Saturday, March 22, 2014

Starting Yoga Classes

The Beginning

Today the popularity of the Indian Religious practice of yoga has become a well-known thing. It started in Asia and has now become something that has reached the United Stated and Europe. The British Wheel of Yoga is an example of a solid foundation that has become the governing force for yoga and has been around for at least forty years. As of right now, this organization has over eleven other venues that are in addition to the yoga instruction.

On of the driving forces to the British Wheel of Yoga is the instruction of yoga. It provides a broad field that will allow the user of any place to learn the poses and the religion behind it. This organization has been routine in their ability to teach learning in the old religion regimen that goes along with the qualities of a professional. They also teach children and are adamant in making sure that they are not abused.

Course Of Study

The classes for yoga that the British Wheel of Yoga (BWY) offers are:

1. Classes in the foundation of yoga

2. Classes for a diploma to teachers

3. Involvement classes for yoga instructors

4. Training for the services of yoga students

5. Continuing education for teaching diplomas

6. Special needs training

7. Classes for the foundation of those that are tutoring

8. Classes for the ones who hold a diploma who are interested in tutoring others.

The classes for foundations are between two types and can be finished within 60 hours for each one. These classes are necessary for teaching the deep meanings in the old religion of yoga. They also include the study of Ashtanga that involves the use of eight limbs. They are known as the yama, the niyama, the pranayama, the asana, the pratyahara, the dyyana, the dharanr, and the Samadhi. The background of the old religious regimen will also be addressed along with the many outlets and organizations.

The training for the diploma for anyone interested in teaching can be completed within a 500-hour course and is the same as finishing a two or 4-year certification. This will teach students to find the anatomy and physiology of the old spiritual regimen and will give them a routine for learning the medical ailments involved. Before you can begin this training, you have to have been doing the yoga yourself for about two years.

The course for the yoga teacher [] that will give the person who has a certification a way to become a member of the BWY. This course is designed to give those who have already studied a way to learn more within the next year. Changes are no being made to initiate a pilot program within the 2008 year.

If you are interested in this organization, you can go on the internet to and search around for all the class information.

You can also find more info on Yoga Pants [] and Yoga Supplies [] is a comprehensive resource to know about Yoga and its importance.

Yoga and Contortionism

A student once asked me about the contortionists from Cirque du Soleil doing a pose called Scorpion. The question was whether anyone's back should be capable of doing this pose, or do the contortionists have some different joint in their spine that allows them to do this?

Contortionism is different from yoga--in contortionism, the aim is the posture, while in yoga, the aim is the effect that the posture has on our mind and nervous system to effect a deeper connection with our spirit. I encourage you to be completely unconcerned with attainment of postures, for that concern is not about yoga, it is about the ego.

Having said that, yes, practically all healthy backs should be able to do deep backbends such as the Scorpion. Cirque du Soleil performers often come to my classes, so I know their bodies well. Their spines are strong and healthy (with no different joints), except for the occasional contortionist who may have pushed too hard and had hairline fractures in the spine. In fact, my own teacher, the great B.K.S. Iyengar was extremely stiff in the spine when he started the practice of yoga.

Having worked with tens of thousands of students, I can safely say that, with practice, even the stiffest spines can change and become more supple. Please do note that it requires hard work under the trained eye of an expert teacher, but it can be done. Also remember that there is no need to do the advanced poses unless the body leads you to them. The reason to try advanced poses is that, as the body gets more supple with the practice, it needs deeper and deeper work to get results. You and your teacher will begin to sense the cues about when to go deeper as your practice progresses.

My suggestion is to "go for the pose" only if you are ready, your teacher is extremely knowledgeable, and your teacher has done the pose personally. If your teacher has practiced and refined the pose, she is more likely to know the ins and outs of the methodology. Please also realize that some spines may not be ready to do advanced backbends such as Scorpion despite years of preparation. Again, patience and detachment must be cultivated as part of the yoga practice, rather than setting goals of "getting there."

?2008 Aadil Palkhivala

Aadil is the author of "Fire of Love", a book for Teachers of Yoga and Students of Life.

To buy a copy- click on this link:

Speed, Agility and Balance - Add Them to Your Training Session

You are looking to take your training sessions to the next level? But are not sure what that means for you. There are a variety of training methods that you can easily incorporate into your training sessions that will help you with speed, agility and balance. These are all crucial for any athlete and will certainly help you elevate both your cardio and strength training - making you a better overall athlete.

Gaining speed, agility and balance will greatly assist you in activities such as running, but can also help you if you play hockey, football and even golf.

Including balance exercises into your routine is a very smart move. Every activity and exercise starts with balance and will be all that more effective if you can do the poses well and maintain them. Balancing exercises are easily done on your own or through classes such as Yoga and Pilates. In Yoga, the focus of many of the poses is to work on concentration in balancing your body and staying balanced (stability and stamina) in that balanced pose without falling - staying entirely in the moment and being present, while asking your body to perform an athletic movement.

Pilates will help you with your core muscles. The core muscles are responsible for everything from your posture to how you run and walk. Unfortunately, for many of us, these muscles are badly under utilized and are not tone and firm. This is also way many of us suffer from lower back pain - as our muscles in our core are not strong enough - we then rely on the muscles of the lower back to "bail" us out - increasing our lower back pain. Working on stabilizing and toning the core muscles will help you stand more erect as well as help you get through your training sessions in a much healthier and safer way.

Increasing our speed is also another facet of training that can be focused on. Speed is not only about getting there faster, but also about how to get there in a smarter and more productive way. Speed training is about working on resistance and stamina, its about pacing and planning and its about focusing and living in the moment and knowing exactly where you need to go and how you need to get there.

Finally, agility training is about being able to control your body at a moment's notice without losing focus, speed and commitment. Agility is about knowing exactly where you are at all times and being skillful and ready enough to change direction at a drop of a hat. Agility is anticipating the next move and your competitor's next move and it is about being in touch with your own body.

Training is about challenges and thinking outside the box. Challenge yourself!

Tina Avon

California Yoga Certification

California is a wonderful place for yoga certification. It's laid back and health-conscious nature makes for very profitable yoga instructors. If you are interested in cashing in on the west coast mind-set, consider getting your California yoga certification. With the right certification class, you'll be spending time doing what you love while setting up your future the right way.

Getting your training certification is the first step to a better life. Your dead end job will soon be a distant memory! Rather than wasting away at a desk all day, you could be earning a great living in your own yoga studio, setting your own ours and spending your day with great people who share your interests. California yoga certification can make it happen!

There is much variety in the yoga field. When you get your California yoga certification, you can choose from many types of yoga instruction. From power yoga to hatha yoga to bikram yoga, you'll never be confined to one daily task again! Yoga teacher training is easier than you think. Even if you are not the studying type, your yoga dreams are still attainable. California yoga certification can be very flexible, so you are able to learn on your own time. And don't think you'll be hitting the books. The yoga mat is where you belong now!

The benefits of yoga are many. But did you know it can also benefit your life in a bigger way? Whether you're a young person looking for a fun, yet rewarding, career or someone looking to make a major career change, there is a place for you in the yoga instructor field. You owe it to yourself to get your California yoga certification!

Yoga is a great way to strengthen your mind and body and get in shape as well as a great way to unwind after a long day. Whatever your male and female yoga wear needs, we have the information and resources to point you in the right direction. We have yoga music, mats, clothes, pants, videos and journals as well as information on the different styles of yoga, postures and the history of yoga. If you are interested in becoming a yoga teacher learn more about yoga instructor certification courses in your city or state.

Why We Need Resistance Training

An increasing number of individuals are looking to exercise to improve their health instead of just decreasing their jean sizes and this is of course a positive shift. You do not have to be over weight or obese to be unhealthy or at risk for disease. Risk factors do indeed increase as we age but many are largely avoidable with a change in life style which must include regular physical activity and exercise.

Our bones become much more important to use as we age but unfortunately this means that they have most likely been neglected for a couple decades. The good news is it is never to late to get back on track. After our bones reach their maximum mass in our twenties they begin to naturally lose mass. This happens for various reasons, including declining hormones (estrogen and testosterone), medication, thyroid imbalances, kidney disease, smoking but most importantly from lack of use.

Bones experience atrophy just as muscles do. Bone structure and formation is somewhat detailed. In simplified terms; there are two types of cells responsible for bone care; osteoblasts build bone and osteoclasts reabsorb bone. This is a constant cycle which is dependant to a large degree on the bodies needs and its resources. For instance if we are not using or challenging our bones and the nutrients retrieved from bone absorption are needed else where that is where they will go. The body always prioritizes by need or demand. Therefore if we are not using our bones coupled with lack of necessary nutrients, diseases such as osteoporosis will be hiding around the corner.

Physical activity which include weight bearing and stress on the bones is a must. This is an area of exercise that seems to cause many people confusion, resistance training does not mean that you have to spend hours in the gym pumping iron. If you enjoy lifting weights then by all means go for it, however if you would like more variety than there are many options.

Resistance training is really any activity that causes stress on your bones, either by working muscles or by bearing weight. You can use hand weights, exercise ball, resistance bands, or your own body weight. Movements such as leg lunges, push ups and sit ups are all resistance training, as well, activities such as pilates, yoga, or chi gong. Go out and run around a tennis or ratchet ball court and see if you have sore muscles that you did not even know existed, these are good activities because they provide cardio and resistance training all in one. Another work out may include a brisk walk while wearing a weighted vest and pumping your arms.

Additionally individuals who take care of their bones are much more likely to live a more fulfilling and independent life as they age and become elderly. Strength training leads to healthier and stronger bones but also greater balance there by decreasing the likelihood of having serious falls that can lead to disability.

The point is resistance training does not have to be expensive, time consuming or a chore. Do activities that you find enjoyment in, continue to mix it up, and most importantly make a part of your daily routine.

Looking for fitness tips, information, and program reviews visit:

Yoga Teacher Training

If you have caught the yoga bug, you may want to look into yoga teacher training. You only have to have a love of yoga and a desire to participate to start off in a yoga teacher training program. A good program will offer more than just a textbook and memorization exercises. A full body and mind immersion should be included.

Look for a yoga teacher training program that feels like a natural fit for you. Do they practice the type of yoga that you are interested in? Since there are so many types of specialized yoga techniques, see which one your training program offers. You'll also want to see how much the training costs. If that's a consideration for you, work within your budget. You should be able to find a program in every price range.

A good yoga teacher is healthy in mind and body. She or he looks for ways to help people become their best self. You don't have to have any formal educational background to become a yoga teacher. You just need to have a passion for spending time instructing people in this age old art form.

If you are living a lifestyle that meshes well with the yoga lifestyle, you are an ideal candidate. Yoga teachers should aim for optimal health and well-being so they can help others achieve these goals as well. People who go into the field of yoga instruction immerse themselves in every aspect of yoga. There needs to be a balance between knowledge, a joy for yoga and a commitment to the practice.

Not only will you spend hours in your training on the yoga mat, but also in the classroom. Most certification courses require 200 hours of training. You'll need to know about exercise physiology as well as all the specific postures and poses. You'll need to combine an understanding of art and science. You'll need to be well versed in anatomy, psychology and philosophy. It's a comprehensive approach that requires intensive concentrated coursework.

If you feel you are ready to begin yoga teacher certification, start searching for a program that fits your needs both geographically and financially. You can find them in most states and at all different price ranges. Look for their certification alliance. Are they registered with the Yoga Alliance? This is the standard certification bureau for the yoga industry. So choose a program that will graduate you with a fully certified Yoga Alliance compliant certificate.

Alexander Sutton applies his direct experience and knowledge of the industry to help people enjoy the best values possible. For more information, please visit Yoga Teacher Training Program.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Reducing Stress in the Workplace

Dealing with a stressful situation is never a happy experience for anyone. Work related issues are usually the culprit of most people's stress. Holding onto stress can be very dangerous to your health if you don't take the time to relax. A stressed out worker will suffer from a lot of health problems if he does not take the time to de-stress. Being consumed by their stressful situation could unintentionally cause them injure themselves or others around them. Below are some tips to avoid stress in the workplace. These tips are outlined by health and safety training experts to reduce injuries and health problems among workers.

Time is the biggest factor for stress related issues. Whether it's a deadline that you are trying to meet or too many tasks to finish in one day you have to manage your time to reduce your stress. Plan out your day and the tasks ahead of you and follow through with it. Don't take on too many tasks if there is not enough time in your day. Doing so can lead to sloppy work or injury because you are trying to multi task. Multi tasking is recommended when you are capable of handling a couple of tasks at once. Health and Safety Training will teach workers essential time management skills to reduce the level of stress in their lives.

Eat healthy and make sure you get enough hours of sleep. Not keeping a proper diet will make you sluggish and will prevent you from having enough energy to complete your work throughout the day. Having your 3 square meals during the day will keep you alert and prevent you from falling sick from ailments such as the common cold or flu. In 1985, General Motors Corporation developed a diet for their employees to follow in order to generate well being and good health. This diet was designed to detoxify the body and to shed extra weight. This diet is followed and recommended by many health and safety training experts even today. Health and safety training will encourage workers to maintain a healthy diet and exercise regularly so that they can keep up with their work load on a daily basis.

Many companies will provide gym facilities, yoga and meditation classes to make sure their workers are taking care of their bodies. Health and safety training guidelines suggest that if a worker is tense and stressed out the best thing to do is to talk a walk. Sometimes stepping away from the problem will help you refocus and clear your head to be able to solve it. Breathing through your nose will help you stay calm and in control while dealing with a tense situation in the workplace. Now that you have armed yourself with some of the basic health and safety training tips to de-stress, you can share this information with others. The best way for all the workers in your company to benefit from this information is to start conducting health and safety training.

Important issues such as fire safety, electrical safety, chemical spills, manual handling, and hygiene are covered during Health and Safety Training. Safety DVDs, trainer guides, safety booklets, and safety awareness software programs can help share crucial information in an efficient and effective manner. These safety training tools will make learning fun and help workers to easily absorb the information.

Safety Media is the UK's leading Health and Safety Training provider. Their range of products and services include online safety training software, manual handling DVDs, ergonomic equipment, safety posters, first aid equipment, safety booklets, safety and hazard signs, and much more. For more information and details on how to make your workplace a safer environment visit

Yoga Positions to Help Fertility

A lot of things may affect your fertility including stress and emotional rigors. To help combat the effects of stress on fertility, certain yoga positions have been used to promote relaxation and relieve stress. Of course, yoga is not a magical fix for infertility. There is a long list of possible causes of infertility and those experiencing this condition are encouraged to discuss all of its possible causes with a doctor. Infertile couples may be put through a host of tests, examinations and are usually asked a lot of questions to help pinpoint the cause of their infertility.

The desire to have a baby often contributes to the stress experienced when trying to conceive. This desire is so great for some men and women that it can actually make conception more difficult. There is not a great deal of data on the subject and more research is still being conducted, but many experts in the field believe that simply taking it easy and reducing one's stress levels can go a long way.

How Yoga can be used in Fertility

Yoga is used by a lot of men and women to relax and improve flexibility and it may be helpful in promoting fertility. Certain positions are referred to as fertility poses because they are thought to help fertility. These poses may be helpful in stimulating hormone production, promoting body rejuvenation and increasing blood flow to reproductive organs.

Supported headstand and bridge pose are thought to stimulate hormone production. To rejuvenate the body, try child's pose, seated forward bend and cobbler's pose. Stimulate and relax and abdominal and reproductive regions with reclining broad angle pose, lotus pose and reclining hero pose. A yoga instructor, especially one who is specially trained in yoga positions to improve fertility, may offer further guidance in this department.

Yoga is not easy at first and some of the positions are a bit difficult when you're first getting started. Using a towel or pillow may help you achieve some of these positions at first if you cannot achieve them without assistance. Of course, a trained instructor should be consulted for tips on how to best perform these poses, especially if you are having difficulty.

Simply eliminating stressors and taking time to relax in some way may go a long way in achieving conception. However, with so many possible causes of infertility, infertile couples are encouraged to consult a physician.

Find out more about Yoga and Fertility, positions, and more pertinent information for a healthy balance between your mind and body before pregnancy and after. Improve your chances of a healthy birth, make an appointment with in Boston, MA.

The Personal Trainer Shapes Personalities Too!

Good Health is a blessing! Maintaining good health is our prerogative. The first step to good health is an effective exercise routine and balanced diet. Joining the local gym is a good way to begin the exercise routine. But what if an expert could study, analyze, design an exercise schedule, hold you accountable to your workout regime and also draw-up a food schedule to complement it? Could this not optimize a workout? Does it sound too good to be true? Yes, this is what a professional personal trainer does!

Trainers can be found easily at the local gym, sports hostel or in your peer group. There are several kinds of trainers and one can choose the type of trainer according to one's requirements. One option is that of an online trainer. But the online trainer has a major disadvantage. The online trainer is not able to see what you are doing and is able to answer only doubts that you ask. Though the online trainer's services are available at one-fourth the price of a personal trainer, it leaves a lot to be desired. With online training wrong techniques could be performed, faulty or partial information could be transmit and wrong interpretation of instructions leads to unforeseen long term damage to the body.

A certified trainer, when appointed, first gathers information from you. Your personal eating habits, your lifestyle, the nature of work you do and the time that can be dedicated for exercising. If you have consulted a doctor before do update the trainer if there are exercises or motions that you should not do. The trainer would then design exercise routines customizing it for you. Based on your gender, age, height, weight and general mobility he would prescribe exercises of different levels of difficulty.

A general exercise routine of about an hour would be designed in the following stages. First, a general work-out that would focus on warming-up and loosening the body muscles that would be done for about 10 minutes. Next, techniques that would focus on any particular part of the body that needs to be shaped. He could adopt different forms of training like aerobics, gym equipment or calisthenics or improvised forms of yoga depending on your flexibility, to achieve maximum burning of calories and toning of muscles. Third, he would conduct a 10-15 minute cool-off exercise routine to bring the adrenaline charged body to room temperature.

The insight with which the certified personal trainer is able to design a routine and then motivate you to execute it is something that is intrinsic to human nature and the missing factor in an online trainer routine. The unique bond that develops between the two is something akin to a mentor and his prodigy. Here the trainer always focuses on the wholesome development of you. He recognizes the physical limitations of your body but at the same time does not allow you to submit to it. He goads you, inspires you and encourages you to do that one more push-up for one last time to achieve the number of push-ups he has calculated for you to do.

The trainer adds that new dimension to your personality. He motivates you when you have given up. He celebrates with you when you achieve the set target of exercises. Makes you work-out physically to drive those moments of self-doubt, anxiety, stress or sadness that pass over you. He leads you through a metamorphosis that not only changes your body but the soul too! You become a changed personality thanks to the dedication of a personal trainer!

Dan Clay is the owner of Dangerously Fit Personal Training. If you would like to book free personal training in Sydney or a consultation visit fitness Sydney.

Singing Exercises - Things To Look At

When perfecting your singing technique there is many directions one can go. You can put your attention on increasing your vocal range, focus on breathing and posture to lessen the tension, or try to develop a tone, pitch and tune.

What should you include into your singing routine to make sure you cover all the basics?

- Breathing exercises to develop breathing control,
- Posture control and relaxing technique,
- Vocal warm up exercises like 'lip roll' and humming,
- Tune training focuses on singing in key,
- Vocal vibrato exercises that model your voice,
- Scales to improve precision of hitting the right notes,
- Range increasing techniques,
- Performance exercises in conveying emotions,
- Volume and vocal resonance control method,
- Time signatures and rhythm methods,
- Voice releasing and larynx control,
- Ear training and pitching exercises,
- Multi style approach,|
- Pronunciation and face stretching,
- Rehearsing lyrics.

Everything starts with breathing, some singers say it's more beneficial for starters to pay for yoga classes than a vocal coach in order to learn correct breathing. The sounds are born from air vibrations, the more you control the air the better your voice becomes. Deep breathing exercises can feel uncomfortable in the beginning but with practice they become your second nature.

Proper training and attention to details can cut you progress time in half. It also helps to decide what style of singing you want to focus on. There is a big difference in training routines between soloists and band singers or choir singers.

When you decide you will adopt your vocal training routine to your chosen style. Of course mix various genres into your training and try to make it as fun as possible. Record the songs you sing and listen to see where you need to improve.

All of those things are necessary to find or create your own unique voice. You should stick to the style that you feel most comfortable in so you don't strain your voice or sound weird and artificial. Singing really should not be a hard work.

To make the most of your voice you need to exercise daily, it doesn't have to be a long session, the frequency is more important. Also make sure your general fitness level is good and there's no infections.

Even in your singing classes always imagine you stand in front of your audience be it audition or concert, this will help you focus. You can also try to imagine yourself from their point of view.

It's good to remember that not only your voice is singing, your whole body is working to produce the sound in one way or another. If you learn to sing holistically your tone will naturally evolve and will acquire vocal power and dynamics.

With careful and systematic practice you will develop your voice to its full potential in a short time and it will become even better with age and experience. But you must remember your voice is a living thing and has to be taken care of.

If you are looking for online singing lessons you can consider this free newsletter at

Physical Fitness Trainers Have Excellent Job Prospects

Are you physically active? Do you love to play sports and exercise? Do you work out every day at your local health club? Is diet and good nutrition important to you? Then you may want to consider a career as a physical fitness trainer.

Fitness trainers combine their love of physical fitness with the desire to help others to lead healthier lives. Fitness workers instruct and motivate individuals or groups in exercise activities. They should be both knowledgeable and outgoing, and enjoy working with people.

Places where fitness trainers work include health clubs, resorts, hospitals, yoga and Pilates studios, country clubs, universities, and even private homes. Fitness trainers are increasingly employed by businesses, where they organize and lead health and fitness programs for a company's employees.

Many fitness trainers specialize in their professional approach. Personal trainers work individually with clients, either in the client's home or in a gym. They provide a high level of personal service, and can customize the program to meet the needs of the individual client.

Group exercise instructors conduct group exercise sessions in a health club, business, or resort. They must tailor their programs to provide a challenge for advanced students while not discouraging beginners. Group programs may include yoga, Pilates, aerobics, calisthenics, weight-loss exercise, or dancing.

Fitness directors have administrative duties and manage the activities of a health club or fitness center. They may be responsible for creating and overseeing programs, selecting fitness equipment, coordinating personal training and group exercise programs, and the hiring of fitness instructors.

Fitness personalities "brand" themselves by creating and selling prepackaged fitness video tapes, DVDs, and books, or by appearing on television. In this way they can effectively reach a wide audience and develop a market for their individual approach to fitness training. Successful fitness personalities include Richard Simmons, Jane Fonda, Denise Austin, Jillian Michaels, and Scott White.

Certification is generally required in the fitness industry to gain employment. There are many organizations that offer certification, and most reputable certifying groups are accredited by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies.

A bachelor's degree in physical education, exercise science, kinesiology, or a related area, plus experience, is usually required to advance to management positions in a fitness center or health club. Managerial skills are also needed to advance to supervisory or managerial positions, and college-level courses in business administration, management, accounting, or personnel management may be necessary to gain additional skills.

Job prospects are good! According to the U.S. Government's Bureau of Labor Statistics, "employment of fitness workers is expected to increase 29 percent over the 2008-2018 decade, much faster than the average for all occupations." Fitness workers are expected to have good opportunities because of rapid growth in fitness facilities, health clubs, and other venues dedicated to providing fitness services. The market conditions that are driving the growth of the fitness industry include aging baby boomers who need to stay fit, the rise in obesity rates, and the growth in urban and suburban health clubs for both men and women.

Check out the career schools on a reputable education directory. You're sure to find one that offers health and business courses that are helpful to building a career in physical fitness. Compare programs and features including financial aid and career services. Then contact the schools that offer what you want. As an increasing number of people spend time and money on fitness, and more businesses recognize the benefits of health and fitness programs for their employees, training for a career in fitness may be a smart choice.

Thinking about beginning a new career as a fitness trainer? To make the best decision, you need the right information. Log onto and compare colleges. Get information about career training programs, degrees, online education, financial aid opportunities, job placement services, and much more.

Pregnancy Massage - Relieving the Discomfort of Pregnancy

Pregnancy massage has been practiced over the centuries, but it is only know that most people are realizing its many benefits. It is not very different from traditional massage but there are certain things that one has to know - particularly what to avoid - in the art of pregnancy massage.

Also called pre-natal massage, this therapeutic treatment has been designed to reduce stress and decrease the swelling in the extremities which is often experienced by women in the later stages of pregnancy.

Pregnancy massage also relieves aches and pains in the joints and the muscles. As a woman's becomes heavier each month, the strain on her muscles and joints become greater, and to be able to go about her daily chores, it would be extremely beneficial.

Moreover, when the body is relaxed, labor and the birthing process could be easier as the tissues become more pliable. There could be less pain during delivery and the duration of labor could become shorter as well. It is also said that a good procedure reduces depression and anxiety.

How is it different?

Pregnancy massage centers [] use special tables which are designed to protect the pregnant woman's womb. There are special pillows that are properly positioned to ensure that the woman is in a comfortable position.

In addition, regular techniques like deep tissue work cannot be used. As well, certain parts of the body cannot be kneaded to ensure the baby's safety.

Where can you get a pregnancy massage?

Since this type of massage requires special training, you should look for a message therapist specializing in this technique. Just surf online and look for a pregnancy specialist near your area. Make sure that the staff is fully licensed and certified in pregnancy massage.

How safe is it?

Consult with certified professionals only to make sure that you and your baby will be safe during the massage. Keep in mind that it is not recommended if you are still in your first trimester or the early stages of your pregnancy. Women who have certain health conditions may also be disallowed from having a pregnancy massage.

Consult with your doctor to know if you can undergo such therapy. Alternatively, you can ask your partner at home to give you simple massages on the arms and the legs or soothing massages on the head to relieve you of daily stress and fatigue.

You can also find more info on pregnancy and pregnancy is a comprehensive resource to know more about pregnancy.

The Purpose of Yoga - Affirmations for Self-Worth

Yoga offers many methods for increasing self-worth. Feeling worthy is a daily struggle for most people. Affirmations are much like Japa - in that they should be repeated mentally throughout the day. This can also stop the obnoxious craving many of us have for constant praise. Many people like to talk about themselves, but the true motive behind this is to seek outside approval.

It is only human to desire outside approval and to be liked by others. Yet, the foundation of self-worth comes from within. It does not matter how many pairs of shoes you buy, how many trips you make to the hair salon, or how many wardrobes you own; self-confidence will not permanently adhere to your personality by material acquisition.

The Yogic method of affirmation is based upon the ability to change you from within. This is perhaps the oldest and best method for building self-confidence. What's more, you will not appear obnoxious or vain, by talking about yourself all the time. Due to the surplus of positive energy that affirmations create, you could even encourage people around you, with genuine compliments.

Observe what happens next. When you give heartfelt affirmations to others, they also come back to you. This should not be your primary reason for complimenting others, but praising others often has a "boomerang effect."

Here is a sample affirmation for self-confidence: "When I believe in myself, others will follow my lead." Affirmations do not have to be long, and should be kept simple. Just like Mantra or Japa in Yoga practice - affirmations should be easy to remember.

You should mentally recite your personal affirmation throughout the day. The Yogic approach to affirmations is an extremely valuable form of positive reinforcement. Self-esteem must be cultivated from within, in order to affix itself to your personality.

© Copyright 2007 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of Yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. He has been a certified Master Yoga Teacher since 1995. To receive a Free Yoga e-Book: "Yoga in Practice," and a Free Yoga Newsletter, please visit:

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Why Are There Different Styles Of Thai Massage?

There is Thai Massage. But this by itself is not sufficient to clarify what we are talking about. It is somewhat like saying "There is Christianity". Well - are you talking about Catholics, Protestants, Mormons, Born Agains... It is similar with Thai Massage. There is a northern style, a southern style, a royal style, the strictly traditional style and a whole number of styles that have been mixed with other Asian healing arts or with yoga therapy or energy work.

Why are there so many different Thai Massage styles? Why not just one? There is the saying "variety is the spice of life", and this is very true. Imagine if there was only one car, or one mobile phone - wouldn't you agree that it is much more fun if you have many choices? Just like you can match a car to your preferences, so can you match a massage style to your body and your likes.

Some people like strong massage, some soft, some like stretching, some prefer oil massage, and some love rocking massage. And then some people love foot work, some love abdominal work, others love head massage. I think I made my case why it is an advantage to have many massage styles and variations.

Here is another good reason. Once a therapist becomes seasoned and experienced, he or she does not want to just follow the routine which they learned in massage school. Massage is a creative, intuitive, graceful, flowing art, not a mechanical system of pressing or rubbing on predetermined points. Therefore it is natural that therapists express their creativity by developing their own styles.

This leads to an ever developing evolution of massage techniques. Without that there would be no growth, no spontaneity, no improvement. Of course there are traditionalists who believe that everything should be done like it has been done for hundreds or thousands of years. And that can also be a good thing. In this way a core style can be preserved and maintained as a bench mark against which newer styles can be measured. And some traditional systems are very good the way they are.

At some point every single massage system has been invented and developed by someone. And those persons were innovators. Innovators create, and traditionalists maintain. There is a place for both. The world would be a boring place without innovation, new creative ideas, and new styles and techniques in the massage and healing arts arena or any other field.

Thai Massage is often not practiced the same way in western countries as it is done in Thailand. The reason for that is that western therapists, unlike their Thai counterparts, have much more access and exposure to other massage styles. Therefore there is always a tendency to mix and blend and combine techniques. Therapists in Thailand have generally never been exposed to anything but the traditional way of working, and therefore you don't find much blending and changing in Thailand.

Also western therapists have often started out learning massage, and mostly Swedish massage, on a table. Therefore many of them have adapted Thai Massage to the table which of course changes it somewhat, and many blend Thai Massage with Swedish massage.

Personally I have studied Thai Massage in Thailand with several excellent and well known teachers. They all had their own style and their own unique techniques. And that is without blending Thai Massage with any other modalities.

So what style should you choose as an aspiring Thai Massage practitioner? This depends on 4 factors mostly:

1. What style do you most enjoy receiving? You will do best giving what you like to receive.

2. Which teacher do you resonate with? You will be most inspired if your teacher can bring the technique alive for you.

3. Which style works for you and your body? For example, if you study a very rigid style which relies on a lot of thumb pressure work, but your thumbs cannot handle it, then this is not the best choice for you. You will do better with a softer style. Or if you study a style which uses a lot of difficult stretches, but you are 5 foot tall, then this might be difficult for you. So make sure that you study a style that works for your body.

4. What is your objective? Do you just want to learn a few good moves to spice up your main style? Or do you want to learn and practice Thai Massage as a complete system? In the latter case it is much more important that you pick a style that suits you.

The best way to find out what works for you is to receive Thai Massage sessions from a variety of practitioners. In addition to getting general full body treatments, ask for specific therapeutic work and get a feeling for how they are being handled by various therapists.

Download your free six part Thai Massage video course.

Shama Kern lives in Thailand. He has been educating hundreds of students in the art of Thai Massage and other Asian healing therapies for over 12 years through live courses and video training programs. He has created a major educational Thai Massage website which offers several massage home study courses, a very comprehensive free article and video section and an interactive forum.

Ironman Training - Should You Stretch?

Stretching Is one of those grey areas that nobody seems to really understand. Sometimes I watch people stretching just before a race and you can just tell they are going through the motions--unsure exactly what it is they're doing.

I tried the stretching thing for a year or so and came to the conclusion that for me it was a waste of time. Actually more to the point, it did more harm than good. I injured myself twice while stretching and ended up missing training time.

There's really enough preparation work for an Ironman hopeful to do and I think you can forego the stretching routine. I think stretching might be a good thing if it were done every day, but ultimately that just doesn't happen. I watch young kids in swim clubs who stretch every day for quite a long time and that makes sense. Their bodies are used to it and it is part of their everyday routine.

It makes more sense to me to swim, bike or run slowly at the beginning of a training session for at least 10-15 minutes and let your muscles stretch out naturally by doing exactly what they will be doing in a few minutes at a faster pace.

That is my advice to you. If you stretch now and have a regular program and it works for you, then you should stick with it. Otherwise I wouldn't even start. Better yet, consider taking part in a Yoga program and learn all about stretching from an expert.

If you enjoyed my article than you will "love" my Ironstruck website that is full of inspiration and training tips for the beginner triathlete/novice ironman. come for a visit......

Visit My Ironstruck bookstore and have a look at my tri books...Ironstruck...The Ironman Triathlon Journey" Ironstruck? 500 Ironman Triathlon Questions and Answers, And my Latest "Triathlete In Transition"

Yoga Teacher Training: Becoming a Yoga Teacher after 40

There are so many Yoga students over 40 years of age, who desire a knowledgeable, mature, and careful Yoga teacher. Many beginner Yoga students are 40 years of age or more. In my Chair Yoga classes, many new Yoga students are over 65.

How is it possible that a veteran student with decades of experience and practice cannot see his or her self-worth, as a Yoga teacher? Where does this self-doubt originate from? Could a young Yoga teacher graduate understand the pains, aches, medical conditions, and limitations of older students?

Quite simply, a Yoga teacher graduate over 40 years of age has the major advantage of life experience. This is not meant to take credit away from young, compassionate, and well-trained Yoga teachers; but how many of them can understand working around physical or mental injuries from experience.

Let's make a comparison of the human body to an automobile. When you are a young driver, you really learn about auto parts the hard way: When they break down and cost you money. Your friends will also tell you about their experiences with auto maintenance. You can sit in a class and learn about auto mechanics to your heart's content, but the lesson is not the same.

Time and experience are an education. Now, your Yoga students are not automobiles, but life's lessons are very valuable when teaching Yoga. Your previous life experience is a treasure when working with your Yoga students.

So, what does hold some experienced Yoga students back from becoming a Yoga teacher? If you have been on this earth for a while, you have experienced more failures than someone who is decades younger. Past failures sit deep in our memory and haunt us - even when we know we should act.

This is a good time to examine your self-worth and realize how often the "skeletons in your closet" are holding you back from taking action. Youthful exuberance is an advantage, when making decisions within a given "window of time. Yet hasty decisions can be avoided, when you research the demand for your Yoga teaching services.

If there is no demand, there is no point in becoming a Yoga teacher, but on further investigation, the demand for experienced teachers, who can teach students over 40 years of age, is quite strong. In Europe and North America, the numbers of people turning 50 years of age, at this moment, is huge.

According to some studies, every seven seconds one American becomes 50 years of age. Robin Kocina, President of Mid-America Events & Expos said, "The 55-plus market is growing six times faster than the rest of the population, and is finally beginning to get the recognition it deserves."

Consider these words by Franklin D. Roosevelt: "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." Never let fear get in the way of a rational and researched decision.

© Copyright 2007 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, is a co-owner and the director of Yoga teacher training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. He has been a certified Master Yoga teacher since 1995. To receive a Free e-Book: "Yoga in Practice," and a Free Yoga Newsletter, please visit:

Strength Training Anatomy - Strenghten Your Core

Core strength training has become a hot topic in the fitness industry recently, and superficial fitness buffs merely assume that it basically means intensive abdominal exercises. However, it isn't just about your abs at all, because other muscles make up your core as well. Aside from your surface and deeper abdominals, these include the muscles on your trunk and torso, namely the cervical or upper region of the spine, the thoracic or middle region of the spine, and lower back, or the lumbar region.

Looking at the location of these muscles, you can tell that core strength training then is to support the spine, shoulders and pelvis by strengthening the surrounding muscles, and to fortify the strength of your mid-section, so that it may lend power to the rest of your body. If you didn't have any strength in these muscles then you probably couldn't even stand. Strong pelvis muscles helps to strengthen your legs. Strengthening the shoulder frame will give power to your arms. Supporting the spine will keep everything all under control.

Having good core strength helps prevent you from being injured as well as giving you more control of your physical actions and better balance. One such injury that core strength training is employed for is when you have a susceptible lower back. Lower back pain is not limited to athletes and fitness subscribers, it is a problem among anyone with a weak spine. Some individuals get into core strength training because they initially sought to cure their back pain woes.

Core training exercises are composed of exercises that work these parts of the body. Bridges, or exercises where you brace yourself up from the floor with your elbow and arm facing different positions. The prone bridge develops strength in your trunk and pelvis, the lateral bridge in your abdomen, while the supine bridge, where you prop your hips up diagonally to the floor, anchored by your upper body and feet, develops the gluteal muscles. An exercise called the Plank, or a hovering exercise, is similar to these bridge exercises.

Use Russian Twists to help develop your upper and middle body. For abtomen and muscles in your lumbar region you can use pelvic thrusts. Core strength exercises must successfully not only develop one muscle area, but several simultaneously. Other exercises that strengthen different groups of core muscles are squats, lunges, push ups, lateral pull downs, back extensions, chin ups and different crunches.

Pilates has helped advance core strength training by bringing in more an more alternative exercises. You can train using stability and medicine balls and other products like wobble and balance boards.

Start simple with your core strength training program. Begin with the basics, crunches and push ups. If you'd like to continue a do-it-yourself program, you could also incorporate yoga into your exercise regimen, as you learn balance and centering from yoga and keep you focused on your core, what it is, what it needs.

If you would rather have guidance in core strength training, find a trainer you're comfortable with and willing to figure out an ideal core training program for you. Now that you know what it is, it's much easier to find what you need.

Mary Meade's goal is to offer great tips, advice and info on. To learn more go to strength training anatomy [] and core strength training [].

Maximize Time and Effort - The Effective Approach to Fitness

If you are fitness minded, you probably read the magazines or watch the latest infomercials and follow the trends. Well, some trends are good and others are just a waste of time and money. Yet maximum results with minimal time and expenditure is what most of us are looking for.

If you are new to weight training or fitness enhancement, getting a personal trainer is always a good place to start. They will show you the ropes, give you a program for success, and make sure you know how and why you are doing things.

But be cautious and do some research on the qualifications and philosophy of the trainer you may hire. While there are certainly great benefits to using personal trainers, having one is no guarantee for success. Some are not up on the latest studies and methods, relying on the same old stuff. But a good trainer will use circuit training and cross training for maximum results. Here's how.

How to Maximize

Many trainers and fitness buffs will lift heavy weights then take long rests between sets. The theory is that the heavier the weight, the more muscle bulk will develop. And the longer the rest, the more repair has occurred to muscle tissue, which allows you to lift more in the next few sets. These extra reps and sets are thought to help burn more calories. Sounds good.

The problem is that this old-school method of weight training does not help cardiovascular health. There is very little benefit to lung and heart power. So now you will have to run the treadmill for those results. And this wastes time. And time is money, especially when paying a trainer!

Quality personal trainers will put into practice cutting edge methods of combining cardio, strength and flexibility training into single sessions while keeping the heart rate at optimal levels. I recommend wearing a heart rate monitor during the entire session, even when lifting weights. Why?

Because the best way to maximize time, energy and results is to work muscles, heart rate and lung capacity at the same time. In this way, you are not just resting for a few minutes to be able to do an additional rep of a weight set. On the contrary, it is your personal heart rate that dictates when to rest and when to begin again. And that time changes as your fitness level changes.

The goal of the workout is to give individual muscles a chance to rest while maintaining a consistently high heart rate. You will rest when your heart rate reaches 160 and then start up again when your heart rate drops to 130. (This varies per individual but is a good rule of thumb). This way your heart pumps more blood, you burn more calories through intensity, develop more endurance and leaner muscles.

A Streamlined Approach

When training a client, I will warm them up for 10 minutes on the elliptical cross trainer or stair master. To maximize time (to save them money and get the most out of each minute), I will review their personal nutritional journal with them during this period. We discuss diet, food combining, and ways to streamline their food habits for better results.

Next, I work them out for 45 minutes. To maximize results by controlling time, I pair up a machine and a manual exercise, like leg presses and dumbbell bicep curls. This method allows them to remain close to the machine and not "lose it" when the gym is crowded. I usually will have clients do three sets of each exercise and then move on to something else, like crunches and shoulder presses or leg curls and triceps extensions. In this way, one muscle rests while the other works. More importantly, the one thing that stays consistent during the exercise "switch" is the client's heart rate!

The workout is 55 minutes long. With a heart rate elevated for that period of time through resistance training, you receive cardiovascular benefit, strength, muscular endurance, toning and sculpting. It's also the biggest bang for your buck for anyone paying $65 or more per hour for a trainer.

The last 15 minutes of the session focuses on cooling down while stretching. Keeping muscles lean and limber is a huge part of health and wellness that is often neglected. It shouldn't be.

Equipment Matters Personal training often happens at the gym or in the home. And as a general rule, free weights offer better results than using weight machines. Really, the weight machines are for beginners or those too weak to use anything else. They are like training wheels and hold and guide proper position, without fear of the weights falling on you. But free weights not only increase the strength of the muscle being "worked," they also train other muscles that are used to stabilize the weights while also increasing overall balance and whole-body coordination. Free weights maximize time, effort and results.

For home fitness, the now popular fitness balls and bands can be used. The balls are perfect for strengthening the core muscles, which include the abdominals, obliques, lower back and hips. The bands are good for chest, back and arms. While these strength bands are great for women, they don't generally provide enough resistance for men. Free weights are the best options for men. For women, a small investment in Balls and Bands for home training can reap huge benefits.

Cross Training Is Key

Aside from circuit training, cross training is essential for overall fitness. I generally advise clients not to do the same type of exercise two days in a row, and to always mix things up.

I suggest things like weights and body-weight resistance training one day, biking or running the next day, and Bikram hot yoga or Pilates on another day. The idea is to keep the body guessing by putting the primary strain on different muscles in different ways each training day. These different strains place different emphasis and requirements on the heart, lungs and muscle fibers, as isometric yoga training is different than range of motion weight lifting or martial art training.

In the end, the objective of any fitness program is to maximize effort and results while keeping a lid on time and money. The way to do this is by using a heart rate monitor, not resting between sets, using circuit training and mixing things up with cross training. Good luck

Dennys Passeto has been a certified Personal Trainer and owner of Achieve Fitness since 1998. Achieve Fitness services clients in Maryland, DC and Virginia in their home, work, gym and outdoors. They are the only company who guarantee results. Visit them at for a FREE personal training session.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Yoga Teacher Guidelines for Assisting, Part 2

The best action Yoga teachers can take is to have good liability insurance, know the law, have written and documented guidelines, enforce guidelines for safety's sake, "cover your back," and continue to learn about the laws as they change.

Even if your Yoga teaching career is limited to teaching a few Yoga classes per week, as an independent contractor for a Yoga studio, or the local health club, you still need to establish guidelines. These guidelines become your "company policy," and need to be enforced for student protection and for your livelihood.

Here is a little additional "food for thought." Imagine a new student - arriving late, skipping the warm-up, who didn't sign a release form, and no one had time to explain any precautions to him or her. This student could possibly be pregnant or have a serious medical condition.

Are you just a nice person, giving by nature, or just plain foolish, when it comes to protecting your own interests? The law does not care, and negligence is dealt with quite harshly. One lawsuit is all it will take for most Yoga businesses to permanently close. It does not matter if you win, or lose, if you have to pay an attorney to defend you. The cost of a legal defense is "staggering."

Now let's get back to assisting. As a Yoga teacher, you should also get verbal permission each time you touch a student for a physical assist. So, it is always wise to ask before making an adjustment to an alignment.

Have you ever had an assist that didn't really help much? Assisting Yoga students, into proper alignment, is an art form, and some Yoga teachers are much better at it than others. However, after what you just read, you may also be more cautious with your Yoga students, as well.

Have you ever had a physical assist that hurt you physically or in any way? Some Yoga students have, and this is why Yoga instructors should ask for feedback. Most Yoga teachers do not want to push their students beyond the comfort zone, but may not have the skill for feeling skeletal compression or muscular tightness. On top of this, some Yoga teachers don't know the difference. This is why establishing a track record of continuing education is so important for Yoga teachers.

© Copyright 2006 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard is a co-owner and the director of Yoga teacher training at: Aura Wellness Center, in North Providence, RI. He has been a certified Master Yoga teacher since 1995. He is a master instructor of martial arts, with multiple Black Belts, four martial arts teaching credentials, and was recently inducted into the USA Martial Arts Hall of Fame. He teaches Yoga, martial arts, and fitness to children, adults, and seniors in the greater Providence area. Recently he wrote: Is Running a Yoga Business Right for You? For Yoga students, who may be considering a new career as a Yoga teacher.

Tune Into Yoga Training

Yoga has become one of the most mainstream methods for celebrities and real-life people alike to improve physically and mentally. With yoga training, you can build muscle, lose weight, gain flexibility, increase relaxation, and more! And all at a location near you! All you need for yoga are a pair of yoga mats and yoga pants!

While yoga equipment usually only consists of yoga mats, yoga pants, and perhaps a yoga cd, you need to buy the right type of fabrics for most effective results in your yoga training. Yoga mats exist for the most common of yoga exercises that typically require stretching and a lot of room. Yoga pants can also be found at Lululemon and are conventionally fabricated of form-fitting, stretchy Lycra that allows the yoga student to extend her muscles from position to position without ripping her pants. Finally, a yoga cd can be implemented to play soft classical music or nature sounds - such as a waterfall - to calm the student's mind and allow her to focus on her accuracy and form.

Yoga works, if you correctly accommodate the equipment and their purposes described above to execute professional yoga. As for yoga teacher certification, many can take a course that explains the history of yoga development, the yoga philosophy, and different yoga positions - such as the Downward Dog or Sun Salutation - to qualify for yoga training. Aspiring yoga teachers should also obviously be fit and competent enough to show and teach yoga positions in a yoga class.

Overall, yoga training renders as a guaranteed remedy for the body, mind, and soul. Whether you're a teacher or student, yoga allows you to build muscle in a way where you don't bulk up, but still burn calories and stretch yourself into the long, lean physique you've always desired. Yoga Training

Personal trainer and instructor

Anti-Aging - Enjoying Life

Some people get all too concerned about aging and some to the extent that it becomes and obsession.

What is the net result of this? Well you might look a little younger but you still need to enjoy life along the way.

Most of the ways that you can use to make yourself look younger such as stopping smoking, or limiting your exposure to the sun, or fitness training and maintaining good health and nutrition will not only make you look better but they will also make you feel better and get more out of life.

Your energy levels should increase and you will have more time to do more of the things that you like.

You should enjoy your life all the more while looking better as an added bonus. If you do anything other than in moderation then you will negate the positive effects that are available to you.

Even over training can make you look older and leave you susceptible to injury.

Finding a balance in all that you do will keep you young in mind and body and that is why yoga is so effective at helping you to stay young.

I recall reading a book on a husband and wife team who focused their life on longevity. This book detailed all that they did with their extreme exercise and nutritional regime.

While their steps might (or might not) add to their life expectancy they certainly didn't look very young for their age.

In fact their 'extreme' lifestyle made them look considerably older than the average person of the same age so it just goes to show you that more is not always better when it comes to anti aging programs.

Enjoyment and happiness will show on your face and the more you smile the more beautiful you will become, and besides, smiling does wonders for your face muscles.

Carson Danfield is an "Under the Radar" Internet Entrepreneur who's been quietly selling various products for the last 8 years. Although you've probably never heard of him there's a good chance you've visited his websites in the past and even purchased some of his products.

For lots more unique tips about Anti-Aging, visit the website

Yoga's Formula for Happiness - Self Worth and Purpose

Among its many other valuable treasures, Patanjali's Yoga Sutras mention the principles of Santosha, which can be defined as contentment, happiness, or peace. Sometimes, this seems to be an over simplification of a common pursuit, which humans have sought since the beginning of their existence.

After all, happiness is the goal of all people. Who does not desire to be happy? Most people, who are full of negativity, desire a state of for joy and happiness, even if they do not see how to find it. Where do we find happiness? Should we travel to a distant retreat, shrine, church, mosque, temple, ashram, holy place, or an exotic island, to find happiness?

Yoga teaches us, that a perfect state of balance comes from within. Happiness can be created on the outside, but it will not last. A trophy spouse, big house, fancy car, and electronic toys, seem to bring happiness, but how long will a state of contentment last from the acquisition of possessions?

One of the first steps, toward genuine happiness, is self-worth. To feel worthy of good luck, love of others, and love of God, is a major step toward contentment. Many people feel that they do not deserve to be loved. They have made mistakes, and they do not forgive themselves for the past.

Now, I ask you to consider this: We try our best, but we are not perfect. Do you think our creator does not realize humans are imperfect? Humankind's imperfection is not a big secret. With that said, our mission is to wake up every morning, with anticipation, to do our personal best each day. You cannot help anyone if you feel unworthy, inferior, and a lack of purpose.

Lack of purpose is often a result of negative self-image. If you are physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, in a state of balance, you have healthy self-worth, and you will establish a worthy purpose in life. Purpose gives you a positive sense of direction, which leads to happiness.

© Copyright 2007 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of Yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. He has been a certified Master Yoga Teacher since 1995. To receive a Free Yoga e-Book: "Yoga in Practice," and a Free Yoga Newsletter, please visit:

Become a Yoga Teacher - One Step at a Time

Where, and how, should a student start to consider becoming a Yoga instructor? When choosing to take any path, we should take notice of where we are, the assets we have, and what direction we are traveling in. To intentionally reach any destination, we must develop a plan that helps us make the best use of time.

If you are interested in a course to learn how to teach classes, you need a support system at home or in the place where you train. A teacher, mentor, or a loved one, who is willing to give you honest feedback, is extremely valuable. Let's take a look at some of the other assets and steps that will be useful to you.

Make "sacred" time for thinking, planning, and reflecting. Many of us run from one destination to the next and never take time for ourselves. When a Yoga teacher asks students to be honest, most acknowledge that they spend most of their time working and taking care of their children.

This is understandable, because the average Yoga student is concerned with keeping a family together and holding down a job at the same time. To have the time to spend, practicing Yoga or meditating at home, requires one to be very creative with time management.

Make time for positive affirmations. It is so easy to find someone who tells you, "It can't be done." Too many people fall into the "well beaten path," where creative ideas are tossed into the "scrap yard." Any person, who became successful at anything, can tell you that pessimism is often the driving force behind failure.

We must count our blessings for what we have. If we have the ability to learn, we have the ability to teach. We create our self-image from within. What others say about us can become true if we enable them. If someone says, "You are a success," choose to believe it.

If someone says, "You are a failure," choose to prove them wrong. We only fail when we give up. When we make mistakes, it is time to adjust our plans. Very few inventors created, without making mistakes. The difference between a success and failure is the willingness to keep trying.

Therefore, value your abilities, your loved ones, and your natural talents. Listen to your inner voice. If you have decided to enhance your knowledge, by taking a Yoga teacher training course, what could you lose? Knowledge is power, and it opens many unforeseen gateways to a better quality life.

© Copyright 2009 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of Yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. He has been a certified Master Yoga Teacher since 1995. To receive Free Yoga videos, Podcasts, e-Books, reports, and articles about Yoga, please visit:

10 Simple Ways to Bring Ayurveda Wisdom Into Your Life

"Yoga is not possible for him who eats too much, nor for him who does not eat at all, nor for him who is addicted to too much sleep, nor for him who is ever wakeful." The Bhagavad Gita. Ayurveda science is as old as Vedic tradition itself. The root "Ayu" is ancient Sanskrit for "life" while "veda" implies "knowing." Ayurveda wisdom believes in a progressive approach to total wellbeing, and that adjustments to ones lifestyle create holistic balance. The concept is that all disease begins with an imbalance or stress in the individuals consciousness, emphasizing mind-body-spirit integration that seek to treat the person as a whole.

Self nurturing through diet, herbal remedies including aromas, yoga, meditation, sleep, and breathing, is truly the most natural thing in the world. The purity and the progress of this approach influences the consciousness itself. Ayurveda wisdom believes that the qualities of nature fall into three groups; sattva, rajas, and tamas, and that everything is made up of these groups in different proportions. You are what you eat. You are what you think. Food nourishes the body and the mind. This preventative way of life is becoming more main stream today. Modern science is confirming that you can enhance health and in some cases prevent problems through this simple wisdom of self discipline, patience, and commitment.


1) Clean more than teeth, floss and brush gums and tong.

2) Ease into the day with meditation, connecting to your Higher Power.

3) Have a steady yoga practice, even if that is only five minutes per day.

4) Understand that personal care and hygiene routines restore body and balance mind.

5) Eat slowly and peacefully small amounts of simple lubricating foods to fill half the stomach.

6) Eat the freshest foods possible with little or no cooking.

7) Live in harmony with nature.

8) Be positive and joyful, see the gratitude in everything.

9) Reflect physically and mentally each and every day.

10) Devote time to sleep.


o The Space Element moves in all directions, no beginning or end, associated with hearing.

o The Air Element is essential for life on earth, always in motion, associated with touch.

o The Fire Element represents the energy of the sun, power to transform, associated with sight.

o The Water Element covers two-thirds of the earth's surface and the human body, associated with taste.

o The Earth Element is the source of fertile life, associated with smell. The mother of the world, "Mother Earth."


o Svata, space and air, the force that allows for movement within the body.

o Pitta, fire and water, the force that allows for heat within the body.

o Kapha, water and earth, the force that allows for cohesion within the body.


o Sattva / pure and nourishing. All wholesome and nourishing. The quality of lightness and purity. Try to keep diet and everything else about life as sattvic as possible. (milk, butter, beans, honey, fresh fruit, fresh vegies, grains, pure water)

o Rajas / spicy and stimulating. All stimulate to the nervous system. The quality of overactivity and passion. Try to avoid food, situations, and conditions that are rajasic. (coffee, tea, onions, garlic, eggs, chocolate, refined sugar, white flour, alcohol, tobacco, spicy)

o Tamas / impure heavy and slow. Over ripe and impure foods. The quality of lethargy, inertia, and laziness. Try to avoid food, situations, and conditions that are tamasic. (meat, fish, eggs, mushrooms, vinegar, frozen, canned, over cooked, reheated, drugs, alcohol)

Copyrighted 2008, Marianne Wells LLC, All rights reserved

Marianne Wells, International Yoga Presenter

Specializing in the Yoga Alliance 200 Hour RYT Teacher Training

What is Yoga?

What is Yoga?

Yoga is a science of health and spirituality that originated many thousands of years ago in India. The ancient yogis sought to harmonize the body, mind and soul in an effort to achieve health, long life, and ultimately, enlightenment. Thus, the Sanskrit word yoga means union with or to join. This union with the divine is achieved through the disciplined practice of specific exercises, meditation and breath work.

Yoga is essentially a lifestyle, dealing with all the aspects of our being. The physical postures, or asanas that are widely perceived as yoga, are just one aspect of a very profound science of life. The Eight Limbs of Yoga, articulated by C.E. Patanjali in the Yoga Sutra, describe the eight aspects of a yogic lifestyle. These aspects guide the yogi on a path self-development to harmonize the body, mind and spirit and attain enlightenment.

The Eight Limbs of Yoga

The first limb, yama, focuses on one's behavior in the world and attitude towards those around him or her. The five yamas are: ahimsa or nonviolence, satya or truthfulness, asteya or non-stealing, bramacharya or non-lust, aparigraha or non-possessiveness.

The second limb, niyama, refers to one's behavior and attitude towards oneself. There are five niyamas: sauca or cleanliness, santosha or contentment, tapas or austerity, svadhyaya or study of the sacred text and of oneself, and isvarapranidhama or living with an awareness of the divine.

Asanas or physical poses are the third limb. Asanas are designed to bring strength, vitality and relaxation to every bodily system.

Pranayama, or breathing exercises, encompass the fourth limb. Through disciplined regulation of the breath-the duration of inhalation, retention and exhalation, one strengthens and cleanses the nervous system. The result is increased life-force and a calmer mind.

The fifth limb is prathayara or withdrawal of the senses. One's focus goes inward, losing awareness of what is going on outside of oneself.

Dharana, or concentration is the sixth limb. One trains the mind to focus without distractions.

Dhyana, or meditation is the seventh limb. In meditation one practices constant observation of the mind, stilling the mind in order to heighten one's awareness and oneness with the universe.

The final limb, the ultimate goal of yoga, is samadhi or enlightenment. It is the achievement of oneness with the universe in which one experiences a state of peace, utter contentment and completion.

Yoga as it was designed and practices by the ancient yogis encompasses all these aspects of the self and of life. It is a spiritual path and a lifestyle meant to lead the student towards health, self-knowledge, and union with the divine.

The ancient yogis sought to harmonize the body, mind and soul in an effort to
achieve health, long life, and ultimately, enlightenment. Visit
to find out how you too can do the same. Yoga
is a lifestyle choice and health


Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Yoga in Practice: Train Your Mind for Empowerment, Part 2

Let's look a little deeper into training your mind for empowerment and success. The mind spends much of its time evaluating and categorizing everything. This is an automatic early warning system to react to daily situations and potential emergencies.

However, the mind should be "wired" to automatically find solutions in all situations, instead of "freezing up." One method is to realize when you should engage in facets of Yoga for more productive use of your time. For example: When you are too busy for Pranayama, Asana, and meditation, this is the point where you need to practice Yoga the most.

The most productive people I know make an appointment for themselves. You could write an appointment down on your daily schedule to make "solo" time for yourself. This is time that you set aside for yourself - just like an appointment for your hair stylist. That is also why some people have a personal coach, life coach, personal trainer, or Yoga teacher.

However, this time should be used wisely, and you should be living in the present moment when you practice any facet of Yoga. After a few days, you will see your productivity increase and your sleep patterns will improve. This is possible because you are now in control of your own schedule. You will not accomplish as much - if you spend most of your time running around in circles.

Therefore, your Yoga practice should be performed on a daily basis. If you cannot do it alone, you should seek out Yoga classes or a competent Yoga teacher. Be honest with yourself and do not postpone a change of lifestyle that is in your best interest.

With reference to training your mind - you should also take the time for self analysis. How much time do you spend "second guessing" yourself? Researching a situation is one thing, but giving up due to obstacles, is quite another. Learn to recognize, and expect obstacles, as they are on every path of life, including the Yogic path.

Affirm the positive aspects of your life every day. Let your family know that you love them. Appreciate what you have, and give thanks to God for your existence. There is always someone who has a harder life than we do. Appreciate this fact, and show loving kindness to every person you meet, regardless of their status.

Do not draw comparisons about material wealth. Most of the materially affluent people I know are very unhappy and worry about money all the time. The sad fact is material wealth does not equate to empowerment.

© Copyright 2006 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard is a co-owner and the director of Yoga teacher training at: Aura Wellness Center, in North Providence, RI. He has been a certified Master Yoga teacher since 1995. He is a master instructor of martial arts, with multiple Black Belts, four martial arts teaching credentials, and was recently inducted into the USA Martial Arts Hall of Fame. He teaches Yoga, martial arts, and fitness to children, adults, and seniors in the greater Providence area. Recently he wrote: Is Running a Yoga Business Right for You? For Yoga students, who may be considering a new career as a Yoga teacher.

Read Yoga Books For Wellness

Books have been considered as one of the best sources of knowledge in every possible field. Books can be a man's best friend, when there are no mentors or teachers showing the right path. There are different types of books available in the market on topics like cookery, fashion, general knowledge and even yoga. Yoga, a scientifically proven method for controlling the heart, mind, and body, has become very popular. It is like a practical science, which not only treats various ailments in the human body, but also prepares it for leading a healthy life. Since it is difficult to have a trained yoga teacher's supervision all the time, yoga books can be of great help due to their value and content.

Whether you do the simple pranayam practice or raja and hath yoga, authors of yoga books try to provide as much practical and relevant information as possible. Yoga being a practical science, it requires a lot of research before the constituents are compiled into a book. One feature that is very essential in any yoga book is relevance. The author's ability for conveying the essence of yoga in the book is also one of the main pre-requisites.

Aasans, different body postures having different impact on general health, are the most important part of yoga. Every book must cover this part and this is the reason why you will find a lot of diagrams, illustrations and pictures along with simple interpretations. Pranayam, distinct breathing exercises are also essential in yoga. Also, make sure that the author of the yoga book has put the impact and significance of respiratory exercises in detail.

You must be aware of the fact that yoga is an ancient medical practical science and this is why the important chronicles were written in the Sanskrit language. This is a complicated and tough language to understand and in today's yoga books you will find few concepts and theories mentioned in Sanskrit. A good yoga book author will elaborate every concept in detail, so that the readers benefit from it. You can determine the success of a book on the basis of communicability of the content. Even the practicability of the theories is very important.

Yoga books basically consist of content that an interested person would like to know. From different body postures to ways of treating particular ailments, yoga books can teach you a lot. They also describe how a particular posture can help you solve a problem and tone up your body. Yoga has been considered an effective method for achieving nirvana too. It is like a cord between cosmic consciousness and individuals.

Victor Epand is an expert consultant about books. When shopping for books, we recommend you shop only at the best bookstores for used yoga books, autographed books.

The Benefits of Yoga For Pregnant Women

Yoga originated in ancient India, and it has become a very popular way of increasing flexibility, decreasing stress, and building strength, even for pregnant women. Yoga for pregnant women is an excellent way to address not only your body's physical need for exercise, but also the emotional and mental stress of pregnancy, as well. 

Prenatal yoga classes are very popular, and if you incorporate yoga with a cardiovascular exercise, like walking, it provides a perfect means of staying in shape during and after the pregnancy months. This gentle art can keep you limber and flexible. It also tones your muscles. Improvement in balance and circulation is another benefit of yoga, and there is little or no impact on your joints.

With yoga, you will learn how to breathe deeply and relax. Indeed, one of the first things you learn in a yoga class is how to breathe deeply and fully. The breathing technique is called ujjayi, and you take air in slowly through your nose, making sure to fill your lungs. When you release the breath, you will want to make sure you exhale until your stomach compresses. This relaxation technique is something that helps many women through the ups and downs of pregnancy, as well as the stress of labor, delivery, and even motherhood.  

Learning to relax is a key component in yoga, and it is something that can serve you very well during labor. When you're in pain, or when you are afraid, your body generates adrenaline. This will decrease the production of the hormone oxytocin, which is something you need to make the labor progress. Consequently, an art such as yoga helps to prepare you for labor and childbirth by training you to remain calm when you are anxious, frightened, or in pain.

Of course, everyone knows that a woman goes through a great many physical, mental and emotional changes during pregnancy. Yoga for pregnant woman can provide an ideal way to deal with all these changes. Prenatal yoga can help relieve the mental stress of pregnancy, and it also allows your body to remain fit and limber. It can even aid with such complaints as fatigue, mood swings, excess weight gain, swelling and cramping.

Many women wonder if exercises during pregnancy are safe and that is a valid concern. Yoga, however, is quite adaptable to a prenatal workout, so exercise and pregnancy really do go together. Exercises during pregnancy are generally very safe, but you do need to take some precautions. Just as with any workout program, it is best to consult your physician before starting. Every woman is unique, and only your physician can help you know if an exercise program is right for you. Once you have the go ahead, then look for a yoga for pregnant women class. They are extremely popular right now, and these classes will provide you with a trained instructor to guide you through the learning process and help you set up a safe, effective exercise program.

Doris Tranter is an expert on yoga for pregnant women for 5 Hot Facts on Yoga for Pregnant visit her website.

Improving the Push Up

Over my years as a performance coach I have performed and overseen 1000's of postural/ movement assessments. In doing so, I have successfully used push-ups as both an assessment tool and as a corrective exercise. Here is one of the most common movement flaws I've seen

during the push up and a simple way to correct it. "Simplicity is the key to brilliance" Bruce Lee

Common Push Up Flaw - Faulty Spinal Alignment

This type of flaw is seen in just about gym and is normally caused by a lack of general body awareness, torso strength and postural stability. Faulty spinal alignment can appear as;

-Sagging head

-Sagging back (lordosis)

-Hunching back (kyphosis)

-Any combination of the above.

In some cases people will begin with ideal alignment and gradually loose alignment as the exercises progresses and fatigue sets in. In other cases they will start out right away with poor alignment. Regardless of when the fault happens, this is a muscle imbalance that needs to be corrected! The imbalance I'm referring to is that the mover muscles (chest, shoulders, triceps, etc;) involved in pushing the body away from the floor are stronger and posses more endurance than the spinal stabilizer muscles that are responsible for maintaining ideal alignment. In other words, you're unable to control the movement and force that you can create. This can put you on the fast track to injury. It's for this reason that I usually do a max rep test on the push up during my performance assessments. This allows me to see if their stabilizers give out before their prime movers. The solution to this alignment problem lies with a very high tech piece of gym equipment. A dowel rod. There is the 3 step progression we use to correct faulty spinal alignment issues using the dowel rod.

Step 1- Build awareness

The quadruped position shortens the lever arm (bent legs) and takes most of the load off the system while still keeping the torso and arms in a very similar position to the push up. The dowel is placed along the spine and is kept in contact with 3 points; back of the head (not the top), Thoracic region (between shoulder blades) and Sacrum (tail bone). This forces you to understand and become aware of proper alignment.

Step 2- Static control

The elbow plank takes what was learned in step one and lengthens the lever arm (straight legs). This increases postural stability and endurance in a manner necessary to perform the push up successfully. I try to progress everyone to be able to maintain this position for at least 1min without deviation. The hold time we choose for each individual is usually double the number in seconds of their max push up reps. Example= if your rep max is 30 push-ups then you should be able to hold the elbow plank for 60sec. We use this standard because the average push up is performed at a 1-1 tempo, which translates into each rep taking 2sec, at 30 reps that would take 60 sec.

Step 3- Dynamic control

Once awareness is created and strength/endurance is built, the final step is to integrate both components into the actual movement itself, in this case the push up. The dowel push-up is much more challenging than it looks because so much effort is dedicated to maintaining alignment. Eventually, as your postural endurance improves, this push- up will become easier. We try to get everyone to achieve the same rep max with the dowel rod as without it. Once you can do this, the dowel is no longer needed. Click here to see pictures of each exercise listed above.

A few additional notes on the above progression;

- During all (1-3) progressions, the dowel should remain in contact with the back of the head, T-spine and sacrum.

- Begin with neutral spinal alignment and stop the exercises when spinal curvatures change or the dowel falls.

- The worst your alignment is, the harder these exercises will be and the longer it will take to progress through them.

- Use a mirror at floor level to help with visual feedback, body position and awareness.

- In the case of a hunch back (kyphosis), I recommend you perform some additional anterior abdominal stretches because the rectus abdominals is most likely overactive.

Check out Coach Nicks website for more tips on smarter push up workouts

Nick Tumminello is a human performance coach and educator based in Baltimore, MD.

How I Came to Follow the Bodyweight Training Path to Superior Fitness and Health

I'm a big believer in bodyweight training in all of its forms (yoga, isometric exercises and bodyweight exercises) as being the best path to superior fitness and health. I didn't always think this way however. When I look back its actually been a long journey from there to here. What follows is how I cam to these conclusions. This is my story.

I started to get interested in fitness in high school. I started to play basketball and I wanted to get in better shape for it. So, what did I do? I didn't really know anything about exercise at the time (I mean, I'd never really done it before) so I did what most people do. I started running and weight lifting. I actually bought one of those York home gyms you see in the back of the Sears catalog. You know the ones. The ones with the plastic weights? I didn't even consider just doing a program of bodyweight exercises. The thought didn't even cross my mind.

Well, I was pretty diligent about my fitness program and I started to get in better and better shape (or so I thought). I could lift heavier and heavier weights and I was able to run further and faster. However, one incident stands out in my mind that should have been a warning flag for me, but I didn't clue in. Before I started doing the weight lifting I tried to do a handstand in my room. I'm not sure why, I just did. What happened? I collapsed in a heap on the ground. I just wasn't strong enough. That's OK, I thought to myself, I'll get stronger with my weight lifting. However, after lifting weights diligently for 6 months I decided to try it again. What happened? I collapsed again! A simple bodyweight exercise like a handstand was completely beyond me. All of the weight lifting I'd done hadn't helped me at all! I couldn't understand why.

When I left High School I kept exercising, even joining Gold's Gym for a time. No bodyweight training for me. My workout routine was still made up of weight lifting and running. However, another incident would soon pierce my thick head and lead me to question how "In Shape" I really was.

I took up Judo for a time and I really enjoyed it. However, I kept getting hurt! I can remember being rolled once and really scrunching up my shoulder. For awhile I couldn't fully extend my right arm. What was going on? If I was TRULY strong, shouldn't I be able to practice my Judo without getting hurt?

My epiphany finally occurred when I was taking a Yoga class. In yoga you have to hold several bodyweight postures for time, typically a minute. The postures look easy, but they are anything but. I remember trying to hold a "triangle" posture. I could barely hold it for 10 seconds, never mind 60. "Ok", I thought to myself, "what is going on here? Why can't I, who does exercises like leg extensions and weight squats, hold this posture and girls with seemingly NO muscle can?" Another thing I realized was just how sore and clunky my body felt. Nothing seemed to work together. This is why I first started to put it together that perhaps weight lifting and all of the "Man Made" exercises I'd been doing were not all they were cracked up to be.

At this point I abandoned the weight training (and the running, that's another story) for a system of bodyweight training. I started doing simple things like pushups first, but right off the bat, I could see what I had been missing for so long. Bodyweight exercises, even simple ones like a basic pushup or bodyweight squat, work your entire body as a unit. What's more, they seem to work your body and muscles at a much deeper level than more modern forms of training like weight lifting. This is why a person who is fantastic on the lat pull down machine in a gym will NOT be able to perform a pull up. However, the person who can do a pull up can handle the lat pull down machine with no problem. From then on, it was bodyweight training in all of it's forms for me and I've never looked back.

David Nordmark is a Vancouver based fitness enthusiast and trainer who also run the website, a fitness site with a unique twist. Visit his website for more information bodyweight exercises like yoga and isometric exercises, as well as other forms of Bodyweight Training.

Talking Shop With a Yoga Master

I was born in Bombay to a family of lawyers. I started my yoga training with BKS Iyengar at age 7 and by age 22 I was the youngest student to earn an Advanced Teacher Training Certificate. As a child I was taught the teachings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother of Pondicherry, both of whom are my spiritual teachers, along with my wife Mirra, who teaches Purna Yoga Meditation. I became a lawyer, certified naturopath, Ayurvedic practitioner, and a body worker. Mirra and I co-direct our studio, Yoga Centers, in Bellevue, WA, and I run a food company called Eastern Essence Organic Whole Foods.

I am often asked what it was like studying with Mr. Iyengar as a child. It was very intense. Iyengar is a very strict teacher-though not as strict now as he was then! Since I wasn't exactly born supple, I had to work really hard to get the movement he wanted. But he was more than just a teacher to me, he was also a friend. He would come over to our house, and we'd have breakfast and lunch and all that. Often he would stay at our house when he came to teach in Bombay many weekends. So we got to know the other side of him, which is one of the major reasons my family stayed with yoga. Had we only known him as the powerful teacher, we may not have continued, because his other side is very beautiful-gentle, sweet, childlike, full of fun, and loves adventure. Obviously my asana teaching is based on the Iyengar method. I have a very firm belief that yoga is very vast. I cannot say this is my yoga and that is your yoga, because I believe that yoga is so big that we all have to share what we know. I believe that the blending of knowledge is very important without losing the essence of what you are teaching. I can't teach Ashtanga: I can't teach Viniyoga. But I can learn from them and see what is appropriate in my system.

So that's what I do; I teach mostly physical yoga in the Iyengar method and the internal yoga is based on my wife Mirra's meditation teaching and Sri Aurobindo and the Mother's teachings. A consistent question I get is how I find time for my own practice with such a busy schedule. There is just no option. Every morning I get up, do my basic rituals, and then go and practice. Practice is the first thing I do. If I miss the practice in the morning, I never practice! So it just goes without saying: I always do my practice first thing in the morning. People often ask me how my background in so many vocations affects my teaching. It really helps to have experience in different fields. Then, when you are teaching, you can tap into the different experiences and use language that resonates with different people. For example, one of my greatest loves is poetry-and I'm talking about classical, gorgeous, romantic poetry from Browning, Milton, Keats, Byron. And when I quote these, it makes a huge difference in class. Similarly, if I use a legal term or an anatomical term, it resonates with certain people, and it makes the class richer. The best advice I can offer beginning yoga students is to find a teacher who truly knows the subject, which can be a tough thing because if you are a new student, you don't know if your teacher knows the subject. This is the main pitfall and the main joy of being a beginning student in yoga. It's a time to explore and find somebody who truly knows their job. And then stick with that teacher for a good five to ten years. And then, of course, yoga becomes one's life-long journey to internal revelation. ? 2008 Aadil Palkhivala

Aadil is the author of "Fire of Love", a book for Teachers of Yoga and Students of Life.

To buy a copy- click on this link: