Saturday, April 27, 2013

The History of Yoga - Why It's Much Longer Than Many People Think

The history of yoga begins in India around four thousand years ago. While many people have heard about yoga only recently, yoga has been around for much longer than many people think. What many people use yoga for in the modern world is only the tip of the iceberg of what yoga is all about.

When you are researching the history of yoga you may find that many of the beneficial properties of yoga that were true many years ago, are also true today. Yoga has been used to increase strength and flexibility and this is what many people find happens to their body today. Yoga also has a distinct breathing pattern that can help you to feel relaxed and you may find that yoga can actually decrease the stress you are feeling in your present day life.

The history of yoga has changed over the years and has become more modern. This has helped people adapt their lifestyle around this practice. Many people today use yoga as a means of exercise and this is a great way to keep your body in shape. If you have a limitation that prevents you from doing traditional exercise, yoga may be a great alternative and the moves are normally slow and this helps many people use yoga as exercise.

Some people just hate the thought of a traditional cardio workout and yoga allows you to go slow and move at your own pace. If you are interested in learning more about the history of yoga, there are many resources on the internet that can help you learn how to practice a much older form of yoga. You may find that there are many things that you can learn about yoga and maybe even incorporate these new findings into your daily life.

The history of yoga will include more information about the mind, body and spirit connection. This is something that is often not represented fully in a gym class setting. You may want to take a class and learn about the strength training part of yoga and use an at home online resource to incorporate the other important aspects of yoga.

The history of yoga is a very long one and many people do not know this. Yoga is much more than an exercise and you may want to explore this further if it interests you. Incorporating all of the aspects of yoga can help you to get more fulfillments out of the entire yoga process.

Now Pay Close Attention

Yoga is something that should not be taken lightly. While it can help you attain physical strength and a calm and centered mindset, there are things you must be wary of when first starting out.

Know more about the history of yogaand be filled with information, details and tips to follow along from beginner poses to the most advanced poses out there by visiting:

Cross Training For Runners

A Recipe for Efficient Running

Nutrition and hydration play a significant role in achieving optimal performance for runners. Complex carbohydrates rather than simple sugars, probiotics, high fiber, high protein and low fat foods are all crucial components in successful running. Those who run longer distances often use protein powder preparations or a meal replacement powder shortly before training or racing, as these are easier to digest than rich meals prior to a run. As well as sufficient hydration, regular runners frequently supplement their diets with antioxidants and a premium multivitamin supplement to assist in maintaining energy levels and tissue repair. But, of course, diet alone, important as it is, is not sufficient. It may surprise many runners to discover that running alone is not the primary form of exercise. Evidence is accumulating that running performance can be substantially improved by cross training - augmenting one's running performance by means of different sports or exercise programs in addition to pounding the road or the trail.

Cross Training and Injury Prevention

For most running athletes who cross train, the principal reason they cite for their alternative exercise is injury prevention. There are many other benefits, but it is worth exploring how cross training can assist in preventing injuries. As veteran runners are aware, most of the injuries they find themselves nursing are caused by overuse and wear and tear. Rather than considering these as inevitabilities however, a better strategy is to consider their causes and see if there are practical remedies and preventative strategies.

Many overuse injuries are caused by the runner's failure to allow adequate recovery periods between workouts; fatigued, strained or damaged tissue needs time to heal, repair and recover. Many athletes fear that resting will lead to a diminution in fitness, which is simply not the case. Cross training can remove the strain from the joints and muscles which have been placed under duress during the run and maintain cardiovascular fitness, as well as increasing the strength of core muscles in the back and abdomen - crucial for maintaining correct posture and minimizing further injury. Runners can also use cross training to strengthen their quadriceps and loosen their hamstrings - muscular imbalances in these groups frequently result in overuse injury. Weight-training or swimming are both superb ways of relieving sore joints while building strength and flexibility, while sustaining peak fitness and protecting the body from the impact wear and tear resulting from running-only workouts.

Cross Training and Injury Recovery

To stay on the theme of injury a bit longer: cross training can be immensely valuable in recovering from injury. Some injuries require abstinence from running if there is to be any chance of recovery; cross training can sustain fitness and actively help the injured tissue to recover. This is where running-relevant exercises and equipment can come into their own. Water running, the cardiovascular workout delivered by the elliptical machine (which works upper and lower body using running movement without the impact) and inline skating are excellent substitutes for running.

Enhancing Efficiency

There are several other benefits to bear in mind as well. Perhaps the most attractive to runners is that cross training helps increase running speed by increasing strength and efficiency. Cross training permits more time, not less, to be spent working out, but on workouts which will enhance cardiovascular fitness without injuring joints and shredding muscle fibers. The result is that the individual is in better physical shape for a race than would be possible with running-only workouts.

Mobilizing Motivation

Another consideration is the positive motivating effects of cross training. Runners run because they love it; but most will admit that there are times when the same routines, the same roads and trails, can become a little dull. Going for a run feeling bored or resentful is unlikely to assist the athlete in getting the maximum benefit from the workout. Supplementing running with alternative cross training exercises introduces variety, rejuvenating motivation and sustaining cardiovascular fitness as well as enhancing muscle strength.

Active Recovery

A further point to consider is the significant role of active recovery exercise after a run. This is not to advocate a total abolition of rest periods following a run. Rest remains essential to maintaining optimal fitness; however, a light active recovery workout when performed in the first two hours following a workout enables the athlete to achieve a significantly better recovery than simple resting.

Fitness During the Off-season

For many runners, the off-season period poses particular difficulties. To run or not to run - that is the question! Running without recovery and rest can be counterproductive, leading to an appreciably worse general performance next season, not a better one. Off-season is where enhanced cross training can really come into its own. This does not imply a complete cessation of running, but it can allow total rest followed by hockey, basketball, swimming, elliptical training, cycling, weights, yoga, even martial arts. Any of these (or a combination of several) can allow the body to recover from last season's overuse injuries and maintain peak fitness.

The Verdict

There is an immense range of cross training options to choose from and it is important to re-emphasize that they are not intended to replace running as the key workout but to supplement and enhance it. But runners who wish to prevent injury or recover adequately from an existing injury, or who want to enhance their motivation to train, or to boost their efficiency and speed at running, should start cross raining without further delay.

For a whole new realm of free information and resources on Wellness, Fitness & Nutrition - please visit: UltraFitnessDynamics and speed up your journey towards optimal health.

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Developing a Healthy Lifestyle Despite a Busy Schedule

In today's hectic world, more people are dealing with an unhealthy combination of a being stuck behind a desk and large amounts of stress. How can you fit healthy eating and exercise into a hectic and fast paced lifestyle? Here are some basic tips to get you on track to a healthier lifestyle.

Make a Schedule

Our lives are all packed to the brim with activities, but fitting enough exercise into our week is not impossible. If we have an hour designated for lunch every day during our work day, this can be the perfect place to make a change. Substituting a workout for an hour spent eating out at a restaurant where you spend extra money and possibly make unhealthy eating choices works in two ways to promote a healthier lifestyle. Think ahead by bringing workout clothes and something to eat such as a power bar or protein shake. By replacing 3 of the 5 lunch hours in a week with 40 minutes in the gym you can fit in a regular regimen of full body weight training sessions that will have numerous benefits.

Set Clear Goals

Do you want to lose weight, become more flexible or gain muscle? Do some research and find out what workouts will help you reach these goals. If you are looking to gain muscle, perhaps a full body circuit training workout plan will be most beneficial. If you simply want to lose some weight perhaps aerobic or yoga training is a better fit. Track your progress so you can see the difference the workouts are making. This will keep you from falling into a rut where your workout will not be beneficial.

Plan Your Workouts

Don't go to the gym without an attack plan. It's very common to see someone wandering about the gym, half-heartedly using whatever piece of equipment is open. These generally are not people who are making real progress. Move about the gym with a sense of purpose. Do some research to know what exercises will help you reach your fitness goals. If you are going to take time out of your schedule to exercise you need to make sure it's worth it. If you like music when you work out, plan a play list ahead of time, to keep your energy up. All these little things add up to making the time spent in the gym more productive and enjoyable.

Don't Forget To Eat

If you are skipping lunch or getting up early to work out, don't forget that your body needs food both before and after a weight training session. In fact, if you don't eat you can actually cancel out the time you spent working out. Working out on an empty stomach is not going to burn your stored fat, it's going to tear up your existing muscles as a source of protein. This leaves you weaker than before you worked out. Have quick healthy snacks available just after your workout to start the rebuilding process right away. Also don't forget to occasionally reward yourself with a weekly splurge meal; this will help you stave off the cravings for the rest of the week.

Our lives are too busy to spend hours a day working out, but that doesn't mean we are doomed to a sedentary life style filled with unhealthy and dangerous eating habits. Take time to make a plan that works, and stick to it to see sure rewards.

Herb likes to stay healthy and keep fit. Please check out his website with information on Natuzzi leather sofas and great tips on selecting the Natuzzi recliner that is right for you.

How Does Meditation Make Your Mind Simple? Part 1 of 4

The goal of meditation is to cultivate a sense of calm, control and detachment. By turning deeply inwardly, we are able to gain awareness of the turbulence of our mind. Our mind is like a wild elephant with so many thoughts jumping and stomping around. We become aware how forces such as attachment and fear are such strong forces in our lives. Once we realize through this state of enhanced awareness, that all things are changing, one can adjust to the fact that one doesn't have any control over this constantly shift reality.

Meditation helps us to become comfortable with this self-understanding of one's perception. Yoga also holds that our consciousness is closely related to our subconscious in such a way that by exerting control on the conscious states, we can control our subconscious one in which are contained deeply ingrained values, beliefs and behaviors that may not be healthy or positive or beneficial for humanity. Since we often think and act in ways that we know are not positive or healthy, we often feel powerless to change. Mediation helps to gain the necessary awareness since it gives us access to the subconscious.

Knowledge alone is not enough in destroying unhealthy tendencies. A graduated practice of deep reflection that begins with steadying the mind on its subtler levels helps to ultimately uproot these non-virtuous habits, though-patterns and tendencies.

Contemplation and also meditation help one come to terms with the nature of transitoriness. All of our objects of pleasure are in a state of flux and fury. Wealth is as transitory as a wave, youth is like the particles of a dandelion blowing in a summer breeze and opportunities are like leaves falling off of a tree. Why should we be attached to material objects when nothing is permanent and everything is always changing?

For free images of partner yoga poses with tips on how to do them, email

Throughout her 15 year yoga practice and teachings, Jasmine Kaloudis has experienced how yoga is a tool which allows us to experience our selves more fully and more richly. - Follow us for inspiring quotes, vitality, meditation, yoga and stress-management
Synergy By Jasmine - Yoga for Couples in Philadelphia

How to Choose a Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Program

Hatha yoga teacher training programs are now numerous and diverse. If you're interested in learning how to teach yoga to others, here are a few tips to help you find the best program.

There may be a particular teacher with whom you enjoy studying yoga. He or she should be your first stop. Ask them if they have a yoga training program, or to recommend a particular yoga school.

If there is a style of yoga you gravitate towards, you could look online for any certification courses offered in your discipline of choice. Bikram Yoga, hot yoga, vinyasa, kundalini... these are among the most in-demand teacher trainings.

Next, consider where you want to teach once you graduate from a yoga school. If you intend to teach in a studio setting, it may be important for you to attend a 200-hour certification course approved by the Yoga Alliance. If you will be teaching primarily in gyms, churches, or community centers, ask around to see what the minimum requirements are to teach at these places in your area.

Some yoga training centers offer an online directory of their graduates. This is a good place to ask for referrals. Ask a few of the teachers listed in the directory about their experience at that particular yoga school.

You will also want to know what kind of yoga insurance will be available to you once you graduate from teacher training. Graduates from Yoga Alliance-approved programs will have no problem buying liability insurance. Some gym certifications will also give you access to membership associations through which you can buy insurance.

Be sure to look at the qualifications of the trainers at the yoga teacher training programs you are considering. Some of the staff may have published CDs, DVDs, or books about yoga. If you've never studied with these yogis in person, this is a good way to get to know their teaching style beforehand.

Best of luck in your new career as a hatha yoga teacher!

You can browse a yoga training directory and request that participating yoga schools contact you with information about their yoga certification programs by visiting David Morgan's hatha yoga teacher training website.

Do Yoga Teachers Struggle for Success?

Could there really be a Yoga teacher who is struggling to find success in life? If every Yoga teacher training program taught the spiritual aspect of abundance, and the Law of Karma correctly, this should not ever happen.

The abundance theory allows Yoga teachers, and anyone else who is interested, to acquire what is needed, and more, through positive thinking and by using universal energy (Prana) for good and noble purposes. When you show loving kindness, and help others, the universe will respond, despite social and economic circumstances.

However, if a person completely believed in pre-determined fate, and was full of negative thoughts, it would be difficult for that person to believe in the abundance theory. This should have been purged from the prospective Yoga teacher intern's personality, when he or she was a Yoga student.

Yet, what kind of a Yoga teacher training program avoids teaching the spiritual aspect of abundance and the Law of Karma? How could a Yoga teacher be unfamiliar with the Law of Karma?

If you train Yoga teacher interns to believe that Yoga is an exercise program, with a couple dozen asanas, and a quick certification scheme, then they understand nothing about the spiritual, mental, and emotional benefits of Yoga.

In this case, a Yoga teacher, who is trained to instruct the public, in this way, could not even help him/ or herself. How could this person be qualified to help his or her Yoga students? In a quick Yoga certification program, you do not have to learn about Yogic philosophy, meditation, Pranayama techniques, japa, the subtle body, mudras, nadis, chakras, or the causal body.

If a person is taught Yoga as an exercise only, and then was trained to teach the public, they should be titled, "Yoga Exercise Instructor." If a person has tremendous physical prowess and flexibility, they should be titled "Yoga Gymnastics Instructor."

This would be great for fitness centers and for Yoga studios. Most fitness centers want an exercise instructor, and most Yoga studios want a 200-hour minimum trained Yoga teacher.

The fitness center clientele would not have to meditate, practice Pranayama, or learn much about Yoga, except for the exercise aspect. The Yoga studios and ashrams already know what a Yoga exercise instructor is, even if he or she has the title "Yoga Teacher." My feeling is: Be honest with the students. If all they want is exercise, get them an exercise instructor.

Now let's get back to unsuccessful Yoga teachers. The initial training is in question because Yogic philosophy was never covered, but marketing and business skills, specific to teaching Yoga, would have helped.

It has been said, "A leopard cannot change its spots," which indicates that the inherent nature of something will not change. Now, if a new Yoga instructor finds that a weekend Yoga fitness certification was not adequate, go back to the "drawing board" and find a comprehensive Yoga teacher training course.

© Copyright 2007 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, is a co-owner and the director of Yoga teacher training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. He has been a certified Master Yoga teacher since 1995. To receive a Free e-Book: "Yoga in Practice," and a Free Yoga Newsletter, please visit:

Friday, April 26, 2013

How to Lose Weight and Stay Trim Forever - Starting Slowly

You think to yourself "Ok, it's a new year and I'm going to start working out!" The first thing most of us do is go out and get a gym membership or sign up for an aerobics or step class. Let's stop and think about why we have not been exercising up to now.

There are more reasons in our daily lives than we care to mention but up until the point that you make a resolution to start exercising, you must admit that you do have a busy life and an established routine. The worst thing you can do is make a drastic change in your lifestyle because this will upset several of the other important things you do. The best thing is to start slowly to integrate this into your daily routine.

Now, I love the social benefits and fancy equipment available in the gyms and classes, but really, can I afford to make a two hour addition to my daily schedule? Realistically, we must take into account that preparing to go to the gym or workout class requires some time for making ourselves presentable and traveling. Some of us are lucky and live near these types of places but many of us must travel some distance, burning time. So, if you pay for a membership you will feel compelled to go and spend one to one and a half hours using those services. Taking this and travel/preparation time into account, two hours at a minimum are required. So please don't jump into this without realizing the sudden impact to your lifestyle.

It's not as much fun but beginning an exercise program in your own home is easy. Just make one trip to a sporting goods store and get some dumbbells (start light) and a resistance band. Often, this costs less than a one day pass at the gym and it is only a one-time disruption in your schedule unless you combine the trip with something else you usually go out to do.

But you ask "Won't this be boring?". Sure but there are things you can do to spice it up like asking a friend and neighbor to join you or setting up in front of your television with your favorite channel or DVD. Be sure to find a time slot that works easily for you. For me, it was early morning before my regular day started. But my friends and neighbors were reluctant for early morning, so I used the television. I decided to wake up 30 minutes earlier every morning so that I would not have to impact my existing daily tasks.

Use a few minutes to stretch and warm up, then on alternate days, use light weights to work your arms, chest, and back. The next day, just do some calisthenics, running, fast walking, or other aerobics exercise. I have some work out videos I use and I do Yoga for the stretching. Follow the next day with leg, buttocks, and ab weight training. Then do an aerobics day. On the next weight training day, start over with the arm, chest, and back exercises. That is your routine and be sure to vary the types of movements you use in your weight training routine so your muscles do not get used to one specific movement. See these tips. Remember, start out very light on the weights and only increase the weight in small amounts as they become too easy to do. Try to spend 20 minutes exercising each week day. Be sure to rest on the weekends and engage yourself in activities you enjoy. Mental health is important so you need the weekends to distract yourself from the weekly activities.

Gradual change to your daily routine is the key to developing a sustainable lifestyle which will help you to become and remain fit, trim, and healthy. The above routine will increase your metabolism and burn fat because your body will be working to repair and build muscle on your days between weight training. Make slow changes to your diet, don't overeat, take vitamin supplements, and try some of the natural products available to help your body detoxify and burn fat. See my links to research the diets, vitamins, and fat burning supplements I recommend.

Above all, drink plenty of water and keep a positive attitude. If you make small changes, you will have an easier time adjusting your lifestyle. Your friends and people you meet will notice a better you as each week of your journey passes!

Reference: - Weight Training 101, Getting Started, By Paige Waehner, Guide. Updated June 19, 2009.

Georgia Smith

I am a certified fitness coach with several years of client oriented experience. My success comes from teaching my clients to integrate gradual lifestyle changes without significantly disrupting their current daily routines. I also have a line of Health, Fitness, and Beauty products on my website (see profile) that I recommend to my clients as needed.

For more information about me and methods for improving your health and fitness, visit my blog (see profile)

Weight Training - The Exercise For Everyone!

Fitness professionals have been touting the benefits of strength training for years. Science knows it works, and exercise enthusiasts can attest to the fact that lifting weights is beneficial in a number of ways.

Here are Three Reasons to Start Lifting

1. Anybody can lift and receive benefits, from teens to seniors.

In younger exercisers, lifting will build confidence, improve focus, and keep them in the gym, and out of trouble!

In seniors, weight lifting will help to maintain independence by preventing injuries. Strength training will also build back decreased muscle mass, improve balance, and strengthen and build bones and ligaments.

2. Weights are great for beginners, injury recovery, and other "special populations."

The great thing about weight lifting is there is a lot of rest involved. Ahhhh, rest. Now that's a word you don't hear too often when we're talking about exercise. Some people simply cannot sustain thirty minutes of continuous exercise. Or find that other activities place too much impact on their muscles and joints.

Others, such as rehabilitative patients, require strength training to recover.

3. It's an exercise that will tone, speed metabolism, while at the same time prevent injury.

Most activities will get you into great shape but they are also tough on the body. Even yoga is known to cause injuries in the most practiced students. However, with refined technique, and spotting weight training is very safe. Building muscle mass increases long term metabolism, so you will lose more weight while building tone and definition.

Not to mention lifting weights will build, stabilize and strengthen the body to prevent injury and in some cases, even heal injuries.

I have a lot of fitness interests that keep me busy throughout the week. Between my runs, dancing, yoga, walking and cycling I sometimes have to fit lifting in whenever I can. Last week it was in between choreography practice. I ran through my routine, worked my chest, went through it again, worked my glutes. I did this until I had a pretty darn decent full body training session under my belt. I find the time not only because I enjoy it, but because as an athlete, and a very active person, it's one of the only exercises that is reconstructive. Unlike many activities with impact, that cause wear and tear on the body, lifting builds and supports. I see weight lifting as a supplement. If I'm going to run, dance, cycle etc then I better be preventative, to continue my active interests for the years ahead.

Kaleena Lawless
Personal Training Specialist

Swinging Yoga Style - The Ultimate Prop

Have you ever heard of a Yoga Swing? This is a swing that can hang from any sturdy surface, made a little like a hammock and used for thousands of years in the east. This is an ideal way to safely practice inversion therapy and for a gentle stretch of the spine. My whole family use mine as a long day at school or in an office chair creates back pressure and aches and pains and the gentle stretching at the end of the day eases and comforts the spine for a good nights sleep.

Added to this is the use of the Yoga Swing, to further your Yoga practice. Great for beginners who have not yet developed steadiness on their feet that is a must for many Asana's. The Yoga Swing can be used to practice many yoga postures, such as downward dog, providing additional support to help train your mind and body to achieve the correct posture. Many practiced yoga practitioners use yoga ropes, but they can be hard on the hands and are often only left installed in one spot. The swing is soft on the hands and can anywhere there is a beam, a branch or a sturdy bracket.

Idea for both practitioners and teachers, the Yoga Swing is great for people wishing to differentiate their teaching and add a new dimension to their Yoga classes, by outfitting your studio with several swings. It can also be used by couples practicing partner stretching and can be used to open the heart chakra.

Comfortable and flexible, the Yoga Swing can be quickly and easily adjusted for a variety of positions and is versatile enough to provide a real workout and overall. Yoga development in a safe environment. It can be installed in seconds, anywhere there is a sturdy beam or tree branch and can even be used for a beach or park workout. Light, durable and compact, the Yoga Swing can travel anywhere, even when you're backpacking, for yoga-on-the-go. It will soon become a part of your daily life!

The main module of the Yoga Swing is the pelvic waist sling, which is also suitable for use as a relaxing hammock. On either side there are two arm and leg handles at adjustable heights, with two additional handles at the top. This unique design allows you to move and stretch in every conceivable position; vertically, horizontally, and in a total inversion.

Demanding balance and awareness, the Yoga Swing takes your practice to new levels, utilizing more brain neurons and muscle fibers than any ground or water exercise. The Yoga Swing provides a complete body workout in a fun and relaxing way with numerous therapeutic and physiological benefits.

The Yoga Swing comes in a range of beautiful colors and comes with a built in way to add great karma to your life, as it is manufactured exclusively in a small factory in Ubud, Bali and a donation is given back to the Ubud community with every purchase.

Subluxations of the vertebrae tend to resolve themselves, helping to diminish back pain. Only when the spinal column is in good health, can the rest of the body function properly. Dramatic change can occur in overall strength, immunity, and emotional wellbeing by toning and taking care of your spinal column.

Added to this is the use of the Yoga Swing, to further your Yoga practice. Great for beginners who have not yet developed steadiness on their feet that is a must for many Asana's. The swing can be used to practice many yoga postures, such as downward dog, providing additional support to help train your mind and body to achieve the correct posture.

Ideal for both practitioners and teachers, the Yoga Swing is great for people wishing to differentiate their teaching and add a new dimension to their Yoga classes, by outfitting your studio with several swings. It can also be used by couples practicing partner stretching and can be used to open the heart chakra.

Comfortable and flexible, the Yoga Swing can be quickly and easily adjusted for a variety of positions and is versatile enough to provide a real workout and overall. Yoga development in a safe environment. It can be installed in seconds, anywhere there is a sturdy beam or tree branch and can even be used for a beach or park workout. Light, durable and compact, the Yoga Swing can travel anywhere, even when you're backpacking, for yoga-on-the-go. It will soon become a part of your daily life!

The main module is the pelvic waist sling, which is also suitable for use as a relaxing hammock. On either side there are two arm and leg handles at adjustable heights, with two additional handles at the top. This unique design allows you to move and stretch in every conceivable position; vertically, horizontally, and in a total inversion.

Demanding balance and awareness, the Yoga Swing takes your practice to new levels, utilizing more brain neurons and muscle fibres than any ground or water exercise. The Yoga Swing provides a complete body workout in a fun and relaxing way with numerous therapeutic and physiological benefits.

The Yoga Swing comes in a range of beautiful colours and comes with a built in way to add great karma to your life, as it is manufactured exclusively in a small factory in Ubud, Bali and a donation is given back to the Ubud community with every purchase.

Annie Robinson has been a Natural Practitioner for over 20 years, she specializes in metabolic disorders and their core preventable solutions. She also holds a Masters in Coaching and NLP and a Grad Dip in Education (science and history). Her partner is Helen Eames a Yoga Instructor in both the Iyengar and Integral forms of Yoga and more information on this article and other health topics can be found at

My Top 3 Secret Exercises to Melt the Fat

5 is a magic number. I follow 5 tips to fat loss and I am doing 5 sets in my pyramid strength training routine this month. But I am only going to give you my top 3 secret exercises to melt the fat. These 3 fat loss gems are nothing spectacular. There is nothing new or earth-shattering about them. You do not need fancy equipment or top of the line products. Doing these 3 exercises will produce excellent fat loss results when combined with a spectacular menu and a regular cardio program.

Exercise #1 - The Squat

The squat is an excellent compound exercise. It is one of my favorite exercises because it really works the quadriceps, hamstrings and glutes. There are many variations of the standard squat exercise. For example, there is the front squat, sissy squat, hack squat, full squat, split squat, single-leg squat and a few more. What ever variation you choose is up to you. They all work the thigh muscles and are effective.

Here is how a regular squat is performed:

Starting Position: Begin with both feet under the hips. Hands are relaxed by your sides. You may choose to hold free weights for extra intensity.

The Movement: Slowly lower as though you were going to sit in a chair on the inhale. Keep your back flat and eyes forward. Try to keep the bulk of your body weight on your heels. Lower all the way down until your thighs are parallel with the floor. Hold here for a few seconds before slowly rising back to the starting position as you exhale.

Notes: Some variations of the squat will have different directions. In any case, have with a professional watch your form and critique your movement.

Exercise #2 - The Bench Press

The bench press is another classic. It may be one of the best known exercises of all time. The bench press is also compound exercise. It works multiple muscles at once. It works the chest, the shoulders and the triceps. You can do this exercise on an incline, decline or on a flat bench. Some people even use a stability ball instead of the bench. Just be sure you feel comfortable and have balance at all times.

Here is how a flat bench press is performed:

Starting Position: Begin by lying on a flat bench. Your legs should be relaxed and feet planted on the floor. Lift the barbell from the holding rack. Your arms are stretched out, but not over-extended.

The Movement: Slowly lower the barbell to your chest as you inhale. Hold for a second or two. On the exhale slowly lift back to start.

Notes: Be careful not to arch your lower back on this exercise. Just use your chest and arm muscles to perform the reps. Also, you should not allow the barbell to bounce off your chest as your bring the weight down. Always use a spotter.

Exercise #3 - Plank Pose

The plank pose is one of my all-time favorite abdominal exercises. I learned about it as I was becoming certified to teach yoga. This simple, yet amazingly effective, exercise has had a special place in my heart ever since then. The plank pose targets the abdominus sheath that runs down our mid-section. Strengthening this muscle helps our posture and balance. It also provides extra support for our lower back. As if those reasons were not enough, the plank pose is famous for strengthening the muscle that holds in our gut!

Here is how the plank pose is performed:

Starting Position: Begin on all fours. Your hands should be under your shoulders and your knees should be directly under your hips.

The Movement: On the exhale, move from all fours to a regular push up position. Continue to breathe regularly as you hold that position as long as you can. Pull your belly button into your spine and keep your back flat. Stop immediately or lift your backside into the air a bit should you feel lower back pain.

Notes: This exercise works the whole body. Just keep breathing and keep the back flat. Your arms will most likely get tired first. Count how long you can hold the pose and try to hold it a bit longer the next time.

These three exercises are some of my favorites. They all work various muscle groups and have multiple variations. These exercises should be combined with a regular cardio routine and a great eating plan. Diets do not work. Find a menu that works for you and includes carbs, proteins and healthy fats. Always consult with your doctor before beginning a workout routine or change in lifestyle.

Copyright 2006

Lynn VanDyke is the head trainer at . Her wildly popular ebook, Melt the Fat, comes complete with over 100 exercises, 160 daily menus, 63 ways to stick with it, 100 strength training routines, 800 healthy meal suggestions and loads more. Learn more by visiting:

Why Women Don't Lose Weight Even If They Work Out - The Missing Ingredient

The fitness industry has witnessed a meteoric rise in the past decade. Not until the turn of the century when fitness gyms and health clubs sprung up in every corner of the planet. People are becoming more and more health-conscious and a workout is just the ticket. However, most women, despite working their lungs out, aren't achieving their desired results, namely, to lose weight.

I've observed throughout the years that when women talk about working out, they typically refer to cardio machines, treadmills, yoga, and bodyjam classes. You would rarely find any women in the weight training areas. It's hard to find a woman lifting barbells and pumping weights unless they are professional body builders.

However, most experts agree that weight training as well as aerobic exercises compose a complete workout. And experts agree as well, you'll lose weight faster and more permanently that way. The weight you lose via complete workout tend to stay lost. The weight you lose via aerobic exercises only tend to return after a few while.

Sparing all of us of any technicalities, women who do weights develop working muscles and muscle mass, more muscles mean a bigger "furnace" to burn fat. That's why women who lift weights burn fat faster and those fat stay gone forever.

Hold on a minute, I know that "building muscle" part pushed you off a bit. I predict that you picture those muscle-bound she hulks you see on professional body building competitions. And maybe that's why you shy away from weights altogether.

Don't worry though, you are not the only one. Women generally shy away from weights generally because of two reasons. First is that they are afraid that weights would make them muscular, which is perceived as un-ladylike. Women want a model-esque body, not something that can fight in mixed martial arts. The second is that weight training areas are where men usually gather. Women tend to be shy during the time that they are only starting with working out those unwanted weight.

For the first one, it's a myth that when women do weights, they'll develop those types of muscle mass and tone. This is impossible for the sole reason that women don't produce as much testosterone as men. If you don't use steroids and don't do weight training intensely, you don't have to worry about being she-hulk.

For the second one, it's natural to be shy. So you're alternative course of action is either to enroll in a women's only club or a club that has a women-exclusive weight room. Another alternative is to simply change your mindset, instead of being shy, take it as motivation to succeed.

The important thing is for you to put weight training in your workout regimen. Not only will it keep you in the greatest shape, it will help with your overall well-being.

In conclusion, weight training is the missing ingredient to most women workouts. If you fail to include weight training in your regimen, you would find it hard to lose weight regardless of how hard you do aerobic exercises. On the other hand, if you do weight training, you'll find it way easier to keep the weight off your belly.

About The Author

Ace T has been writing articles for nearly 5 years now. Not only does he have a large portfolio of articles concerning a wide variety of topics, you can also check out his latest website on surround sound amplifier as well as surround sound subwoofer topics to enhance your home theatre experience.

Yogananda's Past Life

Paramhansa Yogananda was a great master of yoga. He wrote

the spiritual classic, Autobiography of a Yogi.

Yogananda was a man of great spiritual power. Through his

talks and writings, he changed (and continues to change) many

thousands of lives. He showed all the signs of enlightenment--

of having achieved the highest state of Self-realization.

Many people familiar with Yogananda are unaware that he often

spoke of a past life of his, a famous past life. He said that in the

11th century he had been William the Conqueror--the great

Norman Duke and British King.

My wife and I traveled twice to Normandy to visit historic sites

related to William's life, and felt while meditating there, Yogananda's

transforming spiritual blessings.

This month I am e-publishing a book that will help others to

experience those same blessings.

It is titled: Walking with William of Normandy: A Paramhansa

Yogananda Pilgrimage Guide.

Walking with William contains many photos and maps, details of

where to go and what to see, and excerpts from my travel diary

written during my first trip to Normandy.

To celebrate this publishing event, I am sharing one of the experiences

I had in Normandy related to Yogananda's past life as The Conqueror.

The experience took place on a nondescript pathway along the River Dives,

in the seaside town of Dives-sur-Mer, near where William gathered his forces

just before his invasion of England.

I hope you will enjoy this story, and that it may inspire you, if you

find yourself in Paris, to make the two-hour train ride to Caen (and

beyond), and visit some of the sites sacred to the Conqueror.

As we walked along the Dives River, it wasn't long before that

same feeling we had sensed in Caen descended on us. Yogananda

was near.

Laura and I agreed to experience this site in silence and to

share our impressions later. It was curious because, even

though we were generally in the right area, neither of us knew

exactly where the ancient encampment was. Yet the feeling of

divine energy grew incredibly strong at one section of the

embankment right by the river: as if we were passing through an

invisible vibrational wall. The feeling sustained for a while, then

grew more faint the farther we walked. When in the midst of it, I

was sure I was standing on the same ground William's soldiers

had inhabited--where they had loaded up the ships for their

journey to England--the image depicted on the Bayeaux Tapestry.

It seemed odd because, even though this was basically

just an old military site, I felt as if I were standing in Jerusalem

or Benares. The inspiration was that strong.

We sat by the river to meditate.

Laura put her experience into words, "I felt joy and peace, and a

strong sense of divine reassurance."

It puzzled me why this ground should hold such a powerful divine

energy, and I tried to think it through, to reconstruct what

had happened.

Back in 1066, William called his military leaders and their

knights to sail their newly built ships to this spot, along with

anyone else he could induce to come: Flemish and French soldiers,

and mercenaries. According to the records, at one point William

had all the men, ships, horses, supplies, and portable castle

walls in place, but then the weather refused to cooperate. The

wind was blowing in the wrong direction, and it continued that

way for quite some time. Meanwhile the men sat here waiting.

Days and weeks passed by while they waited.

In the end, they remained in Dives for a month and a half.

William visited this site often during that period, but stayed

mostly at a castle in Bonneville, about ten miles east as the

seagulls fly. There, along with his barons, he fine-tuned his

invasion plans. But he must have been keenly aware of the

situation in the encampment.

Many of the Norman soldiers would have had mixed feelings.

This was a dangerous expedition, a great risk. They might all

drown in the channel, be killed in a foreign land, or come back

with nothing. Many of them had homes nearby that beckoned

them. Dives is located in the very heart of Normandy. While they

waited here, it would have been easy to brood on the foolhardyness

of the venture, and the wisdom, the common sense, even,

of returning to their wives and children, their hearths and homes.

And then there were the foreigners and mercenaries. Those

men were held by even feebler ties. It would have been difficult

to keep such a loose confederation focused on the goal. With

the lack of activity, it would have been natural for the men to

grumble and complain--and leave.

This long delay was one of the most delicate moments in the

history of the Norman invasion of England. The whole venture

hung by a thread. Over those weeks, William's army could

easily have dispersed by ones, twos, and small groups. In the

end, he might have been left with only a token force.

But William was more than just a great leader. He was a spiritual

master. He was Yogananda in a past life, and he knew what

to do.

William sent a powerful thought-form to Dives. To ensure that

everyone stayed put and remained in tune, and that the invasion

would go forth as planned, he cast his brilliant aura over the

encampment. Hour after hour, day after day, week after week,

he projected his energy, consciousness, purpose, and will to

that spot. And some nine hundred and thirty-five years later,

Laura and I felt that energy in Dives. William's spiritual power

had sustained through the centuries. It was more than tangible;

it was overwhelming.

Richard Salva is a minister, a 30-year past life expert, and author of the critically acclaimed Soul Journey from Lincoln to Lindbergh. For more information about Walking with William of Normandy, including how to order, go to

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Introduction to Iyengar Yoga

Iyengar yoga focuses on the human body's alignment through the use of various postures and positions in which the student participates. The goal of performing these various steps is to ultimately lead a person to a healthier physical and mental state, and unite his or her body, mind, and spirit. The positions are referred to as yoga asanas, and if executed correctly, are said to promote a state of well being and wholeness. Iyengar yoga is widely known for its use of numerous aids such as cushions, ropes, straps, ropes, and belts.

Yoga is known in the Western world as a form of exercise, and a very popular one at that, but in the East it is considered much more. For example, it is traditionally regarded in mystical terms as an avenue through which one can experience liberation from the pattern of birth and rebirth. It is considered an important element by many Indian religions and philosophies. It requires that one have substantial ability to focus on detail, and props can be used by beginners until they become familiar with the positions.

This system was a creation of B.K.S. Iyengar, and has solid roots in the teachings of Patanjali and his yoga poses. The eight limbs of yoga is what it is based on, and there is a direct emphasis on the promoting of concentration, meditation, flexibility, balance, strength, and stamina. Poses which are executed while one is standing are one of the key focal points of this type of yoga.

Iyengar yoga teachers must participate in stringent training programs which take place over the course of several years. This training is used while the teachers assist their own students, actively calling students' attention to errors in posture and execution of the different positions. The overall approach is precise and rigorous. Numerous studies provide evidence that participating in yoga can result in a stronger mind and body.

Additionally, studies have shown that Iyengar yoga is especially successful in the treatment of various bodily injuries, as well as mental depression. It can also help individuals to increase their flexibility, concentration and overall stamina. Those looking for a holistic form of exercise should consider this type of yoga.

The author has been practicing yoga for 15 years and is part of a team creating yoga classes online.

Secrets to Becoming a Successful Hatha Yoga Teacher

To each Yoga teacher, the word "success" means something different. Some teachers would like to train elite athletic students. Others want to train students, who contribute higher qualities, to the rest of humanity, such as: compassion, understanding, and loving kindness. Success is all a matter of perspective.

With that said, what is failure defined as, when we consider teaching Hatha Yoga classes? The easiest way to define failure of anything is when we reach a state of mind that causes us to give up. When some interns spend years of study, and thousands of dollars, how is it possible to give up?

Below is one case among many, where a graduate met every requirement in the Yoga teacher training course, but managed to fail at finding a teaching position. When a graduate quits teaching Yoga, due to being ill informed, it is a loss to the lineage, as well as a missed opportunity for the graduate.

Ben trained in many deep rooted sub-styles of Hatha Yoga, for over ten years, before deciding to become a Yoga teacher. He chose carefully and decided upon a course, which taught him many aspects of Hatha Yoga. Upon graduation, he began to approach Yoga studios within 30 miles of his local area.

Most of the studios informed him that they promoted teachers from within their own studios. A few put him on a list to be a substitute teacher, after he taught a free class, as part of an audition process. Once in a blue moon, the phone would ring with a last second substitution for a teacher who had car problems.

He was prepared to teach classes on short notice, and had a bag pre-packed for last send opportunities, just like this one. Ben would rush down, and teach a Yoga class at the last second - hoping the management would recognize that he put his heart and soul into his classes, and he was hungry to teach full time.

Eventually, the phone stopped ringing. Later, he found out, through the grapevine, that the teacher with car problems had been replaced by a graduate who came from within that studio. It seemed that the window of opportunity was closing. Maybe, there were no opportunities to teach Yoga in his area; and he gave up for nearly a year, until he found online Yoga teacher education to show him the ropes.

What was Ben doing wrong? He was doing what he was taught. The problem here is Ben did not know all of the opportunities there are for teaching Yoga. He was not prepared to look for teaching positions in the corporate world, at fitness centers, or any other places in his area.

He was completely oblivious, as to the dozens of opportunities, within a fifteen minute drive of his home. He had not thought of the local hotels, with small fitness centers, who were seeking to network with a local Yoga teacher like him. Success can be measured in many ways, but to see opportunity as a tiny sliver of a small pie is a recipe for failure.

? Copyright 2011 - Paul Jerard / Aura Wellness Center - Publications Division

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of Yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. He has been a certified Master Yoga Teacher since 1995. To receive Free Yoga videos, Podcasts, e-Books, reports, and articles about Yoga, please visit:

Staying Fit Over Forty

Now in my 50's, I learned the hard way that you cannot train the same as you did in your twenties. For one thing, you have more responsibilities and less time. The other thing is that you probably do not recover as quickly as you might have in your late teens and early twenties. So, the practice of training the same way, day in and day out is a sure way to become stale and frustrated. While training, like running, the same time and distance every day is admirable, you can get better results by varying your training.

One of my training buddies, who used to compete in cycling on an international level, showed me how to use interval training to improve my running. Instead of plugging with distance running, I would run for one minute and walk for one minute over the same distance. I trained less, but got better results. It was a bit uncomfortable the first few times, but I quickly improved and got more done in less time.

When you cross the big 4-0, you might find that you have to give your joints and tendons more time to recover. This is not a ticket to slack off. Again, you just have to be smarter when you train. If you are going to run, stay on sand, grass or gravel. One of my clients, who had recovered from a broken pelvis, could run on sand without much discomfort. After a month, she could run several hundred meters on the sand while carrying her 6 year old son on her back.

Cross-training is another way to keep training fresh and spare your joints. An article in Runner's World once mentioned how several runners improved their time by cross training with cycling rather than just running alone. I found that my own running improved by alternating my running with cycling.

Another area that the over 40 person should practise is strength training. Strength training or "resistance-training" is highly under-rated for conditioning. Often thought of only for "showy muscles" and "body beautifuls," strength training has several benefits that endurance training does not. Strength training builds bone density and increases the body's anabolism, which is the ability to repair and rebuild itself.

Another aspect of strength training that is almost always over-looked is the balance and posture muscles. These can be trained through methods such as martial arts, pilates and power yoga. Now before anyone starts writing off pilates and power yoga as "too Hollywood," keep in mind that these systems work. Pilates inventor, Joseph H. Pilates was an accomplished athlete who trained such celebrities as world class boxer, Max Schmeling. As for power (Ashtanga) yoga, I can vouch for it for removing back pain. One of my trainees, a former RCR soldier told me that he went from 3 chiropractor visits per week to only one per month just from our twice weekly power yoga sessions.

Another good body maintainer is the sauna. While often mistaken for a method for losing weight, regular saunas will clean out the excess toxins, increase your immune system T-cells and help calm you. It is great on a Sunday evening a few hours before bed time.

More tips to get more mileage out of the over 40 frame:

o Eat good natural food. Fresh fruits and vegetables contain massive amounts of anti-oxidants to slow down the aging process.

o If necessary, employ the services of physical therapists: massage, physiotherapist, chiropractic and even acupuncture.

o Supplements such as: fish oils, glucosamine and chondroitin sulphate assist some people with joint pain.

o Keep the alcohol, tobacco and caffeine to a minimum. This stuff overworks your adrenalin glands which are suppose to help carry you into old age.

o Avoid refined foods like white sugar and white flour. It just plugs up your intestines.

o Avoid extended periods of sitting. Too much sitting is hard on the spine and can contribute to DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis).

o Stay active. In an era where everything seems to have a warning label, there should be one on the human butt: Warning: Keep moving or equipment will fail.

Read on more techniques in the download Stomach Flattening

Doug Setter holds a Bachelor's of Food and Nutrition. He has served as a paratrooper and U.N. Peacekeeper, has completed 5 full marathons and climbed Mt. Rainier. He held a welterweight kick-boxing title at age 40. He consults clients in alcohol reduction, stomach-flattening, kick-boxing and nutrition. He is the author of Stomach Flattening, Reduce Your Alcohol Craving and One Less Victim. Visit his website:

Ab Machines Are Not the Answer

So you want to have six pack abs? Well, ab machines are not the answer. Abdominal machines are able to strengthen the abdominals but they are not the answer. Training with resistance, watching your diet and lowering stress in your life are key to help you get six pack abs.

Doing resistance-training increases the body's metabolism resulting in increased muscle mass. Excess body fat is consequently used to fuel the resulting increase in muscle activity.

Interval training exercises have a way of affecting the body's metabolism. The exercise's anaerobic method allows the body to increase its metabolism by making the body adapt to the increased demands of the training. The increased activity causes the muscles to burn more fat. The body then utilizes the excess body fat to fuel its activity. In addition, fat burning continues well after the exercise session to provide more fuel to the muscles.

To get ripped abs, we have to watch what we eat. We should keep a balanced diet and avoid fast food, fatty food, sodas and processed foods. In watching what we eat, we can better control our caloric intake.

Eating 5-6 meals a day and by decreasing meal portions, we are better able to control the calories we consume and maintain our energy and blood sugar levels. In doing so, we are better able to utilize and consume the calories we eat and burn off the excess fat.

Stress makes our body store excess body fat in the belly area. When we are in a stressful situation, our body stores fat in our belly because of the hormone Cortisol, which is released during stress.

Meditation, deep breathing, tai chi and yoga can help us manage our stress levels and help to reduce the storage of excess fat in our belly area.

Ab machines are not the answer to getting ripped abs. Achieving ripped abs means increasing overall metabolism through exercise, watching our diet and decreasing stress in our lives.

If you want to burn fat and fix joints the right way, please visit

It Doesn't Have to Be Yoga

Yoga is a wonderful practice. I want to begin this article with nothing but praise for the people fortunate enough to be daily practicing Yogis. I aspire to be like you! However, for the sake of researchers, seekers, and stiff people out there, I'd like to offer them a personal training session merely focused on their stiffness, and pre-exercise-begin-exercising-at-all, assisted flexibility program.

The purpose of yoga practice is to prepare the body and mind for meditation. This requires complete silence and stillness. There are various traditions, beliefs, postures, hand postures, breathing techniques, and words from Sanskrit that pass before you in your journey, and if you happen to drop in to a beginner yoga class, it appears that all of the other "beginners" already know the Vinyasa flow that goes with the Sun Salutation sequence, AND can already touch their toes.

After 30 years in the fitness business, I've read the Bhagavad-Gita, and all of the traditional required reading yoga books. I've attended the various styles of yoga presentations, and I have just recently come to a new awareness about me and flexibility. I have discovered that for me and many of my clients, becoming proficient in gentle stretching, while maintaining good posture, breath, and taking time to completely relax is a task of its own.

The trend in clubs and studios the world over is Yoga and Pilates. Everybody is doing it! That still doesn't mean that it is the right program for all of us. My solution to those that have been embarrassed in a beginning yoga class, but still have the desire to be relaxed and meditative like Yoga People is to follow a basic plan as your starter.

It's true that yoga postures or Asanas are designed to cleanse the body while bringing energy to certain centers. These concepts can begin with the following guidelines;

Breathe in slowly, expand the abdomen, then the ribcage, and finally the upper portion of the lungs. Then, breathe out in the same manner, letting the abdomen cave in as you exhale. I prefer to breathe in and out through my nose, although there are no specific rules about it, nasal breathing is considered better for several reasons. The health benefits include filtering the air from the external environment through the sinuses to the lungs. The sinuses do their natural job of filtering the air as it enters the lungs while the smaller diameter of the sinuses create pressure in the lungs during exhalation. This allows the lungs to have more time to extract oxygen from them. When there is proper oxygen-carbon dioxide exchange, the blood will maintain a balanced pH. If carbon dioxide is lost too quickly, as in exhaling through the mouth, oxygen absorption is decreased. Also, by breathing through the nose as opposed to the mouth, thirst and dehydration are decreased.

There's no need to breathe so deeply (in the beginning) that you feel like passing out, but if you are just beginning to incorporate a breathing routine into your day, pay attention to how often you are holding your breath. Your normal breathing should include an even inhalation of 1 count, hold for 3-4 counts, exhale for 2 counts. This should be a constant, even cadence all during your day.

When exercising, whether it be stretching, or picking up a package, always exhale on exertion. Inhale, then lift, and exhale. Or, if you are stretching, breathe evenly, and perform your stretch on the exhale, then keep breathing evenly. You will build your breath and movements into a rhythmic sequence. There will be no Sanskrit words to memorize, no postures that hurt your knees, just breathing and stretching being sure to include the four basic movements. They are, forward bending, back bending, side bending, and twisting.

Once you have developed a comfortable breath, it doesn't matter if you are standing, kneeling, or sitting in a chair, you will begin by lengthening your spine. This is done by expanding the rib cage through breathing, reaching up over your head to become taller, or on your hands and knees, pulling back or raising like a cat. However you go, the spine should be safely warm and long before you begin side bending or twisting.

Once the spine is lengthened and warmed, forward bending is an easy move. Again, this can be done while standing, sitting, or kneeling. You will advance this move as you become more flexible, but don't push it if you're not.

The next natural move would be backward bending. As a beginner, simply leaning backward while standing will be good enough. Place your hands at the back of your rib cage, inhale, then exhale as you lean back.

Now, you are ready for some bending at the waist. This shouldn't be anything too aggressive, just enough of a stretch that you can comfortable breathe with and hold for at least 30 seconds. Save the twisting for last, and again, begin with enough of a twist to feel a stretch, but not to torque your back.

Now that you have begun to breathe properly into the exertion, you are ready to design a full routine including all of the basic moves holding each for 30 seconds, while breathing properly throughout.

For the first several sessions, you should go through this routine which includes each of the directional stretches that are included in the Yoga Asanas. Become comfortable with the stretches, as well as your breathing. End with breathing only and sitting quietly for 5 minutes.

Once you have perfected this basic stretch sequence and become comfortable with your breath, sitting quietly, and moving slowly, you will be ready to move forward to learn more about Yoga. If Yoga is not what you're looking for, you might find a Personal Trainer to lead you into a more aggressive flexibility program. Once you have perfected this preliminary program, you will be ready for more! Kathy Duncan is the owner of Symposia Living Arts, Inc. She is a presenter, blogger, and workshop clinician for fitness professionals and aspiring writers. She is the author many newsletters, and The Fit Horse Companion, a book promoting horse health and fitness including massage therapy and hydrotherapy. The book is available at Amazon and Barnes and Noble online.

Kathy is an ACE Certified Personal Trainer, Nationally Certified Massage Therapist, and Certified Professional Coach. Constantly researching alternative health methods, Kathy's goal is to educate everyone about a healthier lifestyle for themselves and their companion animals.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Tiger Balm and Me

"Never too late, never too old, never too bad, never too sick to start from scratch once again". It is what my teacher tells me when I start his Bikram Yoga lessons.

Bikram Yoga is a demanding 26 pose series, conducted in a heated room to warm up your whole body and allows you to work deep into your muscles, tendons and ligaments to change your body from the inside out. It is so challenging.

I remember the first week was a torture. After 1h30 of sweating and stretching, I was thinking I was going to die. All my muscles were painful; the heat of the room couldn't allow me to breathe normally.

I smoked since I am 17 (now I am 34)...Yoga was a way for me to help my body rid itself of toxins.

During the training, how many times I was telling to myself "It's too hard, I can't breathe, I am going to faint".

But next to me, there was that woman, more than 60 years olds, fresh like a flower, doing the pose series without any effort, the coordination between all her movements was incredible.

How can she do it?

At the end of the training, I asked her. She went in a locker room, came back and gave me a little pot. And she told to use it before and after each training session, in massing my arms, legs with that Tiger balm.

The day after, I did what she told me before the course. And during 1h30, the heat of the Tiger balm, associated to the heat of the room increased my flexibility.

The pain was still here but less than the day before. The mint smells of the balm allowed me to breathe more easily and lead me to work harder, deeper and calmer. After the session, my muscles didn't hurt me, no sensation of pain or stiff.

Now, I am practicing hot yoga for 5 years and before every training, I still use Tiger Balm, massing my body and smelling the balm. It is become a ritual and I don't see myself without using it.

You can have many informations of Tiger balm product's in this website. You can have solution for use it.

Indian Yoga Tours

First Day: To Delhi airport, and then move to the hotel.

Second Day: Delhi - full day city tour of Old and New Delhi, overnight

Third Day: The third day visitors can go to Hardwar by road it is about 5 hours away from Delhi. This sacred city is situated on the bank of River Ganges. The travelers over here can book a room in the hotel to take some rest. Travelers can move out to visit the temples in the city and can spend evening offering prayers to the River Ganga at "har ki pauri". This beautiful site must not be missed.

Fourth Day: The visitors can enjoy the free meditation and yoga sessions after the breakfast, afternoon can be utilized to visit some temples in the town.

Fifth Day: Travelers can now drive down to Rishikesh and admire the beauty of this hill station. The travelers can visit hanging bridges in Rishikesh which are named after lord Rama and his brother laxman. There are numerous ashrams in the city on the bank of Ganges River. The ashrams of the city are religious centers and they provide classes on spirituality.

Sixth Day: People can get spiritual classes and yoga sessions in these ashrams. These sessions are given in the morning and in the evening.

Seventh Day: On 7th day people can stay in shams, here also they get sessions of yoga and spirituality.

Eighth Day: Visitors can now go back to Delhi by road and enjoy the journey.

Ninth Day: Here one can go to various market places and see some Historical monuments as well.

Tenth Day: One can take flight for Varanasi another holy city and the centre of learning. It is the ancient city of art and literature.

Eleventh 11: Here one can enjoy the boat ride along the Ganges River and then return to the hotel and take breakfast, which will be followed by spiritual sessions. There is also a holy city for Buddhist community which is admired by the people at large.

Twelfth Day: One can take yoga and spiritual classes in Varanasi.

Thirteenth Day: Varanasi Delhi - the travelers can go back to Delhi either by flight or train. Here they can stay in Delhi for a night.

Fourteenth Day: The check out time of the hotel is before 12:00 noon. Form here the people can go to the airport to take flights for other destinations.

Author is an associate editor for Make My Trip. Get all possible information about low cost airlines and airlines in india. We also provide information about online hotel reservation, Holiday Packages India and Flights Booking in India.

Don't Be Embarrassed by Marketing - A Twelve Step Plan

The workshop leader was an accomplished wellness instructor, usually very confident in his teaching skills. So why was he looking so uncomfortable in front of the group? His face was red as he repeated over and over again that he was very embarrassed. The reason for his embarrassment? He was selling the group on his programs and his center.

As he did his bit of self-promotion, he looked like a kid who just stole the cookie from the cookie jar--guilty and miserable. Why is it that marketing and promotion can feel just plain slimy in the body/mind? If it feels wrong, it is.

But it is not the marketing that's wrong, it's the sequence. Imagine this. You are walking down the hallway and BAM! you jump into a yoga pose. Then you keep walking on your merry way down the hall for 10 more steps. BAM! You jump into another yoga pose. Striking a pose may work well for Madonna.

For the rest of us mere mortals, people just look at you funny and maybe we feel a bit embarrassed. There is a sequence to doing yoga, using certain postures to set the stage for a more difficult posture. You don't, for example, open a class with a backbend. You work up to it. Marketing has its own dance, its own rhythm, its own unfolding. There is a sequence to marketing. When done correctly, marketing and promotion feels like a true relationship rather than an awkward first kiss. This speaker was striking a marketing pose BAM! right at the beginning of the workshop.

It is no wonder he felt embarrassed. The marketing sequence was out of step. There is a cure for the Embarrassed by Marketing Syndrome (EMS--yup, I think I just created a new acronym, not to be confused with the hiking store here in the Northeast).

The first step is being aware. When does marketing feel awkward? Are there moments when promotion is smooth (like when someone else is giving you a glowing testimonial)? What is your process for self-promotion in a workshop? Where is that promotion placed in the context of the workshop? How ready does your audience appear for more information about what you have to offer? What is your response to the embarrassment--keep pushing through it? Shut down? Disclose your embarrassment?

Just as in life, awareness of the issue is the first step in changing your promotional efforts to a more effective and less embarrassed strategy.

Once you become aware of yourself in relation to the marketing flow, and your natural tendency toward or against that flow, you can take the next step-deliberate action to make marketing less painful and more natural.

Here are some ways to easily and comfortably weave marketing into your program:

1. Get started before the program even begins. If you have a list of registrants for a workshop, send them an e-mail or a letter with a brief note welcoming them to the group and letting them know you're looking forward to working with them. Make sure to give them your contact information.

2. Wait for the right time. Don't start your program by talking about yourself, or your products or services. That's like asking someone to marry you while you're still on your first date. You need to create a relationship before you ask for more commitment.

3. Make your handouts count. Give participants an easy, non-threatening way to stay in touch with you: make sure your handouts contain quality information that people will want to hang on to, and list your website and contact information at the bottom of the handouts so it's right at their fingertips.

4. Encourage ongoing communication. Don't let your workshop or lecture turn into a one-shot deal. Include a tear-off coupon in your handouts so participants can sign up for your e-newsletter, and offer a gift for signing up, such as additional free content about your subject. Have them return the completed coupon to the resource table (see #7 below) so they can get another look at your products.

5. Use your products within the workshop. For example, if you wrote a book, actually open the book and read a paragraph or two in relation to what you are teaching, or ask someone in the class to read it. That way people can see, hold, and touch the book to make it more tangible.

6. Give away your product or service. Have fun contests, reward people who are actively participating, have a raffle winner pulled from the e-newsletter coupons, or give a prize to the person who traveled the farthest to come to the workshop. Do it in front of the group and have them hand your book (or DVD, CD, training manual, etc.) through the audience to the winner. Again, this makes it tangible.

7. Have your product available in the room. Whether it is on display or for sale, make sure your participants can easily access it during the time with you. Before you take a break, invite people to check out the resource table. (This is where people will return the coupon for the e-newsletter registration, giving them a chance to linger.)

8. Make the intangible tangible. If you do not have a product, but you want to promote a workshop or a service, use a tangible product to represent the intangible. If you are promoting a yoga retreat in Costa Rica, for example, display a beautiful picture book of the area along with brochures.

9. Ask your host or an assistant to introduce you. Having others talk you up is much less awkward than self-promotion. Trouble is, many times we leave this to chance. Make sure you give your host or assistant a written introduction or bullet-point list of promotional references that they can use when making the introduction.

10. Ask raving fans to chime in during the program. Sometimes those who love your work will contribute freely. You can also help elicit third-party testimonials with encouragement along the lines of, "Tell us how you have used this process in your work." Their feedback will be helpful to other participants as well as to you.

11. Use testimonials on all promotional material. Provide feedback surveys at the end of the training, offering people the option to include their names and check a statement giving you permission to use their comments in promotional material. Then post the nice things they said on your website, and include them in brochures or handouts for your next seminar.

12. Stay in touch with attendees through your newsletter. Keep communication going for those who sign up for your e-newsletter, developing the relationship over time. If you don't have a newsletter going already, try to get started.

Marketing doesn't have to feel awkward or embarrassing, and you don't have to play hardball from the get-go. Think of marketing as a story that gradually unfolds over the course of a relationship, reaping benefits for all involved.

Megan helps you get clear so you can get results. She's an award-winning author, marketing consultant, trainer and yoga instructor. Her clients include the famed Kripalu Center, the largest site for yoga and holistic health in the United States, the American Cancer Society and the Young President's Organization. Along with being the past-president for the Central Massachusetts American Society for Training and Development, she is editor of A Minute for Me and Mindful Marketing. Megan is on the faculty of the Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy Advanced Training and teaches yoga at Listening, the Barre Integrated Health Center in Massachusetts, where she lives on a small farm with her husband and their two children happily making the world's best maple syrup.

The Drawback to Positive Thinking

There is a drawback to the general positive thinking syndrome promoted in the self help world. The effectiveness of simply forming and holding good thoughts does not work. This method may seem logical, but it is not practical, as you shall see. It may feel as if it is working for a short period of time, but only because you are, at first, operating off a contact high borne on the thinking that you can straighten out, or get things done by this highly suggested method. Your personal will power will only sustain itself but for so long. Sooner or later, the giant horde of negative prompters laden in the subconscious will overtake you and disintegrate your affirmations.

This popular method that is advocated by a myriad of books is generally misunderstood. Positive thinking, in and of itself, will not change you. It will hold at bay, or repress the negative parts of the acquired personality. Positive thinking shoves the negative into the subconscious mind and attempts to reconstruct conscious mind activity with positive thoughts.

Herein lies the drawback. The subconscious is many times more powerful than the conscious, or objective mind, and will reflect back to your world exactly what you think into it. But, if you are thinking certain positive thoughts as a process, and are not emotionally true to them, you're creating problems on down the road. This is because only ideas impressed on the subconscious with certain conviction will come about. Now, any negatives you are harboring, or holding at bay, are much stronger, more radioactive, and just waiting to rise to the top in a great many new areas. The negatives should be let go of, not suppressed, not forced below. Your true power source, or higher self, can more easily come into play when you let go.

Meditation is a most useful tool to utilize in the process of positive thinking. The quietude of meditation brings one into a closer proximity to your inner source of power. Meditation has the ability to regenerate your thinking process. This enables you to be more emotionally connected to a desire you wish to express in the form of a positive thought. Your attention to a thought, plus the emotional value you give to it is what determines the impression the thought form makes upon the subconscious mind.

Attention and feeling are more grounded in the meditative state, as opposed to being awash in the goings on of daily life. The only positive thought force of any real consequence dovetails down from the influence of a higher intelligent power within that formulates what it wants and gets it. So, sit still, be quiet, form an affinity toward the power source of your inner essence, and decree. The more you adjust to, and use this method, the higher the probability that your positive thought forms will come into play.

Harrison Ennis is considered to be a true renaissance man of the 21st century. A published author and freelance writer, as well as owning several design patents. A votary of shag dance. Serious researcher on the science of life for over a quarter century. A Kundalini adept. Lifelong involvement in physical culture; to include martial arts, yoga, traditional exercise, and various obscure modalities. Tracker of cutting edge health products and practices. Fitness / Wellness researcher and coach, esoteric educator, and life science counselor. Past general manager for one of the largest health and fitness club facilities in a major metropolitan area. Proffers his Yoga by Ennis - Yoga Life Science Regimen as a personal trainer for individuals and groups, and gives seminar sessions by request and special arrangement. His current products and services directory may be viewed at

Teaching Kids Yoga

Wouldn't the world be an awesome place if everyone did yoga? Ok, maybe "awesome" is a bit strong, but couldn't we hope for more compassion? Understanding? Even if everyone were more aware of their breath, less road rage would surely ensue.

Seems like an impossible task to accomplish. But like any major shift in society's perception, it has to start from the ground up. In other words, teach our children.

Teaching kids yoga from an early age empowers not only the individuals but also the community. Learning a sport is normal when growing up, but achievement and performance are the usual emphasis. Giving kids an activity that focuses on self-awareness and well-being will filter into other areas of their lives.

When adult yoga practitioners experience this they often wonder, "What if I had been doing this since I was little?"

So where to start? Getting your own children to join in your home practice is a great way, but the impact on a community is greatly increased by access to Kids Yoga classes.

As the world opens its arms to yoga, Kids Yoga classes are sought after more and more. Some schools are starting to implement programs for weekly Kids Yoga sessions. This is great news. However, there is a lack of teachers trained to work with kids.

As adults what we do in a yoga class is very different to what children respond to. Maybe you already teach yoga to adults. Completely different kettle of fish. Lack of attention span and understanding of body mechanics make kids a tough audience.

This is where the small but important world of Kids Yoga Teacher Training comes in. These courses offer techniques to teach kids yoga poses with a playful and fun filled approach. Unfortunately there are not many programs to choose from. Some require that you buy a franchise just to participate in the training.

However there are good Kids Yoga Teacher Training courses out there. The good news is that they are usually short term (a few weeks or weekends) and are designed to compliment a previous teacher training.

As a career, teaching yoga to children is not only personally rewarding but can give your own practice a reminder of being in the moment, exploration and innocence. Kids already have this aspect of yoga in the bag.

After the initial romance with our own practice wears off, a need to accomplish or judge can creep in. Needlessly looking for results.

Watching children in any activity we can honor their curiosity and simplicity with which they approach things. The ability to laugh at themselves when they fall over or think a yoga pose is silly. In other words they don't take themselves so seriously.

We can learn as much from them as they can from us.

If teaching Kids Yoga appeals to you, perhaps as an addition to your current yoga teaching, to implement into a school program, or maybe as something completely new, look for a Kids Yoga Teacher Training that emphasizes the communication and interaction with a young audience.

Make sure it requires some previous experience teaching - either yoga or another activity to children.

Although it may be a challenge to find a Kids Yoga Teacher Training, once you have completed a course you can start a rewarding journey, helping future generations find the compassion we all need.

Julie Martin is Director of Brahmani Yoga in Goa, India and runs yoga teacher training programmes, workshops and classes at Brahmani as well as around the world. She is known for her inspiring approach to the world of yoga and is passionate about making it accessible to all.

What is Bikram Yoga?

Also known as 'hot yoga,' Bikram yoga is a type of yoga that concentrates on the cleansing of the body and on improving one's physical strength and endurance. It is practiced in rooms that have a temperature of about 100 degrees Fahrenheit (37.8 degrees Celsius) or a bit more. Yoga master Bikram Choudhury is the creator of Bikram yoga. This type of exercise consists of a series of 26 poses and 2 breathing exercises that are performed twice in a 90 minute session.

When Yoga is performed at a very warm temperature, it causes one to perspire. It is believed that the sweating process helps the body eliminate accumulated toxins, infection, and bacteria. As well, the warm temperature makes stretching the muscles much easier because the muscles become more flexible when warm. The entire process is designed to rejuvenate the body and improve ones over all health and well being. The warm room helps one to stretch more effectively, alleviate tension and stress, provide pain relief, tone muscles, burn calories, strengthen the spine, increase energy levels, increase balance and coordination, and prevent muscle, tissue, and tendon injury. The result is stimulated blood circulation and restoring health to the joints and muscles.

When engaged in Bikram yoga, one will be taken through a series of 26 poses which stimulates and improves brain activity, lungs, muscles, heart, mental fitness, and blood circulation. There are two descriptions of the 26 poses that are referred to as pranayama (breathing exercises) and asanas (postures.) Both work in unison to provide optimum results. For instance, many people have reported an improvement in lung capacity. This is because oxygen exchange is improved as well as the increase in blood circulation.

When one follows the 26 poses in order, the increase in blood circulation will deliver a fresh oxygen supply to the organs, joints, and muscles. As one holds a pose, circulation is temporality slowed thereby causing the heart to work harder which delivers fresh blood throughout the body. Once one ends the pose, the fresh oxygenated blood delivers nutrients throughout the body, including the organs, while removing toxins, bacteria, and other harmful substances. The result is a restoration of the health of the body's organs, muscles, and tissues. It helps one to strengthen muscles, maintain their weight, and relax the mind and body which improves one's emotional well being. The overall effect is a feeling of good health, both mentally and physically.

Originating in India, yoga is the practice of physical poses which is designed to improve the body, mind, and spirit. Millions of people from all over the world now practice yoga. Since its inception centuries ago, yoga has evolved to encompass many different types with their own unique benefits. Bikram Yoga is one type of yoga that has become very popular in recent years. It is a relatively new form of yoga that is rooted in ancient yoga practices that are popular for those who want to achieve optimum mind and body fitness levels while engaging in an effective body detoxifying practice.

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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Wii Fit Yoga Mat is a Must For Safety and Comfort

So you have finally convinced yourself to take advantage of the most ingenious workout at home device ever invented. But, before you strike your first Wii Fit Yoga warrior pose. Make sure you have the most important element for your safety and comfort. Buy the official Wii Fit Yoga Mat.

This is just not any yoga mat. Designed specifically for the Wii Fit, the mat is to be placed between the Wii board and the flooring. And for poses that do not require the board, it will provide your body with maximum comfort. It is designed to protect your flooring as well as provided support for your training. Featuring three layers of material for extra durability and it also has an inner mesh layer to prevent stretching or ripping. Made of the most up to date environmentally safe materials and surpasses and exceeds safety standards. It comes with an easy storage strap and can also be used for regular yoga classes. It is also great for your morning stretches and general workouts.

This is truly the best mat to be used with your Wii Fit. It is specifically designed longer and stronger than ordinary yoga mats. The high end materials will ensure that it will withstand the rigorous wear and tear of the balance board. Your body and floors will be thankful that you took that extra step for safety. Make sure before you begin that you buy your Wii fit yoga mat and make sure you have all the yoga accessories needed for a fun and safe workout.

Steven Vaught

Yoga Templates and Yoga Marketing

Your website is often the very first impression that new students have about your business. You want it to be attractive, inviting, and full of useful information. You want it to look professional, but still convey the depth and seriousness of your yoga business. If you've taken the time to look at other yoga website designs, you probably have an idea of what works and what doesn't.

If you want a first-class yoga website design, it can end up costing you thousands of dollars. Professional web developers can be pricey, and for small businesses the cost can be prohibitive. But it's almost impossible in this day and age to do business without a professional and quality website. You must have a web presence if you want to be taken seriously.

Some independent yoga trainers have attempted to create their own websites; but without proper training in web design, these can end up looking pretty home-made. So, where can you a yoga instructor and/or yoga studio find an affordable and quality website?

One excellent option is to take advantage pre-designed yoga website templates. These are professionally designed websites that are purchased for a small fee and then customized by a designer professional designer. Typically the business colors, logo, photos, text, and other important information can be integrated. Using a template will give you the benefit of a professional design for a fraction of the cost. Many designers will also be able to implement programs to give you the ability to add your own content and many will have features such as editable schedules, payment processing, and customer feedback. A daily blog can keep your clients motivated with encouraging thoughts and tips for improving their practice. There are unlimited options!

From a marketing perspective a website is probably the most important tool that a yoga business can have. Since most people search for yoga studios and teachers using the Internet, it is very important to have a web presence to have any chance of tapping into that huge network of potential leads. Secondly, a website serves as a very important credibility tool. If a studio or yoga teacher does not have a website they may seem less credible. Another very important reason to have a website is to act as an educational resource for your students and potential students. In today's competitive market, the more you stand out the more value you can offer. A website can serve as a portal for your students to learn more about history, technical aspects of poses, health and nutrition and much more. You can upload articles to your website and link to beneficial resources on the web for your students to access. You can also get creative by adding a feature such as pose of the week or an FAQ page.

Marketing your website on the web can be a complicated process and SEO (search engine optimizations) is a process that very few yoga studios have incorporated. SEO is a process of getting your website optimally ranked in Google and other search engines. Many companies hire SEO consultants to get them to the top of the search engines as a yoga business this may be more affordable than you thought since your key words are not as competitive as other business. A good SEO consultant may be able to get your site to the top of a search for a nominal investment. SEO for yoga is just one form of yoga marketing or yoga internet marketing. Pay Per Click advertising can be as effective as SEO for yoga.

Many yoga studios now use their website as a way to charge their clients for classes. This is helpful since it will make it more convenient for them to pay for classes and in addition it will increase class size since if students pay in advance they will be less likely to skip a class. There are numerous programs that exist that tie in online scheduler features so that a student can sign up for class and pay online. Email marketing is another great reason to have a website. Sending out monthly educational and promotional email newsletters is probably one of the most cost effective ways of adding value to your services and increasing student retention. It has never been so easy with email service providers such as Email marketing is an incredibly effective branding tool. Every time you send out an email newsletter your students and prospective students will see your business name and even if they don't read the email you are staying in front of them. You can add an email opt-in form right onto your website to capture email addresses and to give people a chance to sign up for your newsletter. You can also send out class and workshop updates to your growing list through your email marketing program.

In today's economy it is more important than ever to market outside of the box. Consider using web marketing programs such as SEO, PPC or Email marketing. Now is not the time to sit back and wait for new students to come to you. You will find that web and online marketing can be fun and can generate more potential for your studio and yoga business than you could ever imagine. A website is an indispensible part of the modern yoga business. Don't let budgetary constraints or lack of technical knowledge stand it the way of having this much-needed asset. Consider using a yoga template so that you can put your best foot forward online.

Brad Bennett is the owner of Yoga Marketing and specializes in the Yoga Template

What Really Happens at Boot Camps and What to Expect!

Boot camps vary in style, depending on whether it is run by a franchise or owned and operated by a personal trainer. In a franchise the overall vision of the company is driven by the franchise. In an owner operated camp run by a personal trainer there is generally more flexibility and it can be more personal. Whether run by a Personal Trainer or a franchise, both have benefits. Franchises can limit the trainers creatively but also has some great positive benefits such as having multiple locations. Where owner operated boot camps can be more flexible and personal, but may not offer multiple locations. Boot camps should be Fun as well as varied. a great Trainer means a great boot camp session.

Boot camps should always be held outdoors that is the perfect environment for them. You have a soft surface for running and equipment is readily available such as park benches and play ground equipment the beach is also a great place to train as it offers resistance in the sand as well as resistance in the water.

There are several Boot camps opening up here in Australia who are following the United States and moving them indoors but let's face it we live on the Gold Coast who wants to train cooped up in some hall where the surface is hard on your legs, its hot, stuffy and offers no scenery whatsoever.

If you want to train indoors there are great fitness centers you can join and they often offer Boot camp classes included in their memberships.

If you are with the rest of us and love the outdoors expect to spend about a hour being challenged in a group setting of up to about 20 others. During a general boot camp session expect to be worked in both cardiovascular as well as through strength and resistance training this generally involves the use of body weight for resistance as well as using light dumbbells.

A good boot camp will start you off with a mild warm-up and progress on with strength resistance type training including using dumbbells, exercise bands, medicine balls or the resistance of your own body weight; this should always be done early on in the program to get the maximum benefit. If you start with high intensity aerobic exercise you will become tired and won't be able to perform the strength moves with correct form and this can and does lead to injury. You'll also work on flexibility in a stretch portion of the class; this is usually done at the end in conjunction with abdominal work and may incorporate elements of Yoga or Pilates depending on your trainer's qualifications.

To find a great boot camp you will need to try a few out most will offer from one session free up to one week free to see what they have to offer.

When you head along to trial your session keep in mind the points we have listed below. Boot camps should be training you both in strength and cardiovascular fitness as well as keeping you motivated and feeling a part of the team even if it is your first day. When trialing your boot camp keep in mind these things and try out a few before you commit.

1. Welcome -You should feel welcome and safe and part of a team at all times. While at feeling challenged mentally as well as physically.

2. Variety - There should be a mix of high intensity cardio and resistance training to strengthen all major muscle groups and the cardiovascular system.

3. Base Strength - After Boot camp, you should feel as if your entire body has been worked and you feel energized and ready to take on the day.

4. Motivation - A high intensity Boot camp should keep you motivated throughout the session this not only helps with the physical but also helps your mindset, which benefits in all areas leaving your session with added confidence

5. Weight Loss - Not all Boot camps cover our dietary habits but if you are serious in losing weight look for one that offers an added weight management program or offers dietary advice in the program. The weight loss that you experience during and after training will remind you of what you're training for and keep you motivated.

6. Habit Forming - Many fitness sessions are held first thing in the morning. The early start time may seem daunting at first if you're not used to it, but after two weeks, you may prefer to work out in the morning and keep exercise in your daily routine.

Keeping these few points in mind will help you to make the right choice but remember it starts and ends with you so Work hard and have Fun!!

Charlotte Parker

Certified Personal Trainer

Charlotte Parker Certified Personal Trainer. author and motivational speaker, founder of Butterfly bootcamp ladies Outdoor Personal training for information on any of our camps go to boot camp gold coast