Thursday, January 24, 2013

Top 10 Tips of Workout Shoes

Cardiovascular exercise can be tough on joints such as the knees, ankles and more. With just a little common sense, you can help prevent some injury and pain.

1. Replace those wornout treads: Have you had those comfy workout or running shoes for a couple of years, but you're afraid to part with them? Studies show that you should replace your foot gear about every 300 to 400 miles. Walking shoes can be replaced around 400 hrs of use.

2. Big foot: No two feet are identical; even the two of yours. Each of our feet vary a considerable amount, just as the length of each leg. So, when you're trying on those new treads and the smaller set seem a bit tight, opt for the slightly larger pair.

3. No pain, no gain: If you're training and suddenly feel a sharp pain, STOP! There's likely a good reason. If the pain persists, remember the RICE rule - Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation.

4. Test Run: A solid pair of foot gear should feel supportive and comfortable not only when you first try them on, but also when they are broken in a bit. Therefore, it's a great idea to jog around the store several times, sit, rest. Remove the shoes, put them back on and go again. Invest a few minutes here and you'll be much happier when training for real.

5. Lonely Shoes: The shoes alone do not make your foot gear. Be just as adamant about your socks, their thickness and support as you are about your shoes. Keep them clean and dry. Moist socks or a pair that are too thin can quickly lead to blisters.

6. Don't "Pound the Pavement": Training on sidewalks and the shoulder of the road is simply a tremendous shock to your joints. Grassy areas and mother earth tend to give when you foot falls correctly. Save that achilles tendon and future lower back strain by training on a surface with less impact.

7. Stretch it out: Never simply begin your training without a proper warm up. A short yoga session, simply stretching the muscles and tendons in any manner with help get your system ready to exert the forces you wish them too and avoid muscle strain or torn ligaments.

8. 10% Rule: Your body needs to acclimate to increased distances or length of training. Use the 10% rule when advancing to the next stage. A 10% increase per week is fine, but refrain from over-training by training no more than 3 to 5 days per week. Even though you may not be in the gym, over-training your legs, calves and feet can lead to strains, joint damage, stress fractures and a long recovery time.

9. Weekend Warrior: With this fast-paced society we live in, it can be very tough to get to the gym or workout at home during the week. But, this doesn't mean cramming several workouts into one weekend. This is a certain path to injury and lowering your immune system.

10. Your Dr. is your friend: The achillies tendon, arch, ankles and knees are incredibly fantastic moving parts. But, when injured can hamper not only day-to-day activities, but also future training and weight loss endeavors. If you have a persisting pain, see your doctor right away. Stress fractures are more common than you think and your bodyparts may appear totally find to you or me.

Your feet and legs are your foundation. Take good care of them and they will take you anywhere you wish to go! Stay Motivated!

Pj Germain, CPT

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