Friday, May 3, 2013

Yoga is a Great Low Impact Way to Lose Weight and Burn Fat

Yoga is a great way to lose weight and burn fat quickly. What is yoga? Yoga is the art of training the mind and body together to give the body a relaxed state of being while burning fat. Yoga is not always thought of as strenuous, but it definitely can be. Yoga is started by sitting or standing in number of different poses and positions that work several muscles together. Simply standing and holding these poses is a great way to get muscles tone and tight.

Breathing techniques are a great way to get the full benefits of yoga. It is very important to have proper breathing techniques. Breathing inn through the nose and out through the mouth is proper. When you are at a completely relaxed state of mind a soft humming sound may come from the mouth. This is completely normal and is said to have great relaxation benefits.

Raising the heart rate is a great way to burn calories and lose weight. Many people are confused that yoga will not work because they do not think it gets the heart rate up high enough. The truth is the heart rate can rise very quickly during a yoga session. While standing or sitting in certain positions it is easy to get the heart racing. All of the muscles will work together to hold a certain pose by simultaneously using core muscles together. This can actually burn calories and fat quicker than walking or running on a treadmill.

Give yoga a try it is a great way to burn fat and get a healthy mind, body, and soul. When the body feels better inside and out it is easier to be motivated to stick with the workouts.

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