Saturday, March 8, 2014

Exercising Made Fun at the YMCA Nationwide

I have been trying out many different fitness gyms across the country and a few overseas. Many were very pricey and not really offering as much for the cost of your membership. Some did offer some pretty good value and service for the money.

However, a place I found that is located in many different communities across the country is the YMCA. The YMCA varies depending on your location. One thing they do share is that they have that same open and friendly atmosphere that has just succeeded way beyond my expectations of an exercise gym.

Depending on where you live YMCA facilities provides you with nice equipment, machines, treadmills, swimming pool, sauna, basketball court, and many different types of fitness classes you can choose to attend throughout different times of the day. Some of those fitness classes are step express, power cut, ab-solution, ripped kickboxing, Tai Chi, Pilates, and Yoga.

The instructors are very professional and in my opinion the best in the business. The leaders of the YMCA definitely take there time training and selecting the elite to teach and instruct their classes. Another very positive thing about the YMCA are the members who exercise and train with you. It is great to meet people that are pursuing the same thing as you and it helps for you to give each other that extra support and boost.

The best thing of all I like about the YMCA is that it is inexpensive and very affordable. The value for your money is absolutely wonderful. What is also great about the YMCA is that they will work with you to come up with a price that you can afford. They do not just turn you away if you have very low income. I really love the atmosphere, environment, and good quality aspect of this place. I am sure you would get a lot out of being a part of such a wonderful community.

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