Saturday, March 8, 2014

Eating Locally

Eating a diet rich in organic foods is far from a new idea. For years, our neighborhood co-ops and supermarkets have been providing their customers with a wide array of natural food options, stocking their shelves with products free of pesticides, growth hormones, preservatives and other chemicals. But there's a relatively new trend that seems to have branched out of this organic food movement, taking the concept of healthy living to the next level. It's eating locally. But what does that exactly mean to you?

Better Taste

Probably the most important factor in what makes up our diets is the way something tastes. If we like it, we're going to eat. It's as simple as that. When food is local, it doesn't goes through a long process to get to our tables. It's allowed to grow until ripened, picked and pretty much put into our hands. That's fresh!

Better Variety

When we decide to adopt the practice of eating locally, our diets will inevitably be affected by the seasons. There are so many different crops harvested throughout the year that it would be next to impossible not to find seasonal options. They'll be more flavorful, nutritious and, cheaper!

Better Price

When food is local and in season, there's simply a better abundance, which typically translates into lower costs. It's a simple case of supply and demand.

Better Community

When we buy our food from businesses not owned locally, a large portion of the dollars we spend tend to leave our community. When food is purchased directly from the farmers, they're generally getting the dollar value of their goods.

Better Earth

Typically, the average "fresh food" item must travel close to 1,500 miles before ever arriving to its destination. That's a lot of fuel to have an orange. If we were to head to our local farmer's market, the miles would decrease exponentially.

In the next few weeks, pick a day, just one day, to eat only locally grown and produced foods. It's easier than you think. And you'll be surprised at how many options are actually available to you.

Marianne Wells
Yoga Alliance 200 Hour RYT Teacher Training

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