Friday, May 31, 2013

Looking for a Family Friendly Rewarding Career?

Are you looking for a new family friendly career? Would you like to work hours that fit in with the needs of your own family? Do you love babies? Would you love the opportunity to work with babies? Would you like a career which is generally rewarding and enhances the well being of babies and their parents? If you have answered yes to all of these questions then maybe you should think about training as a baby massage and yoga teacher.

The beauty of becoming a baby yoga and massage teacher is that you can easily fit the career around the needs of your own growing family. You can work part-time, say around 15 hours but still earn a full-time income of potentially ?20,000 a year. This sounds like the perfect job for busy mums who love being around babies and likeminded parents.

You may ask what skills are needed to train as a baby yoga and baby massage teacher. Well none to put it bluntly. You don't need any previous skills in working with mothers and babies and you don't need to be super fit. All you need is a passion in helping others share the amazing benefits that baby yoga and massage can give to parents and babies. Also you need some determination to succeed, but that can be said for any business.

The benefits of baby massage and baby yoga are recognised by the NHS, midwives and other health organisations and professionals. Baby massage and baby yoga are revolutionary new topics which have the potential to help mothers and babies all over the UK to bond and keep healthy. The techniques aid babies with neural development, balance, co-ordination and sensory motor skills. What better way to give a child a very beneficial start in life.

Once qualified you will be able to work in fitness clubs within your local community and of course working the hours that suit you and your needs. This is so important with the type of life mothers lead today. With so many commitments and responsibilities it's becoming increasingly difficult to try and juggle both a family life and a career, but it seems we are expected too. The hardest and most important job in the world is bring up children well. They are the next generation and so many children are just being palmed off to nannies who may do a good job, but there is nothing better than a nurturing motherly instinct when it comes to bringing up children. This can be achieved if you decide you want a career as a baby yoga and baby massage teacher.

MamaBabyBliss offer Baby Massage Training courses (Affiliate Integrated Diploma in Baby Massage and Baby Yoga). Within just 4 months you could be qualified and ready to start enjoying a family friendly career running Baby Massage Classes.

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