Monday, January 28, 2013

Weight Loss - Stomach Exercises And Diet Combinations

There are certain people who are predisposed to put on excess weight on their mid sections, and this is very unattractive in addition to causing a lot of health problems. If you have put on weight on your midriff then it indicates that you are in danger of getting heart disease or hypertension because there is a lot of fat accumulated in this area instead of being evenly distributed throughout your body.

The only way out of this problem is to follow a plan to lose weight, but lots of people stumble here because they have no idea about how to proceed. Many people do weight loss stomach exercises such as stomach crunches and sit ups but it seems to have no effect on the fat covering their mid-sections. Some people actually manage to make their stomachs look larger as a result of doing these exercises.

The only way to lose belly fat is to follow a proper exercise and fitness program that targets fat from every possible angle. There are no weight loss stomach exercises as such because these exercises such as sit ups and crunches are actually responsible for toning the muscle rather than burning fat. Your exercise program certainly needs these exercises in order to tone your abdominal muscles but you have to be extremely careful to do them correctly. These exercises can injure you if they are done incorrectly. They can also cause your abdomen to protrude and you certainly don't want that to happen.

Weight loss will only happen if you burn fat, and a combination of cardio and strength training will see to that. You have to go on a fat burning program with immediate effect and you need to put in at least 30 minutes of cardio whenever you exercise. Strength training helps to build muscle and this gives you a leaner look while it does not necessarily make you weigh less. However, a higher proportion of muscle in the body causes you to burn more calories and you will eventually lose more weight as a result.

You don't need to exercise every day, but you need to make sure that you get at least 3 days of exercise a week. You also need to get adequate sleep and should drink plenty of water so that your metabolism is at optimum levels.

Interval Training

You also have to make sure that every minute you spend exercising counts and you can achieve this by doing interval training. This refers to periodically increasing the intensity of your exercise so that your heart has to beat faster. This is an excellent way to increase your metabolic rate and it will ensure that the subsequent exercises you do cause you to lose more weight. These weight loss exercises will help your newly toned abdominal muscles to be revealed.

These exercises, in combination with a sensible low calorie high protein diet that also has lots of grains, fruits and vegetables, will help you lose weight on your midriff and give you the figure you desire.

Most people are failing miserably with weight loss stomach exercises:-

- Part of the reason is that most low-carbohydrate or low-fat diets are actually working against what your body needs to become lean and ripped and maintain it for life.Don't waste another day allowing that nasty abdominal fat to kill your confidence as well as contribute to your risk for MAJOR diseases Click Here to Learn the best diet and exercise combination's for a lean, flat stomach.

Penny Brown - Weight Loss Programme

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