Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Why Guys Get Fitter Faster Than Gals

Guys always seem to have an unfair advantage for getting fitter faster than the fairer gender. This is not to say that the average guy trains harder than the average gal. No way. I have trained hundreds of both genders to disprove that theory. Psychologically, the males progress quicker due to their habits and not so much their work ethic or genetics. In particular, habits regarding diet, exercise and self-image.

Diet - Offer most guys a choice of what to eat and they will scarf down hamburgers, chicken wings or steak before even looking at a doughnut, pastry, cake or chocolate. While some ladies are fretting over amounts of fat, sugar and calories, the males have no guilt with eating high protein dishes. (Pass the chicken wings!) Protein is good for you. It builds muscles, nerves and tissue and helps remove excess water. Eat at least 50 milligrams a day. One gram per day per kilogram (2.2 pounds) of body weight for active people. At least 2 grams per kilogram minimum for strength athletes and body builders. 1.2 to 1.8 grams per kilogram for endurance athletes.

Exercise - Guys have no hang ups over hoisting heavier weights or sweating. Someone seems to have spread a rumor that heavier, intense workouts will give you big muscles. Pound for pound women tend to be stronger than men. They just do not have the hormones to develop big muscles. A buddy of mine has two fit, beautiful daughters who both play rugby and rock climb. (One of them once tackled a thief at a video store.) They are not any where near "muscle bound."

As for sweat, it is healthy, natural and good for your skin to release toxins. Many people use exercise bikes, tread mills or stair climbers at the lowest setting and never break a sweat or draw a deep breath. Working intensely, gets more results in less time and burns more fat during and after exercise. Huffing, puffing and sweating are good for you. (Pardon me. I just got corrected. Horses sweat, men perspire and women glow.) Oxygen is free and your body enjoys it

Self-image - If girls have not noticed, most guys, including yours truly are not perfectionists. Most guys can skip a workout or have a slice of cheese cake without hating themselves. It is not the end of the world if they do only 29 push ups instead of their usual 40 or 50. It is no big deal. They still think that they are the coolest dudes on the block, just for showing up. Many perfectionist gals, however, feel like total failures if they do not train every day and then some. Or shed that 1.25 pounds by next week.

The trick is to be consistent with eating and training, but allow the occasional lapse. (Even Tiger Woods has an off day.) Eat good healthy meals. Then have the occasional snack. As for training, get good instruction, warm up, work up to a good high intensity for even a few minutes, then cool down. Above all, enjoy your exercise. If you don't like weights, rowing machines or running, do something else. Latin dancing, swimming, yoga, Pilates, martial arts, etc. There is too much out there not to get bored or discouraged. (If you want a laugh, watch me try ballroom dancing.) Think progress not perfection. Now excuse me while I go work out before my steak dinner.

For more great fit fast tips read the download: Stomach Flattening

Doug Setter holds a Bachelor's of Food and Nutrition. He has served as a paratrooper and U.N. Peacekeeper, has completed 5 full marathons and climbed Mt. Rainier. He held a welterweight kick-boxing title at age 40. He consults clients in alcohol reduction, stomach-flattening, kick-boxing and nutrition. He is the author of Stomach Flattening, Reduce Your Alcohol Craving and One Less Victim. Visit his website:

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