Saturday, November 16, 2013

Practice a Little Mindfulness

I attended another wonderful yoga class this morning. It was a difficult class. Our teacher had us stay in each pose for quite some time. I love the challenge and how my body and mind feel afterwards. Today's lesson was about mindfulness, being present in whatever it is you are doing. Sound easy?..... Not so much.

Today, I tried very hard to intently focus on each pose and be present at all times. Each moment my mind wandered ~ toward my to do list, my garden, a conversation I had earlier in the week ~I stopped the thought and brought my mind back to my pose. To my surprise, I was stronger today than usual. I felt more stability in each pose, with the mind body connection. And as I was leaving class, I thought, what if my mind was intently connected to everything I do in life, not just yoga poses. I would be that much stronger, that much wiser, much more patient and much more fulfilled.

Life is very hectic. It moves fast all around us. We have grown accustom to planning ahead, thinking about the next project, replaying an argument in our heads or running down our to do list. Life is so short and if we keep living in the future, or the past, we will forget to enjoy the present. There is only one present and it is now. We can either intently live or plan to live, it is up to us.

How many times have you heard yourself say "If only I had _____, then I would be happy." Or "I wish I had enjoyed that moment with my loved one, because now they are no longer with me." False hopes and painful regrets will not help us to live in the present, but they can teach us that we are looking in the wrong places for happiness.

Living in the moment, is not as easy as it sounds. The practice of Mediation is all about training the mind to do so, by bringing the mind back to the present. As you sit in a meditative state, you keep bringing your mind back to a place of "present" and rid the mind of random thoughts.

There are many ways to practice mindfulness in our every day lives, without the actual act of meditating. If you remain intently present in your every day tasks and activities, you will be practicing mindfulness. What that means is, when you are driving your car, intently pay attention to the act of driving. Feel the steering wheel, notice your posture, what kind of cars are around you, how is your speed, what are you passing? How many times have you driven and all of a sudden realized that you have been driving for 20 minutes without remembering the journey. Try to bring the mind back when you wander off.

Try intently listening to someone when they are talking to you. Don't think about what you are going to say or what you have to do later that day. Just intently listen. Hear them and be in the present moment with them. You will be amazed at what a good listener they will think you are, and that when it is your turn to talk, your words will flow. And whatever you had to do later, will get done, regardless.

Try being mindful while eating a meal. Embrace those around you, pay attention to the smells, tastes and textures of your food. This practice of mindful eating will help you to enjoy your meals more, and eat far less. When folding your clothes, pay attention to every detail of folding. Do the same when you garden. Feel the earth, the sun, and enjoy the process of planting a new flower. When you walk your dog, look at the trees, the houses, the people, smile and be in the present moment.

Just a little warning, when you first begin to practice mindfulness, you will realize how mindful you have not been. It is challenging to stay focused and in the present, but keep bringing your thoughts back to "now". Be very patient with yourself, you are working and training a muscle. After a while it will be what your brain will know. You will feel less restless and less impatient. The wandering will be far less, and it will be much easier to come back, but it will never fully disappear. Even the wisest of yogi's are still working toward that.

Be well. Know that you have all of the answers within you. Namaste. Catherine

Catherine Magner is a Health & Wellness Coach, supporting others in their quest to live a healthy, happy lifestyle. For more information about Catherine, please visit

Flying Lessons

The first time that I saw Jet Li's film Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (in a little theatre in Boulder, Colorado) I wept, fairly continuously, for about the first thirty minutes, and after that sat enraptured, amazed & deeply grateful for the beauty, power & truth that I felt being emanated from the film. Two days later I returned, for my second viewing. By the third time (all week-day matinees: cheaper & less crowded), the theatre clerks & I exchanged amused glances of recognition. By about the fifth time I was definitely feeling sheepish, if not downright embarrassed, by what I imagined was being perceived as clearly-addictive behavior. But I didn't care! I saw the film, over the course of about a month, no fewer than seven times. Each viewing revealed some new wonder, some previously-unnoticed level of meaning, or just an exquisite detail, that my eyes, ears & heart hungrily consumed.

And what was the cause, in this film (and later also in the re-made Hero) for my tears & rapture? For drawing someone who doesn't even really watch many movies, back like this, again & again, almost magnetically? It's a bit hard to articulate, though what I can say is that there was something being portrayed ~ in both of these films ~ with which I resonated so deeply, that at a soul- & cell-level I recognized, which so rarely, in this culture, is portrayed. It felt like coming home. Particularly powerful for me were the fight scenes: not for the conflict that was being enacted (I actually have an aversion to violence, per se), but rather for the fluidity & lightness ~ the Mastery of physical movement ~ that was being so beautifully demonstrated. Some who I spoke to about the film considered these scenes merely fanciful, a kind of science fiction that perhaps had been taken to an extreme ... but for me those scenes were ~ at long last ~ portraying a reality, something the very fibers of my being understood to be not only a possible, but also in many ways a preferable way of being-in-a-human-body. There was and is a knowing that: Yes ~ Flying is possible!

Now this love affair with movement-as-flight, with enlightenment expressed as human form & movement, has been with me for a while: As a child I adored the graceful connections between Terry Bradshaw & Lynn Swann; Later, Michael Jordan became my all-time hero. Then it was Bruce Lee. On a number of occasions I've felt my life to be transformed by the performance of dancers: Mikhail Baryshnikov (who I saw in person for the first time when he was in his fifties, and stunning!), David Parsons (whose magical piece "Caught" still resonates inside of me), Diego Pinon (a Butoh Master, whose sensual & organic explorations of human movement opened within me whole new realms of possibility re: intimacy & empowered vulnerability). Each year that I've lived in Boulder I've watched the world-class runners in the "Bolder Boulder" 10k race, and noticed how the winners (in recent years, Kenyans) most often have broken through their intense effort into a level of ease, of rapture, of something clearly beyond the physical ... In the realm of yoga asana, Richard Freeman has expressed this same level of power, grace & fluidity. Among the Tibetan Lamas that I've encountered, it has been Mingyur Rinpoche whose light-filled physical presence has inspired this same level of appreciation for the kind of intelligence (genius, really) that can be manifest through & as a human body. To all of these beings (and countless others who've accomplished something similar): a deep bow of gratitude.

So how does this happen? This appearance and/or experience of "flight"? This transformation of a seemingly-dense human body into something capable of such magical displays?

As a starting-point for this exploration, it might be useful to learn a bit about the principles of fluid mechanics which create the aerodynamic force of "lift" in an airplane ... for perhaps the key to our own "flight" as yoga or qigong practitioners lies in the emulation of these physical characteristics. First, know that air, just like water, is ~ in terms of the (Newtonian) physical & mathematical principles to which it adheres ~ considered to be a "fluid." Know also that "lift" can only be generated when a fluid is in motion. So, for instance, a wing must be passing through the air or the air must be moving around a stationary wing (or both) in order for lift to happen.

Most of the lift in an airplane is generated by its wings, and specifically by the way air flows around wings of a particular shape. What we notice about most airplane wings is that, when viewed edge-on, their upper surfaces are curved (convex) and their lower surfaces are flatter. As air moves around a wing of this shape, the air that goes over the curved upper surface undergoes two important changes: (1) it is reduced in pressure (by the centrifugal force of flowing across the curved surface); and (2) it is accelerated downward (as it leaves the trailing edge of the wing). The wing is then forced into the region of reduced air pressure above the upper surface of the wing by the higher air pressure beneath the wing; and the downward acceleration of the air at the trailing edge also forces the wing upward. Since lift is dependant on the motion of the air, it increases as the speed of the air increases. Lift also increases, to a point, as the angle that the wing makes with the airflow increases (past a certain point, however, an increased angle will cause the wing to suddenly lose its lifting ability).

So how, in the context of a physical practice such as yoga asana or qigong, might we emulate the qualities that give lift to an airplane? Let's explore ... Creating or energizing physical structures which have the same shape as an airplane wing is something we certainly can play with: If I extend my arms out from my shoulders, like wings, I can cup my palms slightly, away from the floor, and at the same time deepen my armpits, while allowing my shoulders, biceps & the top part of my hands to feel "puffed" upward. In this way I've created a shape similar to the shape of an airplane wing. And as it turns out, there are many other places in my body where I'm able to create suction-cup-like structures, which will act to generate lift in this same way, when met with flow: the soles of my feet; my pelvic floor, my thoracic diaphragm, & the roof of my mouth, to name just a few.

Now that I've created these structures which have the potential to give me "lift" when met with a flow of air, the next question becomes: how do I create a flow of air? I could, of course, go outside in a high wind, and see what happens ... But as yoga practitioners we like at least at times to practice indoors, and at all times for the practice to be moving in the direction of being "internal," of being something that doesn't depend too heavily on external conditions. Luckily, our pranic bodies, like air and water, operate in many ways like fluids. What's even more fortunate is that we can utilize the basic yoga/qigong principle "prana follows citta" (qi follows mind/intention) to create the "high wind" (high vibration) conditions that will ~ in combination with our wing-like structures ~ give us "lift" (transform matter into "light," structure into flow). To do this, I simply imagine that I'm facing a high wind (or standing waist-high in a fast-moving creek, facing up-stream) ... It's as simple as that. Then tilt your wings (and all those little suction-cups) slightly upward (into the on-coming wind or water), feel the upper surfaces of your body being drawn into the low-pressure areas above you, and feel yourself becoming lighter: little by little (or perhaps all at once) taking flight! (At this level of practice, what you'll also discover is that remaining "heavy" in your heels, sitting-bones & coccyx actually supports the feeling of lightness of the body as a whole, particularly along its central axis ... It's kind of a paradox!)

So that's a way of working in the direction of "flying" which takes as starting-points: (1) our conventionally-perceived bodies (a collection of muscles, bones, organs, etc.); as well as (2) our habitual identification with our bodies (I am my body so what it means for "me" to fly is for this physical body to do more-or-less what an airplane does). And this can be an interesting and useful exploration.

What can also be interesting is to begin by challenging these basic assumptions, for instance by thinking: To the extent that I'm currently perceiving my body as something solid, to this extent I'm still caught in wrong views, in delusion. (And creating my yoga practice on the foundation of these wrong views is the equivalent, say, of building a philosophical argument upon a set of faulty axioms/assumptions.) What might happen if I begin instead with the assumption (adopt the view) that my body is of the nature of light, color & sound (like a rainbow)? Or that my body is of the nature of space, like the sky itself (am I then always already flying)? That instead of being continuous through time, my body is being created anew in each second (pulsing in & out of "existence")? Or wondering: If the belief that "I am this body" is the basis of all suffering, and I somehow now let go of or at least soften around that belief ... If "I" am no longer identified with this physical body, then what might it mean for "me" to fly? (Who or what is it that's flying, if not this physical body?) I don't have the answers to any of these questions, but do feel very curious ...

What I do know is that many of us have had dreams of flying. In my own dreams of this sort, I'm almost always "flying" in/as a body which looks "just like" my waking-state body. (There are Tibetan dream yoga practices in which we train in transforming our body into many different shapes ... so, for instance, we might choose to assume the form of a bird, or an airplane, to do our flying ... or might transform our body into the body of a particular deity, and simply hover in space in that form, or fly around with our consorts ...) What I notice in these flying dreams is that it is my intention (mind, will) that is the "pilot," i.e. it's via my thoughts (or mental body) that I choose the course of my flight. And how this takes a certain relaxed focus, which at times is quite precise & effective, and at other times less so. (Sometimes I crash-land.) And then I wake, and think: I've just been dreaming of flying!

Now there is the story ~ perhaps you've heard it already ~ of the Taoist sage Chuang Tzu, who dreamed he was a butterfly, but then woke to discover again that he was a man. But then he wondered: now is it true that I'm a man who has just dreamt that he was a butterfly, or am I really a butterfly who is now dreaming that I'm a man?

Just something to consider, as you continue your research & practice of (yogic and/or mechanical) flying ... Om Shanti.

Elizabeth Reninger, M.S. (Oriental Medicine) has been exploring Yoga/Qigong - in its Daoist, Buddhist and Hindu varieties - for upwards of twenty-five years. She maintains a private acupuncture practice in Boulder, Colorado, and is a published poet. For more of Elizabeth's writing, on related topics, please visit

Yoga for Kids: Building Self-Image, Part 2

There is plenty of competition to go around in this world. If you are a Yoga teacher, you should not encourage competition within a Kids Yoga class. This is not easily done. Each child wants praise, but this can be accomplished by making your Yoga class a nurturing event, where every child who participates, can feel a sense of self-worth.

This atmosphere, which is designed by the Yoga instructor, will develop a child's character "from the ground up." Each child is unique and special in his or her own way. Children have to be taught to appreciate themselves as they are. Self-worth cannot be calculated by the skill of one single activity, and Yoga is the sum of many different activities, within a given class.

When I first started teaching Yoga to children, I began to integrate Vinyasa Yoga into the warm-ups of our children's martial arts classes; some parents wondered why? Soon, some of the children, who had Attention Deficit Disorder, and other attention span problems, became more focused for the rest of the class. Still, other children, who regularly practiced Vinyasa Yoga warm-ups, started to develop a more pronounced muscular appearance. This may have been due to many factors, such as the cross training involved in practicing Vinyasa Yoga and martial arts, on a regular basis - while many other children, who attended these integrated classes, went home, did their homework, and slept better.

Eventually, we established a pure Kids Yoga class, and it was scheduled between two children's martial arts classes. The children were enthusiastic and the parents were, and still are, very supportive. In the above-mentioned examples, different children gained different benefits from learning Yoga.

As children continue to learn Yoga, they should also be taught to refrain from comparing themselves to other children in the Yoga class. This is not easy for a Yoga teacher to do, but can be accomplished by teaching children to accept themselves as they are, and that trying their best is really good enough.

Regular attendance to Kids Yoga classes is the key to getting rid of emotional baggage. Children must be taught to appreciate themselves in a positive way, and the study of Yoga can give any child self-empowerment. When children gather and participate in Yoga instruction on a steady basis, they also make new friends. The parents who send their children to study Yoga sincerely care.

Therefore, any child who learns Yoga is surrounded by children of "like-minded" parents. Yoga training for children is, in essence, a controlled atmosphere - even though the Yoga class setting is relaxed.

© Copyright 2006 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard is a co-owner and the director of Yoga teacher training at: Aura Wellness Center, in North Providence, RI. He has been a certified Master Yoga teacher since 1995. He is a master instructor of martial arts, with multiple Black Belts, four martial arts teaching credentials, and was recently inducted into the USA Martial Arts Hall of Fame. He teaches Yoga, martial arts, and fitness to children, adults, and seniors in the greater Providence area. Recently he wrote: Is Running a Yoga Business Right for You? For Yoga students, who may be considering a new career as a Yoga teacher.

The Purpose of Yoga - Self-Worth and Action

Let's look at philosophy, which runs parallel to Yoga. Lao Tsu once said: "The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step." The first step toward self-confidence is action. The fact that you are reading this article is not a coincidence. You saw the title and decided to take action (Karma).

The next logical step is the realization that you are constantly required to take action in order to succeed in life. We cannot completely give up on life, while we exist on this earth. So, as long as we are living, we might as well take positive action, which bears fruit (Vipaka).

From this moment on, embrace your failures, be grateful for the difficult lessons, and forgive those who have fallen short of your expectations. Why do I say this? The best way to learn is through experience. The proverb: "Every dark cloud has a silver lining," applies to our daily challenges in life.

Yoga teaches us that we should rejoice when we start to think of all the ways life could have been easier. If everything was handed to us without effort, we would have learned nothing about life.

In fact, we would know as much about life as a spoiled child knows. If you listen to a spoiled child, you have learned his or her life story, within the time frame of a few minutes. How many different ways can a child say, "I want?"

Therefore, look back at your life experience and be thankful for all the valuable life lessons you have "under your belt." Be thankful for real friends, family members, and those who love you. You have life experience, common sense, intelligence, and a will to succeed. These qualities are priceless, and you will need them on the inner Yogic journey to gain self-worth, which we know as self-realization.

© Copyright 2007 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of Yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. He has been a certified Master Yoga Teacher since 1995. To receive a Free Yoga e-Book: "Yoga in Practice," and a Free Yoga Newsletter, please visit:

3 Ethical Steps to Building Your Yoga Business

Just last October I received a call from the BBC. It was about the business side of Yoga. The question was, 'Should Yoga be marketed like a regular business? If so, should Yoga teachers have marketing education, that will help them increase their profits in Yoga business?'

For me the answer is obvious. Let me explain and start by asking you a question. Do you know what the difference is between a profitable Yoga studio or Yoga teaching and those that run at a loss? And have you ever thought why, if Yoga is such a big, ever growing market (according to industry news IHRSA 16 million people now do Yoga with a growth rate of 17.1%), there is still a lack of students in some classes when the market place is so big?

Is it a coincidence that only a fraction of teachers give themselves permission to really enjoy a teaching career without risking burn out or facing financial uncertainties? And have you noticed that most happy yogi/nis teach less, travel the world, get paid handsomely and inspire at least 10 times more than an average Yoga teacher?

Let me assure you, building a successful Yoga business already has a long held proven formula. It has a blueprint that is easy to follow, and if you follow that blueprint step by step you will attract Yoga students, have a healthy flow of income and still have time for yourself and loved ones. This is the right way, the ethical way!

Let me just uncover the myth and reveal a yoga business secret for you. To achieve all the above, you don't have to have any business experience, be a technical genius, or have a marketing degree.

In fact you could easily double your turnover in 28 days (proven time and time again) or less in step one, by easily gaining control of an exclusive yoga marketplace. Maybe you are saying... "the yoga market is already so saturated, everybody seems to be opening studios and qualifying from teachers training?". Whilst that is true, this is exactly where your advantage is. This is how you do it and remember this 3 sacred rules:

Rule No 1.: Be a big fish in a small pond

When it comes to positioning yourself in the already crowded yoga marketplace, it is 10 times stronger, and much more profitable to be the big fish in a small pond. What do I mean? Become specialized expert in one kind or market place for Yoga. So rather becoming a general Hatha teacher, become a yoga teacher for NHS workers, and here is why. When we stay within a specialisation we can charge more and gain expert status quicker.

Rule No.2. People seek and are happy to pay for specialized experts

That's right when you are a specialist you no longer have to search out the marketplace the marketplace is already searching for you. Here's a quick example. Hairdressers search out help for bad backs. They could easily got to a chiropractor that deals with backs or would they call a chiropractor that specialises in hairdressers spinal problems?

See the difference? The marketplace is already there. You simply tap into it.

Rule #3: Take example from your asana practice.

Can your posture ever be brilliant? Same is true for your service; don't assume it reached its perfection. This is what I mean. The fact is most service based businesses like yoga rarely measure quality of service, so here is what we recommend. Ask the customer what they think of your classes or workshops. All you have to do is build a simple questionnaire (5 questions will work brilliant) to help reveal what else they want from your service, where and how can you improve and give your clients better experience. Follow those simple steps and you'll get incredible results I promise.

But before I hear you asking "If running a Yoga business and attracting clients, without burning myself out is so easy, why isn't everyone doing it and what is it I am not doing right?" The main reason for this is that most Yoga businesses have an out-dated business model (if at all).

You are a wonderful holistic practitioner, you were probably never taught how to really create successful Yoga business. You are overloaded with information, but what you need really is guidance! Chances are that you seek business advice from other Yoga teachers who probably know little more than you do. You attempt to improve business but apply the same strategies that give the same results over and over again. You believe to be successful, you have to overwork yourself. Chances are you also have no marketing system in place, like 98% of Yoga teachers...

Does the above sound true for you? Like many teachers, you may believe teaching Yoga is not business and feel almost guilty marketing your skills and talent. Do not worry, it's isn't a problem and over the next few months I'll share some very exciting ways for you to grow your business faster.

So lets remember... Running your Yoga business must be ethical, but no more or less so than running any other business. Yoga is not an exception. No profits, no students, no business for you! Can you name a business that has ever been created without honesty, love and dedication to their customers? And if they have been, they are long out of business.

I promise I will teach you ways that will make it easier for you to focus on manifesting your reality of finally having a healthy Yoga business, earn the income you deserve, whilst doing what you love. Why shouldn't you? Visit this page often for more free resources or directly through my website.

Tamara Machavariani's Yoga Business Academy shows yoga business owners how to increase profits using proven marketing designed specifically for yoga. Tamara Machavariani is a featured expert on the BBC4 and Yoga & Health Magazine. For FREE resources visit

Strength Training For Utility

Have you ever seen a big, strong dude that could bench press twice his weigh but couldn't do 10 pull ups? I don't know about you, but to me that doesn't seem very useful. Strength training for utility is about just that, usefulness.

The cool think about this, is that utility can be whatever you define it to be. It's about being more than comfortable doing the vast majority of the tasks that arrive in your day to day life. It's also about being fit and feeling good about your body and the way it functions. You do not have to be able to arm curl 80lb weights to be strong, you just have to get stronger in all tasks that arise.

So think about what you do day-to-day. Do you have younger children that you pick up and play with all the time, groceries to carry, lawn equipment to move, or grime that you have to scrub off sinks and tile? All of these take effort on your part, and some of these tasks can get quite tiring, but perhaps a little time to exercise will make these twice as easy and give you more time to do what you want. (Not saying you don't enjoy playing with your kids!)

So as far as what exercises to do, be creative. Pushups are useful and work well, but man are they boring! I would recommend a full body exercise called QM, or quadrupedal movement. it's a primal form of movement that works your legs, arms, core, and heart like crazy. It's very tiring, but the health benefits are insane. It looks a little ridiculous until you get fluid and controlled with it, but if self-confidence is a weak area for you then I highly recommend getting into a beginner yoga class. Personally, I have taken a few yoga classes, and trust me, it is a lot more than just stretching; it's tough! However, it isn't a workout that leaves you feeling tired afterward. In fact, you will leave yoga class feeling calm and energized, the perfect thing for stressed moms to take advantage of!

I have mentioned before that I think most people should take a martial arts or self-defense class. If this is your thing and you want a good workout at the same time, then I could recommend nothing higher than Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and 10th Planet Jiu Jitsu. Both are very similar, and both have one thing exactly the same, they will work you into supreme fitness without making you look like a hulking giant. Plus, it's a competitive contact sport, which is awesome for men and women of all ages.

If you are getting frustrated by your lack of energy, gaining weight, or daily tasks, just stop. Get into a program that will push you physically, release some of that pent up stress, and give you strength and utility.

I'm Louis Hermann, and I simply enjoy being active. My career will end up being something with computers, but I have never neglected my body and all the joy I get from being strong. Stress is real high in these times so get outside and enjoy the world God gave us.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Top Three Summer 2011 Workout Ideas

It's never too early to start thinking about summer. Everyone always wants that perfect, toned body just in time for the hot season, and once summer approaches, you want to make sure you stay in fantastic shape all the way through as well. There are some fantastic workout ideas that you can use as the summer nears, and during the summer, to get your body into the best shape it's ever been in. Use these ideas to stay motivated, stay moving forward and stay looking great.

1. Bikram yoga - Yoga of all kinds is more popular than ever before, but Bikram yoga is really picking up its own popularity level as well. Bikram yoga is also known as hot yoga. It's a specific set of several dozen yoga poses done with instruction in a room with very high heat. The high heat makes you sweat much more, and also make you burn off a huge load of calories as your body is taxed to the max. It will take a lot of mental dedication as well as physical effort, but the rewards will be huge for your body, toning all of the major muscle groups and slimming you down in every way.

2. Teams and Sports - As we become adults, we tend to forget about team athletics and all other kinds of sporting events and activities which provide great exercise. You don't have to run on a treadmill or train with weights in order to get a great training session in. Instead, for summer 2011, spend more time outdoors than ever before and get involved with team sporting events. Even a summer coed softball team or volleyball team can be a great way to get more activity into your routine and burn more calories, and you'll be having a great time all the while as well.

3. Hiking - Another great way to enjoy the weather while getting in some great training and calorie burning is hiking. It will be perfect for summer 2011, helping you to get outdoors and explore some great areas while fitting in really excellent training sessions, which will push your cardio, work up a sweat, and even help tone up your muscles. All of that fresh air will serve you well too, and you can hike on your own, with a few friends, or with that special someone as a great bonding experience that gets you into shape at the same time.

Of course, this has been just a few quick summer 2011 workout ideas, and there are many others that you can take advantage of as well. The main thing you want to do is take part in activities which you enjoy, because that means that you'll keep on utilizing them, and you'll stay on track with your plan. It's never too soon to start planning for summer and the way you want to look and feel, so start putting these great workout ideas to use today and you'll be a better you when that first heat wave strikes and you want to show off your new, toned beach body.

Body UP is a multi-national leading manufacturer and retailer fitness and exercise apparel. Their products include seamless bra and workout tops as well as active leisure wear.

Training For A Breathing Marathon

It is a known fact that a person can live for days without food, less time without water, and only minutes without breath. Surprisingly, people give less effort to proper breathing than they do to any other form of health and fitness. People work hard at dieting and exercising so that they will look better, but proper breathing can affect your looks too. Your skin will look better because it will show less stress in your expression, and your cells will receive more nourishment. The lymph system will remove debris more effectively, so your body will glow with better health.

Exercises that synchronize movement and breath have the power to control depression, anxiety, and other stress related disorders. Tai Chi and Yoga have become very popular substitutes to conventional medications for many medical conditions like high blood pressure, eating disorders, and even psychological disorders.

When you breathe in a shallow style only including your chest, you are not breathing deeply enough to remove excess Carbon Dioxide from the body. This, of course, can cause fatigue, and even many forms of dis-ease if not corrected by learning how to practice deep, meaningful breaths.

Unfortunately, a lot of de-conditioned people enter into an aerobic program without first preparing their heart and lungs in a more basic program, and don't continue because they are breathless and uncomfortable.

Another very important reason for deep breathing exercises is to cleanse the lymph system of toxins and debris. When the heart is working to accelerate the circulatory system, this acceleration causes the lymph system to carry away destructive debris. Deep breathing can stimulate this process. A sluggish lymph system can be the cause of a variety of health problems.

By learning gentle and rhythmic breathing techniques, and taking it gently, you can be on your way to a more relaxed, and healthy body with a willingness to increase the effort and move on to more aggressive exercise. By gentle, I mean taking it slowly and not exhaling with such force that you feel like passing out. I mean simply a concentrated effort to breathe from your belly in a slow and rhythmic manner. Just BREATHING from a lower part of your body allowing the lungs to fill and empty will be a good teacher that will surely lead you to something more.

Beginning with a 10 day program of 10 concentrated, relaxed, deep belly breaths is a perfect starting place. Once your cardiovascular capacity begins to improve, you will want to do more. Keep in mind that there are many styles of breathing, and the advanced Yogis practice some styles of faster breathing that might make a beginner feel like passing out. Let's begin with a relaxing, rhythmic, and basic method.

First, you will begin with a full exhalation. This will completely empty the lungs allowing for you to begin by filling your lungs with fresh, clean air. Also, we will begin by breathing through your nose, both in and out, with very little force. Again, if you are a beginner, you are thinking about proper, rhythmic, and deep without force. It should feel natural.

Begin by sitting in a comfortable position with your hands on your knees. The floor is okay, but if you are not comfortable, or if that causes you to lean forward, try sitting upright on a large pillow or stool with a completely straight back. First, exhale slowly through your nose until your lungs are completely empty. Flatten your abdominal muscles causing your diaphragm to tighten and push all of the air out of your lungs, then take a short pause (count to 2.)

Next, expand your belly as you breathe in, concentrating on filling your lungs. Then, repeat a full exhale flattening your belly to put pressure against your diaphragm to completely empty the lungs, count 2, and repeat. This beginner breathing exercises should be done with no effort. If this is your beginning effort, you should be concentrating on rhythm and not effort. You should be counting to 5 with each breath, practicing for 10 minutes each day.

Once you become comfortable with this exercise, you can increase your exhale to 8 counts. Remember, this initial breathing awareness should focus on training your abdominal muscles to aid your diaphragm in expelling all of the air from your lungs, and to get used to deeper breathing. Eventually, you will become an efficient breather and should research more aggressive yogic breathing like Fire Breath, or Nasal Breathing.

Ask about my MP3 Download which has an audio backdrop to practice your rhythmic 10 minute breathing exercise. Kathy Duncan is the owner of Symposia Living Arts, Inc. She is a presenter, blogger, and workshop clinician for fitness professionals and aspiring writers. She is the author many newsletters, and The Fit Horse Companion, a manual for horse health and fitness including massage therapy and hydrotherapy.

Kathy is a Certified Massage Therapist, ACE Personal Trainer, Sports Nutritionist, and Professional Coach. Kathy is known for her Positive Affirmation downloads designed to develop more positive thinking for a better life.

Mommy Fitness - A Flat Belly Is Within Reach Even After Baby!

I can't position myself as an expert in pregnancy wellness since I've only been pregnant once (and that was almost 10 years ago!) I didn't exactly "breeze" through pregnancy either. I was beyond exhausted and extremely nauseated my first trimester. For the first few months I threw up everyday, quickly lost 10 pounds and barely had enough energy to climb the stairs. By the time the nausea eased I had acquired "rebound" appetite and major gallbladder attacks. Let's just say I just wasn't a very happy camper...especially in the beginning.

However, one thing I did manage to do....throughout my entire pregnancy...was some form of exercise. I had to let my body dictate what I could and couldn't do because on some days it was just a major struggle to do a downward dog, but on other days I felt surprisingly energetic and strong. On the days I felt up to it, I managed to get some pretty tough workouts in. In fact, the morning I gave birth I exercised to The Firm workout video! I had a natural delivery (which was NOT fun) and then I was on the floor of the hospital on a yoga mat the very next day.

Exercise (and nursing) definitely helped me get my body back very quickly. However, the most challenging part was fitting fitness in after baby arrived! All of a sudden the length of my days shot from 24-hours right down to 10. Fitting in fitness became "Project Impossible." Staying physically fit isn't easy for anyone, but trust me... it's especially challenging for new moms. This is why multi-tasking workouts are an absolute necessity for mommy after baby.

Total Body Multi-Tasking Mommy Toning Workout

I've asked co-owner of Fitness Redefined and my good friend, Marissa Lysaght, (who is five months pregnant herself!) and also a nationally certified personal training specialist with a Master's Degree in Maternal and Child Health to design a "multi-tasking pre and post natal circuit training workout" that you can do at home with minimal equipment.

Marissa's total-body conditioning and core training workout can be done at home (while baby naps!) This workout targets core muscles in your abdominal region in addition to the large metabolically active muscles of your legs, hips, chest, back and arms (strengthening the large muscles will help you burn more calories, even during rest.)

While it's best to start a fitness program (including these exercises) BEFORE you even get pregnant, the workout program is good for both prenatal and postnatal women. These exercises are recommended for women with no known contraindications, and should be followed according to your own body cues. If you are pregnant, you can begin the exercises slowly. Again, let your body be your guide; never over-exert yourself and avoid doing any movements that cause pain.


Fitness workouts should be focused around Total-body Conditioning and Core Training

What do I mean by "core training?"

True core training involves movements that trigger a deep muscle called the Tranverse Abdominus that acts as a girdle to support the spine. This is the best muscle to target if you want to achieve a flat stomach and minimize the stretching and tearing of the superficial muscles that happens during pregnancy.

Think Multitasking!

It's time to think outside the box. There are many great core training exercises that not only target the abs but also work bigger muscle groups like the legs, hips, chest, back and arms.

We're busy! Why focus your energy isolating body parts when you get more results in less time?

Avoid performing exercises lying flat on your back after your 1st Trimester

This rule has many of us confused, because so many of the recommended pregnancy fitness exercises out there have us lying on a mat, working our abs.

The key to this rule is to avoid lying motionless. There are several great exercises that can still be performed lying on your back after the 1st trimester.

Listen to your body. If you feel uncomfortable, simply roll over to your side.

Consult your doctor before starting any fitness program

It's always important to receive clearance from your doctor before starting a program.

Most women can workout safely throughout pregnancy; however some high-risk conditions require rest and the avoidance of fitness-related activities.

The Ultimate Mommy Multi-tasking Workout


A playground ball, weighted medicine ball or light dumbbell

Resistance Band

Stability Ball

Yoga or fitness mat

Core Training Circuit for Moms (Repeat 3 times through)

Squat with Push (15 Reps)

Compound Band Row (15-20 Reps)

Step and Press (16 Reps)

Stability Ball Bridge (15-20 Reps)

Bonus Move: Add some extra calorie burning by slipping in 15-30 seconds of cardio between each exercise. (Try jumping rope, jogging in place or just stepping with high knees for a lower impact move)

To get free daily updates on whole foods nutrition, whole foods cooking video demos, nutrition advice, 30-minute workouts, healthy product reviews and more visit Ivy Larson at

Ivy is a healthy lifestyle coach who runs Along with her husband, Andy Larson, M.D., Ivy is the author of the bestselling Gold Coast Cure, Fitter Firmer Faster and Whole Foods Diet Cookbook. A popular figure among national media outlets, Ivy has appeared on such shows as Good Morning America, CNN, and Fox News. She currently makes regular appearances on Lifetime Television.

Yoga Exercise To Get A Toned Stomach

It usually characterize relaxation and calm. Daily yoga exercise sessions improve your posture, overall flexibility, and strength. Yoga is all these and many more. Yoga can help burn that annoying abdominal fat. The six-pack has become a an objective for men and women. However just before we can imagine obtaining a six pack, it's important get a flat stomach first.

You might perform a number of yoga routines for a toned tummy, and these aren't backbreaking. Before attempting to do these types of yoga steps, you must take note of the following: Use relaxed, controlled motions to ensure that your muscles are at work. An exercise should not be too simple. If it is, look at your form and check out the exercise slowly. You should breathe deeply and slowly to stimulate your muscle tissues and for you to be able to stretch further. Keep in mind yoga needs a mind and body link. Before you begin your yoga movements, speak to your body and clear your mind. The goal is to perform every pose as wonderfully as possible rather than heavy breathing and sweating.

The 3 most reliable flat belly poses that you could try out are:

1. Cat Pose - Get on all fours and look straight in front with your back as flat as a table. Exhale and arch your back upwards whilst tucking your chin to your torso. Inhale and arch your back downwards, swaying the low back as you face in an upwards motion;

2. The Lying Abdominal Stretch Pose - Lie straight on your back and lay your hands on the ground, palms down. While you breathe in, bend your left leg and rest the sole of your feet towards your right upper leg. While you breathe out, pull your left knee towards the direction of your right hip, use your right hand to support it down to the floor, and twist your head a bit to the left. Keep it there while breathing normally and then discharge; and

3. The Reverse Boat Pose Lie- down on your yoga exercise mat, face-down. Stretch out your arms with your legs toward the partitions at the same time. Hold that posture for about one minute or so long as you are able to.

When it comes to fat loss, you will possibly not consider yoga as being a successful way of workout. However the advantages of yoga can get you further as compared to just making you more flexible. When performed correctly, and frequently, yoga can be an effective way of burning extra calories, which can assist you to shed some of those unwanted lbs.

Performing yoga exercise is certainly the best way to unwind, reduce stress, and remain in shape while instilling self-discipline. Get yourself a sexy tummy soon with a good diet plan and by doing these successful yoga exercises.

Yogafit has a lot of very informative advice in all aspects of yoga poses, training, and everything else. She also has a number of yoga conference meetups several times a year and is known yoga guru and mogul around the world.

Yoga Teacher Training Courses in Kathmandu Rather Than India

Yoga Teacher Training Courses

For years thousands of yoga practitioners have travelled to South Asia to practice in Ashrams, develop their yoga at intensive workshops or ultimately become qualified yoga teachers on one of the many Yoga Alliance certified yoga teacher training courses India has to offer. More and more yoga companies are launching YA certified yoga courses in Varanasi and other spiritual surroundings around India.

Yoga Alliance Certified Teacher Training

Becoming a Yoga Alliance certified teacher has its benefits. Other than the great enjoyment and spiritual satisfaction that teaching to others gives you, the other benefit that cannot be ignored is that YA Certification is a recognized qualification that puts you on the right road to finding work as a qualified yoga teacher enabling you to make a living doing the thing that you love most in this world.

Why Teacher Training Courses India?

The traditional practice of mental and physical health which we have come to know as yoga originated from the North of India and what is now known as Nepal. Even though in recent times it has become more and more popular worldwide and is now taught all over the globe it is likely that the majority of all yoga teachers at one time or another traveled to India to practice yoga or get certified as a teacher; and what better place to bring you closer to yoga and some of the best yoga teachers in the world than the land of its origins, but why not Nepal?

Yoga in Nepal

Anyone who has visited a Himalayan ashram or practiced at a retreat with the magnificent Mount Everest as their backdrop will tell you of an enlightening experience that is not to be forgotten. There is something really special about practicing and learning yoga on the 'Roof of the World', the Himalayas. The historical association that Nepal has with Yoga, being cut off from the hustle and bustle off modern civilization and the beautiful background that the Himalayas gives the region all adds to the unique spiritual atmosphere of Nepal and so more and more companies have chosen to offer yoga teacher training courses in this wonderful country.

Yoga Teacher Training Courses Nepal

There are number of Yoga companies to choose from that offer yoga teacher training courses in the Kathmandu valley of Nepal but when it comes to making the choice of which company to take your teacher training course with how can you be sure that you're choosing the right one? Firstly the tell tale sign of a reputable company is whether they offer Yoga Alliance certified courses or not and if so then well, you're half way there.

Yoga Companies Kathmandu

When it comes to choosing a yoga teacher training course with a reputable yoga company in Nepal you can be reassured that you will get great value for your money. The prices for yoga training courses in Nepal vary from around 600 USD for a 4 week/200 hour course to around 900 USD for 6 week/300 hour courses.

300 Hours Yoga Courses

There are a number of Kathmandu Yoga schools run by reputable companies that offer an amazing 300 hours yoga holistic course including 200 hours of Yoga Alliance certified training, plus 5-6 weeks of complimentary holistic nutrition training. Unmatched by yoga schools in India these 300 hours yoga courses boast up to 50 hours of yoga teacher training, with a selected few also offering a Thai massage course that will get you certified in Thai massage inclusive of your YTTC price.

This article was written and submitted by Mark Ace Smith of IT and Web Design Thailand on behalf of a non-profit organization holding yoga teacher training courses in Kathmandu. The next yoga TTC will be held on 3rd October 2010 for more information visit

Yoga is Most Beneficial When Everything is Right

Almost anything you read, watch, or listen to about yoga will tell you to practice often, but one of the yoga tips that sometimes get skipped is that you must practice it right. Meditation can be helpful in establishing a calm and peaceful state of mind. But if discomfort exists the chances are that meditation and relaxation state will suffer. A good meditation yoga mat along with a pillow enables you to sit comfortably in meditation postures, plus some other factors need taking care of.

Always practice only the right age and developmentally appropriate yoga poses, breathing exercises, chanting, mantra meditation, and relaxation techniques. Many recently have been talking a great deal about child yoga, and we will say here that if you take your children to lessons, do make sure that the trainer offers a truly child-friendly relationship to the physical and philosophical traditions of yoga. In the right environment your children will grow and experience creativity, self-acceptance, interpersonal skill development, positive thinking, non-attachment, and environmental awareness, but as a parent we must stress that there are good facilities and sometimes bad, as in all walks of life.

As we grow older yoga can be especially beneficial. Aging normally brings along several chronic ailments and diseases for most of us. Staying active is the key factor to staying young and slowing the aging process and yoga most definitely will help with that. However, to get it right you must take the advice of your yogi and not push your body to achieve the next stage in the poses by stretching too hard or too fast.

Again, in line with yogic practices, many yogis believe that in addition to the physical body, there is a second body comprised of many energy lines. They use the theory to avoid problems as you progress. Listen to the guidance given, and observe it!

Get your yoga practice right and many cures have been suggested achievable through yoga.

Yoga cures different incurable diseases by achieving balance. Yoga is most important for our body and mind . Yoga cures an individual of a lot of illnesses. One has to practice the postures, breathing techniques, and dietary regulations and incorporate yoga in their lives to attain the benefits.

Asana, or posture, is only a small part of the overall system. Asanas help achieve relaxation and control of the muscle groups. When the body relaxes, it becomes comfortable posture and one can maintain it for longer duration, which is the purpose of Yoga.

Good sleep is important for the body to replenish itself and for the greatest productivity and enjoyment of the day time. Sleep means total relaxation of body and mind, no activity of mind, no movement in mind. It is the state of unconsciousness as for as outwards moving consciousness is concerned. Many people say that as soon as you start yoga you will find that your sleep improves.

This is a remarkable achievement which helps many people. Sleep problems are some of the most common problems that parents face with their kids. Some children may have chronic sleep difficulties, and many children are actually going through their days sleep-deprived.

Acne can be helped by yoga. Yogic treatment of acne begins with taking extra care to wash your hands properly with a mild soap many times a day. This will effectively prevent bacteria from entering into the body system.

The yogic lifestyle can help prevent and cure cardiovascular heart diseases. Proper life-style and diet play a key role in managing and avoiding heart disease.

Asthma can be eased by yoga in some cases. Asthma is thought to be very often caused by a combination of factors, most are physical from the environment around us, but genetic factors feature too. Whatever the cause, asthma is a breathing problem that results due to the sudden constriction of the airways that channel the air to and from the lungs.

Although there are many triggers that can set off an asthma attack, those thought most common are those such as dust and other air borne fragments allergies, cold, humidity, animal hair and so on. If you have asthma, the inside walls of your airways are inflamed (swollen). However, that healthy living and other more specific yogic actions will help, is a theory held by many.

Anyone involved in yoga will tell you that yoga cures the person as using the principles of nature, but yoga has to face many obstacles, which if avoided and if you get it right it quite possibly can give almost instant results. So, put simply; Yoga cures impossibilities by some of these simple methodologies connected with postures not known to many. Once you have been trained in these methods and postures, they become very easy and simple, but highly effective.

Yoga is one of Steve Evan's favourite subjects. We encourage you to go to his Yoga for Children web site where he writes about the kids yoga mats.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Aging Ungracefully

I must be getting old. In my youth, the glory days, I could do anything. Stay up all night and still go to school and then to work the next day, repeat that all week and still go out on the weekend. I could go for a killer long bike ride, then a run and not feel it the next day. I could eat anything and everything and have no ill-effects.

But no more! I have to watch everything I put in my mouth. No more cinnamon raisin bagels drowning in melted cheddar cheese for breakfast (I shed a tear just thinking about it). No more carbohydrate only dinners. It's a sad day when you admit that.

I'm training for the Vancouver Half Marathon in May. Well, training might be a strong word. (I'm running consistently and upping the length of time I'm running as I go, I'm up to just over an hour and half right now). Anyway this past week I went for a great long run, the sun was shinning, it was crisp, and I felt great. It didn't even take to the next day until I was so stiff it hurt to walk up the stairs, and yes I did stretch after wards (say the yogi). I spent the evening leaning back on heat pack.

The next day I was in pain. So I did the elliptical for an hour and spent 30 minutes really stretching every muscle in my body. I think the lesson was don't take anything for granted. My 30 minute stretch (while watching part of The Silence of the Lambs one of my all time favorite movies I might add) felt amazing. Mental note - make MORE time for stretching.

This article by Gaylene Thoeny, a 500hr Registered Yoga Teacher, Personal Trainer, Lifestyle Manager, Yogi and mom. Go to [] for more information. Gaylene specializes in creating a grounded life on and off the mat. You can also follow her online on Twitter & Facebook.

Capturing Your Customers Details

Welcome To The First Part Of Seven Part Mini Course Designed To Get More Leads, More Sales, And More Referrals Than Ever Before for any health And Wellness Business From time to time I enjoy training at different centres, this gives me a chance to see what the opposition is up to if it's nearby centre, or if I'm travelling a little further to see what other centres have, and are doing in terms of facilities, customer service etc.

I still walk into some these and find not only am I not asked for my name, or any other details, In fact in some places the person behind the counter doesn't smile, is preoccupied with talking to other staff members and generally gives off the attitude that they would rather be somewhere else.

I've also had to ask where toilets and change rooms are, that type of service I'm glad to say is in the minority but there are still a lot of places that do not get me to fill out anything that will allow the business to follow up on my visit, or to make a presentation at the point of entry. It goes without saying that if you're not getting these details then you're not maximising the full potential of your centre and you're "leaving money on the table"

A well worded PEQ (pre assessment questionnaire") allows you to ask a series of strategic questions that will in a step by step manner lead your prospect to the point where he or she has made a commitment to purchase a membership/visit pack/set of lessons etc from you.

The questions are geared to allowing them to tell you WHY, and they want to exercise, and when they are able to come, it also asks the prospect if this is their decision there is quite a lot of psychology geared to making the prospect arrive at the point they have made the choice to purchase, a membership/visit pack/etc, not they have been coerced or bullied into it.

If at the time they have for one reason or another not purchased then the PEQ serves to allow you to follow up with a "Thank you for looking around letter" and a special offer enclosed or something of that nature, it also allows you to build a data base so perhaps later the prospect will be in a position to use your services.

I know that I have had people make purchases from me several months after the initial visit it works, and its essential to you bottom line that you start using this powerful tool now.

Kim Martin has been involved in the fitness industry in various roles from being an instructor/owner of a martial arts centre in Adelaide, managing various centres, to owning and managing a marketing company that generated between 70-500 new members in anywhere from 2 -7 weeks. He has personally sold $22,000 in memberships in a single day.

His passion for the industry remains undiminished and he still works in a "hands on" role for a large western suburbs fitness centre (Definition health club)

He both sells memberships and owns the telemarketing company that has generated over $2,500,000 in sales over 6 years for this centre running mini year round promotions where the business gets 100% of the residuals.

You'll get all the details how to gain more leads,more sales and more referrals for any health and wellness occupation at

I'll also have a priceless free gift for you. So to increase your profits go to

How to Prepare For the Power 90 Workout Program

The Power 90 program is a 3 month, 6 day a week at home fitness boot camp. The program has you working out 6 days a week which includes 3 days of circuit training and 3 days of cardio and abs work with 1 rest day. This system works and will bring noticeable changes in your body in just 90 days as long as you do the work required of you.

To prepare for the program you will need to first purchase the Power 90 DVD program either through the official site (Beach Body) or you can try getting the system on eBay. The system will cost you about $60 and if you purchase the system through the official Beach Body website, then you will receive a resistance band for free.

You will then need to decide whether or not you will want to do the circuit training with either the resistance band or with free weights. It you decide to use the resistance band, and then you will save yourself a ton of money that would have been used on free weights. The downside is that all though the resistance band makes for a great workout and resistance training, I find that some of the maneuvers are quite awkward with the band.

Therefore, I recommend and personally use free weights. For free weights, you are looking at spending about $86-$100 and that will be for 4 different dumbbell sets. For women, I would recommend getting a 5 lb set, 8 lb set, 10 lb set and a 12 lb set. For men you should purchase 8lb set, 10 lb set, 12 lb set and a 15 lb set. This is just a recommendation; you can purchase heavier sets if you choose.

Next, you will need a firm yoga mat to do your abs work on after your cardio workouts. You will also need a minimum floor space of approx 6 feet by 8 feet. You mainly need that 8 foot space for when you have to perform walking lunges. If you are creative, you might be able to get away with less floor space.

Lastly, you will need some comfortable clothes and running shoes to workout in.

You will also need to read the recommended eating plan that comes with the system. Beach Body workout programs work very well when accompanied with balancing a proper food macro eating plan. Power 90 makes it easy for you to follow the eating plan and even provides 5 day meal plan. Now take your before photos and get to work!

Liana also writes on various topics for outdoor sports such as a deep cycle battery charger which can be found on the website marine battery chargers.

Becoming an Excellent Yoga Instructor

If you had the calling to become a yoga instructor then you most likely have something special to offer your students. Whether you are adept at the physical practice of yoga or are talented at inspiring your students spiritually, there are many things you can do to increase your excellence as a yoga instructor.

Take other yoga classes or attend continuing education workshops. Many yoga instructors get in a routine of teaching several classes a week and often neglect taking classes themselves. Making time in your schedule to practice yoga with other teachers will give you new ideas and fresh material as well as allow you to reap the benefits of a nurturing yoga class. Remember that it is not the same to do yoga while you teach a class as it is to be able to be fully present while taking a class guided by another instructor.

Create a nurturing, relaxing atmosphere in your class. Use candles, low lights, and soothing music. Arrange your music playlist so that it begins with a song geared towards getting centered and quieting the mind. End it with a relaxing, meditative tune for savasana. You can also make it interesting by playing contemporary music from time to time. Eliminate any distractions you may foresee before the class begins.

Welcome new students who come to your class. Starting a yoga class for the first time may be scary and newcomers will want to be reassured. Introduce yourself to them and ask them if they have any specific health conditions that you should know about. Make sure that they have a proper mat and offer them any props you think they may need.

Offer yoga props. Many yoga centers are equipped with yoga props but if not you can bring your own. Some good props to have on hand are blocks, ties and folded blankets. As a nice touch you can have a basket of eye pillows to hand out during savasana. To make them sanitary you can offer a kleenex to put between the eyes and the pillow.

Ask the students if there is anything they would like to work on specifically. Many people come to class because of specific aches and pains such as a stiff neck or tight hips. You can tailor the class to working on specific poses and exercises for whatever the class has requested.

For an all-level class, teach at the intermediate level and offer modifications for beginners or challenges for more advanced students. If the class is attended by both beginners and advanced students you need to make it manageable for beginners yet still challenging enough for the others. Sometimes a more advanced student will know how to make the pose more challenging and just do it without your instruction. To keep the class interesting from week to week you can introduce one new pose or variation of a pose each class.

Learn how to flow the poses so that one pose can easily be done after the next. As an instructor you can feel which pose feels natural to do after another. Be sure to counterpose such as doing child pose after a backbend. You may also want to organize your poses so that you do the first sequence seated, the next standing and the last supine, rather than going up and down from the floor.

Create a class focused on one body part or one set of poses. For example, you can focus the class on hip openers or backbends. Start your class with warmups that will lubricate the joints around that specific body part. Then do a progressive set of poses that will accomplish your goals.

Tune into the energy of your students and be present for them. Just before you begin to speak make eye contact with your students and notice who is in the class. You may be able to sense whether you can lead a stronger class or a more relaxing class just by doing this. Leave your ego out of your presentation and notice who may need assistance during the class.

Assist students into the poses. If you are trained in assisting then you can coax people into deeper stretches than they would normally be able to do on their own. When approaching students to assist them it is advisable to ask them permission first. One way to do this is to ask, "may I help you in this pose," before you start to touch them.

Use a nurturing voice and speak minimally. A soft, earthy tone in your voice will aid in creating a meditative experience for your students. Likewise, talking less creates less distraction for students who are learning to be present and stay in the moment. The student can then learn to listen to their bodies and feel the mind-body connection.

Close the class with an inspiration and be available after class to answer questions. Whether you end your class with a chant or an inspiring quote, the way you close the class will allow your students to leave feeling extra good about taking your class. You may want to invite your students to come up to you when class has ended with any comments, concerns or questions.

Leave your ego out of it. It does not matter if you can stand on your head, balance on your arms or even if some of your students are more flexible than you. There are many styles of teaching yoga and some students will love you and others will not. Remember that you can't make everyone happy and the students that are meant to benefit from you will be attracted to your class. If you have the desire to teach classes then you have something to offer your students mentally, physically, and/or spiritually.

Teaching yoga is rewarding. Visit become a yoga instructor to learn more about it. This free yoga video has a nice basic sequence to practice yoga at home.

S. McRee is a yoga instructor and group fitness instructor who loves to educate and inspire others to live a healthy lifestyle.

Know Where To Find Help In Cultivating Self-Development

Find help by searching your inner feelings to bring all your negative thoughts out in the open. Clean out those negative thoughts by making them positive thus giving you more control over running your own life. Use a positive attitude when searching for negative thoughts and write them down along with ways you can change these thoughts to eliminate or relive them. You may not be able to rid them from you mind but relieve them for making thriving easier.

Search the Internet or your local library to find help with guides and strategies in cultivating self-development skills. When reading articles and research that is now available you can learn and relax at the same time. Reading will give you new knowledge, increasing your IQ level and your vocabulary will go up too. Practice reading to learn and relax with for preparing the future.

Make some goals to find help with cultivating self-development. With goals, you will build energy in preparing for the future success and relieving stress at the same time. As you reach goals and mark those off you will notice more energy and motivation for going to the next one. Reaching goals will lift your spirits for making better decisions.

Write your goals list, to cover the negative thoughts you found hidden inside and what you are going need for reaching success. Prepare ahead by using goals as a guide in find help for cultivating self-development. Preparing ahead will relieve future stressorss to leave room for dealing with daily stress.

Daily stress is something everyone has and there is no easy way to control it. When daily stress hits learn to thrive and move on. Find relief from daily stress by focusing with meditation for success in making good constructive changes. It takes practice to focus when you have two or more stressors staring you in the face at one time. Practice with your focusing skills by step back and scoping the situation using a positive attitude. Decide what one is most important and needs taken care of first; decide what to do with it and than go to the next. You can only make good decisions when focusing on one thing at a time.

Take some time out for yourself and read on meditation. Meditation is a form of Yoga to help you relax when stressed, angry and worried. Learn to breathe, sit, stand, and focus when practicing Yoga techniques. You can find techniques on practice Yoga over the Internet, or reading at your local library. Joining a Yoga class is a good way to learn the skills of relaxation. And how to practice it to get all the benefits you will expect.

Find help for cultivating your self-development skills to prepare for the success you are wanting by exploring. Exploring your inners feelings, strategies used by other people and meditation techniques will help you in finding the direction you are looking for.

Prepare by finding help to learn on what steps that can be taken to help in thriving and relieving unnecessary stress. Stress will control your success by taking over and thus cause you to fail. Avoid the feeling of failure and find the necessary steps to success.

Cultivate self-development and find success by searching for techniques to guide you relief from stress. Every day that you manage your stress you will find it easier to focus on your goal to cultivate self-development skills.

Garry Connolly has been a Self Development enthusiast and an ardent businessman for a good number of years.

Variety can plan an incredible role. For information see: []

Yoga For Kids - Teaching Our Young Ones How to Deal With Stress

Most people do not associate stress with children, but our young ones do have their own daily stressors. Types of stress that children deal with are homework, peer competition, extra curricular activities and physical changes, such as, growing pains. Sometimes young children are over-scheduled in the activities they perform.

Today's society is a busy one and finds kids on a very hectic schedule. Kids need a stress relief just like adults. More and more parents and schools are turning to yoga as a means for children to unwind and relax.

Yoga offers the same benefits for our children as it does for us. By practicing yoga regularly, kids develop an overall sense of peace, increase their flexibility, and improves coordination. Additionally, kids who have regular yoga workouts have been known to have improved concentration in school. This leads to excellent confidence levels.

These benefits have been very helpful for kids with attention-deficit disorder. Yoga appears to calm these children and assists with more focused attention spans. Yoga poses for kids stimulate their sensory motors and help balance their inner souls. Yoga for kids helps them channel out impulses in a positive way.

You are seeing yoga exercises being practiced as part of physical education classes. Gym teachers are going to special training to learn how to modify yoga routines for children.

Just like adults, some kids have trouble unwinding and relaxing. Yoga benefits these kids and helps them to focus and relax. This is performed by practicing visualization meditation while in the yoga pose. For example, if in warrior pose, ask the child to visualize a warrior.

Once this visualization is accomplished, advanced visuals can be practiced. Ask the child to paint a picture in their mind of their favorite place in their house or their favorite vacation spot.

When the relaxation part is finished, have the children share their experience with each other. Have each child take a turn and tell everyone what image they painted in their mind and how the image made them feel.

For those having difficulty painting a picture in their minds, guided imagination can be used by telling them a story with a calming theme of some sort. A guided picture can be of a beautiful field filled with daisies or let them imagine they are butterflies in the field. The main idea is to create a peaceful surrounding so that they have a feeling of oneness with nature.

Years ago students were never taught stress management. Yoga guides [] offers this education to our youth. With the increasing demands of our society, it is important for today's children to have a sense of balance of mind, body and spirit.

As a yoga practitioner I have seen the many benefits of yoga for people of all ages. Teaching people young on how to deal with life's stress is something that will pay dividends time and time again.

More yoga articles, information and yoga accessories can be found at our website -

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Practice Yoga For Managing Stress - Two Easy Yogic Techniques

Yoga clearly contains the oldest existing stress management techniques. Yoga teachers have absorbed the archives of "tried and true" stress reducing techniques, which date back thousands of years. Let's take a closer look at successful Yogic methods for stress management in today's busy world.

1. Recognize your thoughts, at this moment, for what they are. Most people go through life on auto-pilot. There is much thinking going on, but most of it is background mind chatter, with no definitive purpose, or direction. This is why you meet so many people that regret the past and have no idea what they want to do in the future.

If life is an aimless path, what do you do when you encounter a problem? Sadly, the common response is to worry about the past, future, and present. Yoga teaches us to manage the present moment. Why? You cannot change the past; and unless you take action right now, you will have no influence over the present.

The future also depends on your actions in the present. The time any of us spends worrying is a complete waste. Therefore, design logical solutions for the present. If you have difficulty finding solutions - get help, and advice, from the successful people you know. This will open your mind to solving, instead of worrying.

About thought recognition: Observe your thoughts and learn to sort them by priority and reality. Learn also to identify negative influences, which cause you to become stressed out, filled with anxiety, and cause internal states of panic. This identification process is important, because it will change your life for the best and it leads toward your second stress reduction technique.

2. Be realistic about your limitations. Some people believe they have no control over anything. They believe fate has control of our lives. Everything is carved in stone ahead of time, so there is no use in trying to improve anything. If all of us believed that, we would still be living in trees and caves. Since humans run slowly, tigers and crocodiles would not have to work hard for their meals.

We cannot move the earth, moon, and stars, yet. We cannot control weather, tidal waves, earthquakes, and floods, yet. Notice, I use the word "yet." Humankind has limitations, at the moment, but we really have no idea what our limitations are.

We do have control over many things. We especially have control over who we associate with. Our friends, colleagues, associates, and co-workers can be a positive or a negative influence. We also have control over whether to attend a Yoga class or watch bad news on television. We can censor negative influences.

We must seek out healthy relationships, in order to be healthy. Remember that stress is contagious. If you spend your free time with someone, who is experiencing chronic anxiety and panic, advise that person to seek professional counseling. If you spend too much time with that person, you may also have to seek professional counseling.

Yoga lessons, of all kinds, reduce stress levels. Activities, such as Yoga, are preventative mental and emotional health maintenance. We are only limited by our thinking. Yoga allows you to train your mind and find inner peace.

? Copyright 2009 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of Yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA.

He has been a certified Master Yoga Teacher since 1995. To receive Free Yoga videos, Podcasts, e-Books, reports, and articles about Yoga, please visit:

A Brief History of Exercise Part I

Exercise as a dedicated activity has gained such a prominent place in society that it's easy to forget how young it is relative to other facets of our lives. Remarkably it has risen from near non-existence to tremendous success in less than 60 years. Here in a nutshell is its story.

The modern fitness movement started with a problem, namely our steadily declining level of activity as new technologies gave us unprecedented freedom from physical labor. This decline began in the late 19th century, when the Industrial Revolution moved millions of people out of the country and off their farms into cities and factories. The quality of life improved, but at a price. By World War One, one third of Army draftees who showed up to fight tested as unfit.

In the 20s, debauchery came into style, and the resulting decline in health was exacerbated by poor nutrition during the Great Depression. By the 50s, TVs, automobiles and the growth of suburbia threatened to bring daily physical activity to a near standstill. By this time, our American bodies were not getting away with it. During this era, diabetes and heart disease became leading causes of death. Americans had effectively innovated themselves into the most slothful life-style ever known to man.

Just when the situation looked bleakest, help arrived, American style, in the form of a powerful-looking TV action figure. This figure was not named Superman, but he could have been. In 1951, decades before health clubs became commonplace, Jack LaLanne began teaching strength training routines for both men and women on his TV show. Today his routines still hold up as sound and effective. "They said I was a crackpot and a charlatan," he is quoted as saying. Even so, by the 80s there were more than 200 Jack LaLanne health clubs across the country.

The sixties, a decade famous for its innovative spirit, spawned the next two huge fitness crazes. First, the Beatles made yoga and meditation cool worldwide. Then, in 1968, Dr. Kenneth Cooper coined the word "aerobics," ushering in 20 years dominated by aerobic dance.

The modern American fitness movement was off and running. By 1970 three out of the five basic elements of fitness: strength, cardiovascular health, and stretching had established themselves as as exercise choices. The two elements still missing, body alignment and coordination, had a tougher sell within a nation that valued weight loss above all other fitness outcomes.

From this point forward, the industry stumbled into a protracted search for its identity. Was it macho or mind-body, muscle-bound or lycra-bound? Were men supposed to dance or grunt, stretch or sweat? Were women supposed to be slender or buff, spiritual or spa-ed up? Were health clubs all about racquetball or recreation, family or fitness?

Lacking a sure path, the industry succumbed to trends and counter-trends.

Next week, we'll look at the 90's and the resurgence of aerobics in the form of step-classes followed by the popularization of yoga.
Burr Leonard is the founder of The Bar Method and now oversees 25 studios across the country. She also produces and stars in exercise DVD's including Accelerated Workout and Change Your Body. The Bar Method has received tremendous acclaim from a multitude of electronic media and press, To find out more about Leonard's studios, go to

What Do Yoga Retreats Mean?

We live in a world filled with stress and worries about our job, family life, friends and other problems that occur over a lifetime. We all need moments of relaxation in which to forget about all our worries. Many people are turning to different methods such as spas, massages, walks in the park, exercises and trips to the most beautiful places in the world. For those who already have yoga experience as well for those who are eager to discover its mysteries, yoga retreats are best suited and they combine all form of deep spiritual and physical wellness and relaxation reported earlier.

Therefore, yoga retreats practical mean the escape from the urban and toxic environment in which we live in daily and finding spiritual peace to train our body to health and nourishment. Also, these yoga retreats are a great opportunity to travel abroad because many of them are in different parts of the world such as Asia, Australia, Europe and so on. You can opt for a tour weekend or even a whole week depending on your desires. The price of such a trip is not that high, but I can assure you that it is worth it.

If you want to experience the depth of the spiritual and physical wellness of yoga practice, than go on a mini vacation where you will find many other yoga enthusiasts. Such a retreat also offers a set of programs which imply a set of morning exercises like pranayama and other yoga techniques in an environment with an enviable view like beaches and mountain plateaus depending on the location that you choose for yourself.

Even if you are very enthusiastic about practicing yoga techniques you should not forget that this is still a vacation. Yoga retreats offer you the possibility to pamper yourself with massages, oil baths and dietary treatments. There are also available at your service many specialists in nutrition and yoga techniques that can give you practical tips on how to improve your positions and your mental and spiritual health and, at the same time, your entire life. In your free time you can also take long walks along the sea and go surfing, biking or hiking.

Another thing that you have to keep in your mind when going to yoga retreats is not to overdo exercise or else you risk to leave as stresses and agitated as you were when you arrived at the retreat. Yoga involves physical and spiritual relaxation to escape our difficult daily routine and hardships of our world.

The exclusive and private yoga retreats are the best places to relax and meditate after a hard year.

The Importance of Weight Lifting For Baseball

Traditionally, for the most part baseball players are not as ripped or bulked muscle definition wise as football players. The vision of rippling muscles flexing under the tremendous strains of lifting weights does not seem to compute for a MLB player in the gym as it does for a football player in the weight room. Although it's true football players normally require additional and different muscle bulk for the tasks they must perform vs. the baseball player, that doesn't mean a baseball player isn't suppose to be muscular or work out with weights. Alas, just the opposite is true.

The core strength of a baseball player, shoulders, hips and legs must be very strong in order to produce the explosive energy which propels baseballs 410' or throws a 100 mph fastball.

Core strength is produced by muscle bulk and muscles are built by lifting weights of varying sets, reps and amounts. The heavier the weight, the bigger the muscle mass which is created, while the more sets and reps performed, the more toned and lean the muscle.

Let's exam just one aspect of building muscles through lifting weights which increase core strength and how it enhances our baseball abilities. The legs are the foundation of the core, giving the body balance and an ability to coil and explode much as a snake when striking.

The legs must be strong enough to carry and balance the entire weight of the body as it prepares to begin the starting mechanism of the swing, or being able to hold the hands back as the body begins its motion forward.

Most non-baseball people mistakenly believe the power for hitting originates in the shoulders and chest area, which is not correct, not totally that is. The explosion of power originates from the turning of the hips, which when turned with speed and power, leads the rest of the body into a powerful pin wheel reaction increasing the velocity and speed of the baseball bat as it travels through the hitting zone.

This speed of the bat, as we know, is what actually transfers the body's strength and power into the baseball as contact is made. Simply defined, slow bat speed equates into weak hitting, while quick bat speed equates into powerful hitting and the sum of it all...weak core strength equals slow bat speed. Increasing core strength through exercising with weights is the best method to achieve results in the shortest period of time.

That's not to say other forms of training, cardio, stretching, pilates or yoga are not essential for perfecting our body strength, flexibility and limberness in order to prevent injury, but for pure muscle building.. Lifting weights in the proper manner is the Best method to build strength through muscle bulk.

Jim ( Coach ) Bain is a former Minor League Player and Coach of Youth Baseball for over 10 years. He has drawn from fellow successful coaches' experiences and combined them with his own extensive experience to create a Baseball Teaching Website. The site is packed with 100s of tips, drills, history and instruction on how to play and coach the game of baseball.

How to Stop Mind Chatter For Meditation

The foundation of any spiritual practice is daily meditation. Ideally, one would meditate every day at the same time and in the same place. This structure helps your mind relax as mediation becomes a habit. As your mind becomes accustomed to this practice, one can reach deeper states of mediation and/or branch off into the exploration of different states of consciousness.

As I a practice meditation (usually in the same place and at the same time), my biggest challenge and I believe, the biggest challenge for anyone who attempts a form of seated meditation, is the babbler, aka, mind chatter or "'monkey mind." The babbler is the never ending stream thoughts that race through your brain - constantly reminding you of all the things you have to do, places you have to go, conversations you had earlier in the day, etc. While the goal of meditation is to quiet that babbler and go into a state of non-thought, most meditators find it difficult to turn of their brain.

Here are a few techniques that I have found to help quiet the mind before mediation:

Gentle stretching or 10-15 minutes of hatha yoga postures - especially if you sit all day at a desk.
Rhythmic breathing - Take an in breath for a count of 7 (expanding the breath into your belly), hold for 1, exhale for a count of 7, hold the breath out for 1. Repeat for 10 rounds.
Listen to Babbler Beater (see link below) a soundtrack that will help dissolve mind chatter, trains the brain to quiet itself and helps move you into deep states of awareness.
Take a warm bath -My favorite!

Other tips to consider:

Limit your intake of caffeine, sugar and other stimulating foods prior to your meditation.
Make sure you are wearing comfortable clothing. Comfort is key!
Find a quiet room where pets, kids, cell phones and spouses will not bother you.

Give yourself the gift of daily meditation. Your whole life will improve. I guarantee it!

For more articles like this, or to learn about meditation and spiritual development visit:

To learn more about the Babbler Beater meditation aide mentioned above, visit:

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Yoga For Athletes - A Powerful Combination

Athletes all around the world and in every major sport all have a common desire; to be better at their sport. Some people spend extra hours in practice while others hire a personal coach to help them in the off season. Other people study film of the best people in their sport to try and glean one new tip or technique that will help their game. Yoga for athletes is another technique people can use to improve their performance.

Most sports require a strong base in order to perform at a high level. For example baseball, football, basketball, soccer, track and field and swimming can all benefit from more strength located in the core of the body. Specific yoga postures and sequences focus on the abs, hips, and lower back in order improve strength and flexibility in these areas.

Another common theme among many sports is the need for good balance. Yoga for athletes can improve player's balance regardless of the sport or the position they play in the sport. Any type of athletic activity that involves the player moving around on their feet can see real benefits from stronger sense of balance.

Many sports necessitate an extreme amount of endurance. Athletes subject themselves to exertion over an extended period of time and therefore need to breathe properly in order to get oxygen throughout the muscles of the body. Yoga for athletes can improve their deep breathing techniques so they can learn how to teach their body to breathe properly when they most need it.

But yoga for athletes goes beyond the physical attributes. Ask any successful coach in any sport about mental toughness and they will tell you that the game is won or lost in the minds of the players, not by their physical performance. When athletes have a clear focus on the task at hand and remain committed to executing their training and teaching properly, it is hard to stop them. Yoga teaches how to calm the mind and focus on the goal. Negative attitudes and thinking are removed and positive thinking is instilled in the mind to keep the athlete pushing forward.

Yoga for athletes is a wonderful compliment to any sport. It can help improve overall flexibility and strength while keeping the mind focused on carrying out a winning plan.

Getting started with yoga is easier than you may think. Download your free "Beginner's Guide to Yoga" at and get started today. Inside this guide you will find all the details about Yoga For Beginners.

Workout Program You Can Perform at Home

If you're looking for a great, total body workout at home, then you should try bodyweight training. One of the best bodyweight training programs comes from Circular Strength Training (CST). CST is a system of training which focuses more on movement.

Their exercises are derived from gymnastics, yoga, and dance. CST also incorporates Prasara Yoga as part of their overall approach to total bodyweight training.Why is all this so important to you? And why can't you just stick to basic pushup, pullups, and bodyweight squats?

Well, for me the basic bodyweight movements were great when I first started with bodyweight training. However, my workouts soon became extremely boring. And when your workouts are boring, it's more difficult to stick to your program. And if you don't workout consistently, you start getting results.

CST taught me that it takes very simple changes in your basic exercises to start moving like a gymnast, dancer, or yogi. Their movement range from beginners to advanced, and focus around the concept of "sophistication." Sophistication is all about adding an extra element to the exercise to make it more functional, multidimensional, and difficult.

However, the main idea behind this unique training system is to cycle your training from periods of high intensity and low intensity training. Hence, the exercises keep you from getting bored, and the cycling approach prevents you from getting burnt out.

CST was developed by Coach Scott Sonnon and made popular by Coaches Adam Steer and Ryan Murdock. Once I began incorporating their unique movements into my training programs, I was able to re-start my fat burning, and experienced an incredible improvement in my athletic performance.

You know what, speaking of bodyweight workouts, there's a great 3-phase fat loss system you need to check out called the Bodyweight Blueprint for Fat Loss. You can find out more information about this incredible bodyweight fat loss program on my site, WorkoutWithoutWeights.Net.

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Teaching Yoga for Stress Management - Why Does Yoga Work?

The reason why Yoga works for panic, stress, and anxiety control, is not complicated. Most people feel as if they are a victim of outside circumstances, which become triggers for excess stress, such as traffic jams, financial difficulties, raising children, and a variety of daily life situations.

In turn, many people become tense, and irritable, because the body reacts physically to stress. Blood pressure may rise, breathing correctly is difficult, and muscles may tense up due to excessive stress and anxiety.

Yoga works to create solutions for excessive stress, panic, and anxiety, from within. One class, or session, is the exact opposite mind and body experience, when compared to an anxiety attack. Yoga practice makes a tremendous difference in the quality of our student's lives because students feel empowerment.

You see - tension, anxiety, and worry, are a natural part of daily life, but Yoga allows us to decipher the real from the imaginary. This is in stark contrast to someone who is creating their own form of "Hell on earth." To be concerned over our children is logical, but creating negative images in our minds, without any sound reasoning, will cause us harm, and there is no real reason for it.

Students should understand that some forms of daily low level stress are unavoidable, and make them stronger because of the experience, but extreme stress can cause panic attacks, heart attacks, or premature death. The rewards of their practice can be felt during, and after, their first lesson. The first part of the solution is a matter of making them aware of it.

© Copyright 2008 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of Yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. He has been a certified Master Yoga Teacher since 1995. To receive a Free Yoga e-Book: "Yoga in Practice," and a Free Yoga Newsletter, please visit: