventure for less than a hundred bucks. I recommend the following:

A set of dumbbells. For most people in average condition, a good starter set would consist of two 10-pound and two 15-pound weights, with perhaps a couple of 25-pound weights to grow into. If you feel yourself to be weaker or less fit than average, you could get a couple of 5- or 8- pounders as well and use these lighter weights as you accustom yourself to the exercises.
An exercise bench. A basic bench (non-adjustable) will serve you fine, but if you can spring for it, get one that lets you vary the angle of the back piece. Some of the best exercises to help you rapidly build muscles require that your body be inclined while you perform them.
An exercise mat. On a recent visit to a Target store I found 6 different "exercise mats" and another 8 "yoga mats" (which will also work for our purposes). Try to find one that will accommodate your entire length when lying stretched out on it. It should also be reasonably comfortable. You won't be using the mat for your weights workout, but rather for doing supplementary exercises such as abdominal crunches and leg raises.

If you find yourself taking to weight training and decide you want to make it a regular part of your life for a long time to come, then--and only then--you can look at purchasing additional equipment, such as heavier dumbbells, barbells or a cable weight machine. Some people, of course, end up going all out and building an actual gym in their home.

Nevertheless, the basic equipment as outlined above should meet your workout needs for the first few months--and possibly for much longer.

Denny Waldarmo is a fitness coach who writes on exercise and diet topics. He is a proponent of weight training, particularly the system taught in "The Truth About Building Muscle." Denny's eye-opening review of this program is available on his web site:

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Baby Steps to a Healthy Life

We all want to live a healthy life. The choices we make decide on how healthy that life will be. There are certain people that take the "health thing" pretty seriously. They have made a commitment to be healthy and more fit. How do you live a healthier life?

Here are a few tips.

Wash your hands often for at least 20 to 30 seconds. A dose of preventions is better than an ounce of cure. Avoid certain behaviors such as smoking, excessive drinking of alcohol and eating excessively. That can dramatically improve your health all in it self. There are easy ways to get started being more healthy.

Strengthen Your Muscles

Muscles tend to weaken as we age. If you want to prevent a that from happening in a BIG way, you need to practice weight bearing exercises on a regular basis. Weight training increases lean muscles tissue. It also encourages bone Density. Bone density starts to decrease in our thirties but we can combat that with regular resistance training. Weight training also jump starts your metabolism and helps you to burn calories at a faster rate.

Go For A Walk

We are designed to be on the move. We started as hunters and gatherers on the move constantly. Walking actually triggers all of the bodies systems. digestion, stress relief, preparation for sleep, clarity of thinking. It is a free activity, It is easy, most everyone walks and you can get the exercise with out the wear and tear on your body.

Stop Drinking Soda

This is a big one. All of the processed sugars in these sugary drinks just makes you crave more. These drinks have contributed to the skyrocketing rates of obesity and type 2 diabetes. Diet soda is the worst because it tricks the brain with the sweetness but there are not any calories so the body is not satisfied and craves more. It is easy to put down 40 pounds of liquid calories a year by just having 2 glasses of milk, one glass of juice and one glass of wine a day. That is 200,750 calories a year the 40 pounds of liquid calories represents. Add soda to that and the calorie count could easily double along with the liquid calories consumed. These are all USELESS calories that do nothing but eat your teeth and add unwanted pounds.

Keep a Food Journal

You can double your weight loss by just writing down everything you eat. Doctors have found the more people wrote down what they ate the more weight they loss. We become aware of our habits when we go through the process of reflecting on what we eat. That is the only way to change a behavior, to become fully aware of it. There are online food journal sights that can make it easy or you can get yourself a cheap notebook and write it all down there. Make sure you include the time so you can see any patterns forming with they type of food and the time. Make sure to write how you felt at the time. Measure your hunger from 1 to 10, just that alone may keep you from putting that extra helping on your plate.

Relax, take a "Chill"

If you are a stressed out person, you are more vulnerable to colds and flu all winter long. When you get sick it will take longer to recover if you are a stressed out person. People that do not know how to relax gain more weight and get more illnesses than a person that has learned to "Chill". People that have learned to combat stress sometimes use exercise or specifically weight training to relieve it. Some find peace in music or humor. Other good ways to reduce stress are Tai Chi and Yoga.

Get Plenty Of Sleep

People really over look this factor. Sleep is one of the most important aspects of health. Without it hormone levels go "whacky" and you do not have the energy that you might have, you gain weight easily and you are moody. Do not put your self in the path of the flu this season. Not getting enough rest will make you more susceptible to what ever is going around. One thing that helps sleep is to have a routine and stick to it. No excitement late in the evening, a dark sleeping environment that is 50 to 60 degrees is best.

Eat Outside The Home Less Often

Eating out at restaurants just makes you loose control of what you are eating. Many times they get prepared foods and fail to really cook anything. many additives and preservatives are used in the foods and many meats are soaked in a "salt brine" to keep it from spoiling (salt is a preservative). Be careful about the foods you buy for home, Look at the label. Be aware of sodium levels and keep them as low as possible. Be a conscious eater.

Eat Whole Foods and Go Organic Where You Can

Any un-processed or un-refined with no added sugar, salt or fat. usually whole foods have a low glycemic index so they will not increase your blood sugar and insulin levels as quickly as processed foods. Eat wheat bread, stay away from french fries. Eat as many fresh fruits and vegetables as possible. Stay away from anything in a bag, box, or can.

Find Your Passion

What is Life without passion?

Life needs to have meaning or we are not fulfilled and that is not something that we enjoy. having a "higher purpose in life" can reduce the risk of death among older adults. Purpose is stimulating cognitively so the real truth is "use it or loose it", they have been saying it for years, now I believe it. Everyone needs to feel useful and have interests or what is life about.

Be As Social As Possible

The reason that we are so social as human beings is that we re-create and in order to do that we need to communicate (although some of us do that better than others). In order to create a strong sense of social identity it is necessary to belong to social groups, clubs, teams or church is another option. Having this strong sense of social identity significantly reduces your chance of having a stroke, dementia, and even our yearly common illnesses such as the flu and a cold. Loneliness breeds both illness and early death.

follow these steps to ease your self into a healthier life

Women's Running Tips - Top 40 Tips For Women Over 40 Runners

Being a runner over 40 has presented new areas of interest (and concern) for me on the road and more importantly in my training and recovery off the road. I love to run and it's great to see research being done on older runners...the Stanford study that shows that running slows aging or the Yale study that shows that older marathon runners (women in particular) are improving their running times more than younger runners.

I would like to share some insights and tips that I have learned along the way. Many of these women's running tips can apply to all runners, but they definitely take on a new perspective as the years go on and we get older, wiser, and perhaps, faster...

Training Tips:

1. Adding Miles: SLOWLY! Use the 10% rule. Add no more than 10% increase of the mileage each week. Here's more detailed explanation and chart from FitSugar.

2. Warmup: As we get older, the body needs time to get going and giving it that time will help avoid injuries. See "The Perfect Warmup" from Runner's World.

3.Cross-Training: Is a must for any runner, but as you age the relationship between cross-training and running becomes even more important. For a different, low impact, cross-training option, see our recent post on Aqua Running (Pool Running). Core exercises have become another essential, here's some good ones from Runners World.

4.Strength Training: There is a lot of information out there on lifting weights and strength training, but being careful to start this in the "right" way is important as we get older. Running Planet has done a nice job w/ laying out The 8 rules of Strength Training". We have some good videos on our Resources page.

5.Stretching/Yoga: Another must for the aging runner (and this has certainly been debated by many). Dara Torres proved this in her Olympic effort that stunned us all. She adhered to a strict resistance stretching regime (see previous post - Doing the Home Stretch with Dara Torres). I am not a huge fan of yoga, but here's a good article by Runners World about a runner w/ a ITB injury who didn't like yoga at the beginning, then became a convert. My always injury free LDF ("Long Distance Friend") swears by power yoga!

6.Rest: This has become one of the most important parts of my training. If I don't get enough rest, my body begins to break down. Listen (very closely) to your body.

7.Massage: Another Dara Torres staple and one of my personal favorites. It does not matter if you have a fabulous husband like I do or get from a pro, it works to relieve the stress of training and tired muscles. You can even do it yourself w/ some videos by Rich Poley who wrote "Self Massage for Athletes".

8.Set a Goal: Having a goal or a race to strive for makes the training have a purpose and keep me focused.

9.Training Programs: A little planning goes a long way. If possible, try to plan your training to run more often on softer surfaces like trails, dirt roads, grassy parks, or even the track. A few good programs are on our resource page. There are many good ones out there--find one that suits you.

10.The Track: Most marathon training programs will include track work as it helps develop the fast twitch muscles to build speed and lung power during a race...getting older does not mean getting less competitive:) If I am training for a marathon, it really makes a difference for me especially in the later miles of the race. Good article from Runner's World called "Running in Circles".

11.Injury/Recovery: This one is hard for me as I have had many... at 46, I still like to run fast. There are several common injuries to running and I think I have had them all. See "Coming back from an injury" posts. I have learned to recognize my body's warning signs and back off. Many of these tips (see Rest, Diet, Stretching/Yoga, Massage, Weight/BMI, Orthotics, and more) are meant to help avoid injuries or help w/ recovery.

12.Running with Music: Running with music can help motivation and provide a needed distraction. I have also learned about the importance of BPM (beats per minute) and ensuring that if you are listening to a song, be sure it is not too slow and unconsciously slowing your pace. Find 70's, 80's, and 90's music along w/ best bands of today and learn more about BPMs in this post: Best Running Music Ever

13.Weight/BMI: It seems that fast marathoners have a low Body Mass Index (BMI). Marathon Guide has a quick tool to calculate your BMI. Knowing yours can help to find the "right" BMI for your best running performance. See also post: What's the 'right' BMI for a woman marathoner?"

14.Running in Different types of Weather: I am not a treadmill runner, so I will run in anything short of a blizzard. With the right layers of clothing this is possible. However, if you are training in summer for a fall race, beware of weather differences. The weather during your race may be very different then when you are training. Don't be discouraged if you are not able to run 17 miles the way you think you should when you are in 80-90 degree heat and high humidity.

15.Travel Running: Always bring the running shoes along! Some of my best runs have been among the monuments of parks, cityscapes and beaches of sand. Hotels (see this post that mentions WestinRun) now will provide maps (and sometimes runners) to guide you. With the help of Map My Run you can find a route from anywhere. Take a look at some of our Travel running posts.

16.Running and Sex: Here's an interesting article by Running Times that quotes an Israeli scientist who declared "Women compete better after orgasm, especially high-jumpers and runners"...who am I to argue w/ Israeli scientists?

17. Fartlek Training: Sports Fitness Advisor has some good tips on how to incorporate fartlek into your training (psst...if you don't know what fartlek is, check out's "Runnerspeak - Dictionary of Running Jargon and Other Sport Terms").

Nutrition and Hydration Tips:

18. Type of Diet: Adhering to a well-balanced, low-fat, wholegrain diet that is higher in carbs has always been the best route for me. I love a good smoothie (see post Smoothie Operator --quick nutritional training meal") while training. Here's an interesting article w/ good tips on eating from Cool Running called "The Runner's Diet".

19.Hydration: It used to be all water and Gatorade for me, but now as I get older I don't want the same amount of calories. I opt for the lower calorie alternatives like electrolyte powder mixes (see post: "Water log: Hydration and road recovery options for runners").

20. Eating after Running: The window for eating after running is small, but important. See post "Refuel 'Right' after a Run"

Gear Tips:

21. Running Clothes/Bra: I like my running clothes sporty--not funky, but this is obviously personal preference. A good running bra will go a long way...avoid cotton at all cost. I have learned that running skirts are the most polarizing of all apparel items. However, if you love wearing a skirt, check out the Skirtchaser Race Series...looks like fun!

22.Running Shoes/Socks: Running shoes are so personal the only way to really find a pair is to go to a running store and keep trying them on until you find one that feels comfortable. There are tons of shoe guides for different types of feet that are helpful in narrowing it all down. Learning about pronation and choosing a shoe that fits whether you have normal pronation, underpronation (or supination), or overpronation (or hyper-pronation) is key. Runner's World has a good article along with videos on pronation here. I have changed my shoe once. I alternate pairs of three for marathon training (it used to be two but with my foot issues, it's now three). Here's Runner's World's "Spring 2009 Running Shoe Guide". The Asics Gel Kayano 15's are the "Editor's Choice" winners and also the shoes I use. A few other quick tips:

Measure your feet: As you age, your foot size may gradually change. Make sure salesperson measures your foot while you are standing up

Shop later in day: As the day goes on, you feet get slightly larger.

Orthotics and socks: Wear socks you use and bring orthotics to store when trying out shoes. Find "dry-wick" type of socks instead of cotton.

Check wear: Most shoes give you between 300 - 500 miles of running. Keep track of the miles (see #24- Running Log). Replacing shoes can avoid unnecessary injuries. Check for wear on soles and inside the shoe as well.

Local running store: Find a good store that specializes in running shoes. Bring in your old shoes when looking for new ones. A good running shoe specialist should be able to look at old shoe and note the wear/fit when choosing a proper new shoe. As about return policy, many stores will let you run in the shoes and return them if they cause problems. Once you've found the shoes that work for you, you may be able to find the shoes again on-line at places like Runners Warehouse (a bold pace readers get 15% off), Overstock, or Holabird Sports.

Break in the shoe: Don't wear a new shoe to a marathon, be sure you have had time to break it in. However, when buying a new shoe, it should feel good when you are trying it on.

Thumb-width: Have a thumb width between the end of your longest toe and the end of the shoe. I wear a 1/2 size bigger to make sure I have room in the toe box.

Get medical advice: If you have a persistent problem with your feet, get the advice of a medical professional. Believe me, waiting for a foot to heal can be agonizing. Don't make it take any longer by waiting to get help.

Here's a great video from Howcast that covers many of these tips: "How to Choose a Running Shoe"

23. Orthotics: I overpronate and could not live without these. If you have foot issues (plantar fasciitis, heal spurs, significant overpronation or underpronation, etc.), I'd recommend seeing a sports doc to consider orthotics as your new sole-mates:)

24.Running Log: Memory is not one of my strongest assets, so having a log to record my training keeps track of: weekly mileage, meals, shoe purchases (so I know when to retire shoes), favorite routes/runs, etc.

25. Running Watch/GPS: At heart, I am more of a zen runner (would rather not wear a watch or calculate each mile's pace...just run), but the NYC marathon last year changed that for me. I went out too fast and had a hard time at the end. I now wear one again. There are great watches and GPS devices (see article from NY Times) that make it easy to calculate pace/time/distance. Another option in a marathon is to make use of "pacers" at a's Clif Bar's Marathon Pace Team info.

26. Running Bag: See "What's in your Running Bag? 10 Essential Items for Taking your Run on the Road"

27. Chaffing: Avoid blisters, use BodyGlide, Vaseline or new Asics Chafe Free. Apply anywhere that rubs...feet, nipples, etc. For more on Asics, see "The End of Run Chaffing?"

28. iPods: The must have for runners (even if you need to borrow from your child). I understand why a lot of runners do not like to use during races , but if you love music, this can be a great way to relax and keep going (ipods are now allowed at some races, see post "Music to my ears"). Be sure to choose songs that work w/ your pace/BPM.

29. Reading about Running: There are so many fabulous books out there on running that are fun to read. They can motivate and excite you. We have a few posted on our Amazon Store.

Racing Tips:

30.Finding a Race: Marathon guide or Racevine can help you find a marathons and other shorter races. These sites not only list races, they rate them.

31. Racing for a Charity: Millions of dollars a year are raised by runners for charity. It can make the race more meaningful if you have someone in mind as you run the miles. Supporting a good cause can also be a way into a sold-out race.

32.Women only Races: More magazine's Marathon/Half-Marathon (they have the best expo), Zooma Women's Race Series, Nike Women's Marathon and See Jane Run are just a few of the women only races out there. They are fun, lively and a bit more polite then the co-ed races:)

33.Pace your Race: It is helpful to know your race goal and have the mile split times easily accessible. PaceTat is a durable, lightweight (actually weightless), and unobtrusive way to keep track of your pace while racing. These are simple transfers that you apply before you race and shows your mile split goals in clear large font. Brilliant idea, and only $2.00 - $2.99 per transfer. Or go the simple and FREE route w/ this tool from Clif Bar.

34.Speed at 40/Beating your PR:There have been numerous articles about how women are older women are getting faster and staying there (see ABC News article on Yale University Study). As we gain experience, we become more efficient runners. We know to run the tangents, prepare properly, and read tips like many we have listed here. We also have more time to train as our children get older.

35.Qualifying for Boston/The Boston Times: Boston is a great, tough race. It is an honor to run it. This is not one to be missed if you qualify. See some of our posts about the Boston Marathon. Check out the "Boston Marathon Qualifying Times.

36. The Race Day Survival Kit: You don't want any last minute surprises on race day. Having a race day kit can help you to know you are prepared and keep you focused on the race. Assuming you already are wearing your clothes, shoes, have your watch, etc...there are still some items you need. There are two options... you can use a "check-in bag" where you have to wait in-line to get a claim ticket or use a "disposable bag" that has just the essentials and can be tossed. Here are checklists for both:

Check-in Bag:

____Extra Clothes: Nice to have a spare top, shorts, and socks to change into after the race.
____Sunglasses and sunscreen: If it's a hot and sunny day, you'll be glad you have these.

____Towel: There may be a shower at the end of the race, but even if not, nice to have to towel off.

____Phone: To contact friends after race

____Money: For any emergency needs

____Pre-race food and fluids

____Post-race food and fluids

____Race Number (if already have) and safety pins: Bring a few extra and you'll make lots of friends:)

____Race Chip (if already have)

____Course map/Race instructions

____Band-aids/Athletic Tape/First aid

____BodyGlide/Vaseline/Chafe Free


____Large garbage bag: Helpful if windy or raining before the race or just to sit on.

____Wipes: Useful for nasty porta-potty

____Magazine: Nice to catch up on Vanity Fair while waiting in line for race to start:)

____Extra Goo packets: Use safety pin to keep a couple with you for during the race.

 Disposable Bag:

____Pre-race food and fluids

____Wipes: Useful for nasty porta-potty

____Throwaway old clothes: Sweatshirt or long-sleeve shirt. Most races donate discarded clothes to charity.

____Race Number (if already have) and safety pins: Bring a few extra and you'll make lots of friends:)

____Race Chip (if already have)

____Magazine: Nice to catch up on Vanity Fair while waiting in line for start:) Put in garbage before start.

____Large garbage bag: Helpful if windy or raining before the race or just to sit on.

____Extra Goo packets: Use safety pin to keep a couple with you for during the race

 The Running Psyche Tips:

37. Making time for yourself: Running = sanity. Alone or with friends it has fantastic therapeutic results that last all day. I find doing it early in the morning is best as I know I'll get my run in and "life stuff" during the day will not get in the way.

38.The Running Group: One of my LDFs and I always joke how we are going to write a book about the nuances of our running group. Finding friends to share running with is a wonderful thing and helps you to stay motivated and enjoy the company along with the run.

39. Running Websites/Blogs: There is so much on the web now that you can tap into for running advice, training, support...see our blogroll. It's a great time to be a runner. If you're not getting automatic e-mail updates from a bold pace, don't miss out! Or if you prefer, get our RSS feed.

40. Going beyond your limits: I have to add this because it is the reason I give my son every time he asks why I run..."running for me is about going beyond the limits I have of myself in my mind". He's very logical and always answers..."limits are definitive--you can't go beyond them"...I keep trying to prove him wrong.

Perhaps it is the fresh air or the hours of laboring over one subject with LDFs but from running has come some profound realizations. My LDF Heidi and I have decided that everything our children need to know about life we can relate to running. A life manual in the making perhaps? There is always "One for the THE Book..." decided on a run.

Monica Anderson is the founder, owner and creator of Remanents. She is a mother of three and avid marathon runner. She launched a new line of running themed tees and notecards along with a new running blog for women called: a bold pace-running for our lives. The high-quality papers, witty wordplay, clean design, and innovative packaging have made Remanents a favorite of discerning customers. Remanents has been sold in many exclusive stores including, Saks Fifth Avenue, Neiman Marcus, Henri Bendel, Nordstrom and Anthropologie-and in hundreds of paper and lifestyle stores across the US. Also sold internationally in Japan, Australia, U.K. and directly at Remanents products have been featured in In-Style, Bridal Guide, on ABC News and many other media outlets.

The Single Greatest Way to Increase Flexibility & Decrease Body Pains

I wanted to comment further about Yoga because I have been doing it for almost a week... twice a day and already feel a lot better about my progress. Although I still feel stiff and wake up stiff, I instantly get a loose feeling when I start a 15 minute workout.

I feel like I don't have to worry about the majority of the women because they are probably already into yoga or would really like to be. The majority of the guys on the other hand probably think this is a waste of time and to feminine for them...

Nothing could be further from the truth.

The benefits of yoga are 3 fold -

1. Flexibility

This is obvious isn't it. But this has to be talked about again... I know a little redundant. Flexibility will really benefit your body and weight training.

Let's just put it this way. When I wake up in the morning and start my yoga routine, I bend over for the first time to touch my toes and the stiffness is incredible. I cannot wait for the morning when I bend down and with the ease of rubber band just flop right down.

That image and feeling that I dream of in my mind keeps me going big time. I am also really excited to see if this might be the missing step in my person weight training.

The greatest thing about flexibility and yoga is it is by far the greatest range of motion increaser out there. Whatever you may read, muscle down get longer... then just get back to moving the way they were meant to move.

We are all dysfunctional and yoga will cure this!

2. Breathing

I would easily consider this to be one of the most under appreciated techniques in fitness. Breathing can make the difference between getting that one extra rep or saving your head from blood pressure headaches.

Yoga is really cool in that sense because it teaches your to concentrate and control your breathing. It will actually a lot harder to do at first. Concentrating on breathing out and breathing in on direction is hard... especially when you are tired and start to break faster.

However in both yoga and weight training, breathing makes your body feel less restricted. It helps to relax your muscles and make them easier to move.

Learn to breathe and don't underestimate the importance of it.

3. Mental Power

The ability to concentrate and keep your mind focused is huge. Focus will improve your performance not only in yoga but in weight training. Yoga is so great because if forces you to focus.

I can't even imagine how I would let me mind wander during the routine. I am so present trying to make the different positions effective that I am always there. That is a good habit to form.

In the gym focusing on your exercise can make the difference between getting results and just going through the motions. Concentrating on the movements will actually help your muscle perform them better.

The power of the mind!

So don't let the zen like image of yoga scare you away, or make you feel like you are going to be laughed at... once you practice it and improve you will become a preacher of yoga! The benefits are great for your weight training and just the range of motion increases are going to be out of this world.

Dan Boyle is a National Academy of Sports Medicine certified personal trainer. He specializes in weight training, however realizes that Yoga and flexibility play a major role in creating the body you want. To learn more about weight training and yoga and receive a free fitness analysis, visit

Some Thoughts Derived From A Life In The Gym

I have spent nearly 25 years in local gyms pounding away at weight training using natural bodybuilding or power lifting, and usually some combination of the two. I can't begin to tell you how many hours I have invested in this pursuit. If I'd applied the time to working on some money-making endeavor, I'd have been retired to Aruba or something by now.

Like most every ironhead that gets hooked on this stuff, I've got my reasons for doing it. The obvious first choice is to look good. And being the strongest kid on the block would be impressive, too. But there's more to it than that. I have found lifting to be a great stress reliever after a day at work. Natural bodybuilding and working out in general can be a marvelous way to improve self esteem, self image, and confidence. The long term benefits from proper training are significant, too.

Even with all these very good reasons for pumping iron, I guess the bottom line is- I have fun doing it! This is something that I can do for me, for my own satisfaction and sense of accomplishment, and socialize a little while doing it. It ain't crocheting doilies, but it's a hobby nonetheless, one that aids in achieving the mind-body connection.

My competition is me, and I can be incredibly demanding. This develops mental toughness and focus, which spills over into all aspects of daily living. For me, it's weight training and natural bodybuilding. For you this might be martial arts training, running, or yoga. Regardless of the exercise discipline, it's also come to be about structure and self-discipline, which are prerequisites for a naturally healthy lifestyle. Let's face it; you haven't got a prayer of achieving robust mental and physical health if you live in chaos, so get serious about living well.

Let me illustrate my point. In the time I have been training, I have seen literally thousands of people come and go in the gym. I wish I had a nickel for every time I've heard, "Well, I used to squat 500 or 600 pounds in high school, but I'm just getting back into it now." And this from a guy who can barely lift himself off the bench. So, I watch, hoping this will be the one who surprises me and actually trains. Typically, he'll show up for a workout two or three times a week for maybe a month. Then he starts missing a day, sometimes two days a week. Then you realize you haven't seen him for almost a month. The next time you do see him and ask where he's been, you get something like, "Oh I've been working a lot," or "My wife and I have been remodeling our house, but I'm going to get back into it." Yeah, right!

Now, I am not advocating living in the gym every free moment. Been there and done that. Believe me, all that will get you is overtrained and injured, and you'll miss a lot of good times and worthwhile things in this life. But I am advocating self discipline and consistency in your chosen exercise endeavor, natural bodybuilding or otherwise. Don't spend your money on club dues, and only show up two weeks before that big beach vacation trying to get buff at the last minute. Won't happen. And it won't help your overall health that much, either.

It is possible to achieve reasonable health and fitness goals without becoming obsessive about it all. It is not possible to achieve those goals by becoming sloppy and complacent about it all! This is about arriving at a place of balance in your life by making sound lifestyle choices for your long-term health. Forget about instant gratification here.

Remember: Slow and steady wins this race.

Bill Pennington is co-author of and has been a natural health enthusiast for many years. As a business executive for almost 20 years, Bill understands the importance of a solid exercise routine and has always enjoyed bodybuilding and power lifting as his routine of choice.

How to Melt Your Belly Fat

How to melt your belly fat? That is the question we all want to know. We have some suggestions that will help you melt your belly fat. We should focus on increasing the intensity of the physical activity, monitoring your diet, incorporating resistance training and decreasing stress levels.

Increasing the intensity of the exercise will help us burn more calories. We can determine our heart rate range and make sure that when we are doing our physical activity, we are maintaining our heart rate within that range. That way we can be more efficient at burning calories.

Just a few weeks of regular physical activity can get results. Activities such as swimming, biking, running or brisk walking are all effective at melting belly fat and burning calories.

Another way of helping our body to melt belly fat is to monitor our diet. Eating more often throughout the day will help maintain our energy levels. Also eating lean protein, complex carbohydrates and eliminating sugar and fat from our diet will help us burn calories and keep the body from storing the excess calories as fat.

Incorporating resistance training helps to increase our overall metabolism. When we increase our metabolism, we allow our body to increase its fat burning capacity and utilize the excess fat in our belly to fuel our activities.

Decreasing our stress level helps to eliminate excess fat storage in the belly. Stress releases Cortisol, a hormone that causes the body to store fat in the belly to be utilized as a fuel in an emergency situation.

Stress management activities such as deep breathing, yoga, tai chi and meditation have been effective in helping decrease stress levels and help keep our body from storing fat in the belly.

Increasing exercise intensity, monitoring our diet, incorporating resistance training and decreasing stress levels are all ways how you can melt your belly fat. By taking these factors into consideration, you will be able to melt your belly fat and get six pack abs.

If you want to burn fat and fix joints the right way, please visit