Sunday, April 13, 2014

The Benefits of Getting Fitter

It's official - becoming fitter is good for your health. As if we didn't know.

Health and fitness go hand-in-hand. Admittedly, you can be healthy and unfit, but are you willing to play Russian Roulette with your health?

Being fitter is good for you both inside and out. On the outside you'll look toned and slimmer and your clothes will fit better; on the inside your heart, lungs and muscles will be stronger and more efficient, and regular exercise has been proved to help alleviate anxiety and even depression. That's not to say you should stop taking any medication without consulting your doctor!

But it is true - even going for a walk clears the mind and can help put problems into perspective.

Let's look at the benefits of doing regular exercise:

Your muscles will get stronger. If you lift something heavy, your muscles adapt to cope. And if you never lift anything heavier than a cup of tea, they waste away. Both women and men need to do strength training as muscles begin to waste naturally with age. Sadly, weight training is seen as the domain of men, as women are afraid they will develop large, unfeminine muscles - not going to happen, Girls!

Your muscles will be able to go on for longer. This is called Muscular Endurance. When you work with lighter weights more times, your muscles work for longer without getting tired and giving you that awful "burning" feeling.

Your heart and lungs will get stronger and more efficient. This is called your cardiovascular system, and to work this you need to do exercise that makes your heart rate rise and your lungs work harder. Yes, you will get sweaty! Sweating is your body's way of cooling you down and means everything is working properly. I sometimes hear clients complain that they've started to sweat more since they started regularly exercising - but that's a good thing, because it means you're getting rid of excess heat more efficiently. Exercising your heart and lungs involves activities like brisk walking, swimming and cycling. This type of exercise is called aerobic (meaning "in the presence of oxygen") and is a great calorie burner.

Your joints and muscles will get more flexible - they will work better and frankly, hurt less as you get older. If you stretch all your major muscles after you exercise and go to a Pilates or yoga class regularly, you'll be amazed at the difference it makes. And it's never too late to start - whether you are 25 or 55 you will get great benefit and increased range of movement if you stretch every day.

Just think about it - doing 30 minutes of brisk walking 5 days a week can cut your risk of a heart attack by 50%!

I'd say that's 30 minutes well spent.

I'm Carol J Bartram and I hold qualifications in Personal Training, Nutrition and Pilates.I believe that a healthy lifestyle is a balance of exercise, sensible eating and some relaxation - Work, Eat and Play! If you would like to learn how to fit all these into a hectic schedule, please visit my website Weight Loss - Exercise

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