Saturday, December 29, 2012

Begin Weight Training To Lower Blood Sugar

As we get older our bodies change. Our hormonal system produces less of the hormones than it did in our teens or twenties. Our metabolism, in most cases, slow down. Our body and its defenses become more vulnerable to outside stresses. But, during this time in life, our stresses seem to grow exponentially. We are going place with our careers. We have families. These families have demands on us physically and psychologically. Homes, automobiles, vacations, as well as many other thing s add to the stress load. This creates a downward spiral for our health. That is, unless we take measures to counteract the stresses that affect us daily.

We must eat healthy. We must supplement our diet with vitamins, minerals, and herbals which are appropriate for our age and our current health and stress situations. We must somehow learn to manage our stress. And we must exercise to keep our bodies healthy and vital. Doing theses things will help us manage stress and keep us younger. These will help cancel the negative effects on our bodies, caused by stress.

Lets see how this affects a person afflicted with diabetes, in particular. We are going to narrow it down to the exercise factor. We will even narrow it more to just weight training. Everyone knows, or is in denial, that exercise can only be beneficial in diabetes care. The importance of weight training has not been emphasized enough to the diabetic world. Let us address this.

As we get older, our bodies change, unless we act to prevent that change. After the age of 30 years, our body adds one pound of fat each year. Not only that, but we lose about one-half pound of lean tissue mass (muscle ) each year. Add these up and we gain 15 pounds of fat every 10 years. This is preventable. This is the reason for weight training.

A study at the University of Southern California was conducted on teens who were at high risk for type II diabetes. The study was conducted for a sixteen week period. They were divided into two groups. Group A had weight training twice a week for the test period. Group B had no changes to their lifestyle. All of the subjects were overweight and had symptoms of insulin resistance. The results are rather dramatic. At the end of the study, Group A had increased insulin sensitivity by 45%. Group B had a 1% decrease in insulin sensitivity.

Muscle is a major factor in clearance of circulating blood glucose. As lean body mass increases, greater amounts of blood glucose are cleared from the blood. Muscle tissue takes in the blood glucose and stores it as glycogen. And even cooler, the greater the proportion of muscle mass to fat, the more calories are burned at rest. And weight training further increases metabolism, even after working out.

How does one accomplished this superb state of being? It is achieved by incorporating a weight training program into your lifestyle. The American Diabetes Association suggests a minimum of weight training twice a week. Target at least two major muscle groups. Perform 8 to 12 repetitions per set, and 4 to 6 sets per muscle group. There are tons of information available on the subject. All the muscle magazines have an ongoing section for beginners. Or you can find information on the internet. For your sake do it, and do it now. It can only help.

Remember, if you have diabetes, Eat a snack prior to workings out. Hydrate during and after working out. Check your blood sugar level before and after working out to prevent any episodes of hypoglycemia.

Written by John Markus at [] John had been a pharmacist for 33 years. His wife has type I diabetes. Also, his eight year old granddaughter has diabetes. He and his family have been dealing with these type of problems for a long time. Tough at times, but successfully in end. John Has also studied exercise and the effects of exercise on the body and medical conditions.

Yoga Can Help Purge Addictions

For those who regularly practice, or teach, Yoga, the idea of letting the mind wander into the world of addictions may seem far away. but all of us know someone who has been engaged in some sort of battle against addictions. Many times, we think of tobacco, alcohol, and drug dependency.

There are many more bad habits, which have become deeply embedded into our society. As state-sanctioned gambling became readily available, at the local convenience store, it is now possible to see your neighbors spend their entire paychecks on scratch tickets. Gambling can cause bankruptcy quicker than a "bad economy." As a result, families suffer or fall apart.

In children, over consumption of food, television, excessive video game play, and over use of the Internet, can result in poor social skills, obesity, and a negative self-image. Of course, this can also happen to adults, but it is more easily noticed in children, because they are monitored at home or in school.

Where do we start to help a society, which accepts addictions as somewhat normal? Institutions, which offer therapy, and counseling, can easily be found in any community. It is up to Yoga teachers to network with them. Yoga instruction offers anyone the opportunity to focus the mind.

When we are not in charge of our mind, it is easy to become addicted to something. We no longer see moderation as a reality. The mindset of an addict has lost any sense of moderation. The vice, or substance abuse, may also stem from a lack of ability to cope with a challenging situation. Life is full of challenges, but the death of a loved one, job loss, financial hardship, or divorce, can potentially cause anyone to have difficulty coping with the situation.

Yoga sessions offer many solutions for those who need coping skills. Beyond the ability of focusing one's mind, a good habit can easily take the place of a bad one.

There are a few steps to consider, if we want to eliminate an addiction. The first step, "on the road to recovery," is recognition that a real problem exists. Then, a plan of action, in the form of a firm resolution, to change, is the second step to be taken. At this point, counseling should also be a consideration.

The importance of outside encouragement should never be under estimated. If you cannot go it alone, counseling is an excellent option. If you are just trying to find a group of health-minded people, a local Yoga class may be all you need.

© Copyright 2007 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of Yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. He has been a certified Master Yoga Teacher since 1995. To receive a Free Yoga e-Book: "Yoga in Practice," and a Free Yoga Newsletter, please visit:

Choosing the Best Strength Training Equipment for You

A fitness program should always include strength training. Making your body stronger provides a number of benefits including resistance to injury and faster rehabilitation or healing of existing health problems. For an effective resistance or training program, you will have to invest in the right training equipment to suit your goals.

Power training equipment is used in fitness power training or weight training. This type of training forces the muscles to contract with the use of free weights, body weight, or other devices. It allows you to gain strength, power and muscle endurance. Four factors determine the effectiveness of strength training: how often you train, how hard you train, how long you train, and the type of exercises performed.

Importance of Strength Training

Pilates, cardio, and yoga workouts receive a lot of attention. As a result, beginners tend to neglect strength building exercises. You can build bone and muscle mass and boost your overall health with the proper strength training equipment. Lifting weights can help you burn more calories by forcing your body to work harder. It also provides variety that will keep you from getting bored with your workout routine.

Identify What You Need

There are numerous equipment options available for strength training, but you must tailor your purchase to your specific needs. What parts of your body do you need to work on? How much space do you have? Your workout habits and the available space in your home will help you determine what power training equipment you should get.

If you want to keep your workouts exciting, choose exercise equipment that is fun for you to use. For instance, resistance tubing or bands are compact, affordable and fun to use. It is a great way for beginners to get into strength power training.

Free Weights

Dumbbells, ankle and wrist weights can provide more resistance than resistance tubing. A barbell set can give you the opportunity to work with heavier weights to improve big and small muscle groups. A weight bench is also a very helpful piece of strength train equipment that you can put to good use.

Home Gyms

If you have extra space in your home and your budget is not too tight, you may want to consider purchasing a home gym machine. There are home gyms that can offer a wide variety of workouts. Some of them can be folded up when not in use. Find a machine that forces you to use proper technique. This will help you optimize your strength training workout.

Strength training and strength training equipment are becoming more popular. Weight training is not only about bulking up; it is more about optimum health and the ability to burn calories faster. The right strength training equipment can help you attain your fitness goals faster.

Have You Checked Out the Cross Training Possibilities to Burn Fat Yet?

Being a member of the weight loss demographic puts you squarely in front of the most popular "burn fat regimens." You see them in headlines online, in magazines and hear people discussing them in conversation. But, have you really thought it through to find out what you want?

Gym work out
Aerobic exercise
Calorie counting

Right? Well, of course. It is true. These popular modalities do work, but, they are b-o-r-i-n-g. So, it is up to you to think outside the popular weight loss box. Think good nourishing food and fun activities. How long has it been since you nourished your body with either food or activity? Maybe all the way back to sixth grade? Maybe.

OK. Here is the deal. Your life has become too predictable. That is why you are wearing the extra layers of fat. Because you are bored out of your mind. It is time to step it up. Take your life to the next level. Your body too.

There are some awesome foods you are leaving out of your daily meal prep that will help you get the fat burn job done. Think antioxidant.


Artichoke hearts
Russet potatoes
Sweet potatoes


red beans
Red kidney bean
Pinto beans
Black beans



In addition to the foods, how about spices and herbs? Cook much with them? If you do not have experience cooking with exotic flavors, do you have experience eating them in restaurants or food gatherings with friends? Then, be brave - search the Internet for recipes and cook them up. Give these exotic flavors an opportunity to feed and nourish you. This could be the adventure of your life!

Here is a list to get you started:

Cayenne pepper

Now, the activity. Got a gym membership? No? Good! Here is a suggestion. Go get a membership that allows you to do what you want to do. Allow yourself to create your own program. What is it that you want in the gym? The weight machines? Free weights? The treadmill? The community? The trainer?

Ask yourself why you want what you want. Do you have some intellectual info in your brain leading you to find the right gym for you in your community? A sales pitch maybe? How about this...look at cross training opportunities. Cross training is the best for you because it requires that you think and choose. The human brain grows more brain cells when it is thinking and choosing for itself.

While you are talking to the gym sales person, realize they have a quota to fill. They have a program to sell. They talk like the expert. The higher price the program, the better bump they get on their next paycheck. Nothing wrong with that. It is a job and some of these people are very good at what they do and deserve to get paid well. But - you deserve to get what you want. And you can do some research to find out what you want, then, sell it to the gym guy or girl.

Ask yourself questions. Find answers. Following is a list of cross training activities according to seasons:


Downhill ski
Cross country ski
Ice skate
Mountain biking


Trail hiking
Mountain biking
Stair running
Roller skating


Water tubing
Water skiing
Scuba diving
Trail hiking


Rake leaves
Harvest garden
Chop wood
Can and freeze food
Stair running

The true definition of the purpose behind cross training is to heat your core. Perform activities that increase your core heat to gain thermogenesis. However, make sure some of your activities actually get this done while you have fun. Having fun will help you get out of your current boring activity box. It is good to look forward to your activities.

Following is a list of cross training you can do any time of the year wherever you might be.

Qi Gong
Tai Chi
Kick boxing
Shoot hoops

Taking up a variety of cross training activities listed here will ensure your body gets a good work out; your brain grows some new neuropeptides; your intelligence increases; your mood is scintillating most of the time; your creativity is enhanced and ready to make life rich. Burn Fat Faster with regular exercise. Stick with a diet of natural foods such as protein, vegetables, fruits, fats and other carbohydrates. Be sure to add some of those foods that speed metabolism, and you'll soon see the results you want.

Marathon Training - All You Need to Know About Running Stretches

I hope your finding time to fit in your marathon training, both the short and long distances.

Today I wanted to talk to you today about the importance of stretching. Now I'm sure you already know that stretching is important when it comes to marathon training and I'm sure you're already incorporating it into your marathon training programme. However a question that some people find hard to answer is when should I stretch.

There has been an ongoing argument amongst professional runners and coaches for some time now about the best time to stretch, should you stretch first and then run or should you warm up first and then stretch. Both arguments have their pro's and cons, so what is the right answer?

To be perfectly honest I'm not sure, and I'm only being honest, I don't want to give the impression that I favour either or, because I use both. I think that you to need to try both to see how you feel, whether you feel your performance is effected by your either type of stretching.

From personal experience, I've noticed that whether I need to stretch before or after a warm up depends on the time of day I am running. I find that if I run early in the day, i.e. morning time then I need to warm up first. To me this makes sense because my muscles have been resting and are a little stiff and so trying to force them into a stretch first thing might cause problems, so I tend to walk or jog gently for a little while and then stretch out properly.

On the other hand if I'm running later on during the day i.e. late afternoon or early evening then I tend not to worry about warming up first. I can stretch before straight away and this seems to work just fine.

On some occasions if I've been up and about, doing lots of physical activities and walking during the day, then sometimes I don't even stretch at all. I simply run gently and slowly pick up the pace and if only if I feel the need, then stop and stretch out for a little while.

My advice to you is to try all the methods and see how your body responds, just because this method suites me doesn't mean to say that it is the best thing for you. Try them, and the methods that seems to work, continue using them and those that don't, well simply don't do them again, but unless you try them, there's no way for you to know whether you will benefit or not.

Regardless of which method you use, it is agreed that stretching has its benefits, some argue that stretching to create longer and more flexible muscles can help you become a stronger and faster runner. The reasoning behind it goes something like this. Longer muscles can exert a greater torque on joint which in turn allows you to jump higher and increase the length of each stride you take so essentially allowing you to run even faster.

As you can appreciate in an email it is difficult to explain all the different stretches that you can do, but I will tell you the correct way to stretch. There are many resources available on the internet that show you how to stretch, so I'm sure you wont have a problem learning the exact exercises that you can do, so I'm not worried for you at all. and if not don't worry, ill get something to you soon, because I'm currently working closely with some experienced running coaches, a doctor that specialises in sports medicine and some running enthusiasts to developing a Marathon Training Programme and soon i'll be able for FREE to all my newsletter subscribers [YOUR WELCOME] that explains the exact stretches that you can do in more detail.

In the mean time let me say this; there are two main ways to stretch your muscles, regardless of which one you choose. Imagine a back and leg stretching exercise where you stand up straight with your feet apart facing forward and then you lean forward with your legs straight as far as you can, touching the ground and even further if possible. This exercise can be done is one of who ways, the first is where you stretch as far as you possibly can and then hold it for a few second, i tend to count to 5 and then release the stretch for a few seconds and then do try to stretch it again holding it once more. I continue repeating the holding stretch at least 4-5 times. The alternative method is to simply lean forward as far as you can to create the stretch and then withdraw to relax the muscle almost in a bouncing motion.

The bouncing stretch will help you achieve maximum flexibility, but it does come at a cost. The bouncing motion has an increased risk of injury, the sudden jerky stretch repeated over and over can cause you to tare muscles. For this reason and only this reason, I tend not to use it, however i know runner who swear by it. The stretch and hold does not stretch the muscle as much stretch as the bounce, but it is said to be a much safer method of stretching as it carried much lower risk of injury and that's why I use. I think about it like this, if im not fully stretched out, then perhaps I won't achieve the best run, but its something i can work on next time, but if I'm injured then I cant run full stop and then my chances of improving are none.

So don't forget to incorporate stretching into your training. In actual fact I recommend that you set aside one day of the week where you focus on stretching, I think the day before a long run would be the ideal time for this. A really good stretching and yoga session would be highly beneficial.

As I mentioned in an earlier article, make sure you make time to fit in your long runs, believe me they will be an absolute god send on marathon day. They will give your body and your mind a small sneak preview of what marathon day has to offer. So don't skip or underestimate the importance of this part of your marathon training.

Speak to you soon,


Learn how to take your training to the next level.


If your looking to simply lose weight then visit:

A Cross Cultural Experiential Perspective on Spiritual Awakening

Thirty two years ago I began my journey, a dramatic and fascinating inner and outer journey into the experience of kundalini awakening and the process that unfolds once that powerful inner spiritual energy is ignited. It was my great good fortune to receive shaktipat initiation (the awakening of kundalini) from Swami Muktananda who was the realized Master of the Siddha Yoga lineage at that time. I say it was my great good fortune because, in this tradition, not only is the initiation given, but the necessary teachings for understanding the awakening and the spiritual experiences and process that unfolds as a result of it are openly and freely given. I soon realized, through my own inner experience and the experiences of others around me who had received shaktipat, that this divine inner energy not only has the power to give one the highest of mystical experiences, but is also a supreme healer. In her goal to take the seeker to the realization of oneness with Supreme Consciousness, she must help us to remove our inner obstacles on the physical, mental, emotional, psychic and spiritual levels. As with any growth and healing process, being faced with obstacles, limitations, negative emotions, negative tendencies and past difficult experiences and unresolved issues, can be difficult and sometimes frightening. When combined with intense, spontaneous experiences of energy moving in ways that an individual has no prior training, knowledge or understanding of, it can be overwhelming, leading the individual to seek help from clergy, spiritual advisers, mental health practitioners and holistic practitioners-many of whom are lacking in the necessary experience and knowledge to provide adequate support, and some of whom may actually misdiagnose the individual's experience, labeling it pathological. Thus it is imperative that anyone providing support to individuals with awakened kundalini have knowledge and experience of the kundalini process across spiritual cultures.

Energetic Paradigms Across Traditions

There are many names for the kundalini across spiritual traditions. A few are: the Tibetan Buddhist tummo, or inner fire, the Chrisitian Holy Spirity, the Chinese Martial Arts and Healing Arts Chi, and the num of African tribal dacers and healers. When one explores the mystical texts, poetry and anecdotal material of a variety of traditions experiential paradigms emerge describing the awakening and movement of this transforming inner power. The most articulated system is the Chakra/Nadi system that appears in Yoga, Tibetan Buddhism and Sufism. In this system the kundalini is awakened and moves up through the central channel or sushumna, piercing the chakras or energy centers in the subtle, energy body. In the process of moving through the chakras the kundalini releases a variety of physical, mental, emotional, psychic and spiritual experiences. Across the Yoga, Tibetan Buddhist and Sufi traditions the words may differ in describing the paradigm, but they are essentially the same. The Christian system is less fully articulated, but is hinted at in the Book of Revelations as John, after receiving the awakening of the Holy Spirit from Jesus, later experiences a series of mystical visions. In one of them he is shown the seven seals and the seven spirits of God who preside over them. Each seal represents a level of revelation or consciousness. In Kabbalah, the mystical path of Judaism, there is an intricate system of the Tree of Life and the sefiroth. Mention is also made of the 7 heavens and the Hebrew letters or sounds used to attain them. In the Native American tradition, the Hopi Creation Story describes vibrational centers that run along the axis or spinal column. These five centers are located under the navel, at the heart, the throat, just below the top of the head and at the top of the head-a system quite similar to the chakra system. A clay artifact discovered by archeologists in the mounds of the ancient Cahokian tribes that lived along the Mississsippi River in what is now the state of Illinois, shows a berger woman seated on an uncoiling serpent. The serpent rises like a vine up the center of her back, along which are placed a number of gourds. The uncoiling serpent is, in the traditions of Yoga, a symbol of the awakening kundalini, or serpent power. The ancient Druids of what is now England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland had a system of cauldrons. The cauldron of warming located in the navel region contains an inner fire, the cauldron of fire, which is located in its very center. The Druids would meditate on the cauldron of fire to awaken it. Once awakened, the spiritual power, fanned by the breath, rises, igniting the cauldron of vocation in the heart region. Through the intense desire and longing that emerges in the cauldron of vocation, the heat is carried upward opening the cauldron of Knowledge at the top of the head, opening the Master druid to receiving divine inspiration, truth and knowledge from the universe. There is an interesting parallel that seems to have traveled from the ancient Druid system to the Knights Templar and back to Scotland and the formation of the Freemasons. Leadbeater describes the connection between the first three degrees of Free Masonry and the chakra/nadi system, but might well have also shown the link to the ancient Druid system of cauldrons.

Spiritual Awakening- the Experience

The classic yogic experience of kundalini awakening through shaktipat initiation that is described in the teachings of Kashmir Shaivism is easily seen in the Siddha Yoga experience. In 1979 I began the process of researching this experience for my doctoral dissertation on kundalini awakening and human development. The study was a qualitative and theory discovering model completed in 1984. Six Siddha Yoga practitioners with three or more years of regular spiritual practice were interviewed extensively about their experience of shaktipat and their resulting ongoing transformation. Qualitative analysis of their experiences and shifts in awareness starting with their search for spiritual awareness, their shaktipat initiation and the impact of kundalini awakening and spiritual practice on their experience of altered states, psychological /self concept, physical and health experiences, values, and lifestyle were done. All 5 subjects experienced classic shaktipat experiences of such things as energy rising, lights, visions, waves of bliss and love, unity consciousness, and spontaneous physical movements in meditation. Over time subjects experienced the following:

Energy throbbing in the chakras

Spontaneous pranayama (yogic breathing)

Spontaneous hatha yoga postures

Spontaneous weeping, spontaneous eruptions of sounds-animal and other

The mind becoming still or vacant

The Siddha Meditation mantra spontaneously welling up inside

waves of bliss

Hearing inner sounds (celestial voices, roaring of energy)

Loss of body awareness

Energy coursing through the spinal column and/or other parts of the body

altered visual perceptions

Heaviness or lightness of body

Feeling life passing away

Constant awareness of energy vibrating within the body

Spontaneous singing in unknown foreign languages

Spontaneous involuntary creation of songs and poems

Divine visions

Spontaneous deep understanding of scriptural teachings

Experiences of the Inner Self

Spontaneous experiences of being charged with energy in the early morning and early evening hours (sunrise and sunset)

Many more experiences and categories of experience of kundalini awakening and unfolding are described in this study. From the stand point of both the seeker and support givers it is important to recognize that all of the experiences described here are normal kundalini experiences that are not only documented in this study, but also described in such texts as Devatmi Shakti and experienced by thousands of individuals on the Siddha Yoga path and other paths where the goal is to attain God realization through the awakening of the kundalini.

Evidence of these experiences is seen on the Sufi path in Irina Tweedie's autobiography, Chasm of Fire. Here she describes receiving initiation from her Sufi Master, and the dramatic experiences of the unfolding of the kundalini. The great Sufi mystic and poet, Rumi, describes the inner experience of the kundalini in his poem "Song of the Reed":

This flute is played with fire, not with wind;

and without this fire you would not exist.

It is the fire of love that inspires the flute....

It is the ferment of love that completes the wine.

The reed is a comfort to all estranged lovers.

Its music tears our veils away. (1981, p.19)

In Christianity the awakening originally took place when Jesus breathed the Holy Spirit into his disciples. This method of the Master breathing spiritual energy into the disciple also appears in the texts of Kashmir Shaivism as one of the classic methods of awakening the kundalini. After Jesus breathes the Holy Spirit into his disciples they begin to have a variety of spiritual experiences including visions and speaking in tongues. In the Book of Revelations, John describes a series of mystical visions. He sees the seven seals within which are the seven spiritus of God who are the guardians of the seals. He then sees the fifth angel of God ascending with the living seal of God sealing the servants of God in their foreheads-one of the traditional points of awakening the kundalini. Molotov, a disciple of the Russian Orthodox mon, St. Serafim, pleads with him to help him understand how he will know and understand the experience of the Holy Spirit. St. Serafim prays to God to give Molotov the experience of the Holy Spirit and the two are engulfed in light so intense that Molotov cannot look at St. Serafim saying that the light flashing from his eyes and face is too dazzling too look at. When St.. Serafim convinces him to look at him Molotov begins to experience the love, warmth and peace of the Holy Spirit both within himself and all around him and St. Serafim. In the texts of Kashmir Shaivism two of the classic ways that a Master awakens the kundalini are through thought and through looking into the eyes of the disciple. Although these methods are not clearly articulated on the Christian path, one sees evidence of both in the experience of Molotov and St. Serafim.

The Throne Mystics of the second and third century were the predecessors of Kabbalistic schools of Judaism. There is a story of Rabbi Yohannin and his disciples. As they were discussing the meaning of Ezekiel's vision of God's chariot the Holy Spirit descended on them in the form if fire. Kabbalistic teachers Rabbi David Cooper and Mark Stavish openly speak of parallels to the kundalini experience in the practice of Kabbalah. Rabbi Cooper compares the experience of the sefiroth and the kundalini paradigm in his recorded course The Mystical Kabbalah. Mark Stavish in his recent book, Kabbalah for Health and Wellness, actually presents Kabbalisitc meditation practices for awakening the kundalini.

In the Native American Lakota tradition, Archie Fire Lame Deer, in his autobiography, Gift of Power, the Life and Teachings of a Lakota Medicine Man, vividly describes the experience of his father energetically passing him his power and knowledge hours before his death. He says that at this time he went into a totally different spiritual dimension and truly became a medicine man.

In the Tibetan Buddhist tradition there exists the tummo, or inner fire tantric practice for awakening the kundalini. Geshe Gyatso, in his book Clear Light of Bliss, describes the intricate practices and the classic experiences of state of consciousness that are achieved as the inner fire is directed upward through the chakras into the crown chakra where a "drop" of bliss is released, then directed downward through the chakras, and then back upward in the reverse order until the drop merges again in the crown chakra taking the practitioner into the state of enlightenment.

In the ancient Druid tradition the powems of Nede Mac Adme, and Amairgen, translated by from ancient Irish Druid texts by Caitlin Matthews, describe the experiences of the cauldrons of warming, vocation and knowledge. In both the poems of these ancient druids and in stories of dialogue between the Master Druid Nede mac Adne, it is suggested that only the Master Druid experiences the full awakening when initiated by a Master who has attained the highest state of Druidic knowledge. That knowlege is only gained through the tipping upward of the cauldron of knowledge to receive divine inspiration and knowledge from higher consciousness.

Some Considerations In Providing Support

An experiential understanding of spiritual awakening and the unfolding of the kundalini is essential in providing support to those who seek it. Charles Tart's now classic statement about research on alter states applies to providing support to those experiencing kundalini awakening and the myriad altered states and life transforming experiences that follow. In doing research it is difficult, if not impossible to research altered states of consciousness if you have not experienced them yourself. It is difficult to guide and support someone through their experience of awakening and unfolding of kundalini if you have not experienced it yourself. The awakened kundalini is a fully conscious and intelligent force that can guide you in both your own process and in the process of supporting others.It is important to understand that the awakened kundalini's role and purpose is to purify and refine all dimensions of our experience- physical, mental, emotional, psychic and spiritual- and finally bring us into the state of oneness with God. One glimpse of that oneness unleashes a flood of energy that spirals through whatever is between us and that extended experience of our Divine Self. When this happens one's internal process of clearing obstacles, gaining new understandings of self, of expanded spiritual dimensions and of physical healing can become so accelerated that one becomes overwhelmed and experiences psychological, physical and spiritual crisis. Without a paradigm for understanding kundalini awakening and the process of the undfolding of kundalini, the experience can be extremely confusing both to the seeker and those who are providing support.

The unfolding of kundalini through the chakras and nadis is not a linear process. In other words, the kundalini does not clear the impressions held in the chakras, or energetic centers one at a time. Nor does it move from the lower chakras to the higher ones in linear order, clearing each before it moves to the next. The kundalini spirals through layers of issues, spiritual experiences, memories and tendencies contained within the chakras and the energetic body, moving back and forth with an intelligence that is often awesome to behold. When one considers the process that one experiences in psychotherapy, or in healing, without the awakened kundalini one sees a similar pattern. Issues surface, are worked through and subside, only to resurface from a deeper level at a later time, often triggered by life events, or internal work that needs to be done to strengthen us to go on to the next level of transformation. We all, in our personal development work, peel away the layers of an issue gradually, as we are ready, returning to the issue to move to the next level of resolution when we are ready. When the awakened kundalini becomes a part of that growth process the process is intensified and accelerate. When this intensified personal process is combined with the classic kundalini experiences mentioned previously both the uneducated seeker and the uneducated supporter run the risk of misdiagnosing the experience and confusing the individual more. Spiritual visions and energetic sensations can be misdiagnosed as hallucinations. Involuntary physical movements and seeing of lights can be misdiagnosed as neurological disorders. Racing thoughts, changes in visual perception and rapid experiences of bliss and sadness can all be conveniently fit into a number of psychological disorders. Where disorders of a physical or psychological nature have been previously diagnosed assessment becomes even more complicated when an individual experiences the awakening of kundalini, as the crises precipitated by the awakening demand considerable knowledge of both the kundalini process and the disorders previously diagnosed in order to successfully guide the individual on their journey to wellness and to transcendence.

Support Roles

Spiritual Masters, spiritual advisors and clergy, mental health professionals and holistic practitioners may all play significant roles in supporting individuals experiencing intense kundalini awakening. Each has a potential role to play.Perhaps the most important role is that of the Spiritual Master. In the case of kundalini awakening this Master must be a true guru, one who has the power to awaken, control and guide the unfolding of the kundalini. It is the role of such a guru to do just that for those who come to him or her for spiritual teaching. Such a guru also provides time honored teachings from scriptures that offer guidance to the student in understanding the process and the practices that support the unfolding of the kundalini. The sankalpa or intention of such a guru can instantly awaken the kundalini, modulate its intensity and direct the process of the unfolding of the kundalini in a way that is suited to each individual student. I have experienced this power many times through the course of my own journey on the Siddha Yoga path, starting with the initiation that awakened my inner kundalini and moving on through many intense experiences of the movement of that kundalini. One of the most amusing experiences happened in the Siddha Yoga ashram in Ganeshpuri, India. This was early in my experience of the classic kundalini experiences described in Devatma Shakti, and later in my own dissertation. I began to have roaring kriyas, in other words, I would spontaneously, without control over this, begin roaring like a lion. This experience continued to intensify. I would begin to hear the roaring internally and know that I needed to run to someplace where I would not disturb other students who were meditating or chanting. The roaring seemed to be triggered most intensely by the chant they we did each evening in the ashram, so I stopped going to the chant and would sit up on the roof of the dormitory building, the roaring starting with the first verse of this chant. At this time, Baba Mukatananda then said "Everyone must come to the chant." He would send people around to make sure everyone was coming. So...I had to go to the chant. I sat back near the exit in order to escape quickly once the roaring started to overpower me. I could hear it, was holding back and chanting, but there was no holding it any longer. The shakti was in control and the roaring was errupting, so I leaped up and ran for the exit, only to be met by an ashram security person who insisted I sit back down. When I explained what was happening he sent me into the hall adjoining the courtyard where we were chanting. The roaring erupted and the hall, with window open to the courtyard, acted like a megaphone sending the roaring out into the courtyard where Muktananda sat with all of the students, chanting. Suddenly, I heard him laughing within me, and then he called me by my spiritual name and said, still laughing, "Now, now, be quiet." Instantly, the roaring stopped and the kundalini shakti picked my body up and I started dancing blissfully, classic mudras forming with my hands. From this bliss welled up within me and my body began to whirl like a dervish. I realized as these beautiful movements of the shakti unfolded that Baba Muktananda had simply directed the kundalini to move quietly and blissfully, rather than roaringly! Many times since then when sitting in meditation intensives that became noisy with animal sounds, spontaneous singing and other sounds I would hear either Baba Muktananda, or later Gurumayi Chidvilasananda simply softly say "Quiet now", and the entire hall would become very still and quiet as participants would be plunged into the deepest states if meditation. When offering support to those experiencing intense kundalini awakening, it is often helpful to send them to a Master who has the power to modulate the intensity of the experience, particularly if the individual has had a spontaneous awakening without the benefit of a Master's guidance. When this is not possible simply invoking the assistance of such a Master can also be helpful. Studying with such a Master can also deepen one's own inner experience of the kundalini and the Divine Self, providing understanding and inspiration in the work of supporting others.

Spiritual advisors and clergy have a specific role in counseling and teaching others as they pursue their spiritual path. They have not reached the level of Master or Guru, but can have a great deal of inner experience and knowledge of the kundalini process and the spiritual disciplines and practical day-to-day strategies and techniques for integrating the experience into one's life. In spiritual advisors and clergy to be helpful in supporting the seeker who is experiencing an intense awakening and unfolding process, they must have experience and knowledge of the process. Throughout history there are cases of great saints who were viewed as either heretics or insane by the clergy of their traditions, because the clergy had no knowledge of spiritual awakening and the classic mystical experiences that accompany it. For those who have limited knowledge it is important to seek out those who have the knowledge and understanding and refer seekers to them.

Mental health professionals can be tremendous support to those individuals who are experiencing kundalini awakening and unfolding, if they are transpersonally oriented and have experiential as well as traditional knowledge of the kundalini process. It is equally important for mental health professionals to develop cross cultural competencies and understandings of the common truths, practices and understandings across paths when attempting to provide counseling and support. It is also essential to have an openness to questioning one's diagnosis of psychological disorders when working with individuals with awakened kundalini. Asking questions about spiritual practice and experience needs to be a standard part of the assessment process. In most cases if you don't ask about spiritual experiences the client will not share them, for fear of being thought to be hallucinating, or simply to be "weird". Not every person who needs support with spiritual awakening is able to identify and ask for that support. Without the benefit of a spiritual path that provides a paradigm and normalization of the experience of awakening and the transformation process that takes place after awakening, many individuals present with what they are assuming are either psychological crises, or total confusion about what has started to happen to them. It is essential to be able to identify the awakening experience and the "symptoms" that follow it and then bring the mental and emotional reactions to this into perspective, before assigning a DSM diagnosis! In some very complicated cases, both exist. There may be a clear psychiatric diagnosis and a clear experience of spiritual awakening. In such cases, the task becomes one of finding a balance in working with both the psychiatric symptoms and the spiritual experiences in a way that brings about healing and spiritual development.

Holistic practitioners can offer much support to individuals experiencing kundalini awakening and unfolding, providing they have the knowledge and experience of the process themselves. Some holistic practices that can provide essential supports are energy healing, acupuncture, massage, chiropractic, hatha yoga, Tai Chi, nutritional counseling. Any practitioners working in the energetic field of someone with an awakened kundalini must proceed with great caution and sensitivity in order to not interfere with the work of the kundalini, or intensify an already intense experience. What one does as an energy healer needs to be in collaboration with the kundalini. This means, gently follow her lead. This is also true of hatha yoga and Tai Chi practice. Hatha Yoga practice was originally developed in order to purify the body and ready it for awakening of the kundalini, thus many of the asanas and pranayama practices can actually intensify the kundalini experience, particularly in the early years of the experience when the process is the most intense. The asanas and pranayama techniques are designed to clear the nadis or subtle energy channels of the body. Individuals with awakened kundalini should be cautioned to be aware of the power of these practices and to monitor themselves to see if they are creating more intensity or balancing the intensity out for them. Nutritional counselors need to be aware of the foods that cool the kundalini down, i.e. sweets, milk products, and leave them in the diet. Often when the kundalini awakens one begins to pull spontaneously away from meat, fish and poultry and move to a vegetarian diet. Lighter, easily digestible foods are more compatible with the kundalini process and may actually ease the purification process and physical symptoms considerably. One must also caution the individual to make sure to eat, as the digestive process actually draws the shakti to it and sometimes helps to ease the intensity of the process.


This article outlines information on the cross cultural experience of kundalini awakening and provides some guidelines for those providing support for individuals experiencing awakening and the transformation process that evolves from that awakening. For additional information about the kundalini experience please feel free to contact Dr. Wilcox through this website. More extensive consideration of this topic will appear in Fire of Love, Descent of Grace, Dr. Wilcox's upcoming book. For more information about this book please go to


Cooper, D.A. (1994). The Mystical Kabbalah, Boulder, CO: Sounds True, Inc. (tapes)

Fire Lame Deer, A. & Erdoes, R. (1993). Gift of Power, the Life and Teachings of a Lakota Medicine Man. Santa Fe: Bear & Company Publishing.

Gyatso, GesheKelsang. (1982). Clear Light of Bliss. London: Tharpa Publications.

Helminski, E. (trans.) 1981. The Ruins of the Heart, Selected Lyric Poetry of Jelaluddin Rumi. Putney, VT: Threshold Book

Matthews, C. & Matthews, J. (1994). The Encyclopedia of Celtic Wisdom. Rockport, MA: Elements Books, Inc.

Tirtha, Swami Vishnu (1962). Devatma Shakti. Rishikesh: Swami Shivom Tirth

Tweedie, I. (1979. The Chasm of Fire. Tisbury, England: The Compton Press, Ltd.

Wilcox, J. (1984). Kundalini: A Study of Spiritual Awakening and Movement Toward the Self. doctoral dissertation. Teachers College, Columbia University.

For additional information about Dr. Judith Wilcox, her work and her book Fire of Love, Descent of Grace visit

Friday, December 28, 2012

Yoga in Practice - Two Life-Changing Steps to Happiness

Practitioners of Yoga are shaping their future through daily practice. Change will be a constant factor throughout life - whether you recognize the effects of change, as it occurs, or afterward.

Yet, humanity's search for happiness never changes. We desire happiness from the moment of birth, to our last day; but how do we find, gather, and keep happiness? Let's take two simple steps toward making happiness a part of your daily life.

Consider the most common questions students of Yoga ask, as they become self-aware. Why am I here? What is my purpose in life? The answer is: Happiness. Due to our awareness, most of us want more than food, shelter, and clothing. So, where do we start and how do we acquire happiness for good?

1. Happiness comes from within. It is not an acquisition. If you could have unlimited money, there is no guarantee of happiness. In the case of unlimited funds, you are only guaranteed that you will not worry about money, but your relationships with everyone you know would change.

Recognition, of what is truly valuable, is the first step toward happiness. Most of what makes us happy is intangible. Healthy relationships, giving to others, good health, and feelings of accomplishment, make us happy.

Giving affection, or performing selfless service (Karma Yoga), does not require be material. Smiling at others, saying hello, sharing a laugh, good gestures of affection, a flower, a card, or an Email, can uplift another person as much, or more, than material acquisitions.

2. Recognize that you have a right to be happy. This is a fact, which most people are in complete denial. Often, this is the most common road block to finding happiness. We control our destiny by what we envision. If we see a gloomy future - that will become the path we expect in life.

Why do people deny their right to be happy? Even, within some Yoga circles, there is a belief in denying the right to happiness, because it is viewed as self-centered motivation. Please consider this: Are the happy people in this world doing harm to others and spreading evil? You already know the answer, but let's look at our history for proof.

On a massive scale: When a government, religion, or society, makes rules to prevent happiness, it will not be long for it to subject its followers to torture, imprisonment, and executions.

On a much smaller scale: One person, who is unhappy, can spread a lot of negativity. One person has an effect on a family and the community. Why not spread happiness, instead of gloom and doom? There is no joy in making misery for others.

Never feel guilty for being happy. Enjoy each moment, and your life will change the world around you - for the best.

© Copyright 2008 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of Yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. He has been a certified Master Yoga Teacher since 1995. To receive Free Yoga videos, Podcasts, e-Books, reports, and articles about Yoga, please visit:

Can You Really Learn Yoga at Home?

Options for learning yoga at home were pretty scarce way back when I first started. There were a few videos and books available, but nothing that could really teach you step by step what it was all about. The internet was still a long way away...

I learned much of what I know about yoga from the source... India. I spent years travelling that magical place, and had several great experiences along the way. But even after spending month after month in traditional Yogashrams, a real profound sense of what yoga was all about still seemed to elude me somehow.

But then I came across Swami Gitananda's "Yoga Step by Step," and everything changed. I had never seen a yoga book like it before, and I still have yet to see anything like it again today. Actually, it's not just a book. It's a real comprehensive correspondence course that changed my way of looking at yoga instruction forever.

In fact, it changed my life!

It showed me how much I was missing in yoga, and it also showed me how well it could be taught via photos, diagrams and the written word. Now with the video capabilities of the internet, it can be done even better!

Years later, as a yoga teacher, I'm now capable of sharing that experience. Over the past few years, I've gotten a good reputation as the author of some well respected online training programs, and I have Swamiji, my guru, to thank for that.

I still teach yoga classes because I believe there is much to be gained from them. But my experience has shown me how limiting they can be. It's difficult to provide much depth of instruction in the modern yoga class setting, and difficult to teach students how to safely and confidently practice at home.

The Internet has opened up a whole new realm of possibilities.

There are tens of thousands of yogic websites online already, but for the most part, most teachers who created them are still stuck in their yoga classes... yet to realize the great teaching potential of this global medium.

Teaching people how to practice yoga at home, from home, is the way of the future. If only just a few teachers start to realize how to use the internet to effectively share their teachings and get more people off the couch and doing yoga at home, then that future looks enlightened indeed.

Yogacharya Michael is the Founder of International Yogalayam and creator of The Yoga Tutor, a step-by-step online yoga training website. For your FREE TRIAL of The Yoga Tutor, visit

? Copyright - Yogacharya Michael. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. You may freely republish this article, but the text, author credit, the active links and this copyright notice must remain intact.

Start Meditating Yet?

After fifty years of research by Western medicine, it is time to recommend meditating twice-daily for 20-minutes each - because it aids your longevity, healing and stress-busting.

The Hindus in India, Buddhists is Asia, and millions of Americans do a deep relaxation exercise that helps prevent many diseases from getting a foothold in their minds and bodies.

Meditation is used to accelerate healing, enhance health, and improve the function of our life processes. Research in August, 2006 - indicates that those who regularly meditate suffer

less common colds.

Han Selye

The father of understanding stress and the fight-or-flight syndrome was Dr. Hans Selye, a Canadian endocrinologist. He lived 1907-1982, and experimented at the University of Montreal, where he published 32 books on stress.

Today the AMA does not contradict his theory that Heart Disease, Cancer and Stroke are somehow introduced by chronic-stress. Meditation is on the verge of being accepted as an adjunct to surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy.

How To Do It

Let us not get bogged down in the philosophy of meditation, but see it as the integration of our left and right brains toward creating a firewall against disease, and reducing or eliminating chronic-stress.

For detail medical data, Google Dr. Herbert Benson, Harvard Medical School. He offers a laundry list of mental and physical benefits from meditating.

Our personal experience over five-years is extraordinary, but we suggest you do your own research. It is not invasive, requires about 40 minutes daily, and offers everything to gain, and nothing to lose.


One: sit with your eyes closed, feet flat, and hands on the top of your knees.

Two: prepare to repetitiously chant some simple words - a Mantra is Sanskrit, for Thought.

Three: focus upward toward your third-eye, the Pineal-Gland; it is situated between both-eyes in-line with your eyebrows.

Four: use your fingertips to rotate back-and-forth across both thumbs throughout each twenty-minutes of meditating.

The Mysterious Sounds

Indians claim up to 3,500 years of experience with the use of sound as a vibrational frequency to excite the healing processes and activate mind and body - for improved life and enhanced health.

We recommend two separate mantras to quiet your stream-of-consciousness and reduce chronic stress.

a) Sat Nam - remember it as Viet-Nam, but it is pronounced and chanted - But-Mom. Take a deep diaphragmatic breath and gently release the air as you chant in a loop, B-U-T - M-O-M, B-U-T - M-O-M, etc., for a total of a two-dozen times. Drag-out-the sounds of the four phrase mantra.

b) SA-TA-NA-MA is the second looped chant. Take a deep diaphragmatic breath and slowly exhale as you repetitiously chant SATANAMA twenty-four times.

c) Simultaneously focus on your third-eye, while rotating you fingertips across your thumbs. The sequence is inhale, chant, third-eye, and fingertips.

Tell Me More

Here is what advocates of Kundalini Yoga suggest:

These two chants link us to two different vibrations of intelligence.

Sat Nam pierces the universal veil, and permits us to reach Infinite-Intelligence and Cosmic-Consciousness.

The SA-TA-NA-MA meditation is to clean out the closets of our non-conscious mind. Do this daily to transform how our mind and body experience life. Remember - it is our right-brain (non-consciousness) - that produces choice and life decisions.


We expect positive change in the future, and consider change a way to feel happier, and more peaceful. Simultaneously, we fear a change in our comfort-zone and the status-quo. Simply - it is a contrast between the known and unknown.

It is normal to want to be healthier, experience great relationships, and when sick, to be healed. Who does not want to be richer, get promoted and discover great meaning in our activities and behaviors?

We want to evict bad habits like smoking, overeating, anger and depression; and reprogram ourselves with self-esteem, more happiness and pleasure in our lives.

It is common knowledge even among twelve-year-olds that change begins with ourselves; others and our environment will not alter their systems and beliefs to suit us.

Is it a fact that when we change our inner-reality, our world becomes different?

Change your state-of-mind, beliefs and mood, and you control your life?

Think about this: the essence of all things is energy, electro-magnetic vibrations, but operating at different frequencies. Today, physics offers String Theory, 100 year old successor to Quantum Mechanics, to explain the universe.

Is it possible to alter our own vibrational-frequency to match what we want to attract? The answer may be in meditation through chanting because it raises our vibrations.


Ignore these two meditations at your peril. Learn and use them and discover the enormity of your personal and potential gifts-and-talents.

We advocate chanting for health, healing and joy - for its own sake. In terms of speed reading - chanting (meditating), removes resistance to learning.

Do you rationalize, become resigned to the status-quo, become aggressively opposed, and retreat (flight), from self-improvement? It is fear of newness.

See ya,

copyright © 2006

H. Bernard Wechsler

A Closer Look at Dog Training Books

Are you the type of pet owner that spends half his time taking care of his dog? Is your furry friend subject to behavior problems? Perhaps you wish he would sit when you asked him to? These are some of the topics modern dog training authors address in their books. More and more books ob dog training appear on store shelves every day, because of the increasing demand for them. Dog training book authors aim to capitalize on the growing niche of pet owners who embark on the task of training their dog all by themselves. However, some unscrupulous writers don't miss the opportunity to invade the market with anything they can come up with and call it a training book.

The truth is that some training books out there look and feel more like a comic book, since the author never actually had a dog before. These books completely void of substance, stand side by side next to material written by authors with more than thirty years of dog training experience. The use of a printed guide can be a powerful tool for pet owners in search for plan on how to take their dog through the basics of dog training. However, an incredible amount of weeding must be done in order to get rid of the junk that can stand in the way of a good book.

An example of a well written book, might be "Help! My dog has an attitude" written by Gwen Bohnenkamp. It is easy to find substantial information included in this book. One of the things pointed out by the author in this book, is the fact that dogs, like human beings, are subject to every day stress situations typical of modern day life. Incidents like the noise of the ambulance, a car stopping right next to you and honking the horn, are just some examples that can drive any living organism to the top of his nerves! The book gets the reader to think about his surroundings from a dogs point of view, and become conscious of the fact that we are directly responsible for much of it.

Another example of a dog training book is "The Dog Whisperer" written by Paul Owens. His work is completely void of significant information, and could be labeled an example of the kind of book that needs to be weeded out at the library. The book starts off to include a few basic principles on training, and then goes on to talk about love between you and your pet. He also attempts to include spirituality as part of the training, digressing a great deal from the matter at hand. Therefore, in order to avoid spending your money in a dog training book that turns out to be lessons in Yoga, ask around and search online dog forums for worthy recommendations.

Enter the exciting world of free dog games. Play Puppy games and other dog games online at

Best 3 Fat Burning Exercises - Top Workouts That Burn Body Fat Fast

Having a slim and fit body suggests that one is taking care of himself. Nobody idolizes someone who does not actually take care of himself. But how do we know if someone is really taking care of his body? Is it when someone is perfectly sexy and fat-free? Answer is, yes! Look around us and you will see that people, be it politics, entertainment, sports, etc. are doing their best to shed those pounds and get a fit and healthy body.

Beauty has been identified with a fat-free body as per our generation now. In order to be beautiful, you have to know the best 3 fat burning exercises today. If you will try to search all over the internet, you will get so many different and contradicting answers which may not seem to be helpful at all. To make it simple, we have combined all those things into just the best 3 fat burning exercises that will surely give you the result you need.

1. Sports -

This may not be considered a real exercise for most people but believe it or not, engaging in real sports is definitely one of the best 3 fat burning exercises. Highly recommended sports include mountain climbing, rowing, swimming, ball games among others. One great thing about this exercise is that you are already burning your body fats at the same time, enjoying yourselves playing.

2. Cross Training -

This best fat burning exercise has been labeled as a cross training because you combine and alternate weight training and strength training. Weight training is a pretty much simple exercise as it only involves equipment mostly found in a gym like dumbbells, work-out machines and the like while strength training involves natural exercises to develop your body strength without machines like jogging and walking.

3. Mental Training -

Without this last best fat burning exercise, you can not go any further if you are not mentally determined to burn all those fats. This exercise may include yoga trainings and self-motivation exercises to help you go on and maintain a healthy lifestyle from now on.

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College Soccer Cross-Training - 5 Tips for Effective Results

Soccer players run, and run, and run, and run. While doing wonders for their fitness, at some point they begin to experience diminishing returns. So for every extra mile they run, they only receive an incremental increase in fitness. Not only this, but they're also put at a greater risk of injury due to overuse and muscle imbalances. There is no better way to get soccer fit then by playing soccer, but this can only happen when a solid training base is already developed.

Cross training for college soccer is in my mind the greatest under appreciated training solution. During the off-season and even the base training period, cross training allows a soccer player to make significant training improvements while minimizing the risk of injury. This is because you're able to correct muscle imbalances, avoid stressing joints, and improve your strength and muscle endurance.

My two favorite cross-training exercises for college soccer training are cycling and strength training. There are no better exercises that can improve explosiveness, balance, and muscle endurance. You can use these two activities to mimic soccer's specific training demands. Intervals on a stationary bike are a favorite training tool for hockey, because it closely mimics the high intensity, short duration of their shifts. Strength training allows you to work on core strength and stability, which is a major weakness and cause of injury in most soccer players. Your core incorporates everything from your hips and glutes to your back and shoulders. Yoga is another personal favorite that greatly improves your balance, coordination and flexibility. While it can't directly substitute for cardio or strength, it is a great addition to supplement your training schedule (even during the season).

5 Tips for Cross Training

Here are some basic rules of thumb for cross-training to make sure its effective and relatively risk-free.

1. Training intensity should be roughly 80% of your max effort. This will make sure you're not over-training and keeps you safe from injury.

2. Training should be shorter duration than a normal soccer practice or game. So you can cross-train for 30 - 60 minutes depending on the workout and your current training schedule.

3. Training frequency should be roughly 3-5 times per week. So if you're already running or practicing soccer 3 times per week, only add 2-3 days of cross training.

4. Focus on activities that are non-impact. You will get enough impact training from running at least 3 days a week, so you should focus on non-impact training like cycling or strength circuit training. This will allow you to keep your intensity higher on the days you do run or play soccer.

5. Cross-training should still be functional. All training should still be based around high-intensity intervals. This will train your muscle endurance, but also significantly improve your explosiveness and quickness.

This article was an excerpt from College Soccer Recruiting 101. Your Guide to Becoming a Top Recruit. Find this information and much, much more now by visiting College Soccer Recruiting 101.

Brad Smith runs, the only comprehensive college soccer recruiting service. We offer recruiting coaching, self-marketing services, personalized fitness programs and private training. In addition to these services we write extensively about college soccer recruiting, fitness, nutrition and the mental side of soccer.

Follow us on Twitter @MySoccerImage

Thursday, December 27, 2012

The Real Benefits of Yoga

Did you know that yoga is a fantastic exercise for strength training? Yoga is easy on the joints and muscles. It can also be done right at home without any special equipment. All you need is a yoga mat. You can work out at your own pace and anytime during the day.

Here are some benefits of Yoga:

? Increased flexibility. Yoga has lots of body movements that will stretch basically every part of your body. The joints also receive a workout by stretching.

? Increased blood supply stimulation to the entire body. While completing yoga exercises, you are moving the body in positions that will stimulate the blood flow to these areas enriching the joints and organs with rich blood supply. This helps with the aging process, by making you look younger. Cheers to that!

? Aids in toning muscle. When exercising you will use different muscles that normal activities of daily living will not strengthen. Yoga builds muscle tone to the body that may help with back ache and better posture. Get your beach body by doing yoga and be proud of looking superb.

? Increased lubrication on you joints. The movements in yoga will lube your joints because you use them more. Your body will naturally figure out that the joints need to be lubricated because they are being used more. This will help with walking day to day and may relive pain.

Purchase and exercise yoga DVD at your local supermarket and feel the effects of the power of yoga.

Let me know how you feel.

For more vital health and wellness information check this out:
Matthew Hell
NCSF-Personal Trainer

Pilates Exercise Regimen

Imagine a type of exercise that could do more than just make you stronger or help you lose weight. What if there was a type that could actually improve your posture, help prevent future injuries, improve you coordination and balance, and make you better at physical sports. What if the positive aspects of this theoretical regimen didn't stop there, but when on to make you more flexible, improve your sense of touch, make it easier for you to move, make you stronger, and even alleviate back pain? Of course one exercise regimen could not possibly do this, could it? Yes, it could and this program goes by the name of Pilates.

A regimen that could do all this would likely be considered some new system that required high-tech exercise equipment, probably recently discovered by researchers after years of study. On the contrary, the Pilates program came to exist in the year 1880, over 100 years ago, in Germany. Pilates was the concept of a man named, you guessed it, Pilates. When he was just a boy, Pilates was slammed with one physical issue after another, such as Rickets, Asthma, and unusual bone formations.

As a stubborn young man, Pilates refused to accept the conditions as permanent, and sought to find a way to retrain his body, make it more flexible and durable. After many years of self induced training in meditation and physical fitness.

The compilation of Pilates study came in the form of a regimen that was built upon the principle of balance. The idea was to find a point where strength and flexibility could meet on equal levels. At the same time, it also focused on the balance of the body, the mind, and the spirit. After studying a bit more into his theories of balancing these three, Pilates stumbled upon the eastern theories on equality of calmness and centeredness. All of this coupled with the western worlds approach to exercise (motion, and strength) he brought together his new and ultimate exercise program, the Pilate Regimen.

The overall concept of the program, though there have been many offshoots over the decades, is centered around concentration of movements, the use of the bodies center (lower back/abdomen), and smooth movements, as well as that of controlled breathing. There are many great sources of information on the Pilates regimen, and once you start delving into them, you will find that there is a mass of different techniques to it. Though this might be a bit confusing at first, there are ways to choose the correct one for you, as each way focuses on a different aspect of your being and well being.

Consult your physician on the subject. Most doctors are very much for the Pilates Regimen, as it has such a success rate from past test programs.

Yoga is a great way to strengthen your mind and body and get in shape as well as a great way to unwind after a long day. Whatever your yoga products needs, we have the info and resources to point you in the right direction. We have yoga music, mats, clothes, pants, videos and journals as well as info on the different types, postures and the history of yoga. Yoga supplies, such as a yoga bag and yoga pants are a good investment. Yoga music comes in a wide variety of styles and can make practicing yoga more enjoyable. More info: Yoga ball

New Age Dawning - Breathe Well, Sleep Well, Age Well

Sleep May Not Be the Number One Factor In staying Young and Healthy

"Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise."

This short proverb can be traced as far back as 1496, and even earlier if you count all its variations. It seems that people have always understood the necessity of a good night's sleep, but these days quality sleep has become a luxury rather than a necessity. But going without sleep may not be so easy since it's not something your body can easily do without.

The Growing Sleep Deficit

According to a recent Harvard Health Publications survey, "more people are sleeping less than six hours a night, and sleep difficulties confound 75% of us at least a few nights per week." Most people are shown to be getting inadequate sleep, and as a result chronic fatigue is a major problem for millions of Americans.

But even with the sleep "catch up" on the weekends there are still those who are tired and listless no matter how many hours of sleep they get. In these circumstances, something else may be awry: the sleepiness patients feel is usually the end result and not the actual cause of their sleepiness. In fact, it may be their poor breathing at night and not the quantity of sleep they're deprived of.

Breath Well To Sleep Well

Whenever you undergo any form of exercise training, you're almost always reminded to take long deep breaths and to focus on your breathing. From Pilates, to yoga to running and Tai-Chi, exerting control over one's breath, especially as it pertains to one's stamina and endurance, is key to maintaining good form and gaining mastery.

But think what would happen if you couldn't breathe well while you slept. You'd get more than a flabby body. You'd be headed for some serious health problems. But if you're suffering from obstructive sleep apnea, or OSA for short, this is exactly what's happening.

Having Trouble Breathing While Sleeping?

Although all humans have varying degrees of airway narrowing, those with sleep apnea, or its milder variant upper airway resistance syndrome (UARS) have anatomies that are more prone to collapse than others. If you have a triangular facial structure or if you have a long neck or if you have a thick, stocky neck, like a football player, or if your tongue happens to sit higher up on your arches (see diagram), all of these anatomical factors can predispose you to airway obstruction or breathing problems while you sleep. Obesity, or one's weight is not the primary indicator as once believed for having sleep apnea.

This is why for some OSA and UARS patients, sleeping on their sides or stomaches is an important prerequisite for getting a good nights rest. The reason being that this position, as opposed to sleeping on their backs, gives the tissue around their airway a bit more openness, and their tongues don't tend to collapse as easily if they were lying flat on their backs, especially in deep sleep when throat muscles tend to relax more.

Although many OSA and UARS patients think they prefer to sleep this way just because this is how they've always slept, they may very well have made a choice to sleep this way for very good reason. It's almost like a reflexive survival mechanism, since these preferences to sleep on our sides or stomachs, may have been formed not by any conscious effort, but as a reflexive coping mechanism for something that's ailing us. This is why oftentimes when patients come to me with sinus and or chronic fatigue issues, I always ask: "Which position do you prefer to sleep in?" It's almost a given that if patients like to sleep on their sides or stomaches their airways will look like the opening of a coffee stirrer when I look at their airway with my video endoscope.

Breathing For Life

Although many of us intuitively know that breathing is necessary for life, those with sleep apnea and UARS aren't breathing for their lives. Even though they're sleeping and therefore should rest allowing time for their brain, muscles, and organs to reset and replenish, their apneas or frequent breathing cessations are constantly interrupting this process. It's like their "fight or flight" response is on all the time, even though it needs some time off. Think what would happen to your car if the ignition was never turned off. Well, this is what's happening with sleep apnea patients.

Problems with Sleep Apnea

There are many serious consequences to having sleep-breathing problems-many of which are preventable yet as I'd mentioned before, this is not very likely because so many people who have this condition are unaware.

For one thing, research has found that sleep apnea is inked with a higher incidence of high blood pressure and heart disease. Many patients that come to me already on high blood pressure medications or have a history of heart disease are found on examination to have some sort of a sleep-breathing disorder.

Some other chronic conditions related to sleep apnea are diabetes, depression and many anxiety issues. Many fatigue and attention deficit problems like ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) in children have also been linked to sleep apnea. A recent study showed that some children having undergone tonsillectomies (where a high percentage of them present with obvious symptoms of OSA) showed significant improvement in their ability to focus and pay attention in schools if not a significantly noticeable decrease in their behavior problems as a result. As you can see, not breathing well while you sleep can have serious consequences for both the old and the young.

When Being Young Is Not Enough

Because sleeping well is almost synonymous in people's minds with feeling well, looking young and healthy, many people neglect their breathing as a simple fact of life. Little do we realize that this is wherein life originates.

People don't often ask themselves, "How well did I breathe last night" when they feel groggy and listless in the morning. Instead, most people fixate on the amount of sleep they got or not. This may be the reason why sleeping pills and anti-anxiety medications are so popular in America today.

Moreover, as everyone jumps on the latest new anti-aging rage, breathing is becoming not a secondary, but a tertiary issue in the medical community. In the scheme of holistic or preventative medicine, breathing is often taken as a matter of fact. Although many proponents of these therapies often tout breathing exercises as a means to reducing stress and improving mental wellness they nonetheless overlook this matter when they provide dietary regiments or herbal supplements as sleep aids with little or no regard to the fact that none of these regiments are all that effective unless the mechanism that allows for efficient sleep is working well too. It's almost like an auto shop owner shoving premium gasoline at customers with cars with broken fuel lodges. Sooner or later, that car is either going to break down or stop dead in its tracks, or at the very least, waste the very good thing you put in to it to make it work better. Similarly, if your sleep problems originate from an anatomical issue, like your airway, no amount of pills or supplements, no matter how potent, can effectively cure your problems with sleep. These problems need to be addressed from the source where it originates-the airway.

Your Breathing Problems Solved

In lieu of giving out bottles of air to my OSA and UARS patients, there are simple measures you can take on your own to improve your breathing while you sleep if you suspect that this may be the source of your problems.

The first most obvious thing I recommend to all my patients who suffer from fatigue issues is to avoid sleeping on their backs. This is one of many reasons why snoring sometimes ceases when people turn over while they sleep. The next best thing to do, if you're not able to change your sleep position in this way due to an injury or habit, is to lose any excess weight you've gained recently. Yet, if you're still feeling tired or having trouble maintaining focus at work my recommendation will be to get a formal sleep study or polysomnography to determine the root cause of your day time fatigue or exhaustion.

You Want Me To Sleep Where?

A typical "sleep study" takes place in a sleep laboratory where a sleep technician can hook you up to a monitor while you sleep, and a "sleep doctor" can use the readings to objectively measure and quantify the real source of your sleep problems. (Watch meundergo a sleep study.)

Although you may or may not be officially diagnosed with OSA even after the sleep study, I've seen many if not a great majority of these patients gain useful information to address any other sleep problems they may be having. Yet, most if not in all cases, patients who I suspect have these conditions, are found to have some mild to moderate breathing component that goes along with their sleep problems. And for these patients, in lieu of treating the underlying breathing problem, no amount of sleeping pills will cure the airway blockage that's at the root of their sleep problems.

Decelerating the Aging Process

To understand how essential it is to get the sleep you need, it's equally if not more important to understand how you can get the restorative sleep you need as well.

Essentially, sound sleep offers vital services to your body. After spending a full day learning new skills and having new experiences, sleep allows your brain to shut down its learning mode and consolidate and commit the newly acquired information to memory. Adequate sleep also allows the body to produce the right balance of hormones to help stabilize weight and use carbohydrates efficiently (this may be why research studies show that inadequate sleep is often linked with weight gain). Getting enough sleep also helps to ensure your safety by keeping your brain more alert and in tune with your reflexes preventing injury, and keeping you happy and well adjusted.

Sleep also helps keep the body healthy by boosting your immune function, reducing your chances of getting certain cancers and lowering your blood pressure too. In a nutshell, if you're not sleeping well, you're missing out on one of the most valuable methods for keeping you young and healthy for a very long time.

However, ensuring that your good night's sleep isn't impaired by breathing problems like Obstructive Sleep Apnea may be more important than sleeping that extra hour of shut eye. As the new-age gurus of aging are telling us, it's not how old you are chronologically as how old you are biologically. Similarly, if your breathing is impaired while you're sleeping, your health may not depend so much on how much you sleep every night but how well you're sleeping through the night, and moreover, how well you're breathing while you're asleep. In short, take a closer look at what's happening on the inside and not on the outside for the answers to your sleep problems. You may be surprised by what you find.

Steven Y. Park, MD is a surgeon and author of the book, Sleep, Interrupted: A physician reveals the #1 reason why so many of us are sick and tired. Endorsed by New York Times best-selling authors Christiane Northrup, M.D., Dean Ornish, M.D., Mark Liponis, M.D., Mary Shomon, and many others.

Exercise Programs - Aerobic, Strength And Flexibility Training

Ask yourself this question, what does exercise mean to you? Does it mean going out and doing the 5-mile run? Well, if that's what you are thinking, you don't know more than half the truth yet. Like most people, you have the misconception that cardio (running, swimming, cycling, etc.) is the only form of exercise.

Therefore, this article will tell you about the other 2 exercises; strength and flexibility training.

Aerobic training

Aerobic training is considered as cardio. If you are thinking swimming, running, walking and cycling, you are right. All of these exercises that require you to perform repetitive movement of a fixed set of muscles are categorized as aerobic training or cardio.

Strength training

If you are interested in weight loss, you should look into this type of training or exercise. Strength training is all about resistance and lifting weights. You can prevent bone loss too. The general rule of thumb is the more muscles you have, the more calories you burn. But in order to gain muscles, you have to lift weights to grow your existing muscles. Besides, another benefit of strength training is your body still continues to burn calories even after your workout at the gym.

How do you start? You go to the gym and lift weights for 20 to 30 minutes for 3 times a week. As you become advanced (after 3 to 6 months of training), you will most likely increase your training duration to 30 to 60 minutes for 5 times a week.

What if you are above the age of 60 years old? Can you still perform strength training? Yes you can. But don't push the limits. This can save you from having injuries. When in doubt, always hire a personal health instructor at the gym.

Flexibility training

Why do you have to undergo flexibility training? Well, you can reduce risks of injury and maintain your muscle health. Ever heard of Pilates or yoga? Even if you don't want to go to these "advanced" classes, you can always and should perform simple stretching during your workout at the gym or aerobic training.

Remember, you can exercise in the aerobic, strength and flexibility way. You are not limited to cardio (aerobic) only. After you exercise, rest your back on the zero gravity chair or anti gravity chair. Protect your back today.

Yoga Travel Destination - Ilha Grande, Brazil

How do you define an ideal yoga travel retreat? Perhaps a tropical island paradise off the coast of Brazil. Sunrise and sunset yoga practice. Relaxing in your veranda's hammock after a hike through the rainforest. Sounds like a dream.

Twice a year, Straight to the Heart holds a yoga travel retreat on the island of Ilha Grande, a small secluded haven of beauty and seclusion. This particular retreat spoke to us as it gives importance to the inner journey of finding yourself through yoga. In this week-long immersion, students can expect to deeply learn about themselves, and at the same time, relax on their amazing Brazilian vacation.

Ilha Grande is a small island, just a short day trip away from Rio. You'll find no cars and no pollution on this island. Untouched by industrialization, the island's rainforest grows lush, providing for a naturally energetic setting for a thoughtful yoga practice.

An assortment of activities can be found on Ilha Grande. Rainforest hikes lead you to secluded natural waterfalls. Kayaking and snorkeling is enjoyed in the warm water of the Pacific Ocean. Visitors can learn about Brazil's culture through demonstrations of samba and capoeira.

The retreat is led by Kimberly Johnson, an experienced yogi with a background in structural integration. Her yoga training includes Viniyoga, Iyengar, and Ashtanga and her teaching will include a fusion of these styles with a focus on the inward journey through Vinyasa yoga postures. Expect a spiritual awakening in addition to the physical workout.

The twice-a-day practices can range in intensity depending on the goal, whether it be relaxation or invigoration. All levels of practice are welcome as each class will be tailored for the individuals involved. Modifications are offered as needed. To keep a level of personal attention, retreat sizes are limited to 25 people.

Accommodations include a veranda with an ocean view. Need we say more? Ok, we will. Natural, local vegetarian meals feature tropical fruits, organic vegetables, and locally caught fish. The cherry on top... the package also includes two full body massages.

The next yoga travel immersion retreat is in early October, which is springtime in Brazil. Hooray!

Matt C. Elmore is a Certified Yoga Instructor, Internet Marketer, and Electrical Engineer. His passions include health, love, the pursuit of happiness, yoga, dance, and travel. Yoga Travel Blog. Ihla Grande Review.

The Eightfold Path of Yoga

Patanjali, the father of Yoga was a great physician too. Supposed to have lived during 200 B.C to 200 A.D, his book Yoga Sutra is a guide book for simple and healthy living. Yoga Sutra has 195 aphorisms or sutras which actually do not describe the yogic postures or asanas. Yoga as described by him is not only about asanas or postures and well being. Yoga according to Patanjali is a way of life. His book is basically an ethical outline for living a principled life and includes the science of yoga into your daily life.

The basis of the teachings of Patanjali is entwined in the eightfold path of yoga or the ashtanga yoga. These teachings are suggestions for a better life. The eight fold path is as follows

Yama means social behaviour. It tells you the way to treat others and the world around you. These are the right values. Also called the do's and don'ts. There are five yamas: Nonviolence (ahimsa), Truth and honesty (satya), Nonstealing (asteya), Nonlust (brahmacharya), Nonpossessiveness (aparigraha),

Niyama means personal discipline and responsibility. This tells us how to treat ourselves. Also called observances. There are five niyamas: Purity (shauca), Contentment (santosha), Austerity (tapas), Study of the sacred text (svadhyaya), and Living with an awareness of the Divine (ishvara-pranidhana).

Asana. Yoga is commonly understood as performing the various asanas. According to Patanjali, "The posture of yoga is steady and easy." The ancient sages used yoga to prepare themselves for meditation. In order to meditate a person requires to sit in one posture for a long time, the body should be flexible and agile and at the same time cooperative to achieve this. One should be able to concentrate without getting disturbed by the environment during meditation.

Pranayama. Prana or the life force or energy is everywhere. It is present in every living being. It flows into us through our breath. Pranayama actually refers to controlling this life force. The key actions of pranayama are inhaling the breath, retention of breath, and finally exhaling it out. As Iyengar has explained the basic behind the controlling of breadth, "A yogi's life is not measured by the number of days but by the number of his breaths. Therefore, he follows the proper rhythmic patterns of slow, deep breathing." Pranayama cleanses the system and eliminates mental distractions such as anxiety, tension, agitation, desperation etc. facilitating easier concentration.

Pranayama is generally practiced after the asanas.

Pratyahara. Pratyahara denotes withdrawal of the senses. It happens at the time of meditation, breathing exercises, or the practice of yoga postures. It occurs when a person concentrates or focuses his attention inwards, within himself or herself. Controlling your senses is very tough, once mastered, distractions like itching, sounds, smell etc. will not be felt at the time of meditation.

Dharana. "Concentration is binding thought in one place," - Patanjali

Concentration or dharana is training the mind to be focused on a single, place, image, subject even things like, a candle, a flower or even a mantra. There should be no effort for concentration, it should be very gentle. The mind is in the concentration mode, once the person loses any sense of passing time.

Dhyana. Dharana leads to dhyana (state of meditation). It is the state of uninterrupted meditation. Unlike what is understood, the aim of dhyana is not losing consciousness, the aim is to heighten awareness and unification with the universe. If you are concerned about distraction you are not meditating just concentrating. The peace achieved by meditation is visible in every aspect of the person, be it working, enjoying or shopping.

Samadhi. This is the final aim of yoga as described by Patanjali. Samadhi according to Vyasa is complete control of functions of consciousness or "samadhan". Samadhi also means the complete union with the divine or to merge with the divine. This is state of extremely heightened consciousness or enlightenment.

Besides being a guide for practising yoga, the sutras of Ashtanga yoga of Patanjali also suggests a moral and right way of living.

The author of this article also writes articles on Yoga for a great site which helps you to find yoga studios, vegetarian restaurants and ayurvedic healers in United States of America

Teaching Yoga - Pranayama For Self-Realization

As you know by now, pranayama (yogic breathing) is one of the most effective ways to create a link to the mind and body. Yet, pranayama is often over looked by Hatha Yoga practitioners. If you take a superficial view of Yoga: A photo of one's breath cannot produce the shock value seen in some asana photographs.

Yet, Yoga cannot be summed up in one photo session or one book. Humans often make hasty judgments about subjects. This enables us to quickly sort, classify, and file ideas, in a specific order, so that we may retrieve them easily. The only problem is that we may not have gone beyond the surface layer of our filing system.

It takes years of Yoga practice to get beyond our superficial viewpoints. Yoga teaches us to look at the deeper aspects of life, without harsh judgments. Each limb of Yoga is as significant as the other. When we review the Eight Limbs, as described by Maharishi Patanjali, within the "Yoga Sutras," we begin to realize the value of each area of study that may be lacking in our personal practice.

If we continue to practice and study Yoga for years, we begin to realize the value of each limb. We also begin to appreciate the subtle differences among Yogic schools and styles. Despite these differences, self-realization is a common objective among many Yogic schools of thought.

How can pranayama help you on the path toward self-realization? Some claim pranayama is boring, while others will tell you it is hard work. In many Hatha Yoga classes, breath awareness is integrated into asana or meditation practice, but it might not be a separate segment of the class. Some fitness Yoga teachers yield to the popularity of asanas and see little worth in pranayama as a separate practice.

With that said - it will take the fitness-oriented student a bit longer to become completely present for practice. Pranayama is a gateway to the state of seeing, knowing, and being, which we call self-realization. In some schools of thought, pranayama is the easiest way to connect mind, body, and spirit.

Here is an example: Sit in a quiet room and notice what you can easily focus on. Is it a sound, an object, an image, or a function? For many, the breath is easy to isolate and focus on. Our perspectives will be different, depending on our training and the amount of time we put into practice.

Each of us is different, but you can put this to the test along or with students. Being truly present for practice is an exercise in self-realization. To bring self-realization into daily life is a way of life.

© Copyright 2009 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of Yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. He has been a certified Master Yoga Teacher since 1995. To receive Free Yoga videos, Podcasts, e-Books, reports, and articles about Yoga, please visit:

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Yoga and the Actual Worldwide Economic Collapse

We are all facing such a tremendous changes nowadays. One thing is true: we all change despite our beliefs, perception and/or thoughts. There are changes, cycles, and patterns which range as fast as of that of 7-8 weeks embryo's heart: hundreds of beats per minutes, even faster! Not to even mention that table you are seeing now, the chair, shelf, etc, that "thing" that looks like a "fixed" thing, is constantly changing at a tremendously fast pace also. We are not even noticing those changes at all due to its vibration speed "sensed" by our human eyes but as a renown sage of the previous 20th century said: The main foundation of the visible is the invisible... therefore so many things happen in front of us but we cannot definitely notice them due to the lack of development of our senses, our senses cannot grasp those things, well they can but just 4%!

One of the megatrends that define a culture according the actual world wide panorama is called Economy, unfortunately for quite a lot of people and highly fortunately for a few rich ones, economical trends outline human life in all its ways. This is because our world is immersed in a "almost-wrong" way to see what is 'real': without material things and money human beings cannot simply be happy.

The center and main foundation of all these trends is the behind the scenes philosophy that constantly orient and redefine thousands times over and over the world we have in front of us, which is born in our brain, mind, me...), so if we can see beyond that 4% and we can at last focus on other wider parameters, spreading that sight can take many many years unless we start a proper training of ourselves directed by experienced people in that field. What we can say so far is those "unitary production costs", say, human beings, the people, you and me, are the most intelligent strategy to follow in these moments where we apparently see all is "collapsing" and "economies breakdown" are the top of the topics.

What cannot be understood is how come those intellectual people, our "leaders" most of them coming from prestigious business school cannot even grasp that simple approach or even more how can not they research in systematically and scientific way these posings and set this out? And it's so because they cannot even realize certain facts just with their actual senses full of intellectual patterns, worries, stress, frustration, unhappiness, junk foods and depression.

One thing is clear: If I am Ok you are Ok, the thing is clear for many of us: What you want for me is always what I want for you. It is like a boomerang, we are all trapped in this thread named world, we all affect the others one way or another, we are all part of this bio sphere where we are all connected, I always think our beloved World Wide Web (Internet) is a prehistorical primitive and very archaic way how the world counteract within its parts. We human being are like a dispositive, there are so many things inside of us that require our analysis in a very intelligent way, we are not just a body, we are also mind, brain, emotions, intellect, energy, we are spirit, by spirit I mean we are more than body, we are souls, not that "soul" mentioned in dogmatic religions, but "something" such as body or mind itself or similar what Quantum physics are stating lately.

We are divine gypsies experiencing mortal dreams as humans, the main reason for us to be here on earth is to go back to those realms and the first gate to cross by is being in peace, which brings forth harmony, then love and truth among other beautiful feelings deeply rooted inside of us. Yoga is like a tool, a technique, a plan or a way to go back to our own nature, that nature is a divine hidden treasure.

Yoga and its millenary techniques can bring us that inner peace we are all longing for, all this by simply training, reconditioning, detoxifying, cleaning and purifying our body and mind allowing our true nature which is our own soul: ever new bliss, happiness, joy, love, etc come out in a natural way. One of those very important techniques is called Mantra Yoga Meditation, it is a simple technique that can be learned in such a short time, it takes no more than 60 mns to learn it, it is the best recommended way our "soul" comes out through the gates of the body, mind, intellect, emotions, purifying, detoxifying, cleaning and reconditioning them in the mean time. Its daily practice require only 30 mns. in the morning and 30 mns. in the afternoon, same way we need a program to loose weight or gain spectacular muscles by proper training.

It is highly scientifically demonstrated as we can read in many sources such as Time Magazine, Newsweek, Harvard Business Review, Harvard Medical School, Stanford Business School, etc, that during the practice of Meditation the consumption of oxygen is reduced in a significant way as well as the oxidize of carbon, the heart and respiratory rates, while it grows and the resistance of the skin is developed, they have also discovered that meditation reshape the brain, create new cells and enhance our entire system.

The metabolic rate of the body is reduced remarkably, conserving the normal balance of oxygen and oxidize of carbon. This physiological evidence suggests that the body reaches a deep state of rest, whereas the inner Self spirit is wide-awake as it demonstrates the personal experience. It can be easily inferred that the subtlest states of thought and the changes that correspond to that refinement of the mental activity is reflected in the body of those who practices it regularly. This state is physiological, psychic, neurological and socially exceptional.

Mantra Yoga Meditation and its daily practice help us: How to eliminate psychosomatic disorders, Developing of a real inner state of stability and well-being, True peace and tranquility, disappearance of sentimental problems, regeneration from nervous breakdown and stress problems, Adaptation and understanding of others, Increase in the security of personal confidence, development of all levels of individual conscience, annihilating of depressive states, how to obtain a creativity that allows to solve all type of problems, crimes and negative behavior, which is the cause of the dissatisfaction of human beings, accomplishment of the highest education ideals, Improvement the memory and the concentration, purification of the nervous system, solving drug problems, tobacco and alcohol, stead fast solutions of economics and sociocultural problems of the world, accomplishment of the main spiritual objective of the world, simple things such as how to sleep well, how to relax, etc

The Combined mental and physical effects of Mantra Yoga Meditation are unique, because they entail to a fourth state of greater conscience of the Being, that is as natural as the other three states: Awake, Sleep and Deep Dreaming. Those experiences, their benefits and many others are established immediately in the course of that state of suspension of the transformation of the thinking principle. Solitude, anguish and daily preoccupations constitute the secret life of the man: but regardless of how far one how one goes away, it is not possible to be released one's self, therefore what start as an individual problem gathers to another problem therefore there is a BIG problem in front of us then! world wide peace cannot exist without individual peace, Yoga is a very wonderful option. The sooner we start our personal training the better for us and the world.

Yoga has to be learned by serious and highly trained people but very important has to be learned from a good Master or Guru, you must be careful not to learn yoga from just 'any' source, those sources are usually merely business oriented DVD's, etc. Swami Guru Devanand Saraswati Ji Maharaj was one of the most interesting personages of the 20th century who belonged to the very renown and famous Yoga Masters lineage located in the very core of ancient India, that place where that Master was trained are the very roots where Yoga was born, he was a sage whose work can be seen in the whole world especially the Americas hemisphere, the fruits of that work can also be seen in many generations since 60's, his main mission was to teach us how to feed well (he was a pioneer on introducing the concept of vegetarianism, yoga and natural living in America, when it was such a big shocking surprise not eating meat at all!), how to contact our true own source of real happiness, how to eliminate stress, depression among other teachings.

I truly believe if any sphere, stage, social status, economical level of our world such as business people, entrepreneurs, housewives, carpenters, teachers, shoe polishers, politicians, sales people, nuns, nurses, children, young and old people, everybody include the practice of Yoga and very important, the practice of Meditation in their lives, the whole world panorama would change dramatically, these teachings are not religious teachings, this means that any person of any race, creed or religion needs not to leave her church, temple or mosque to practice Meditation. All you need is to integrate this practice to your daily life.

? Copyright 2009 - Henry Alzamora / Devanand Yoga Center Dominican Republic Publications

Looking for a good Yoga school in the dominican republic Visit centro cultural yoga devanand and check our Courses and training on Hatha Yoga and Mantra Yoga Meditation either for individuals or business people.

Devanand Yoga Center also offer Vegetarianism cooking workshops, How to eliminate stress and improve concentration seminars, Yoga retreats, Self-betterment courses and much more. Free Yoga and life purpose lectures every Sundays starting at 10:00 a.m. vegetarian lunch, fruits and juice included. Call us for more information.