Friday, January 4, 2013

Exercise Ball - Learn 5 Uses For Your Ball and Why You Should Do Them All

Everyone thought that the exercise ball was just another exercise fad. But once people started using it, not only did they feel why it made sense, but they started to see it as well. Now, this fantastic versatile ball is breaking into your life, and making itself useful in tons of different ways, here are just 5 uses for your new training tool.

Ab Training

When you do crunches on these balls it will increase the difficulty, making you use more muscles than you normally would have, to not only do the crunch, but to keep your balance as well. And as an added bonus, if you continue to do your crunches like this, you will notice your body muscles working together to complete a common goal.

Weight Training

When you increase the difficulty of an exercise you have to recruit more muscles to do it, this not only trains more muscles at once, but allows them to learn how to work together to complete a given task.

Playing Around

Ever seen those bouncy balls with the handle? Well these are pretty close, minus the handle, just grab it with your legs, and give it a good bounce. Not only is this fun, but it will give your leg muscles a very good workout in the process. Try it out, and see if you tell me any different

Flexibility and Yoga Training

This ball is a great way to start any exercise with stretches, it gives you a little something extra to be able to get those more difficult stretches out of your system, and give your muscles even more flexibility than they already did.

Sitting (Chair Replacement)

A regular chair, even an ergonomic one, over a period of time is bad for you. As eventually circulation stops, and nerves do start to get pinched. However, if you sit on an exercise ball, you your muscles will constantly be trying to balance you, thus promoting better circulation, as well as a way to exercise while you are sitting down. You never know, soon these might even replace ergonomic chairs in the future. Of course, I could just see it now, a bunch of people bouncing around the office instead of working. But at least it will be fun right?

As you can see, the Exercise Ball has many great uses, and these being only 5 general ideas for you to try. This device can be a lot of fund, and actually make you want to exercise even more because of how fun it actually is. I know I find it fun, and I think you will too.

An Exercise Ball Doesn't Cost Much...And Here's FREE Information!

Exercise equipment can indeed help you get fit and slim, but gosh, some of that equipment is way expensive!

Not to worry, because the exercise balls are truly inexpensive, and there are also DVDs to get you started (also inexpensive -- how good is that?).

So here's the totally free information for exercise ball ab workouts for you to browse.

Click on over, use the info and get ready for a new you!

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