Tuesday, January 22, 2013

5 Tips to Help You to Stay Focused and Motivated Whilst Exercising!

1. Work out with a Buddy

This will not only give you a great support person it will also help you to work harder as mentally we don't want our friends to think we are lazy. Also it will keep us motivated if we mentally prepare to meet someone as opposed to going it alone we are much more likely to attend. You don't have to go it alone. Invite a neighbor or work partner or one of the mums from your kid's soccer club you will be surprised who will love to help you out as it just might motivate them to.

2. Make it Fun and part of your daily routine

Do something you enjoy, if you hate the idea of a gym don't go there are many ways to keep your muscles strong without lifting heavy weights in a gym. Do something you can maintain long term. Keep exercise fun, there is so much out there to choose from try something new, Yoga, Dance or a boxing class.

Your local council supports a healthily and active lifestyle of fitness and runs discounted training sessions and walking groups so there are no excuses. Check out your local council for details.

If you keep exercise varied and fun you are more likely to stick to it long term.

We all know it's hard to fine the time but we all have the same hours in the day right? So no more excuses.

Manage your time better.

Try going to bed 1 hour earlier and rising 1 hour earlier and take the dog for a walk before walk.

If you are taking the kids to soccer or netball practice or a music lesson go for a run. Everyone can find 30 minutes in the day for exercise.

People say to me all the time I have no time for exercise, what they really are saying is I am lazy and manage time poorly.

3. Set Small short term goals

Start with a realistic goal that is achievable for you and if you reach it early great don't set yourself a goal that leaves you no room to move.

That's face it we all have lives to live and things come up that have to come first from time to time.

A simple goal might be to walk at a moderate pace without stopping on the hills for 20 minutes. This is achievable and realistic.

A goal of competing in a marathon when you have never ran around the block is not.

4. Stay Positive

Look at exercise in a positive way in your mind and you are half way there.

Exercise starts in the mind even if you don't feel like it think positive and talk yourself into it. Think about how great you will feel afterward and not about the pain involved in getting you to you destination.

5. Reward yourself weekly

You are doing something that is going to benefit you greatly and give you quality of life. As you reach your weekly goals reward yourself go out and see a movie, or a football game or go shopping and treat yourself you deserve it.

Above all have fun and try something new the benefits of exercise far out way any short term pain and discomfort you may go through initially.

So jump into life and have fun!

Yours in health and fitness

Charlotte Parker
Personal Trainer

Charlotte Parker Certified Personal Trainer. author and motivational speaker, founder of Butterfly bootcamp ladies Outdoor Personal training for information on any of the camps go to butterflybootcamp.com.au butterflybootcamp.com.au

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