Saturday, August 24, 2013

The CULTure of Yoga

Like so many facets of our society, yoga seems to have gone from something that only tree-hugging hippies did to a mainstream answer to all of life's problems. Where yoga studios used to be one per city, now they line the streets in every shape and size from industrial buildings to apartment flats. We've seen this in other current issues such as alternative energy sources, local and organic food, and fuel efficient cars. Although we don't like to admit it, those hippies were onto something.

Now, obviously yoga didn't get its roots from North American hippies, but that is what we associate it with. Yoga can be traced back to ancient Indian texts, the Vedas, written in Sanskrit to describe both the technique and literature of yoga. Patanjali, the Indian sage, has been referenced in many texts as describing yogic philosophy some 2000 years ago in his work, The Yoga Sutras (Carrico, 1997; Farhi, 2000).

Whenever I do something new, I always try to look at its roots to figure out why something was developed in the first place. Whether its weight lifting, music, or yoga, I try to look back at some of the true pioneers to understand what it was that made them create this new form or genre. All yoga texts will define it differently, but essentially to me yoga is a practice merging the physical asanas, or postures, with the mindfulness, awareness, and internalization of meditation. In fact, I see yoga as one form of meditation. Now, everyone has their motivations and reasons for practicing, or more appropriately now, doing yoga, but from what I have read and heard, the asanas are just a small part of yoga. As Donna Farhi writes, "Form is what the Western mind could understand, and so it was the forms of the yoga that were emphasized. In an effort to popularize yoga the more essential spiritual message of the practice has been pared away and oftentimes completely eliminated".

Thus, the issue I have with yoga is not the traditional practice and philosophy, but its cultish popularity and one-stop-shop from everything from back pain to depression. Yoga, as we know it today, is a fad. The question is, is this a bad thing? Well, it depends on how you look at it. It is hard to argue with something that has taken a sedentary and terrifyingly overweight society and got them moving. After all, just the act of getting people to make less of an ass groove in the sofa deserves credit. However, when you start something new you have to ask yourself, "why am I doing this". And, it seems to me that more of us are taking up yoga for the wrong reasons.

I'll admit that I didn't exactly start doing yoga for the reasons I do it today: To quiet my mind, release stress, and become spiritual. I started because I was stiff. Now, as a strength coach, I do apply a lot of mobility work that mirrors yoga and was probably borrowed from yoga. But still, I thought that something that I could attend regularly and didn't have to think about too much would help me maintain some joint mobility.

The concerns that I have with the resurgence of yoga is that with popularity has come a combination of poorly applied information and the mentality that yoga is for everyone... all the time. In fact, from talking to physiotherapists and chiropractors, the people they see most often in their clinics are not the beginner yogi, but the person who goes to yoga everyday and is labelled "good" at yoga. You know the one - they can wrap both legs around their head while arching their back into a shape resembling an archery bow. These "uber-mobile" yoginis (mainly female) are being told that they should push further and further into the "ideal" yoga asana. The problem is they have no stability and far too often over-stretch. So, although they appear to be in great physical shape, they are actually putting themselves at risk of injury. The body needs a combination of mobility and stability and it is entirely dependent upon body type, musculo-skeletal restrictions, tissue tolerances and the specific activities that you do on a daily basis as to how much mobility/stability is needed. Each muscle has an ideal force vs. length curve; basically meaning that each muscle has an ideal length that it can function optimally at. If we continue to overstretch and "lengthen" the body without developing the strength and stability needed withstand the forces of both life and sport, injury is most definitely lurking in the yoga studio background.

As you've heard me say before, it depends on the practitioner. Like any practice, I've seen yoga teachers who know the body inside and out, realizing everyone has limits and not trying to force them beyond these limits. Unfortunately, I've also seen many yoga instructors who are in my mind, under-qualified and do not have enough knowledge of the human body to be prescribing certain postures to everyone. So, if you are someone who resembles the description that I gave above, understand that you need to balance a lot of the mobility work that you are doing in yoga class with strength and stability in order to have a strong, healthy body. Yoga is a great practice when applied properly. Understand its limitations and see it as one piece of your very important health puzzle.


Carrico, M. (1997). Yoga Journal's Basics: The essential beginners guide to yoga for a lifetime of health and fitness. Holt Paperbacks.

Farhi, D. (2000). Yoga mind, body, and spirit: A return to wholeness. Owl Books.

Paul Hemsworth is a strength and conditioning coach in Thunder Bay, Ontario. He is a certified strength and conditioning specialist (NSCA) and an exercise physiologist (CSEP) with a degree in Human Kinetics from UBC. He owns Hemsworth Strength and Wellness which is operated out of Trainer's Edge Gym in Thunder Bay. His website is and his blog is

TaiChi For Well Being and Exercise

Taichi, a mental way to fitness.

Good health possibly, but better than a work out?

The first thing that many people say to me when they find out I practice Taichi is, 'Isn't that some sort of slow oriental dance?' To demonstrate their knowledge and often in an attempt at fun they go on to say. 'Oh yes that's what loads of old Chinese people do early in the mornings in parks isn't it?' This is often accompanied by some slow motion ballet gestures. I have been studying Taichi for close to ten years and well yes perhaps some of these popular beliefs are true. But that's like saying premier league football is a game played by lads who don't need the exercise watched by a whole load of blokes who really could use a ninety minute kick about.

So how come I think Taichi is not a soft option? It is well known that the armed forces have used the stress position to interrogate prisoners the idea is to inflict pain without leaving any damage or visible marks. In Taichi training the some of the same principles are applied. Standing post means assuming something like a stress position; knees bent, back straight, not straight casual but vertical bolt upright. Position of the arms and hand varies according to the teaching and the style of Taichi. But the basic idea is to have the arms away from the body. Muscles like always in this soft internal martial art have to be relaxed. That's the first paradox, one of many in Taichi training.

Relaxed is an idea that has not done well in translation between the east and west cultures. In the west we have relaxed as an idea of kicking back on the sofa or with a few mates sharing a beer in the Dog n Duck. The phrase in Chinese that is used in Taichi is 'song' more a state of mental concentration and an absence of muscle tension. So there you are standing post and your teacher, if they are worth their salt will be telling you to relax 'be song'. After 10 minutes of standing in a stress position it is easier said than done. Your legs are beginning to beg you to 'stand up straight' and the muscles in your thighs have become fatigued. They feel like some one has slipped a jack hammer into your quads. If you give in at this point don't worry, it happens to the best of us. But you will feel like a total prat because the sixty year old woman, who is standing post next to you, is smiling appearing to be enjoying this torture. Guys have come into the class who claim to have done lots of sports some kick boxing but they have crumbled when we have started the session by standing still. The trick if you can call it that is two fold. Firstly it's all in the mind, Taichi or to give it a better translation Taichiquan (supreme ultimate fist) requires the mind and spirit to be trained. So being able to control your body and the posture using your will power is incredibly important; pain in the muscles can be overcome.

Secondly your legs are actually in no real danger it's just like the last set of reps in the gym, so paint a smile on your face and enjoy the burn. If your posture is correct you have nothing to worry about. Oh I forgot to mention that in Taichi terms you need to achieve 20 minutes a day for one hundred days. If you miss a day then just like in snakes and ladders you go back to the start. Day one, again. One famous martial arts teacher Master Yun Yin Sen, starts his day, everyday, without fail, with forty five minutes standing. Before the rest of his training begins. When I had the privilege of getting hands on with him I was able to swing my whole body weight off one of his arms. I am a little chubbier than I should be and weigh around thirteen and a half stone, eighty five kilos and am six feet tall. Master Yun Yin Sen, is about five foot five and without any body fat weighing closer to sixty kilos. It is difficult for many Westerners to gauge of the age of people from the Far East. I later found out, after having swung on his arm that master Sen is in fact sixty five. I had spent a Sunday morning abusing a pensioner. Or to be more accurate he had been abusing me, not my proudest moment, being pushed around by a senior citizen.

If you have had a stressful day at work complete with the mind numbing commute to get there and back, followed by a gym session or a competitive game of squash then gone on to meet some mates for a beer or two is a full on and complete day. Mates, earning money and staying in trim. What more can you do? How can Taichi fit in? Anyway what's the point of it, if I want a martial art I'll do something like karate, big punching and powerful kicks and if I want to live forever I'll take up yoga and swap lager for lentils! Well maybe, Taichi might just help you balance the needs of both. Like a good mate once you you've taken to each other it will be around forever. When the training at the gym makes your knees swell and the mixture of stresses at work and commuting make your doctor start talking about blood pressure then it's your mates that you can turn too. Taichi will help you get the balance back.

How do you make a start? The single most important thing is to find a good teacher. Far more important than the style you choose or the amount of time you are able to put in. The problem is it's very difficult to tell when you don't know much about Taichi who is a good teacher and who is a pretender. In my experience good teachers will let you know in two ways. One, they will let you get hands on with them. You can feel Taichi and when you have got hands on with a Taichi master you will definitely know. The fist time Master Lui Ji Shun demonstrated energy release to me I became aware that I was flying backwards without having felt him using any force to push me away, my feet cycling Scoobie doo style, as I flew back. Secondly they like you to ask questions, for them they can tell how well you are progressing by the questions you ask. Good teachers are really keen for you to progress. All they will ask of you is to be a good student.

When should you start? The best time to have started your training is twenty years ago. The second best time to start training is now.

Why do Taichi? It's good for the soul, and not quite as hard as golf.

Discover Three Great Indoor Exercise Activities

To keep the body fit and healthy it is essential that a specific fitness regime is followed. Regular exercising schedule and healthy diet can keep your body well maintained. Human body needs to be toned up to stay healthy as well as slowing process of aging. Exercising is proven to be beneficial for the body in many ways such as it reduces stress, defends the body from many harmful diseases that may be hazardous in future, improves self controlling power physically and spiritually. Even if a person is suffering from some illness, exercise of some or the other kind may help him to overcome the ill-effects.

If you have a busy schedule and do not have time to move out for gym, it is recommended that you follow some physical exercising activities at home. If you are sure to make a healthy living at home you can start a schedule that can be done with your family. Exercising with the family will double your benefits, it is needless to say that your family will appreciate your initiative.

Aerobic exercises: aerobic exercises are popular way of activities when it comes to indoor workouts. You can follow any local TV channel in the early hours of morning; many channels guide you to follow a perfect way. And most important thing is that you do not need to invest a huge amount for this, only good pair of shoes and comfortable costume is sufficient. These practices are sure to improve your body metabolism and melt some extra body fats. You can make this process more enjoyable with some musical audio or video CDs. But before starting for Aerobic exercises it is advisable that you get yourself checked for physical fitness. Follow a professional advice for benefiting yourself rather than being stressed.
Yoga: yoga is a perfect and excellent method to balance your physical health with your mind. You can do some simple yoga exercises such as Kapaalbhati, Anulome-vilome etc. This are simply harmless exercises but proven to benefit for weight reduction, metabolism without any stress.
Calisthenics: These exercises are well known and popular to tone up the body. It is very inexpensive method to follow a fitness schedule that can be done started with smaller time and gradually increased time limit. They are called as time honored exercises as they benefit for the time you do them. These include abdominal crunches, push-ups, and many other steps.
Before starting these it is recommended that you take a professional advice and a little training so that you do not go wrong with the way to do them. It is strictly recommended that you do some warming up and cool down exercises before and after the activities. Some exercises must be done only after taking medical check-up so that you do not get harmed; some are not advisable for heart patients and arthritis patients. With very little efforts you can make out a proper exercising regime. This little time that you invest from your busy schedule will keep you fit and healthy for rest of your life.

To learn much more about great activities you can do in the comfort of your home and how to choose the right exercise equipment for home use try visiting also, where you will claim your free 10-part Mini-Course "Ultimate Weight Loss And Fitness Tips", as well as find a lot more tips and advice about choosing a mini exercise bike.

Achieve Healthy Body and Mind With Personal Training

A healthy body leads to a healthy mind. Because of this common and popular perception, we prefer to keep ourselves slender and fit. Along with young people, even middle aged people also go to fitness centres so that they can return to their earlier appearances. Fitness Gold Coast provides a variety of exercising equipments and also helps in enhancing your power.

Fight the pressure with physical drills

In our hectic daily schedule, it becomes important to work out on a regular basis. Stressful work demands put a lot of pressure on people. And this often leads to various diseases and many types of body problems. There are various signs such as grey hairs, premature aging, acute attacks of migraines and even headaches that signify some malfunction in the body. These are few of the most common signs of pressure.

When you opt for personal training in Gold Coast, it helps your body work against the work pressure. There are training equipments along with holistic living and yoga sessions. This will surely help those who want to work out according to their body's requirements. There are sessions of aerobics held for people suffering from weight related issues.

There are different types of dances that are helpful in losing weight. These dances will also help you improve your dancing skills. When you opt for these rejuvenating work outs, it definitely renews your power. And it is a noted fact that a healthy body and mind is really helpful when you want to be successful in your work.

A toned body is able to build confidence in oneself. This will make your life more happening and interesting. You will get back your confidence. These fitness centres are the perfect places to shed down those extra kilos.

There are many online centres that help you achieve your target of losing weight. Many of them also offer low calorie and healthy formulas for attaining the right kind of body and mental state.

For any help on fitness gold coast, check out the info available online; these will help you learn to find the fitness Gold Coast!

Cross-Training Workouts for Females

Do you like to mix things up a bit when it comes to your training workout every day? How about a jog or play volleyball a couple of times a week? Or maybe even perhaps you're a yoga or tai chi enthusiast? If you're focusing on just one activity, chances are you're not in the great shape you think you are. In fact, you could possibly be setting yourself up for injuries, overuse syndromes, or worse still, boredom and becoming an exercise dropout. Cross-training for a female is a great workout to stay fully engaged in increasing your fitness level.

Mixing it up with different activities adds variety to your workouts and tends to keep you more engaged over time. It increases your fun and motivation and prevents injury by distributing the stress of exercise among various joints and muscles. You'll also achieve greater all-round conditioning.

Cross-training generally combines aerobic (cardiovascular), strength, and flexibility exercises, either on different days or on the same day. By changing up your workout schedule, like the following example is the good old gym routine: cycle on a stationary bicycle for 30 minutes, lift weights for 45 minutes, and stretch for 10 to 15 minutes. However, many different combination's will provide the same benefit. Here are some suggestions on how to get started ladies:

Choose activities that work in concert with one another. For example, combine yoga and kickboxing. Yoga is a mind-body exercise that focuses inward, while kickboxing is a let-all-your-aggressions-out workout. Yoga builds strength and flexibility, while kickboxing develops aerobic and muscular endurance.

Like with any new routine you need to look at starting out slowly. One of the biggest mistakes people make is doing too much too soon; Runners may have the cardiovascular fitness for a 45-minute workout, but their thigh muscles aren't in shape for a 45-minute bike ride. It takes time to work yourself into a new workout routine. Different activities use muscles in different ways, so start at a lower intensity for less time.

Substitute new activities rather than adding them when you're starting out. Instead of a 50-minute aerobic session every day looking at combining two different activities like 30 minutes of aerobic exercise with 20 minutes of strength training.

Vary the intensity of your workout. For instance, you might run or do high-step aerobics one day and walk or swim the next. This technique allows you to rest any injured muscles or joints. Also, your body never really just "use" to your workouts and therefore you are consistently moving forward with your fitness level.

Alternate between indoor and outdoor activities. Walking outdoors opens the door to wonderful sights, sounds, and smells, but you can also walk on a treadmill at home while watching TV. Variety may be just the boredom buster you need to stay motivated. focuses on providing our visitors a wealth of information concerning little known fitness secrets that are available at our site. Our goal is to provide our visitors the opportunity to be better informed of what options are available to them as they look to a better life for themselves and their families.

To see a listing of all additional articles and product reviews go to Recent Articles

Equestrian Rider Fitness

Staying fit is essential for any horse rider but especially for the discipline of dressage.

Now matter how much care, time and training you spend on your horse, if you neglect yourself then your neglecting half of your team.

Being fit means you will have more stamina. Regular horse duties are good for overall fitness but a specialized program is needed to obtain that extra edge.

The ability to be flexible and have muscle strength will increase your odds of avoiding injuries and will make learning dressage a more enjoyable experience.

Yoga is an excellent exercise to use for flexibility. It can be used in the morning as a quick warm up prior to riding and/or in the evening as a cool down. A daily routine of yoga will relax the mind and calm the spirit.

In conjunction with yoga, pilates cannot be overlooked. Pilates will give you the boost you are looking for because it combines strength training, balance and stamina into one discipline.

Starting on any pilates program is a good first step, however, you will want to do the exercises that will benefit you as a rider. Using specially created riding exercise programs will help you achieve your goals, because the creators already know the direction you are aiming for.

You may also want to consider a mild weight bearing routine along with your yoga and pilates. Use yoga as a warm-up and cool down and alternate the days you perform pilates and strenght training for optimum results. Feeding your body the appropriate fuel is important as well, so be sure to eat balanced meals with plenty of protein at regular intervals.

Remember the perfect combination for dressage fitness is strength, balance and flexibility.

To learn more dressage tips, visit []. Where you'll find this and much more, including dressage wear.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Yoga For the Overall Fitness and Health

Yoga is probably not strange to your ear. It is an ancient practice which is still popular until today. It's getting more popular since Madonna told in public that she practiced it and that's why she got her awesome shape with no cellulite. Today, more and more people practice yoga because there are also more and more celebrities reveal that they practice yoga to maintain their health and shape.

Well, yoga is of course not only a matter of a practice for body builder. It is a good exercise that will help you in maintaining your overall health. It's not only your physical health, but also your mind and spirit. There are so many types of yoga, including hatha, vinyasa, kundalini, bikram, ashtanga, iyengar, anusara, jivamukti, and sivananda. The basic principle of all those yoga types is almost the same. But each of them has its own emphasis in training our body. For example, hatha yoga is suitable for the beginner because it has slower movement, while bikram or also known as hot yoga is aimed to cleanse sweat and relaxation. You can read the yoga manual or guidebook to read more about each yoga and type and its benefits. By knowing them, you can discover the one that is most suitable to your health condition.

In general, yoga benefits our body in so many ways. It is able to promote your flexibility. Your body will become stronger too right after you practice yoga on regular basis. It will be easier for you to do your daily activities because you have more energy and flexibility in moving your body. Not only that, yoga also helps to relax your mind. You will find it easier to focus on everything you do because yoga practices focus techniques. It also gives you a favor in maintaining your inner peace because yoga also trains you to control your thought. The most important thing is yoga can help you to reduce stress. Practicing yoga strengthens your sense of self so you can keep calm all the day long no matter happens in your way. Yoga helps you to gain more capability in controlling every single facet of your life. Because of its ability to promote the inner strength, yoga is also helpful in promoting fitness and beauty. Maintaining the inner peace is actually the main goal of yoga. When you inner peace is well-maintained, physical and mental health is not something hard to gain.

By Hendra Saputra

For More Information About Health and Fitness, Go To Http:// And Find a Specific Information About Fitness, Health, Exercise, Sport, and Equipment. Helpful Tips, Tricks, and Suggestion About All Of It.

Hendra Saputra Is Article Writer For Health And Fitness Information.

Yoga - What Are the Benefits?

Yoga is extremely popular for a reason. It is a great form of exercise that is highly accessible. The best part is that it is good for you as well. There are four key areas of benefit from yoga and they are:

Stability and balance
Wellbeing and Stress Management

Stability and Balance

Most yoga classes will involve some form of balance and stability work. Whether it is holding a simple pose through to more advanced moves, yoga will help to develop these skills. Whilst most of us take stability and balance for granted, both skills will deteriorate as you get older. Take a minute to see how you are faring. Stand on one foot and see how long you can hold it for. You will probably notice that it is a lot harder than when you were younger to maintain your balance. Whilst most of us take both for granted, stability and balance are really important for healthy living. As we age we need these skills to help prevent falls or minor injuries. It is for this and many other reasons that balancing exercises, such as those included in yoga, are great for both your short and long term health to help you have a longer, more active life.


Touch your toes! Have you ever noticed that a young child can turn themselves upside down and inside out at the blink of an eye, whilst some of us are struggling with simply touching our toes? Flexibility is an important part of your physical health and is improved through the stretching aspect of yoga. Stretching can have similar benefits to massage as it helps to release built up toxins that are sitting in your muscles and improves recovery. Flexibility also helps with maintaining joint mobility over time so you can bend and stretch for years to come. It is great for those of us with aching backs, shoulders and necks that are generally the result of too much sitting and not enough moving!


Yoga will help you to develop your strength as you carry your body's weight through various poses and routines. The benefit of strength training is not to become like the incredible hulk, but rather to help maintain bone density and muscle strength. These are both important to help prevent the long term risk of injury and bone deterioration. There are lots of areas of strength that are important throughout your body and a good yoga session will generally help improve many of them. This is a great alternative for those of us that lack the interest for pumping iron at the gym.

Wellbeing and Stress Management

And finally, any discussion about the benefits of yoga would be incomplete without mentioning the wellbeing and stress management benefits. This is probably a whole other article in and of itself. Yoga helps to centre the mind, and create a more relaxed and meditative state. It is a way of releasing tension from throughout your body and letting go of your negative energy. To really enjoy yoga you have to learn to quiet your mind, so you can focus on your breath rather than the actual work that your body is doing at the time. This is a really valuable skill that can be applied in lots of different situations that may otherwise be stressful or create anxiety.

In summary, yoga has benefits for both your mind and body. It will help you with your wellbeing and over time can provide a strong base for a positive and healthy lifestyle.

find4me has been created to make it simpler and easier to manage your health and wellbeing. We provide practical information about what health and wellbeing services are available and finding those that are right for you. To read more articles like this one or suggest a topic of interest, just visit my blog

find4me was founded by Kareene Koh and is based around her passion for health and wellbeing. To find out more about find4me please visit

Yoga in Practice - Three Steps to Train the Self-Critical Mind

Yoga practice reveals many hidden truths and the ability to train one's mind for balanced thinking about self-image. For example: Who is your worst critic? If you are like most of us, you can find that critic just by looking at yourself.

We often hold ourselves back with an internal chatter of self-criticism. Many of us question ourselves over every decision, we insult ourselves internally, and we lose sight of true happiness. As long as we are here, we should do our best to be happy on this journey we call "life."

How can Yoga change the life of a self-critic? Yoga offers each of us a time-tested process for self-analysis. Here is a step-by-step process for any one of us to purge our personal "demons" and return to rational thinking.

1. Do something physical by practicing Yoga asanas (postures) or go for a walk. You have many choices such as: Basketball, tennis, golf, volleyball, or anything that will get you away from the desk, out of a chair, and off the couch. Continue to enjoy your activity and put your worries aside.

2. Get a piece of paper and draw a line down the middle length ways. On top of the left hand column put a minus symbol (-). On top of the right hand column put a plus symbol (+). On the left side of your sheet, you can indulge in writing all of your flaws.

On the right hand side, write everything positive about your life. This should include all of your achievements. This includes good relationships with friends, family, and associates. The right side should also indicate your intelligence, activities, and accomplishments.

After all, you know how to read, write, and learn. In order to perform this exercise, you already must have a reasonable level of intelligence and the desire to improve yourself. Do not forget to include hidden talents, your job, school, and the fact that you have a roof over your head. Feel free to use the back side of your sheet, too.

3. Have you noticed that the right side of your sheet has much more information, than the left? Again, compare the two sides. Notice that each flaw on the left side can be changed one step at a time and it's all "small stuff." Nothing is impossible, and I have yet to meet a person who cannot change in small steps.

Let's be honest, we all make mistakes. Who cares? Is somebody keeping score? God knew we would make mistakes since the moment we were born. Pick up the pieces. Change what you can, and work on the rest as you go forward.

Have you ever met someone who you thought was perfect? How long did it take for you to realize that he or she is only human? What can we learn from this? We should not judge anyone, not even ourselves, because it is an exercise in futility.

We should do our personal best at showing kindness, being happy, forgiving, and praising our loved ones. Yoga gives you all the tools to improve your life; just keep practicing.

© Copyright 2008 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of Yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. He has been a certified Master Yoga Teacher since 1995. To receive Free Yoga videos, Podcasts, e-Books, reports, and articles about Yoga, please visit:

What is Hatha Yoga?

Hatha Yoga was introduced by Yogi Swatmarama in the fifteenth century in India and is derived from the Sanskrit words Ha for sun and Tha for moon. It is known to act as a liaison between the opposite negative and positive parts of a yogi's system. It reached its present day fame because of the various types of Hatha being practiced in the West today, including Ashtanga, Iyengar and Bikram. It is a physical practice that trains the body to eventually attain high levels of spirituality. Hatha is mostly famous for the various postures that are incorporated into the session along with the traditional breathing techniques. These postures allow the body to be toner, more flexible and possess more strength.

The main focus of Hatha is to accomplish equilibrium between the mind and the body. Due to this reason, yoga sessions are designed to integrate a number of asanas and pranayamas to accomplish a tough workout for both as well as tap into your hidden physical and mental capability. A Hatha session leads the practitioner through a series of postures, holding them for different periods of time and ensuring that all muscles of the body are warmed up and then exercised during each class. This provides a total body workout better than any aerobics or Pilates class can deliver, as most of the postures are very strenuous and demanding in nature, pushing the body to reach its utmost potential.

The other important part of a Hatha session are the breathing techniques incorporated into it. Yogis have to be very conscious of maintaining proper breathing along with achieving the postures. Certain classes break up periodically to let the yogis focus on their pranayamas. It is considered to be a fundamental part of Hatha as it enables the practitioner to accomplish control of the body and center the focus on the inner self. Proper breathing ensures a smooth transition to the meditation part of Hatha Yoga, which although is not mandatory, but many people opt to benefit from it as well.

Meditation during yoga induces a sense of peace and tranquility and assists in reaching the sub and super conscious levels, where all negative emotions are embedded. Upon reaching them, it is easy to program all the negativity and channel it into positive thoughts. In the Western world though the primary focus is not on the meditative part of Hatha, instead lies within the breathing and exercise aspects. That is the reason that the various forms of Hatha that have emerged direct the yogi through a tough routine.

The most intensive form of Hatha is probably Bikram Yoga, as in addition to leading the yogi trough demanding exercises, the yoga session is held in a very hot room with temperatures greater than 104 degree Fahrenheit. The high heat induces removal of toxins and calories get burned in excess. Ashtanga, which is another popular form of Hatha, leads its yogi through a flowing pattern of postures that utilize all body parts and promotes improved organ functionality along with creating a well toned and flexible body. Hatha provides agility, suppleness and energy to the entire body and replenishes all vital organs. Hot Yoga * DOUBLE YOUR FLEXIBILITY* in 28 days... 7 Secrets of Nutrition and Flexibility. Free 7-day email course at link above. Bikram Yoga Poses *BIKRAM YOGA LOVER?* Get the definitive home study course on Hot Yoga. Giant 300-page book, 2 DVDs, pose chart, and more.

YOGABODY Naturals LLC is a yoga educational and nutritional supplement company aimed specifically at students of yoga asana. Founded by Lucas Rockwood in 2007, the YOGABODY community now includes over 10,000 students and teachers worldwide.

"Powerful Yoga for Real People"

Training Options for a Natural Healing Career

When looking to gain an education in natural healing students who choose to train for a career can do so through a variety of educational programs. Natural healing schools teach students various holistic therapies based on their desired career, through certificate and degree programs. Students can receive the educational training they need to enter into a successful career in a number of areas. Training is available to students at the certificate, associate, bachelor, master, and doctoral level in this exciting field.

Training for a natural healing career can be done in a number of areas by enrolling in an accredited school or college. Students can choose to pursue an education and career in areas like:
Chinese Medicine
...and much more. By gaining an education in any of these specialized areas of study students will have the training they need to pursue their desired career and enter into the workforce.

Depending on the specific area of training students can obtain a variety of certificates and degrees in natural healing. Students have the option to earn:
Certificates - Certificate programs typically range from several months to two years depending on the career area.
Associate Degree - Obtaining an associate level degree will require students to complete two years of accredited training in order to pursue their desired career.
Bachelor Degree - Schools and colleges offer bachelor degrees which require four years of study to obtain.
Master Degree - Students who wish to earn a master level degree can do so by completing an additional two years of study.
Doctoral Degree - Studies at the doctoral or PhD level can require an additional four years of training to complete.
By gaining an accredited education at any of these level students can gain the skills and knowledge they need to start a successful career in natural healing.

Coursework will vary by level of education and the students desired area of study. Accredited training programs allow students to learn the subjects that related to their desired career. Possible coursework can include subjects like reflexology training, herbal remedies, and more. Students can also study massage therapy, anatomy, physiology, nutrition, iridology, and many other related areas of study. By gaining an accredited education in these areas students will be prepared to seek out the employment they desire. Careers can be found in health care facilities, holistic practices, and much more.

By gaining an accredited education in natural healing students will have the training they need to enter into the workforce prepared for a number of exciting careers. Agencies like the Accreditation Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine ( ) can provide schools and colleges with the full accreditation they need. Students can ensure that the best quality education will be received by enrolling in a fully accredited educational training program. By researching available natural healing schools and requesting more information students can start receiving the training they need to pursue the career of their dreams.

DISCLAIMER: Above is a GENERIC OUTLINE and may or may not depict precise methods, courses and/or focuses related to ANY ONE specific school(s) that may or may not be advertised on

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David H. Woods is a staff writer for Locate and request information from Accredited Natural Healing Schools, as well as other Colleges and Universities offering Training in Natural Healing at, your positive pathway to discovery!

P90X Tips - What Muscle Groups Do They Target?

Many people have asked me about P90X and what muscle groups they target. It would be easier to ask me what muscle groups they don't target. lol Each day in the P90X course is focused on building different muscle groups.

Here is a list of the targeted muscle groups. Chest and back, shoulders and arms, yoga x, plyometrics, legs and back, kenpo x, chest, shoulders and triceps, back and biceps, core synergistics, ab ripper x, cardio x and x stretch. This fitness program takes between 50-60 minutes each day and believe me this takes desire and dedication. It's not for lazy people but the results can be amazing if you stick with the training.

There are a few additional things needed for p90x and they are resistance bands or dumbbells and a pull-up bar/place to perform pull-ups. For even better workout results supplements are also available. The supplements can give you that needed boost when it's time to take it to the next level, while also making sure that the body is burning fat before lean muscle. The exercises used in p90x are strenuous but the program also shows you how you can modify your workouts if your body will not allow you to perform some of the exercises.

P90x is an all-in-one program and each day shows you a new style of exercise. One day you'll find yourself doing weight lifting and the next you will find yourself punching and kicking to kenpo karate and even some yoga. This is great if you are the type of person who gets bored doing the same routine each day. By using so many different types of workouts your body doesn't get accustomed to moves either and this is called muscle confusion so you are always slimming down and gaining muscle.

To see more P90X Tips and find out what you need to know before you buy the P90X Workout visit Today!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Touch the Spirit of Zen

Zen became one of main streams of Buddhism in China in 6th century. The meditation sitting form both legs crossed is famous worldwide. But Zen in China did not invent this meditation style of sitting. It was there since Yoga in India started about 3000 years age. Chinese priest, Daruma, who started Zen, used this meditation form in 6th century. He was against King over tax issue and put in the jail. He kept himself sitting for 9 years in jail and lost both arms and legs, but he gained ultimate status of mind and opened his Buddhism, Zen.

Zen teaches that anybody can reach to ultimate status of mind if one trains himself. Kung Fu origin can be found in Zen, too. While Kun Fu is dynamic form, Zen is static. Zen style meditation started from Buddhism to save people and save oneself. Because it asks people train themselves, this was well adopted by Samurai worriers in Japan in 15th - 17th century. It is under Zen philosophy Samurai believed that his life or death could have same meaning.

Although Zen was well adopted and known by people all over the world by its powerful meditation practices, there is another part of Zen, which is not well known. It is brain training.

The most mysterious but interesting statement in Zen brain training is "Everything is Nothing and Nothing is Everything." There can be millions of interpretation on this statement. And it was designed that way. Let us think about Roman Empire, Mongolian Kingdom, The Third Reich, Japanese Pacific Empire and so forth. Historically, they were there prosperous and strong. They looked like imperishable. But, all of them are gone. Gone as if they did not exist from the very beginning. Still it does not mean all human society was gone. It is still there and benefiting at the same time keep giving huge influence to people. In this sense, this statement is quite correct when we take a look at history from time length.

Another one is "The strong is not strong because of his strength, but because of his weakness. The strong will not lose because of his weakness, but because of his strength." Here is an example. There was very strong clan in 15th century Japan, the time of medieval age. The name is "Takeda". The head of the clan, Shingen Takeda was eminent strategist. One of the early adopter of "Guns" brought into Japan for the first time. He trained his gunmen and formed gun unit. His army was called strongest in Japan that time.

After the death of Shingen Takeda, his son, Katsuyori, inherited his army. His army was supposed to be as strong as his fathers. He fought against Nobunaga Oda. Although Katsuyori was so confident that his army with gun unit can defeat Oda. But, Nobunaga Oda studied everything about his gun army unit of Takeda and imported newer guns from Europe to defeat Takeda. If Katsuyori's army were not strong in gun power, Oda would not have been aware of it, and could not study about it. This example is typical on "The strong lost due to its strength." Do not you think Takeda clan lost not because of their weakness, but because of its strength?

Shaw Funami is an owner of "zhen international, inc.", known as a mentor for cross cultural relationship called "Fill the Missing Link". You can learn about his profile in Facebook, Please feel free to contact him at "" or visit his business website.

Essential Steps to Learn How to Build Muscles

Even if you don't want to be a bodybuilder, you should still be concerned about getting in and staying in shape. Burning fat and building muscle is very important because it means that you will be healthy and live a longer life as a result. With motivation and determination anyone can learn how to build muscles. As your body starts to slim down and you get stronger and look better, it will push you even further.

So one of the best tips on how to build muscles is to make sure you are eating the right foods. Even if you were to work out seven days a week, without the proper fuel for your body to run on you aren't going to be able to get in shape and may even end up causing injury to your body. Meals should be based around nutritious foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables, legumes and of course water should be drunk regularly to keep the body hydrated. All foods that are processed, fatty or full of sugar should be tossed.

People often spend their time worrying about how many calories or carbs they are consuming when this shouldn't be their worry at all. It's not so important to worry about calories and carbs as it is to be aware of what's in your foot and only eating fresh, natural foods that are going to provide the body with nutrients and vitamins. Any food that can be cooked in the microwave in a few minutes is almost guaranteed to be unhealthy because it is processed and full of additives. Toss all the bad food in the cupboards and go out grocery shopping to get new food.

If you want to learn how to build muscles, the next step is to create a customized workout plan which is going to get you in shape and focus on your problem areas. One single exercise routine is never the best for everyone, because everyone's body and fitness goals are different. Pilates, yoga, kickboxing, swimming - there are so many different types of exercise to choose from that you can always find one you will enjoy and which will get you results. Working with or at least consulting with a personal trainer is a great idea, as they will be able to take a look at you and perform a few tests to determine what sort of exercise you should be focusing on.

As long as you stick to smaller weights that are challenging but not pushing you to the limits, and only do a certain number of repetitions per workout, you can lightly tone your muscles and get in just the shape you want. You need a proper diet and exercise plan but if you aren't going to be motivated enough to stick to your plan, there isn't going to be success. Remember that if you are just getting in shape now, the first few weeks are going to be especially hard for you to handle. Once you start to see results and notice fat loss and more definition of the muscles, you will find it much easier to get up for those early morning workouts. is the top site to learn about building muscle and learning to become the best fighter that you can be so for mma training and mma workout info head over to

Benefits of Turbulence Training

A major factor in people giving up their fitness programs and New Year's resolutions before the end of February is the fact that they don't have time! There is so much to be done at work (there's a promotion to chase), the kids are all over the place and hardly allow you to get some downtime of your own, getting to the gym is a real drag because after the long commute from work you are just so tired. The only thing you can think of is that long hot shower, dinner, and then bed.

Personally, if I was stuck in a situation like that, these are what I would want from my fitness program:

1. It should be doable even with less equipment - at home even if necessary

2. It should not gobble up hours of my time per day - as it is I don't have enough, and 2 hours a day to dedicate to looking good would be a luxury I could hardly afford

3. It should not need me doing all sorts of esoteric exercises that I hardly have the mobility to do for best results (yoga anyone?)

4. I should not have to invest in expensive supplements just to make the program work as advertised - it should work without the fancy stuff

5. It should be flexible enough for me to pick up from where I left off

6. I should be able to see visible results within a month at the most - I can't keep slogging away for months on end with some sort of blind faith in my heart that someday this is going to work.

7. The program should address various physical qualities, not just one! I should get stronger, lose fat, gain muscle and even become more athletic

8. Social support for the program would be an important factor in the whole exercise, as it can often mean the difference between victory and defeat

This is where Turbulence Training may be most useful for me. 3 workouts a week, at perhaps an hour max per workout. The rest of the week I have time off to chill with the family or friends, read a good book, watch a nice movie, or just plain do more work at the office for when I feel like a workaholic.

Applying these criteria it is fairly easy to see that Turbulence Training may be the best choice for not only busy people, but those who would rather spend their life actually doing something they like, rather than just getting ready for life while it passes one by. Not a good thing at all! Click Here for more information on weight and fat loss methods promoted by Michael Sharma.

Advantages of Conducting Breathe Meditation and Pranayama Yoga

Deep breathing is an ideal technique for increasing focus and getting relaxation for the body, soul and brain. As per the health experts, breathe meditation is probably the most ancient type of yogic exercise that is based on restorative healing. These breathing exercises provide extraordinary power, excellent focus, mental relaxation, rest and even, give a radiant glow to your body.

We all have tested out all possible steps to reduce our extra weight and get rid of body diseases however; we have not experienced any successful results! In such instances, breathe meditation, along with pranayama yoga will certainly assist you in eliminating extra weight, physical problems and psychological issues. The process of pranayama have to be improved with other physical exercises and workout rounds like jogging, running, weight training, gym training and swimming to acquire fast benefits.

In case you're wondering about practicing yoga, merely follow these tricks to gain beneficial outcomes for your soul and body.

- Always start your workout routines with pranayama yoga. You can save the yoga sessions from internet sites or, better buy a CD for it. Learn them by rehearsing them daily.

- You should perform these breathing exercises approximately twice daily for half an hour. Amongst the other 7 forms of pranayamas, Bhastrika, Kapalbhati and Anulom Vilom are the most essential kinds of pranayama yoga. These need to be incorporated in your meditation plan.

- Once you finish practicing these, try other yoga exercises. Pick out around four fundamental stances. You should choose these poses based on your age group, body flexibility and potential. Learn to perform them. Move from the lighter ones to the more challenging ones. Don't select those poses which are too difficult to practice.

Pranayama yoga must be coupled with a wholesome, balanced meal and religious activities. Formulate a diet regimen. Your diet must be full of natural fiber, fresh fruits, green leafy vegetables, milk goods and fluids. Drink lots of water. Make sure you examine you weekly progress. Note down the changes in your body to see the results!

These postures along with breathe meditation will lower the risks of heart diseases, high blood pressure and heart attacks. Moreover, it is going to strengthen your lungs and improve their oxygen processing capability. Meditation is an excellent tool for controlling your emotions and anger. It will help you to overcome negative energies, tormenting thoughts and guilt feelings. In the most elevate stage of meditation, your body will sense peace and spiritual awakening so, make sure you practice it daily.

Due to increase in the number of respiratory disease patients, people have started becoming aware of the importance of breathe meditation so that they can avoid these ailments. Pranayama yoga is one exercise that will help you in this process. Visit our site for more information.

Understanding the Yoga Sutras

In the West, there are many who practice Yoga for the physical benefits only. I'll never forget the first-time experience of teaching Yoga in a commercial health club setting.

After practicing asanas and pranayama, I mentioned that we would start a meditation session. To my surprise, two of the students stood up and left. This natural event in a health club is almost never seen in an Ashram.

What am I getting at here? Teaching all aspects of Yoga to everyone is sometimes like force-feeding a child. As teachers and interns, you should know all the benefits of Yoga. Unfortunately, your students may not want to know anything except how to "shape that body."

The philosophy and "big picture" of Yoga will have to be carried on by you and your most dedicated students. Keep in mind that each person will interpret the Yoga Sutras, written by Patanjali, differently. Just like reading the Magna Carta, the Bible, and the U.S. Constitution, there is room for different interpretations.

"Sutra" means, "to thread," and there are 194 Yoga Sutras that make up the "tapestry" of Yoga. Within these verses are guidelines to self-discovery and purpose. The first four Sutras, of the first section, are said to be the foundation of the entire work.

1:1 "And now the lesson on union begins..."

This could also be interpreted as, and now the instruction of Yoga begins.

1:2 "Yoga is settling thoughts of the mind into tranquility."

This can be interpreted into a number of ways. Quite simply, it is the settling of mind chatter into silence, which is the basis for meditation.

1:3 "When the thoughts have settled, the subject dwells in his/her own nature, which is unlimited consciousness."

This would be, when you have calmed your mind, by restraining the mind chatter, you are ready for meditation.

1:4 "Otherwise, our nature is overshadowed by mind chatter."

In other words, if you do not calm your mind, you will be overtaken by the endless multitasking, which happens during the course of a normal day.

1:5 There are five types of thought and they may, or may not,

cause pain.

At first, this seems vague, but Patanjali gives a much deeper

explanation in the next seven Sutras. Learning to classify

mind chatter will teach us to prioritize, and therefore, make

the most of the present moment.

1:6 The five types of thought are: Right Knowledge, Wrong

Knowledge, Imagination, Sleep, and Memory.

1:7 Right knowledge is the ability to understand ideas based

on correct perception, inference, and genuine testimony.

Our understanding of events, people, and philosophy, is

founded in the idea that we are receiving reliable

information from outside resources. These resources in the

21st century are many, but finding the correct information is

not always easy.

1:8 Wrong knowledge is misunderstanding, illusory, and false.

Talk about profound words. At this time, it is wise to

thoroughly research any subject before deciding whether it is true or false.

1:9 Imagination is thought that is founded on word knowledge

which has no substance.

True imagination has no substance, but imagination is very

creative and can benefit mankind. It can also be very

destructive in the form of weapons. Lastly, it can be self

destructive in the form of worry.

1:10 Sleep is a state of mind which is full of the sense of


Sleep is as essential as food. Many books have been written

on the subject of sleep and dreams. Deciphering dreams is

not an exact science and you cannot spend all your waking

moments worrying about what might be.

On the other hand - sometimes dreams give us answers to

problems and cannot be entirely ignored. Hopefully, this will be food for thought and you might reflect on the writings of Patanjali.

Paul Jerard is a co-owner and the director of Yoga teacher training at: Aura Wellness Center, in North Providence, RI. He has been a certified Master Yoga teacher since 1995. He is a master instructor of martial arts, with multiple Black Belts, four martial arts teaching credentials, and was recently inducted into the USA Martial Arts Hall of Fame. He teaches Yoga, martial arts, and fitness to children, adults, and seniors in the greater Providence area. Recently he wrote: Is Running a Yoga Business Right for You? For Yoga students, who may be considering a new career as a Yoga teacher.

The Benefits of Personal Trainer Certification

The fitness programs are no longer possessed by the so called rich people. They are all going beyond all the barriers and odds reaching out the people from all walks of life across the globe. Unlike 80's, the contemporary generation is more cautious about how they look and perform. A good physique is considered to be equally helpful and important to outperform the peer group and challenges. So, the question is-what led to such a quick switch in the last decade that fitness has become an integral part of every person's life?

Indeed, the very answer of the question is quite predictable. The Yoga Gurus and celebrities have contributed hugely to the phenomenon. The Yoga and the relevant exercises have been proved as a boon for the body and soul. The prospective exercises in its form help in building a strong spiritual foundation. Additionally, as all the exercises are less intensified, they work mildly on the body improving the spiritual foundation. As the saying goes, "a healthy mind lives in a healthy body", the people are working even harder to remain as healthy as possible for the sake of a healthy mind. The spiritual Yoga Gurus from Asia have popularly revolutionized the way people work out. The effective, brief, and simple work out sessions has considerably favored the people by cutting on the stress and intensity that had once been an integral problem with people involved in the initial stages of the work out sessions. The complexity has reduced and the most inspired seem to be women across the globe. As women are considered to be weaker than their male counterparts, the spiritual Yoga and associated exercise have been boon to them.

In fact, the surging trend of fitness, Yoga, and relevant centers have given simultaneous rise to multiple employment opportunities. The personal trainer certification is one of those coveted opportunities of employment. There are thousands of institutions in America which are providing certification programs in fitness and personal training. The course fee of the program depends on the course duration and the prospects acquired by the students. A lot of hard work goes into becoming a certified personal trainer; however, the advantages are enormous.

After the completion of the training, an individual finds a job that is exciting, fun, and rewarding. Let's have a look at some benefits of the very qualification.

Flexible Work Hours

The certified personal trainers have flexibility to work around the 9-to-5 schedules of their clients, which means getting in hours early in the morning, late in the evening and on weekends. This leaves a good portion of your week wide open to manage your business and run your errands while everyone else is stuck in their office jobs. You can also set your own hours to some extent, such as taking off Tuesdays or Friday nights if you like.

Fun Environment

The work environment is usually fun for personal trainers. Yes, a personal trainer is busy, at times, with tight schedules but s/he gets a lot of time between sets to chat with many different people. It is a great job if you really enjoy socializing and meeting with different people.

Feed Your Passion for Health and Fitness

The certified trainers have a passion for health and fitness. So, you have plenty of time to be with all the equipments that you always loved.

For more information on Personal Trainer Certification visit Personal Trainer Business.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Relaxation With Yoga - Naturally Relieve Stress

Yoga is a great exercise that releases tension and trapped energy in your body, it also helps your body perform and at its maximum potential. Yoga believes that human beings are joined with nature. So being naturally healthy brings you closer to nature.

There are proven benefits of yoga, it increases flexibility and improves your strength and muscles. It can also help your body build up a stronger immune system by getting the right exercise and releasing toxins in your body. Yoga increases the quality of your breathing and functions of your lungs with basic breathing techniques. Yoga can help you get fit physically and mentally, by relieving stress, depression and physical injuries all in at the same time.

If weight loss is your goal then you can easily benefit from doing yoga, yoga improves your body physically just as it does mentally, this all while burning fat and toning your muscles. Therefore making yoga a powerful workout that anyone can do. Yoga is often discussed as a mental exercise, but there are many proven physical benefits of doing yoga regularly. Yoga is safe for elders and it can help to strengthen and heal joints and ligaments.

Yoga cleanses your body of daily toxins, and helps to release negative energy which all adds up to a healthy lifestyle. Yoga has amazing benefits and has become very popular all around the world, making it available to anyone who wants to learn and discover the benefits.

You can learn Yoga without leaving your home, there is a wide selection of home videos and online training available. You can also join yoga classes or get a personal instructor if you like, it all depends on your lifestyle and requirements. Make some time for yourself and give yoga a try, and experience the amazing benefits yourself.

Visit for free information and resources, Download hours of relaxing music designed for meditation and yoga here:

Power Yoga: Great For Core Fitness

Do you have any previous experience in martial arts? Perhaps you once tried a little karate in high school, or checked out a tae kwon do class at your local YMCA. Anyway, you may have dabbled in martial arts a little. That's a good thing, since most people have never had any experience in a self-defense discipline and have little understanding of what the training is like. But even if you have minor experience, you may not be prepared for the training required for a similar type of fitness discipline. That is something you must consider if you are thinking of trying out power yoga. It is a discipline that requires commitment if you are going to achieve results, and the training involved can actually be quite intense.

Yoga is not only about calmness and relaxation. When I speak of power yoga, I'm talking about using yoga as a means of achieving fitness, especially core fitness--that is, exercising the central muscles of your body, as opposed to focusing on your arm and leg muscles. Power yoga has the benefit of giving you a total body workout, so that the development in all areas of your body takes place more or less simultaneously. This is an excellent way of getting fit. And the stretching, balance, and concentration involved in yoga improve your body's regulation of your blood circulation, pumping more oxygen to your muscles and increasing your overall energy.

Power yoga is a great discipline to help you stay in good shape as you grow older. It is a physical art that teaches the body how to age gracefully, not quickly. Power yoga also requires a lot of devotion, just like a martial art or indeed any fitness program in general. You need to not only learn and master the techniques of power yoga but put them into continuous practice. It is like being a boxer or a martial artist, if you do not train your skills regularly, you will become rusty and your fitness development will suffer. If you are serious about doing power yoga, you must be devoted to a regimen that you must strive to follow every day in spite of the many distractions that life brings. That, after all, is one of the keys to this discipline. In the end, it is important that you see it not as a tool for exercise, but as a way of life.

Did you find my tips on power yoga helpful? You can get more answers to your questions about fitness and weight loss here.

Using Yoga Poses To Improve Your Health

Yoga Poses are the body and mind places you are trying to achieve through Yoga that are also called Asanas. The benefits of practicing Yoga is mainly to exercise, strengthen and tone your body's muscles and exercise your mind. It takes a great deal of willpower and tenacity to accomplish each Yoga Pose and you have to have the discipline to practice your routine of poses or asanas daily.

You may or may not know that the effort required for yoga is certainly not easy (what program ids that actually works though!), but the total body benefit is worth all the hard work. The art of practicing Yoga exercises or Asanas can and will improve your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. To be able to accomplish the Yoga Poses requires you to study each pose and perform it deliberately as you control your body and mind simultaneously. Learn the following different Yoga Exercises, Postures, and Poses in the following sections and then incorporate them into your routine.

Warm-Up Poses

In general, warming up depends on the particular style of yoga that you practice and your studio, class, DVD, or online training will show you the best warm up for the type of yoga you are doing.

Standing Poses - You should learn the following Standing Poses

o Virabhadrasana or Warrior Pose

o Utkatasana or Squat Pose

o Uttanasana or Standing Forward Bend

o Tadasana or Mountain Pose

o Uthita Trikonasana or Extended Triangle

o Garudasana or Eagle Pose

o Natarajasana or Dancer

o Bakasana or Crow Pose

o Chaturangsana or Plank Pose

o Purvottanasana or Back Bend

o Vasisthasana or Inclined Plank

Seated Poses - These poses can be done while sitting.

Sitting Neutral

o Vajrasana or Hero Pose

o Dandasana or Staff Pose

o Baddhakonasana or Bound Angle Pose

o Gomukhasana or Cow Face Pose

Sitting Forward

o Pascimottanasana or Sitting Forward Bend

o Paripurna navasana or Boat Pose

Sitting Back Bends

o Bidalasana or Cat Stretch

o Ustrasana or Camel Pose

o Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose

o Dhanurasana or Bow Pose

Sittting Twist

o Ardha matsyendrasana or Half Twist

Inverted Postures and Balance Poses - These poses help to increase circulation, stimulate the brain, enhance glandular system functioning, and relieve pressure on the abdominal organs helping with digestion and blood flow.

o Sarvangasana or Shoulder Stand

o Halasana or Plow Pose

o Adho Mukha Svanasana or Downward Facing Dog

o Setu Bandha or Half Bridge

o Urdhva Dhanurasana or Full Bridge

o Karnapidasana or Spider Pose

It's recommended that people try and practice different yoga poses at home or even in the office or workplace but if you are feeling like you're not able to complete a posture, please don't push yourself. Yoga is not a competition so just relax, rest for a minute and try the pose again. Also remember not to try yoga poses that are beyond your capabilities. If you attempt asanas that are beyond your level you can injure yourself which is not what we are trying to achieve with yoga! You might find it helpful to get some expert guidance through popular online training websites where a professional teacher can instruct and coach you through each Yoga Pose ensuring you are doing the exercise correctly.

This article about yoga poses was written by yoga guru Vino Rayen. Vino's website is the no. 1 online yoga training site on the net and can help you get stated in yoga today! Visit his site to claim your free ebook 'the secret of bliss' Now!

Yoga Positions to Improve Your Health

Yoga is a great way to improve your health and wellbeing these days as most yoga positions incorporate many of the practices of the Hindu religion. It has become very popular throughout the world as it is a mind body exercise that benefits the whole body. Yoga is enjoyed by many different cultures of people who do not practice for religious reasons so they have no real understanding of the ancient history or practices of those religions.

The philosophy of the Hindu religion uses these ancient rituals to help individuals improve flexible and become more mentally relaxed. Yoga positions are an important part of helping people to experience a greater sense of serenity. While there are many different positions in yoga for the many different levels of experience, most beginners start performing a limited number of these yoga positions that are appropriate for a beginner.

All of the yoga positions are done for specific benefits of the mind and body. There are yoga positions for the spine as well as the major muscle groups. The specific yoga positions for the spine work to strengthen the spine and improve a person's overall health. Other yoga positions are used to improve the balance and stability and increase muscle strength in each session. Yoga exercises also improve a person's overall physical fitness and state of the mind.

Yoga positions help people learn to stretch out their back and spine for better balance, posture and improved flexibility. The positions in yoga have unique names such as dog and cobra. Usually yoga positions are demonstrated to the student by an instructor either in the studio or on a DVD or even online. Yoga positions have a wide range of complexity and can be tailored to the student's level of experience.

These positions involve simple but effective body motions that stretch and tone the muscles of the body increasing endurance and improving flexibility.

Yoga positions are exercises not just for toning muscles but also for lubricating joints and massaging even the internal organs of the body. Yoga positions bring physical and mental stability and can improve energy and vigor. Yoga positions were developed thousands of years ago and have slowly evolved over centuries while staying true to the original form. They work wonders in keeping the body healthy and the mind peaceful and many consider yoga positions to be the most comprehensive method of self care.

If you are looking to achieve the maximum benefits that yoga can give, you need to develop a routine of basic positions to free rigid joints and muscles getting the mind in suitable mode. Only then can you begin to move to advanced positions when your mind and body are ready.

A great way to learn the best yoga poses and to customize according to your needs, experience and capability is through an online yoga training program such as Online training doesn't have the drawbacks like that of yoga videos and can better help you learn yoga positions correctly. has a library of poses and examples of each with expert help and advice right there when you need it. When practicing yoga you want to be sure accomplishing the positions should be forced.

This article about yoga positions was written by 25 year yoga guru Vino Rayen from Vino's website is the no. 1 online yoga training site on the net and can help you get stated in yoga today! Visit his site to claim your free ebook 'the secret of bliss' Now!

Balancing Your Exercise Routine - What Are the Key Components?

We all favour some forms of exercise over others and with time it can become easy to fall into a routine that is heavily biased toward a particular activity. If this is the case though, it is important to try and create a balanced fitness or exercise routine to ensure you give your body all the elements it needs to remain fit and health. There are four key components that will help manage your long term health and fitness that you should incorporate into your regular exercise routine. These are cardiovascular fitness, strength, flexibility and balance.

Cardiovascular fitness or cardio is anything that gets your heart pumping. Running and cycling are two of the most popular forms but there are lots of options available ranging from group exercise through to team sports. Typically if you start working with a personal trainer, the first area they will focus on is improving your fitness level.

Strength relates to building muscle strength and tone. This has a variety of benefits including improved bone density. I know a lot of you will have pictures of Arnie swirling in your head right now, but that is not the case at all. The right strength program will ensure that you achieve the benefits without necessarily bulking up with muscle in the process. Sleek, lean muscles can be achieved with high repetition and lower resistance levels. A personal trainer will help establish the right program for you.

Flexibility gained through stretching will help to relieve your aches and pains. Yoga is the most obvious option combined with a proper stretching routine after exercise. To maintain your fitness and exercise program on an ongoing basis you need to take care of your body and avoid the risk of injury. Stretching is a great form of prevention.

This leaves us with balance which provides you with stability. This is highly dependant on your core strength which can be achieved through a range of exercises commonly used in personal training, Pilates and some forms of yoga. Stability is important throughout life but in particular when you spend long periods of time in an office, both pre and postnatal as well as in older age.

A well developed fitness or exercise routine will take into account all of these elements to help you have a healthy and energetic lifestyle.

find4me has been created to make it simpler and easier to manage your health and wellbeing. We provide practical information about what health and wellbeing services are available and finding those that are right for you. To find more articles and useful information, just visit our blog by clicking here.

find4me was founded by Kareene Koh and is based around her passion for health and wellbeing. To find out more about find4me please visit

How Yoga Will Enhance Your Abilities in Other Sports

The whole idea of using one form of exercise to enhance another is not new, but it is becoming more universal. Bicycling magazines are full of articles about how riding your mountain bike will improve your road bike skills. Snowboarding magazines will show the benefits of surprise there.

Every couple of years, I will laugh when I read a sports section headline stating that" A new revolutionary training idea has hit the National Football League"...fifteen or twenty 400 pound lineman are then shown taking a ballet class or step aerobics. It almost seems faddish to be unusual in your cross training. Oh well, thankfully they come and they go.

All, and I do mean all, sports use muscles. When overworked constantly those muscles will tighten and shorten. The ultimate result is often an injury if not treated properly.

Yoga is now recognized as the ultimate solution to this problem and more and more athletes are turning to it for relief, if not as part of their regular pre-training.

Since bicycle racing is my preferred sport, I peruse several national and international cycling magazines regularly. Recently, I discovered numerous ads for videos, DVD's, and books touting the benefits of different forms of yoga for different types of cyclists. Among the disciplines discussed were Hatha, which was used for the cyclist wanting stretching techniques that were easy to use before and after a training ride or race. Ashtanga lent itself more toward the endurance athlete who would be competing in hot summer criteriums and road races.

The advantages of incorporating yoga into any training regime are many; let's cover a few of them:

· Calming the mind brings focus and concentration to your sport of choice.

· Slow movement combined with stretching allows the athlete to be very aware of their body and it's needs.

· Stretching lengthens the muscle and brings balance to the tissues.

· Learning balance poses increases mental and physical acuity for competitive sports.

· Post-event stretching is as old as the hills, but when only four or five yoga poses are used muscle recovery is improved, lactic acid is removed, the muscle is lengthened once again and strength is enhanced.

It doesn't really matter if your sport is skiing, mountain climbing, football, baseball, tennis, rollerblading, hockey or poker (Hey, they get tight neck muscles, right?) there are benefits to adding yoga to your routine.

For me, the advantages were revealed with more flexibility during and after a race. My muscles rebounded quicker, with less soreness and I was able to ride again sooner without the usual pain. My race results are also better; okay, I'm still middle of the pack, but improving, which is always a good thing. Give it a try; you too, may be surprised with the gains.

In the end it's one man's opinion...mine.

Keith Edwin Renninson is co-owner, along with Jeffrey Forman, of Golden Years Videos, LLC a production company dedicated to offering exercise videos for those over 50 or of any age who are rehabilitating from an accident or illness.

Renninson is an avid exercise and yoga enthusiast. Now in his late 50?s; he still races bicycles and regularly skis the black diamond runs in Colorado where he lives. For many years, a bona fide gym rat, Renninson still loves to lift free weights and use exercise machines.

You can contact Renninson or read more about his company and the videos they have available at:

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Best Turbulence Training Workout For More Muscle Mass

Want more muscle mass? Here's a great turbulence training workout you can do. It's workout A from the 8-Week TT for muscle program. Start off with a bodyweight Warm -up of 10 Y-squats, 10 pushups, 8 Diagonal lunges, and 10 Inverted Rows. A warmup is extremely important, especially if you're training in a cold environment. A warmup will help you recover much quicker between strength training exercises and prevent injury.

After the Body weight warmup, Craig Ballantyne, creator of this workout, wants you you do perform Specific Warm-up sets. We're going to start off with a 2-board press for 6 repetitions at a tempo of 2-0-1. Use 50% of the weight you would use in a normal set. A 2-board press, get a partner to hold the board on your chest. Get two 2 by 4's nailed together, a yoga block, or any other piece of material that is 6 inches thick.

You can also just "wing it" and stop the movement 6 inches above your chest. If you have the board, simply get a partner hold the board on your chest, right where you will bring the bar down. Keep your feet flat on the floor, legs bent, and upper back flat on the bench, Grip the bar using a normal-width grip and have your spotter help you take the bar down.

If you do not have a spotter, be careful with the bench press. Or, you're better off performing the movement with dumbbells, and stopping the movement just 6 inches above your chest. Keep your elbows close to your sides, and lower the bar straight down to the bottom of your chest. Lower the bar on to the block, and then press the bar back up.

It's important to get your technique right. You can use your warmup set for technique practice. A tempo of 2-0-1 means that you lower the bar with 2 second count, no pause, and press with a 1 second count. Second warmup exercise is the DB Row. Use a 2-0-1 tempo using 50% of your actual weight. Perform 6 repetitions. Rest 1 minute and perform another set of the same warmup superset using 75% of your actual weight.

Now it's time to start your workout:

For the first superset, perform 2 board presses for 5 repetitions with a tempo of 2-0-1. Use heavy weights. Rest 1 minute, then move onto DB rows for 6 repetitions. Rest 2 minutes and repeat the cycle 2 more times for a total of 3 supersets. After the last superset, reduce the weight of the board press by 1/3 and perform as many repetitions as possible.

You will certainly need a spotter for the last set of board presses. Rest 2 minutes, then move onto the next superset. Start off with 8 repetitions of DB Incline Press with a tempo of 2-0-1. Rest 30 seconds, then perform the V-Chin for 8 repetitions. If you can not do 8 V-Chins, then stop just 1-2 repetitions to failure. For the V-Chin, Hook a small V-grip bar over a chin up bar.

Grip the V-grip with palms facing you. Pull your body up until the chest reaches bar level, or as far as you can go if you're not strong enough. Lower your body slowly.

Rest 1 minute and repeat this cycle 2 more times.

For the last superset, perform 12 DB chest presses followed by the Barbell Row for 15 repetitions. As you can see, this a full upper body workout. You will perform a lower body workout on a separate day. Do not perform any sort of cardio, or else you will hinder your mass gains.

For more information on Turbulence Training Muscle Building Workouts, check out my blog

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Yoga Certification Success

After successful graduation from a Yoga teacher training program, you may want to take the shortest track to success. Sometimes, this topic is not discussed during a teacher intensive, but most interns desire professional success.

Which techniques should a Yoga teacher master for personal growth and to help others achieve success in their lives? Let's take a look at factors which are very important to the professional growth of Yoga instructors.

Optimum communication is a primary skill for all Yoga teachers to possess. When we think about teaching Yoga in a class, we consider effective communication skills to be a must. We must be able to explain Yogic concepts, and ideas, in more than one way.

Developing the right tone, cueing skills, proper voice inflection, knowing when to assist, and demonstrating skills, all come into play. Yet, to teach anything, we must also be good listeners. Communication is a two way street, and it requires empathic listening skills.

Writing and telephone skills are also part of the skill set required to teach. Telephone communication, or a response to an Email, will often be your first contact with a new student. Addressing the needs of the public requires effective communication skills and compassion for people.

Although we teach self-worth and stress management skills to our students, we have to invest time in our regular personal Yoga practice to lead by example. If we invest most of our time in networking, marketing, advertising, and the business of Yoga, there is not much time left for our personal practice.

Therefore, appoint a regularly-scheduled Yoga practice time to work by yourself or with another teacher - to do otherwise, will affect your own health. This is an irony, which also happens to medical professionals: When one has a huge workload, one has little time left for personal health.

Life is full of challenges, but we should do our best to maintain a positive attitude, even in the worst of times. Some people will state that all obstacles and challenges are an illusion, but it is not easy to convince someone who is up to their ears in them.

To focus on negative thoughts, for too long, can create a reality that nobody wants. When any of us are confronted with obstacles, and challenges, it is always best to look for a solution within our Yoga practice. This prevents us from dwelling on negative thoughts. At the same time, there is gratification in developing problem-solving skills.

© Copyright 2008 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of Yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. He has been a certified Master Yoga Teacher since 1995. To receive a Free Yoga e-Book: "Yoga in Practice," and a Free Yoga Newsletter, please visit:

Yoga Moves For People Who Are Not Flexible

The main issue, that prevents people from trying Yoga postures, is a lack of flexibility. Many Yoga poses (asanas) appear difficult; and quite frankly, painful. Many Yoga instructors have developed beginning classes that use less challenging asanas that are easy to learn and easy for new students who may lack flexibility. Yoga beginners will quickly increase their flexibility and confidence by starting with basic asanas.

Joint flexibility is attributable to genetics, age, gender, time of day, and one controllable factor - level of physical activity. So, while you may not have been "born flexible," you can certainly increase your flexibility through physical training and exercises. As medical research has documented, the benefits of flexibility, in studies over the last 30 years, is certainly worth pursuing. Various studies have shown many positive outcomes related to range of motion training, including the fact that - flexibility training provided an improvement in posture and muscle symmetry (Corbin & Noble, 1980), delayed the onset of muscular fatigue (DeVries & Adams, 1972) and prevented or alleviated muscle soreness after exercise (DeVries, 1961).

Physical Yoga asana practice is known as one of the best stretching exercises available, but many people are deterred from trying it because they feel they are "not flexible enough to start." Luckily, Yoga can be modified to be suitable for all levels of flexibility and fitness. Some Yoga asanas, in particular, are well-suited for those who may not have stretched regularly in the past.

Adho Mukha Svanasana - Downward Facing Dog Posture

Downward Facing Dog, a central pose for many practices, is an excellent beginner stretching pose. Knees may be bent as much as needed, and heels that reach towards the floor, may be lowered in time. Encouragement to distribute weight equally, through all four limbs, can help inflexible people get a reasonable stretch.

Downward Facing Dog with Bent Knees Modification

Many Yoga instructors will sequence this position after Push-Up position. Downward Facing Dog with Bent Knees is much easier for those who are less flexible. When lying on your stomach, you lift your upper torso with your arms, while moving your legs into a slightly bent position. Hold the position for at least 10 seconds and release. As you gradually become more flexible, you can straighten your legs to full Downward Facing Dog. This position will provide a wonderful stretch in the legs.

Eka Pada Rajakapotasana - Pigeon Posture

There are many challenging variations of this posture, but a compassionate Yoga teacher will be able to make this posture beginner-friendly for new students. Pigeon pose is a terrific hip opener, and the angle of the foot, knee, and leg can be adjusted to provide a deep or shallow stretch. Additionally, Pigeon pose strengthens the back while it opens the shoulders and chest, when done correctly. For Yoga students with tight hips, a blanket can be placed below the sit bone that touches the ground first. This small modification can level the hips and keep the spine straight, instead of leaning to one side.

Trikonasana - Triangle Posture

Initially, this position requires flexibility and balance. Most instructors start with the Warrior pose and move into Triangle Pose. To get into Warrior pose, simply stand in a slight lunge position. Stretch one arm in front and the stretch the other arm toward the back. If your right leg is the front leg, you will gently move your right arm to your right ankle and your left arm will stretch toward the ceiling. You will straighten your right leg, completing the Triangle pose. Hold for at least ten counts and release.

Most people, who struggle with the lack of flexibility, quickly discover that Yoga is one of the easiest methods to increase flexibility. Starting with the simplest poses will help to build confidence in beginners. In addition, they realize the positions are much easier than they look. For many people, Yoga poses are intimidating. To overcome the intimidation, use gentle poses with easy transitions.

Bhujangasana - Cobra Posture

Cobra pose promotes flexibility in the spine and stretches the chest, shoulders, and abdomen. Participants can lift as high as is comfortable. Over time, increased flexibility will allow practitioners to rise up more fully into the pose.

This position is a favorite among beginners. It is easy and gentle. Many instructors may also use the modified Cobra position for beginners, who may have lower back problems. While lying on your stomach, place the hands just under the shoulders. Gently raise your torso, by straightening the arms. Hold for at least a count of ten, and then release to the starting position. From Cobra, you can transition into a wide variety of Yoga poses.

While these Yoga postures are a good start, a welcoming attitude from the instructor is just as important as providing postures that are comfortable for people who may be new to Yoga. In the end, flexibility of mind is even more important than the inflexibility of joints.

Corbin, C. B., & Noble, L. (1980). Flexibility: A major component of physical fitness. The Journal of Physical Education and Recreation, 51, 23-24, 57-60.

DeVries, H. A., & Adams, G. M. (1972). EMG comparison of single doses of exercise and meprobamate as to effects of muscular relaxation. American Journal of Physical Medicine, 51, 130-141.

DeVries, H. A. (1961). Electromyographic observations of the effects of static stretching upon muscular distress. Research Quarterly, 32, 468-479.

? Copyright 2011 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of Yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. He has been a certified Master Yoga Teacher since 1995. To receive Free Yoga videos, Podcasts, e-Books, reports, and articles about Yoga, please visit:

Seniors Chair Yoga

Now, Seniors can enjoy all the benefits of Yoga without having to get up and down off of the floor or stress the joints. Anyone of any size, age, shape or fitness level can do Chair Yoga, either sitting for the whole class or in some classes standing and holding on, if necessary, while practicing balancing and strengthening yoga postures. Other benefits include learning how to relax, release the stress and breath properly.

Yoga may be recommended to us for all kinds of aliments including stress, high blood pressure, fibromyalgia, asthma, back, neck and shoulder issues and more. But as we age into our 60's, 70's and beyond, many (but not all) seniors are unable to join a Yoga class. We may have trouble getting up and down off of the floor easily; we may have special issues like hip or knee replacements, or we lack the endurance to be in a standard yoga class.

However, now there is available a wonderful option...Chair Yoga. Either sitting for the entire class or standing for part of the class and using the chair as a prop for balance makes learning and practicing Yoga possible for everyone. And all the very same benefits will be derived from a class.

As a chair yoga teacher for many years, some of the comments I have heard include:

"I am 67.5 years old man and have a chronic endocrine condition. Two concerns are overweight and flexibility. Feeling I was too cumbersome for floor yoga, I decided to try chair yoga when it was offered through my church. Wow, what a surprise! Not only was it enjoyable and easy to do, but I left every class feeling great. I am hooked to chair yoga for life."

"Normally in an exercise class I get vertigo from an inner ear problem, but I didn't experience that are all in the hour class we did."

"My knees prevent me from doing yoga poses on hands and knees, but Chair Yoga works and I feel so relaxed after class."

It is best to find a qualified teacher who has had the training and the experience to guide you carefully and keep you safe as you move through the class. You will learn how to stretch and strengthen every muscle and joint in a gentle way, your stress will diminish, you will learn tools for healthful living including how to breathe properly and how to quiet the mind through meditation.

To find a class check your senior centers, but also many retirement, assisted living and community centers are now offering Chair Yoga to residents.

If you can't find a class close to your home or work, then consider purchasing one or more Chair Yoga DVDs so that you can watch it and practice along with the teacher on your DVD player or on your computer. Some of these DVDs are segmented making it possible to practice one section at a time, focusing perhaps on the back stretches or on the relaxation techniques they provide, doing different sections throughout the week.

It is never too late and you are never to old to get moving and release the stress and stretch every joint and muscle, and with Chair Yoga. Now you can enjoy all the benefits of Yoga, but with a program designed for you.

Angelena Craig is a professional level Kripalu Yoga Instructor with fifteen years of teaching experience. She was the founder of Beacon Light Yoga Center of Boston and has trained thousands of beginning and more experienced yoga students. As a teaching consultant for the Massachusetts Department of Housing of Finance she created her Chair Yoga program primarily for Seniors. She then she has produced her Chair Yoga DVD, ( ") "Angelena's Yoga Using a Chair" to make this easy to follow program more accessible to anyone of any size, shape or fitness level in a format that can be used in the comfort of the home or the office. In 2008 Angelena opened her new business The New Aging Movement, how to stay young while growing older. She offers private and group Yoga classes and Wellness workshops in Sarasota Florida and in the Boston area and each winter leads a yoga retreat to Jamaica, WI.

She may be reached at