Saturday, May 4, 2013

Scenar Pain Management

Can a small AA battery be used for Pain Management like pinched nerves or sciatica? The secret of the SCENAR, DENAS ENART devices lies in its microprocessor that listens and responds to minute electrical changes in the body, and how the SCENAR non-invasively tingles the skin with electrons that restore the cell membrane integrity to their optimum voltage. This turns on a chain of reactions as the electrons pour into the tissues acting as powerful antioxidants and releasing neuropeptides resulting in a huge range of pain management solutions, and that's just the beginning.

The conversations between the SCENAR and the body regulate and adapt the cells and tissues to relax, relieve the pain and get rid of the toxins, however, it does not stop there either. In the 1980's the SCENAR achieved a remarkable 88.50% cure rate across all major disease groups in the Russian clinical trials on 18,255 people (published by Yuri Gorfinkle in 1986). In the musculoskeletal group sample of 1820 people treated with the SCENAR for pinched nerves, 91.76% were cured, and in another sample of 605 people treated for neuralgia like cervicalgia, lumbago, sciatica, 96.20% were cured! Yet nobody has heard of it!

Until this year that is. Google searches for "SCENAR" are skyrocketing. In 2003 the number of searches was only 18,197 for the entire year. In October 2009 alone the number of searches for "SCENAR" was an astonishing 109,000. The year to year graph is shooting upwards on a steep trajectory so something good must be going on here, and from my personal pain management experiences of using and teaching the SCENAR, I am convinced there is.

After I got good at using the SCENAR devices I had another opportunity to learn more during an Ashtanga Yoga self practice when deep into one of those pretzel forward bend poses (Kurmasana) I tore a muscle/ligament in my lower back, called the lateral intertransversal lumbar muscles, an especially difficult area to reach and treat.

With the help of the advanced SCENAR techniques I had developed, (and without medications), I reduced my excruciating lower back sciatica pain and, after a few more days of SCENAR self treatment, it was 90% improved. Fortunately I was able to continue with my 2 hour daily practice with some pain particularly in the inversions. By day 10 it was completely healed and even more flexible than before the injury. To this day that pain has not returned! Got me, how about you?

As an engineer the SCENAR technology really intrigued me, and as a "hands on healer" since 1987, the SCENAR results with clients were off the charts. Yet medicine is still ignorant about the SCENAR, because there is no money in it for them and it runs off AA batteries.

In 2006 I introduced weekly SCENAR teleconference training support that became very successful. In March 2009 I made the first SCENAR training available online with new videos that streamlined how to use the SCENAR. As of January 2010 we now have three proficiency levels of web 2.0 interactive SCENAR curriculums (bronze, silver and professional gold), also with live motivational teleconferencing support. So now you can confidently benefit from the SCENAR's astonishing results for you and your family, anywhere in the world!

Learn more about these powerful techniques for pain management by signing up at for information about the SCENAR and our trainings and free bonuses.
Benedick Howard BSc. Master SCENAR Consultant and Educator is training people in pain to master their pain management.
? Copyright 2009 Benedick Howard

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