Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Raja Yoga

Raja Yoga is the royal Yoga. It explains how to develop and release our hidden powers of our minds so that inner harmony, peace and a sense of self-mastery may result. The path or Marga is called the Royal Road because of the supreme difficulties that are encountered in cultivating the mind to be a friend rather than an enemy, and in developing the unique skills that are required in attempting to understand the human mind.

This is the path that requires mental discipline and is a preparation for the discovery of the deeper soul nature. The elementary levels are easy to comprehend and to execute but more difficult tests are faced when having to use your own mind to control and direct your own thoughts appropriately.

The basis of the training in Raja Yoga is the system of Ashtanga accredited to Patanjali, that is, the 8-fold teaching stages, or levels of self-discipline. They commence with the moral, ethical principles called Yamas/Niyamas, with its first two ethical principles having close correspondence to the 10 Commandments of the Christian faith.

Yamas - refers to the negatives which must be constantly weeded out or eliminated. It involves elimination or catharsis, both physical and psychological, and the rejection of any emotional and mental negative habits or weaknesses in the individual.

Niyamas - the stage of positive body building through exercises, diet and health practices as well as development of positive character traits or virtues. It reminds us to substitute an evil with a good quality.

These are then followed by 6 other stages......

Asanas -Correction of basic body postural habit is important as is the ability to assume some of the 84 classical yoga poses, each designed for physiological and psychological purposes. They teach mastery of both strength and flexibility, balance and will.

Pranayama - the science of breath control is established for health purposes both physical and psychological. Breathing plays a very important role in maintaining a strong link between body and soul, and for the purpose of elevating consciousness towards the spiritual spheres.

Pratyahara - demands the appropriate use of the physical 5 senses under control of the mind. Also extending their development and sensitivity when exploring the non material spheres.

Dharana - Concentration - focusing the power of the mind. This is one pointedness of thought. We are free to choose anything which our minds can conceive. We have absolute freedom to develop the mind according to our own programming, which requires care.

Dhyana - is the conscious elevation and expansion of the mind in peaceful states of meditation. Meditation links the intuitive or higher mind with the lower rational mind and integrates the two levels of thought. We are capable at such times, of greater insights and extended perceptions.

Samadhi - is the name of the state of Oneness in consciousness which is the supreme reward for prior efforts, study, exercise, breath control and concentration. This eighth stage comes as a result of spiritual grace or an unknown factor, not by conscious command. When it comes, it results in degrees of spiritual enlightenment of the soul in ineffable states of bliss in God Consciousness or Spiritual Realization.


Sally Janssen is a writer, health educator and Yoga teacher well known iboth in Australia and abroad for her skill in demonstration of the Hatha Yoga practices and her wisdom in applying the principles of Raja Yoga -the study of the mind and consciousness. More details at essence-of-yoga.net essence-of-yoga.net

Her book "Mental Fitness: A Complete Self-help Guide" explains the principles of mental fitness that can be applied by us all. The book may be found here: mentalhealthandfitness.com/blog mentalhealthandfitness.com/blog

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