Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Balancing Your Exercise Routine - What Are the Key Components?

We all favour some forms of exercise over others and with time it can become easy to fall into a routine that is heavily biased toward a particular activity. If this is the case though, it is important to try and create a balanced fitness or exercise routine to ensure you give your body all the elements it needs to remain fit and health. There are four key components that will help manage your long term health and fitness that you should incorporate into your regular exercise routine. These are cardiovascular fitness, strength, flexibility and balance.

Cardiovascular fitness or cardio is anything that gets your heart pumping. Running and cycling are two of the most popular forms but there are lots of options available ranging from group exercise through to team sports. Typically if you start working with a personal trainer, the first area they will focus on is improving your fitness level.

Strength relates to building muscle strength and tone. This has a variety of benefits including improved bone density. I know a lot of you will have pictures of Arnie swirling in your head right now, but that is not the case at all. The right strength program will ensure that you achieve the benefits without necessarily bulking up with muscle in the process. Sleek, lean muscles can be achieved with high repetition and lower resistance levels. A personal trainer will help establish the right program for you.

Flexibility gained through stretching will help to relieve your aches and pains. Yoga is the most obvious option combined with a proper stretching routine after exercise. To maintain your fitness and exercise program on an ongoing basis you need to take care of your body and avoid the risk of injury. Stretching is a great form of prevention.

This leaves us with balance which provides you with stability. This is highly dependant on your core strength which can be achieved through a range of exercises commonly used in personal training, Pilates and some forms of yoga. Stability is important throughout life but in particular when you spend long periods of time in an office, both pre and postnatal as well as in older age.

A well developed fitness or exercise routine will take into account all of these elements to help you have a healthy and energetic lifestyle.

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