Saturday, April 12, 2014

Easing Stress Naturally - Practice Yoga

One of the many ways to ease stress naturally is by practicing yoga. This tradition traces its origins from India dating back to approximately 6 to 7 thousand years ago. The earliest written accounts pertaining to yoga can be found in the Rig Veda which is believed to be written between 1500 and 1200 BC.

What is Yoga?

The word "yoga" was derived from the Sanskrit word "yuj" meaning "to join" or "unite". It is commonly defined as a vibrant chain of ancient spiritual practices designed to bring yoga practitioners into a state of wholeness and completeness.

The ultimate goal of yoga is to attain freedom from worldly sufferings and serves a means of achieving enlightenment, whereby one transcends conscious thoughts and experiences spiritual bliss. It calls for the mastery over the body, mind, emotions and the ability to rise above worldly desires. Practicing yoga is known to result in the gradual awareness of the true meaning of reality.

In the ancient world, yoga evolved as a way of cultivating spiritual awareness, compassion and insight. It has been taken to represent the union of the soul and the body.

One of the many branches of yoga that penetrated the modern world is Hatha Yoga. This consists of concentration techniques, breathing exercises, specific dietary restrictions and the "asanas", or the stationary or moving poses used to create a balance in the different systems of the body. Among the systems benefited by the asanas are the digestive, the endocrine and the nervous systems.

This series of poses or postures exert their beneficial effects by slowing down mental activities and gently stretching the bodies and massaging the internal organs. The vibrant serenity resulting from the practice is relaxing and rejuvenating at the same time. It elevates us from the daily stressors that plague our lives. Regular daily practice of yoga increases our resistance to stress and strengthens our relaxation responses.

What are the Benefits of Performing Yoga?

Practicing the basic yoga postures can bring about a number of physical and mental health benefits.

At the physical level, yoga provides the avenue to improve flexibility and muscle joint mobility, strengthens and tones the muscles and provides relief from back pains. It is also proven to increase stamina and vitality and is known to produce improved brain functions. Yoga may also fortify the immune system and improve the circulatory and digestive functions. It also helps decrease the cholesterol and blood sugar levels of an individual.

On the mental level, yoga increases body awareness, provides relaxation for the mind and body and relieves muscle strains brought about by everyday stress. It may also relieve chronic stress patterns in the body, sharpen concentration and attention and "free the spirit".

Even though yoga brings about a ton of benefits, it is advisable that you practice moderation as a beginner. Stretching out too far will not bring added benefits. Stop whenever you are not comfortable with a certain pose or feels unnecessary pain.

To get the most out of your training, it is recommended that you seek the guidance of a credible authority before embarking on a yoga routine. Or you may elect to avail of the various instructional materials available online.

Michael Russell Your Independent guide to Stress

Exercise Routines For Stressed Professionals

With the increased rate of heart attacks among stressed professionals, it has now been highlighted that a successful career is not just a matter of money but should be about health and fitness as well. Many professionals do not pay sufficient time or attention to weight management and fitness as they focus more on progressing within their career. However, poor health can quickly end a career and prevent a stressed professional from enjoying the fruits of their success.

Stressed professionals need simple yet effective exercise routines which will not hamper their daily schedule yet be a sufficient distraction to provide a mental break from the workplace. While all exercise is beneficial, cardiovascular exercise routines would be of the greatest value as it improves health while assisting with mental acuity and emotional well-being. A few minutes a day can make the difference between an early heart attack or a long and productive career and life. These values have been stressed by many large corporations throughout the world who have either installed exercise facilities within the company premises or encouraged physical activities among work colleagues. For a personal fitness plan, a professional needs to commit to just 20 minutes a day to benefit from a simple exercise routine.

Some effective options to improve fitness and assist with de-stressing is a daily yoga routine. Requiring just a few minutes a day, yoga can be practiced at home or within the office and the combination of deep breathing, muscle stretching and postures have been proven to be beneficial in positively contributing towards your health and fitness levels. Other simple exercise options do not require any specialized techniques or practices and can involve an array of general high school fitness techniques. A combination of push-ups, sit-ups, jogging-on-the-spot, and skipping can be a quick and easy routine for stressed professionals. Technology has now reached a point where fun and fitness can be brought into our living room and confined spaces. The Nintendo Wii with its Fitness package is a fun and controlled manner for daily exercise with carefully planned and co-ordinated activities to exercise your entire body and monitor your fitness levels.

The importance of any fitness plan, whether it is at the gym or a simple routine in your home or office is to ensure consistency. Research has shown that attempting to exercise less than three times a week can often be detrimental to your health by straining the heart muscle. Furthermore an exercise routine should last at least 20 minutes to be of cardiovascular benefit and be effective enough to contribute towards your weight loss goals. Another important factor in fitness is eating healthy and correctly for your body's needs as many stressed professionals opt for fast foods due to the lack of time in their work day.

Adopting a simple yet effective exercise routine will immediately bring benefits to both your social life and career with an improved sense of general well-being and mental clarity. Stressed professionals need to address their stress levels as stress triggers hormone responses in the body that can contribute to the onset of diabetes, heart attacks and strokes.

Watch this for more articles : For a weekend workout session, to lose weight and boost vitality only through workouts on weekends, check out this weight training program Weight training program

Diving to Heal

Healing is getting to a state of wholeness and deep understanding with yourself, your relationships and your environment. Healing always includes elements of body, mind and spirit. Our bodies are made up primarily of water. The planet is mostly water and most of that is sea water. In his books about the miraculous intelligence of water, Dr.Masuru Emoto describes how water changes it's crystallized form depending on how it is sent thought, sound and speech energy. All our thoughts are energy and if we and our planet are water then our form is changed dramatically by how we speak, think and interact with ourselves, our fellow men and our planet.

Scuba diving is one of the most direct methods of interacting with water and feeling yourself to be a water based life form. Breathing underwater has fascinated humans for centuries and exploring the oceans is as amazing as exploring outer space and has generated much recent interest in documentary films and popular culture. The scuba diving recreational industry has exploded in the past decade encouraging many of us to personally look beneath the surface of our watery planet.

Scuba diving as a sport has the potential to show people how beautiful and important our oceans, coral reefs and aquatic environment are. However, as with much of the popularization of any activity, money and it's pursuit dominates the scuba diving training and dive centers around the world and generally removes the element of healing from scuba diving. The domination of commerce in diving as with all human endeavors turns a potentially healing activity for people and a way to further understanding of our planet to an activity of mass consumption and destruction of the very magnificent we are so eager to see and experience.

After 15 years of diving in the Red Sea and more than 10 years of teaching Scuba diving full time I am looking for ways to encourage the industry to innovate and look to the future of diving and our blue planet. I ask myself daily, how can I get people in the dive industry to understand that the way they are diving is destructive to the reef ecosystem? I ask how can I create alternatives in this industry or should I abandon it altogether?

Five years ago I started experimenting with combining yoga breathing and meditation techniques with diving in order to enhance this healing effect of the sea and to teach people to diving in a more eco friendly and respectful way. This course which I called "yoga diving" for lack of a better term, has slowly gained some attention from dive magazines and the like. I haven't however been able as yet to find a way "in" to the dive industry itself and encourage significant notice and hopefully change. I liken the change I would encourage to how the health food/organic foods industry has changed a lot of the food and farming industry in recent years. Educated people nowadays generally think about issues like pesticides in food, how commercial farming damages the environment, chemicals in food etc. As our planet is much more water than earth and as the purity of water is tantamount to our health and survival I am thinking of ways to promote holistic, ecologically sound consciousness in diving in a similar way to how organic farming encourages the same with the earth.

Diving has always been a meditation for me and most experienced divers will say the same. Floating weightless in the sea, seeing fish and corals up close and intimately, the slow, rhythmic manner of breathing in scuba, all these bring a sense of stillness and peace to the diver. However the way diving is mostly conducted by the tourist industry, that sense of peace and harmony with our aquatic world is usurped by hurried, group oriented, money based superficial dive training to get as many divers on the reef as quickly as possible. The safety of the divers and more importantly the impact these poorly trained divers on the delicate reefs is backseated to "factory diving" and mass marketing. Like fast food and most of commericialized culture, profit motivates the dive centers, ironically often run by ex divers who used to connect to the serenity of the dive experience described above.

How can the dive industry make changes to encourage understanding and healing of ourselves and our blue planet? As with all healing, health of body, mind and spirit must be considered in the quest for balance. Moderation, sound ecological development obviously are global concerns as the dive industry is embedded in the grander scale of "tourism" the two are inextricably linked and healing thus more complex than changing just the way we dive.

Nevertheless those of us who dive either professionally or as a hobby can make easy, sensible changes right now. Dive centers can make their groups smaller with greater supervision by experienced dive professionals. Large groups of holiday divers on a reef are like platoons of bulldozers over a beautiful flower garden. These potentially devastating groups of divers destroy the reefs very often irreparably. Longer, more thoughtful training aimed at teaching divers proper skills and buoyancy in smaller groups (3 divers to a pro ideally for example) would enable divers to dive safer for themselves and for the reef. In my course we start our diving day with gentle yoga and meditation to enhance the ability to learn and to open up to the intelligence of the sea. In contrast most dive centers emphasize goal oriented, ego based dive attics underwater. Most of the divers who join my course do so because of dissatisfaction with the way the dive centers are run. Alternatives to factory diving and to the energy of fear and exploitation of nature (always wanting more and fear of not making enough money) are few and far between in diving although there are individuals who love nature and the sea and are genuinely concerned. These rare individuals in the dive industry don't however, have venues to promote their love of the sea. Dive centers are out for profit first and their short term goals are again, ironically, destroying the basis for their "industry" namely, the beauty of nature.

The healing power of the sea is unlimited. The healing power within each of us is unlimited. We don't need to follow "industry" as if it's the only option. Professional divers who love the reefs and would like to use diving to heal let's wake up, think globally and act locally in your own dive center! Recreational divers, question practices of your dive center, take responsibility for your training and feel the unique, privileged space your are in to experience the healing of our seas.

Monica Farrell has been teaching scuba diving for more than 10 years. She is a qualified yoga teacher and has travelled to countries including India, Egypt, Thailand, Indonesia, Spain and the USA teaching yoga and diving. She has a Master's degree in Comparative Literature from UCLA.

A Pilates DVD To Keep You In Shape

Pilates is all the rage in just about every gym and health club across the USA and the world. It is an excellent method of exercising that helps you get into shape without making you sore. Whoever came up with the slogan 'no pain no gain' obviously wasn't thinking of Pilates when they said it!

Pilates exercise was named after Joseph Pilates. During the early 1900s he was a boxer, living in England. During WWI, Pilates a German prisoner of war and he came up with his exercise system based on yoga, Zen philosophy, and many exercises he had found in Roman and Greek history. His method become a whole body approach to health and benefited many of his fellow prisoners of war improving their health and chance of survival.

The modern version of the Pilates prison camp workout is a series of exercises that improve the strength and flexibility of your body through a series of coordinated stretching and balancing exercises.

The Pilates Method can improve the following areas or conditions of your body:

Injury Prevention & Recovery

Improved Alignment

Enhanced Breathing & Circulation

Increased Strength, Flexibility & Balance

Improved Muscle Tone, Energy & Mental Concentration.

Pilates is recommended by chiropractors the help strengthen the back and spine. After using the Pilates system consistently for several weeks a person will notice increased mobility in the joints, improved circulation, a flatter stomach, and a thinner waist and thighs. Pilates can also help strengthen the body from the inside out by focusing on the whole body and whole body movements which help blood flow to almost all of your organs which in turn helps to relieve stress and anxiety.

Perhaps the best part of Pilates is the fact that it can be done from the privacy of your own living room. That's right, with the quality of Pilates DVDs you can pop a disc into your player, move the coffee table out of the way and you are exercising before you know it.

Going to the gym is great but many people feel self conscious and people look over at them and watch them exercise. This is especially true of people who are shy or perhaps a little overweight or maybe a lot overweight to the point where they don't want to go out of their home.

With a Pilates DVD, you don't have to go out of your home which makes it much easier for people to work out. Sometimes people who want to work out don't live close to the gym or it takes 15 to 20 minutes to get there. Before you know it you have spent an hour commuting back and forth to the gym and who has that kind of time?

Because Pilates is such a low impact routine, it is very attractive to those recovering from an injury, the eldery, and the overweight. By increasing circulation Pilates helps to reduce weight gradually.

The benefits of Pilates are many and the best part is it can be done right in the privacy of your own home with a high quality Pilates DVD.

If you are looking to get started in pilates and want simple easy to follow guidence, take a look at my new online training program so you too can enjoy the amazing benefits that pilates brings.

More articles about pilates dvd can be found at If you are looking to get started in pilates and want simple easy to follow guidance, take a look at my new online training program so you too can enjoy the amazing benefits that pilates brings.

Yoga and Pilates: Probably the Finest Way to Tone That Body (The Best Results for Littlest Effort)

Life is not always easy. Maintaining a lifestyle, work, social obligations and family issues can create pressure in the day-to-day routine of living. Stress reduction is a common desire of many people. Yoga and pilates are two very popular ways of coping with stress. Learning effective ways of coping with stress can enable a better quality of life.

Yoga and pilates is offered in many places and can be found in most communities. With a little effort, classes can be found to meet demanding schedules. Classes can be individual settings or in groups. The availability of classes is increasing in most communities as yoga and pilates become more popular and mainstream. Some locations to find classes are:

Community Center
Church Locations
Fitness Center
Holistic Center

When searching for a location it is important to be objective and flexible in what you are looking for. Class times can vary and usually be matched to any busy schedule. Sometimes schedules change monthly or each quarter so it is good to always be looking for a class time that works for your schedule.

The difference between yoga and pilates can be minimal, and can depend on the instructor teaching the class. As a general rule, pilates is more about gentle stretching and toning the body in a relaxed and non invasive manner, while yoga combines gentle stretching, breathing techniques and mediation. Both tend to be a kind to the body but still provide a good work out.

Pilates can be performed with movements using only the body or machines can be combined with the process. There is a machine called a reformer that allows pulley movements to assist with stretching and exercise and a Cadillac machine which enables the movements to be performed in conjunction with a spotter to concentrate on finite muscle training.

Mat pilates is done on a yoga mat and concentrates on using the body as the primary focus of exercise. At times, weights or props can be used to facilitate a particular movement. Group pilates classes are popular and are great for stress reduction.

Yoga is a combination of stretching while concentrating on specific parts of the body. Learning to direct the breath is a part of a successful practice. The mind is also trained to relax and facilitate relaxation and meditation. Yoga is extremely useful for reducing stress and gaining balance and flexibility. Individuals enjoying the practice of yoga find that their routine can be fine tuned to meet their individual needs as opposed to being in competition with others.

Taking the time to exert the effort to find a pilates or yoga class can greatly improve health and general well being. A busy life can often become more balanced when exercise and mediation are incorporated into a lifestyle. People find that the mind, body and spirit can work in harmony and make the natural quality of life better. Learning to manage stress and combine exercise with mediation is embraced by most health care professionals. You will soon discover that you do have the time to enjoy the perfect life.

Anna Wehr is an alternative fitness fanatic, who will extol the benefits of meditation to anyone who will listen. Go to to find out more about alternative fitness practices.

Get More Power To Your Golf Swing With Flexibility Training: Active Isolated Stretching

If you are interested in getting more power to your golf swing then you have to make flexibility training part of your golf fitness program. The greatest tool to hitting the ball with more power is Active Isolated Stretching, the optimal form of athletic stretching. Increased flexibility gives the golfer increased range of motion, and increased rotation will lead to a more powerful drive. Greater rotation involves lengthening muscles in the entire body, particularly the back, neck, and shoulders. Other forms of stretching are available, but those systems are outdated and less efficient. Active Isolated Stretching is a distinct form of stretching that has been modified to produce the best results in muscle lengthening.

Acquiring more power to one's golf swing is attainable if the golfer gains flexibility. The official equation to attain a more powerful golf swing is:

flexibility times speed divided by time = power

By increasing flexibility, the golfer is able to generate more speed thru the golf swing because the range of motion has increased. Flexibility gives the golfer greater rotation (area) to generate more club speed.

A golfer needs full body benefits from stretching. A trained therapist helps the golfer to lengthen muscles in the upper arms, the neck, and the back. Proper swing technique involves the rotator cuff (inside the shoulder) being flexible for proper set-up and follow through swing technique. Neck and upper back flexibility allows the golfer to keep the head still during swing wind-up and follow through. And trunk rotation is dependent upon low back flexibility. Lower body muscles including the glutes, hips, and hamstrings are vital for trunk rotation. The single most important muscle for being flexible in the low back is the psoas muscle. This muscle lies deep in the stomach and attaches at all the lumbar vertebrae. A tight psoas will cause a tight back. And sitting for long hours causes the psoas muscle to tighten. The weekend golfer that works all day at a desk is disadvantaged for golf because the entire week has been spent tightening the muscle that needs to be loose to play golf well. Fortunately, AIS has an effective method for lengthening the psoas muscle.

Active Isolated Stretching (AIS) is scientific in formulating a method that brings optimal results of muscle lengthening. The developer of AIS is Aaron Mattes, a Kinesiologist that redefined stretching procedure. Aaron Mattes identified seven key mistakes of conventional stretching and offers a new approach to stretching muscles. The two second stretch and using a therapist to facilitate the stretch are just a few of the advantages of Active Isolated Stretching. AIS is more efficient that static stretching, yoga, thai massage, and pnf (propioceptive neuromusclular facilitation) stretching. The latter types of stretching are very similar to one another. They all encourage a thirty second stretch. Any stretch held beyond two seconds activates the stretch reflex in the human body, which automatically engages to protect muscles from being overstretched. If an athlete holds a stretch for more than two seconds, the benefits are offset by the stretch reflex.

A typical AIS session involves an athlete meeting with an AIS practitioner. The client and practitioner work together to lengthen rotational muscles. The therapist helps the client stretch further. Many exercises are performed on a massage table in which the client is strapped down to the table and the practitioner facilitates movement. The practitioner knows what is the maximum length a muscle can be lengthened. The goal of Active Isolated Stretching is to thoroughly lengthen each muscle that plays a part in the golf swing. A session can easily last two hours. This process is regarded as muscle unwinding. After this occurs, the client will feel a sense of floating in one's body. Not only will a golfer generate more power to their swing, he/she will feel a greater sense of ease in playing the game. The impediment to a perfect swing is muscular dysfunction; which occurs from playing golf, from sitting all day at work, sitting while driving a car or sitting in airplanes to travel. Working with an advanced practitioner of Active Isolated Stretching will allow you to develop your greatest golf asset: your body.

Anthony Ohm is an advanced practitioner of Active Isolated Stretching therapy. Active Isolated Stretching (AIS) is a form of assisted therapeutic stretching. AIS has been used on hundreds of professional and Olympian athletes to improve performance in their chosen sport. Additionally, AIS is an alternative to chiropractic, physical therapy, and surgery. It is used for athletic performance, chronic pain, healthy aging, and neuromuscular diseases. Anthony Ohm came to AIS therapy through a twenty-five year search to resolve his own chronic low back pain, which involved seeing over forty specialists.

Active Isolated Stretching is highly beneficial for numerous conditions, including: herniated/bulging/degenerative disc, sciatica, neuropathy, scoliosis, spinal stenosis, spondylolisthesis, kyphosis (dowager's hump), arthritis, bursitis, chronic neck pain, frozen shoulder or shoulder pain, headaches, sports injuries, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, stroke, Multiple Sclerosis, and many other physical issues.

Anthony Ohm is a massage therapist and personal trainer. He practices in Los Angeles, California and Honolulu, Hawaii. For more information visit:

Friday, April 11, 2014

Doga: Yoga With Dogs

Downward Dog is no longer something that only humans do during their yoga practice! Finally, the position's namesake can join in with their person and get their Zen on. It's called doga - a cute combination of the words "dog" and "yoga" - and it has been gaining in popularity over the past few years. Created in 2002 in New York City by yoga instructor Suzi Teitleman, doga is a great way for people to bond with their precious dogs while both parties enjoy some stretching and relaxation.

It may sound strange and over-the-top to some, but doga is really all about people spending time with their four-legged friends. The focus and attention is on the dog for this pet friendly activity- many poses can be done with the dogs or the dogs can be gentle props while their humans transition into different poses.

In addition to the stretching, many classes also include massage techniques that people can perform on their dogs to help aid in digestion and lower blood pressure. The dogs may decide to just wander around the studio during the class and that's okay, too. Dogs of all sizes and energy levels are encouraged to participate. In many classes, doga is also about socialization with other dogs and class usually concludes with playtime for the dogs while the humans can chit chat. Doga has been cited by some enthusiasts to help combat behaviors such as anxiety around strangers.

There is currently no official certification for doga. Classes are taught by certified yoga instructors who have also decided to extend their teachings to doga, so not all classes are alike - other than spending quality time with the dogs. Some doga classes start in a group circle with everyone on their mats and begin with breathing exercises; the goal is for the dogs to hone in on the calm energy of the room. During the practice, humans can try to put their dogs into some stretches but nothing is forced; the atmosphere is very relaxed. There is a lot of deep breathing, slow movements, and quiet interaction. Some dogs just prefer to hang out on the mats. While their people are in poses, the dogs' bellies are rubbed and their backs are stroked. There are also doga classes where dogs are trained to execute poses in exchange for treats. Since there is no regulation, the quality and content can vary from class to class.

As the story usually goes, most classes are offered in metropolitan areas and you may be hard pressed to find a doga class if you live in a more rural place. If there are no classes close to you, there are plenty of other ways to practice it at home. Plenty of books and DVDs on the subject are available, as well as information and videos online. They provide instructions on how to incorporate your dog in different poses, as well as massaging and acupressure techniques to perform on your furry one. All you need is your mat and a space to lay it (and of course your dog).

If there is not an organized doga class in your area, perhaps you can check with your local yoga studio to see if they may entertain the idea of starting up classes.

Naysayers may think that doga is just a foolish, passing trend. But even if it sounds silly, how can you go wrong spending time with your dog and lavishing her with attention? Moments that you can spend without distraction while the two of you bond can only be beneficial for the both of you. Why not give it a try?

Kim Salerno is President & Founder of She founded the pet travel site in 2003 and is an expert in pet travel. Her popular pet travel site features pet friendly hotels & activities across the US and Canada, along with other pet travel resources. Her mission is to ensure that pets are welcome, happy, and safe in their travels.

The Secret About Yoga

Power Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Basic Yoga, Bikram Yoga, Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga: No, it's not the little green dude from STAR WARS. And no, as some tend to be easily confused, it doesn't come in flavors. So what, in essence, is Yoga? I'm glad you're thinking along those lines... let's take a little journey to India.

Etymology of the Word Yoga

Derived from the ancient tongue of Sanskrit, yuj, the root of the modern and contemporary term of yoga, carries with it many different meanings. Yuj itself would be considered a verb in many Latin-based languages, meaning "to control," "to concentrate on" or "to yoke." It has been concluded that other meanings represent the action of a uniting or joining, as well as conceptual definitions of a "mode, manner or means."

History of Yoga

When considering the root of the word yoga, it is easier to grasp its original intention. Originating in India, Yoga is in actuality not just something, but some things. The ancient practices that are still utilized today are believed to offer great insight and spiritual enlightenment as to the very nature of existence, through a process of deep meditation. It has many ties to personal beliefs as well as popular world religions.

The dates of such a practice have been traced as far back as 3000 BC, where archaeologists have found multiple seals of the Indus Valley Civilization depicting individuals and god-like beings in meditative postures. As early as 900 BC, ascetic practices were recorded in the Brahmanas, part of the Vedas.

As time passed, evidence of practices in the Hindu religion became more prominent. This was especially true, as this concept of what is now considered "yoga" continued to grow and change as is evidenced in the middle Upanishads c. 400BC. Further "defined" by the Bhagavad Gita (c. 200BC), which translates to "The Song of the Lord" and which offers the first glimpse of a "codified" yoga, the book included many meanings to the modern term, yet focused on on three: Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga and Jnana Yoga.

Different Types of Yoga

As the practice of yoga grew throughout India, it would become integral to everything from Hindu and Buddhist religious practices, the reaching of Moksha or to simply offer better overall health and physical performance through the practice of posturing. Presently, an individual looking to participate in the practice of yoga can find several different types, all of which are all generally based on a series of Asana, or "sitting postures."

Yoga practices such as Hatha Yoga (Ha meaning sun and Tha meaning moon -- and if found in certain Sanskrit dictionaries, Hatha = Forceful), is what the Western world has widely accepted as "yoga," and is practiced for physical and mental health throughout that part of the globe. Hatha takes on new meaning for those looking for religious and mental enlightenment through the practice of yoga, as it was developed as, for lack of better terms, a stepping stone to Raja/Astanga Yoga.

Power Yoga and Bikram Yoga

Several yoga practices have become popular in the western world, an include both power yoga and Bikram yoga. Power Yoga, depending on the instructor, is simply a method in which the postures are repeated, and/or held longer, in order to create a strength training program out of a yoga class or private study.

Bikram Yoga is also known as Hot Yoga, and was developed by Bikram Choudhury. It is generally practiced in a room that is heated to 105 degrees Fahrenheit, with a relatively low humidity. The class is then led through a series of 26 postures. Due to the heat, the elasticity of the muscles are released to their full potential (based on each individual's personal potential), as the class continues. Such a class is great for muscle and mental endurance training, as well as for working on flexibility.

Goals and Point of a Yoga Practice

From enlightenment to tighter buns, yoga goals are as unique as the individual. Several people have strayed from practicing yoga because it has been derived from spiritual practices. Of course that's not a bad thing, but apparently some people are worried that they'll melt if they tune into something deeper than their biceps and triceps.

Truth be told, if you want faster results in a weight training program, or in a weight loss program, consider getting into a few yoga classes each week. Everyone from "Suzie Homemaker" in the Midwest to elite dancers in NYC, will experience that the more "types" of exercise you throw at the human body, the faster and more positive the muscles respond. This has to do with a little something known as Muscle Confusion.

Yoga Equipment

You don't need to take out a second mortgage to snag some great yoga equipment, and it all starts with a mat. Cheap enough and worth every penny! Guys new to the practice of yoga might catch themselves thinking, "I'll just tough it out on the hardwood...." Nope. It'll cost you less than 15 bucks, and save your knees and elbows from a terrible fate.

Going one step further, if you're the type of person who sweats a lot during physical exertion, consider a simple yoga mat blanket. Not only are blankets nice for absorbing sweat, water from a bottle, lotion from your hands, etc., they are a must if you're considering a Bikram class. As fun as "Slip 'n' Slides" are, that's the last thing you want your yoga mat to become during class.

Yoga Straps and Yoga Blocks are also very helpful for maintaining poses for longer durations while avoiding muscle strain in the process, and can be of great help to newcomers and the experienced alike.

List of Basic Yoga Poses

Uttanasana - Standing Forward Bend or Bend

Paschimottanasana - Intense stretch of the west

Adho Mukha Svanasana [] - Downward Facing Dog

Bhujangasana - Cobra

Dhanurasana - Bow

Halasana - Plow

Vajrasana - Diamond Pose

Shavasana - Corpse Pose

Trikonasana - Triangle Pose

Virabhadrasana I - Warrior I Pose

Virabhadrasana II - Warrior II Pose

Tadasana [] - Mountain Pose

Balasana - Child's Pose


List of Advanced Yoga Poses

Bakasana - Crow/Crane Pose

Garudasana - Eagle Pose

Tittibhasana - Firefly Pose

Shirsasana - Head Stand

Pada Galavasana - Flying Crow Pose

Natarajasana - King Dancer Pose.

Matty Byloos writes and manages the Green Blog known as: Easy Ways to Go Green, as well as the Organic Food Blog: Organic Eating Daily

What Important Benefits Do We Derive From Strength Training and Flexibility Exercises in Adults?

Many people are running, biking, swimming and doing other aerobic exercises to maintain their fitness and the health benefits derived. However many fail to realize that stretching and strength training exercises, although in most cases do not raise your heart rate are important exercises in your program. In fact they can add additional benefits to women and seniors.

Strength training is probably the most misunderstood and neglected of all fitness programs and is capable of being one of the most beneficial. In fact for many years it has been recommended by the professionals involved in sport medicine that adults should be weight training at least twice a week to improve muscle strength and endurance. Many athletes that you would not associate with this type of training use it regularly for this. To understand the benefits you need to understand that the body consists of bone, muscle and organs in one section and the fat storage area in the other. The area where there is no fat consists of a lot of lean body mass which is just another term for muscle. Your muscles are metabolically active so they burn calories to work. You may have heard of a term people use, such as a high metabolism which means a persons body is burning calories at a high rate.

As we get older we start to lose muscle and as result the calories needed to feed our bodies decreases and many of us put on additional weight as a result. We are eating at the same rate but are not burning enough calories to keep pace. Fat on the other hand requires few calories. If we use a strength program regularly we can help decrease the loss of lean muscle and add some that has been lost. If you use weight training to build muscle mass and decrease fat you increase your metabolic rate which helps in the burning of fat. Strength training on its own does not cause weight reduction but combined with good nutrition and aerobic exercise produces excellent results.

Some additional benefits of weight training are the ability to preserve or increase bone density and fight osteoporosis. Studies have shown middle aged women who partook in regular weight training and high impact aerobics have shown that their chance of bone density reduction was much less than those who did not exercise. It has also been known that there is a definite benefit to seniors who use this type of training. If used regularly as you get older little things you take for granted like climbing stairs, carrying groceries moving quickly from a chair and even posture can be improved as we stop the reduction of muscle mass.

Flexibility training is another area many of us ignore. In fact many people who take fitness seriously avoid this area of exercise and that is why they become prone to injury. Stretching and flexibility training is excellent in improving your range of motion. This is definitely a problem many older people experience and if they encompass this type of exercise a couple of times a week they can see definite improvement. A great example of lack of motion is when you look to your side when driving before turning or switching lanes. How many people find this hard to do? Yoga and the hot yoga are training that definitely enhances ones flexibility. I believe that in many cases your lack of flexibility is the direct cause of sudden back pain and the lingering effects in many.

If we add both weight and flexibility training into our fitness regimen, we achieve additional benefits that may help us maintain our current levels for years to come.

The author has been using fitness and diet techniques for over 20 years and has a Bsc from Boston University.

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Yoga Instructor Aspects - Finding the Guru Within

Every Yoga instructor certification course is run a little different from the other. How many certification programs teach interns about finding the teacher within each of us? Many do, but some do not. In fact, some Yoga teacher certification programs do teach, "Guru worship."

The principles of Guru worship do not blend well with Christian, Jewish, or Moslem cultures. Within these religions, and the societies they influence, worshipping another human is forbidden. This is why the Guru is not revered to such a high status outside of India.

Swami Mukerji once stated, "You grow by absorption and assimilation. In order to quicken your progress, you need abstract, as well as concrete ideals. The secret of all rapid and startling spiritual development is man-worship. By man-worship, I mean devotion to, reverence, intense and all-absorbing passion, for the perfect individual man of realization - a Mahapurusha.

Christ, Buddha, and Vivekananda, were all such-type men. You must constantly, and thoughtfully, meditate upon the lives and writings of saints and heroes. The formative influence and valuable powers of study and meditation, upon lofty ideas and ideals, are incalculable."

Please do not want to take Swami Mukerji's words out of context, but people have historically been cynical. In societies, with different cultural backgrounds, from India, the Guru is a teacher, but not to be worshipped.

In another statement: "My worship for my master is the worship of a dog. I do not seek to understand his nature. It ever startles with its newness and profound depth'. So spoke Vivekananda of Ram Krishna." This was also written by Swami Mukerji. Similar words have been written or spoken, by Yogis, for thousands of years. So, this has been traditional thought with regard to devotion to one's Guru.

However, this level of trust and devotion toward another human being is rare. In the 20th century, more than one "man of peace" was assassinated. As of this writing, Benazir Bhutto was also assassinated, and it seems she was slain for being a "woman of peace." Therefore, mistrust is an inherent human quality, which brings about emotional turmoil, violence, and much worse.

When Yogic philosophy grew to become globally known, there were some anticipated modifications. Yoga is, and always will be, a work in progress. Yogic philosophy does not resist change, or stand fixed and inflexible. With that said, there are many positive changes happening now and in the near future.

To teach a Yoga instructor about the Guru within is healthy. This is a form of union, awareness, and self-realization. Yoga teachers must be trained and encouraged to think for themselves.

© Copyright 2008 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of Yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. -

He has been a certified Master Yoga Teacher since 1995. To receive a Free Yoga e-Book: "Yoga in Practice," and a Free Yoga Newsletter, please visit:

Functional Fitness for 2006

The New Year has brought with it some drastic shifts in the fitness industry. What was hot and trendy in 2005 isn't necessarily still giving off the same steam in 2006. Fitness in 2006 is no-nonsense! Functional fitness marks the return of many tied and true fitness trends that are hardly worthy of the term "trend" at all. Rather, these fitness tactics have proven themselves time and time again:

Functional Workouts - You're bound to hear a great deal of the term "functional training" this year. This refers to any workout that transcends into our everyday activities. Examples of functional exercise include sport-specific training (for novice athletes or weekend warriors), core training and multi-muscle moves that target the muscles we use regularly.

Short Effective Workouts - We're demanding shorter total body workouts. Examples include fitness classes like - cardio-pump and cardio-resistance training fusion workouts such as Boxercise with weighted gloves. Total body circuits made up of multi-muscle exercises like squats, lunges, push ups, and pull ups are also popular.

Core Training -The core is specifically all of the muscles in your abs and back that help strengthen your other muscles and better support your spine. A happy spine will make simple daily tasks - such as reaching, bending and lifting, chasing the kids, even sex - easier and more enjoyable. Get ready to see more core training hit your gym in the form of stability ball workouts, Pilates and yoga strength and stretch workouts, and abdominal-specific workouts.

Common Sense Dieting - There has been a big shift away from low carb - high protein "wonder diets". The vast majority of North Americans know that a healthy body needs carbohydrates in the form of whole grains, fiber, colorful fruits and leafy green vegetables for a complete diet. This shift towards intuitive healthy eating recognizes that 6 healthful small meals a day is a lifestyle and not a diet at all. Better yet, it's an eating plan that people can adopt for life.

Mind-Body Workouts - Fusion workouts with more spiritual origins (yoga and Pilates) mixed with traditional weight training and cardio elements are huge. With mounting stresses at home and work individuals want a way to get in shape physically and mentally.

Fun Workouts - Today fitness is considered a leisure activity, so it has to be fun or people simply won't do it. Fun workouts to hit the scene are largely dance-inspired - belly dancing, cardio strip, pole dancing, and salsa dance workouts. So we get our fun and workout too!

Workouts at Home - If you've decided to get into shape, do you want to spend a ton of money on a piece of fitness equipment that might be a clothes rack in a month? That's why working out at home, in limited space with small, economical pieces of equipment - like resistance bands, dumbbells, stability balls and pure body weight exercises (push ups, crunches, body squats, bench dips) is high on our priority lists and light on our pocketbooks.

Anna Fleet is a certified personal trainer. When she is not working out or helping others achieve optimal health, she is the face and voice behind ? an excellent online resource for information about Fitness Gear, Aerobics Equipment, Workout Routines and more.

Nurturing Your Body

We are moving from exercise concepts to mental and physical contents. From the knowing to the doing and from hurting to nurturing our bodies. Fitness is becoming more than a cosmetic approach. It is taken seriously as a healing therapy rather. After training week in and week out for over twenty years, I can honestly tell you that I have about seen it all. I have seen exercise and diets fads come and go. I've seen fitness leaders come and go. But you know what, the passion is still there! I' am absolutely devoted to working out. What keeps the "flame" burning? It's different for each of us, but for me it's a number of things.

I like my mind to feel good. When I feel good on the inside it makes me feel good about my body and accept it the way it is. I realize that true happiness is something we all have to find inside ourselves, in a simple, fundamental way, the way that a baby's smile makes you feel good. The simple fact that my mind and body are in perfect harmony is a reward in itself.

I also like the fact that training makes me stronger and more energetic. I like to know that I can take care of myself and therefore take care of my family. Physical and mental strength is important to me because as a father, one of my jobs is to provide for and protect my family. I can't do that if I'm weak, or worse, not alive. I train to increase my strength, so I can stand and move all day teaching what I love most; fitness. Most and foremost so I can hold and play with my kids before leaving the house on my way to work and honestly look into their eyes and say "I will do my best today!"

I train for energy. I give a lot to others. I put a lot of energy into increasing the well being of my family, my employees, my friends, and my students, my guests. I am on a mission as fitness professional to make this world a better place to live in than when I arrived here. And I know that in order to take care of others, I must first take care of myself.

Why do YOU work in? Why do YOU work out? Think about the following daily holistic schedule and write it down where you can refer to it on days when you just don't feel quite up to it. If you are like me, counting your blessings and taking a moment to appreciate the things you take for granted goes a long way. You'll be a better person for it.

Today you were granted a new lease on your life "be" grateful for everything you have, and everything you ever wished to have will come. Your must enjoy the ride; it is everything you choose to make it!

©Copyright 2005- Nordine Zouareg

Nordine Zouareg [] is a former Mr. Universe, an International Fitness Coach, Speaker and Author of the book Mind Over Body []: The Key to Lasting Weight Loss Is All In Your Head.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Do You Pole Dance For Fitness? Here's 6 Activities That Are Perfect For Pole Dance Cross-Training

Pole dancing for fitness is a great hobby in and of itself, but what if you want to supplement your dancing with another potential interest? There are tons of activities you can do that work well with the sport, each with a different emphasis, depending on what aspects of pole dancing for exercise you enjoy. Here are some awesome ideas for pole dance cross-training activities based on your specific interests and needs.

1. Belly Dancing

If your main interest in being soft, feminine, and sensual, try out belly dancing. It's a dance known for its celebration of the female body and you will learn tons of ways to move your hips that you can use on the dance floor when you're not spinning around the pole.

2. Lap Dance, Chair Dance, or Strip Tease

If you love the sheer thrill of being utterly and magnetically sexy, check out lap dance, chair dance or striptease classes. You'll really get to release your inner vixen, and chair dance classes can be an intense workout if you're looking for that too.

3. Yoga or Pilates

If you want to build up flexibility and amazing body strength, try a yoga or pilates class. They're a great addition to your repertoire, as your body will become more limber with regular practice, as well as more strong and toned.

4. Aerial Sports

For those of you that love sheer daring - the many combo spins, climbs, and holds that you can do on the pole, try something like gymnastics or another aerial artform like aerial hoop or tissue dance. It's fun and requires an amazing amount of strength and coordination, plus you get the thrill of flying through the air.

5. Ballet or Modern Dance

For the dancing aspect, that also combines flexibility and beauty, you can't go wrong with an old dance standby like ballet, or even modern dance. You'll learn grace, coordination, proper dance form, and the added practice will add a creativity, beauty and flow to your pole routines that you never knew you had. Practicing different dance forms will teach you how to add depth and emotion to your pole dancing and will definitely help with your musicality. After all, pole is more than just some fancy tricks - it's a dance too!

6. Aerobic Sports

It's always great to supplement any exercise routine with some cardio. For a cardio workout that builds up leg strength (which is absolutely necessary for climbing well), look into spinning or the old standby - running. You can also try a sport like tennis or swimming that gives a full body workout while building up your muscles. The added stamina and muscle strength from playing these sports will no doubt help your performances.

Pole dancing can be a great activity for your overall fitness level as well as your femininity and sexiness. You can get a stronger, healthier body while learning how to effortlessly exude magnetic sex appeal. Interested in learning more about cross-training for pole dancing and other aspects of getting started with this beautiful art form? Check out Beginner Pole Dancing for your one stop resource on all things pole dancing, created especially for the pole dance newbie.

Use a Strength Training System Focused on Results

No matter what industry you're discussing, you must remember you are a consumer. As a consumer, even one looking for a strength training system, you will encounter many options. Each of these will have their own sales pitch, crazy claim and same rehashed advice you've already been given. What's worse is that the typical advice doesn't result in the body most women want and that is just a shame, since there is not really any hidden secret per se.

Think of a strength training system like a recipe. If you don't have all the ingredients the end product will be distasteful. As someone who finds their abs distasteful in appearance, I know the importance of completeness when it comes to strength training as well as cooking! The cardio you're doing is a waste of time and energy; plain and simple you're doing more harm than good because you're decreasing muscle tone. Add to that the classes, yoga and other women-friendly regimens and you have a whole lot of effort for no reason, as none of these programs build lean muscle or cause definition with muscle groups. Many women worry they're going to bulk up like the stereotypical body-builder and this is near impossible.

The good news is that a strength training system that contains the right combination, and I'm not talking about classes or machines, is the one that will give you results and that, my friend, is the point of all this work. You should also realize and understand and accept the fact that high intensity, lots of rest in between, and free weights are the components to base your program on (Shin Ohtake has a program resembling this). Use your classes as a social event, not your workout routine and forget the girl approach to working out and focus on results instead.

Ivan Ross is the director of popular blog YourStrengthTrainingGuide.Com []. He is an expert on body toning and his blog provides stacks of information on things like strength training workout [] and much more. Get free tips when you visit his site today!

Teaching Hatha Yoga - Learn From Other Teaching Methods

Why do you think Bikram attracts dedicated followers and deflects complainers? Rules and Guidelines for Yoga student conduct are clear for you to see, within one of his schools. They may be stated on the web site, bulletin board, or in the studio, for all participating Yoga students to read. You do not have to guess what the rules are.

Regular attendance to Yoga classes is encouraged, and students are told why. In truth, all Yoga practitioners benefit from regular attendance. Can you imagine learning any valuable skill twice a month? Why do some students think they will see progress with a "half-hearted effort?" It is because we allow it to happen.

Do all Yoga teachers have to become Bikram Choudhury? No, and the world is doing fine with just one Bikram, but all Yoga teachers can learn a lot from observing him. Discipline is needed, just as much in Yoga, as it is in martial arts.

Otherwise, students will not discipline themselves at home for continued practice.

In fact, it is a lack of discipline which has led to many of the problems in society today. Undisciplined students will eventually not return to your classes, no matter how much you give of yourself. They will easily encounter health problems, if they do not establish regular preventative health habits.

Many Yoga teachers are '"natural born givers;" this is wonderful, but give to those who appreciate it. If you invest your energy into students, make sure they "pre-qualify" themselves. Yoga students need to make an initial commitment toward complete health and they must really want to change. Their body can be their best teacher, but they must see a Yoga instructor, Guru, or Swami, as a guide to get to that point in life.

© Copyright 2007 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of Yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. He has been a certified Master Yoga Teacher since 1995.

To receive a Free Yoga e-Book: "Yoga in Practice," and a Free Yoga Newsletter, please visit:

Ballet Strength Training Myths

Ballet strength can be a touchy subject with some ballet teachers. This is uncharted territory when it comes to ballet, so there is not a ton of information about it out there. Let me take all of the guess work out of it for you! To get started, here are a few basic things that you need to know about strength training for Dancers and how it can improve your performance and extend your career.

Lets debunk the common strength training and cross training myths that you have heard from your Ballet teachers.

Myth #1: You will get bulky muscles- This statement is totally untrue. In fact, if you are doing the correct exercises, your muscles should form a more elongated look! Strength training increases lean muscle mass. If you are working with a certified professional who understands a Dancers body, you should have any problems with bulky muscles. Now not all of you can have access to trainers like myself or the New York City Ballet's strength and conditioning team, so stay posted to my blog for valuable tips for exercises that you can do on your own!

Myth #2: Taking extra Ballet classes is the only way to improve- Now most of you know that this is not true, but there are some Ballet teachers out there who are still preaching this. Cross-training is a great way to work on your weaknesses as a dancer through ballet strength exercises, Pilates, yoga, or even taking a few jazz classes!

Myth #3: Strength training causes loss of flexibility- Untrue. It actually improves range of motion of muscles and joints. It also enhances dance proprioception. This creates improved awareness of your center of gravity (think balance and turns). Any good cross-training program will also incorporate stretching towards the end of the workout.

Myth #4: Strength training is for Men- True, but it is also beneficial for Women.There are many wonderful benefits to strength training including increased range of motion, injury prevention, increased lean muscle mass, improves balance, increases and restores bone density, and enhances sports performance. Now just think of how much that can improve your dancing!

I hope that through this post, you have a better understanding of the real benefits of strength training for Ballet Dancers. Remember, your strength training program needs to be tailored towards dancers, not just any program will do. Ballet Strength can help you make the improvements that you need to be at your best in the Ballet studio.

Nikol Klein,, is San Diego's most trusted personal trainer for Women in addition to being a Professional Ballet Dancer. You can find her informative Ballet Books, and training tips online!

Women & Fitness Boxing Training - 6 Girls Only Tips to Tone Up, Lose Weight and Get Fighting Fit

Women love Boxing for Fitness. More and more women are "over" aerobics classes and the trendy treadmill scene. Instead, they are strapping on gloves and punching their way to a new body.

Of the more than 50 000 people I have taught Fitness Boxing to over the last 16 years, more than half have been women. Here are 6 of my best "girls only" boxing fitness tips.

Whether you are a woman, or a Personal Trainer who trains women or perhaps you workout with a woman, these tips will give great results.

1 - For women, Fitness Boxing is more than just for fitness - it's about Empowerment. One of my best students, Lizzie, punches better than most men. She says she has always been told, like most women have, to be "a good little girl." However, she gave herself permission to throw great punches and get fighting fit.

Practical Tip: Give yourself permission to get fit, punch hard and just go for it!

2 - Women want to learn correct punching technique. Women are great to teach because they arrive as beginners with "an empty cup." Men often "know it all," already when it comes to throwing a punch. They can be harder to teach and they often try too hard. Women seem to understand that it's not all about brute force.

Practical Tip: Begin Fitness Boxing with an open mind. Try not to force it. Just relax and master the basics of good technique. Practice slowly in front of the mirror - and you will get fitter, faster.

3 - Women want to work their mid sections and lower bodies. A good punch means using the right muscles. And the right muscles are the legs, Abs and core. Unfortunately too many Trainers think a punch is just about using your arms. But the arm is just the nail, while the hips and legs are the hammer. The hammer drives the nail.

Practical Tip: Find your power center - just like in yoga or Pilates. Connect your lower body to the ground as you punch. In other words plant, then punch. This will force those lower body muscles into action and create power.

4 - Women don't want to do Boutique Boxing. Women don't want to do Boutique Boxing or Box Aerobics. They want to do the real thing. Not an actual fight but they want their workout to be as authentic as possible - real sweat and real results.

Practical Tip: Learn Authentic Fitness Boxing. In other words don't mix your boxing with too many "box-aerobics" moves like star jumps and endless push ups. Keep it real.

5 - Women should wrap their hands, just like boxers do. Like men, women need to wrap their hands properly. This may seem like a small thing, but actually it's a big thing. Hands are fragile, women's perhaps more than men's. Unless you are a street-fighter in your spare time, your hands are probably not used to punching. We spend a fortune on training shoes, but also need to look after our hands.

Practical Tip - Use hand wraps and proper 8,10 or 12 oz Boxing Gloves, with good padding. Your punches will be harder and you'll have more confidence giving you a superior fitness workout.

6 - Women need to be matched with the right partner. Boxing, even for fitness, is an impact sport. A big man can generate a couple of hundred pounds of instant force in one punch. The partner who 'catches' that punch with punch mitts (a.k.a focus mitts) is going to get rattled. I see this in gym classes often. Big, wild punching guys attacking the punch mitts with full power, held by a smaller female (or male) partner. This is a dangerous.

Practical Tip - Try to match with someone the same size and ability. If that's not possible, focus on good mitt-holding technique (use your core, elbows in tight, no chicken wings). The punching partner should be controlled and try punching at 50-70% power.

Get fighting fit right now at home with the Boxout Workout Program - including DVD workout, 3 x mp3 workouts and Quickstart guide. Buy now at Free shipping worldwide, for a limited time.

Your Fitness Boxing Pro Trainer and author of this article is Patrick W Moore - black belt, former Pro trainer and founder of Fitness Boxing International. Patrick ran his first class in 1994, and now helps women and men get fighting fit at home, with boxing workouts you can download. Learn more at

How to Shift Gears, Change Careers, and Become a Yoga Teacher, Part 1

Do you enjoy practicing Yoga? Does teaching Yoga seem like your ultimate dream job? Does the thought of becoming a Yoga teacher feel like a "calling from within?" How would you pay your bills teaching Yoga? If your life mission is becoming a Yoga teacher; let's look at a few practical solutions to your obstacles.

If you feel like a "fish in water" during a Yoga class you are not alone. However, when teaching Yoga becomes your own long-held aspiration, your spirit will not be fulfilled in the "daily grind." You begin to feel frustrated in commuter traffic, and during office hours, when your dream job of teaching Yoga seems out of reach. So what do you do next - if you really want to become a Yoga teacher?

Apparently, you are focused on your goal, so you are far ahead of the majority of people who do not have a clue about what they really want. Here is a formula, and sequence of events, for you to consider: Focus, action, plan, envision, pace yourself, and goal realization.

Focus: It seems like you already are focused on becoming a Yoga teacher, but you should do some research on what teaching Yoga is really like. The types of Yoga teacher training courses will vary, according to style, hours required, on-site training, or correspondence course. Also, the preparation for a 90-minute Yoga class is something the average Yoga student is unaware of.

Action: Most of the world's population never gets to this point. Most people fall into a "rut" and never take any action to move forward. This requires even more research about what you plan to do, how you plan to teach Yoga, and who you plan to teach Yoga to.

Plan: Write your goals down and only share them with people you can trust. Look at your goal of becoming a Yoga teacher as often as possible. Write down the exact chain of events required for you to become a Yoga teacher.

Envision: Visualization is important in reaching any goal. When you practice meditation, you should see, feel, hear, and possibly smell, what your new career of teaching Yoga will be like.

Pace Yourself: There is a saying, "Rome was not built in a day." If you try to get to your goal of teaching Yoga too quickly, you will "burn out" along the way. Life is a journey, not a race; "stop and smell the flowers" along the way.

Goal Realization: Once you become a Yoga teacher, do not "rest on your laurels." Continuing education will be an important and valuable part of your life. A Yoga teacher is a student of healthy living for life.

© Copyright 2006 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard is a co-owner and the director of Yoga teacher training at: Aura Wellness Center, in North Providence, RI. He has been a certified Master Yoga teacher since 1995. He is a master instructor of martial arts, with multiple Black Belts, four martial arts teaching credentials, and was recently inducted into the USA Martial Arts Hall of Fame. He teaches Yoga, martial arts, and fitness to children, adults, and seniors in the greater Providence area. Recently he wrote: Is Running a Yoga Business Right for You? For Yoga students, who may be considering a new career as a Yoga teacher.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Interesting Meditation Techniques With Yoga Asana Practice

How can we bring yoga and meditation together? What are some of the techniques that work best for beginners to both meditation and yoga? What key elements of meditation techniques can be used in yoga?

The first meditation technique that comes to mind is mindfulness; paying attention to the task at hand. Precisely the problem for the scattered mind. Is this an impossible situation? How can key elements of this meditation technique work in a yoga practice?? With other meditation techniques the power of concentration is essential.

Let's find simple ways to make the mind less noisy and more quiet, i.e. to make the mind meditative, using mindfulness and concentration? in a yoga asana practice.

Helpful Perception

Beginners practicing a meditation technique that requires concentration, experience frustration as the mind wanders time and again in far away places. Yet this is exactly why you are here in practice. So yes there is the wandering; and "my mind is being trained" is a more helpful perception of what the practice is actually about.

Yoga Asana Practice

Bring this awareness that the mind is being trained into your yoga asana practice. That as well as? training the body, there is training for the mind. Training happens through concentration. In fact, in Yoga's 8 limb program, called Ashtanga in Sanskrit, concentration (Dharana) comes before meditation (Dhyana).

What can we concentrate on and what can we be aware of when practicing poses?

1. The Breath

For example, you are practicing raising and lowering your legs from lying. Synchronize the movement with the breath. In fact go further than this. Let the breath surround the movement. Begin to inhale before you raise the leg and end the movement first, then the inhalation. Begin to exhale and then start lowering the leg. Let the leg come to rest on the floor and then end the exhalation. Keep the breath in your awareness.

2. Keeping Track by Counting

When do you end the leg raising and lowering? Is it based on the number of repetitions or on how you feel? Maybe it is both. In any event, count mentally when your legs come to rest, after you have completed the round. To increase concentration, practice in this way.

3. The Place of Stretch

We want to anchor our yoga practice in the body. Where is the mind? Is it? looking around or judging yourself? Judging is in opposition to meditation. Bring awareness to the place where you feel the stretch. Let the mind be a humble Witness.

These interesting meditation techniques that can be practiced within yoga asana are: (1) a helpful perception that yoga postures train both body and mind; (2)? to concentrate in a variety of ways; (3) to be a witness and avoid the role of the judge.

Heather Greaves helps yoga beginners and enthusiasts learn even more yoga even though their only teacher is a book. They say, To master something, teach it. Since 2005 Heather has been training yoga teachers in a certified program. For more yoga tips and information visit Body Therapies Yoga Training

Models Dieting Tips - Get That Sexy Figure Model's Way

Want to know the secret of a model's sexy and amazing figure? You may think that she starves herself to maintain that kind of a figure but that is just what you think. Most of the models eat smartly. They keep their stomachs full while not filling it up with junk food. Do you really want to know real models dieting tips? Well, we will get you not just the tips but an actual diet plan followed by a leading model of Australian origin.

This model's dieting tips begin with saying that it is more important to be healthy than to be paper thin and unhealthy. She hates Anorexia and has helped a lot of her friends out of it. She also says that the more regular and longer that one is at the gym, the more lenient that your diet is. By the way, our model is at the gym or working out elsewhere for at least 2 hours every day and has a figure of 34-26-34. Let us now see what all she does to keep herself in such an enviable figure.

The next thing in our models dieting tips is to restrict the calorie intake to less than 1500 calories a day and to keep it above 1200 calories a day which is the optimum required by the body. She also suggests that it is very important to exercise for at least 45 minutes every day to ensure that muscles in the body remain toned.

Our model begins her day with a 20 minute jogging session at the beach followed by another twenty minutes of cycling on her stationary bike. This is followed by 3 minutes of Yoga session at a nearby Yoga training class. Yoga is followed by a glassful of lemon juice with honey. After a 10 minute break, she heads straight to her gym where she works out for another 45 minutes to an hour or so.

Back at home, she returns to another glass of lemon juice with honey. She takes a bath and her breakfast consists of either egg white or sprouts or cereals in soy milk. You can also replace these items with fruits on some days. One of our model's most valuable dieting tips is that the breakfast should be the heaviest meal of the day to keep you going right from the morning.

She eats 5-6 times a day and generally includes either and oatmeal and honey bar or some fruits for brunch. Lunch is generally vegetables in light gravy or parboiled with some fruits or juice. You can also include green tea in lunch, she suggests.

Lunch is followed by an evening snack which is basically a protein bar or granola bar etc. This is to ensure that you go into the evening full of energy.

She heads for an early dinner and generally tries to get over it by 8 pm in the evening. The dinner is usually some rice or low calorie bread with lean chicken or soy or lean meat or some fish.

After the dinner, she again eats either a bowl of water based fruit like cucumber, tomatoes, watermelon or popcorns to keep her tummy full.

We hope you too will benefit from our model's dieting tips like many others.

You can find out more about losing fat as well as much more weight loss reviews and Fat Loss Tips by visiting Models Dieting Tips

Pilates and Yoga - Fitness and Exercise Tips and Guidelines

Fitness enthusiasts worldwide are sold on pilates and yoga and the freedom of having a fit body that is prepared with all the strength and stamina they need, and more! Self care is vital, because optimal health allows us to more significantly benefit others. Although the difference between, for instance, pilates classes and hot yoga is obvious, this combination of exercises provides a good pair.

Fundamentally, pilates emphasizes on building up strength, and especially core body strength, while yoga emphasizes stretching. Stretching is an element in pilates training, and yoga classes improve strength, but the principal word is emphasis. So while these two exercise regimes work together, they really are separate entities.

Instead of enrolling in group pilates and yoga classes, you can get a pilates DVD or yoga DVD, as there is a myriad of such DVDs to select from. But to enjoy all the benefits of both, it's best to secure an instructor who is licensed in fitness education and fitness training.

Yoga incorporates some props, whereas pilates exercises incorporate various aids such as the pilates chair (or Wunda chair), reformer, tower, bands, balls, circles, besides other equipment.

The popular Malibu pilates workout simply requires the portable Malibu pilates chair, mixing aerobic and anaerobic pilates exercises, bringing about quality cardio training, elevated fat burning, and increased flexibility.

Breath concentration is important to both of these physical exercise disciplines, with attention on its ability to detoxify and invigorate, and awareness enhancement.

Check them out for yourself and personally encounter their advantages. New devotees should train twice a week, as consistency helps internalize the methods.

Remember, pilates and yoga are not miracle therapies for weight loss and a fit body. Positive results with these exercises and any fitness training derives from your degree of motivation, proper diet selections, and an unstoppable mindset to be fit and stay fit.

For more information please visit

Peter Gehr is an expert researcher and writer devoted to providing quality information to his readers. With an acute attention to detail, the author commits to dependable and reputable resources in order to compile productive and useful input and guidelines.

Small Changes to Weight Loss

The #1 New Year's resolution this year is to lose weight. How many actually will?

The most common starting points are eating less, exercising more, getting enough sleep and drinking lots of water.

It's easier to lose weight by eating small frequent meals that keep you feeling full and prevent mindless snacking. Eating lots of low-fat, healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and grains will provide you wholesome nutrition throughout the day and you won't be starving yourself. Take vitamins, and drink lots of water. You should avoid fast foods joints, alcohol, and sugary foods if you are serious about getting your body in shape.

If you want to lose weight quickly, and to optimize fat loss, you should be exercising at least 5 times a week. It doesn't have to be hard; you can start with light cardiovascular exercises like walking, stationary cycling, or swimming.

Deciding that you want to lose weight is the easy part; the hard part is finding a solid reason to get started and then making a commitment to yourself to stick with it no matter what. So if you really want to lose weight, schedule the time to exercise and make sure you do it faithfully.

You should try to keep yourself physically active throughout the day. You can take the stairs instead of using the elevator. Wearing a pedometer is an easy way to determine where you are now in terms of steps per day. To lose weight, you should aim for at least 10,000 steps per day. Experts agree that a weight loss goal of about a pound a week is ideal. Certain medications, both prescription and over-the-counter, can hinder your personal results. You can ask your doctor is any medicine you are taking may be having an effect on your weight, or your ability to lose it.

Oftentimes, people start their weight loss program with lots of enthusiasm; they do too much too fast and burn out. They soon lose interest and are back to their same old ways.

There is no magic pill, or one single approach to weight loss that works the same for everyone. John got into a running program, and Andy starved himself. Heather started weight training, and Toni joined a Yoga class. Atkins, South-Beach, Picture Perfect; all are diets, but are all different, and you'll hear both positive and negative about each one.

Anyway you look at it, if you want to win your weight loss battle, you need to change your lifestyle. Counting calories, portion control, menu planning, and various psychological approaches to changing your lifestyle can be easily found online. There are numerous awareness campaigns in the market today on obesity.

Nutritionists, fitness experts, dietitians and personal trainers all help the community obtain a balance with their diet and exercise. You might consider asking them for some guidance and support. That's what they are there for.

Once you do reach your desired healthy weight, find a management program that offers free on-going support. Then you can go on to doing heavier exercises like weight lifting and weight training to keep those muscles toned.

Getting fit is a lifestyle change, period. You need to desire it fully and be ready for change. If this seems like it will take too much effort, time or money, then you can always look at the option of loosing weight with hypnosis. Many people are seeing results with this method quiet quickly by using nothing more then a little mind power. They feel better and better everyday, which in turn causes them to want to get out and exercise even more; creating a positive domino effect towards your weight lose goal.

Realize that you are not alone in the battle. There are countless trained professionals out there who are eager to help you get started. They are great motivators, and want to see results just as badly as you do. The first step is to make the decision that works best for you. Then just Go for it!

If you enjoyed this article, or want to find out more about losing weight by hypnosis, then visit for more.

To Veg Or Not to Veg?

Do I have to be vegetarian? I get asked this question a lot by both students and fellow yoga teachers. My short answer - that's up to you.

One of the precepts of yoga is the practice of ahimsa, or non-violence. This is translated into the yogic diet by not eating the flesh of any animal. Many schools of yoga insist upon a vegetarian diet by both students and teachers. Many teacher trainings require prospective teachers to sign an agreement that they will not eat meat.

For me personally, I do not feel that it is appropriate to force any particular agenda or dogma on anyone.

In a world of extremes, I prefer to follow the middle path.

Becoming a vegetarian is a personal choice, not one that should be "mandated." Your body is your best guru, listen to what your body tells you. Ayurveda, which walks hand in hand with yoga, teaches that sometimes, for some individuals it is appropriate and healthy to eat meat.

I once spent a week with a group of Tibetan monks. They practiced yoga daily, they meditated daily....they also ate meat. Does this mean that they were less evolved or enlightened? Does this mean that they did not practice ahimsa? I think not.

Being a "good" yogi has little to do with what you choose to eat and more to do with how you live your life. Yoga teaches us to honor our bodies. To listen to our inner teacher. As we move forward on our journey, it's natural to develop a greater awareness and become more concerned about our health, our body and what we choose to nourish ourselves with. A vegetarian diet is not the best choice for everyone. I emphasize the word choice.... Because that is exactly what it should be...a personal choice.


Texas, Certified Personal Trainer & Yoga Instructor at The Fitness Underground- Los Angeles

Yoke Hatha Yoga with the Raw Foods for Superb Health

Since writing my two books, Beautiful On Raw: UnCooked Creations and Your Right to Be Beautiful: How to Halt the Train of Aging and Meet the Most Beautiful You, about my exploration and acceptance of the raw food lifestyle, I have added another important dimension to my health regimen. Hatha Yoga. I firmly believe that Hatha yoga practice has to be an integrated part of the raw food lifestyle.

I discovered and converted to the raw lifestyle in an effort to gain the peak of health, endurance and healing that I needed to ensure that I would be able to maximize the results of my upcoming surgical ordeal.

I was born in Russia with congenital hip problems that could not be corrected. For 45 years, I lived with one leg shorter than the other. I looked and felt like the Leaning Tower of Pisa. After immigrating to the United States, I prepared for the surgery that would ultimately replace my hips and allow me to walk without a limp. I was so accustomed to my tilt that when I was at last straight, I felt as though I were going to topple over at anytime.

I was thrilled with the results of the surgery and felt that much of my ability to heal from such massive trauma was from being on the raw food diet. I had to take private yoga lessons that worked with my limitations but I have improved tremendously and would not give it up anymore than I would go back to eating cooked food.

Yoga and the raw food diet offer many similarities in the ways they benefit the body. Yoga books describe the same euphoric experiences I have found in the raw food diet. Both purify and heal the body. Both offer powerful therapeutic effects in dealing with physical and psychological problems. Both promote radiant health.

Yoga is a systematic program whose sole purpose is spiritual. However the unhealthy condition of the average human body is a major obstacle to spiritual practices such as meditation, prayer and self-realization.

Running, swimming and weight lifting are great for muscle building but do little for connective tissue. It is the flexibility of the joints and of the connective tissues that gives us the feeling of ease and lightness in the body.

Think about that thin film running under the skin when you peel back chicken skin. It is called fascia. Humans have it, too. It runs under the skin throughout the body and even envelopes each individual cell. All major systems of the body--the circulatory and nervous systems, the muscular-skeletal system, and the various organs are cocooned in connective tissue. Tensions carried through the connective tissues are responsible for all the movements of the body.

Now imagine a young plant. It is pliable and limber when it's young, but becomes hard, dry, and brittle with age. So with the human body, which tends to stiffen and tighten as we age. The body becomes choked in a net of shrunken and rigid connective tissues like constrictive body armor that is not only solidifying but shrinking by the minute. Every system of the body, every organ, every cell is being subjected to internal strangulation.

Connective tissues are tough and fibrous. Your connective tissue doesn't respond to brief, repetitious stretches the way muscles do. They stretch best when pulled with steady tension like rubber band. Holding postures for a few minutes with moderate stress will cause the body to develop longer and thicker tissues.

Asanas increase your strength, stamina, and flexibility. Combined with raw food nourishment, yoga postures release tension and relieves pain even more effectively. You'll find startling the resulting enhancement in your looks, improvement in your posture, and your better skin and muscle tone. You'll feel your vitality brought by Asanas to a new lofty height.

I owe all of my health-my transformation from distortion to harmony-to a combination of the raw food diet and Hatha yoga. I can now practice 90 minutes of serious stretching everyday. My ability to recover and heal is the result of my raw food diet. I am stretching the scar tissue and since it is stronger and more resistant than regular tissue, I would never be able to practice yoga daily without the miraculous benefits of raw foods.

Yoga postures and the raw food diet make you more alive. Each practice complements the other, bringing many of the same physical and mental benefits. Asanas and the raw food diet are alike liberating, energizing, and exhilarating. As I practice the raw food lifestyle with regular Hatha yoga, my sense of feeling clean, good, and pure gradually becomes so prevailing that it permeates every part of my life. My emotions undergo a deep cleansing and healing paralleling similar changes in my body.

Yoga postures gently stretch the connective tissues that encase our joints, renewing our physical elasticity. Asanas lubricates the body, increasing circulation and flexibility. Stretching, twisting, bending forwards and backwards, vigorously massages various organs. Holding poses combined with proper breathing move stagnated blood that improve the flow of fresh nutrients and drains away impurities. It relaxes tense, pained areas of your body and strengthens weak areas.

Both practices--asanas and the raw food lifestyle--have their limits. For example, if the ligaments or other fibrous connective tissues are shortened as a result of injury or inactivity, raw food will definitely make stretching easier. But your food won't do your stretching for you. On the other hand, there are many people who practice asanas regularly yet still struggle to achieve their optimal weight. Adopting the raw food diet will make a world of difference in that situation. Great as are the benefits of each, they're finite benefits. For the best possible results, use them in tandem.

Raw food will make your constriction less rigid, but it is Hatha yoga that will stretch your tissue. Raw food furnishes the body with the best material for optimal health. Hatha yoga helps the body to make the most of it.

"This article may be freely reprinted as long as the entire article and byline are included."

Tonya Zavasta is the raw food lifestyle expert, the author of the books Beautiful On Raw: UnCooked Creations and Your Right to Be Beautiful: How to Halt the Train of Aging and Meet the Most Beautiful You, named a 2004 Health Book of the Year Award finalist by ForeWord Magazine. For more information on how to reveal your Rawsome beauty visit her web-site at: Write to: BR Publishing, PO Box 623, Cordova, TN 38088-0623, USA or Call 866-STAY-RAW

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

The Best Strength Training Exercises

You must have heard many physical fitness gurus who preach on the necessity of gym workouts if a person wishes to develop his body strength. If you believe that, then you will naturally enroll yourself for a strength-training program in a gym. That is exactly what they would want you to do, that you consider having your workouts in a gym, which, oftentimes, happen to be their own. There is no question about the money coming in to their pockets as you huff and puff with all those expensive equipment. However, does the best exercise always have a price?

The best training exercise can still be achieved without paying anything. This should not even take too much of your time nor will you be required with any equipment. Therefore, you can easily do it in the comforts of your own home even as it provides the same effects with a gym workout. That is how good it is. Actually, these exercises are easy to do. Perhaps, you may have tried doing it already. It is just that you do not have the discipline to do it regularly. What can be the best routine can turn out to be the worst if you just do not have self-discipline. However, if you can follow the effective schedule that you set for yourself, these exercises can certainly be most effective.

Push-ups may look too easy but if you try to do more repetitions instead of limiting yourself to a few token ones, you will find out that it does make wonders on the muscles of the back, shoulders, abs, chest and triceps. Lunges and squats do well to your leg muscles. These work, especially on the hamstrings, calves, glutes, and quads. You can also do the hover, an exercise that has been incorporated in Pilates and yoga routines. It works out your back muscles as well as those in the arms and legs. One unique feature it does to your body is its ability to strengthen your internal muscles in the abdomen.

All those exercises may seem to be common. These do not require any equipment. What you will need, perhaps, is a good piece of exercise mat and loads of determination to complete an increasing number of reps you have programmed. It is true though, that because these exercises are too plain, these can be boring. However, if you just faithfully follow your routine schedule and maybe play your favorite music while doing it, you will certainly see some encouraging results soon. What is important in strength training is to first gain the ability to deal with your weight. Those exercises allow you to practice handling your body weight.

For those who wish to discover more about strength training and bodybuilding why not do some research here: strength training workouts

Yoga Exercise When It Comes To Relieving Back Injuries

Many individuals think that rest is the best solution to an aching back, yet in reality, what your back basically needs every time that it is hurt is doing exercises. A process such as yoga exercises, which emits the stiffness in the muscle tissues, can improve back injury. While the main focus is actually on stretching and also overall flexibility, the actual exercise likewise develops muscle strength. Intense back and neck problems can be dealt with a good approach to yoga exercise.

Back pain, among the many frequent concerns of our world today and the most typical motive to get medical assistance, is induced simply because of stress and tension in the muscles that support the spinal column. Less active lifestyle, emotional stress, so much use or perhaps seldom use of the back and even postural errors are unconscious triggers to the universal issue of backaches. Backache happens if the muscles tend to be under stress, commonly on the neck or lumbar region (wherein many twisting, turning or even folding occurs). Frequent backaches take place as a result of overstrained or over-stretched muscles, incorrect relaxing positions, stress, back scoliosis and past injuries.

Many conditions are causing back problems and they can be helped by mindful and gentle yoga exercise. With the yoga exercises, muscles are strengthened. Lots of poses in the exercise strengthen the back and your mid-section and help the body sustain a suitable upright position and movement. Stretching out along with rest decreases stress in tension carrying muscle groups. When these muscles are very well conditioned, it helps to offset back pain. Yoga exercise also helps in reducing back discomfort, by simply stretching out the particular muscles of the lower back. It heightens blood flow, which usually provides healing nutritional requirements to the injured tissues and helps build and maintain a healthy curve of the back that is actually essential to avoid lower back ache.

Simply speaking, an effective, daily yoga practice will go far in reducing the tension and stress that at times result in slight back pain; and in fact, numerous studies have established that yoga exercise is the number one most beneficial exercise designed for alleviating back injury. It's proven to be a secure and efficient approach to relieve many forms of back pain and forestall the repeating bouts; and what's great is that it reduces potential risk of deformity as a result of back pain. On the other hand, all cases of back pain need to be examined by physician regarding medical diagnosis and medication for not all yoga poses minimize back pain, plus some might actually aggravate existing pain, hence it is important to recognize which poses will likely be most helpful in relieving back pain. It is best to do these types of exercises under the guidance of a qualified yoga trainer, and if you experience virtually any problems with these types of positions, make sure you consult a specialist.

Therefore, yoga exercise is an excellent therapy for healing injured and painful back muscle tissues, speeding time for you to recover from an injury and avoiding re-injury - making it a much better solution than having traditional hospital treatment.

Yogafit has a lot of very informative advice in all aspects of yoga poses, training, and everything else. She also has a number of yoga conference meetups several times a year and is known yoga guru and mogul around the world.

Stress Reduction and the Science of Breath

It's time to rethink everything you know about breathing--it just might be the key ingredient in conquering stress and fighting off disease. It might not seem like much, but breathing is the simplest and most effective way to improve your life, your health, and your mind.

Let's start this thing off with a little exercise. Inhale for a ten second count, concentrate on breathing into your diaphragm, and expanding your ribs--hold your breath for four counts-now exhale for two counts, concentrate on pulling your belly-button to your spine. Repeat this breathing pattern nine times...

By now a couple of things have happened physiologically.

First off, you should feel pretty relaxed from the deep breathing, second your body was quite literally doing some housecleaning: detoxing your body of the types of toxins that cause cancer, arthritis, and heart disease, just to name some of the big ones. So now that you're feeling relaxed and focused let's break down a little of the science behind breathing.

Your lymph system is twice the size of the "other" circulatory system. That means there's twice as many lymph vessels as there are blood vessels. The function of the lymph system is key to your health. The lymphatic system is responsible for the absorption of excess fluid and its return to the blood stream, the absorption of fat, and immune system function. So to put it real simple: a health lymph system should be high on everybody's priority list. Which only leaves one question: how do you stimulate lymph system functions?

When it comes to blood flow, circulation is improved by increasing the heart rate. When it comes to the lymphatic system: movement, gravity, and breathing are the only ways to get the right fluids flowing. So let's look at a couple exercises designed to give a serious boost to your lymphatic system. Let's go step by step.

Go back to our first breathing exercise: Inhale for a ten second count, concentrate on breathing into your diaphragm, and expanding your ribs--hold your breath for four counts-now exhale for two counts, concentrate on pulling your belly-button to your spine. Repeat ten times.

This deep breathing will relax your muscles and start an uninhibited flow of detoxifying fluids. Next try adding some movement and gravity. Two of the best classic standby exercises: jump rope and the mini-trampoline offer some of the best lymph stimulation possible owing to the vertical motion of each exercise. If you can fit in at the least five minutes a day on the rope or the trampoline, you'll notice the results. For a more advanced practice the "warrior" pose from Yoga will also be particularly helpful in giving a boost to your lymph system while opening up the leg and the hip muscles.

Or for another standby, try rotating your upper body in slow motion circles, while holding a medicine ball. Personal Trainer Seattle

Cody has 12 years experience as a personal trainer. He started his career at the University of Washington as an instructor. He was in charge of running a beginning weightlifting class and was the creator of many new classes because of the demand for his knowledge and leadership skills. From there he trained at a corporate gym while gaining knowledge in the studies of human movement. He now has his own business with numerous pleased and fulfilled clients. Personal Trainer Seattle