Saturday, April 13, 2013

HIT Training and Losing Weight in the New Year

As the New Year approaches people take their resolutions and try to give their 100% in fulfilling their resolutions. I have several friends who have a lot of flab and every New Year they have the same resolution to lose weight and flab, they even resort to methods like Yoga, Hit Training, Pilates and Aerobics. But each year the resolutions remain only resolutions. If you are really serious enough to shed some weight you have to be really determined to do so. The main area of concern remains maintaining the shape after you have achieved it.

Do not expect to be in the best shape soon after you start going to the gym and start practicing High Intensity Training. Give time to your body to adapt to the new regimen. There have been people who think that going to a gym just for one week is enough and will get them into the shape they desire to be in.

The frequency of visits to the Gym for HIT Training has to be increased initially one has to give at least daily visits to a gym later these visits can be curtailed to alternate days and subsequently to once a week will be sufficient when you have control over the kind of diet you are taking. At that time you can even control the body's metabolism by weight training on the most crucial days of the week (weekends is the best time as you can really control the time duration in the gym and give the kind of rest the body demands).

Select a diet that is rich in fibers, fruits and tends to be fat free so that you do not build extra fats while working out. Select a training regimen that you can easily practice at home and practice for longer period of time. The techniques that are really doing wonders these days are Pilates, Yoga, Hit Training, Aerobics etc. Make walking and cycling a way of life this way you don't only keep your body fit but also help conserve the already deficient hydrocarbon fuels.

One needs to take responsibility for every action that is taken. The body does not accumulate flab and weight by itself (unless something really goes wrong with the hormones). You have to watch out on your diet and the exercising regimen.

The mainstream bodybuilding regime has it all wrong. Learn HIT training and H.I.T. training to start building more muscle now. To know more visit us at

The Soul Train to Success

Small business owners and solo-preneurs often find themselves riding the Feast or Famine Roller Coaster. If you have been on this roller coaster yourself and would like to experience another ride in the Entrepreneurial Amusement Park, then I might suggest taking a ride on the Soul Train to Success! But first, you have to get off the Feast or Famine Roller Coaster.

I love working with entrepreneurs because (for the most part) they love what they do-their work feeds their soul. Therefore, for the sake of this article, I am going to assume that you love what you do and that you have a talent or skill for the service you provide.

If you've been perplexed over how to create a steady stream of happy, loyal customers, I'd like you to consider these two common mistakes and see if you recognize them in your own business.

Mistake Number One: not having a specific target market with a signature system-what you are an expert at-to serve that market.

Tip: This is NOT a niche! A niche is the "what" you do, whereas, the market is the "who" you do it with, to or for.

We can take that one step further and add the "How" to the "What" and the "Who". How do you service those clients? I will use my own business as an example:

o Niche (what)- Business Coach (There are thousands of business coaches in the world.)

o Market or Perfect Client (who)- the heart-centered, soulful service provider or soul-o-preneur

o Signature System (how)- through equine assisted coaching and Branding with Archetypes(TM)

A viable market is a group of people who have a need or problem that they want to solve and who are willing to invest in having that need or problem solved! "Willing to invest" is the key phrase here.

I want to offer one more example of niche vs. market, based on a business other than coaching.

Let's have a conversation with a yoga instructor (YI) and a marathon runner (MR) at a sports and fitness training convention.

First scenario: yoga instructor without a target market

MR: What do you do for a living?

YI: I'm a yoga instructor. You should try one of my classes; it will change your life.

MR: Oh, yeah, I tried yoga a couple of times but I just couldn't get into it. It's too slow for me. I'm a runner and blah, blah, blah...

Second scenario: yoga instructor with a target market

MR: What do you do for a living?

YI: I teach performance athletes how to beat their own records by incorporating anusara yoga into their training practice.

MR: Really? How do you do that? I'm a marathon runner and have a goal to slice 16 minutes off my next race!

o Niche (what) -anusara yoga instructor (a particular form of yoga practice)

o Market or Perfect Client (who) -performance athletes (willing to invest in having a problem solved)

o Signature System (how) -combines a specific style of yoga (anusara) with the athlete's training to achieve a measurable result

I can just hear you saying "Yeah, but I can also teach, massage, photograph, design for, coach, bake, clean, consult-WHATEVER for anybody else who will pay me to do that thing!"

My response would be, "How is that working out for you so far?"

Take some time today to think about your own professional service and see if you can identify your own niche and perfect client.

Mistake Number Two: trying to sell what you do instead of what people want.

The first example with the yoga instructor and the marathon runner is a perfect illustration of the yoga instructor trying to sell what she does to the runner. He is not interested because he has a preconceived idea about yoga.

The second example is the yoga instructor speaking a very specific language that the runner is already listening for. He specifically hears the words, "I teach performance athletes how to beat their own records..." what comes after that is secondary. At this point in the conversation, the yoga instructor has the runner's undivided attention.

Once you have identified your perfect clientele, you need to find out what it is that they want or need to have solved and are willing to invest in the solution with you.

Pick a specific group of people that need or want a specific service. Think about the people that you personally want to serve, think about where the people you want to serve already spend their time.

For Example: Massage Therapist


Pregnant Mothers: baby clothing stores, Gymboree, OBGYN office, birthing class, etc...

Triathletes: events, orthopedic clinics, running stores, cycle shops, fitness centers, etc...

Active Seniors: retirement communities, dance centers, churches, 50+magazines, etc...

Take the time to discover their needs and speak to the results they are looking for in all of your literature, branding and web copy. When you thoroughly understand a specific group of people's needs and show them a solution or offer relief, you automatically become an expert in that area. They become loyal clients and refer you to their friends who have similar needs and wants.

Ask yourself how you may be able to focus your talents on a specific group of people that need your service. Choose a group that you have an affinity for and would like to spend time with. This approach does not mean you will not ever work with other groups of people in other ways, it does mean that you will build a steady stream of loyal clients who trust that you are looking out for their best interest.

Become an Expert

Not choosing a specific area of expertise to work in waters down your talents and credibility. When you focus on a specific need that people want solved, then you also grow your own skills and knowledge base in that area.

You would not go to a heart surgeon if you had a sinus infection, even though he could surely prescribe the antibiotic you need.

All successful business owners: work in a specific area of expertise; work with a mentor or coach to keep them moving forward and in alignment with their own values and purpose; and don't do it ALL by themselves.

When you are in alignment with what you love to do and can work with a group of people that need what you have to offer and are willing to invest in having that need solved, then you are riding the soul train to success!

Become the professional you want to be and get the professional help you need to get you there.

Need help with finding the perfect clients? Connect with me and a small group of highly motivated Soulful Service Providers and step into The Next Highest Version of Your own sustainable Six-Figure Business!

Schelli Whitehouse - Certified Money, Marketing and Soul Business Coach and a Professional Equine Assisted Coach (EAC) (PCC pending), invites you, to connect the soul of your business to the heart of your clients through Branding with Archetypes? and other soulful marketing strategies. Learn more by visiting:

Blast Through Your Weight Loss Problems

Lose Body Fat Fast

If you want to learn about why you cant lose weight then read this article all the way to the end. Specifically, we'll discuss Blasting through your weight loss plateau, with correct food substitutions and varying your routines. After you're done with this article, you should be able to blast the fat by staying energized.

Burning fat through your weight loss goals is vital to the average individual and weight loss problems.

Variety in your workouts is a survival technique that is used from the young to the old. Just don't walk everyday, jog, run, cycle or take an exercise class. The trick is to do something different!

Variety also relates back to your daily calorie intake, change your foods, eat some raw veggies, fruit and fish and other forms of protein, like eggs. This will bring us now to food substitutions within our meals. Substitute high calorie protein bars with pieces of chicken, hard-boiled egg and a piece of fruit. Replace some whole grain foods with more protein as steak and fish to blast through a plateau and get you energized. We must not cut back on our food, but we must increase the amount of small meals and include proteins. The most common problem the average people complain about is dieting. Do not diet nor go on a diet when you want to blast your fat. Diets are bad, routine and most everyone fails at keeping the weight off within a few months.

Train and do some form of exercise in the morning, it has been proven fat stores burn quicker in the morning hours and tend to keep burning throughout the day. If you want, add another walk around the block at night, this will only enhance our fat loss. The other most common technique for helping weight loss is relaxation techniques, yoga classes, relax your mind and the body will follow. That old problem of cortisol and fat retention will be released and you will lose weight.

You honestly want to lose weight before the summer, it is possible, you can use these quick fat loss techniques so Go and click this link and LOSE BODY FAT FAST and almost instantly you will be motivated to LOSE WEIGHT NOW!

Top 10 Mistakes Made In The Gym!

Mistakes made in the gym can lead to anything from minor scratches to serious long term injuries. Here are the top 10 mistakes I most often witness from people during their workout sessions and how to avoid them.

1. Forgetting to Warm-Up:A good 5 to 10 minute warm up will effectively help increase blood circulation, loosen your muscles, elevate your heart rate and raise your body's core temperature. All are key factors in preventing injuries that commonly occur when engaging in intense exercise while cold and unprepared.

2. Incorrect Exercise Form: Lifting weights or resistance training with bad technique is a very easy way to pull or even tear muscles and leave you sidelined and in agony for weeks or months to come. Learn proper techniques and form from a certified personal trainer before engaging in resistance exercises.

3. Not Stretching: Active (moving) stretches that are similar in motion to the ensuing exercise or sport movements are important to engage in prior to exercise to warm up the muscles and lubricate the joints. Equally as important are passive (holding) stretches to be performed after a workout or during your cool down to relieve tension in the muscles.

4. Wrong Weight: Lifting too little weight will quickly lead to plateaus in your fitness regimen. Lifting too much weight can lead to bad form, muscular imbalances and many potential injuries both internal and external. Lift the correct amount of weight for you and progress slowly and wisely.

5. Properly Fueled and Hydrated: Consume an adequate amount of carbohydrates a couple hours prior to intense exercise so you have plenty of energy for your workout. Equally important is to drink plenty of water to keep hydrated and cool during your workout. Consume protein and Carbs within 30 minutes post workout to refuel your body and help repair muscle tissue.

6. Neglecting your Cool-Down: This is the perfect opportunity to stretch tight muscles, lower your heart rate and cool your body's core temperature down. Passive stretching, light cardio and low intensity yoga are great cool down options.

7. Not Enough Rest & Recovery: Physical adaptations to the body occur during rest, not while you exercise. Allow enough time in between workouts for your body to recover and come back stronger than it was the previous workout. Also allow enough time in-between sets to allow your body to rid itself of built up lactic acid.

8. Over Training: This can include specific types of training as well as over training to a specific muscle group. Make sure your program includes variety among exercises, balance between muscle groups, and sufficient rest periods between each set and workouts.

9 . Be Aware of Your Surroundings: It is important to know what pieces of exercise equipment are around you, how they function and the potential risks that come with them.

10. Old Runners: Running in old, worn out runners or flat soled shoes not designed for impact can results in shin splints, a sore low back and banged up knees. Don't be afraid to spend a little more on a good pair of runners and replace them at least once every 6 months.

Whether training in your basement or working out at the local gym, always be aware of possible exercise related injuries and use the above tips to help prevent them and avoid any bodily harm.

Mark Robson
Certified Personal Trainer
"Delivering Optimal Results"

Yoga Stretches For Lower Back Flexibility & Pain Relief

Natural way for us to get relief from back pain

Lower Back pains are mainly caused by bad posture and bad sitting at work places. Overweight and heavy strains on back bone are one of the main reasons for lower back pain. Stretching the lower back, which might seem somewhat unusual to some people, normally cures back pain. But doctors also advise the patient of lower back pain to do stretches for the lower back to get rid of their injury or pain.

Warm-up of our body is one of the important factors for us to remember as we start the stretches for lower back pain. Generally exercises that stretch and strengthen the muscles of our abdomen and spine will help us to prevent back injuries. If we have strong abdominal and back muscles it will help us in maintaining a good body posture.

Warming up of muscles of our body with small aerobic acts like brisk walking before any stretching exercise will help us in a great way for the back posture. We should always be in loose clothes while doing any stretching exercises for the lower back as it makes us feel comfortable. We should always stop doing the exercise that causes pain to our back until we are allowed by the doctors or health care provider to do them. We should also always take the assistance of the physical therapist or any health care provider to help us out in making an exercise schedule or program.

It has been advised by health care provider or physical therapist to avoid the following exercises to avoid as they strain the lower back of us:

Lying on the ground along our paunch with both legs extended and lifting them together.
Doing pull-ups with straight legs
Doing hip twists
Trying to do hurdle runners stretch
Any stretching that demands a fast and bouncy movements

In addition of all the above advice it is also said that we should first and foremost keep our back in a well condition. This all helps us in the back pain stretches to cure the back pain and also helps in avoiding any of the possibilities of future lower back pain. It is always helpful for us to check out our lower back position before we start any rigorous exercises or exercise schedule by the health care provider. Remember to start such exercises slowly and we should not bounce on them at once.

The activities that would prove fruitful in lower back pain stretches are listed below:

Strength training on machines
Aerobic exercise on machines

The lower back pain exercises are hard nut to crack; hence it should be done with perfect stretching techniques and with assistance of the physical trainer.

Double your flexibility in 28 days using YOGABODY Naturals Flexibility Kit. Yoga stretching flexibility exercises & yoga poses are not enough... you need Gravity Poses and 6 specific nutrients to improve your stretching flexibility fast!

Secrets of Core Energy Meditation

In this article, I'll tell you how I discovered the secrets of Core Energy Meditation(TM). I'll describe the roots and development of this technique so you'll understand how and why it works. This information will help you use Core Energy Meditation(TM) to realize your ideal possibilities.

The more you know about something, the more you believe in it, and the better it will work for you.

Core Energy Meditation(TM) is designed to:

· Relax your body and boost your energy,

· Release negative emotions and increase your positive feeling,

· Clear and focus your mind, and

· Strengthen your sense of spiritual connection and life purpose.

Core Energy Meditation(TM) empowers you to shift your state of being and it gives you skills that will help you in all areas of your life. These include the ability to relax, concentrate, observe and detach from limiting thoughts and feelings, visualize, feel, and sense your inner guidance. As you develop these skills, you're better able to know "who you are," "what you're here to do," and how to manifest that in the world now.

Core Energy Meditation(TM) is rooted in the energetic anatomy of qigong, the philosophy of Taoism and Kriya Yoga, the latest research in physics, biofeedback, and HeartMath(TM), and my interactions with countless teachers and students. From this complex web, Core Energy Meditation emerged as a universal and comprehensive system for personal growth and spiritual development. It is the most powerful transformational tool that I have found.


My journey with Core Energy Meditation began in the summer of 1984. I had just graduated from St. Joseph's University in Philadelphia and I was inspired by the idea of going on a backpacking trip out west. I was definitely a city-boy and hadn't done anything in the way of backpacking and had never been beyond the Mississippi.

For the month of August that year, I took a trip by car and foot through Colorado, Utah, Arizona, and Wyoming. I explored the Canyonlands, the Grand Canyon, and Yellowstone National Park. What struck me most on that trip was the clear spacious sky (you can see for miles in that part of the country), the quiet, and the stillness. I absorbed those three qualities during that month.

I can remember quite distinctly what I felt as I sat on the plane flying home. I had an overwhelming feeling of contentment. I was completely peaceful, my mind was still, and I felt no attachment to anything. I was free. Out of that transcendent experience three things came clear:

1. I discovered that such a state was possible,

2. I found that I needed to take a break from my busy-ness to arrive at that state, and

3. I wanted to stay in that state and find ways to reproduce it, deepen it, and expand it.

Coming back from my trip, I was in a new position of readiness to learn and grow. I was on the lookout for how to make that transcendent experience a part of my life. About a week after I returned a continuing education catalog arrived in the mail. Browsing through it, I came upon a class called T'ai Chi, a teacher named Andrew Heckert, and Secret #1.

Secret #1

I began T'ai chi that Fall of 1984.

In T'ai Chi I learned to relax deeply and sense my internal energy. I began to learn about energetic anatomy and about daily practice. I discovered that, by doing something a little every day, I could learn a completely new skill and shift my life experience. I learned the first secret of mind-body training-the lower dantian, an energy center in my lower abdomen. T'ai chi taught me to focus on the lower dantian as a way to re-orient and develop my awareness. I learned to practice lower dantian breathing and to be more present and aware internally and externally.

I discovered that the lower dantian was part of an intricate set of energy centers, accupoints, and paths or meridians that circulated life-energy throughout my body. T'ai chi recognizes three main energy centers, the lower dantian or Body Center ( in the lower abdomen), the middle dantian or Heart Center (in the center of the chest), and the upper dantian or Mind Center (in the center of the brain). T'ai chi focuses on the abdominal energy center, the Body Center, to build presence and vitality.

I pursued the study of T'ai chi and the related practice of qigong meditation for the next twenty-five years. Through these practices, I learned to be aware of my posture and let go of tension. I learned to sense, gather, move, and store vital energy. I learned Secret #1: lower dantian breathing.

Secret #2

In 1998, a book called "The HeartMath Solution" was published. Though I had been exposed to heart-centered training in other disciplines, HeartMath hit the nail on the head. In HeartMath I discovered extensive research and solid practices for training the power of the heart. HeartMath research demonstrates that the electro-magnetic energy field of your heart is by far the strongest field generated in your body. It is up to 5000 times stronger than the field generated by your brain.

Furthermore, by generating core heart feelings in the space of your heart, you can dramatically shift your experience to the positive. Core heart feelings such as appreciation, gratitude, and trust bring your heart, your physiology, and your brain into synergy, so that your whole system works together. Your brain waves slow down, your heart-rate becomes more coherent, your respiration deepens, your digestion and immune response improves, and you have a general sense of positivity and well-being. You can learn to self-generate this state and use it to release negative emotions and solve challenges in your life.

Focus on your Heart Center with core heart feelings enables you to shift your energetic vibration to a positive state at will. This is Secret #2.

Secret #3

In 1994, I began training in the Reiki system of self-healing. During an initiation ceremony for this practice, I experienced a tingling sensation in the center of my brain. Over the course of the day, this tingling became stronger and stronger. It was as if the center of my brain, and then my upper brain, lit up with energy. To this day, whenever I focus on the center of my brain, that energetic sensation is there immediately. My Reiki instructors said that I was experiencing the opening of my higher brain centers, but they didn't have much more to say about it, so I began to investigate the meaning of this event.

In 1997, I was leafing through a magazine when I came upon an ad for a book by Roy Eugene Davis, a teacher in the Kriya Yoga tradition. The book was called "Seven Practices for Conscious Living." I felt a strong pull toward this book, like the feeling I had when I first saw the ad for T'ai chi. I knew this was something I needed to explore.

The Kriya Yoga tradition is a wholistic practice in that it involves your mind, body, energy system, diet, and meditation. However, the emphasis in Kriya Yoga practice is on developing the upper brain centers, the Mind Center. The fruit of Kriya Yoga practice is calming the nervous system and opening clear awareness. In that clear awareness you come to understand that you are an expression of the One Life that we all share.

In 2008, I discovered how to fine-tune the cues to develop the Mind Center. Dr. Les Fehmi of the Princeton Biofeedback Institute had found that through Open-Focus training you can develop an inner sense of space, silence, and timelessness which facilitates your experience of open, clear, spacious awareness. This diffuse immersed style of attention relieves stress and clears your Mind Center quickly and efficiently.

Through Reiki, Kriya Yoga, and Open-Focus training, I discovered how to energize, clear, and focus the Mind Center. This is Secret #3.

Secret #4

As a result of these journeys into the first three secrets, I was left with three distinct practices, each of which developed one aspect of my being. What I was looking for was a practice that tied it all together, that developed and integrated all three at once.

So I began to work these three practices into a logical sequence. I did qigong breathing to strengthen the vital energy of my Body Center, generated core heart feelings in my Heart Center, and focused into a sense of open, clear, spacious awareness in my Mind Center. To connect them together, I focused on a Central Channel running vertically through my body that connected these three. Opening and clearing this Central Channel is Secret #4.

As I was having good personal success with this sequence, I looked for a model to explain and teach it to others.

In Qigong, there was the energetic map of three energy centers and the Central Channel that connected them, but no formal practice which simply and directly worked this pattern. I realized that what I had discovered was an ideal way to work with the qualities of each energy center and a way to connect them through the Central Channel. Each of these features of your energetic anatomy adds a quality, a dimension to your energetic vibration: the Body Center adds strength and vitality, the Heart Center adds positive emotion, the Mind Center adds clarity, and the Central Channel adds coherence by connecting the energy centers together, so that you function as a synergistic whole.

As I worked this inner energetic template, I found myself expanding and integrating. I felt whole and well. I now had one practice that addressed each aspect of my being and integrated them energetically. Because this energetic template represents the core of who we are, I called the practice Core Energy Meditation(TM). In Core Energy Meditation you become aware of these four dimensions of your being and learn to use the sensing qualities of these four energetic features to guide your life. Through this practice you discover "who you are" and are able to discern "what you are here to do now."

Daily Practice

The key to personal transformation is attentive daily practice. While you will likely feel relaxed and more at peace after a single practice session, significant and enduring transformation are the result of consistent practice over an extended period time.

I've also come to understand that you need a clear, simple, effective method if you are going to practice consistently. Without a good method you won't be able to focus your attention and get results. That is what Core Energy Meditation gives you-an efficient and effective way to develop your inner being. In as little as 20 minutes a day you can stimulate your growth as a whole person and improve the results you get in your life.

The second key to practicing daily is motivation. If you are going to do something every day, your "why" has to be strong. The final piece to this puzzle came together as I investigated my motivation for practicing.

Manifesting & the Law of Attraction

In order to understand why I was so passionate to discover the ideal meditation practice, I had to go back to my initial experiences on my trip out West. Back then, I was looking for a way to feel the vitality, well-being, freedom, and connection that I had experienced on that trip. I wanted a way to reproduce this experience at will, so that I could learn to live from that state. Intuitively, I knew that this was the key to realizing my ideal possibilities. Since then, I have learned the principle that explains why this is so.

In that past few years, "The Law of Attraction" has become a popular field of study. Basically, the Law of Attraction says that "energetic vibrations tend to attract like vibrations." We have learned from "The Secret" and many other sources that the key to success in all areas of life is to shift our vibration to match that which we desire. In other words, minding your inner state is the foundation for realizing your ideal possibilities.

If you want prosperity, shift into prosperity consciousness, and prosperous circumstances flow more easily to you. If you want health, shift into a healthy inner state to promote healthy cells.

Core Energy Meditation(TM) enables you to shift into a strong, positive, clear, and coherent energetic vibration or what I call a Core Energy State. In this ideal state you connect deeply with "who you are" and "what you are here to do now" and you open yourself to receive that in your life. You release your personal limits and act with a greater sense of ease and purpose.

In the final stage of Core Energy Meditation(TM) you spend some time sensing, imagining, and feeling your ideal possibilities. You allow those possibilities to arise from the core of our being, you experience them as real here and now, and you listen for appropriate action.

Core Energy Meditation(TM) is a universal process to help you live the life you are meant to live. It will also enhance the effectiveness of any other therapy, personal growth technique, or spiritual practice.

To learn how to get started with Core Energy Meditation(TM) visit:

Kevin Schoeninger graduated from Villanova University in 1986 with a Master's Degree in Philosophy. He is certified as a Reiki Master Teacher, Qigong Meditation Instructor, and Personal Fitness Trainer.

Kevin has worked with clients in the field of holistic fitness, meditation instruction, and spiritual growth for the past 27 years.

He is Editor of and the author of the "Learn Qigong Meditation Home Study Program," "The Power of Practice Program," and the visionary novel, "Trackings: A Message for the Third Millenium." Kevin is also the developer of Core Energy Meditation.

Kevin can be reached through his website:

Friday, April 12, 2013

Getting Creative With Exercise Routines

Let me start out by saying that I am an average young professional girl: active, intelligent, mid thirties and frustrated with aging signs in my body. Knowing I needed to kick up my exercise routine a notch - in order to keep the body I have & lose some weight - I set out to find my perfect fitness routine.

If you are like me, going to the gym with sweaty people you do not know, or feeling tortured on some training program for a race you do not want to run, is a last resort. I knew that home exercise videos, although convenient, didn't keep me motivated or feeling truly worked after it was finished. Fed up by my choices, I decided to mix it up and try things I had never done before.

My first adventure was pilates reformer class. I started going three times a week and never felt more worn out and and strong after the classes. I had completely stopped doing any cardio after being told by my teacher (with a to-die-for body) that all she did was pilates. Within four months I started feeling better than I ever had about my muscle tone, but I was not slimming down. In the past, running had been the thing that kept me slim, but I hated it, and wanted to avoid going back to my typical four mile runs, three times a week.

There was no question that I needed something more than pilates. With some creative brainstorming, I decided I always wished I had taken dance, but as an adult I felt intimidated about starting. That is when I found pole dance fitness. This was a blast! I added this in with my pilates twice a week, so was taking a total of five classes a week. Six more months passed and I was strong and having fun with exercise for the first time ever. The problem was - I was spending $260 a month, and not slimming down. The pole fitness felt like it was doing very similar things for my body as pilates was.

It was time to try something else and I knew cardio would have to be a big part of that. I went back to running, but added two days a week of a twenty minute strength training routine. I was bored, but I was also getting better results - still not the results I wished for. There had to be some better way to keep motivated, I thought, and get the body I was determined to have.

Once again I bailed on the running and started something new, yoga. I had done a few few classes here and there, but never stayed consistent. I started going three times a week and doing a couple small runs a week. Yoga ended up being a something that changed my way of thinking about fitness. It was encompassing of all health. I started to notice and ask new questions. How are my internal organs feeling? How is my mind set today? Does my energy feel blocked? It presented a broader vision for me, but I missed moving and panting. Even though my legs were getting more shapely, and those small details that are enviable in stars bodies were starting to appear, I needed to burn more calories and move more to get what I thought my body needed. I was not losing weight.

Again I went on to another approach. I finally felt that I had a good base of exercises I was either good at or liked. Why not incorporate all of these things and come up with a routine that worked for my body and mind. If I mixed it all up and did certain things on certain days it would just confuse me, so I had to make a routine that had it all. I purchased some weights, bands, blocks, an exercise bike (another element incorporated because of a knee injury), treadmill, balls, you name, it I got it. Once I had all of my exercise supplies, I sat down and mapped out my routine. It would have to combine running, biking, yoga, pilates, and some strength training.

I can honestly tell you that I have found my perfect mix and match of exercises in routine I have been doing for four months, and have never looked or felt better. I had read in a couple of fitness resources, that doing cardio intervals for twenty minutes (one minute of hard running and 2 minutes of mild) gave better results for slimming than forty minutes of consistent running did. Also, dividing your cardio into two segments with a break in between (20 minute - or an hour if you are still working out) was supposed to give you better results. The other factor I put into my routine had to do with another important tip I learned in my experiments - doing cardio after strength training allows your body to burn more fat.

So after two years of trying new exercises and broadening my skills, I will share the routine that has done wonders for me:

Ali's Routine: (3 or 4 time a week - sometimes I'll play tennis, hike, do a long run or a regular yoga class as well, but I consider them bonus exercise.)

-20 minutes of cardio intervals (bike or run - 1 minute hard, 2 minutes mild) with a 5 minute gentle warm up before

40 minutes of mixed yoga, pilates and strength training (if you like videos, I have found Yogalosophy is a great hybrid that does just that, and will go through each muscle group). I try to change it a little each time and incorporate new things to trick my body.

-20 minute cool down cardio - run or bike with intervals of gentle and mild exertion.

I hope this routine works as well for you as it has worked for me, & thank you for letting me share.

Allie Kay - Creative Fitness Experiments

Yoga Teacher Training: The Spiritual Aspect of Yoga

How much of the spiritual aspect of Yoga should be incorporated into Yoga teacher training? Swami Vishnu Devananda, founder of the International Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centers, believed that spiritual and physical aspects were the two most important, in relation to Hatha Yoga.

Yet, most Hatha Yoga teacher training courses offer only a small "taste" of the Vedas, Upanishads, or Yoga Sutras. In a 200-hour Yoga teacher training course, "The Hatha Yoga Pradipika," by Swami Svatmarama, (which was written in the 15th century), might be skimmed over or not mentioned at all.

Since its beginning, approximately 5,000 years ago, Yoga has been attached to Hinduism. (Hinduism is the oldest of today's major religions.) The many forms of Yoga were created for mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional health.

Today, Yoga has many more branches, and many of the branches of Hatha Yoga, outside India, are no longer attached to Hinduism, but the spiritual aspect of Yoga is still readily apparent. Most serious Yoga practitioners are spiritually aware, and spiritually healthy, as a result of their own Yoga practice.

Even though, Yogic philosophy does not conflict with any religion; moral codes such as Yama and Niyama exist within most religions of the past and present. When moral codes are similar to other philosophies and religions, they do not conflict with any of them.

Spiritual awareness is developed through a variety of avenues, but even an atheist would become more spiritual, if he or she practiced Yoga regularly. Samadhi - the eighth limb of Hatha Yoga is absorption with the "Supreme Being," God, Universal energy, or the Supreme entity.

If everyone in the world practiced Yoga and meditation, we would have a much better chance at mutual tolerance of each other and world peace. It is futile to try to force others to live or worship by a narrow view of what we consider to be right. Yoga does not endorse violence, and teaches us to accept what we cannot change.

Therefore, spiritual health is enhanced with a universal moral code and faith in a higher power. There is no need for any of us to have a conflict, when we are just trying to raise children, earn a living, and worship God.

The hardest task any of us have in life is to make friends with a perceived enemy, yet each religion tells us to forgive our enemies. Look into the scriptures of your own religion and you will see.

Now that mankind has the power to destroy himself, it is very important for us to open a rational dialog with those who we perceive to be our enemies. We may just find out that we have more in common than we ever thought possible.

© Copyright 2007 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, is a co-owner and the director of Yoga teacher training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. He has been a certified Master Yoga teacher since 1995. To receive a Free e-Book: "Yoga in Practice," and a Free Yoga Newsletter, please visit:

Don't Focus on Failure

Internal defeat is a state of mind, where you begin to believe that most new ideas will fail. You might think -"After all, what I tried in last week's Yoga class, failed."

You will always learn from mistakes. When you see them clearly as a test, examine the results, and study them closely for the reason why they went wrong.

Whether it is a lesson plan, trying mantras, Hot Yoga, Gentle Yoga, a pro shop, or trying anything new, it is better to make mistakes than do nothing at all.

Some of the most successful Yoga teachers, I know, deal with mistakes as part of the learning curve. They turn all of their defeats into learning experiences. This is extremely powerful when you consider the cost of learning anything of value.

After all, what did you spend on your education, so far? Did you think you would stop learning at a certain point in life? Did you learn from your past mistakes? Of course you did, and now you are stronger due to the corrective adjustments, you have made.

When a child learns to ride a bicycle, there are plenty of falls along the way, and then the falling stops. However, even skilled adults fall off bicycles, sometimes.

So, don't take past failures personally. Put them behind you and learn from each one.

Henry Ford and the Wright Brothers had failures, but nobody seems to remember that. Just like them, you are not a failure, but you may have failed in the past, just like they did. When you get down on yourself, look back at what you have accomplished.

When you take on your next project, do the research first, assemble a team, make a full commitment to succeed, and never mentally quit before you start.

Lastly, whenever it is possible, learn from the mistakes of others. This is why Yoga businesses approach me for consulting services: To save money by avoiding known mistakes, pitfalls, and traps.

Paul Jerard, is a co-owner and the director of Yoga teacher training at: Aura Wellness Center in, North Providence, RI. He has been a certified Master Yoga teacher since 1995. He teaches Yoga, martial arts, and fitness to children, adults, and seniors in the greater Providence area. Recently he wrote: Is Running a Yoga Business Right for You? For Yoga students who may be considering a new career as a Yoga teacher.

A Woman's Courage - Bringing Yoga to Men

Some people have the amazing strength and courage to turn tragedy into something good for others. This young woman turned her near life-ending tragedy and serious back injury into a journey help men relieve back pain naturally, and to help our Marines wounded in the wars and aid their families.

Loredana "Laurie" Meilbeck, a Registered Yoga Instructor, had her world changed forever in the form of an over-sized SUV crushing her tiny Ford Escort at 65 miles an hour, and breaking her back. Common and unfortunate enough perhaps, but it is the human spirit growing beyond this tragedy which makes for a story.

Refusing to allow her spirit nor her body to become dominated by this tragedy, she used Yoga to maintain the positive spirit required to persevere through a grueling rehabilitation process, to rise above an otherwise crippled life, find beauty again, and bring health to others with her experience and strength.

Laurie's life prior to the accident had been that of an outdoor Southern California girl; weekends at the ocean swimming and tanning, in the mountains hiking and skiing, with an abundance of outdoor life, free and mobile. She was an accomplished figure skater, a model, and a student of biology and natural sciences. The mother of two very active kids, she was the 'Uber-mom' involved in everything from girl scouts to BMX racing.

After sustaining the numerous life-threatening injuries to her skull, back bone, internal organs and limbs, she had to literally learn to read, talk and walk all over again. During days spent studying flashcards in English and Italian (her native language), to hours of physical therapy, enduring several reconstructive surgeries and a myriad of medications, Laurie often heard from doctors of the limitations that her life would have. "May never walk again", "would live with brain damage", "only have a limited capacity to work", etc. As these dark prospects troubled her, she quietly began recalling her yoga training, and was aided in the simplest poses by a friend visiting. She began to cling to the belief that yoga practice would pull her from the dismal future others envisioned for her. Working slowly, she was able to increase her capability to accomplish more physically while clearing her mind and intensifying her positive focus with meditations and breathing.

After 3 months, she was released from the hospital. Still suffering many challenges such as severe headaches and back pain, it was difficult living on her own and had much help from family. She continued her Yoga practice daily with a friends help. She felt that the pain medications doctors had prescribed clouded her ability to think and masked her emotions. In disgust one day, she gathered up her pain medications and flushed them all down the commode.

As the years went on Laurie kept Yoga as her daily practice, continued raising her children, and eventually went back to work. With diligence and hard work, her life began to take on a resemblance of her better days. Feeding on her love for Yoga Laurie eventually decided to make Yoga her profession.

Upon becoming registered Yoga Instructor, Laurie taught at several local Yoga studios and gyms, while continuing with additional training, and opened her small private Yoga studio.

One of the opportunities she had was to teach regular classes at Marine Corps Base-Camp Pendleton. In attendance at these classes were mostly Marine wives who coaxed their Marine husbands to join them at a Yoga class, and another class was for the Wounded Warriors, those returning from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The participants included young, muscular Marines who had been in the Iraq war or were fierce athletes.

While many seemed reluctant or skeptical at first, Laurie experienced watching the transition as the Yoga class became more important and valuable to the men who attended.

Laurie noticed a marked improvement in the men who participated in her classes, if she could get them to attend. Many began returning, first at the door for class and eager to begin, talking about which poses they liked, the disappearance of stiffness and pain, improvement of their golf game, etc. As a patient yet challenging instructor, Laurie was respected. The outspoken satisfaction and enjoyment verbalized by these men was enough for Laurie to realize what was needed: a Yoga class just for men.

Laurie realized that if Yoga classes could be so well-received by men that she could carry the message to even greater numbers, and help men and women to enjoy Yoga together.

During this process, Laurie had a revelation: that her tragic experience could actually become one of the greatest defining moments of her life, and that yoga was the key. As a "Marine Mom" herself, she knew the sacrifices that the young men and women made for our country. As a back injury patient, she knew the challenges of recovery. She knew the social obstacles for men to enjoy Yoga, and as a compassionate soul, she knew that to truly enjoy life she needed to give to others. She vowed to turn her challenges into a platform for greatness in her life.

With unbridled enthusiasm, Laurie embarked on a mission to create a yoga class which could attain all of these goals. A yoga class with which men could identify, by coupling one of the primary ailments that men experience-back pain- with one of the primary physical benefits of Yoga. In turn, it would help proliferate yoga, and those in need would receive help.

Laurie set out to establish a tone and style that would be appealing to men. This included the setting in the room, a basic pose routine focusing on stretching and relaxing, less focus on meditation, yet a maintained focus on breathing and physical movement and with a contemporary music selection. In the many months spent researching and designing the Yoga class, Laurie created a class that covers the entire spectrum of requirements for posture, stretching, strength building and spine-aligning poses.

Devoted solely to men and targeted specifically to men's back problems, Loredana created the class specifically for men to get involved in yoga to help relieve back pain and back problems. She introduced the class to her local Adult Education program, and created it on video for men to use at home. Making a debut at Saddleback Valley USD Adult Ed in February, the class was filled to capacity with 20 men from various walks of life who attended for a multitude of reasons: older men who had lost flexibility, golfers and personal trainers looking for more flexibility, and those with back injuries or surgery pending. The feedback was impressive, the satisfaction with the class very high. Several men returned the following semester, along with several newcomers. Laurie began teaching the class in her private studio, and endeavors to take the class into ever widening circles of people at every opportunity. As many men are reluctant to begin yoga at a public studio, they practice yoga for back pain relief by following her class on video at home.

Remaining true to her spirit of gratitude and service, Laurie donates a significant portion of her proceeds to the wounded Marines. She became a benefactor for the Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund (IMSFF), an organization who's function is to provide financial assistance to injured Marines, Sailors, and service members and their families during their difficult road to recovery. She continues to work to support the Fund in various ways.

Laurie enjoys a very healthy lifestyle, and teaches Yoga at her private studio in California. Laurie's courage, determination and Yogi spirit are admired by her students, and she is pleased to offer her message of hope, strength and health.

Laurie works with her husband Phillip to bring the benefits and awareness of yoga to more men.

Phillip D. Meilbeck is a lifelong athlete, personal fitness trainer, nutritionist and outdoorsman who makes health and fitness a lifestyle and a passion. He works with his wife Loredana, a registered yoga instructor, to bring the benefits of yoga to more men for improved back health. To learn more about the programs they have developed for you, please visit

Staying Young and Injury Free Through Flexibility

Staying flexible will help improve your balance, range of motion, and can help prevent you from falling. It's also helpful for preventing and treating injury. Flexibility is important at all ages, but often diminishes as we age. There are several types of flexibility training to help us improve or maintain our flexibility.

Stretching, not surprising, is a great way to maintain a flexible body. People typically should stretch before, and sometimes after, other forms of exercise as well, but stretching by itself is good for you. If you've never stretched before have someone qualified show you how first.

Yoga is a great way to improve your flexibility as well as strength and endurance. Yoga classes are very popular as well. There are several types of yoga with concentrations on different areas, ranging from very contemplative and meditative to extremely physical and demanding. There is bound to be one you like.

Pilates is a form of exercise that combines yoga, dance, and a lot more. Both classes and Pilates DVDs are popular. It was originally developed for injured dancers and is extremely widespread these days.

T'ai Chi is over 5000 years old and recent stats show it reduces falls. Many places offer classes for seniors and others, and T'ai Chi can improve balance, muscle tone, and improve your concentration as well. It's appropriate for all ages.

You need to stay flexible to help avoid falling and, improve your range of motion and balance, and more. There are several ways you can do it, and many of them are fun as well.

Harry Baldwin writes on health and safety. Read his latest tips on Rubber Stair Treads and Braided Stair Treads, which can also help prevent you from slipping and falling!

Yoga Workout Suggestions - Warming Up As Well As Hydration

It is an integral part of your own yoga aerobic exercise. You can avoid unnecessary injuries. A lot of sports athletes know that they need to do this prior to each and every game or else they can risk being injured. You are exactly the same in this aspect. The muscles have to be loose before you begin moving.

It is possible to warm your muscle tissues for about 10 to 15 minutes and help make these flexible. In case your muscle tissues are cold and you don't warm these up, you won't have the output that you desire. You could also tear a muscle in the process.

You can do gentle aerobic workouts for the blood to flow through the body. Gentle jogging is another way that you can warm up before you start running. Whatsoever you use for warm-up yoga exercises, they need to be low impact and gentle, such as lunges.

Don't rest after you have heated up. Perform some stretches so you help keep your momentum going. You would like to be ready to run right after you're done. Don't overstretch your joints and muscles or you might cause personal injury to these areas.

Then you can begin running and get into your own yoga exercise.

It's vital that you avoid dehydration while just before and throughout your running exercise. This could stop you from suffering temperature related illnesses. If you don't take in enough, you may get worn out, uncoordinated plus your muscle tissues can start to cramp. You may also pass out, specifically in hot temperatures.

You can also have a heatstroke, fatigue from the heat. When you're running, you need to discover how much you're drinking through the entire process.

Ahead of you running, you must drink at least 24 ounces of water. This should be done at the very least one hour before you begin. If not water, drink something that does not have caffeine. Twenty-four ounces of water must be sufficient to help you get started out. Having more than 24 ounces might end your exercise regimen and push you to go to the toilet.

While you're running, consume at least 8 ounces of fluids that do not have caffeine. This should be done a minimum of every twenty minutes. If you're running in excess of 1 hour and a half, add a sports drink to replace sodium and minerals.

Have a water bottle or something similar that you can carry your liquids in during your running yoga workout. This is for those who do not have access to water on their route while they are running.

After you have finished running, you'll have to replace the liquids that you sweated throughout your workout. Check the color of your urine after. If the color is darkish yellow, drink more fluids. Your pee should be a light yellow.

These tips will help you avoid dehydration and capable to run the course. The very last thing you need is to pass out while you're out and about.

YogaFit has a lot of very informative advice in all aspects of yoga dvd poses, training, and everything else. She also has a number of yoga conference meetings several times a year and is known yoga guru and mogul around the world.

Benefits of Yoga Aerobic Activity

Lungs - Doing yoga exercise aerobics can impact your lungs to where the muscle groups which are used to breathe gain more power. If you've got any kind of persistent illnesses, like bronchitis or asthma, yoga aerobic exercise can help with that as well. These kinds of illnesses, together with emphysema, will assist you to breathe better. Exercise also allows you to gain an advantage with oxygen for the lungs.

Heart - If you carry out yoga exercise aerobics a minimum of 3x each week, your pulse rate increases. The heart can also be capable to pump additional blood into the body. Your muscles will get oxygen at a faster rate.

Muscle groups - Your muscle mass will gain in strength whenever you do yoga aerobics. They also get bigger and your physique will end up leaner because you'll have more muscle mass. Your muscles will also increase in body fat so that you will have much more energy. Your metabolism will increase because of the lean muscle mass, which leads to you shedding more weight.

Burn calories - Given that aerobics is a fat burning exercise, you'll use-up more calories swiftly. The more fat that you burn means the more pounds that you will lose. This means the loss of calories.

Getting Ready For Yoga Aerobics

Using these kinds of precautions before you start your yoga aerobics exercise will help you to get the best out of it. It will also help prevent injuries which can be caused if you do not do it properly.Before you start, make sure that you are in suitable condition to start this yoga aerobic fitness exercise. Otherwise, you will find yourself exhausted before you get into it sufficient.Your foot should be on the step. It must be the whole foot, not some of it. You have to be able to balance properly when you're going on and off. If you don't you could lose your balance and possibly fall or hurt yourself. This really is important if you're moving to fast music. The knees should measure up above your ankles. Don't do lunges when you are stepping up on to the platform. You would like to make certain that the knee stays over the ankle each time you step up.

Just use a specific amount of risers together with the step. 2 or 3 risers must be the suggested number, depending on your own height. The stepper has to be comfortable enough where you might not endure stress with your back as well as your knees. Maintain a straight posture while you step down and up. Don't bend your back or hips forward. When doing step yoga aerobics, omit the hand or ankle weights. Using weights while you are stepping may cause injuries for your knees, shoulders as well as ankles. You're already moving quickly and having weights is actually an extra burden which could stress out your joints.

Yogafit has a lot of very informative advice in all aspects of yoga poses, training, and everything else. She also has a number of yoga conference meet ups several times a year and is known as a yoga guru and mogul around the world.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Yoga Teacher Exam Stress

Some situations are ironic. Yoga teachers often help their students with stress management techniques. Can you imagine a Yoga teacher intern stressed out over his or her exams? It happens more frequently than you think, but here is a way to finish your studies, without stress, and become a Yoga teacher, within a reasonable time frame.

Mark Twain said: "If you eat a frog, first thing in the morning, the rest of your day will be wonderful." What in the world was he referring to? In a nutshell, he is referring to procrastination. Do the tasks you avoid the most, first. When you study, know what you want to avoid and do it now.

A Yoga teacher must be a self-starter. Every Yoga teaching position requires an independent-minded person, who can take hold of responsibility. Otherwise, we can work for a supervisor, who is responsible and makes decisions for us. It takes discipline, and practice, but you can complete your assignments by scheduling them.

As a result of creating good study habits, you might even have some "spare time." If you do, complete your work early; you can always double check your assignments and improve your grades. You could also partner with another intern. This allows you to challenge each other, and reach peak performance, as a result.

Always take notes: Whether you are attending an intensive, or watching a DVD, the act of writing notes is good for memory retention. This method helps preserve concepts for your long term memory.

When you are at your limit with studying your books, working off the PC, or reviewing lectures and techniques, stop and practice asana, pranayama, or go for a walk. This is a great way to give your mind a break, and you still will be able to review techniques in a relaxed manner.

If you decide to go for a walk, you could practice walking meditation. In fact, while you are taking that break, you could make a point of practicing positive visualization. For example: Picture yourself as a Yoga teacher, after you have successfully completed all of your exams.

This may seem obvious, but make sure your diet is clean while you are studying. The Sattvic diet is full of whole and natural foods, which may contain slow burning sugars, but will not cause you to be distracted by a "sugar high."

Finally, the company you keep can make or break you. It is impossible to study in the presence of friends who are stressed out, or people who have no objectives. If you have friends, or associates, who fit this description, schedule them in, but do not let them take you away from your studies.

Your objective is to complete your Yoga teacher training course. If you know someone who has spent a lifetime without goals, you might be able to help them, but you would be wise to finish your assignments first.

© Copyright 2008 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of Yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. He has been a certified Master Yoga Teacher since 1995. To receive Free Yoga videos, Podcasts, e-Books, reports, and articles about Yoga, please visit:

How to Select Proper Mat For Your New Yoga Class

Yoga is a unique experience in integrating mind, body and spirit. Yoga is not meant as an exercise program, but more of a way of life. It provides the foundation of self discipline and relaxation techniques into various poses while incorporating meditation.

If you are considering Yoga as a way toward better health and wellness, it can be a fulfilling journey as you evolve into the different levels. Over time, your mind will become more in tune with the body and allow it to relax and accomplish different poses as you progress into the various levels.

After you have signed up for your first class, the only necessary piece of equipment for your session will be the yoga mat. Typically, your mat should be characterized by the following:

1. It should be at least .25 inch thick. Thinner mats do not support you as well as you engage in the different poses and will tend to be less comfortable on the hard floor.

2. The Yoga mat should be able to stay in place on a wood or concrete surface. Your mat should be textured and designed with a non slip face.

3. The size of your mat is also important, as it should allow you to comfortably work without the distraction of missing the mat because it is too narrow or short. Typical mats should be about 24 inches wide and 60 to 72 inches long.

4. Colors are less important but can help you become more comfortable with something that helps fit your personal character. If you are partial to bright colors and like to stand out a pink mat may be just what you are looking for. If you are more reserved and conservative in nature, then a soft blue or green hue may make you less self conscious and focused on your training.

In summary, the basics of Yoga enable anyone to begin the process of self awareness through a long standing discipline that integrates mind, body and spirit. As you begin the path toward better health, the mat you choose will need to be of high quality to allow you to focus on the training itself. Yoga is not just about exercise, but the integration of mind body and spirit. Find more information at

Remarkable Hot Yoga Teacher Training

There are many variations of Yoga and Hot Yoga is just another style of yoga developed by the renowned Yogi, Bkram Choudhury, who has designed his variation of yoga where by a class are practices Yoga in heated room with temperatures of up to 40.5c or 105f.

As you read this short this short article you will know and feel if Hot Yoga is right for you.


Practicing (Hot) Yoga, at these kind of temperatures is so that profuse sweating is believed to help rid the body of toxins, to keep the body very warm and conditionally promotes flexibility.


There are over 500 Hot Yoga studios worldwide and instructors must undergo a training and certification process to teach hot yoga. Many practitioners once they start Yoga and have been practicing for a while, develop a desire to actually teach Yoga, and may think that by taking lots of classes they are then qualified to teach. This is not practical because Yoga practice and Yoga teaching are very different happenings.


As a teacher you have the responsibility of your class and you may possess all the compassion in the world and in a class that means for fool's paradise, if some disaster should strike while you are training and you as the lead instructing the class cannot not contain a crisis, yet, taking up proper training will effectively lead to competent teaching and class room control.

Because we all lead very busy life's, there is just so much going on, we would all love to ask our Yoga teacher to instruct us on the practice, philosophy and anatomy that entails Yoga training from the comfort of our own home or at the instructors studio.

Conditions for Training

To become really well versed, you have to study and take up at least 500 hours of training courses as well have undertaken at least 1,000 classes. Its easy to see teaching as something very simple but its not as you're dealing with people - you need to be properly trained.

Of course there are course's you can go which have varying length of study. A typical short course can be completed in one weekend course and is an excellent to either extend your previous knowledge or learn about a new yoga style.

The international standard is a 200 hour certification that is designed for novice and average alike, which is a minimum of 26 days to get through.

In closing

Before taking up a course in Hot Yoga you want to ask yourself why you want to do it in the first place, to inspire students, change their lives, deepen your own practice, enjoy a flexible schedule, live and breathe Yoga, earn a good salary, live and work anywhere you desire.

To locate more information try visiting [>yoga teacher certification</a> A popular website that offers tips, advice, resources and reviews to include information about fullfilling your intentions.</body></html>]

Get Ripped Abs With These 3 Simple Yoga Exercises

Yoga specialists say that the area of the abdomen is ruled by the Solar Plexus Chakra. This Chakra is called Manipura in the Sanskrit. This Chakra is the one responsible for letting the energy to flow through the body. It is responsible for character strength and willpower also. It is one of the most important chakras in the body. The yoga exercises will help you a lot in many dimensions.

They will make your muscles more powerful and they will allow you to achieve a certain sense of balance. This Manipura Chakra allows you to easily develop strength and this article will give you some ideas on how to improve that.

1. Single Yoga Lifts with the Leg

Place your hands under your butt and lie on your back. The palms must be facing down and the hand must support the lower back part. At any time, if you experience pressure on the lower back, put more of your arms under the body so that you have more support. Then easily lift the legs on a 90 degree angle. Do this in a slow motion. Keep your knees as straight as you can.

The most important thing is that you inhale when you lift the leg up and also exhale when you bring it down. Try to repeat this easy test using the other leg too. Continue like this and lift the legs in an alternate fashion. You can do that for a minute and maximum 3 minutes. In between exercises take a break. Do not overdo the exercises because this is not what yoga is all about. Yoga is done steady, in a slow manner.

2. Double Leg Lifts

After doing the exercise with only one leg, you can take a break. After the break you can also start doing some new exercises with both legs. Try to keep your legs very straight. Put the hands under the butt and remember to always give support to the lower back.

3. Criss-Cross Moves of the Legs

These two exercises we just discussed will target the abs in the center. This exercise will train the oblique muscles that are on the abdominal side. So remain on the back and put the hands under the butt. Raise the legs about 18 inches in the air. Keep the toes pointing and criss cross the legs very fast. You will feel the muscles reacting to your movements and you will love it. It is a great exercise to train the abs and to get some powerful, toned ab muscles.


These are some of the best exercises that will allow you to tone up the abdominal muscles and also activate the Solar Plexus Chakra. Doing these exercises you will manage to stay in shape and also be healthy. The energy will flow through your body in a much regulated way and you will have a good state of the spirit.

Do you want to achieve sexy ripped abs fast? Visit GreatRippedAbs.Com for more articles on how to lose cellulite fast.

Keys to a Consistent Weight Lifting Work Out and Diet Plan That Melts Pounds

It is true that the optimal method for maintaining a toned, healthy body as we enter our mid-life years is utilizing a comprehensive weight lifting work out and simple dietary regimen. Now that the baby-boomer generation is pushing the bubble of middle-aged citizens to its highest levels in history, there are more people than ever who are implementing lifestyle programs that will keep them healthier longer. Here are a few simple guidelines that can help you shed unwanted pounds, maintain a more toned core and give you the necessary tools for a healthier life.

Dietary Considerations:

1. Limit intake of sugars, high fructose corn syrup and simple carbohydrates

As we age, it is imperative that we keep our insulin levels lower. Nothing turns to fat quicker than sugar. And, too much sugar throws our entire system off completely. High fructose corn syrup, which is loaded into sodas and many sweetened drinks is a killer.

Middle aged people should cut out simple carb intake. Specifically breads, crackers, cakes, cookies and potatoes. Rather, complex carbohydrates are essential for proper nutrition and actually benefit our bodies. One can never consume enough fresh vegetables, fruits and nuts.

2. Eliminate as much saturated fat from your diet as possible

When we want to truly get healthy, we should limit our saturated fat intake. That includes fatty meats, most animal products (cream, butter, cheese) and the worst of all, fried foods (yes, potato chips and deep fried chicken among them).

We can get plenty of fat that is necessary for our good balanced health from certain nuts such as: walnuts and almonds, as well as fruits and vegetables like avocado and broccoli. Omega-3 fatty acids from flax seeds or it's oil and fish is beneficial to our system too. These types of fats lower our cholesterol and can actually lower our incidence of heart disease.

3. Drink plenty of water to keep your system properly hydrated

We all know that there is no weight lifting work out that can make us fit on the inside without the proper amount of water. As we age, our internal organs and cells require an average of 6-8 glasses of fresh water everyday to work at optimal levels. Our livers, kidneys and cells all require lots of hydration to help filter out all of the toxins. Always remember to drink a glass whenever you think about it. Don't wait until you're thirsty. Because then it's too late!

Weight Lifting Work Out:

1. Any diet program is not optimized without some level of exercise

Even the lightest weight lifting work out program helps to inject more oxygen into our muscles and throughout our blood system. This helps our bodies flush out all of the toxins that constantly bombard our bodies everyday. It is the combination of eating properly and exercising that gives us our best chance of living a healthy life.

2. A balance of cardiovascular and weight lifting work out is best:

Doing just one or the other is not maximizing our potential for the best physical health and most toned core. A combination of cardiovascular exercise (jogging, walking, bike riding, hiking, kayaking) and weight lifting/strength training is what will take us into our golden years with the least amount of aches and pains and with more vigor and energy to live healthier!

3. Stretch out those kinks:

Anyone who exercises knows that a consistent stretching program will does more for working out those daily kinks in our joints and muscles that just seem to appear out of nowhere. Old injuries or just stepping out of bed the wrong way can make you feel creaky and old. A solid stretching routine utilizing certain yoga positions and simple work out stretches will help maintain well-oiled joints and keep those aches and pains at bay.

Gorilla-Grips hand protection saves your hands and keeps them in tip-top shape as you perform your weight lifting work out! As part of any great weight lifting work out routine, proper form and good hand protection is important too. There are several decent hand grips on the market today. But, the one that stands out as an excellent choice is Gorilla-grips. These simply-designed grips provide the best coverage of one's palms and are held securely on your hands by ingenious elastic finger loops. They are easy to get on and take off. And they have so many other uses besides just weight lifting work out but are perfect for opening those tough jar lids, carrying heavy shopping bags and protecting hands from wear and tear on bike rides and even kayaking! Go to to read more about these amazing hand grips.

Post Pregnancy Body - How to Recreate Your Pre-Pregnancy Physique

If you thought your body went through some major changes while you were pregnant, then you haven't seen anything yet. A woman's post pregnancy body is another whole kettle of fish, and luckily, it won't stay that way forever because there are techniques available to help you get back in to great shape.

Other than your belly, your breasts were probably the part of your body that changed the most during your pregnancy. And now, whether you're breastfeeding or not, they seem to be changing even more.  They're going to be sore, they're going to leak breast milk, and then when that's all done, they're going to be just plain different than they were before you were pregnant.

There is nothing you can do about that, but there is something you can do to improve how they look. Doing push-ups-or chest exercises-can have a tremendously positive impact on the appearance of your breasts. So drop and give me ten, mommy!

Start out with 10 push-ups at a time, adding five more every few days to a week until you're up to 100. Maintain that, and you'll avoid the worst of post pregnancy saggy breasts. This works because push-ups help you build up your pectoral muscles, which, once developed, will fill the sag with a little bit of feminine muscle. This will give your breasts the shape and roundness that caused your husband impregnate you in the first place.

Another part of your body that has changed, albeit not necessarily for the better, is your tummy. While you might be inclined to think you're still pregnant except for the new baby in your home, that tummy is going to go down eventually.

But to get back to your pre-pregnancy tummy requires not only exercising after you give birth, but before and during your pregnancy as well.

Not to fear.

Even if you weren't that active before your pregnancy, there is always the opportunity to start. Eating healthy is a part of it, of course, but exercise, more than anything, will get that tummy flat as day old beer.

The thing you have to realize is that your post pregnancy body is totally, 100 percent natural. There is absolutely nothing wrong with you. You just brought another human being into the world, so don't be so hard on yourself.

You need to give your body time to heal-not only from all of the changes it's been through, but from the birth process as well. Let any stitches completely heal, and wait at least six weeks until you start exercising.

A good rule of thumb to tell if you're ready to start exercising is the return of your libido. If you feel like you could have sex, then your body is ready for exercise.

If you prefer to do something, you can do stretching exercises as soon as a day or two after you give birth-depending on the kind of delivery you had.

Start out with walking for exercise. This one is easy for new moms, as they tend to feel cooped up in the house after a while. And the good thing is, you wont need a babysitter in order to do this exercise-bundle the baby up, stick them in the stroller and you are ready to exercise. Keep up a nice, brisk pace for at least 30 minutes, three days a week and you're doing great.

Then you can move onto sit-ups, light weight training and cardio work like yoga and aerobics, and look out for baby-and-me classes in your neighborhood!   

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Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Recession Proof Tips For Your Workout

In times of economic uncertainty, the extensive costs that can come with a gym membership may be one of the first things to go. While a gym membership is convenient, offer classes and personal instruction, and provide a range of equipment, with a bit of time and money you can pick up all the essentials to get an effective workout in your own home. This article will guide you through the essentials to allow you to do cardio, strength training and flexibility training comfortably in your own home.

If you have hardwood flooring, you should invest in a yoga or Pilates mat. These are rubber mats that provide cushioning for comfort during stretching and floor exercises. Yoga mats tend to be thinner and a little sticky to help you hold tough yoga postures, while Pilates mats are thicker to provide more support for your spine. I recommend a Pilates mat for this increased cushioning, and also the enhanced challenge to balance on a softer surface that will work your core during standing work. Pilates mats are inexpensive and can commonly be found for under $20.

You may also want to invest in resistance bands and a swiss ball. Resistance bands are elastic bands with handles on either end, which are available in a range of resistances. They can be used in place of dumbbells for exercises such as shoulder raises, bicep curls, and tricep extensions. A set of 3 resistance bands can generally be found for under $30. A swiss ball is an inflatable ball you can use to enhance core work, and can be used in place of a chair at your computer to tone your abs all day long.

Finally, a jump rope offers an inexpensive, weatherproof cardio workout. Jumping rope is a huge calorie burner that is as effective as running, and can be safely done indoors during even the worst snowstorm. Jumping ropes are also incredibly inexpensive, with even top quality ropes retailing for less than $20.

With some planning and creativity, it is easy and affordable to set up a home gym to suit all your workout needs, no matter what the weather!

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Yoga For You

Your diet and the increase of basic fitness using brisk outdoor walks are an excellent basis for yoga. You have probably noticed the Yoga craze that has swept North America over the past few years: perhaps you've noticed people carrying yoga mats and wearing special exercise clothes designed just for yoga.

There is a reason why people are so devoted to the practice of yoga: it really works!

Yoga relieves stress in a way that is deeper than other forms of exercise because it factors in the mind-body connection. By stretching and holding poses, you will train your brain to focus on the moment, and you will soothe your body, all the while gaining strength and agility. Yoga can relax you the way meditation does, with the added benefit of toning your muscles and making you lithe and strong.

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Mountain Pose, Triangle Pose and Tree Pose may all sound like instructions for taking professional photographs, but they are actually just a few of the poses or asanas that you may perform during yoga. As popular as yoga has become in America in recent years, still so many don't quite know what to make of it. At first you may notice difficulty in maintaining poses. Yet soon enough you will build strength and balance to do them almost routinely. Likewise, asanas are very simple and easy to define and understand so to move quickly to practicing and doing them.

The word yoga means yoke, union, to join.

And originating in India more than 5,000 years ago, yoga mainly involves physical motion, but its positive results derive from the act of the mind, body and spirit achieving and being in accord. In fact, it is more recognized for its influence on personal development rather than from its many physical benefits. Through each pose or posture, you are challenged to balance your body, mind and spirit. The benefits of yoga reach beyond the duration spent on the yoga mat or in a particular pose. As a physical tool, yoga has a significant number of benefits. The poses are designed to tone and strengthen the entire body. You accomplish each exercise by stretching the body and holding each pose for a number of breaths. As first you will notice how difficult it can be to maintain the poses. But over time, as you practice yoga, your flexibility and balance will improve, as will your stamina and strength.

Naturally, breathing is essential to yoga, for it releases the various blocks that cause you stress and tension. The release of these blocks will refresh your mind and establish serenity and positive thinking. It can also slow down the aging process and infuse your whole being with a vim and vigor you never imagined.

Useful tips to get started:

1. Enroll in a daily or weekly yoga class or purchase a video instructing you in the basics of yoga

2. Explore the various types of yoga before you stick to one.

3. Enlist a friend or a family member as a yoga buddy

4. Log on to to receive a free CD to start practicing yoga.

If you would like to use this article do not change the content of the article and add a link back to my site.

Claudine Struck "The Mind, Body, Spirit Expert" author of "How to Stay Sane When Life Isn't. " If you are ready to make you a priority, cultivate healthy relationships and live a more sane, happier life then this inspirational and unique approach to integrating mind, body spirit is for you. . Get free tips and yoga mp3 download now at

How Should the Topic of Pranayama Be Covered in a Yoga Teacher Certification Course?

When teaching Pranayama (Yogic Breathing Techniques), to a student who is new to Yoga, you realize that beginners take their breathing for granted. It is natural to take breath and life for granted.

Breathing happens naturally, or conditionally, without giving it a thought. At the same time, breathing makes life, itself, possible. In the Yoga Sutras, Maharishi Patanjali mentions pranayama as the fourth limb in the Eight Limbed Path.

Pranayama has therapeutic value, and it is the most basic tool for creating a mind / body connection. Through pranayama practice, self-realization and presence in our Yoga practice are discovered.

As you sit on a mat practicing meditation, asana, pranayama, mudra, bandhas, japa, or any Yogic method - this is just practice for daily life situations. All of these aspects should be part of your daily life, regardless of the location of your Yoga mat. The easiest method to transfer into daily life is pranayama.

How many people practice pranayama with every breath of life? Actually no one can do this because it is impossible to monitor your breath, with complete awareness, for days at a time. You have to go to sleep sometime. The moment you go to sleep, your breathing will not be monitored, and it will take an unconscious course.

However, if you make a concerted effort to practice pranayama throughout the day, you will feel much healthier. There are some pranayama techniques you can perform, during the day, without making anyone aware of it. The only awareness required is yours alone.

During 200-hour Yoga teacher training sessions, it is not necessary for interns to learn one hundred pranayama techniques. On the other hand, any pranayama taught in a teacher course should be thoroughly covered and practiced repeatedly.

Of the many pranayama techniques to choose from, Bhastrika, Kapalbhati, Anulom-Vilom, Brahmari, Udgeeth, and Ujjayi are essential. There are many more valuable methods, but these six techniques are priceless. Interns must be properly guided and monitored, as they will teach these techniques to their students. Complete understanding of six to ten techniques is essential.

Therefore, the ability to completely understand the therapeutic application, and how to perform each technique, is much more important than quantity of pranayama methods learned.

At the 200-hour level, it is better to know the application and mechanics of six essential pranayama methods thoroughly, than it is to learn one hundred techniques. Consider this: After the teacher training is over, how many graduates will remember more than six techniques?

© Copyright 2008 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of Yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA.

He has been a certified Master Yoga Teacher since 1995. To receive Free Yoga videos, Podcasts, e-Books, reports, and articles about Yoga, please visit:

What "Style" of Fitness Program Should I Use?

As a personal trainer and sports performance coach in Singapore, I have been asked quite often by many different people what "style" of coach I am.

Since they know that I have a background in many sports. I have done some powerlifting, some Olympic weightlifting, sprints and even some middle distance running during my time in the military. The answer is not so easy. I would say that I just aim for a style that gets results.

One of the things I try to do in life is to be continually improve, to be better at the end of the day when compared to the beginning. This applies very much as a fitness professional. I want to constantly improve so that my clients get better and better results, more and more consistently.

One kind of athlete that I have been influenced by is the Mixed Martial Artist. In mixed martial arts, the best athletes have a large set of skills. It used to be a sport where different "styles" were pitched against each other. Boxing vs Karate, Muay-Thai vs Wrestling etc. But the sport has advanced in a good direction.

Now there is no way to excel without knowing ALL the skills. Fists, feet, knees, elbows, wrestling takedowns, judo throws, armlocks, leglocks, choke holds... and the list goes on. If a fighter has a deficiency in using or defending these techniques, he is likely to be on the losing end alot of the time.

I am going to relate this to working with clients. I try to have as many skills, or "tools in the toolbox" to get them results as fast as possible. There is a tendency in the fitness industry to fall into different "camps".

"Oh Pilates is the best way"... or yoga, or powerlifing, or Olympic weight lifting, or kettlebells, or bodyweight only training, or swiss balls are the best, etc. This "camp" situation is hurting clients, and thats what I want to avoid. Because in this case it is the clients who are at the losing end.

The mobility a person can gain from yoga is good, the maximal strength from power lifting is good, the strength-speed from Olympic lifting is good, the convenience from body weight training is good, the coordination and unique balance of the kettlebell is also good.

Get my point? It's all good, its just how I, as a fitness professional use the training effects to get clients results. There is no need for "cult-like" devotion to a certain style when all that does is limit the possible benefits that a client can gain!

So, match your goals to your methods.

If your goal is fat loss, make sure you are doing some resistance training with low rest intervals.

If its improving your performance in sports, make sure you are becoming strong and fast through explosive lifting.

If its to gain muscle, make sure you are training with enough volume (total weight lifted) to stimulate growth.

To maintain mobility, make sure you are doing your foam roller (self-massage) work and static stretching of tight muscles.

Pick the best attributes from each "style" to achieve your fat loss, weight loss, sports performance or fitness goals!

Coach Jonathan Wong, is a sought after Singapore personal trainer and performance expert who has helped hundreds of clients in Singapore from regular folk to national level athletes achieve their fitness, fat loss and sports performance goals regardless of starting age, fitness level or experience.

He Is also a fitness author and a member of Singapore Men's Health Advisory Panel. Visit his website for a free 1500 page e-book, blog, newsletter and constant updates.

Major Health Benefits of Yoga Exercise

Yoga has been around for over 3,000 years, and still remains one of the most popular forms of exercise in the world. In fact, yoga popularity has increased tremendously over the past few years, and is rapidly becoming one of the most popular forms of exercise among young people.

Yoga exercise can be used to strengthen the mind, body and spirit by people of all ages and levels of physical health. It doesn't matter if you are in good shape or not, you can reap huge benefits from practicing yoga. There are actually several types of yoga, ranging from the high speed and high intensity level to a gentle, free flowing style of yoga and everything in between.

Regardless of which form or style of yoga exercise that you choose, there are some major benefits that you can expect to achieve from yoga.

The first benefit that comes to mind is increased flexibility. Many exercise programs focus on building up muscles through weight training. There is nothing wrong with building stronger muscles, but if all you do is bulk up, without looking to flexibility you are doing yourself a disservice. Bulked up muscles tend to be more susceptible to strain and tears then muscles that are more flexible. Many professional athletes have their careers cut short as a result of muscle strains and tears.

Another major benefit of yoga exercise is stress relief. Yoga helps you unwind after a stressful day. By focusing on obtaining the perfect pose, it helps your mind release any negative thoughts, because your active mind cannot focus on two things at the same time.

Yoga exercise also increases your energy level. By continually exercising and building up strength, your body is able to increase its stamina and endurance. This in turns allows you to have more energy.

Most people do not think of yoga as increasing muscle strength. It doesn't bulk up your muscles, but it definitely increases their strength by obtaining and maintaining the various yoga poses. Your muscle groups are straining to maintain your position, which increases your strength. As a side benefit, yoga will also improve your posture, which in turn decreases muscle aches and strains.

Yoga will also improve your general health. By twisting and turning, you will massage your internal organs, which helps them release toxins. This will improve your general health, and will help you ward off other illnesses such as colds and the flu.

Yoga exercise will help anyone improve their health, regardless of what level of physical fitness you currently are at. By utilizing yoga, you can improve your flexibility, relive stress, increase your strength and improve your general health. Yes, yoga really is good for your health in many ways.

Sydney Heiden is a practitioner of yoga and founder of Yoga and Meditation for Beginners. For more yoga tips and information, go to her website,

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Yoga Workout Clothes

Yoga clothing is pretty much anything that you have for your normal gym workout. For many months that I tried it, I would simply wear soccer shorts and a T-shirt as my yoga workout clothes. A lot of other people in the class invested more seriously in yoga workout clothing, but I really didn't see any kind of advantage to it. My clothes were as flexible as theirs, and I had no trouble engaging in stretches in them at least no trouble that stemmed in the clothing I was wearing! They were also a good deal cheaper, which I considered a huge advantage. And I am totally at ease with it.

After I got pretty serious about it, however, I decided to buy a few yoga workout outfits available in stores. I had to admit that in certain ways they really helped. The thing about yoga is that it requires extreme and perfect concentration to get it done right. Any physical discomfort should be limited whenever possible, and everything must be done to help you relax and feel at ease. Yoga workout clothes do that by covering the body more evenly in the comfortable, stretchy material. You feel comfortably encased in a warm protective layer which wicks sweat off from the skin and keep you at just the right temperature. Because yoga workout clothes are stretchy, they don't ride up and ride down as you're stretching, eliminating one distraction that shorts have. They also begin to look pretty good for you once you condition your body and get in shape.

However my recommendations for new yoga practitioners are to skip yoga workout clothes first. Just use anything you have purchased to wear when you go to a health club, provided that it is flexible enough or baggy enough to allow you to do yoga. Once you've been at it for a couple months, then, try ordering some yoga clothes. Start with one or two outfits just for the feel of it, and then decide what you like. You may find that you simply do better in normal gym clothes, which is alright. A lot of people, however, say they find using yoga workout clothes much more comfortable. It's all just a matter of personal preference.

In addition, you don't need to confine yourself to workout clothes for yoga only to find something good to stretch in. Aerobics workout clothes, clothes for dancing, and whatever else they can be used in regular activities that involve difficult stretching work great. The motions involved with yoga are far from unique. They are used in many different forms of physical activity, so clothing that works for those exercises will work well for yoga as well. Still, yoga workout clothes are some of the most comfortable ones out there.

Though it's not just a necessity, investing on them is still up to your choice. Whatever way you like to spice up during yoga exercises doesn't really matter so long as you are comfy and making the most of what you are doing.

Yogafit has a lot of very informative advice in all aspects of yoga poses, training, and everything else. She also has a number of yoga conference meetups several times a year and is known yoga guru and mogul around the world.