Saturday, August 17, 2013

Yoga Instructor Training - Yoga, Pranayama, and Cancer Recovery

Pranayama, or yoga breathing, focuses on specific breathing exercises that invoke relaxation and enhance optimum recovery. Yoga instruction often employs guided relaxation, meditation, breath awareness, visualization techniques, and guided breathing exercises.

Students are guided to find a peaceful place, where they release their anxiety and pain. Pranayama techniques also have an extremely beneficial impact on the nervous system. Focused breathing brings calm to the mind and body, allowing for healing. Stress is the number one enemy to effective healing.

As with many ailments, yoga students, recovering from cancer, often suffer from decreased range of movement. Along with increasing muscle strength, yoga postures improve range of movement and flexibility. Posture is also improved, allowing proper body alignment and balance. With freer movement and mobility, cancer survivors will begin to grow lighter in spirit and feel more independent.

Yoga for cancer recovery should focus on providing the most benefit possible. This means patients should not push past the point of pain. The important thing for anyone to remember, who has been through a serious medical procedure, is to begin slowly. Perform the yoga poses in a way that is comfortably challenging. There will be some discomfort on the road to recovery. Steadily press forward, and find the internal limits, but avoid approaching the pain threshold.

Yoga instructors need to remember that yoga therapy requires adapting yoga practice to individual needs. Each student's case will be different. Each class period will be different. Teachers must also learn to be healers and "go the extra mile" for any student recovering from cancer.

Those recovering from cancer, who choose yoga practice to assist their healing, will benefit greatly across the board. In addition to regular yoga practice, pay close attention to diet and nutrition. Yoga nutrition focuses on natural, whole foods that support the body's functions. Support your body in every possible way to make a complete recovery when healing from cancer.

© Copyright 2008 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of Yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. He has been a certified Master Yoga Teacher since 1995. To receive a Free Yoga e-Book: "Yoga in Practice," and a Free Yoga Newsletter, please visit:

Yoga Using Weights - For Increasing Strength Through Breath Awareness

For those who are familiar with Yoga, you know that deep breathing is the foundation of a healthy Yoga practice. Different breathing techniques are used to open up the body and increase the energy circulation and flow within each posture or series of movements.

In yogic terms the word "prana" means breath. Some of the most practical teachings of Yoga is this concept of "breath control". For all of us breathing just happens, that is to say it is a natural part of our reflexes that we don't really need to give much thought to. But, for many people, the breath is a shallow experience that does not come anywhere close to reaching it's capacity and potential the lungs were designed for.

Deep breathing calms the nerves and revitalizes the blood, turning it a bright red. When this relaxation is used in combination with lifting weights it provides increased focus, concentration and an improved muscle building workout.

Most weight lifting injuries occurred, in fact, when someone is not centered and present with the task at hand. They are "in their head" literally, not "in the body". The breath is often referred to as the bridge between the body and mind. Simple breathing techniques when applied can be affective in calming the thoughts and increasing body awareness. Science tells us that the brain requires more oxygen than any other part of the body. So supplying it in a conscious way allows for clarity of thought and the ability to concentrate for longer periods of time.

Try This Simple Breathing Technique:

1) Sitting, lying down or standing - close your eyes or look in front of you, relax your shoulders. Relax your mouth and jaw, point your chin slightly down. Stand straight but loose.

2) Inhale slowly through your nose. Let your abdomen and diaphragm expand filling your lungs to capacity. Remain relaxed, soft and open, feeling the deep quality of air moving into the lower regions of the chest.

3) Exhale slowly through your nose, feeling your abdomen release. Feel the diaphragm slowly collapse while it gently comes back to center as you empty your lungs.

Do this ten times and note how you feel afterward. Most likely you will feel a great sense of calm and peace. This is the essence of what Yogic breathing can do for your weight training workout.

Establishing a deep rhythmic breathing during a weight training routine can thus be extremely beneficial to those wanting muscle building efficiency along with the increased amount of pleasure that an intense level of commitment and focus to the motions involved. When you are able to truly let go of the mind and all the fleeting thoughts that go along with it, your training session becomes one with yogic practice. Your are more aware of your body and know precisely how much effort to put into a weight lifting exercise without overexerting your muscles. This is really the key to it all. You are in control simply by being more present and "in the moment" with your workout!

Sara Goodwin is a health crusader, stay at home mom, author, and internet business woman. Come visit her latest website over at which provides the latest info, styles and sources for womens yoga pants and yoga supplies to make your yoga workout fashionable, flexible yet comfortable.

What Is the Difference Between a CYT-Certified Yoga Teacher and RYT-Registered Yoga Teacher?

While there are no set regulations on what level of training is necessary to teach yoga, choosing to pursue teacher certification, demonstrates a commitment to yoga. CYT certification reveals that a yoga instructor has pursued a certain level of education in yoga techniques.

There are many different programs offering certification to yoga instructors, and it is up to individual organizations to decide what the appropriate professional requirements are. Globally, there is very little regulation of yoga. There are some registries, in different countries, which work to set standards for yoga teachers and the public.

It is important to understand the difference between being certified and being registered as a yoga instructor. You may teach yoga as either a CYT or an RYT. The difference comes from being registered with the Yoga Alliance after a certain level of training has been completed, according to their requirements.

The Yoga Alliance publishes their requirements for the RYT on their website. As of this writing, they are the only recognized association in the United States that registers yoga instructors. The main difference between these two acronyms comes from the RYT designation, which is a registered trademark by the Yoga Alliance.

To become a CYT, or certified yoga teacher, one goes through an educational program with a yoga teacher training school. Certification is evidence to students that you have pursued an active education in your yoga practice. Certification, as a yoga teacher, allows you to teach yoga classes and start your own practice.

The principal elements of yoga: asana, breath, meditation, mantra, and more, are focused on, in certification programs. Additionally, learning to modify poses for beginners, knowing the fundamentals of posture and alignment, how to explain a pose verbally, and correct common mistakes, is crucial to becoming a certified yoga teacher.

Many training programs set their standards the same as the Yoga Alliance, so that when the certification is completed, graduates move forward and can become registered. Other schools are extensive in their training and offer certified graduates the opportunity to gain higher credentials, in other ways, to reach their training goals. They may choose to register after further teaching.

A minimum of 200 contact (face-to-face training) hours is required by the Yoga Alliance to be considered a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT). The framework of these training hours is broken down into five categories of techniques, training and practice, anatomy and physiology, yoga philosophy and ethics, teaching methodology, and practicum. The aim of this program is to have a deep understanding of yoga, as well as a comprehensive ability in teaching others.

Holding CYT, or RYT, status is an indication that you are committed to Continuing Education (CE) hours to maintain the status. Continuing your education, as you teach, is the best way to grow, while adding expertise as a yoga practitioner and a teacher. Possessing a Certified, or Registered Yoga Teacher certification, will provide comfort about competency to students seeking you out.

Consider your training to become a yoga instructor as part of a lifelong learning experience, yet one that has steps and levels to attain. Much like any other profession that requires a progression of degrees, the practice of yoga instruction begins with becoming a Certified Yoga Teacher.

© Copyright 2008 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of Yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA - - He has been a certified Master Yoga Teacher since 1995. To receive a Free Yoga e-Book: "Yoga in Practice," and a Free Yoga Newsletter, please visit:

Strength Training Tips - Gym in a Basket

Can you really get a good workout at home? After many years of training clients in their homes, this expert fitness trainer is confident that you can get a great workout with minimal equipment in the privacy of your own space. There are many types of resistance tools that are affordable and easy to store - beginning with your own body!

Calisthenics are exercises that use body weight alone, like push ups and squats. A shift in body weight can increase or decrease the level of resistance. Other forms of resistance include free weights, toning and medicine balls, stretch bands and tubes. There are many advantages of using this type of equipment as opposed to gym-based machines, including:

Using your own core muscles to stabilize instead of relying on an external structure Training in a more functional manner, using movement patterns that reinforce the way you perform your daily activities Spotting asymmetries in the body and correcting these imbalances, bringing the body into better alignment Challenging your balance and coordination, making strength training more of a sport

My preferences in equipment choices are based on quality, economy and safety of use.

Free weights - These are usually solid metal covered in gray enamel, chrome, vinyl, or neoprene (which contains latex). Enamel or chrome coating may chip and flake over time, presenting a risk in use. The vinyl and neoprene coatings eliminate this risk, come in bright colors, and are nicer to hold. I prefer neoprene-covered weights because they do not become slippery with sweat. You need two pairs of free weights to start. For women, 3 and 5 pound or 5 and 8 pound, depending on your starting level; for men, 8 and 12 pound or 10 and 15 pound, again depending.

Ankle or cuff weights - These are either nonadjustable or adjustable. Three pounds is generally a good all-purpose denomination, but the adjustable pairs offer more versatility. These weights can be used alone for certain exercises (like leg lifts) and also can be used in combination with free weights to increase the amount of weight incrementally, e.g. if you only have a set of 5 pound weights, you can wrap one around your wrist to make a total of 8 pounds.

Mats - Exercise mats are available in different densities of foam that either fold or roll up, depending on where you plan to store it. Of the foldable exercise mats, I prefer the dense foam, which is stiff to touch but surprisingly resilient to use. Of the roll-up mats, I prefer a soft durable foam because it offers comfortable cushioning with a slightly sticky surface to prevent sliding. A yoga "sticky mat" is great for this too, but doesn't offer the same cushioning.

Stretch bands and tubes - The quality of bands is the same from reputable brands. Different-colored bands denote different levels of resistance: light, medium, and heavy. Get at least two, either the light and medium, or the medium and heavy. The 4 foot length is more versatile than the 3 foot. The rubber tubing comes with handles or foam pads which may be easier to hold. You can also order handles for the stretch bands.

Balls - Weighted medicine balls offer options in all different sizes and weights. You might start with a 6-8 inch unweighted ball (a beach ball is fine) and progress to a rubber or gel-filled medicine ball, 2-15 pounds. Toning balls are generally smaller than medicine balls and often have a soft exterior, making them comfortable to hold. I personally like to work with a 4 pound toning ball because it offers good mid-level resistance.

There are many other items you can add to this basic list to create even more variety in your home fitness program, such as weighted bars, stability balls, step platforms, foam rollers and balance disks. My clients have developed ingenious methods for storing their equipment, for example:

decorative basket on display in the room
tote bag tucked away in a closet
large wicker basket under the dining room table
sturdy cardboard box under a chair
cabinet dedicated to gym gear

Where there's a will, there's a way!

Get fit without the gym! For expert guidance on strength training techniques, step-by-step color photos depicting how to perform the exercises, and a selection of well-rounded workouts please check out the book Strength Training for Women by Joan Pagano at

For more information about the Joan Pagano Exercise Method, please visit

(c) Copyright - Joan L. Pagano. All rights reserved worldwide.

Kenpo With a Bad Knee

In week four of P90X, I have finally been able to get through a full Kenpo routine. Yes, Kenpo is a tough workout, but in the last the weeks I was having serious knee issues. The onset of pain began about 20 minutes into the workout. I strived to make it through but collapsed in pain around the 40 minute mark. When I was younger I would always work through any injury; I suppose old habits die hard.

So what changed today?

To start... My form has improved drastically. Today I was taking my time on all the movements in order to solve this problem. I noticed this morning that I when I would rotate my hips my foot would remain stationary. The light went off in my head when I accidentally pivoted and didn't continue through the full motion. This sharp pain lead to this great discovery. Obvious yes... But I was a bit overzealous in the beginning.

One other thing that may have contributed to making through Kenpo was the warmth in my house. I was told for yoga that it is better to do yoga in a warm room as it keeps the muscles loose and is easier to stretch. I applied this to my workout today. Closed up the windows and, by the time stretching was over, it was a good temperature. Throughout the routine I felt more flexible then I have been with the air conditioning on.

If you are suffering from knee problems, take your time and make sure your motions are correct. Form is everything.

*These statements are from personal experience and I can not be held liable for any injuries which may occur. Please seek a physician's assistance as any injury can be a sign of a more serious problem.

Pilates For Aged People

When Pilates was first invented, it was so new and specialized that only a very few trained practitioners could do the exercises. However, in the past few years the use of Pilates exercises has become common in the United States. There are many professionals spread across the whole country running Pilates studios staffed with certified instructors.

People who follow the Pilates exercise program discover many benefits like better body posture, improved muscle flexibility, and balance. The program is so good that of all the exercise programs out there nothing compares to Pilates for aged people. The seniors can now do exercises that are safe and effective.

The American Association of Retired Persons states that the stretching and strengthening of the core muscles through Pilates is a very good way of warding off the effects of aging.

Apart from the physical benefits, Pilates is also helpful in providing relief from stress and tension. Elderly people will increasingly need to keep up their strength and range of motion and Pilates can help them achieve that target with ease. There are several ailments associated with age like back pain, joint pain, etc. and Pilates can not only provide relief but it can also increase spinal and joint strength to avoid these problems. This is why doctors recommend Pilates for aged people.

The best aspect of Pilates is that it is not difficult or stressful as a normal workout. When you start out, your own strength and stamina will control how far you can go with each exercise. Unlike weight training, there is no goal of gaining a certain muscle mass or losing so much fat. The only goal, if one needs it, is the general improvement health.

Pilates is more about mental control over your body than anything else. The first thing you will learn in your Pilates instruction is how to control your breathing, your balance, your muscles, and finally, how to control the coordination between all these.

Pilates involves what is known as Lateral Breathing. In Lateral Breathing, you inhale deeply through your nose and force the inhaled air to expand your ribcage. This sort of breathing is also known as Thoracic Breathing.

The Pilates exercise can help anyone achieve good health, vitality at any age. While important and beneficial to all, Pilates for aged people is necessary because as we grow older we start losing control and coordination of our muscles. Not only is this physically inconvenient but it can also lead to several emotional problems which are best avoided at a time when life ought to be restful and full of peace.

Check out for more info.

You can find more great Pilates information at Check out some of the comments by top pilates instructors.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Getting the Most From Yoga Fitness

A great number of people are going to great extent to keep a slim figure. It might possibly be the case that you could go to the gym or perhaps you already have some necessary equipment at home, however, most people find it hard to get vigorous. As a result, lots of people opt for yoga fitness.

Yoga fitness is quite prevalent nowadays, and it is often related with meditation and other poses that demand all the parts of your body working together. You can attend yoga class in various places either in gyms or training centers. Some gyms provide multiple levels of yoga classes ranging from the beginner to advanced. You can definitely find one according to your own condition. In addition, you can also go for some centers that have skilled trained coach. However, the training fee might be quite steep. If it goes far beyond your budget, you can try the cheapest way by watching online yoga video or reading yoga books.

For beginners who first practise yoga, they might be quite amazed after the exercise. Performing yoga postures demands the complete stretching of the body, and people would be exhausted after that. At first it is also difficult to get accustomed to the deep breathing and slow pace, however, after a few practices, you would be quite pleased to find that it deserves all your hard work.

Your body would become more agile and alert and you will definitely notice a prominent difference as long as you maintain the same regular routine of this kind of fitness.

Viola has been writing articles online for nearly 4 years now. Not only does this author specializes in diet, fitness and public speaking, you can also check out her latest website on fashion items which reviews and lists the best replica watch to complete your look.

Ease Stress in Just 5 Minutes Per Day

Mediation is the focusing of mental energies for the purpose of creating a healthy body and a clear mind. A state of consciousness characterized by stillness and inner calm, the ultimate goal is the attainment of supreme spiritual peace. Regular meditation practice creates a sense of living in the present moment without distraction. Meditation is an deliberate state of withdraw conducted in silence, where thoughts are suspended and the active mind is directed toward concentration on the breath, a mantra, or specific subject such as love. Meditation is an important tool for awareness. It is a reliable way to calm an overactive mind. Meditation serves to increase physical stamina and mental concentration, spiritual resolve, relive stress, bring peace of mind, allow for relaxation, release of tension, lower blood pressure, create mindfulness, and gain access to higher mind states.

Mantras are mystical syllables, words, or phrase used to focus the mind during meditation. They can be repeated mentally or out loud. OM is the most well known mantra. OM is believed to represent the fundamental sound of the universe, the sound of creation, God as the absolute, and the vibrations help to rid tension.

Mala strings of 108 beads, is a powerful tool that help focus the mind in meditation. Today, many are using rosaries in place of Malas.

Chants allow you to sink deep into your being. Before and after your yoga practice, many people repeat a prayer or chant. A meditative pose, like lotus, would be most appropriate.

Meditation is the journey of all journeys! In just 5 minutes, circulation and blood is effected. In 10 minutes, the pituitary and nerves are effected. And, in 20 minutes, the mind becomes balanced and tranquil. It is very important to practice with patience and understanding, Most of all practice with consistency!

Copyrighted 2008, Marianne Wells LLC, All rights reserved

Marianne Wells, International Yoga Presenter

Specializing in the Yoga Alliance 200 Hour RYT Teacher Training

Running As Yoga Workouts

Running is one of the best and cost effective methods to get fit. This yoga aerobic fitness exercise may benefit old and young folks. Whenever you run, you're doing so with a calculated rate. It's faster as compared to a jog, but slower than a full run. You should run in moderation and do not look to execute a tough run. A hard run isn't regarded as yoga aerobic exercising. Depending on just how you function throughout the day, you may choose to run in the morning or in the afternoons or night time.

Everybody does not react the same when it comes to running. Before you start, you would need to evaluate the weather as well as the environment you'd be doing this in. All areas are different and there may be a few that are not conducive for running. So investigate the place just before you choose to commit.You have to prepare yourself for the weather at hand. If it is cool, you'll need clothing that will keep you warm. It it's hot, you will need clothing which will help you stay cool. You'll have to have the right kind of footwear to use when you begin running. You need to be comfortable so that you can attain the best fitness exercise.

There are different areas where you can go running. It can be done in your neighborhood, on a park trail, or anywhere in which you feel safe doing this. Ensure that you are running upon flat terrain or a flat area.

Don't take the chance running over slopes that are difficult, rough places or slippery locations. There's a greater chance that you'd get hurt. The very last thing which you'll need is a sprained ankle or a pulled muscle.

If you're more experienced, there are some slopes and inclines that are made for running. Look at the areas first before you commit to running. Keep near places in which you can get immediate assistance if needed.

The area in which you will be running should not have any kind of hurdles. You have to be free to run to enable you to remain on course.

If you discover places where you could run, but they're far from your home, find alternative places which are nearer and just as good. There may be instances when you won't manage to head to those far away spots when you wish to. It is not a bad idea to have got a running friend run along with you. They could provide you with great support. Always try to go to a place where there aren't plenty of some other runners. This could throw off your exercise regimen and make you not want to run. There is no question - you must warm up before you start running. Turn it into a habit each time you run to warm-up. It is an essential part of your yoga aerobic fitness exercise. You can avoid unneeded injuries. Many sports athletes know that they need to repeat this prior to every game or else they could risk being injured. You are no different in that aspect. Your muscles have to be loose before you begin moving.

You can warm up your muscle tissues for about ten to fifteen minutes and make them flexible. In case your muscles are cold and you don't warm these up, you will not have the output that you desire. You could also pull a muscle along the way. You can perform light yoga aerobic workouts for the blood to pass through your body. Gentle jogging is yet another way that you could warm-up before you begin running. Whatever you make use of for warm up workouts, they need to be low impact and gentle, such as lunges. Don't rest once you have warmed up. Carry out some stretches so that you'll keep your momentum going. You want to be ready to run right after you are done. Do not overstretch the joints and muscles or you could cause damage to those areas.

Yogafit has a lot of very informative advice in all aspects of yoga exercise poses, training, and everything else. She also has a number of yoga teacher training meetups several times a year and is known yoga guru and mogul around the world.

Pilates - The New Fitness Program

Pilates is a physical fitness program that majorly works towards amplifying the core muscle groups of the body. It is a fitness program that plays a vital role in boosting the resistance physical injury and other weaknesses. It is one of its own kinds of fitness program that helps in improving the mental and physical well-being, and even strengthens muscles. It is a fitness mantra that primarily features the controlled movements just in order to tone, improve flexibility and strengthen the body. It may not be wrong to consider it as body conditioning routine that majorly seeks to develop more endurance and coordination without adding muscle bulk.

The best thing about this form of fitness exercise is that one never gets exhausted, but actually gets totally charged up. The key reason behind this is that it emphasizes on the quality of movement. And, the regular and daily practice may further help in developing muscles as well. The key exercises that generally involve are stretches, vigorous pulls and resistance against your body weight.

Initially, it was used to rehabilitate the immobile patients during World War I, but today it is one of the most preferred exercises that many gymnasts and dancers perform on a day-to-day basis. These days many people are performing this form of exercise in order to improve their body posture and experience the better health. However, there are two ways to exercise in Pilates. While the first method involves the usage of various equipments in private sessions the other method majorly includes group mat classes without using equipment. In fact, these days most of the people are focusing on the mat exercises, which require only a floor mat and a good training.

Now the most unique feature of mat exercise is - it is designed and performed in such a manner that your body uses its own weight as resistance and improves in better body posture. It also enhances the flexibility of spine and hips. On other hand, in Pilates equipment exercise, one needs to make use of the various equipments.

Moreover, the great thing about this form of fitness exercise is - Pilates is meant for everyone. Starting from couch potatoes to fitness buffs, everyone can easily perform it. Indeed today many celebrities are performing Pilates just to gain a good looking and toned-up body. Perhaps it is just similar to age old exercise yoga. Just like yoga, it majorly concentrates on a daily routine of muscle tone along with providing relaxation to your body and mind.

Today there are lots of classes available. Probably you may find that many fitness centers that provide Pilates classes. Some fitness centers also send their personal trainers for weekend-long programs and usually argue they are much qualified or trained. So the best thing that you need to look for is an instructor who is certified and has a rigorous training program. It is very essential that these instructors have done hours of training just in Pilates and also aware of various ways to modify the exercises so that every new student feel comfortable and don't get hurt.

No doubt, Practicing Pilates could offer you enormous health benefits. All you require is to start off with a simple exercise routine and follow form of exercise properly.

Learn more about new fitness program Pilates and Pilates health benefits at Fuel the Mind is a complete health information portal which offers informative articles and tips on differences between Pilates and yoga, Pilates home exercise equipment, yoga and Pilates DVD reviews, fitness & exercise and more.

Teaching Hatha Yoga: Help! My Students Do Not Want to Practice Pranayama

Recently, a Yoga teacher contacted me with the problem of students who have closed their minds to the benefits of Pranayama. She teaches classes in her own Yoga studio and has a very warm relationship with all of her students.

To give you a little background on this teacher and her class: She teaches a Vinyasa style Hatha Yoga class with Ujjayi Pranayama synchronized into her flows.

She starts with a brief five to ten minute meditation before postures, but she has a five to ten minute Pranayama segment before the conclusion of her Vinyasa Yoga class.

One of her more radical students has decided to publicly challenge the value of Pranayama in her Yoga classes - stating that, "You do not have to be a rocket scientist to learn how to breathe." Some of her students have decided to "follow the leader" and are leaving before Pranayama starts.

What is the Real Value of Pranayama?

Mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional, quality of life is the biggest benefit of Pranayama practice and here are two, of the many, reasons why.

1. Physical Health: If you do not take the time to breathe correctly, your blood circulation will slow down - while your blood vessels constrict, leaving you with less oxygen in your bloodstream. The end result is irritability, anxiety, irregular or rapid pulse, muscle tension, and an inability to handle life's daily stressful situations.

2. Consciousness: Sometimes we refer to forms of consciousness as concentration, mindfulness, and meditation. Whichever way you look at it, Pranayama is the gateway to the mind and body connection. Pranayama brings you into the moment; and without it, we are not practicing any form of Yoga.

The Traditional Yoga Teacher

When I first entered an ashram to learn Yoga, it was much similar to my first entrance into a "dojo" (training hall), to learn martial arts. The ashram is also a traditional place, and the Guru or Yoga teacher has control of the lesson plan.

As a student of Yoga, from a martial arts background, I never questioned this foundation. If a Yoga student does not agree with the structure of a class, he or she can always find another Yoga class.

Yet, it does make a Yoga teacher wonder what a student is looking for. From a pure exercise perspective, Pranayama is the most important of all physical exercises, because you will not live long without it.

© Copyright 2007 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, is a co-owner and the director of Yoga teacher training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. He has been a certified Master Yoga teacher since 1995. To receive a Free e-Book: "Yoga in Practice," and a Free Yoga Newsletter, please visit:

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Coping With Stress

Stress is something that is routine in the life of a professional or even householder. In fact it plays an active role in giving rise to acne. It is really necessary to cope with stress by learning a few ways to relax. By relaxing, you will not only relieve yourself from acne but also learn a meaningful way of living.

You can try out several methods that keep you away from stress such as taking a bath, shopping, going for a movie, visiting places etc. Do not brood over the issues relating to office or your household duties.

Join a health center nearby that provides you with spiritual training such as yoga classes. When you get this education you will acquire a moral foundation within you, where you will learn to cope up with any type of problem. The wise old techniques of relieving stress such as 'Pranayam' is relevant even today. It is very effective as it balances your mood swings. Meditation is a complete spiritual activity and therefore a very powerful means to calm your state of mind. Relaxation is very necessary and if you are totally relaxed and stress free, you will be free from acne as well.

Paul has been providing answers to lots of queries through his website on a wide variety of subjects ranging from satellite phones to acne. To learn more visit

Navarre Reiki

Navarre Reiki has brought before you an unprecedented opportunity to redeem your lives. Our lives have no doubt changed a lot in the last one decade or so. Our loves have got faster and more competitive; there is more stress in our personal and professional lives than ever and so on.

Reiki, which is a spiritual practice and was developed in 1922 by Dr. Mikao Usui, is a healing art that transfers supreme and positive energy through the palms. This enables one to redeem the great reserve of positive energy that lies within and attain the maximum potential. This also enables you to get rid of stress and other illnesses and feel more energetic, calm and composed.

Navarre Reiki has brought this opportunity to tap the vast potential of Reiki through the many centers that practice and employs Reiki in the healing process in the Navarre region. Let us take a look at the various centers in Navarre that practices Reiki and what exactly they can offer to us.

Evolve Yoga & Reiki Services: This is one of the most prominent centers in Navarre that provides Reiki services. This brings to the table various Reiki services from trained personnel that are equipped to give you a holistic comfort and relaxation. The center enables you to access the Reiki services at a very reasonable cost too.

Mana Lomi Reiki Center: This center has been very popular among its customers and this has a loyal clientele. Its trained and highly equipped personnel are capable enough to understand your requirements and prescribe the right kinds of rituals for you. This offers a bouquet of services that enable you to choose from a wide and big list.

Christine Campbell Healing Center: This is located in 60 2ND Street Suite 302 Shalimar, FL 32579. This is also counted among the most popular centers as it is specialized in offering a holistic healing lesson to its customers, exactly as is prescribed in Reiki lessons. You can access just about any kind of Reiki services and you will be fully benefitted from the highly skilled and trained people. The costs are reasonable too.

Surfside Spa: This center offers a holistic and a unique healing experience for the troubled people and this is a good place to come and feel rejuvenated. This provides an array of services, designed to make you comfortable and regain the positive spirit in you. This is known for its trained people who are capable of understanding your requirements and delivering solutions accordingly.

You must first understand your exact requirements before approach the spas. You may be able to find out the requirements yourself or may also employ the trained consultants to find this out.

Island Escape - Navarre Massage Therapy specializes in major types of massage, including deep tissue, relaxation, acupressure, Navarre Reiki, and Thai Yoga Massage. With over 20 years experience, we know just what to do to ease your stress and relax your tired muscles. Call now to book an appointment and schedule the massage of a lifetime!

One of the Most Talked About Prenatal Yoga Class

Yoga doesn't seem like the ideal physical exercise when you are pregnant but it has proven to support many females during their pregnancy. Decades ago pregnant females would never dream of exercising. Now most doctors will advise you to incorporate moderate physical exercise into your routine to assist you in a healthy pregnancy.

Heavy aerobic physical exercise isn't suitable throughout pregnancy so the gentle movement of yoga is perfect for pregnancy at all stages. You can now attend a prenatal yoga course which is tailored for he needs of pregnant ladies. It doesn't matter if you could have been practicing yoga for years or have only tried a beginner yoga class, as there's a prenatal yoga exercise course for you.

The fantastic thing about attending a prenatal yoga exercise class is that the instructor is knowledgeable about what poses you really should and shouldn't do. Instructors of normal yoga classes may not have the expertise and may well tell you that you just shouldn't be doing yoga for the duration of your pregnancy at all.

A prenatal yoga class is also a wonderful solution to meet other mothers-to-be who can relate to all the aches and pains you really feel. A prenatal yoga class will also mean you're less likely to pull a muscle or strain something. In the course of pregnancy a hormone softens the ligaments in your system. This makes you far more susceptible to sprain or strain anything.

An instructor who has been trained to teach a prenatal yoga exercise class will be able to stop you from overworking your muscles. Commonly you shouldn't do any poses that put a strain on your belly and abdominal muscles. You should also avoid twists and poses that require you to lie on your back for too long.

If you're attending a general yoga course then you must let your instructor know what stage of pregnancy you might be at. This is important to ensure that your instructor can advise you on what exercises and poses not to do. You really should also not enroll in any hot yoga exercise classes where you might be exercising in a heated studio. This can be harmful for your baby.

Normally the ideal strategy to enjoy yoga when you are pregnant would be to listen to your system. In case you feel pain of any kind then stop and take a few deep breathes or stop the workout appropriate away. It's important which you do not overexert your entire body, as this is usually harmful to your baby and you.

Lind Tanady has been writing articles, online and offline, since 3 years ago. This author is not only writing in the subject of diet, but also in yoga, fat loss, health and many other more. Check out her latest website in electric heated mattress pad which discuss and review about heated mattress pads

Improving Concentration is So Important

One of the most important tools we have is the ability to concentrate but not many of us know how to really take advantage of it.

A good definition for concentration is having the ability to focus on a task while ignoring distractions and stimuli that is not related. Stimuli that would be ignored are things like background noise, wandering mind and visual stimuli. When we are concentrating to our fullest potential it is much easier to get work done quickly and with fewer mistakes.

It is normally easy to concentrate on a great book or movie because it is full of stimuli that absorbs our minds. It does not require a lot of work to concentrate because we find ourselves absorbed in them.

It is really hard to concentrate on something that is not interesting or really complex. We often tend to find our minds wandering in a hundred different directions instead of focusing on what must be done. Emotions can also get in the way of concentration. It is hard to focus on work when you are still mourning the death of a loved one, for example.

When children have trouble concentrating it could be a sign of a learning disorder or disability. If your kids ability to concentrate persists for a long time then you should have them evaluated by a doctor.

There are several factors that can affect someones ability to concentrate: Proper environment without many distractions, dedicated to the task, physically and emotionally content, task is interesting to the individual and a persons ability or skill to complete a task.

If these factors are met then it is much easier to concentrate on what one is doing. Blocking out distracting thoughts will be much easier. If you are having trouble concentrating on a task then it is possible to build up a set of skills to make it easier. There are many techniques available just for this!

The first thing you must do is figure out what is causing you to lose your focus. This is normally different for each person. The sound of a car horn may naturally bypass one person while the next is driven up a wall.

Some changes that can be made are in sleep patterns, exercising, diet and daily routine. Meditation and yoga are also very helpful in training your mind to work more effectively and slow down. If you are looking to try a medication for improving your concentration then you might want to talk to a local homeopath first. They can recommend herbs that are helpful without the side effects of prescription medications.

Dee Braun, a single mom of 6, is a Cert. Aromatherapist & natural health practitioner. Click now to visit Natural Holistic Health Blog which offers info on more natural home remedies & healing techniques for common health & emotional ailments and conditions at

Easy Method to Melt Your Belly Fat

Is there an easy method to melt your belly fat? Here is an easy method to melt your belly fat. Increase your heart rate and add resistance training to your activities, watch your diet and lowering our stress levels.

During an exercise session, try to increase your heart rate while doing the activity. You can figure out your target heart rate range, then while exercising try to keep your heart rate within that target range. Monitoring your heart rate will enable you to optimize the exercise session and burn calories with greater effect.

Swimming, running, brisk walking or biking are great ways to burn calories and melt belly fat. In just a few weeks of regular activity, you will see results.

Watching what we eat and increasing the number of meals we eat throughout the day will help melt belly fat. Consuming foods composed of protein and complex carbohydrates as well as avoiding sugar and fat from our diet, we can help our body become more effective at burning calories and help our overall metabolism.

Training with resistance not only sculpts and builds muscle, it also helps increase our overall metabolism. When we increase our metabolism, we also increase our fat burning capacity. By increase our muscle mass, we also increase the metabolic activity of the muscles, which increases fat burning.

Increased stress levels increase a hormone called Cortisol in our body. This hormone is released when we are under stress and causes fat to be stored in our belly. The fat is stored there so that it can be used as an energy source during an emergency situation.

It has been shown that stress can be lowered with relaxation activities such as tai chi, deep breathing, mediation and yoga. These are ways we can effectively handle and reduce our stress levels.

The easy method to melt belly fat is changing our exercise program to increase our heart rate, watching our diet, resistance training exercises and lowering our stress. Understanding these methods will help you melt your belly fat.

If you want to burn fat and fix joints the right way, please visit

Circuit Workout You Can Do at Home

Circuit training is where you choose two or more exercises and perform them back to back with little to no rest in between each exercise. Here's a great circuit workout you can do at home:

3 rounds of:

Isometric Horizontal Pull, 30 seconds
Leg Swoop, 10 repetitions on each side
Wall Squat, 30 seconds
Pillow Twist, 10 repetitions on each side
30 seconds rest

For this workout start off with a 30 second isometric horizontal pull. Follow up with 10 repetitions of leg swoops on each side, then move immediately to 30 seconds of a wall squat. Finish the circuit off with 10 pillow twists on each side.

Rest 30 seconds and repeat the entire circuit two more times. This workout will take you around 8-12 minutes, and is one of the best fat burning workouts I've performed. I tend to use unique bodyweight exercises when creating my workouts.

The biggest mistake I see people making is using the same old pushups, pullups, and bodyweight squat variations to design their workouts. Once you get strong enough, these movements will not give you the same results as they originally did.

So, you should always learn brand new bodyweight exercises and intensity techniques to challenge your body. I've learned many new bodyweight movements from Circular Strength Training. Circular Strength Training (CST) is a system of training designed by Coach ScottSonnon which focuses on variations in movement and direction.

CST bodyweight movements are actually derived from a variety of sources including dance, gymnastics, and yoga. This variety makes CST bodyweight exercises some of the most difficult and intense movements to conquer.

For more information on CST and unique bodyweight movements and workouts, check out my site, WorkoutWithoutWeights.Net

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Wednesday, August 14, 2013

What Is "Hot Yoga"?

Developed by the renowned Yogi, Bkram Choudhury, Hot Yoga, also known as Bikram's Yoga, and Fire Yoga, is a sequence of yoga postures performed in a heated room. The room is usually maintained at a temperature of 95-100 degrees. The purpose is to stimulate perspiration which helps eliminate toxins from the body. Because it is a warm environment, it allows the muscles to stretch more easily.

Practitioners of hot yoga believe the heat combined with the yoga has the following benefits:

- The heat increases the ability of the ligaments, tendons and muscles to stretch.

- Releases toxins from the body

- Reshapes the body

- Enhances and improves the body's flexibility and range of motion

- Promotes weight loss. The body burns fat more successfully

- Develops and improves muscle firmness

- Strengthens the immune system. The increased temperature in the room will help in improving T-cell function and the proper functioning of your immune system, thereby helping to fight off infection.

- Reduces symptoms of certain chronic conditions such as arthritis and circulatory dysfunction. It helps relax the joints so it great for helping to alleviate joint pain and back pain. Some natural health treatment centers are including it as part of their treatment for chronic liver diseases such as hepatitis C.

- Helps one feel rejuvenated and positive. Helps promote a sense of well being and a more serene mind

- Increased ability to focus

- Relieves tension and tightness in the neck and shoulder area which helps reduce headaches.

- Improves the digestion process as the result of an increased metabolism.

- Improved cardiovascular system

- Promotes better sleep

- Ensures a healthy and balanced functioning of the skeletal, muscular, circulatory, nervous, digestive, elimination, respiratory, endocrine, and mental systems of the body

When it comes to toxin elimination, the sweat converts toxins in fats to a water soluble element that is easily removed from the body. As well, the Yoga exercises enables you to work every muscle in the body allowing for muscle toning, boosts your metabolism, improves flexibility, reduces stress because you relax your mind, decreases the symptoms of such conditions as arthritis, and a multitude of other physical conditions. You will also develop proper breathing and meditation techniques.

To participate in Hot Yoga, you should dress lightly and have your own mat and towel. You should also drink plenty of water before you begin your session.

Many athletes have been ending their training sessions with a hot yoga session. It can help them adjust to increased temperatures, strengthen muscles for long periods of high activity such as long distance running, and it helps to speed up the healing of injured muscles.

The scientific and psychological test results have shown the healthy benefits of hot yoga when practiced on a regular basis. Practicing in a warm room will create a physically rejuvenating and mind relaxing feeling of contentment. Hot Yoga for one's mental, physical, and spiritual well being is a great way to obtain overall good health.

Extreme Fitness can provide you with a personal trainer Toronto that excites and motivates you during your training session.? With a focus on quality and results, be sure to check out Extreme Fitness if you're looking for gyms or Toronto fitness clubs.

Dr. Mikao Usui: An Interesting Person In Medicine

Born in Japan 1865, Dr. Mikao Usui was the founder of a natural system of healing called Reiki, involving life force energy and the laying of hands.

All his life, Dr. Usui searched for a channel of subtle energy that would allow a healer to give life force energy without his own depleting. As a Buddhist monk, he meditated on top of a mountain for 21 days. On the 21st day, a beam of energy shot through his crown chakra. He discovered the miraculous channel.

Reiki can be broken into two words—Rei and Ki. Rei means universal—omniscient or everywhere. Ki, like the Chi in Tai-Chi, refers to the subtle life force energy flowing through all living things, sustaining them, quite similar to oxygen but obviously less potent to the senses. Put the two together and we have, “Universal Life Force Energy.”

In 1923 the great Kanto earthquake struck Tokyo, killing over 140,000 people and injuring countless others. Guided by compassion, Dr. Usui traveled to Tokyo and opened a Reiki clinic where he treated thousands. The Japanese government presented Usui with the Kun San To award for his honorable work.

The doctor’s healing society, Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai—meaning “the Usui System of Reiki Healing”—still exists today in Japan. In fact, all over the world, including in the United States, people practice Reiki.


The International Center For Reiki Training ([])

Click Here To Read More By This Author []

Best Fitness Programs For Weight Gain For Women

The struggle to gain weight for the underweight or the ultra lean woman may be difficult since you may have an overactive metabolism or just really bad eating habits. Don't despair, amid thousands of weight loss programs and sources, there is something for the woman who just wants to put on healthy weight and muscle.

Gaining weight is all about putting on healthy fat and lean muscles combined. Exercise is key in gaining the figure that women desire. Like weight loss, weight gain takes work and women must commit at least 3-4 times a week for 30 minutes on a body building routine.

Of course, the best way to gain muscles is to weight lift. I emphasize how many women should not shy away from lifting weights because they feel it will have them bulking up like a man. This is simply NOT the case because women genetically do not have enough testosterone in our bodies to look like a man. Unless you are taking supplements, as some female body builders do, you won't look like that.

Building muscle means doing weight bearing exercises like squats, hamstring curls, bicep curls, and chest presses to name the very few. The great thing about weight bearing work outs is that you don't have to have an expensive gym membership to get access to their weight machines. In actuality, free weights are best because you are forced to use your own body strengthen in order to better perform the routine. Free weights help to better activate and strengthen underdeveloped muscles and can add pounds to your frame faster.

With anywhere between 3-8 lbs of hand weight, commit to doing weight bearing exercises at least two days out of the week. Make sure that you only work out for 30 minutes a day AND you let your body rest in between days so that your muscles can grow. On the last day, do core strength work outs like yoga and Pilate's to help strengthen under worked muscles. While light weight lifting gives your body its curves and shape, yoga and Pilate's will give you a sexy tone and glow.

Finally, find a fitness sport that you absolutely love because exercising should never be a forced sport. When you commit to something that you love, you are more likely to stick with it, letting it become a lifestyle instead of a fad. Biking, dancing, and swimming, are excellent ways to build beautiful muscles and shape while having fun.

For my weight gain tips see

Best Cardio Workouts For Your Home For Healthy Weight-Loss

Many of us don't have the luxury of a neighborhood gym to help us in our healthy weight loss programs. Many others don't have the time to go out, due to various reasons that could include the care of newborn, household responsibilities. etc. But, that is no reason that you can't exercise for weight loss in the comfort of your home, at your own convenience and will. This article talks about the five easy ways to burn those calories, all in the comfort of your four walls. So, get started with your healthy weight loss program from home.

1. Skipping Rope: All you need is a skipping rope and some good shoes. You can start with as little as you can manage, and then slowly take the number of jumps up. The second step would be to start jumping faster, i.e. more jumps within the same time frame. Make sure you skip in an area that doesn't give your downstairs neighbors reason for complaint.

2. Running in Spot/Treadmill: You can invest in a treadmill or just jog vigorously in one spot. While this is an easy cardio workout for healthy weight loss, it's always better to do it in the open. Jogging in one spot alone can be extremely boring and tire you out much faster than if you were outside in a park.

3. Stationary Bike: This will cost money, but is a great investment, similar to the treadmill, if you are alright with spending thirty minutes in one spot. Try turning on the television, or put on headphones to help you increase your workout time. Alternatively, if you have stairs in your home, try climbing them for healthy weight loss that doesn't cost you anything.

4. Ashtanga Yoga: Yoga, again, requires nothing except a floor mat and some peace and quiet. Depending on how intensive the moves are, it can be one of the most intensive cardio workouts you can get at home. It is also supposed to be extremely relaxing and de-stressing. Yoga gives the body greater flexibility and grace over a period of time. Morning is a good time to do yoga, though you can choose any time of the day when you are not going to be disturbed. Invite over a friend or ask your child to do yoga with you to make it fun and interesting.

5. Free Hand Exercises: There are hundreds of different moves that exercise different parts of your body for weight loss and fitness. To get started you can invest in a home workout DVD that you can play while you follow the moves. You can do these exercises before and after your more intensive workouts, since they also serve to warm you up or cool you down, as required. There are specific exercises that target specific problem areas, like your thighs or upper arms that you can spend more time on, depending on your requirements. The best part is that, once you learn these moves, you no longer are dependent upon any gym or instructor to help with your healthy weight loss goals.

For fast weight loss solutions visit our in-depth guide, for a more active lifestyle visit our blog.

Nervous System Training

When we talk about exercise we are usually thinking about three things: resistance training, stretching, and cardiovascular activity. There are hundreds of exercise programs, exercises and techniques within these three categories. These include lifting weights, yoga, running, isometrics, balance training, and so on. The majority of these techniques have been developed by experimentation through hundreds or even thousands (as in the case of yoga and tai chi) of years. A lot of these programs such as yoga and tai chi have developed huge followings because of their effectiveness and the philosophies behind them.

However, these days we are not getting a whole lot of real effective exercise programs developed by true fitness experts (these include physiotherapists, exercise physiologists, and physical therapists). These type of fitness experts have intimate knowledge of the body's anatomy and function. Most of the personal trainers in this country are not as well informed as you may think they are. So what do you do when a fitness expert (Marv Marinovich) and doctor (Edythe M. Heus) get together and develop an exercise program? You get ProBodX!!!

ProBodX stands for Proper Body Exercise. Marinovich and Heus have developed a program based on their knowledge of how the mind and body function together to create a whole. In other words, they utilize specific exercises that increase the ability of the nervous system to enhance muscular strength, coordination, balance, speed, agility, and flexibility (of both muscle and joint) in the entire body. Rather than tackling each body part separately as most exercise programs do, Marinovich and Heus take the body as a whole and searched for a way to develop it all at the same time.

With their knowledge of how muscles work and the necessity of the nervous system in conjunction with movement, they combined resistance training, stretching, balancing, and agility work. The only way to do this lies in their book ProBodX (Copyright 2003) and their respective websites. They take four factors that highly involve the nervous system. These factors are:

1. Instability

2. Multiple Planes

3. Reversing

4. Resistance

Instability - This means the body is continuously seeking balance. If you increase instability of the body, the nervous system must work harder to maintain balance. This increases the nervous system's ability to work the muscles faster.

Multiple Planes - The body moves in multiple planes in real life. These planes are usually termed sagittal, frontal, and transverse. Sagittal can be seen as movement of the body (whether the trunk, legs, arms, or neck) from front to back. Frontal movements are from side to side, and transverse is any rotating or twisting movement. When you workout or watch others in the gym notice that most work out in the sagittal plane. You will hardly see any transverse or frontal exercises incorporated in a customized program. ProBodX transforms this knowledge into a practical program of multiple plane/real life movements.

Reversing - All this means is that the faster you move, let's say, an arm from overhead to your waist the more energy you are storing up and using.

Resistance - Of course, we all know this means weight. In the case of ProBodX weights are usually small "hollow" weights with handles. They may range from 5 pounds to 35 pounds. The reason the weights are small are described in their book.

Taken together, these factors strengthen the nervous system and the musculoskeletal system faster than traditional programs. Not only that, ProBodX takes up less space, less equipment, less chances of injury, and increases power, strength, coordination, flexibility, agility, and confidence in being in one's body.

If anything, ProBodX seems to be the quintessential program for anyone looking to make progress almost immediately without being prone to injury, protecting the bones, and enhancing energy.

If you want to buy this book I suggest, or Edythe Heus' website at

Ben Wong is a personal trainer, alternative health writer, and part time lifestyle design coach.

The Benefits of a Kids Fitness Club

Many cities around the country have a kids fitness club where they can go for exercise. These clubs are beneficial for kids that have no exercise in their lives, or if they are having problems with their weight. There are so many benefits to having a child participate in a club of this type. The lack of fitness and exercise that they might be experiencing can result in an overweight child or even a child that has no energy at all. Besides proper exercise, a child needs a good diet, which can be just as hard to monitor.

Group Activities

The kids fitness club offers kids a chance to participate in group activities that are more to their liking. They can play soccer, volleyball, basketball, and other games. Although these games are a form of exercise, kids have fun and do not see it as exercise. Making kids think they are having fun is the easiest way to having healthy and fit children.

Training for Team Sports

The clubs offer performance training that kids need if they are going to try out for team sports. A child that has been sitting on the couch for years, and decides that he or she wants to participate in a team sport will have a problem. Their bodies are not conditioned to perform the moves needed to play. Their muscles need training and conditioning before jumping into the game. At a kids fitness club, they will receive all the training they need to condition the body and prepare it for the team sports program they choose.

Fitness Training

Fitness training is another benefit of the kids fitness club. Whether it is strength training or a cardio workout, kids need to have a fitness routine to stay healthy. There are even yoga classes for kids to participate in. Staying fit is not hard work, but it is something that must be done every day. Whether it is at a club or at home, kids need more to do that moves the body and gets the blood circulating.

First Things First

Kids that have little to know exercise or body movement should start out slow. Yes, kids are resilient, but even the healthiest child cannot start doing strenuous activities if the body is not used to it. The kids fitness club can be very useful for families with children who need to find alternatives to video games and television. However, jumping off the couch and running around a soccer field without any prior exercise or warm ups can result in some painful muscles and possible health problems.

The kids fitness club is a place for children to learn how to exercise, warm up before playing team sports, and for little ones that need some fun games to play with others. They will have a place to exercise and have fun doing it. The clubs also have a pre-school program, which means that you can start your kids out when they are young. This is the best time to start learning about fitness and staying active.

Written by Dave O'Sullivan Co-Creator of Team NutraFun. For more information visit them at []

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Mind Flips and Mental Exercises For Your PMP Training

Possibly more than any other time in your professional life, securing your PMP credentials can take its toll on your mental health. Your rigorous PMP training is a sign of things to come in regards to the 200-question, four-hour Professional Management Institute-administered PMP examination - you will be challenged both physically and mentally.

If you are of sound body, then it is also important to be of sound mind. Clich' as it is - a sound mind in a sound body plus thorough examination preparation makes for sound PMP examination results. Well, maybe a little bit of luck for good measure.

You Go for Yoga

If you want total body conditioning for your PMP training, then yoga is the best option. On the physical fitness side, you can strengthen your body with the yoga postures (asanas). You will be able to attain good body posture, promote blood flow throughout the body and increase your energy levels. Don't be fooled by the pretzel knots your body will be contorted in. You will be prepared for the grueling four-hour exam, which will be peanuts in comparison.

On the mental fitness side, you will be able to achieve calmness of spirit to help you go through your PMP training with discipline, focus and clarity of purpose. With its deep breathing techniques and relaxation methods, you can go into the examination room with a relaxed body and mind that allows you to answer the questions with a clear head.

Also, you will not be taking too much time away from your training and review when you do yoga. You can do it in less time than you can make love to your girlfriend, if that reassures you.

Visualize and Imagine

Remember the Buddhist principle that has become the New Age dictum? What you think, you shall become. On that thought, you should visualize and imagine your self breezing through the PMP training, entering the examination room calmly, answering the 200 questions confidently and successfully passing your PMP examination.

To do this, you have to put yourself in a relaxed state by sitting down comfortably in a quiet spot, taking deep diaphragmatic breaths, and emptying your mind by focusing on your breathing. When you are relaxed, you can start visualizing the things you desire regarding the PMP examination - your positive expectations, your success, and your goals. You should make it as detailed as possible; use your imagination to make a movie in your mind.

Ask Questions of Yourself, Find Answers Yourself

Your PMP training is about preparing yourself as thoroughly as possible; remember that thorough preparation creates its own luck. On this thought, you have to ask questions from your instructors, your classmates, and yourself to clarify muddy issues in your mind.

Though 75 percent of the PMP examinations are taken from the PMBOK, the other 25 percent can be discussed by your instructors. However, your instructors will not know of your concerns if you do not tell them! They are professional educators and project managers, not mind readers. This said, do not be shy, do not be afraid and do not hesitate to ask questions and to know the answers yourself.

Ultimately, your instructors at the PMP training program can only do so much to ensure your success. You have to take the initiative to control your mind and discipline your body to achieve the goals you desire for your career. You can start by doing mental flips now.

At, you will have the best PMP Exam Prep to help you pass your PMP Certification Exam. With their PMP Training program, you will be fully armed to conquer the PMP examination!

The Basics of Yoga Equipment Defined

Yoga is among the best exercise programs that you can do if you wish to improve your health as well as your fitness. It's a terrific way to sweat off those extra weights and live longer. Part of yoga is the equipment that you buy to be able to enhance your stretching. It's still possible to accomplish yoga even without acquiring equipment, but it's suggested if you wish to enhance your workout routines, and avoid injury.

Yoga Mats - When you exercise on a slippery area and you slide around a lot then getting yoga mats could possibly be very helpful. They provide the grip you need to keep from sliding as well as the grip to keep your balanced in the positions you do. Mats can be expensive depending on the kind, but a typical one will cost nearly $25.

Straps can help anybody in yoga, from beginners to experts. They help provide for extra length while stretching and provide you more range for the routines that you do. They provide that extra support and are inexpensive costing around $10-15, depending on the size. They are certainly recommended for the beginning yoga exerciser.

A bolster is a pillow-type support that will help to keep you from possible injuries for your neck, back, stomach, or knees. They will give you a far more secure exercise and help you to extend your stretching boundary. Though support and being comfortable are very essential, bolsters could be a tad expensive. Depending on the kind of bolster you get it'll cost you near $50.

Yoga Ropes - Yoga Ropes are also a very useful part of yoga equipment. They could alleviate lumbar pain and enable you to reinforce all of your major muscles. They also support backbends, forward bends, as well as any arm stretching. They give you a variety of different workout support and help you avoid injury. Yoga ropes could be pricey as well, but are recommended. They are sold in sets which range from $90-$200.

Grips - Using your hands in your exercises is essential. But making use of your hands can cause wrist, elbow, along with other kinds of arm injuries. Grips help provide you with support for your arms, and will help you not really strain any of your arm muscles. Advised for individuals who make use of their hands in most of their exercises, grips are not pricey with the assistance that you get. They will cost you approximately $40.

Yoga equipment will provide you with the added support you may want to have a comfortable exercise session. Although some of the equipment is a tad pricey, they'll help to keep you from injury. It is recommended that you buy the yoga equipment that fits the exercises that you perform. CDs and DVDs will also be highly recommended, to enable you to learn about all the different exercises that will help you to stay fit and enhance your health.

Yogafit has a lot of very informative advice in all aspects of yoga poses, training, and everything else. She also has a number of yoga teacher training meetups several times a year and is known yoga guru and mogul around the world.

Yoga in Practice - Solutions for Negativity

One method for releasing negative energy, from within, is to practice Yoga in classes. The person, who is negative, must want to change, and must stay in Yoga classes for this to work. Here's how participating in regular Yoga classes helps purge negative energy from the body, and mind, of anyone willing to go the distance.

The atmosphere of a Yoga studio, Yoga center, Ashram, or wellness center, is positive. Anyone who enters a Yoga class finds themselves immersed in optimism. Complete immersion in positive energy, and optimism, is hard to resist.

Some Yoga students often have histories of comebacks. These Yoga students have survived physical and mental hardships, when many people gave up on them. Without trying, the survivors in life become role models for all of us. Their will to survive is founded on a positive attitude.

On the other hand, a person who is a natural born pessimist may say, "That will never work." A negative person must see reality and have a sincere desire to better him or herself. It is true that none of us will change, unless we want to.

The motivation to change ourselves for the best must occur from within. Some people receive gifts of books, audio books, DVD's, and Yoga classes. The person, who sends these gifts, hopes the recipient will gain the benefits of all this positive energy.

It is easy to develop a "thick crust" and refuse help. To go off into a corner and refuse to change is quite natural for some of us. What can you do if a person has refused help? You can explain that negativity is the source of is his or her isolation, but an outright refusal is an indication that you have done all you can, for the moment.

© Copyright 2007 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of Yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA.

He has been a certified Master Yoga Teacher since 1995. To receive a Free Yoga e-Book: "Yoga in Practice," and a Free Yoga Newsletter, please visit:

30 Minute Power Workout

Ever notice how all you want to do is dive into the sofa when you come home from work? Has it ever happened that the kids rush out to you when you step in the driveway, and you had to promise to play ball with them some other time?

Despite how spent you feel, do you know that it could actually do you good? A thirty-minute workout is probably the only one you get the whole day, and it will help you tremendously.

Thirty minutes in moderate pacing has been known to not only be beneficial to your mental state, it also improves your appetite, as it gets the body working and burning. This simple task will not only get your body healthier, it will also help you sleep better at night.

So, what else does regular exercise do for you? It disciplines you to have a positive outlook in life. A good amount of exercise will alleviate your mood and get you far away from depression. If you have not had exercise within a long period of time, it is suggested that you start slow and just do about two or three days in a week with a fifteen-minute workout for each day. You can gradually build up on this the moment your body gets accustomed to the exercise routine.

Never try to push your body immediately. This will not prove to be beneficial in the long run and you might even end up stopping the whole thing altogether. If this does happen, then take a few days off and then begin again with a slow pace of exercise until you build up.

Here are a few exercises to get you started:

1. Try walking. A walk around the neighborhood will give you a change of scenery and will not get you bored. If you feel lonely, maybe you can bring your dog along or a family member to keep you company. This simple exercise is enough to get your system flowing without stressing yourself out much.

2. Yoga does wonders. This form of exercise may not seem that lively to watch but it keeps your body fit as well as your mind. Performed the right way, a short five-minute workout can do the body wonders. This form of exercise is an age old proven therapeutic solution to relieve stress and keep the body in a healthy state.

3. Do some household chores. Despite what you think, household chores do make you sweat and exert energy. So, why not make it into a daily form of exercise? It will do your body and your house a lot of good.

For more great information on exercise and nutrition, check out this Bodybuilding Blog [].

Also while you're at it, come visit and join one of the best Bodybuilding Forums around!

Yoga and Sciatica

In the quest to help alleviate back pain in my patients, I have been looking a lot more online about certain conditions. Lately, I have been focusing on sciatica.

If you are not already aware, sciatica is when something adversely affects the sciatic nerve. It is not actually a specific condition but a symptom of another injury. The pain shoots down the buttock and the back of the legs. Standing or sitting for too long can exacerbate the condition as well.

My first recommendation is to visit a licensed chiropractor in your area to get examined. Many times traditional Western medicine providers overlook the real root of the problem. We offer free initial consultations, however not every practice does.

Chiropractic can help alleviate the pain, but staying in shape, stretching and exercise will do wonders to keep things in line. Yoga is a fantastic way to do all of the above.

Here are the three basic poses that will help your sciatic nerve pain:

Downward Dog - One of the best known and popular poses, this one starts with you bending over at the waist. Lean forward and place your palms flat on the floor. You want to try to achieve an inverted V shape. Keep your feet and palms as flat as possible for 2 minutes. Look in at your belly to avoid neck strain. If you can't do 2 minutes, go as long as is comfortable. Remember not to force it.
Butterfly - sitting down, bring the bottoms of your feet together and in toward your pelvic area. Your knees should be outward. You will feel the stretch in your pelvic area.
Forward Bend - stand straight up as tall as you can with your legs shoulder width apart. Bend/lean forward at the waist keeping your back as flat as possible. Stay in that position as long as is comfortable.

If you are having trouble at first, it's ok. Look up a local yoga studio if you find it helpful. They are used to training new students and you can get in a class with people of like experience.

Remember, don't force it. Enjoy the stretch.

Is Your Best Friend Better Than a Personal Trainer?

One of the most obvious reasons why you might want to just workout with your best friend is simply because they won't charge you $60 an hour to workout with them. This gives you the financial freedom to workout with your best friend nearly every day of the week. If you're personal trainer charges you even $50/ hour you are still looking at $200 bucks a month for just one session a week. When working out with a friend you can gain far more one-on-one time for little to no extra cost.

Another reason to work with a friend is because your best friend might be better at motivating you to show up for a workout. If you miss a session with a trainer you simply risk losing the cost of the session and maybe a bit of a lecture and that's it. However when you drop the ball on a friend you risk hearing about it and bearing the guilt every time you see them for the next week or so. Better yet, you can make a deal with your friend that if one of you misses a session then that person has to buy a tank of gas or incur some other penalty only friends could enforce.

Another reason to workout with a buddy is because it can take time for a trainer to get to know you and know how hard to push you. When you work out with a friend you have a partner who knows you very well and has a much more intimate interest in your success. This can bring about a fitness relationship that is more in touch with what is best for you both.

Of course a personal trainer might have vastly more knowledge about fitness and nutrition than you or your friend but this too can be remedied. The two of you can split the financial and time costs for learning through videos, courses or books that can enhance both or your knowledge and results. This way you both learn at half price and still gain just as much benefit.

You might also want to each tackle a different subject and then come together and compare notes. So you might learn about how to use free weights and your buddy can learn some basic yoga poses. In this way you can learn twice as much, for half the cost in half the time.

The final reason why working out with a friend instead of a trainer might be better is the lack of intimidation or fear to be you. Most people will tend to hold back private information about how they are feeling in an effort to put on a face to their trainer but that might not be the case with their friend. You can unload your feelings about an exercise, how you are feeling, and all sorts of other things that can affect your fitness, much more easily with a friend than with a trainer.

I'm also a big fan of workouts that take little time and less energy and yet provide huge results. As a free service I send out these workouts weekly through The Fit Rebel Free Press.

To get started simply sign up for free at and also receive the free e-course; about working out half as much and gaining twice the benefits!

Be fit and live free,

Matt Schifferle

Monday, August 12, 2013

Yoga Teachers And The Yoga Alliance

Registering with the Yoga Alliance has many advantages for the yoga professional and offers more credibility to those who teach yoga. Their global registry acknowledges your training and knowledge and your ability as a yoga teacher. Being a member will also help when applying for a job, as being a member of the Yoga Alliance instills confidence and respect in your students. As a member of the Alliance, you will have achieved certain recognized standards, and those students who know of the Alliance respect its work and will seek out members as teachers. By using their designated registry marks - RYT or E-RYT after your name on business correspondence, business cards and advertising, your membership will be instantly recognizable.

The Alliance offers many networking opportunities, as the founders realize that in order to spread the word about the benefits of yoga, their members need to be able to communicate with others on a business level. The Yoga Alliance is very aware that those who run their own studios or those who are independent yoga teachers can become cut off from the main stream. Through their networking opportunities, yoga professionals can learn about opportunities for further education and interact with others on a professional level.

As many aspects of yoga are acknowledged by some in the medical community to help with weight loss, stress, high blood pressure and other medical conditions, having the designated registry mark RYT or E-RYT after your name, means you are more likely to be recommended by another health professional.

If you have a website you use for advertising purposes, those searching for a yoga teacher or studio in their area will also be more attracted to those with bona fide qualifications. By offering a link through to the Yoga Alliance website, the searcher will be given an in depth look at what the Alliance sets out to do, and be given salient information about the many benefits of practicing yoga themselves. It is a good selling point for those who have an established business and for those wishing to build clientele for a new yoga studio.

Registration fees with the Yoga Alliance are low, compared to the many benefits they offer. Schools that offer yoga teacher training can apply under a number of different programs within the Yoga Alliance, as long as a number of criteria are met by the school. The Alliance offers four basic programs: Children's yoga, pre-natal yoga which is becoming a very popular choice for new mothers, plus either 200-hour or 500-hour certification and can take up to 90 days once the application is received.

A small annual fee is required to maintain registration with the Yoga Alliance and a convenient application form to join is available on the Yoga Alliance website.

Find out more about how to Become A Yoga Instructor and the average Yoga Salary or teachers as well as the benefits of yoga.

Riding, Running and Rebounding For Health & Fitness

What do horseback riding, cycling and running all have in common? Simple! They all require a strong, lifted core to execute and maximize the exercise. That means that rely on the use of the abdominal center, erectors of the back and spine, tuck of the butt and lift of the lower back to maneuver and they also require/benefit from open, lifted and proud shoulders.

It also should come as no surprise that the cross-training benefits of yoga and pilates, in building core strength, re-aligning musculature and developing mind-body connections are transferable to these exercise disciplines. What might surprise and delight is the use of a rebound exercise tool, the Kangoo Jumps, as a recommended resource for the devotee of riding, cycling and running to maximize cardiovascular training and effectiveness.

A young woman wrote to me recently, looking for a way and a recommendation as to how she could put less stress on her body (knees, joints, ankles, hips) while gaining aerobic and cardiovascular conditioning. A lover of Pilates and equestrian sports judge by profession, she wanted a way to maximize her fitness programming, increase her cardiovascular fitness training while preventing injury to her body. She didn't want to run anymore because of the stress and strain it caused to her knees. I knew her connectedness to nature, the outdoors and the feeling of control thru movement was tantamount to finding success for her training. While I don't ride horses, I do understood the desire to avoid the body breakdown caused by of running. Torn, as she was, as I find it to have the closest connection one can duplicate to the experience of riding in the open, free space and having a connected feeling to the elements.

I understood the need to avoid the body breakdown as it was my personal pursuit a few month earlier. As an exceptionally active person, the older I got, the more pounding, I experienced on my knees, heels and hip joints and less and less I enjoyed running 3 miles, 2x week to keep my weight in check. As a result, last spring, I bought a pair of Kangoo Jumps and totally eliminated the pain (and recovery) in each and everyone one of my workouts. For that reason, I recommended the same option to her.

The shoes are based on rebound exercise and are a low impact rebound sport shoe designed to provide a safe platform for jogging and other exercises that are hard on the joints. The boots use a lightweight spring to absorb the shocks due to impact on the ground and create a rebound effect that reduces shock impact on ankles, knees, hips and lower back. They are Swiss designed for joggers, however, they also provide benefits for athletic strengthening and conditioning, rehabilitation and injury prevention and group aerobics. The unique "floating above the ground" sensation created by Kangoo Jumps has to be experienced to be understood.

Core balance and control are two other variables (and benefits) of using the shoes for training.

Quality vs Quantity Kangoo Jumps deliver the benefit of 50-minutes exercise in only 20 minutes and the injury prevention potential has already caught the attention of several elite football teams. The boots can be used indoors or outdoors on paved roads, dirt paths and grass as well as at the beach or on snow. N.A.S.A. has found rebound exercise to be the best form of exercise for astronauts because it restores bone and muscle mass lost during time spent in outer space. Consequently Kangoo Jumps are recommended for people suffering osteoporosis, with the "slow-motion" steps and exercises of Kangoo Aerobics make it suitable for middle aged and senior people.

Other Cardiovascular Options

The other option I recommended, and one I personally use during the warm weather months, to avoid joint pain, is a road bike. A road bike and a trail can make a world of difference in clearing your head while building cardiovascular strength. Climbing hills with a bike will give anyone keen cardiovascular training.

As a Pilates and equestrian sports devotee, my friend already understood the reliance on core strength and easily made the connection that these two disciplines were good cross-training modalities to support the prevention and overuse of muscle and back pain; typical injuries and imbalances caused by cycling.

Gina Jackson, MBA, CPT, holds Advanced PFT recognition as a member of the International Association of Fitness Professionals (IDEA); maintains affiliate membership in the National Federation of Professional Trainers (NFPT) and is certified as a Power Pilates Teacher and a proud Business Member of the Pilates Method Alliance.

Gina made a conscious career and lifestyle change to fitness in 2000 and assists clients in lifestyle fitness training programs using her knowledge and experience with strength and resistance as well as classical Pilates training. She operates a Private Pilates Studio in New Jersey and provides provide fitness resources, tips, articles and MP3 downloads designed to assist many in Pilates-focused training at and

Please Note: You are granted permission to republish this article on your site only with maintenance of the credits, links and author's bio intact.

Teaching Hatha Yoga - Reaching Happiness and Good Health From Within

When training Yoga teachers about the specific needs of students, there are many discussions, which occur. One point to become aware of is the reason why a given student continues to come to your classes.

When a student walks into class for the first time, there is a logical reason for it. It may be stress, excess weight, depression, or perhaps, their physician told them to go to a Yoga class; but there is always a need that is the driving force, behind the action, which causes their arrival.

Beyond this, there is also a common thread which all people desire. Everyone wants happiness. Most people look outside their mind and body for happiness, joy, and contentment.

Maybe a new car, a shallow relationship, or the latest high technology gadget, will buy some temporary gratification. We know that money can buy many things, and it can buy temporary happiness. Yet, this is much like drug abuse, as it requires more money to be temporarily happy, and the effects do not last as long after each acquisition.

True happiness comes from peace of mind and the gratification which real friendships can give. Gratification can come from many directions. Helping people who really need your assistance (Karma Yoga) is very rewarding.

The drive to give to others, or to volunteer your services, has to come from within for happiness to be the end result. For example: If I do my neighbor's landscaping, when he or she is ill - gratification occurs, because I want to do it.

On the other hand, if my neighbor shames me into doing his or her landscaping, because of his or her bad health, and I really do not want to, there is no gratification and no happiness. In fact, maybe the second scenario could become a weekly trap of obligation. One might say it is a form of Karma Yoga (selfless service), but there is no joy in it.

In life, there are many obligations, but we have to accept them as they are, and make the most of it. However, the quest for happiness will take place when we purposely make it our objective. Seeing the value of your own intelligence, your family, your friends, and appreciating your good health, will bring you true happiness.

Many of us have the ability to choose to be happy. It is as simple as continually saying, "I am happy." If you say this to yourself often enough, and smile, it is contagious. Happiness starts within you, improves your health, and makes you strong enough to help others. In turn, you are changing the world for the best, one relationship at a time.

It does not matter what form of Yoga you teach, because all forms of Yoga were designed to end suffering, and bring bliss to each practitioner.

© Copyright 2008 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of Yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. He has been a certified Master Yoga Teacher since 1995. To receive a Free Yoga e-Book: "Yoga in Practice," and a Free Yoga Newsletter, please visit:

Bodhi Tree Pose - Integrating Yoga & Strength Training

Why begin with a Yoga Asana (pose)?

Fitness Foundry strongly believes that we first learn the movement or form of the exercise without adding resistance or speed. This creates a solid understanding of the form, execution of the exercise and develops mind body connection. The goal is to achieve neuromuscular activation and increase motor-unit firing for our de-conditioned muscles.

The original yoga tree pose posture is designed to isometrically condition our muscles, strengthen the joints and most importantly align the body. The tree posture also introduces single leg balance and stability that also helps correct muscles imbalance. ( synergistic and dominant muscles) Added benefits of regularly doing this exercise are increased flexibility and strength in your ankles, knees and hips.

While performing this exercise/pose you will also promote blood circulation to all the organs, glands and tissues, providing all bodily systems with oxygenated blood. Maximum Boost Workouts wants to maximize your body potential by harmonizing all systems of the body. The progression from this exercise is the BodhiTree Pose.

Set up with original Yoga Tree Pose and do the following. (for original Yoga Pose-visit my site)

Bodhi Tree Pose with Medicine Ball Press

Frequency: 3 Sets, Repetitions 8

Intensity: Hold position without losing form. 1 Kg ball

Timed: Pause for 2 seconds when ball is extended . Inhale on return.

Progress to Bodhi Twisted Tree.



Hold medicine ball at chest height with elbows tuck by your sides. Inhale; shift the your weight onto your left foot... Exhale bend the right knee, simultaneously rotate the knee to your right side while gently placing the sole of your right foot as high as possible into the left inner thigh, with toes pointing down. Continue to move your right knee to the right side while contracting your buttocks muscles in and keeping your tailbone tuck forward.

Stabilize the position and with your next inhale slowly press the ball forward. Ball is to remain at chest height and both arms should be same level. Slowly stretch your arms out in front of your chest Pluck the back and lift the chest and look straight ahead. Return back to starting position with the ball in front of the heart. Repeat this on the other side.

Draw in in your navel . Focus on form.


Relax from the position , slowly exhale and lower raised ball to waist height. Next return raised foot to the floor.

Do not press until you can hold the pose comfortably for about 30 seconds on each side.

Trainer's Tips:

If you are unable to raise the left foot high inside the right thigh, rest it lower

on the right leg -- be mindful to not place the left foot directly on the right

knee. Be aware that the tailbone has a tendency to posterior tilt. To prevent

this from happening, draw in the navel back and up. This will create a neutral

spine. For better alignment, focus and visually connect the feet, tailbone,

top of the head and hands.

Correct form and total body alignment requires concentration not strength. Resulting in a deepening of our mind body connection. Lastly, moving with a slow tempo requires even more control, focus and breathing. This will lead to neuromuscular activation muscle memory, injury prevention and self-efficacy.

Julio A. Salado, AFAA & NASM C.P.T

Fitness Foundry designed for healthy living.?
Certified Personal Trainer
Assess, Initiate, Motivate

How to Become a Yoga Teacher - From Dream State to Reality

Is it really possible to become a Yoga instructor or anything we desire? Many ideas run through our minds. Even when we sleep, our minds are dreaming and processing random thoughts. Most of our thoughts could be classified as a "dream state." This includes waking thoughts that come and go.

Most of us take this random dreaming lightly and we rarely act upon any of our thoughts. For a rare few, these thoughts become "fuel" for action. To navigate through one's imagination can be very difficult. We have dreams, but we also have deep rooted fear of the unknown, anxiety, stress, and anger.

During sleep periods, there are no guarantees as to whether dreams will be good, bad, or make any sense. If you keep a log of your dreams for a month, you will notice your mind mixes time, location, and theme, with no rhyme or reason.

Unfortunately, some of us suffer from this thinking during our waking hours, as well. In Yogic and Eastern philosophy, the mind is often compared to a monkey. Some of us may feel a constant background of mind chatter. These random thoughts are the creations of an undisciplined mind.

Yoga is one of the few disciplines, which can train the mind to become your greatest asset. The sorting of dreams, fears, and anger can be replaced by focused thought. The fact is: Some of your dreams are worth acting upon and some of your dreams should be discarded.

Not everyone wants to become a Zen master or a Yoga teacher, but everyone wants to maintain control of their mind. Losing control of the mind is also another great fear. Yet, many people let the mind run on autopilot. They wake, eat, drive cars, and work without much creative thought.

Some employers would prefer that employees keep their creative thoughts to themselves. This forces the innovative thoughts, within the minds of whole work forces, into dormancy. The familiar mantra within many companies is "Do your thinking on your own time."

The problem is what to do when you see a reasonable solution to a problem, but your help is not wanted. The answer is to focus your creative energy, where it can help others or be appreciated. This requires each of us to take action when it makes sense to do so.

To ignore a realistic opportunity, that can only have good results, is a waste. Whether you want to teach Yoga classes, or study toward something else, do not waste time ignoring opportunities.

© Copyright 2009 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of Yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. He has been a certified Master Yoga Teacher since 1995. To receive Free Yoga videos, Podcasts, e-Books, reports, and articles about Yoga, please visit: