Saturday, October 5, 2013

Suggested Exercises That You Can Do During Pregnancy

Doing some exercise is one of the most important things that a pregnant woman should take into consideration. Studies have proven that exercising while pregnant has a lot of health benefits to both the mother and the baby.

However, there are some women whose pregnancy is at high risk and are not allowed to do any physical task or exercise. It is therefore important that you get first an advice from your doctor before doing any form of exercise.

There are numerous reasons why you should exercise while pregnant. One is that you are able to increase your stamina and energy level which will help you a lot during delivery. It also improves blood circulation especially in the legs. It was also proven that exercise could make delivery easier and faster. You will also be able to recover quickly after giving birth.

Below are some recommended exercises that you can do while pregnant:

1. Walking - This is the most common and safest exercise for pregnant women. It is not so strenuous but it is good for the heart and keeps your blood in good circulation. You can do walking throughout your whole pregnancy period.

2. Jogging - This is safe if you have been doing this kind of activity before. However, your regimen should be reduced as your tummy gets bigger. Do not get yourself to do jogging too hard as your baby inside your womb also gets tired. If you feel that you can no longer make a conversation then that means that you are already forcing your body to its limit.

3. Swimming - This is the best form of exercise for pregnant women. It relaxes your body as it relieves you from the heaviness that you feel due to the weight that you gain. Swimming is also good to your heart and makes you feel refreshed.

4. Yoga - Joining a pre-natal yoga class helps you improve your muscles and relaxes your ligaments during pregnancy. You should check very well if the yoga class you are joining is really for pregnant women.

5. Weight Training - Building up your muscles is important during pregnancy and this can be achieved thru weight training. However, do not do weight exercises that require lying on your back.

While exercising is very important, you should bear in mind that not all exercises are applicable for pregnant women. Do not attempt to do running as exercise if you are not an experienced runner and have not consulted your doctor. Avoid getting a pre-natal fitness program which activities are not familiar to you.

It is important that exercising be done regularly. The recommended period for exercise is 30 minutes 4-7 days in a week. Make sure also that you drink a lot of water while doing exercise and avoid too much heat of the sun. Monitor your heart rate and see to it that it does not exceed 140. You should stop any activity once you feel dizzy or lightheaded. Do a warm up before starting with any form of exercise to prevent body pain. Always consult your physician and keep safe.

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Look Fit, Trim and Sexy Quick

In this article are seven weight loss plans to staying fit, trim and sexy. Any weight loss plan should include physical workouts and planned meals. The diet plans below include a high protein diet, a healthy eating plan and a vegetarian plan. The physical workouts below include weight training, aerobic workouts, and yoga.

Here are the seven weight loss plans:

#1. Follow a high protein diet. Eat small portions of high protein meals, and combine this protein diet with a physical exercise routine that includes weight training and aerobic workouts daily. Eat high protein meals containing chicken, turkey, tofu, fish, beef and low fat skim dairy products.

#2. Follow a more strict diet. It is essential that every meal should contain nutrients to attain the maximum weight loss. The diet should consist of: Low carbohydrates (fruits, Beans, legumes, and vegetables); high proteins (chicken, turkey, tofu, fish, beef and low fat skim dairy products); essential fats ( seeds, fish, nuts, and virgin olive oils). Include a physical exercise routine that has weight training and aerobic workouts daily.

#3. Keep yourself in great physical shape by doing yoga workouts daily, and following a strict diet that contains no junk foods. A eating plan that includes foods rich in lean protein like brown rice, vegetables, and lean meat.

#4. Follow a very healthy eating plan that avoids white sugar, flour and eliminates dairy products from your diet. Include doing yoga workouts daily.

#5. Become a vegetarian. Do not eat any junk foods. Snack on fruit instead of candy bars. Use a liquid juice diet when you need to lose weight quickly. Include doing yoga workouts daily.

#6. Eat only fruits before dinner, then eat a salad and steamed vegetables for dinner.

For snacks eat black grapes, drink V8 juice and herbal teas. Include doing yoga workouts daily.

#7. Combine a regular physical exercise routine and a diet plan. Work out five times

a week, spending thirty minutes on the treadmill and lifting weights. Include an eating plan consisting of legumes, fish, nuts, fruits, vegetables, chicken and

low fat skim dairy products. Limit your consumption of both white sugar and

flour. Do not eat anything after eight in the evening.

In this article we have shown you seven weight loss plans to staying fit, trim and sexy. Any health routine should include physical workouts and planned meals. The diet plans above include a high protein diet, a healthy eating plan and a vegetarian plan. The physical workouts above include weight training, aerobic workouts, and yoga.

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Ten Reasons Not To Practice Chair Yoga (And Why They Are Wrong)

Anyone that can sit in a chair can benefit from practicing chair yoga. Unfortunately there are many reasons people give for not doing chair yoga. Virtually all of these reasons are due to misunderstandings. This article should clarify the most common reasons why people are reluctant to consider chair yoga.

1) "I'm too old to do yoga."

People of ALL ages are practicing chair yoga right now. Classes are typically geared towards seniors, with the average age in most being 70-something. We have had students in their 90s.

2) "I've got health issues."

Most people in chair yoga classes DO have health issues, and many are there because a health care professional that knows about their problems recommended it. A good chair yoga teacher will ask about and be aware of any limitations you might have. Chair yoga has helped our students with the symptoms of many health issues including high blood pressure, anxiety, fatigue, arthritis, vertigo, multiple sclerosis, carpal tunnel syndrome, depression, and chronic pain to name just a few conditions.

3) "I'm not flexible enough to do yoga".

Chair yoga classes are NOT designed for hard-bodied 20-somethings that can do poses that look impossible. Many people starting a chair yoga class have issues with flexibility, and your teacher will help modify the poses to accommodate that. Your flexibility should get better and better each day you practice chair yoga.

4) "I don't have time."

We all make time for what is important, and what is more important than your health? If you regularly practice your chair yoga you'll have more energy and be more effective, and will be able to get that much more done. You'll feel better while you're going about your busy schedule, too.

5) "I'll feel awkward in the class."

The people that go to chair yoga classes are all likely to either be feeling the effects of aging, have health issues, or both, so you probably won't stand out for those reasons. All yoga classes, not just chair yoga classes, have people with varying levels of experience and capabilities, so yoga instructors are specially trained to help everybody feel good about their progress no matter what level they are at. A good instructor will take poses step by step and at every point say something like, "this might be your pose today", giving you explicit permission to stop when your body says stop.

6) "I wouldn't look good in one of those little yoga outfits."

Generally the students in a chair yoga class do NOT wear special yoga clothes. Some may come to class wearing sweats, while many simply wear loose-fitting, comfortable streets clothes.

7) "I don't want to buy a lot of special equipment."

While it is true that there are whole catalogs full of yoga gear, the only prop you really need is a chair. Sometimes the student needs to elevate their feet somewhat, but things you can find around the house, such as a phone book, can be used for this purpose. If you are practicing in a class environment then the studio or sponsor typically provides any props used in class.

8) "I don't know where to go."

Ask about chair yoga at yoga studios, fitness centers, community centers, YMCA/YWCA. Search the internet on "chair yoga" plus the name of your metropolitan area. If you are in a retirement facility, ask the activities director. If that doesn't work there are some videos available.

9) "I don't want to learn a new language."

Yoga originated in a part of the world where the language was called "Sanskrit", and most poses do have a Sanskrit name. In traditional yoga classes the instructors refer to the poses by their Sanskrit name. However, chair yoga instructors often don't use Sanskrit names for the poses, and if they do, they usually mention the English equivalent, too. You'll probably hear terms like "forward fold".

10) "Yoga might conflict with my religion."

Historically, yoga was meant to be a total way of life, but very few people that practice yoga in the Western world subscribe to that approach. Most people in our society become involved in yoga for physical and mental fitness. This is especially true for those in a chair yoga program, so most chair yoga instructors don't emphasize the spiritual aspects of yoga.

Mark Franklin enjoys telling people about Liz Franklin's Yoga In Chairs(r) because he knows it is helping people live healthier, happier, and longer lives. If you want to find out about her special style of chair yoga, visit

Fourth Niyama - Svadhyaya

The fourth Niyama is, "Svadhyaya," as described by Maharishi Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras. Svadhyaya literally means self-inquiry. Sva means "self" and adhyaya means "inquiry."

Some Yoga teachers often refer to Svadhyaya as "self-study," but this subject deserves more attention. There are many methods for self-education, and the future will be filled with many more options. So, Yoga students commonly ask, "What would be the correct method for self-study?"

There is no single answer to this question, but the beginning of self-study starts the day a Yoga student decides to be present in his or her practice. For Hatha Yoga students, this may occur as an epiphany during Asana practice, because the emphasis was based upon mastering Asana, Pranayama, and thought.

For a student of Jnana Yoga, this epiphany might occur during a reading of scriptures or after a meditation session. So, there are many methods, which can create a revelation during Yoga practice; but all of them require a higher level of concentration and focus.

To discover who you really are is one of the greatest rewards of Yoga practice. We may, or may not, like what we see, but our past inherent responses to daily situations, and our habits, give us measurements to clearly see which path is our proper direction.

For some Yoga students, this is called the power of intuition or "gut feeling." When describing this to Yoga teachers, I place more emphasis on how the heart feels. If you are about to make an ethical choice, and you give it deep thought, you feel gratification. Therefore, you are "doing the right thing."

On the other hand, if you felt that revenge would give you gratification, your intuition is off. Visualize all the people, including you, who may suffer from an act of revenge. How does your heart feel? Forgiving, and compromising, can also be part of doing the right thing.

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of Yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. He has been a certified Master Yoga Teacher since 1995. To receive a Free Yoga e-Book: "Yoga in Practice," and a Free Yoga Newsletter, please visit:

? Copyright 2007 ? Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

The Yoga Diet - Explaining Rajasic and Sattvic

Yoga, and Ayurveda, classifies food into three categories: Rajasic, Satvic, and Tamasic. Let's discuss two of those three categories.

Rajasic foods are stimulating and provide energy. Too much of these foods, which are sometimes high fat, can cause restlessness and weight gain. However, in moderation, they can be used in the yogic diet to perform their purpose. Foods in this category are sour or pungent foods, like onions, garlic, curry, meat, and beverages, such as coffee and teas.

The foods to focus, on including in your diet, are sattvic foods. These are the purest foods that promote health and provide an even energy. Honey, fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, lentils, yogurt and other dairy, make up much of these foods.

Rice and grains are also in this category, providing fiber and assisting digestion. Little, to no preparation, is done to the foods before consumption. In this way, nutrition goes undisturbed with foods which are served raw or lightly cooked. These foods provide the highest degree of benefits and nourish the body. Sattvic foods keep the body balanced and are the most thoroughly absorbed and incorporated.

Impure, highly processed, and synthetic foods, not only isolate the nourishing benefits of foods - they also cause imbalanced conditions. These conditions cause discomfort, obesity, and disease. Most diseases are linked to diet in a major way. Seek to create balance in your body through your diet.

Any change in diet is difficult because it is a lifestyle change. Lifestyle changes are the only way to see long-term benefits. This is why fad diets are so terrible for the body. The more widely the pendulum swings, the less equilibrium you will experience.

Ancient yogis very much understood this and sought to balance their body, mind, and spirit, in all ways. While you will find great improvement through regular yoga practice, without intentional eating, it will be limited. Make the effort to create a new life balance for yourself through the yoga diet.

© Copyright 2008 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of Yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. He has been a certified Master Yoga Teacher since 1995. To receive a Free Yoga e-Book: "Yoga in Practice," and a Free Yoga Newsletter, please visit:

Workout Without Weights - At Home Fat Loss

The majority of the bodyweight training programs being published in books, magazines, and on the Internet only scratch the surface of what is possible with your bodyweight. If you want to experience true bodyweight training, then you should check out Circular Strength Training (CST) bodyweight exercises.

CST is a training system developed by Coach Scott Sonnon. He combines movements from dance, gymnastics, and yoga to create highly unique bodyweight movements that you will not find on YouTube, or traditional bodyweight training sources.

Coach Sonnon's workouts have taught me that there are many interesting ways to express yourself through physical activity and stay in shape. And staying in shape is an absolute necessity, especially in these stressful times.

Everyone knows that physical activity helps reduce stress. But most people are actually adding to their already high levels of stress. Gym membership fees and the cost of expensive home gym equipment, or even the cost of a personal trainer might deter individuals from performing physical activity for fat loss and better health.

But on the flip side, when individuals are told to do bodyweight exercises, they follow programs consisted of pushups, pullups, and bodyweight squats. There lies other problems and factors that come in their way. What if you are unable to perform a basic pushup, pullup, or bodyweight squat?

And for more advanced trainees, these movements start to become too easy. When your body is not challenged, you'll become bored. You will not grow with your workouts, and hence you will not achieve your goals.

Circular Strength Training Coaches Adam Steer and Ryan Murdock have recently come out with an impressive bodyweight training program called Bodyweight Blueprint for Fat Loss. To Learn more about this amazing program, check out my site, WorkoutWithoutWeights.Net

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Friday, October 4, 2013

Which Yoga is Right For You?

Tips On Finding A Style That Fits

It seems like yoga is everywhere these days. There are yoga classes in gyms, high schools, senior citizen centers, and strip malls, each with a different spin: gentle yoga, hot yoga, restorative yoga, pre- and post-natal yoga, power yoga, and mommy and me yoga, just to name a few.

Why is yoga experiencing such popularity? It might be because of the health benefits yoga practitioners say they experience, and the fact that yoga can be tailored to their specific needs.

I am a firm believer that anyone can benefit from a dedicated yoga practice. Yoga can improve your health and bring clarity to your mind. Your muscles become stronger, and you will gain more flexibility in your joints, something that doesn't happen from working out at the gym.

In fact, many students have come to me with injuries sustained from working with weights or from years of running. You have to be careful if you have injuries, but that shouldn't prevent you from beginning a yoga practice. You should never feel pain in a posture. There are always modifications to protect an injured area.

Students Report Benefits

Dedicated yogis report all kinds of benefits from practicing yoga, from improved health to reduced pain.

"I began yoga to become flexible and strengthen my body for running, especially my upper body," says Suzanne Gentry of Eaton's Neck. "The benefits I have gained are numerous. I have a lot of flexibility, tighter abs, stronger legs and upper body. I am more relaxed and sleep well. I am able to run like I did ten years ago. My hamstrings no longer hurt and my quads are stronger."

Susan Noddle of Manhattan reports that yoga has reduced her pain from two herniated discs in her back that lie on the L5 nerve root and cause discomfort in her foot.

"I have practiced with this injury and while at times I have to modify or take it slow, it has not prevented me from practicing for any sustained amount of time," says Susan. "I have had to take a week or a few days off when it flares up, but I am always able to return. I also have had surgeries on both of my knees. My surgeon recommends yoga for my knees."

Monica Diamond-Caravella of Huntington tells of the positive effects of yoga on her chronic neck pain. "I suffer from chronic neck pain related to a motor vehicle accident. I've been through physical therapy twice, for at least nine months each, with traction. Yoga keeps my neck supple and flexible and the majority of the time I have no pain. If I don't keep up my practice, my neck pain comes back."

Yoga For Any Age, Any Level of Ability

People of any age can practice yoga. My students are all ages: from teenagers to 70-year-olds. Not only is practicing yoga possible at any age, you don't have to be able to touch your toes or bend like a pretzel to do it. Flexibility is a byproduct of practicing yoga. It's one of the benefits.

If you've "tried yoga and didn't like it," I would encourage you to take a class with a different teacher or try a different style. Yoga is so beneficial on many levels, no matter what your age. Don't give up because you didn't like the teacher, or you felt the class was too difficult, or too easy. There's a yoga class for everybody! 

A Guide to the Types of Yoga

Not sure where to begin? Here are brief descriptions of some of the different types of yoga available in our area:

VINYASA FLOW - "Vinyasa" means "to move with the breath." In some vinyasa-style yoga classes you will flow in and out of postures without having to hold one pose for very long. In others, the teacher may instruct you to stay in the posture longer, which may be more challenging. Anusara, Ashtanga, Jivamukti and Power Yoga are all vinyasa style practices.

ANUSARA - Founded in 1997 by John Friend, Anusara is a vinyasa-style practice that emphasizes heart-opening through backbending and alignment and includes the use of props. Anusara means "flowing with Grace" and the practice aims to look for the good in all things. This class is good for students of all levels.

ASHTANGA - This system, passed on by Pattabhi Jois, involves linking movement to breath in a series of postures designed to detoxify, align and strengthen the body. In this type of yoga, the room in usually heated to 85 degrees. Many people find this a challenging practice.

JIVAMUKTI - Jivamukti means "liberation while living." This type of yoga was founded by David Life and Sharon Gannon and incorporates chanting, yoga philosophy and meditation along with postures and breath.

POWER YOGA - Similar to Ashtanga, power yoga synchronizes breath and movement. These classes are designed to build strength and flexibility and can be quite challenging.

BIKRAM YOGA (or HOT YOGA) - Named after its founder, Bikram Choudhury, this type of yoga is practiced in a room heated to 100 degrees or more. Prepare to sweat. A lot! This method consists of a set series of 26 postures with each posture repeated twice in 90 minutes. Wear light clothing, bring a water bottle and a very big towel.

HATHA - A hatha yoga class is a good place for beginners to learn the basic standing, seated and balancing postures of yoga. These classes generally move at a slower pace.

KUNDALINI - Kundalini yoga is designed to free energy in the lower body, allowing it to move upwards, awakening the seven charkas. This class consists of rapid, repetitive movements done with breath or holding a pose while breathing in a particular way. Classes include chanting and can be physically intense.

IYENGAR - This style is named after its originator, BKS Iyengar, and is characterized by precise attention to alignment in each posture. You will more than likely hear the teacher direct your attention to your feet, knees, hips, spine, sternum, neck, head, and other body parts in just about every pose. The use of props such as blocks, straps, bolsters, and blankets is encouraged.

RESTORATIVE - These classes focus on relaxing the body in postures that are comfortable, usually using props such as bolsters and blankets.

One way to make sure your instructor has been properly trained is to see if they are registered with Yoga Alliance, a national registry for yoga teachers. This indicates that the teacher has completed a standard course of study. A poorly trained instructor may inadvertently cause injury by forcing a pose or allowing a student to try something the student isn't ready for. Yoga Alliance's national registry is available online at

Yvonne Suzuki Licopoli, Registered Yoga Teacher
Northport, New York

Are You Still Seeing No Gains in Your Muscle Mass? How to Get Past Your Plateau

Are you interested in gaining muscle mass on your body? What are you doing about it? If you think that you will create bulging biceps and six pack ab muscles within five days then you should look for a miracle drug. It takes weeks of intense fitness training, dietary supplements that boost formation of muscle mass, and toning the already existing fat of the body to gain a body that is to be envied by anyone who looks at it.

If you don't know much about gaining muscle mass it is advisable to buy a few body building magazines or looking up the Internet for more information. The majority of the articles on this subject will tell you that the way to gain a chiseled physique is a combination of weight training and cardio exercise as far as working out is concerned. Other than that most body builders have taken the assistance of some supplementary drink or a protein shake which adds muscle mass to your body.

Therefore, in order to achieve those rippling muscles you will not only need to work out regularly and possibly take supplementary drinks, but also maintain a healthy well-balanced diet. Depriving your body of particular nutrients like carbohydrates and calories will reduce your daily energy level. In the end, neither will you develop any muscle mass nor will you find yourself fully energized.

About a third of the adult population misses out on the most important meal of the day: breakfast. When they say that you should have breakfast like a king, they say it for a reason. This meal jumpstarts your day by providing you with sufficient energy to make up for the long gap between your meal last night and your breakfast as well as boosting your metabolism from the very beginning. You will feel more energetic and be able to sustain long hours of work by having a well balanced breakfast. However, don't stuff yourself with food during the rest of your meals during the day.

Eat small quantities but have them many times a day. This keeps your metabolism working at a stable speed and also does not end up storing excess food resulting from over eating. These short, frequent meals add more to your muscle mass than to your fat quotient. Also, when you have to have around six meals during the day, you automatically start taking care of what you will be putting into your mouth. Hence, you will not be deprived of variety.

If you think only eating right or gulping down endless amount of protein shakes will make you gain muscle mass then you are forgetting about the most important complimentary activity required for it. Regular work out is absolutely mandatory for those wanting to gain muscle mass. However, this does not mean you have to slog in the gym for hours. You can do any sort of exercise including sports, jogging, walking, running, using the treadmill at home or even yoga.

However, make sure you combine cardio with weight training. Otherwise, you will lose weight rapidly cue to cardio, but not tone your muscles which is done by weight training. Make use of fat binders in order to give shape to your muscles and tone up your fat. But while doing all this make sure you keep yourself adequately hydrated.

Now listen carefully! If you want build more muscle without the use of dangerous steroids and useless supplements then click the link and get the latest bodybuilding and weight loss tips available.

Make sure you visit and receive your FREE report, "8 Things you Must Do To Build Maximum Muscle" from Sean Nalewanyj of Muscle Gain Truth.

Going to the Gym But Not Seeing Results? You Might Not Be Exercising As Effectively As You Think

You've been heading to the gym diligently a few times a week, but you're still not seeing results? It turns out you might be wasting your time.

By doing the same workout all the time, your body eventually gets used to it and you just won't be working hard enough.

How can you make your workouts more effective? Here are some tips to bust out of your workout rut:

Combine strength training and cardio. Research shows that the most effective method of weight loss is to do a combination of strength training and cardiovascular workouts. That means it's better to do a combination than to just run, bike, or hit the weight machines without doing anything else. The key is to expend a lot of calories. Try doing full-body circuits with free weights, linking one exercise after the other without rest.

Change the workload. Eventually, your body will adapt to any form of exercise, so change your workload as you go. Say, for example, you usually do 15 pushups. Try doing inverted pushups (feet raised slightly above the head), or changing your arm position to make pushups harder. Whatever you do, keep challenging yourself to reach new heights.

Buddy up. Grab a partner and work out with someone else. You might find that you work harder than usual just having someone else with you.

Try something new. Don't just change the workload of your exercise; try to change up your workout itself from time to time. For example, if you usually run, why not try biking or a boot camp class to shock your body a bit? Just make sure you're working out at the same intensity as before. You can't go from an intensive boot camp-style workout to a gentle yoga class and expect the same results.

Alison Dunn is Editor of Primacy Life, a Canadian-based health, wellness and fitness website. Primacy Life is published weekly and covers important topics affecting Canadians everywhere. Visit today.

Competent Hatha Yoga Teachers Needed

There is a perception that the world has plenty of competent Yoga teachers. Yet, when you attend a class, you discover teachers are attentive to their students and some who are not. Without speculating on the exact percentage of teachers, who are self-absorbed in their own practice during class time, we can easily imagine that this percentage of teachers is significant.

For example: If you travel from New England to California, and stop at a Yoga studio, or ashram, every three hours, you are likely to see many styles of teaching. By this, I am not referring to the style of Yoga, but to the style and competence level of each instructor you meet on this trip.

If you have been practicing any form of Yoga, for one year or more, why would you want to stay in a class with a teacher who never makes eye contact with his or her students? Some teachers do not allow for questions within the Yoga class. Again, I ask, why would students waste their time with a Yoga teacher who would not share knowledge?

The point to understand is people might think that once one completes Yoga teacher training, he or she is competent. While this may be true, in most cases, it is up to the students to observe the quality of instruction they receive.

Does Yoga teacher show compassion, modify techniques, make assists, and give constructive advice, without criticism? These are questions that the public should be asking themselves when they attend our classes. It is not enough to go out and get an impressive certification or a registration card.

Teaching Yoga is a constant learning experiencing - for both the instructor and the student. Some teachers love the stimulation they receive from continuing education. This is an excellent start; but implementing ideas learned, from continuing education, and daily experiences from the interaction with students, is the key to being the best Yoga instructor you can be.

In order to set systems in place for the best possible student experience, we have to develop a comprehensive orientation. This would start with an application, which helps you to understand each student's physical health and emotional needs. In this way, Yoga teachers will be able to guide new students toward the best choices offered in your facility.

The next step is a formal introduction between both parties. This requires new students to understand that they want to arrive early to their first class. Admitting students, through your doors, after the class has already started, is a very unwise policy.

For example: Let's say you decide to admit a student, who is five minutes late to class. After all - the class has begun and you are in the middle of getting your students "centered." This disruption breaks the flow of the entire class. In addition, that student lets you know that she is four months pregnant, after the class has ended.

My point is that you need firm policies and procedures in place, for the safety of those people, who lack the knowledge about how important it is to follow guidelines. For all of the reasons listed above, there will never be too many competent Yoga teachers.

? Copyright 2010 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of Yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. He has been a certified Master Yoga Teacher since 1995. To receive Free Yoga videos, Podcasts, e-Books, reports, and articles about Yoga, please visit:

Slim in 6 Review - Is 6 Weeks All I Need to Get the Body of a Goddess?

Just six weeks with Slim in 6 and you will "lose the weight you've gained over the years," claims this fitness training product. Can that be true? In just 42 days? And your body will turn into the body of a Goddess? Can that be true?

What is "Slim in 6"? Review of core products

"Slim in 6" is a package of fitness resources for women. Sorry, guys -- although there's no reason why men can't follow the same regimen. At its core, the package is a set of DVD exercise routines in three levels of difficulty -- Start It Up! - Ramp It Up! - Burn It Up!

You also get a tape measure, a resistance band and other resources. You pay a fee to purchase the package, and you must join a club with another monthly fee.

What about diet and nutrition?

The Slim in 6 package includes a 6-day Express Diet Plan and online diet tips, but most of the resources are aimed at aerobic, resistance, flexibility, stretch and crunch training.

Offered by Goddess in Training. Can I really get the body of a Goddess?

In six weeks? That depends on how much overweight you are when you begin this program. A healthy weight loss goal is 1 to 2 pounds per week, perhaps more in the first ten days or so.

That also depends on your definition of "Goddess." Another training program offered by the same fitness company, was created by another fitness group, "Goddess in Training, Inc." Exercise routines target parts of the body that are hard for women to shape -- body sculpting using a variety of routines including yoga and pilates. Titles of their routines include "Goddess Abs," "Goddess Booty," "Pajama Time," and "AM Latte." The two female trainers who lead the routines are referred to affectionately as "goddesses."

Wikipedia says "A Goddess is a "female deity." It goes on to say "In some cultures goddesses are associated with Earth, motherhood, love, and the household." Goddess implies strength, respect, someone deserving of admiration and devotion.

Slim in 6 review

Remember the number one rule in weight loss -- You must take in fewer calories that you burn in order to lose weight. It is a lot harder to lose weight by exercise that simply limiting your caloric intake. So if you are overweight and want to lose weight, you really should focus first on diet, second on exercise.

Slim in 6 will provide you with healthy cardio and other fitness routines. Do these routines and you will have more energy and feel better -- perhaps even feel better about yourself. Whether your body will be transformed into that of a goddess...? That depends on you and your mindset.

Have you ever said to yourself, "I wanna lose weight"? For real weight loss solutions, reviews of top weight loss products, helpful articles such as Cancer and Obesity, dieting tips, and much more -- visit

Getting Started with Yoga Quickly And Easily

There are lots of amazing things about yoga, but one of the best is that there's basically no cost involved in practicing yoga. You don't need any specific, expensive training equipment required in order to get the desired results, and there's no one perfect environment necessary to practice yoga properly.

Mostly this is because yoga isn't really about just doing yoga - it's more a state of mind linked to your lifestyle. So far that reason, your will, together with your beliefs and attitudes towards your philosophical path, is what really matters. Yoga also encourages you to have a healthy, balanced diet, focusing on natural foods, in order to be properly prepared for your first yoga session. The food you eat strongly affects your mind and soul; so careful eating is crucial in yoga.

Although it's possible to practice yoga anywhere, without needing a specially designed place, it's still important to choose a location as far from annoying distractions as you can make it. So avoid, TV, radio and street noise if you possibly can. It's also good for the area to be clean, quite, and well ventilated if that's possible. Most yoga practitioners use a blanket when practicing yoga, as there are many sitting or lying positions involved in performing the exercises and meditation, but you can easily use a towel or a mat if that's easier for you.

When it comes to choosing what to wear, it's important that you choose clothing that is loose and very comfortable. Perhaps a training suit, sweat pants and a t-shirt, shorts, or even loose pajamas. It's possible to do yoga in the nude, which some people prefer, but generally it's accepted that you wear suitable clothing, particularly if it's a group yoga session.

Most yoga practitioners also recommend that you have an empty stomach when commencing a session. It's a good idea to wait a couple of hours after your main meal, so your body has had time to digest the food. Make sure you have clear nostrils and throat, as breathing exercises are a key element in yoga training.

Some people find that over time they develop a preference for practicing yoga at a particular time of day, but in fact there's no one time that is considered to be the best. If you practice yoga in the morning, you help to give your body and mind a good start to the day, as well as getting a good boost in your energy levels. However practicing yoga in the evenings can contribute to a peaceful and restful sleep.

It's important that you don't push yourself during yoga to the point where you feel exhausted when you're finished. If you feel tired during the session, take a break. It's quite common for yoga practitioners to take regular short breaks, particularly between the more difficult exercises. It's not necessary to persist with yoga for hours at a time to get results - 15 minutes of correct yoga practice can be enough to give you excellent results.

Finally, remember that your attitude and your desire to uncover the amazing sensations and experiences created by this ancient philosophy is the most important thing you can take to a yoga session.

For more exciting and important information on the benefits of yoga and tips on yoga for women, yoga for men and the branches of yoga visit located at

Thursday, October 3, 2013

10 Yoga Techniques For Advanced Fitness Buffs

Fitness is an evolving field. The emergence of several approaches to trim down is sometimes too much to contain. The more choices of health programs, the more an individual gets confused which is the best for him is. Effectiveness in fitness programs is not questionable. It's a matter of whether or not such program works on you if it does make an impact to others.

Among the weight loss programs, the most commonly used are cardio exercises such as running and aerobics, dancing, outdoor sports playing, body pump, bench press cardio and elliptical training. For the more up-to-date health buffs, they have started appreciating the effects of taekwondo-kickboxing combo, boxing, Pilates and Yoga. The last two programs are more or less related as they use mind-body-spirit alignment to burn fats and strengthen muscles groups. These 10 Yoga techniques for advanced fitness buffs might help you:

1. Before doing the 10 Yoga steps, it's important to note that you should not allow your head to turn while your neck is under pressure. Pose with a supported headstand. First step in this technique of doing Yoga at home is to kneel down gradually. After that, your hands must grasp your elbows as if enclosing them both. Your forearms are the ones that carry on the weight of your body.

2. Take your hands of your elbows and bring them toward your front. Your fingers must be together closely. Your elbows should be straightened.

3. Still on a supported headstand position, you can place your interlocked hands at the back of your head. Your head's top must be aimed on the floor. Your hands and elbows should make a trivet or support that allows a solid foundation of your reversed body. Imagine standing on your head, you are turned upside down.

4. This time stretch your knees straightly and lift your hips.

5. Now, get your knees to straighten steadily while you bring your feet closely to your head. Draw your hips toward the back with your neck unbent forward or backward. Instead, your neck must be aligned with your spinal column.

6. Bring your bent knees toward your chest and raise your feet away from the floor. Drawing your hips backwards is to be done along with it. Hold this position and halt before trying to bring your knees a little higher.

7. Still bending your knees, you bring the upwardly toward the roof and feel the contraction in your abs.

8. You can now gradually stretch your legs straight. Your body's weight is mostly felt on the forearms this time. Move on and off the position gradually and controllably. To stretch your spine, you have to lengthen your legs up.

9. Tone down by doing steps 5, 6 and 7 again.

10. Rest as if you're sleeping and do six breaths deeply.

When doing yoga, it's important that you execute steps gradually. It's the art of stretching and breathing deeply where your mind, spirit and body align harmoniously.

Finding the perfect Workout Routines [] takes time and effort. These best workout routines is a great place to start if a person is interested in flat abs. The P90X [] workout routines is also another workout that will help develop flat abs.

Benefits of Mind Body and Yoga Classes

The connection between the mind and body is recognized by medical professionals and doctors around the globe. By improving one's physical health, they may begin to feel better mentally or emotionally. Similarly, by improving one's mental or emotional health, they may begin to feel better physically. Simply relaxing or reducing stress is a great way to feel better mentally and physically and is a good example of the connection between these two aspects of an individual's being.

Mind, body and yoga classes may be a great way to help improve one's overall well-being. These classes may consist of various tasks including yoga, which is used by individuals around the world to help them relax and improve their physical and mental health. There are several types of these exercises or stretches and those interested are encouraged to seek lessons from a trained instructor for best results.

Restorative yoga is a type of this exercise that requires no effort and is completely relaxing. Instead of using the body's energy to assume certain poses, props such as blocks, pillows or blankets are used to put the individual into these poses. The individual will lie still throughout, allowing the deep relaxation to help rejuvenate them physically and mentally.

This may be a good way to improve certain health issues that are related to the endocrine or reproductive system. Infertility may be greatly affected by stress and by relaxing and relieving stress, individuals or couples may help to improve their fertility so they may accomplish their goal of becoming pregnant. Certain restorative yoga poses may be more helpful in improving fertility, so inform your instructor if you are trying to get pregnant, and especially if you already are pregnant.

Individuals suffering chronic pain or fatigue may find mind and body sessions helpful as well. It may help to improve digestion and sleep without the rigors and pain often associated with certain other treatments or procedures to help improve these ailments. These classes are very versatile and may be successful on their own, but many choose to combine them with other, more traditional approaches to healing as well.

Arianna has assembled more information on Mind and Body programs as well as restorative yoga for pregnant women. Have a look at your convenience for relieving stress and how it helps during a pregnancy.

Iyengar Yoga - Why is Alignment So Important?

Iyengar is a form of yoga that focuses on the proper alignment of the body. B.K.S. Iyengar, who was the founder of Iyengar, established the use of props to better facilitate yogis to get maximum benefit from each pose by concentrating on the alignment. This was done in order to achieve improved therapeutic benefits from each session.

Alignment is used to describe exact positioning of the body for each posture in yoga. Iyengar is the most alignment oriented form of yoga. Iyengar instructors place a lot of emphasis on alignment as opposed to all other yoga trainers.

Since Iyengar teaches proper body alignment and stresses importance of using props to achieve it, it is the best option for beginners. Most people find it difficult in the beginning to achieve the correct poses, so when certain props are available to help them, it gets easier.Props that are most commonly used to perform Iyengar include the following:

Wooden gadgets
Yoga straps or belts
Sand bags
Foam Blocks
Each of the above is used in various poses of Iyengar. When it is practiced on a regular basis, it helps to assimilate and integrate one's body with their emotions. Instructor involvement is also a key feature of Iyengar. Unlike in other forms, these instructors are very involved with their students and give very descriptive instructions about alignment and misalignment of the body. They also pay close attention to all participants in a session so that they can help them improve their postures. Iyengar instructors have to be certified in order to train other people about the specific techniques utilized for proper alignment.

Most American yoga followers choose the Iyengar for therapeutic reasons. Due to the emphasis placed on proper alignment, it provides cures for various body pains and improves the body posture. Most back pains are related to bad posture, so a large number of people benefit from Iyengar as the instructors enforce straight alignment of all body parts during the sessions.

Other health issues that are being resolved with yoga include improved circulation, nervous and respiratory systems, enhanced lung capacity and in general a well being of all internal organs.

Iyengar emphasizes the standing poses as they are considered to build strong leg muscles which in turn improve balance and coordination, as they are extremely important to carry out advanced yoga. Even though different kinds of routines have different objectives, the main purpose is to relax the mind and body so that meditation could be done. Iyengar also follows this main mantra and provides a way of life for all by stressing focus on proper body alignment and posture. This leads the practitioner to achieve perfection in any asana. So Iyengar is targeted towards all who want to attain perfection of mind and body. Yoga Postures * DOUBLE YOUR FLEXIBILITY* in 28 days... 7 Secrets of Nutrition and Flexibility. Free 7-day email course at link above. Bikram Yoga Class at Home *BIKRAM YOGA LOVER?* Get the definitive home study course on Hot Yoga. Giant 300-page book, 2 DVDs, pose chart, and more.

YOGABODY Naturals LLC is a yoga educational and nutritional supplement company aimed specifically at students of yoga asana. Founded by Lucas Rockwood in 2007, the YOGABODY community now includes over 10,000 students and teachers worldwide.

"Powerful Yoga for Real People"

5 Non-Training Tips For Successful Weight Loss

As a personal trainer in Singapore, I know that reaching fitness goals is what training should be about. All the my clients who made awesome, positive changes to their bodies, had set their mind to do so. What's different about these "success stories"? Here are some of the key things that I have noticed.

1. A champion mentality

Besides being a personal trainer in Singapore, I also coach basketball as a hobby. There is a key difference between players that play late in the fourth quarter and those who sit on the bench in critical situations. It's not about skill, it's about mental stability and strength.

Same with reaching fitness goals. It's a battle and there are times when it's easy to give up.

Champions have a positive view of the end point.

Part of the champion mentality is to have only a positive image of what the end result should be. I know many people who have been fat for years and only think of themselves as fat.


You not only need to think of yourself as lean, healthy and strong. You have to "experience" it before the fact. That means touching your waistline and "feeling" the hard muscles below, that means speaking about your fitness goals as if you have already achieved them, that may even mean buying clothes 3 sizes too small because you WILL get there.

Also, avoid what are known as self-sabotaging thoughts. Our conscious mind wants something (money, muscles, fat loss whatever) but there are those sub conscious thoughts that get in the way. E.g.

(Conscious thought): I need to eat well to lose some fat. I want to get lean. I know that means no starchy foods unless I just did some exercise.

* I choose a few meat and leafy vegetable dishes from the restaurant.

* I begin to sit down and look at my plate

(Sub-conscious, self sabotaging thought): This is not going to make me feel full, where is the pile of rice I usually eat?...

(to me, the most damaging thought): "What is a meal without rice/noodles/potatoes?"

With all those self defeating thoughts, the conscious mind can only overcome for a while, and it cannot continuously overcome them.

Some things that help: Write down you goal and read it 100 times in a row. "I want to lose 5 kg in the next 2 months". As you read it, there will likely be self sabotaging thoughts that come up. Cut these down by focusing on the image of what it will be like to have achieved your goal easily and painlessly.

Champions have a desire for excellence.

You can't live a healthy lifestyle in moderation. You need excellence. Moderation is actually a set up for failure. This probably isn't' what most people want to hear. But it's WAR out there. We need to b tough.

Moderation is not the way to win a war. We need to aggressively take massive and decisive action. No we don't need to be perfect, none of us are. But 90% and above is good enough.

2. Social support for Success

Human beings need a community for continued success. Even a very knowledgeable personal trainer, or the best nutrition plan will be unlikely to work unless we have social support. Changing a behavior has 3 components. First is awareness. The realization that there is a need for change and that change will bring about positive effects. The second is intervention. The actually change of behavior. In this case it may be hiring a personal trainer, or starting a good diet and exercise program. The final stage actually makes or breaks the process. It is called sustenance. It means making the change permanent - long term success is what counts when it comes to reaching your fitness goals.

For this, a positive community is extremely important. There is a saying that "you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with." If your family and closest friends are all pizza and beer fans who's idea of excessive exercise is golf on the Nintendo wii, what do you think your chances of keeping to an exercise plan will be? Yup, close to nil.

I beleive community is one of the reasons that fitness classes like Pilates, yoga, step aerobics and boot camps are so popular. Are their training programs better than a top end personal trainer. Certainly not. But they do have a community element that keeps people coming back. That's certainly a positive thing.

3. A Will to change

While this is linked to no.1 I think it bears special mention. As a personal trainer in Singapore, I know that change is a scary thing for many people because it can be uncomfortable and it brings about uncertainty. People tend to do things which they know the outcome of because its safe.

However there are some changes we cannot afford NOT to make if we want to reach our fitness goals. One example is a client of mine who simply loved to jog. He had knee, back and lower leg problems but just would not stop. Physically I knew exactly what he needed to do, but he just wouldn't.

What makes a person change his/her actions? Often it is not persuasive arguments but rather experiences that make a profound impact. I challenged him to stop and trade jogging for 8 weeks of sprint cycling and weight training. If he did not absolutely love the results of these 8 weeks, I would give him a full refund of his money as well as a free session with a top physio therapist in the area. He agreed and after 8 weeks, he became pain free, stronger, more muscular, and leaner. I don't think excessive jogging will ever be a problem again for this man.

He had the will to change, sure it took some incentives but incentives are never a real problem. There are so many definite benefits to getting fit and lean. And deep inside I believe that he knew that the painful and stagnant jogging protocol wasn't getting the job done. Similarly the TV watching and potato chip eating protocol isn't going to get the jog done either. Change is needed.

4. A will to learn

Desire to do something is directly co related to competence in that activity. Good personal trainers and coaches care that clients continue with a healthy lifestyle even when they are no longer employing them. That's why part of every session i coach is a review and education session as to why we just did what we just did. This builds the client's knowledge base and makes them more and more competent so that they are more and more likely to do healthy activity. Trainers who simply count reps and cheer-lead clients are just not doing their jobs.

Even if you are not employing a trainer or fitness coach, learn all you can about fitness, nutrition, how your body works. I guarantee you that as you continue to learn how wonderfully your body is created, you will want to train and you will feel compelled not to put rubbish food into this amazing machine.

Right now go to and buy a book about a fitness topic. It really doesn't matter which one because you never ever get dumber by reading a book. "don't believe everything you read, but don't just read things you believe". It's a great attitude to learning. In fact studies show that after genetics (not much you can do about that), the next greatest determinant of IQ is the number of books a person reads (ALOT you can do about that!).

5. A will to fight through to the finish

Easier said than done. How long does one of my fat loss programs last? 12-16 weeks. Are the results awesome yes. But still its 16 weeks. Its actually very quick, after all, a person may spend 30 years getting fat, whats 16 weeks for fat loss? But! That's 8 times longer than what some slimming centers fad diets, exercise contraptions and diet pills promise (without any real science or guarantees to back them up). And the uninformed customer may choose based on this "promise".

In this age of 5 minute meals, instant downloads (how long did it take for this page to load?) and quick fix fitness, the will to "finish strong" is very much overlooked.

However take heart. You will be rewarded. Pushing hard to the finish point is very much part of the champion mindset. I have met some of my athletes who have the will to win but not all of them have the will to PREPARE to win. They love to play in games but they don't want to put in the hours and effort in training. A champion boxer once said that you can cheat on your training in the darkness of the early morning, but you will be found out in the bright lights of the stadium.

That's what this is about, the long haul, consistent will to make the choices that get you to your fitness goals. Stay strong and good luck!

Coach Jonathan Wong, is a sought after Singapore personal trainer and performance expert who has helped hundreds of clients in Singapore achieve their fitness, fat loss and sports performance goals. He Is also a fitness author and a member of Singapore Men's Health Advisory Panel. Visit his website for a free 1500 page e-book, blog, newsletter and constant updates.

Teaching Hatha Yoga - Beware of Unbalanced Praise

What is unbalanced praise in a Yoga class? If you teach classes, you may have learned about "unbalanced praise" in Yoga teacher training; but let's go over the basics. Essentially, unbalanced praise is favoritism when one student is praised, above all others, by the teacher. There is a flaw in this method in that the teacher does not see the big picture.

By "the big picture," I refer to the full scope of what the teacher is doing. As teachers, our words and actions create "chain reactions." Unbalanced praise can make one student feel less worthy, while another student begins to have an inflated ego. This ultimately brings the whole class out of balance. It is only human to seek approval of our worthiness.

Who is the class for? Yoga classes are designed to enhance the lives of every student in attendance. We want students to become self-aware, but Yoga teachers should be examples of complete consciousness. We must understand the Law of Karma and the principles of cause and effect, at all times.

Imagine teaching Yoga classes and reading the following statement:

"I currently attend Yoga at a studio and as often as I try to not be bothered by this, it seems my Yoga teacher always praises certain students and often times, completely leaves others out. I happen to be one of them who are left out. I always stay present, reminding myself that I am not there to receive praise.

I would like to believe that I am not dependent on the teacher's praise. However, because this happens often and many times, it seems I am the only one the teacher does not praise; it's hard to not at times take it personally. I often feel that my teacher's actions send a message to those that are left out, 'you're not doing well enough.'

This bothers me because I believe teachers should always find ways to encourage students, that no matter where they are in their practice, they are doing a good job, too. Also, the message to those who regularly receive praise is 'you're great,' which in my opinion, could also lead to performance and competition.

I would rather be on the side that I am on because it does challenge me to remember my reasons for practicing Yoga, and it keeps my ego in check. I am just curious how you could help me see this from a perspective that would enhance my practice and keep me from becoming frustrated with my teacher, at times."

What is the objective of teaching Yoga? The objective of teaching classes is to end suffering or to reduce it. If I received a letter like this from one of my students, I have completely missed my objective. When a student feels welcomed, during and after a Yoga class, he or she will realize this is the right place to be.

If every student is doing his or her personal best - that is worthy of praise. Just making an appearance is better than most people do. When you praise students, make sure it is spread around the entire group.

If you are a Yoga student who feels left out, you may want to seek out another teacher or speak honestly to your current teacher. Although, there is a possibility that any suggestion from student to teacher might not be accepted, some teachers encourage open dialogue. No matter who we are, the ego can throw constructive suggestions aside.

If you feel an honest talk will not go well, it may be best to sample some other Yoga classes in your area. It's only human to feel hurt when we are not praised, while others are. If what you are receiving from Yoga class hurts, and is challenging your self-image, you would be better off practicing at home with DVDs, friends, or family members.

© Copyright 2009 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of Yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. He has been a certified Master Yoga Teacher since 1995. To receive Free Yoga videos, Podcasts, e-Books, reports, and articles about Yoga, please visit:

Bikram Yoga Provides a Natural Body Cleanse

Bikram Yoga, also known as "hot yoga" was created by Bikram Choudhury. He began to practice yoga when he was only three years old and later went on to become a master Yogi. A renowned physical culturalist, Bishnu Ghosh studied with him for years and together they developed this particularly challenging set of stretches and poses.

Anyone can practice Bikram yoga. If you are a beginner, however, it is important to work with an instructor who has been trained on the postures. You will find that Bikram yoga is now being incorporated into the programs of more and more yoga studios across the country. Many upscale health clubs offer it as well.

There are many types of yoga. Bikram, however, stands out in front of them. Its practice is not unlike other yoga types when it comes to the postures and poses. However, there is one element that makes it very different. The room in which Bikram is practiced is typically heated at temperatures ranging between 90 and 100 degrees Fahrenheit.

There are 26 poses that comprise the 90 minute schedule. Each pose is performed twice during the session. There are standing postures that kick off the program. You then move into backbends. Finally, you finish up with twists and forward bends.

Kapalabhati breath techniques, also called breath of fire, are employed as you work through the postures. These advanced breathing techniques are used because of the beneficial energizing qualities and natural body cleansing capabilities they provide.

The heat that is incorporated into the Bikram routine is necessary in order to increase the body's flexibility. It makes the exercise more effective and the difficult postures easier to achieve. Many of the Bikram poses are extremely challenging. You will find that as you heat up during the session, you will become more capable of comfortably entering into the postures. This allows you to benefit more and it also reduces your risk of injury.

Your pores will readily expand because of the increased sweat experienced during your session. This provides a natural body cleanse as you sweat out toxins. Be sure to bring plenty of water with you. However, it is important to sip it slowly and not chug it down. When your body is heated to the temperatures that you will experience during class, attempting to re-hydrate quickly may cause nausea.

Bikram is more than merely stretching exercises for the muscles. It also massages your internal organs. It will strengthen your glands as it lubricates them. You will experience an improvement in your nervous system as well. Your joints, muscles and ligaments all benefit from the workout.

Many who try Bikram yoga report feeling euphoric at the conclusion of the program. It is a revitalizing and energizing program that provides natural cleansing to your body and your spirit.

When I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2009, I completely changed my lifestyle, dropped almost 50 pounds and began a regimen of complementary treatments to support my immune system and get my body healthy again. It is one year later and I am feeling great. Please visit my website. There you will find lots of total cleanse information and health tips.

Therapy and Rejuvenation With Yoga Holidays

One of the major reasons for worry in the modern world is an ever-increasing health issues among the people across different age groups. There are large number of problems that are regularly faced by people that come from diverse professional areas and even students and retired people.

Though there are different forms of medical treatments and medication available, it is not always fruitful and has equally severe aftereffects to be endured. And, this is a reason too that more and more people are turning to alternative methods of healing.

Major Ailments

In order to understand the need for alternate therapies it is important to understand exactly what are the ailments that affect people at different points of time. Some illnesses are commonly seen today without any standard age group or cause.

Here is a list of some of the ailments.


Blood Pressure

Blood Circulation Problems





These are only some of the ailments that affect people who are professionals, students and even aged or retired.

Yoga Therapy

One of the most popular and internationally acclaimed alternative therapies for treatment is that of yoga. A part of ancient practices from India yoga refers to different types of body postures or 'asana' that are performed as exercises.

The postures are patterned on the basis of ancient wisdom about bodily ailments and their healing process. Over a period of time not only will the body become more flexible to the adaptation of these postures but also bring about substantial improvement in health related problems, pains and other problems.

It may be noted here that in order to achieve good results and success with yoga asana you need to understand the postures and the purpose carefully. There are certain timings for each asana and requirements of diet that needs to be followed as well.

Yoga Holidays

Increased environmental pollution coupled with work pressure and stress often leads to different ailments that are not easily cured with medicines alone.

Yoga asana can help you achieve that goal even in a busy life of yours. A perfect way to get started can be to go for a yoga holiday.

There are several resorts and holiday retreats across the world that specialize in such therapies and training their guests with the postures and exercises for future continuations of the same.

Yoga Retreats Thailand

Thailand is one of the most exotic destinations of Southeast Asia that is well known all over the world for a number of different things. There is an exotic blend of eastern culture along with cultural traditions of music and dance.

Apart from these Thailand is also popular for its specialized massage therapies with rare herbs and natural oils that is an instant cure for stress and pressure.

Another important contribution of remedial therapies of Thailand is in its yoga retreats. These are set amidst natural surroundings and equipped with the professional training and expertise of yoga masters.

There is a strict diet regime followed along with regular yoga therapy during a person's stay. This also includes meditation that is a basic process to relax muscles and enhance concentration.

For more information on yoga retreat, check out the info available online; these will help you learn to find the yoga retreats!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Best Exercise For Love Handles - Time to Do Them

Love handles are actually a surplus of your tummy fat and are very prominent giving your hips a not too good silhouette. A workout routine that concentrates on your midsection is the best exercise for love handles whether they are evident or not.

Cycling is a good exercise for that bulging waistline. You can cycle around the park or use a stationary bike. This activity does not only work on your love handles but is also good in building strength for your abdominals and upper thighs.

If you go to the gym, you will notice that there are a lot of equipment that can be used to help shed your midsection's fat. There are the rowing machines, weight machines and various abdominal exercise apparatus.

There are also the floor exercises which you can do if you cannot go to the gym. Some of these are Pilates, yoga, dance and other slower aerobic trainings. Nevertheless, the best exercise for love handles is something that is done on normal, moderate and more periodic and caloric burning. This does not at any rate say that the floor exercises will not work.

In order to have the good exercise for your bulging waistline, it is important to focus on the frequency of doing the exercises. Cycling may not apply to people who are somewhat less physically able. Horse riding is a good way to lose those fats so you must have noticed that equestrians do not have these flabs.

If you are a very busy person and cannot leave your house or cannot afford to go to the gym, there are options which you can choose from.

You can opt to do sit-ups, crunches and torso twists as all of these works well on the abdominal area. The push-ups and pull-ups as well as light kettle-bell workouts are also another option. Decide on what will work best for you and find a space where to do your routine. It is not enough to just go and find what the best exercise for love handles; it is acting on it that will do the trick.

Do not submit yourself in doing heavy weightlifting in your objective to do away with those tummy fats. Not even strenuous lengthy workouts will do the trick. A good schedule which you need to follow on a regular basis is what is essential. You can set aside 10 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes in the evening.

Make it habitual. A regular exercise scheme is the real answer to losing those belly fat and ultimately shedding those unwanted pounds. To conclude, the best exercise for love handles is to submit yourself in a more habitual, non-strenuous aerobic work outs at least 30 minutes per day.

Best exercise for love handles: best exercise for love handles & love handles

Alternative Medication and Holiday Destinations

Health is wealth and only few of us will disagree. To keep ourselves in a proper frame of mind and body we have several ways of alternate forms of treatment, especially when in today's hectic world stress and lifestyle related diseases are rampant. Wellness retreats are one of those forms of alternative forms of medication and roads to well being that is being resorted to by many. Since wellness retreats offer overnight boarding and are often housed in hotels, they have become favorite vacation destinations where people seek mental peace and healthy living in course of holidaying. It is indeed a form of niche travel The range of training programmes included in a wellness centers is:

* Yoga training: Combinations of several mental and physical disciplines through meditative.

* Meditation and healing arts: Alternative healing methods like reiki, acupuncture, shamanism, music therapy etc.

* Healthy gourmet food: Ayurvedic and vegetarian food and tips for cooking such wellness food.

* Ayurveda/ Ayurvedic medication: Ayurvedic consultation, massages and medication etc.

* Spa facilities: For body and skin treatment through spa treatment services.

* Stress reduction: Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction or MBSR are directed at combination of mind strength and physical abilities to release stress.

* Workouts and exercises: Combinations of aerobics, state-of-art gym and other physical training programmes.

There could be several reasons for visiting wellness retreats:

1. A place for enjoying retirement seclusion, especially when spiritual path finding and exploring inner self in included in the training.

2. A luxurious getaway from day to day life where one can spoil oneself in pure indulgence and extravaganza.

3. Seeking recovery from stress or lifestyle related diseases like heart problems, blood pressure, blood sugar, hypertension etc.

4. Relaxation - A primary objective experts work to provide you with at a wellness centre.

5. A holiday with a difference.

For choosing a wellness vacation you may consider the following parameters:

* Interests: Decide on what is your idea of relaxation and well being. Consider if you like biking and hiking or meditation and massage. Accordingly decide your retreat vacation

* Cost: Wellness retreats are never going to be easy on the pocket but still there is a growing trend of people who want a wellness vacation. However, look for deals and consider all inclusive deals in the budget.

* Location: Decide whether you want sandy beaches or rocky mountains and accordingly decide you destination. Such retreats are available all over the world. From wellness retreat Victoria, Bahamas, Ontario to Kerala and Phuket every where one can find state-of-art retreats.

For any help on wellness retreats, check out the info available online; these will help you learn to find the Wellness retreat Victoria!

Try Yoga & Have a Mind-Blowing Surfing Experience

Practice yoga and be the best surfer that you can be. Every serious surfer wants to maintain a strong and sprightly body and also a calm disposition when engaging in such challenging sport. Surfing instructors and experts say that it's important not only to be physically flexible, balanced and not easily fatigued, but also to be mentally prepared. Yoga can do much in providing the stamina and mental conditioning for surfing.

You may practice yoga in a number of different ways. You can enroll in a class right in the city and learn the basic yoga skills that can calm the senses and improve posture and breathing. Or you can sail away to an exotic destination if you have the money and enjoy a refreshing package that includes yoga, massage, nature hiking, and surfing. Yoga styles vary. Some companies combine the various principles to help individuals have a stronger, healthier and more contented flow. People go away from a yoga class feeling less stressed and anxious and ready to reap the benefits of a life that's more balanced.

The power of the ocean can be overwhelming, but a surfer can stay in command with proper mind conditioning for surfing.

When you've embarked on an adventurous, fun-filled vacation and you've enlisted the services of a team of experts to help provide a holistic experience that includes yoga and surfing, you can bring your surfing to the next level.

For beginners, yoga can be practiced months in advance before trekking to a surfing spot. By helping increase balance, stability, and power, the mind-relaxing activity can let you glide with less effort and push yourself to the limit with less spills.

Surfing's a sport that entails great physical exertion. You need to have perfect timing and make split-second decisions as a wave approaches. If you're just starting out, your limbs will ache and you'll be out of breath after so much paddling and balancing. The fatigue may be enough to make the average person give up. A rejuvenating yoga class or relaxing technique like Reiki after surfing can ease the tension and offer deep relaxation.

A yoga master may guide you through timed exercises like 20 minutes of targeted poses for the abs and back, about half an hour of enhancing mental focus, and a few minutes of a relaxing sequence to remove stress and instill calm energy.

Through restorative classic yoga, you can create a mind, body and spirit connection and get renewed conditioning for surfing. Most surf and yoga packages offered by scenic destinations off the beaten track offer healthy organic meals to go with a memorable surfing experience and vacation.

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Yoga Fitness Equipment For The Beginner

One of the great things about yoga is that you can practice anywhere, without any equipment at all. It's also possible for just about anyone to do yoga, no matter what their age or fitness level, although adjustments may need to be made to the exercises. When you perform yoga, you should be sure to wear comfortable, loose clothing made from natural, breathable fibers.

Traditionally, this type of exercise is done barefoot. However, it you're in an environment where that's not convenient, or you're not comfortable with it, you can also wear socks, or soft slippers.

It's best to practice on an empty stomach. This means avoiding large meals shortly before attending class, although it's okay to have fruit, energy bars, or granola an hour or so before class. You may want to drink some water before you begin, as well, so that you don't become dehydrated or light-headed while practicing. Be sure that your stomach isn't full enough to be uncomfortable when moving, and clear your head and throat before beginning.

However, just because you can do yoga with no equipment doesn't mean that a few items can't make practice easier. Some equipment can help you achieve postures more easily, or help you balance. Proper alignment is also easier to achieve with the aid of yoga equipment, particularly for beginners. This is because it helps support the muscles, and removes a lot of the strain that some poses cause. For advanced practitioners, this kind of equipment isn't necessary, as the muscles and connective tissues have been trained to support the body. However, if you're just getting started, you can hurt yourself doing an overly difficult pose.

Yoga has been helping people around the world get into shape and feel at peace for a long time, although it's new in the Western world. Originating in India, it's been around for thousands of years in different forms. The most popular type in the US and Europe is Hatha Yoga, although you may encounter other types as well. Yoga can help you feel more relaxed and energized, less tense, and help you get a fitter, healthier body. Remember that doing yoga isn't just about the postures. You should also allow it to affect your mind and emotions, removing tension and anxiety. All yoga is easier with the right equipment. Here are some basics that you might encounter in class:

Yoga mats provide more cushioning if you're practicing on a hard floor, like poured concrete or hardwood. They also help you get traction, preventing slipping of the hands or feet, which can spoil a yoga position or even cause injury.

Yoga bolsters are a specialized type of pillow that gives support for the abdomen, spine and legs.

Yoga blankets add more softness and warmth to yoga mats, which are often made of plastic or foam. They can help you feel more comfortable and relaxed, helping you get into the right mood for yoga.

Yoga straps are made from nylon or cotton, and can help you if you need to grab a certain body part for a pose, but can't stretch far enough. They add greater flexibility to poses, and allow you to hold them a little bit longer than you would be able to unassisted.

While yoga equipment isn't vital for yoga practice, it can be helpful, particularly if you have a disability, injury, or are just getting started. Remember that it's okay not to be an expert when you begin learning yoga, and that modifying poses or using yoga equipment to help you isn't cheating. This equipment is made to help you perform yoga more easily and get the most out of your workout.

Want to learn more about how yoga can change your life? Check out Sarah Russell's new book - The Beginner's Guide to Yoga and Meditation - at:


Melt Your Belly Fat

Melt your belly fat the easy way. These are some simple tips to melt your belly fat. Increase your heart rate during exercise, watch what you eat, add resistance training to your activities and removing stress.

When you exercise, you should try to increase your heart rate during the activity. Determine your target heart rate range, then exercise and maintain your heart rate within that target range. By increasing your heart rate, you help your body burn calories quicker.

Activities such as biking, running, brisk walking or swimming can all be effective in burning calories and melt belly fat in just a few weeks of regular exercise.

Eating smart is another way to help our body to reduce and melt belly fat. Cut out all the fat and sugar from your diet and increase the number of meals you eat throughout the day. Eating foods that are lean in protein and complex carbohydrates will help us burn those as fuel and not store them as fat.

Resistance training has also shown to help define and sculpt our bodies. It also helps to increase our metabolism and increase our body's fat burning capacity. Increasing our lean body mass, we also increase our muscle's metabolic processes, which lead to increased burning of fat.

Stress has a way of affecting us and causing fat to be stored in our belly. When we are under stress, our body reacts by releasing Cortisol, which then stores fat in our belly to be use as an energy source in an emergency situation.

Simple ways to help reduce stress are deep breathing, yoga, tai chi and meditation. These activities have shown to decrease overall stress and allow us to manage stress better.

Melting your belly fat is not as complicated as you think. Increasing your heart rate, watching what you eat, add resistance training and remove stress from your life. Taking these factors into consideration will help you achieve a flat stomach.

If you want to burn fat and fix joints the right way, please visit

Lose 25 Pounds in 2 Months Doing Bikram Yoga

This is how I lost 25 pounds in 2 months, but first let me give you some background to my journey.

After I graduated from college back in 2000 I realized i didn't look like I did when I started college. So begin the forever long "Battle of the Bulge".

I have tried so many things and nothing really made a big enough change for me to stick with it. Just to name a few: Weight Watchers, Nutri-System Meals in the Mail, Diet Doctors/diet pills, Boot Camp, Training for a 10 miler, working out with a gym partner throughout the week, No Carb Diet. Despite always being on some sort of weight loss plan I seemed to still increase in weight each year, which made me even more frustrated.

Even though I was frustrated, I still continued to watch what I ate and realized I did have a healthy diet. I had my apple a day, dairy (low fat yogurt), my veggies, never cooked fried food instead I always baked. But still I would see no significant weight loss.

Finally in November 2007 I discovered all the right tools.


I started counting Calories on Friday November 9th 2007. Yep, something you hear people say all the time but never bothered to do. I went to a new Diet Dr. that gave the same pills Phentermine and b-12 shots. He also gave me something new that I never had before called Citalopram, that I only take a half a pill a day. It is supposed to put you in a good mood among other things. The previous diet Dr. I went to, just gave me a list of foods to eat and to have 3 dairy products a day. This new diet Dr. told me to only eat 1000 calories a day and I would lose 12 pounds in 4 weeks (3 pounds a week). And if I exercised I could lose an additional 4 pounds. 16 pounds in 4 weeks, yeah right!


A Good Friend of mine kept talking about this yoga class she had been taking and how I needed to go. She had been talking about it for over a month, but I already had gym membership at Gold's and didn't see why I should go someplace else when they had Yoga at Gold's. Plus I never really got into the Yoga thing. I was trying to lose weight so always went for the Cardio type of stuff. Well November 9th my girlfriend called me and asked again, "You should go to Bikram Yoga with me 2morrow morning". I was like "You are right on time with this, I am willing to give it a shot".

So I met her at 8:00in the morning on Saturday. I had no idea what I was in for, all I was told was to bring a yoga mat, towel, 2 bottles of frozen water, dress light(half naked) and be prepared to sweat!!!! So I walk in with my friend with an open mind. There is a small lobby and everyone takes their shoes off when they walk in and place them into cubbies. The aroma of Lavender is in the air. I see a lot of slim folks walking around with really skimpy outfits on. Anywhoooo, I take my socks and shoes off, take of my sweatshirt and head to the Yoga Room.

I walk in and this blanket of heat hits me in the face. The room is about 110 degrees and my skin already feels moist. I lay my mat down in the back row, sit my frozen waters beside my mat and take a seat on the floor. My friend and I are whispering back in forth like two school girls. I notice a lot of people are laying flat on their back, just basically chilling. My friend says we are supposed to do that so that are body can warm up and get use to the air in the room. It also helps relax you before the class starts. So the instructor walks in. He is a very lean man with some really small tight Speedo booty shorts on... That's enough about him.

On The very first exercise we did, I almost busted out laughing. We had to breath in deep with are head pushed forward (people sounded like vacuum cleaners, I have never heard such deep breathing in my life) and then breath out pushing are head far back. We did this like 10 times. 15 minutes into the class I am bending down touching my toes and a water fall of sweat comes pouring down my face, blinding my site. I pear through my lashes and noticed my legs are drenched, as if I just stepped out of the bathtub. When I stand up straight, all the blood comes rushing back to my head and my heart is pounding as if I just ran a 100 Meter dash. Several times I just had to stand there and breathe to keep myself together. The instructor tells us, whatever you do, "DONT LEAVE THE ROOM" just sit down and breathe, but "DONT LEAVE THE ROOM". So we are approaching about 45 minutes into the class and I'm thinking "thank goodness, I am just about 'WELL DONE', and ready to be taken out of the oven". I stretch a little harder and hold the poses a little longer because I know we are almost done. Then the instructor says "Ok, that concludes the warm-up, now let's start Yoga". My thoughts go blank, then I regain consciousness "WHAT THE #%@&!, THE WARMUP". I look over to my Girl and ask "How long is this class", she giggles and says "90 minutes".

30 minutes later I am laying flat on my back, just chilling in "Savasana" with an ice cold wet towel on my face that has been soaked in Lavender. I am soaking wet from head to toe and feel like I just ran 10 miles in 90 degree weather. The funny thing is, I feel GREAT!!!!! I always love that feeling you get after an intense workout, I just usually really dislike or don't enjoy the exercises you have to do to get to that point. But I actually liked doing those Yoga poses and I was eager to try it again to make sure it wasn't a fluke. I signed up for the Intro Month and went back the very next Day. After that I was hooked and going 3+ times a week. That's 600+ calories burned every class


I didn't believe the calorie counting thing would work when I first started, so I went out and bought a Food & Fitness journal to write everything down. I wanted to have proof, so I could say "Look, I put all the calories down, didn't go over and still no weight loss". I wrote everything I ate and drank down with the calories. I even put down when I did the Yoga and when I would take my Dog on 15 min walks (about a mile walk). The calorie counting was not difficult and since I was already eating relatively healthy I didn't have to change much about my diet. It just made me more aware of what I was eating on those days when I wanted to eat out. Something I used to think would be healthy actually has like 500 calories so I would pass it up because I wasn't going to waste 500 calories on one thing. Most of the stuff I used to eat I still kept in my diet. Like light yogurt 40-50 calories, small apple 60 calories, cup of coffee with equal and coffee mate 16 calories, frozen meals 180-380 calories, frozen mixed veggies 30 calories a cup. I don't have a sweet tooth, so no problems there. My biggest weakness was chips. But I found the Pringles light sour cream chips that are like 70 calories for 14 chips, compared to the regular kind that's like 140 calories for 10-14 chips. So there I was counting out my chips into little baggies to take to lunch, or just to have it available to grab for a snack.


After the first 4 weeks of counting calories, going to Bikram (HOT) Yoga, and writing everything down I lost 16 pounds. The only thing I could say was "WOW, IT REALLY WORKS". I lost 12 pounds in 4 weeks and an extra 4 pounds if you exercise.


It's January 7th and I have lost 25+ pounds. I did not lose the 16 pounds in the 2nd 4weeks because I couldn't afford the Yoga during the Holiday Months.

That class is expensive ($150 for a unlimited month), and if you sign up you want to be able to go to class as much as possible to get your dollars worth. So I opted out for the month of December with all the holiday parties, time off from work, shopping for gifts ect... I still continued to count my calories and even started taking Kukuwa Dance workout at Gold's Gym, since I did have a membership.

The reason I think the calorie counting worked for me is because I could calculate exactly how many calories to eat in order to lose weight. Before I never knew exactly how much of something was ok, I had nothing to calculate. With counting the calories there was no guess work. You eat over your amount, you don't lose weight, you stay on point then you will lose weight. It is just that simple.

Today I will be going back to Bikram Yoga, I miss it so much. Every time I took that class I left feeling like I could breathe so much better, the best restful sleep, tons of energy the next day, skin looking better than ever. I just felt GOOD. I will let you know if this euphoric feeling returns after the class.


Wow, it was sooooo Great!!!! I was running late and rushed to get there and when I arrived, the room was packed. I have never seen so many people in the class. we usually only have 2 rows of people and today we had to squeeze in a third row. The class was great and I was sooo surprised at my performance. I have lost a little more weight since the last class I took about 3 weeks ago. I could really tell the difference...I was hitting poses I never hit before and didn't need to take as many breaks as I used to.

To find out more information about my journey with Bikram yoga and counting calories visit:

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Yoga For Men

Improve Your Game with Yoga for Men

Contrary to what many men believe, yoga isn't just for women. Yoga for men is not only practiced by those who are interested in relaxation techniques and body flexibility, but it can provide many benefits to those who are looking for an athletic advantage. Men tend to have tight muscles, particularly in the hamstrings, hips, and the shoulders, that can limit their athleticism and lead to injuries in these areas. Any time you over-train in one area or perform the same movement repeatedly, stress can lead to muscle or joint injuries.

Specifically designed programs incorporating Yoga for men offer a full-body workout to improve both flexibility and strength. Not only will the yoga poses help you reduce the likelihood of injury but you will also enhance your athletic ability. You will need to use the poses that will focus on the areas where men tend to be the stiffest in order to get the greatest benefit. While there are a number of different styles of yoga, programs that are specifically designed by a professional to provide beneficial yoga for men will focus on the trouble spots that are common among the majority of them.

Get Major League Results in a Short Time

You can see that yoga for men has all the benefits needed by any type of athlete. In addition to improving strength and flexibility of the muscles and joints you use most in your sport, there are additional health benefits that will come with practicing each of the poses. Taking just one class a week or performing a few poses before your workout can provide you with many of the associated benefits.

You can go online and search for the poses that are commonly used to benefit men and find some of the top names associated with the yoga discipline to get all the information you need to get you started. There are numerous online videos that will demonstrate the proper way to do yoga for men so you get step-by-step instructions without having to leave home!

To consider how yoga for men might be the answer you are looking for, think of a baseball pitcher. He is using an area of his body that is considered a trouble spot for men in general. When he pitches, he is repeatedly relying on his shoulder muscles to get the ball to its goal destination. Not only does he rely on strength in his shoulders, but also flexibility to provide him with the range of motion he needs to be successful. Since yoga will improve the flexibility of muscles, tendons, and ligaments and will also improve joint lubrication, it can improve every aspect of the body's ability to perform the repeated action needed to pitch without the high risk of injury.

If you are more interested in the aesthetics of rock hard abs than improving your sports techniques, yoga for men can help you with that as well. Many types of yoga focus on the core muscles which include the abdominals. There are also programs that are designed specifically to create a six pack for men by incorporating the most effective poses. But it is recommended that you start with the yoga for beginners.

Yoga is a versatile workout system that can give you the great results that you want while also providing you with the improved concentration, relaxation, and stamina to improve every aspect of your life!

Please click here for related topic: Yoga for Back Pain.

Anger - Part 2

Let us not look back in anger, nor forward in fear, but around in awareness. -James Thurber

Summary of Anger -Part 1:

In Anger Part 1, we saw that a lapse in self care often precedes feelings of anger. As we examine our triggers for anger we have the opportunity to discover patterns of behavior that may have begun in childhood. Our yoga practice can help us to look at anger in its context and take responsibility for all of our feelings. When we are able to compassionately observe the sensations in our bodies with C.O.A.L., (curiosity, openness, acceptance and love)* we are able to take better care of ourselves, changing patterns and behaviors that are no longer serving us.

Ready to fight?

Now let's take a look at what occurs in your body and brain when you are angry. First your senses pick up a threat of some kind. This is a perception of a threat. This can be in the form of a thought or memory. Next, chemicals and hormones are released in the brain to cause a burst of energy that increases heart rate, blood pressure and rate of breathing. Blood flows to your extremities in preparation to take action. Then your attention becomes focused on the threat so much that it's difficult to think of anything else. Now you are ready to fight or take flight. This is nature's way of helping us to stay safe. not stuck in painful feelings or fighting with the people we care about.

Most of us never learned to take care of ourselves when we are angry. Since our bodies and brains are signaling us to take action we have the urge to lash out and depending on what we learned about anger as children we either lash out or repress our anger. We know that either reaction can be harmful.

Deepen the breath

So what is a better way to respond to anger? First take a deep breath. As you begin to calm down notice the sensations in your body. You might notice heat rising in your body, a tightening of certain muscles, a clenching in your jaw or pressure in the eyes. As you pay closer attention to the sensations you will learn how your body reacts to anger and be able to attend to those feelings as they arise. Remember to have a sense of curiosity because with curiosity there is no judgment or criticism. Acknowledge the anger, you can even say to yourself, "I am angry right now." See if you can notice your thoughts. Often a memory or a thought about something that happened in the past contributes to the perception of a threat to us physically or emotionally.

Say "no" to hurting

If your anger involves another person or people remove yourself temporarily from that situation. Make that a bottom line that you don't engage with another person when you are feeling angry. Then allow yourself to go to a safe space. Use the breath, try a stairstep breath- taking short sips of breath until you fill up your lungs and then slowly exhale all the breath out. As you further calm down you may notice other feelings as anger can protect us from even more uncomfortable feelings like sadness, grief and fear.

Allow yourself to feel these feelings by crying, making sounds and moving as you need to without hurting yourself or anyone else. Be open to the feeling as if it where a child like version of you who needed love and attention. Be gentle with yourself and tender. This new way of responding, like all advanced practices, takes time and effort yet the benefits are even more rewarding than it is challenging. It takes patience, courage and compassion. All qualities that are cultivated in your regular yoga practice.

It's good to get support with this but not from the object of your anger. Talking about what your feeling with someone you can trust is a way to 'take action' without causing harm to you or anyone else. Learning to comfort yourself as you feel intense feelings is an important part of self care. This is not the time to make life changing decisions as your mental clarity may be affected by this emotional storm. Mental clarity will come as you stay in the process and become more and more familiar with the care and feeding of you. If the feelings continue to overwhelm you and/or repeatedly come back affecting your ability to function don't be afraid to seek the help of a professional trained in therapeutic mindfulness and yoga.


This being human is a guest house. Every morning a new arrival.

A joy, a depression, a meanness, some momentary awareness comes as an unexpected visitor.

Welcome and entertain them all! Even if they are a crowd of sorrows, who violently sweep your house empty of its furniture, still, treat each guest honorably. He may be clearing you out for some new delight.

The dark thought, the shame, the malice. meet them at the door laughing and invite them in.

Be grateful for whatever comes. because each has been sent as a guide from beyond.

-- Jelaluddin Rumi,?EUR? translation by Coleman Barks

Road to JOY

Yoga helps us to see even anger with new eyes, beginner's eyes. As we see our reactions and patterns we are able to choose a different way to respond. We cultivate a compassionate present moment presence by paying attention to our breathing and noticing all the sensations in our body as we move from pose to pose. In the present moment we notice that there is more to us than the anger we are feeling and that we have the capacity with support to care for ourselves in new and more productive ways. An underlying stream of joy is ready to be tapped into as you welcome these unexpected guests and let them go.

Look for Anger - Part 3 next month.

*From Dr. Dan Seigel, The Mindful Brain, 2008

Awareness Counseling is a private practice that specializes in helping adults and families struggling with anxiety and depression using traditional therapy and mind/body methods that are intentionally designed to bring your life into balance. The result is more joy, freedom and enthusiasm for life. The founder, Elle Garfield, ACSW uses an effective combination of methods including cognitive/ behavioral, experiential, mindfulness, bibliotherapy, and Life Force yoga to help clients gain freedom from fear.
For more information go to or Call Elle Garfield at 248-961-4081 or email