Saturday, December 28, 2013

Finding and Buying a Bikram Yoga DVD

Although it is easy to buy a Bikram yoga dvd  from most popular stores, and this may give you a great introduction, it would probably be better to join a class. The benefits of joining one of the Bikram yoga classes is there will be people to interact with and even make friends with, also if you have any problems there will be an instructor on hand to help you with any problems.  You will probably only need a mat, water bottle and good loose clothing when participating in a class.

What to Look For In A DVD:

A good Bikram yoga DVD will explain what Bikram yoga is all about, you'll find it is different from the other styles. It should explain how to heat the room to around 95-100 degrees without it costing you a small fortune on your utility bills. The reason for the high temperature is that the poses and exercises have to be done in a heated room, this is one of the main differences to other styles.

It should also explain in a clear manner, that there are 26 poses to practice and learn. It is also important to be shown the proper technique for each pose, this will help to lessen the risk of an individual injuring themselves during an exercise. Additionally a good Bikram yoga DVD should make allowances for beginners and give some easier alternative poses, whilst also offering the opportunity for more experienced practitioners to practice the most difficult poses.

A good quality Bikram yoga DVD should also give both instructions of the various poses but also shown some different workouts so a practitioner can choose the ones that suit them best. A class is usually around an hour and a half in length, therefore the DVD will normally offer a short version workout plus a longer version that is more in line with a class workout time.

Probably it will be better for an individual to go to Bikram yoga classes before practicing with their Bikram yoga DVD.  The mean reason for this last statement is that unlike a DVD the class will have a trained instructor who will be able to make sure an individual is learning and doing the positions in the correct way, before doing them at home on their own. This will also reduced the risk of any injuries. Please Also Note! This style not be practiced by pregnant women, since it can raise the core body temperature.

Malcolm has been interested in yoga for many years and feels that Yoga is a fantastic way to begin your day and for keeping fit and relaxed, for more great tips about a Bikram yoga dvd and yoga classes, please go to his web site and blog.

Unravel Your Creativity With A Writing Retreat

If you find solace in solitude, peace in nature and fulfillment in words, then a writing retreat is what you need. Writing helps you to be the real "you", allowing you to look inside and empty your thoughts. You can reach out to the world with your words. Writing can rejuvenate you, it can re-instate your creative side and enliven your thought process. However, good writing comes when the mind is uncluttered, when there is no traffic (human or emotional) around you. It comes when you are with your 'being,' away from the crowd and have time to reflect, to look within. You can write well when your emotions are not charged, when you experience calmness outside and inside.

A creative writing retreat understands the intricacies of a creative mind. This program is designed to give you time, space and structure to work creatively. It is like a vacation to bring the best out of you. Creative writing and yoga encourage your imagination to go a step beyond and explore the untouched territories of your thoughts. This program is not like the stereotyped classroom training. This writing retreat frees you from the closed classroom environment. It liberates you and allows you to be close to nature, in its raw form. The location is just perfect to let your creative juices flow. And if that is not enough, there is a chef on board who cooks homemade food for the team. The retreat size is quite small, which is intentional. This program has some amazing features. It is not just a writer's retreat - it is a holistic vacation.

Holistic Retreat

Location: Each retreat is in a different location. Some of the locations include Italy, Mexico and Tobago. The location for writing retreat is usually on a traditional farm, sustainable beach side, a forested organic estate or in the mountains. It is close to nature and allows you to wake up every morning with bird songs.

Manuscript Guidance: These writing retreats offer one-on-one manuscript guidance. It can help you get a breakthrough on the most daunting creative project. It empowers you to think differently, with a new perception.

Group Critiques: Your work will be evaluated and critiqued by fellow writers to give you deeper insights about the reader's psychology. Such activity helps you to look at your work with an eagle eye.

Yoga and Pranayam: Yoga is also a part of this writing retreat; it is a complete wellness retreat that includes hatha yoga, pranayam breathwork and creative writing yoga.

Discussion and Exercise: This program offers a platform for discussion and creative exercises. It helps you to bring out the best and eliminate any chances of creative mistakes.

Healthy Food: Your holistic vacation also focuses on your food. They serve healthy meals three times a day prepared by an in-house chef. You'll be eating the best homemade food.

This program is a combination of yoga and writing. Yoga is known to improve concentration and it helps you immerse in yourself. Indeed, it is the best way of enlivening your creative side. A writing retreat is a perfect way to explore your untapped potential. Two weeks of your life will change the way you look at creativity. It will help you unravel the hidden treasures of your creative side.

This Writing retreat is a writer's getaway into the world of solitude. This holistic vacation will help you unravel your creative side and explore the hidden territories of your mind. It is a combination of summer yoga and writing in a natural environment.

Treadmill Training and a Healthy Pregnancy

So you have always been fit and then you got pregnant and you are wondering if treadmill training is safe.

No one can answer this question better than your doctor. So you must consult your doctor before you begin any exercise program

Understand that mild exercise is good for you and your baby and that is why prenatal yoga has taken such a popularity boost lately. But make no mistake when pregnant you can run or walk outdoors and on the treadmill. The baby jogger stroller is pure evidence that exercising vigorously is indeed acceptable when pregnant.

As a general rule unless you feel tired or are getting contractions you can continue your treadmill workouts. In any healthy pregnancy walking on a treadmill is not only safe; it is healthy and beneficial to your pregnancy.

It has also been shown in studies that a mother who exercises before a pregnancy and during it usually ends up with a healthy pregnancy and child.

If you do continue to exercise on a treadmill while pregnant you should know when to stop and these tips will guide you.

Clues to stop treadmill training include swelling or getting out of breath. A good rule of thumb is never to allow your heart rate to exceed 139 beats per minute.

Another thing to watch out for is body temperature, make sure your core body temperature does not increase more than 3 degrees above normal temperature-this is because your baby is not used to higher body temperatures

To ensure proper treadmill training, keep the incline on the treadmill low and always hold on to the sides of the treadmill as you do not want to lose balance whiles exercising on the treadmill.

The ideal frequency for treadmill training while pregnant is two to three times a week. Twenty to thirty minutes will do lots to keep you and your baby healthy!

If you ever feel out of sorts, stop exercising and consult a doctor.

In summary walking or running on a treadmill while pregnant is healthy for you-provided you have been given permission by your doctor. Just remember to keep it simple, easy and never overexert yourself.

Discover how to use effective Treadmill Training to get the body of your dreams.

Practicing Yoga Can Help You Lose Weight

Do you eat when you're nervous, anxious or upset? Are you an emotional eater? This does not have to be your fate. This is not who you are. Imagine eliminating all of your food cravings. Imagine being able to have one bite of ice cream without eating the whole carton. Imagine yourself as skinny, youthful and beautiful as ever without a care in the world. All of this is possible by training the mind with yoga!

The reason that yoga helps you to lose weight is because it is dedicated to helping your body eliminate toxins. Even though you might not feel you're working hard enough, beauty truly does begin from within; and what yoga does to your body on the inside helps you look and feel better on the outside. Yoga helps you go to the root of your weight loss problem and helps you to make positive changes in your life and lifestyle.

Not only do you eliminate toxins through the various poses but, since yoga lowers levels of stress hormones and increases insulin sensitivity, your body can then switch into fat-burning mode and burn food as fuel rather than store it as fat.

Your mind is the most powerful determinant that controls whether or not you give into that cheeseburger and milkshake craving. The more you practice yoga, the more you learn to sit still, meditate, and breathe and the more you will train your body and your mind.

Imagine being able to quiet that little devil up there telling you to be bad and eat the processed-full-of-dairy-and-sugar-chocolate-chip-cookie-pie. Imagine that you don't even hear him anymore or ever again.

Natural Sexy Skinny is an organic all-natural weight-loss system proven to get you results. Natural Sexy Skinny teaches you what the media is hiding from you, why it's not your fault you're fat, and exactly how to turn your Natural Sexy Skinny dreams into a reality.

To get your free Natural Sexy Skinny Weight-Loss E-course, go to and learn how to never diet again. For more tips and secrets you can visit my blog at

How To Cure A Dry Mouth

If you speak a lot during the day, you may find that your mouth becomes dry, even if you drink plenty of water. Here are some things that have worked for me:


The tartness stimulates the flow of saliva. And remember to drink at least 8 (or more!) glasses of water a day. Keep sipping that water throughout the day. Air conditioning and heating systems are dehydrating and you may need even more water than you think! Keep a humidifier near you while you work so your body can absorb even more humidity. It's great for voice.


Gum stimulates saliva flow. Use sugarless to prevent tooth decay. Just remember to take it out of your mouth before you speak!


Even though you may not add additional salt to your food, there is a lot of hidden sodium in the average American diet, especially in fast foods, Chinese foods, cold cuts and processed foods. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. Bring your lunch to work and read the labels of the food you buy. There are many low sodium alternatives and many cookbooks on the market that focus on low salt/high taste.


Antihistamines are a real culprit. Explain the problem to your doctor or pharmacist and see if anything you are taking is exacerbating the problem. Perhaps they can provide an alternative. Mention the problem to your dentist as well. Chronic dry mouth can contribute to tooth decay and gum disease, so make sure you get regular check ups.


Make a mental systems check. Is your level of work-related stress higher than it should be? Yoga, exercise and daily meditation work great for me. There are many relaxation tapes and videos on the market.


No kidding! Slide your tongue over to one side and *gently* bite down between your top and bottom molars. Careful, don't hurt yourself. You don't need to bite hard. This stimulates the flow of saliva and moistens your mouth. Comes in handy when you don't have access to water.


It's a lubricating spray specifically for dry throat and hoarse voice and contains all natural ingredients like glycerin and aloe vera. It's not a medication and can be used safely throughout the day. I've tried it and it works! You can order it at

Susan Berkely is owner and writer of which is providing professional voice recording and professional voice over service for call centers. We are also providing telephone business, voice training, and many more voice services.

Four Easy Steps to Becoming a Higher Paid Yoga Teacher

1. Know what you really want to do as a yoga teacher and write it down everyday. Step one is figuring out what you want. After you write down all the things you want to achieve as a yoga teacher, write down 3 things you can do each day to move closer to that goal. A Harvard study on goals revealed that those who have goals and write them down, make 10 times the amount of those who don't!

For example: I want to write a best selling yoga book that reaches millions of people and helps change those peoples lives for the better.

3 Ways I can get moving on that today:

1. Brainstorm niche ideas that I know a lot about.

2. Practice by submitting an article to ezine.

3. Begin reading a new yoga book today.

2. Learn how to advertise with no to little money. As a yoga teacher you must get yourself out there and get known to the public if you are going to become a higher paid yoga teacher. Experiment with face book, twitter, my space, Craig list, you tube, Google video, Google AdWords, super pages and other sources of free to inexpensive advertising. You should always have a note book with you to take your students email addresses down on. Even if you can't use the email addresses right away, in the future they will be your greatest asset to reaching those who know you and may be interested in your yoga retreat or teacher training or new yoga product. You should also regularly submit press releases to your local news paper announcing anything new or special that you are doing as a yoga teacher.

3. Create a yoga product and turn it into passive income. Create a meditation cd or a low budget DVD to sell to your students. You can easily do either of these if you have a camera and a Mac computer. If you don't have the know how, no worries, you have a service you can barter with someone who does have the know how to help you create your yoga product. I have done this. You give them yoga lessons; they produce a CD or DVD for you! You should then eventually barter with someone to help you sell that product online and turn it into easy passive income.

4. Get private clients and then get their referrals. At every group yoga class you teach, mention that you are available for privates and have some flyers or brochures that state all the different issues you could address in a private session, don't go on an on about how great you are, go on and on about how great you will make someone feel with your special brand of yoga. Once you get a private client, say to them after their second or third session with you, "If you are happy with the work we are doing, I would greatly appreciate it if you could refer me to your friends. I am working hard at building up my own yoga business and I could use some help. Here is my card if you think of anyone that could also benefit from private yoga lessons with me." These lines work, I promise! If you could get just a few privates a week at $50-$75 this will greatly increase your monthly income and your private clientele will only grow and grow until you no longer have to teach group classes.

Jane Foody is a professional, experienced registered yoga teacher (ERYT, recognized by Yoga Alliance). She directs a yoga teacher training in Orlando, Florida where she certifies people to teach yoga. Jane is also a professional hypnotist. Jane has written and released a hypnosis CD for yoga teachers. The CD motivates, inspires and guides yoga teachers to make more money and be the best yoga teachers they can be. Go to for yoga business help or to learn how to become a certified yoga teacher.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Hatha Yoga in Practice - Is Shirshasana (Headstand) Dangerous?

On March 22, 2001, the New England Journal of Medicine published a study about the connection between specific Yoga postures (asanas) and a particular type of stroke called, "arterial dissection." It seems that sudden neck movements, or any Yoga posture that places extreme pressure on your neck, can put you at risk.

Am I trying to scare you about the dangers involved in practicing a posture, such as: Shirshasana? No, but you should be aware of the potential for injuries in any posture. The chances of experiencing arterial dissection, as a result of Shirshasana practice, are quite rare; but this is only the tip of the iceberg, when we consider developing a safe Yoga practice.

For example, your cervical vertebrae are quite thin, in comparison to your lumbar vertebrae, for a reason: Your lumbar vertebrae are large in comparison to cervical vertebrae. The surrounding muscular tissue in your back, shoulders, and neck, were designed to support your spine and the weight of your skull.

When you turn everything upside down, you put pressure on the thin and delicate cervical vertebrae. Additionally, do you know for sure that you do not have arthritis or osteoporosis? Unless you are thoroughly warmed up, have practiced preparatory postures, and have your doctor's consent, why would you take unnecessary risks with your health?

Maybe you think you are too young to have "bone problems." Children are injured performing headstands in supervised gym classes and on front lawns. Unfortunately, I have worked with "retired" gymnasts who were diagnosed with arthritis in their early 20's. In their cases, arthritis occurred because of repetitive torque and motion. Do not avoid a doctor's consultation because of your ego.

Speaking of ego, we often hear an asana referred to as advanced. Everyone wants to be promoted to the head of the class. If we can perform Shirshasana, with a heavy chair on our feet, and sip a coffee through a straw at the same time, are we advanced Yogis?

Consider this: To perform any asana, with complete presence, is Hatha Yoga; but to perform a posture without a clear intention, and full awareness, is a mindless form of exercise. Hatha Yoga is not a physical exercise alone, and it requires that you be mentally present for practice.

If you are a student, please seek out a competent Yoga teacher, and learn foundational techniques, before practicing challenging postures or under taking risky techniques. Get your doctor's blessing. Warm up and perform preparatory Yoga postures before practicing advanced techniques.

If you are a Yoga teacher, there is no room for ego or arrogance. No matter what style you were certified in, putting your ego "in the back seat" should have been addressed in your foundational Yoga teacher training. Never take chances with your student's livelihood.

© Copyright 2009 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of Yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. He has been a certified Master Yoga Teacher since 1995. To receive Free Yoga videos, Podcasts, e-Books, reports, and articles about Yoga, please visit:

Fitness Fanatic? 3 Secrets to Creating and Marketing a New Workout Program

Remember Jane Fonda's 20-minute workout routine? What about the Wedding Workout Plan? And who can forget "Sweat and Shout" with impish Richard Simmons? You get the picture. Have you ever wondered if you could create a new workout program the fitness world would latch onto as the next big thing?  

Take the advice of Anthony Aurelius, who has done exactly that. While he's been called the poster boy for vegans, Aurelius prefers to be known as the Jamie Oliver of the fitness world because of his development of a new mind and body workout routine aimed at improving the health and fitness in adults and young people.   While his "Choi-Bo" routine sounds a bit like something you might order at an Asian fusion restaurant, in fact this is a fun, non-combative martial arts-inspired workout set to music, and brings together the best aspects of yoga, pilates, meditation and cardio vascular training.  

Here are three important steps Aurelius took to create his workout regime. You may wish consider these when putting together your plan.  

1. Break Your Workout Program Into Sections

Developing a fitness program doesn't happen overnight. If you have a routine you've developed, break down your programme down into sections, so folks get a step-by-step sense of beginning, middle and end of your routine.    

For example, the Choi-Bo workout breaks its program into 7 sections, making it easy for participants to prepare for:  

1. Meditations & Mental Preparation Time

2. Dynamic Stretches to Warm the Whole Body

3. Spine and Joint Rotational Exercises

4. Conditioning: Resistance & Strength Training Exercises

5. Aerobic Workout using Unique 'Sequential Motion' techniques

6. Anaerobic Push and Cool Down: Shoulder & Back Massage

7. The Whole Body Unique Yoga-based Stretch  

Tip: Suggest some unique cool-down activity, if possible. For example, Choi-Bo incorporates a fully-dressed shoulder and back massage that plays an integral part in the regime's 7-part system. That element alone makes the program unique.  

2. Prepare A Reason Why You Created Your Program

Aurelius decided to create his program when he realized that many people considered traditional gym exercises to be boring. Aurelius took his 20 years of martial arts training and 10 years of fitness coaching experience to develop a routine that combines the best of everything he learned over the years.If you've been a trainer, coach or simply an exercise junkie for any length of time, use that experience to bring credibility to the program you develop. People want to know your 'system" or program is based on real world expertise and experience.Suggest how and why your workout routine is unique or different. People always want the next big thing.    

3. Create a Workout Name That Intrigues

Whatever workout you decide to develop, it's important to create a memorable name for your program or regime. Think of the names you remember most: "Shred Ten Pounds in Ten Days Workout." "The Celebrity Butt Workout." "The Killer Ab Workout." Put your name in front of your workout name, and you've got the makings of a brand.   When you describe your program in a way that resonates well with your target audience, so much the better. You can't beat Jane Fonda's "The 20-Minute Workout" for selling power and long-term branding.   For example, Aurelius called his routine Choi-Bo for a reason, based on his years as a martial arts instructor. The name Choi-Bo, comes from "Choi", which means "highest" and "Bo" which is short for Bow, as in Bow and Arrow. In his marketing, Aurelius describes Choi-Bo workouts as designed to be of the highest quality and aim to hit the mark like an arrow hitting the bulls-eye target from a skilled archer. Makes great marketing sense.  

Finally, once you've developed a program, you must make an effort to market your workout. Often this means bringing out a book, DVD and online videos with your program.   Good luck. Now back to the gym to work on your "Bump and Grind the Behind."  

Want to know more about health and fitness and how to develop a fitness programme? Visit to sign up to hear a FREE live interview with Anthony Aurelius on May 28. After that date the interview will be available for free at the website.

About the Author
Mark Fodchuk is a business author, advertising copywriter and article writing specialist. He is also creative director for The Marketing Chefs, a Toronto-based agency that helps small businesses promote and market their products and services online and offline.

Are You Considering Yoga Teacher Training?

Once you start practicing yoga, there are very few people who don't develop a love for it. It's difficult not to, after all you're likely to experience not only a boost in your overall health but also an increased level of relaxation as well. In these fast paced times, this sense of peace is highly prized. If your affinity for yoga gets powerful enough, you might even start thinking about taking it up as a career. There is a lot of merit in doing something that you love, so if you really feel strongly about it then there's no reason why you should not go after it. The one thing that you will need to be careful of is finding effective yoga teacher training.

Before you start teaching yoga, you need to know exactly what the role of a yoga instructor really is. Is it to just show people some exercises? Is it to tell them about a few meditation techniques and leave it at that? If this is what you think then yoga teacher training may not be for you. As a yoga instructor, your students will look to you for guidance on how to reduce their stress level, increase their flexibility and give them greater health and strength. If you can't do that then your foray into teaching will never be satisfying. That's why it's important to get as much yoga training as possible and that in North America mean you will need to be certified. It is very important to note that you are not considered qualified to teach yoga by most employers unless you have received your certification.

You may think that you already know what style of yoga you'd like to learn, because you've only been exposed to one and you like it. The problem with this is there are so many different styles in existence that it may not be in your best interest to limit yourself. Take as many different classes as you can. This will expose you not only to different types of yoga but also different teaching styles, which you may be able to make your own. While most training programs will incorporate a component of proper communication, no one can tell you how to become a teacher. You're going to be investing a lot of time and money in yoga teacher training so you really need to ensure that you pursue something you're comfortable with.

Once you have made up your mind as to what type of yoga you're interested in learning, it's time for you to find a teacher. Remember that not everyone who gives classes is certified to train instructors. Yoga has become increasingly popular over the years and there have been a record number of schools popping up promising you the credentials you require. You're going to have to do your research to find a reputable yoga teacher training program. Luckily there are institutions, such as the Yoga Alliance, which keep a public database of organizations meeting their criteria for yoga instructor training programs. An effective program must incorporate at least 200 hours of study so this is big hint if you find a place which offers 'short courses' leading to certification.

Some people may wonder why they should bother. Surely a three week course can cover the same material? There's a reason why guidelines for yoga instructor training programs were developed in the first place: to protect the students. Of course what you have uppermost in your mind is the well being of your potential students, right? You cannot expect to teach if you yourself have not been properly trained. Another point to consider if you really want to become a yoga instructor is that most places will not hire someone who has not completed a yoga training program and gotten their certification.

Yes, training to become a yoga instructor is hard work and it is going to take up a significant amount of your time. You will need to patient and dedicated. If you cannot do this then you will not be able to pass these traits down to your students and you will not be an effective teacher. If you can then you will be rewarded by seeing your students grow and become better functioning individuals, knowing that the proper attitude toward yoga has been passed down to them.

Sherry Holistan is a Hatha, Vinyasa and Bakti Yoga Practitioner. For more great tips on Yoga Teacher Training please visit

Rest and Recovery From Training - The Often Overlooked Performance Enhancer

You train day after day after day, but you just can't seem to get more muscular, leaner, faster or stronger. "How is that possible?" you say to yourself, "I train all of the time!"

Congratulations! If you are one of these people, you just answered your own question! You don't rest and recover properly! OR enough. You may be over trained and possibly undernourished. Quantity of food and proper nourishment do not necessarily correlate. This is not a matter of weight, rather a matter of lacking the important vitamins, minerals and nutrients that our body needs to heal. So, let's take a look, are you getting the proper recovery?

First of all, let me explain to you what happens every time you go to the gym or do your endurance workouts. You are tearing your muscle fibers, thereby damaging them. The more stress you put on them, the more damage. Don't worry! It's not a bad thing! But you do need to fuel them properly in between workouts in order for your muscles to build back up and be stronger. Usually this is the purpose of training. So the harder you train, the more rest and recovery you need.

So, what do you do to help repair the tissues you have damaged? There are several things to help you recover, so we will cover a handful now.

Sleep. If you are always on the go and your body is always tired, it will not repair itself, and this will interfere with your strength gains. There are NO SET amount of hours that anyone needs to sleep. The key is that you wake up feeling RESTED. What does rested feel like? You do not feel groggy when you wake up. You slept through the night. You did not NEED an alarm to wake you up, you were just awake (this may require going to bed earlier). You feel ready to take on the day.

There are many physiological benefits of sleep. The following are two of the most important to your health; a strong immune system and Human Growth Hormone.

When you sleep your body is recovering and generating a lot of white blood cells which improve the strength of your immune system. They help to keep you from getting sick by fighting off the "bad guys" such as viruses and bacteria. Therefore you do not have to stop training and lose your fitness because you are in bed trying to get over a cold or flu. Rather you keep your immune system strong with a good night's sleep and proper nutrition.

The other important reason to sleep that I mentioned above is because of its effect on your Growth Hormone levels. I will keep this short and simple as this is big topic, but here are the basics. Growth Hormone helps proliferation of myoblasts (precursor of muscle) and stimulates the uptake of amino acids (which make up a protein) and protein synthesis in muscle and other tissues. It helps utilization of fat by stimulating triglyceride use. Growth Hormone helps with carbohydrate metabolism by playing a role in maintaining blood sugar levels. How does this fit in with sleep? In children and adults, basal concentrations of Growth Hormone in blood are very low. The most intense period of growth release is shortly after the onset of deep sleep. So your body needs to produce Growth Hormone for muscle recovery and to build Growth Hormone we need a good night's sleep.

The next big factor in your recovery is digestion of the food you eat. CHEW YOUR FOOD. Digestion starts in the mouth, and if you do not digest, what is the point of paying so much attention to healthy food? Good digestion equals better nutrient absorption. This is what truly matters.

There are enzymes in your mouth that start the breakdown of carbohydrates (amylase). Therefore by simply chewing your food into smaller pieces you have improved digestion in the stomach and intestines, as well improving your body's ability to absorb nutrients. Don't simply throw food down the hatchet. CHEW it. Take your time. It will pay off.

The timing of when we eat is important as well. When we have done strenuous exercise we should eat within 30-60 minutes. I suggest eating a carbohydrate source that is easy to digest and high glycemic in nature. The purpose of this is to top up your glycogen (stored carbohydrate) stores which you have depleted during exercise. You can eat a full meal an hour after your snack or whenever feels right to you, but be sure to eat within that 30-60 minute window as it is proven that physiologically the body can uptake more carbohydrate during this time. An enzyme named glucose synthase is most present in the bloodstream 30-60 minutes after intense exercise. Glucose synthase is an enzyme involved in converting glucose to glycogen. Take advantage of this window to boost recovery from training.

Next, try eating live foods. Eat foods with natural live enzymes which help break digestion of the food so that your body can better use it as energy. These foods include mostly fruits, vegetables (starchy ones as well, such as squash and potatoes), whole grains and sprouts. Live foods are full of vitamins and minerals that will help your muscles repair and your body to work optimally. They are "nutrient dense foods." By this I mean that per calorie they have many nutrients to offer. Versus say a chocolate bar that has many calories but few nutrients. Live foods = Nutrient Dense foods.

Along similar lines, eat natural foods that are not refined or processed. Most refined foods have been robbed of their vitamins and minerals and contain a lot of chemicals. We should try to avoid sugar in its refined form and eat live sources such as non pasteurized organic honey, date sugar, or other organic sugar sources.

Eat good quality food, grown in organic soil without pesticides or fertilizers. Your local farm market and many grocery stores now sell fruits and vegetables from rich soil. These soils are rich in vitamins and minerals, as are the foods that grow in them. Soils with pesticides and fertilizers are not as rich in vitamins and minerals, nor are the foods that grow in them. On top of the lack of rich nutrients you are ingesting the chemicals used in the soils. So try to stick with fresh grown, organic fruits and veggies.

Eat 3 meals a day and snacks. You want to keep your body fueled with energy. Eating once a day causes blood sugar fluctuations and muscle breakdown.

Don't drink a lot with your meals. Drinking a lot with food can dilute your body's digestive enzymes and you will not benefit as much from all of that healthy food you are eating! Try drinking within half an hour before or after meals. Sipping to clear your throat during a meal is okay. Most people who chew their food and eat slowly don't find the need to drink with meals.

Eat protein, depending on your size there are many recommendations, the general one being to eat.8g per kg of body weight. This varies depending on your size, activity level and goals. Protein contains amino acids which help rebuild that damaged muscle tissue that I referred to earlier. Remember that complete proteins are only found in meat and dairy. You CAN make complete proteins from combinations of legumes, grains, nuts and seeds if you are a vegetarian. Some combinations include beans and rice, cereals and milk, nuts and grains or whole grain breads and legumes. Yes you can still be a superb athlete without meat.

Take digestive enzymes. If you have been eating a lot of processed food for years it is likely that your digestive system has become lazy. Digestive enzymes help to break down your food so that your body can use it as energy. If you are a big meat eater the enzymes are especially helpful with tough proteins such as steak.

If possible, don't eat within 2-3 hours before sleeping. The benefit of this is that your body can recover while you sleep rather than focus on digestion, which requires a lot of energy from the body. If you have to eat late eat fruit as it digests quickly, usually within 20 minutes. The body only likes to do one thing at a time. When you sleep you detoxify your body, and this is very important to recovery. Don't interrupt that quality sleep with a big meal.

Drink lots of water. Water is the means that nutrients are transported throughout your body for use. Water helps to detoxify your body and helps to clean your liver. The rule of thumb is to take your weight in pounds and divide it by 2, this is how many ounces of water you should drink a day. Divide that by 8, this will give you how many 8 ounce glasses per day. Everyone is a different size; everyone does not drink the same amount of water. If you exercise very strenuously, consider that you should increase the amount of water you drink. You can get up to a liter of water into your body from eating fruits and veggies! Water makes up 60% of your muscles and is important to their recovery. A hydrated muscle is stronger muscle. A hydrated muscle is said to be more resilient to lactic acid build up.

STTRRREEETTTCCCHH! There is much controversy over whether stretching helps you recover. My opinion is, yes it does. When you work out and contract your muscles you are shortening them every time they contract. They stay shortened for hours after you workout. By stretching you can bring your muscles back to a lengthened state. There are physiological and psychological reasons why this is important. Physiologically a long muscle is a strong muscle. If you take an elastic band and stretch it as far apart as you can and then let it get a fast strong SNAP!!! Now take it again and only stretch it half way, look at the difference in strength in that elastic popping back into original form. Your muscles work the same way. So keep your muscles long and strong. Stretching, especially yoga, also promotes circulation. Good circulation is very important to recovery because blood supply has oxygen and nutrients, promotes healing and transports toxins from metabolism away from the body. Psychologically, if stretching makes you feel better, well that is half the battle. Feeling good, you work out harder, bottom line! The mind is a powerful tool.

Lastly, try a massage. Massage therapy helps to move a lot of toxins in your body out through the lymphatic system. Post massage drink lots of water to flush your body of toxins and get rid of them! Massage also helps to relax the muscles that are always in a contracted state. Active release massage therapy helps to stretch your muscle fascia which can twist, shorten and contract and inhibit circulatory and nerve processes. This can be very good for recovery. Massage also helps to get blood flow to the muscles so that your muscles are brought the important nutrients and oxygen they need to recover.

These are some of the tools you can use to help with your recovery. Surely you have found some of your own over the years that already help you feel better and stronger, so keep on with what you already know works too!

Until next time, put your legs up and let that hard work settle in while you REST WELL.

Written By: Anne Guzman.

Deep Breathing

A unique characteristic of breathing is that it normally takes place subconsciously without thought or effort. However, at any moment you can consciously control your breathing by controlling the amount of air you breathe or the pace you breathe at.

So what makes breathing so special? Well, for one, it is what helps keep you alive. The air you breathe in is filled with oxygen (O2) that your blood carries to all the parts of your body including your brain. The air you breathe out is filled with carbon dioxide (CO2) which is a waste product that the blood takes from your body parts and is released by the lungs via exhalation.

Breathing serves many other purposes other than supplying the body with oxygen and ridding it of carbon dioxide. But many take breathing for granted. Breathing is what helps relieve one from anxiety. The saying, "Take a deep breath" is common to many people because it is what helps relax a person who is under a lot of stress.

Take yoga for an example. If you have ever done yoga or taken a yoga class before, the warm-up in the beginning is conscious, controlled deep breathing. Therefore, just because breathing on a regular basis subconsciously does not mean that you never have to think about or control your breaths every now and then. There is an importance to taking deep breaths every now and then.

How is deep breathing helpful? The air you breathe in is filled in the tiny alveoli sacs in your lungs. When we breathe regular the alveolar sacs do not fill up to its maximum potential. If you are not athletic and you jog or run a long distance, you will find yourself out of breath very quickly. It is because the sacs are not used to expanding as much. It can be comparable to a rubber band. A new rubber band is more resistant to stretching than one that has been stretched for longer periods of time. The more stretch in your alveolar sacs, the better you can endure longer lasting activities.

Another beneficial reason for deep breathing is allowing sufficient amounts of oxygen to all the organs of your body. Regular breathing only gets the minimum amount of oxygen to all the organs in your body. Deep breathing allows for more oxygen to go through your system and more importantly, it allows an abundant amount of oxygen to go to your brain.

Now you know why regular deep breathing exercises are beneficial to your body's organs and your brain. It also aids in provided endurance when performing long-lasting and/or strenuous activities. So the next time you are stressed...take a deep breath!

Note: Breathing while exercising should be control, especially during strength training workouts. You should inhale when exerting a force and exhale when releasing the force. For example, a during a bicep curl you would inhale when lifting and exhale when releasing or extending the arm. Exercises for Women

Practice Hatha Yoga, For Chronic Stress Relief, to Save Your Life

Yoga can break the cycle of continual stress. We know that chronic stress is linked to a variety of health problems and can cause death. When you are stressed out, hormones, such as - Cortisol and Adrenaline, are released into your body to give you extra strength in an emergency situation. However, long term affects of releasing cortisol and adrenaline, into your body, can result in heart disease and potential suicide.

Among the most necessary reasons, to practice Yoga, is the resulting state of inner peace during and after a session. Multi-tasking, stress, worry, and negative thoughts work against obtaining peace of mind. How can Yoga help people who are worried about their families, employment, and health care? Let's discuss the healing powers of Yoga, and how you can reap the rewards of inner peace.

If you have problems that are blended with chronic stress, it is difficult to sort out the origin of your anxiety. Most people worry when they see an impending problem. Worrying is only a natural reaction to stress overload. However, have you ever met one person who claimed that worrying solved a problem?

Problems are much easier to solve when we train our minds to focus on solutions. This is where a regular Yoga practice helps us to take control of fear and worry. It is hard to see reality when we are consumed with fear. Many times, the amount of worrying people do has nothing to do with reality. People often worry about potential problems.

On the other hand, if the problem is real, time spent practicing Yoga will allow one to find inner calm and solutions. Hatha Yoga helps people of all ages learn to cope with stress. Most beginners are attracted to the physical postures (asanas), or the flowing of physical postures, with breath, in a sequence (vinyasa).

While there are much deeper practices to be realized within Hatha Yoga, the physical postures tend to be the main attraction on this journey of self-discovery. As time passes, the practitioner becomes much more aware of pranayama (Yogic breathing), niyama, yama, and the many variations of Yogic meditation.

When we read Patanjali's "Yoga Sutras," we begin to notice that our superficial view of Yoga is much like a child's view of the world. Our view of Yoga is a fresh start. Most of us easily believe in what we see and what we feel. This is the reason why the Hatha style became so popular when it was exposed to the world. Physical benefits are easier to realize than mental, spiritual, or emotional benefits.

Therefore, a stressed-out person will find complete relief by finding a competent Yoga teacher, learning the Yogic methods for obtaining inner peace, and will be reassured when the physical and mental benefits are realized. The deeper benefits will be revealed, as the practitioner continues on the Yogic path.

© Copyright 2010 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of Yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. He has been a certified Master Yoga Teacher since 1995. To receive Free Yoga videos, Podcasts, e-Books, reports, and articles about Yoga, please visit:

Mantra Yoga Focuses On Using Chants To Achieve A Spiritual Balance And Peace Of Mind

The term 'mantra' literally means chanting of words, phrases or syllables. From mantra comes Mantra Yoga, which is a type of meditation that involves the chanting of mantras. The chanting continues until the attention span of the chanter surpasses the physical environment and enters a stage of super consciousness. In this stage, the emotions and thoughts of a person get elevated to a high degree of clarity and revelation.

Mantras are an effective way to reach super consciousness because they help the mind to calm down and move away from daily distractions. The sole object of meditation is then fully realized and achieved. Chanting mantras have a soothing effect, and the combination of the meaning and rhythm of the mantra helps your thoughts to settle into the meditative state. This ritualistic chanting helps bind the mind to a single thought until it attains the state of samadhi or self-realization, which is at the peak of the practice of Yoga.

Achieving Samadhi through meditation is a slow process, and requires great patience, concentration and practice. Mantra meditation usually proceeds in three stages. First, you begin by chanting the mantras out loud, ideally in an isolated space. Saying the words and phrases out loud draws your attention away from other distractions and trains your body to sit still in a single place while meditating. Once the body is relaxed and the mind serene, the chanter automatically switches to whisper chanting. In whisper chanting the prana, the vital life force in the body, is balanced and harmonized, preparing the way for the balance of mind and emotions. At this stage the person is highly relaxed and calm.

Once the chanter is completely comfortable with whisper chanting, the prana flows deeper through the energy channels or nadis, and you move to the stage of mental chanting. This highly advanced stage helps you get rid of all forms of distractions because as soon as unwanted thoughts and distractions crop up, the mantra is simply chanted in the same area of the mind where the distraction is occurring. Soon also the distractions melt away and the mantra then begins to reach the border of super consciousness or samadhi. At this stage, chanting becomes a free flowing process that gives the chanter pleasure and peace.

The highest stage of mental chanting is called the ecstatic stage, whereby you experience total peace and a feeling of 'returning home'; you are in a state of continuous joy, which lasts for about 15 to 20 minutes after which you return to the 'outer world'. The words of the mantra filter-out in the mind and you reverse the whole process, going into whisper - and then out loud - chanting.

Learn to experience the soothing powers and benefits of yoga by visiting, a popular yoga websit ethat provides yoga related tips, advice and resources to include information on yoga for men, yoga for women, yoga for elders and the

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Back Pain - Can Yoga Cure My Back Pain?

I recently finished six weeks of physical therapy after my back surgery. The therapist sat me down for a "discharged interview". We discussed a variety of things that would help me continue my recovery. One of the questions I asked him was "Can yoga cure my back pain"?

His short answer was "yes" followed by a "but". This question lead to a lively discussion of yoga that I believe would be helpful to other back sufferers.

Yoga has been practiced for thousands of years. Yoga is well known for increasing flexibility, strength, breathing, circulation, etc. there are several different types of yoga and each type has many exercises or positions. Some positions are easy and gentle to perform and others difficult. So which are the best yoga exercises for a bad back? Here are some steps you can take to determine if yoga is right for your aching back.

1. First talk to your doctor. Get his okay. He/she may even recommend a yoga instructor.

2. Contact a couple of yoga instructors. Tell them your specific condition. Most will allow you to attend a class before signing up and paying a fee.

3. Hatha Yoga is known for it's gentle movements and is usually the best type of yoga for a person with a back condition.

4. Start with learning correct breathing techniques. This will help you relax. Relaxation is a key to managing your pain and lowering stress.

5. Be ready to stop if any movement becomes painful. Forget the old saying "No pain no gain"

6. Modify the movements to suit you. A good instructor will be happy to help you modify a movement.

Finally remember you are a "work in progress" be patient and gentle with yourself.

Yoga can be a way to relieve back pain and prevent it from ruining your life. But it's critical to find a capable instructor who understands and has training in helping people with a sore back. I have practiced yoga for many years both before and since my back injury although yoga can be very beneficial I believe there are other alternatives that could better serve you. One program you might also want to explore is designed especially for back sufferer. The Healthy Back Institute has developed a program called "The Lose The Back Pain System". This system has helped thousands with customized individualized programs designed specifically to lose your pain and prevent it from coming back.

The Buck Stops Here! Find relief from your back pain and live pain free. There are alternatives to suffering and the risks surgery. As someone who has suffered with debilitating back pain, surgery and months of physical therapy; I believe you owe it to yourself to know all the facts. Take the first step Click Here for more FREE information, reports and videos.

Coach Pete Turner is a life and success coach who combines sixty-two years of living with solid methods, techniques, coaching tools and tips helping his clients ride from the ordinary to the extraordinary

Advanced Yoga: Becoming An Advanced Yoga Practitioner Through Teacher Training

One of the simplest ways to go about becoming an advanced yoga practitioner is to take part in a reputable yoga teacher training program. "But I don't want to teach yoga," you may think to yourself. Even if you never wanted to become a professional yoga instructor, a training program can offer you the opportunity to learn more about yoga as a practice and, more importantly, yourself as a person.

They say you can never fully understand something unless you teach it to someone else. Practicing with your fellow teacher trainees helps open your eyes to things about your practice you may never have been aware of. It's like having 20 private instructors over the course of a few months. During teacher training, along with the lectures on the history of yoga, benefits of meditation, healing science of Aryuveda, and alignment classes, there are one-on-one asana spot labs and practice teaching. The more you practice the more your awareness of your own body and breath grows. Teaching also gives you a different perspective on yoga. When you watch people struggle to get into positions that are not right for their bodies, doubt their own abilities or not connect with their breath, it gives you some insight into your own practice and how aware you may or may not be of your own limitations.

This journey can have a profound impact on your life. The most fascinating thing I've found in my teacher training at has been how closely related the way I practice and the way I live really are. The way someone practices speaks volumes about their disposition in life. I became aware of the fact that I was judging myself harshly in my practice and comparing myself to other people in class. I was also treating the mat as a means to an end and not as an end in and of itself. I would always opt for the more difficult pose in order to get a better "work out" and build up more of a sweat. I would become frustrated at my inability to come into certain poses.

My football coach always said, "you play like you practice." If, as a yogi, your aim is to bring your practice off the mat and into your life, what does it say when you compare yourself to others on the mat? How does the desire to push yourself to the point of exhaustion in your practice translate into your life? When you practice, do you look for the joy in the poses? These are the questions that I was able to probe more deeply in my yoga teacher training program. The practical application of this understanding can help one to become an advanced yoga practitioner with relative ease.

Roque L. Rodriguez III is a poet and yoga instructor in New York, NY. He is currently taking the 300-hour yoga teacher training and advanced yoga classes at ISHTA Yoga NYC.

Insider Secrets to Marketing Your Yoga Teaching Service, Part 2

Natural Search engine ranking presence, on multiple keywords, also requires significant knowledge of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Although you are a Yogi, you should look at SEO as a hobby because good and reputable SEO experts cost big money.

Therefore, stay away from SEO services that will "get you ranked with 12,000 search engines for $9.95." Those services will usually get your Yoga website "blacklisted," if they continuously submit every month. The search engines just ignore your continuous submissions as SPAM. If you want to save significant money, and do some of it yourself, buy a book which explains SEO in simplistic terms.

One last point to bring up about SEO: There are only a few search engines that you really need to submit to. Start with these: Google, Yahoo, AOL, MSN, Ask, Netscape, Dog Pile, and Alta Vista.

The above-mentioned eight search engines receive over 90% of all the traffic on the internet. Currently, Google easily gets more than half of all the Internet traffic. Some statistics claim that Google gets over 75% of all the web traffic.

Yes, there are thousands of other search engines, but what is their geographic reach? Many of them are specialized search engines for a particular country or language. If you have a local Yoga studio, do you have to be listed in a search engine on the other side of the planet? For example: Let's say you teach Yoga in a suburb of Denver, Colorado and are listed in a Korean search engine. That's nice, but I doubt you will get any walk-ins, from that listing, in your next Yoga class.

Pay-per-click campaigns can get your Yoga business a space on the front page of most search engines. Google has more than half of all the internet traffic, so their Adwords program, alone, is worth looking into for a start.

Here's an idea: Start your Yoga web site, or Blog, ASAP (as soon as possible!), keep it running, and expand when you grow. Do not get hung up on perfection; that's what causes procrastination. If we did that in Yoga, none of us would become Yoga teachers.

I don't care if you're teaching Yoga in a cellar, barn, loft, garage, in the woods, at the beach, or just thinking about it. People won't know you are a Yoga teacher, if you don't announce it.

© Copyright 2007 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of Yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. He has been a certified Master Yoga Teacher since 1995. To receive a Free e-Book: "Yoga in Practice," and a Free Yoga Newsletter, please visit:

Laughter Yoga - A Revolutionary Concept That Can Improve Your World

Laughter Yoga is really a new idea - simple and profound. An exercise, it's mopping the world and is actually a total wellness exercise. Laughter Yoga (Hasyayoga) is a kind of yoga utilizing self-triggered laughter. The "laughter" is physical in nature, and does not necessarily entail sense of humor or comedy. The style was developed by Indian master Jiten Kohi. It was made well-liked as an exercise routine developed by Madan Kataria, a physician in Mumbai, India. He was able to clearly show real preventive and healing benefits from a laughter regime.

This particular yoga exercise is a exceptional idea of unconditional laughter with yogic breathing (Pranayama) and simple yoga asanas (postures) while going through loud, liberating "HO, HO, HA, HA" sounds. Unlike popular belief, Laughter Yoga has demonstrated that you don't need to need a sense of humor, to have a good laugh. Any individual can giggle for no cause, not depending on antics, hilarity or comedy. Laughter can be learned and designed into the body, to bring about a whole change. Studies have proved that simply ten-twenty minutes of fake or real laughter offers a profound advantage on the human body.

This particular yoga is physically-oriented, as it uses "a perfect blend of playful, empowering and otherwise "tension-releasing" basic laughter routines, interwoven with mellow breathing, warm up and stretching exercises, rhythmic clapping as well as chanting in unison. This successful combination brings about multiple health benefits, mainly increasing the supply of o2 and boosting the body's defense mechanism. In addition, it stimulates and restores the metabolism, making one feel fresh and enthusiastic. Many participants of this yoga have felt a reduction in the regularity of respiratory infections like common cold and influenza, and a few others revealed alleviating depressive disorders, relief/cure from long-term medical conditions. With people's fully committed participation, Laughter Yoga has helped many people become healthier.

The goal of LYoga is to bring a healthy body, pleasure and world peace by means of laughter. Laughter is universal with no dialect and cultural limitations. Laughter Yoga Clubs are fast developing into a worldwide community of like-minded people who believe in unconditional love, laughter and fellowship. Every first Sunday of May is formally well known as World Laughter Day. In the year 2000, approximately 10,000 individuals laughed together in Copenhagen, Denmark to set a Guinness Book Record.

In some areas of India, LYoga has been presented earlier to school children as element of their day-to-day school exercises, specifically in early morning ceremonies. Laughter Yoga International accounts that in educational institutions where LYoga was incorporated in their everyday program, school children's behavior became vibrant. They turn out to be more alert and mentally brighter. Some school principals in fact reported zero absenteeism, as students were desirous to be present at classes. Laughter yoga, in addition, is utilized in business environments to alleviate tension and develop friendship and also in jails to temper chaotic tendencies.

Yoga, especially laughter yoga, without a doubt enriches one's life. This new form of yoga exercise relaxes the mind, entire body and spirits as it releases endorphins -- the feel-good human hormones in our body. With a great deal of positive factors, people enthusiastic about Laughter Yoga continue to keep snowballing.

There are lots of practitioners online who offer informative advice in yoga and everything else about yoga. Only a known yoga guru can provide you with the best services.

Teaching Hatha Yoga: Assisting, Demonstrating, and Verbally Cueing

Some Yoga instructors feel that one method for teaching Yoga is better than the rest; but which one is it? If a Yoga teacher does not give a physical assist, is that wrong? If a Yoga instructor does not demonstrate poses, how can students who learn visually make progress? What about the Yoga instructor who makes an assist before verbally cueing?

There are many methods for teaching Yoga, but students either learn by seeing, feeling, hearing, or a combination of senses. With this in mind, there is no right or wrong method, but Yoga teachers should be aware that some students may have a dominant sense when it comes to learning. This is why teaching methods for Yoga should be integrated.

There will always be a Yoga student who does not like your method, but you should be able to effectively communicate with the vast majority of your students.

Ever since the first Hatha Yoga teacher trained the first Yoga student, there had to be a bonding for the relationship to progress, and for Hatha Yoga to flourish into the many physical Yoga sub-styles, we see to this day.

There are times when, despite all the verbal cueing skills imaginable, a Yoga teacher must make a physical assist. No matter what is said, some Yoga students will learn more from a solid assist than by cueing. This helps a student "feel" where he or she should be. A verbal explanation is close, but is not the same as feeling proper alignment while an Asana is practiced.

This is difficult, if you are from a culture where men and women do not casually touch each other. Sometimes, some students just do not feel comfortable getting physical assist from their Yoga teacher. So, what do you do?

Firstly, before giving an assist, during Asana practice, a Yoga teacher should ask permission. If anyone has an objection, you are better off to demonstrate the Yoga technique or explain it verbally. It is not worth the potential conflict, and each Yoga student has a right to his, or her, own space. With that said, "Tread carefully," when volunteering to give a physical assist to any Yoga student.

Demonstrating Asanas also has its pitfalls for Yoga teachers. Too much demonstrating can make some Yoga students feel like they are just an extension of your workout. Too little demonstrating and some Yoga students may grumble that it is easy for the Yoga teacher to say, when the Yoga teacher is "just walking around." So, what do you do to please most of your Yoga students?

Make sure your Yoga students are exposed to a combination of Assisting, Demonstrating, and Verbal Cues. In this way, you will have satisfied most of them.

© Copyright 2006 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard is a co-owner and the director of Yoga teacher training at: Aura Wellness Center, in North Providence, RI. He has been a certified Master Yoga teacher since 1995. To receive a Free e-Book: "Yoga in Practice," and a Free Yoga Newsletter, please visit:

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Unique Kettlebell Exercises to Strengthen the Core and Improve Stability for Golf

These two exercises are not seen too often in your local gym or course facility. One resembles a movement from traditional yoga, and the other is an exercise long forgotten but made popular by old-time strong men back in the early 1900's. Both exercises have tremendous benefits to golf. Particularly when dealing with core strength and stability. The first exercise is the kettlebell windmill. The kettlebell windmill is a tremendous core exercise for the shoulder girdle, rotator cuff, trunk rotators, side flexors, buttocks, and hamstrings. This exercise will develop strength, increase flexibility, and develop body awareness in the hips, spine, torso, and shoulders.

To perform the kettlebell windmill

1) Clean and press a kettlebell overhead with one arm.

2) Keeping the kettlebell that is overhead locked out at all times, push your butt out in the direction of the locked out kettlebell.

3) Turn your feet out at a forty-five degree angle from the arm with the locked out kettlebell.

4) Slowly lower your torso until your non-working hand touches the floor or front foot. Pause for a second and reverse the motion back to the starting position. Remember to squeeze your buttocks when rising up.

Next is the kettlebell bent press. The bent press is an "old school" move that has a huge carryover to golf. This exercise was once made popular by Eugene Sandow, the father of modern bodybuilding, in the early 20th century. This exercise will target your shoulder girdle, rotator cuff, trunk rotators and side flexors, and hamstrings. It will develop strength, flexibility, coordination, and total body awareness. This exercise can train various physical abilities and movement planes all at the same time.

To perform the bent press:

1) Clean a kettlebell with one arm. Push your hip out in the direction of the cleaned kettlebell.

2) Turn your feet out at a forty-five degree angle from the arm with the kettlebell. While you are sitting back and lowering yourself, contract your lat as hard as possible and move your body away from the kettlebell.

3) Continue to bend to the side until the kettlebell is locked out. You then simply hold the bell in position and extend your forearm as you shift your weight away from the kettlebell. Remember to squeeze your buttocks as you rise back up.

Keep in mind that the movements are performed slowly and while in total control. Take your time in learning the basics then progress. For more exercise idea's like these ones check out

RUI ROSARIO is a golf conditioning coach and kettlebell instructor based in Oakville, Ontario, Canada. Rui has been involved in strength & conditioning training for 6 years, and has enjoyed test driving a variety of training modalities over the years. Through the years he has developed a unique blend of kettlebell lifting, bodyweight exercises, yoga, and core conditioning in order to enhance your athletic performance, correct imbalances, and maximize your golf performance. Rui has helped many amateur and professional golfers improve their golf fitness and conditioning as well as recover from injuries.


RUI takes'a refreshing new approach to fitness using old school tool, ie. a kettlebell, and a low tech/high concept' approach to strength and conditioning.

Learning Aikido With Martial Arts Training Videos

Aikido is a form of Japanese martial arts whose performance involves the blending of the attacker's motion and the redirection of the force of the attack, instead of opposing it head-on. It is now possible to learn the principles of Aikido through some basic martial arts video training.

The basic Aikido principle requires very little physical exertion because the aikidoka or aikido practitioner will "lead" the momentum of the attacker through the use of entering and turning movements. This technique can be learnt from training videos and are completed with a variety of joint locks and throws.

Training videos provide training in aikido which covers both physical fitness and conditioning and specific techniques. The first thing you will learn as a student is how to fall and roll safely, as well as the specific techniques for attack including both grabs and strikes. You will also learn about defense techniques which consist of pins and throws. Once you have grasped the basics from your video training, you may thereafter study freestyle defense against multiple attackers, as well as other techniques and styles using weapons.

Martial art training videos contain physical training goals to be pursued in aikido such as controlled relaxation, endurance and flexibility, with less emphasis on strength training. You will learn that aikido more commonly involves extending or pushing movements as opposed to the contracting or pulling movements. Training for aikido places emphasis on using coordinated whole-body movement and balance which is similar to Pilates or yoga. For instance, most classes will have the dojo beginning with warm-up exercises - junbi taiso, which comprises of break falls and stretching.

Mixed martial arts training videos offer aikido training primarily based on two partners practicing pre-arranged forms or kata, as opposed to freestyle practice. This basic pattern will have the uke or receiver of the technique initiating an attack against the nage or thrower, who will neutralize the attack with an aikido technique. In the process the uke will learn to be more calm and flexible in the off-balance and disadvantageous positions that they are placed by the nage. On the other hand, the nage will learn how to control and blend with attacking energy. The uke will constantly seek to regain their balance and cover their vulnerable points such as a side that is exposed; while the nage will use timing and position to keep the uke vulnerable and off balance.

Find out more about martial arts video training access the best mixed martial arts video training and learn about the newest martial art training videos please visit

Interval Training - What Is It?

What is Interval Training and what does it do for you? Interval Training, otherwise known as HIT is a cardiovascular exercise, usually done with weight lifting activities while alternating lower and higher maximum intensity in order to make the body work harder.

Interval Training works like a charm because when you train this way, your body creates a deficit of oxygen. When you work so hard, your body is always depleted of oxygen, hence, your body needs more to recover. And when this happens, your metabolic rate increases. Therefore, you also burn more calories, which results to you burning more fats, right?

By doing Interval Training, your body also builds up a large amount of lactic acid. And that lactic acid helps burn more carbohydrates. And again, as a result, you are burning more calories in the process. So now you probably would want to incorporate Interval training in your diet, huh? So know you ask, "how can I do that"?

To get in shape, all you need is a treadmill or a stationary bike. Use your stop clock and you are ready!

Start by proper warm up exercises. You can jog or do a little stretching here and there. Set the rowing machine's resistance to a lower end but not too light that you could almost feel no effort on your part. Start rowing at a steady and moderate pace for 90 seconds. Then start rowing fast for 30 seconds and then start rowing slow again for another 90. You keep repeating this pattern at least 8-10 times.

You do not have to do this kind of exercise daily. Give your body a time to recuperate. You can take a leisure walk the next day if you like. Or you can go do have some yoga fun with your friends.

So now you can get fit and lean so easily. All it takes is the right amount of execution of your exercise routine. If you are too tired to do some exercises the next day, then, you can always give your body a rest. Exercise should be fun - so don't push your body too hard.

Anthony Falconer is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for a few fitness magazines in Toronto Canada. His has helped thousands of men and women with weight loss and fat burning in less than 45 minutes three times per week. My systematic Training for Fat Loss workouts help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment. Anthony's bodyweight workouts for fat loss help you lose fat without any equipment at all.

You have permission to publish this article in your web sites, ezines or electronic publication, as long as the piece is used in its entirety including the resource box, all hyperlinks (HTML clickable) and references and copyright info.

The Many Benefits of Yoga and Fitness

Many people are trying to improve their health these days and often people look to new ways in which to do this. Dieting is a fad of the past and even traditional exercise is being pushed aside for new techniques that promise to burn fat and tone muscles. Yoga is one of those new ways to get your body in shape. Not to say that a healthy diet isn't necessary but paired with regular yoga workouts you will be amazed at the results. And yoga isn't only for physical health either, the benefits go well beyond the physical aspect.

Because the physical benefits that you get from yoga are so important we will discuss them first. Yoga makes it possible for us to train out bodies to sue correct posture no matter what we are doing. The different poses help to not only tone the muscles in our body but train them as well. Yoga also works to help blood flow through breathing techniques which helps out body gain the amount of oxygen necessary. All of this helps the brain to function properly. Although these may not be aspects of physical health that we often think about, improving such aspects will surely provide a difference in the way that we feel.

The second most important benefit that you will gain from practicing yoga has to do with the mind. Yoga is a great way to relax the mind and reduce stress brought on by everyday life. The techniques practiced, including the poses as well as the breathing are meant to sooth the mind and soul and allow us to let go of negative energy. Practicing yoga also will help you to connect your mind and body better as well. This alone can greatly reduce stress in both the body and mind which gives us an over all better feeling.

Yoga has many health benefits as well. The reduction of stress and the physical improvements combine to provide us with over all better health in general. A healthy body and mind result in a healthy immune system which will help you to fight off disease and infection. Practicing yoga will also help you maintain a normal weight, increase your physical energy, improve your memory and alertness and even keep your body feeling good despite physical exertion. The overall sense of wellness will be a common part of your life soon after you begin practicing yoga techniques.

Deciding to take over your life and committing to any routine is a major decision. Before beginning any diet or any exercise routine individuals should consult their physician. Yoga is a fairly safe practice but those that have balance issues may need to find ways to support themselves in order to protect their physical safety. Before beginning you may also want to purchase a comfortable mat to use during your routine and you will want to find a comfortable place to work out in as well. Before long you will begin to feel the many benefits of practicing yoga and will soon feel better than ever.Many people are trying to improve their health these days and often people look to new ways in which to do this. Dieting is a fad of the past and even traditional exercise is being pushed aside for new techniques that promise to burn fat and tone muscles. Yoga is one of those new ways to get your body in shape. Not to say that a healthy diet isn't necessary but paired with regular yoga workouts you will be amazed at the results. And yoga isn't only for physical health either, the benefits go well beyond the physical aspect.

Because the physical benefits that you get from yoga are so important we will discuss them first. Yoga makes it possible for us to train out bodies to sue correct posture no matter what we are doing. The different poses help to not only tone the muscles in our body but train them as well. Yoga also works to help blood flow through breathing techniques which helps out body gain the amount of oxygen necessary. All of this helps the brain to function properly. Although these may not be aspects of physical health that we often think about, improving such aspects will surely provide a difference in the way that we feel.

The second most important benefit that you will gain from practicing yoga has to do with the mind. Yoga is a great way to relax the mind and reduce stress brought on by everyday life. The techniques practiced, including the poses as well as the breathing are meant to sooth the mind and soul and allow us to let go of negative energy. Practicing yoga also will help you to connect your mind and body better as well. This alone can greatly reduce stress in both the body and mind which gives us an over all better feeling.

Yoga has many health benefits as well. The reduction of stress and the physical improvements combine to provide us with over all better health in general. A healthy body and mind result in a healthy immune system which will help you to fight off disease and infection. Practicing yoga will also help you maintain a normal weight, increase your physical energy, improve your memory and alertness and even keep your body feeling good despite physical exertion. The overall sense of wellness will be a common part of your life soon after you begin practicing yoga techniques.

Deciding to take over your life and committing to any routine is a major decision. Before beginning any diet or any exercise routine individuals should consult their physician. Yoga is a fairly safe practice but those that have balance issues may need to find ways to support themselves in order to protect their physical safety. Before beginning you may also want to purchase a comfortable mat to use during your routine and you will want to find a comfortable place to work out in as well. Before long you will begin to feel the many benefits of practicing yoga and will soon feel better than ever.

Justin Star is a successful webmaster and owner of popular and comprehensive Birthday Gift Basket web site. For more article and resource on Thank You Gift Basket visit this Gift Basket for Spa site.

Adding Variety To Your Cardio Routine

Keeping up with an cardiovascular exercise over a long period of time involves finding new ways to enjoy your workouts and to challenge yourself- both physically and mentally.

In fact, pushing yourself to try new activities is critical to prevent plateaus in progress, boredom, and burn-out. Varying your cardio routine ensures you'll have more fun- and stay more consistent- with the habits required for lifelong health and fitness.

Why "variation" is so important

Making fitness a lifelong habit demands a willingness to consistently "stretch" your comfort zone. Those afraid to "try something new" often get bored with the same old cardio routine and before long lose interest in maintaining their efforts.

Those who push their limitations grow from their experiences and enjoy the confidence, health, and success that comes from new achievements. Varying your activity is a critical element to challenging your current limitations.

Top ten cardio activities

While the options are endless, listed are ten great ways to vary your cardio routine:

1. Wind sprints - nothing will get your heart pumping and your lungs breathing faster than some sprinting. On the track, grass, or road- choose what terrain is available to you.

2. Swimming - in the ocean, the lake, or the local Olympic size pool. Safe at any age, swimming is a great total body cardio routine and non-impact (good for joints) activity. Try alternating various strokes and pushing yourself for timed distances.

3. Cycling - if you've got a road bike great, if not then an indoor model or "trainer" will work fine as well. Spinning classes also offer a fun environment to push your cardio limits.

4. Rollerblading - a great workout that challenges your lower body in a way unlike running or biking. Great exercise for the thighs, glutes, and hips. Also great training for those who enjoy the winter sports of snow skiing, ice skating and hockey.

5. Mountain biking - with the popularity of "off-road" cycling, miles of trails in local parks or wooded areas are now easily accessible these days. Be sure to pack your safety gear and pick a trail that matches the level of your expertise!

6. Running hills - depending on where you live, hills may or may not be readily available. Try challenging your self to sprint stadium stairs or a few flights in a local hotel or office building as a great substitute. Talk about a cardio routine blast- give it a shot and you'll be amazed!

7. Jumping Rope - you might think of double-dutch or one of the games you used to play when you were a kid, but simple, timed jump rope intervals provide a serious workout. There are also several different types of ropes available including "speed" and "weighted" ropes that provide the added benefit of an upper-body workout at the same time.

8. Rowing - most of us don't have access to a rowing shell, but fortunately many local health clubs offer alternatives. Rowing is a great way to work your core, back and legs at the same time. Some rowing machines even offer video components to make the experience like a fun video-game- complete with a computerized opponent to race!

9. Kickboxing - if a martial arts class doesn't interest you (or you'd prefer to work up to it), there are some great cardio kickboxing DVD's available to turn your living room into a dojo. A brief search of finds sixteen options to choose from- give it a shot!

10. Yoga - for clarity of mind, a good sweat, and flexibility at the same time, yoga offers tremendous benefits as part of a balanced health and fitness program. Many local facilities offer trial classes or home DVD's are also available to fit into your ideal schedule.


Challenging your body and mind with new exercise activities is essential to avoiding plateaus, boredom and burnout. Pushing your limits ensures fun with maintaining the habits required for lifelong health and fitness success.

For more information

Call Hut Allred at 972.871.7575 or visit his website at to request a 15 minute phone consultation to learn how he can help you customize a fitness and nutrition program to achieve your goals.

Isometric Or Isotonic Exercises?

Isometric or Isotonic exercises - that is the question. Before you can answer the question however you need to understand the difference. Maybe you have heard these terms used for different workouts and maybe you haven't. Even if you have heard the words you may not fully understand these types of moves.

Not to worry as this article will explain the differences between the two so keep on reading. Both types of workouts are designed to build muscle strengthen and tone your body. Even though they are designed to accomplish the same goal, there are differences in how you do the exercises.

Isometric Definition

The definition of isometrics is a strength training method in which the joint and the length of the muscle remains the same during the contraction. What does this really mean? Well in short, there is no movement while you do the exercise but rather a static pose while contracting and strengthening the muscle. You will sometimes hear people call these "non-movers" when referring to these types of workouts.

Remember back in gym class where you had to place your back against the wall and then bend your knees at a 90 degree angle? Then the teacher had you hold this move for what seemed an eternity. This would be considered an isometric exercise as you are holding the pose, or keeping your body static, while the muscles are contracting.

The example above is just one of many different moves you can do to build and tone your body. There are "non-movers" for many different muscles and muscle groups. One of the most common and widely used are abdominal isometric exercises. For instance, while doing a basic crunch, or a mover, you are contracting the abdominal muscle during the full movement. If you held this crunch at the top of the move for a count of 10 while the muscle is contracted, this becomes a "non-mover".

Some of the most common workouts that use isometrics are Yoga, Pilates and Kegel workouts. In many cases you are simply using your own body weight to provide the resistance you need to build and tone your muscles. You can also do these with resistance bands, dumbbell weights and even gym equipment.

Isotonic Exercise Definition

Isotonics on the other hand use movement which changes the length of the muscle while doing the workout. These "movers" also use resistance to help build and tone muscle, however the resistance stays constant while the muscle length changes. For example, when doing squats with a resistance band, dumbbell weights or even your own body weight, this resistance stays the same. As you move your body to squat down, the length of the muscle changes.

This isotonic exercise is what is referred to as a "mover". This same muscle group done as an isometric move would require that not only the weight stay static but also the joint. So in order to make the squat a non-mover you would simply squat down using your dumbbell weights or resistance band and hold the pose for a count of 10 to 30 while the muscle is contracted.

Isometric or Isotonic

So let's get back to the question at the beginning. Should you be doing non-movers or movers for your workout? Even though both these types of workouts build and tone your muscles differently, one is not necessarily better than the other. All good strength training workouts should include both isotonic and isometric exercises. By including both methods you are ensuring you are getting the maximum benefit of strengthening the muscles and getting a full range workout. So grab some weights, use a resistance band or just use your own body weight to build and tone your muscles with both types of strength training exercises.

Julie Barros is the author and creator of Exercise 4 Weight Loss where you will find lots of tips, tools, exercises and more to help you get fit and healthy.

Here is even more information on strength training with links to free exercise videos to make sure you are doing them correctly.

Thai Massage Versus Sports Massage - Which Is Better For Athletes?

Thai massage may be the ultimate sports massage. By understanding the world's oldest medicine systems, we become better equipped to treat athletic conditions.

Thai massage, also called Thai-Yoga, is rooted in the 7,000-year-old medicine system of Ayurveda. Although Ayurveda is ancient, the U.S. is just discovering its therapeutic riches.

What is Thai massage?

Thai massage is also called Thai-Yoga because it is rooted in yoga. Thai massage is like having yoga done to you.

Like massage, Thai massage is performed by a practitioner onto a recipient. The client passively receives a series of stretches and compressions. Unlike most massage styles, a highly-skilled therapist will also receive therapeutic effects by offering the treatment.

Like yoga, a session involves a series of dynamic stretches. Like stretches or postures in yoga (asanas), many muscles are stretched simultaneously.

And the stretches tend to be multi-planar. This means each stretch moves the muscles in more than just one direction. Multi-planar stretches prepare the muscle better for everyday activities than do stretches that are isolating or uni-directional.

The most notable effects of the treatment sequence include:

* Stretching tight muscles

* Loosening stiff joints, and

* Improving energy circulation.

The treatment improves energy circulation by loosening muscles that commonly tighten and restrict the flow of blood, nerves, oxygen, and other vital energy. In many Eastern health practices, this focus is called clearing chakras. By clearing all of the body's major chakras, vital energy flow is restored throughout the body.

How is Thai massage different from Sports massage?

Sports massage is a common style of massage used to train athletes and treat sports injuries. Most massage therapists receive special training or a distinct sports massage certification in order to practice it with athletes.

Sports massage is a combination of assisted stretching and massage techniques. The application depends on the phase of the athlete's training.

The benefits of assisted stretching are limited, however, because muscles are stretched in isolation, uni-directionally.

Thai massage is also typically applied in a gentle manner that enables the recipient to relax. When the body is relaxed, and stretches are received passively, the muscles can be stretched more deeply.

Using multi-planar, dynamic stretches, with a relaxing approach, is more beneficial than typical assisted stretching focused on muscles in isolation.

Clearing chakras is also more restorative than working on muscles individually or treating problematic areas separately from the rest of the body.

While most Americans consider massage to be holistic medicine, Thai massage is truly more holistic by nature than most other styles of massage, including sports massage.

Nina Schnipper offers pain relief and injury recovery for athletes and non-athletes in the Aspen valley. She practices Thai & Sports massage therapies, and fitness training, in Basalt at Higher Spa & Studio. Read more articles about sports injuries and treatment, plus VIDEO at []

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Teaching Hatha Yoga - Discount Offers and Free Classes

Have you ever wondered what draws, and keeps, students in your Yoga classes? The answer is quite simple - All you have to do is look in the mirror. During the course of a week, I am lucky enough to speak with Yoga teachers from around the world, so I will give you an inside story.

Recently, a Yoga teacher from the Midwest United States, mentioned that she received and extraordinary amount of "thrifty" students. Her students haggled over price so much that she almost closed the doors due to her overhead costs. She never was able to draw a pay check from her studio. Her family had become intolerant of her choice of work. She was not able to go on vacation, had nothing left in savings, and her children had to shop at thrift shops and discount stores for clothing.

Upon further investigation, the demographics of her city were fine, and the neighborhood her Yoga studio was in was upper middle class. Was it the current economy? Was it the local economy? Other Yoga teachers in her area were doing fine, so what was the problem?

When she advertised, she gave deep discount coupon offers and free introductory classes. She unintentionally began to create a following of "discount shoppers." Instead of being appreciated for her discount offers and free introductory Yoga classes, her students were 2-5 months late on their tuition. When she asked for a payment - one parent who was five months late on tuition for his son's Kid's Yoga class told her, "You do not have a Zen attitude."

Apparently, she should have nerves of steel, while her family wants to disown her, and her finances were crumbling around her. How dare she ask for a payment from a person who is five months late? What you have read up to this point is only the tip of the iceberg. The atmosphere in her Yoga studio, no longer reflected a student / teacher relationship.

Her students became "discount customers." If there was a better deal down the street, her students would have evacuated in a "heart beat." Forget about student loyalty, she could not get customer loyalty.

What lessons have you learned from this? Never try to attract "customers" - instead cultivate Yoga classes with eager students who want to train with you, because they value Yoga. Yoga has many benefits, so why "sell it short?" Always remember how much your training cost you. You see a value in Yoga, so attract students who feel the same.

? Copyright 2007 ? Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of Yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. He has been a certified Master Yoga Teacher since 1995. To receive a Free Yoga e-Book: "Yoga in Practice," and a Free Yoga Newsletter, please visit:

What You Will Learn From Recreation and Fitness Workers?

The best way to describe Recreation and Fitness workers are those people who made exercising as a career. Your aerobics instructor, yoga master, weight lifting instructor are the best examples of fitness workers. They are professionals when it comes to determining the right fitness routine that best fits your needs. Not only that, they make exercising fun and interesting. They can also recommend the right dietary program that goes with your exercise regimen.

The right places to find these fitness experts are usually at a gym or in a fitness center. These people are professionally trained instructors in order to be certified instructors. They are constantly trained with the latest exercise routines, trends and technology.

The first thing you will learn from fitness instructors is that a healthy body is not achieved overnight. They initially make a visual assessment of your physical needs. They may take your weight, measure your body mass then determine what you need to trim and tone. They will inform you that not all exercise routines fit everybody. They will take into consideration your state of health. If you are overweight and have heart problems, they definitely will trim your cardio routine into something not too stressful but will help reduce your weight. They will also advice some supplements and dietary recommendations that will compliment your exercise program. All these will be based on your physical and health needs. Your progress will be monitored constantly. Your exercise regimen changed from time to time as you achieve your physical goals. You will be prescribed a timeline for your fitness program. Depending on your goals, some programs may take years at a stretch.

These professionals are not confined to the four corners of a gym. You can hire them to be your personal trainer just like professional athletes do. Large companies hire them to teach health programs and exercise training as part of their employee benefits. Good health is essential to keep employees happy and productive.

Need information about job descriptions for recreation and fitness workers, visit

Why Meditation And Yoga Are So Good For You

Most people are well aware by now that the formula to a happy and healthy life is to exercise and eat well. However, today's hectic lifestyles often mean that we frequently find ourselves in stressful situations. In order to combat stress we need to learn how to relax, and that's where meditation and yoga come in.

The practice of yoga has been around for hundreds of years (or more). It originated in India, and was introduced by holy men (called Yogis) who would meditate for days together, in order to train their minds and bodies, and to achieve a sense of well being. Nowadays, many people think of yoga in terms of the different styles of yoga, or in terms of yoga poses, but in reality it is a combination of these exercises as well as the practice of meditation.

However, it's not necessary to practice both meditation and yoga simultaneously, as the two compliment each other any way. In general, though, combining the practice of yoga with meditation will have a synergistic effect, working simultaneously on both the mind and the body. Engaging in meditation and yoga requires a certain amount of self-discipline, and it's necessary for beginners to be very careful to follow instructions carefully. Ideally, the beginner to yoga and meditation should join a class, where a qualified instructor can demonstrate the correct way to practice the poses, and can ensure that all moves are done effectively. Often, the presence of other students in the class will also serve as a motivation to continue with the yoga.

Of course, a class isn't necessary, especially if there are no yoga classes in your area, or you can't find the time to travel to your nearest yoga center. It's possible to perform yoga within the comfort of your own home, and with the number of yoga DVDs available today, it's also possible to get almost the same level of instruction that you'd get from attending a class. It's also possible to practice yoga online with others, which may help motivate you to regularly practice your yoga.

In an ideal world we'd each have time to practice yoga each day, but this isn't realistic for many people. If possible, try to perform your yoga at least three times a week. If you haven't got a large amount of time, perhaps it would be possible to break your practice time down into chunks of twenty minutes, or even less if necessary. You may find that the regular practice of yoga gives you more energy and allows you to do your chores more efficiently, thus freeing up time for more yoga!

If you decide to practice yoga and meditation at home, it's a great idea to get yourself a yoga mat, some comfortable clothes and even some yoga music (or other appropriate music). Most of these should be available in the sports department of your local department store, but if not, you should be able to find them online.

Fiona Shearer-Hann has had an interest in yoga for several years, and tries whenever possible to include some yoga and meditation into her life. She maintains the website Online Yoga Information where you can find additional yoga information and resources.