Friday, April 18, 2014

Why Do Yoga?

For thousands of years, people have relied on yoga to maintain their minds, bodies and spirits. There are many health benefits associated with yoga, from improved flexibility to healthy weight loss. Many yoga practitioners also report being happier, less stressed and feeling a greater sense of balance in their lives after beginning yoga training. But is yoga right for you? If you're unsure, here are some great reasons to consider yoga.

First and foremost, yoga is an outstanding way to improve your physical fitness. Though it might look easy, moving through a set of poses is actually a powerhouse workout. Depending on the yoga discipline you practice, you can burn up to several hundred calories per class.

One of the most popular types of yoga for weight loss is Bikram yoga, often referred to as "hot" yoga. In Bikram yoga, the room is heated to over 100 degrees Fahrenheit, helping the calories literally burn off as you exercise. Though this can be an intense workout for yoga newbies, Bikram yoga is excellent for ridding the body of toxins and boosting weight loss. Hot yoga also improves circulation and immune system functions.

Doing yoga elevates the heart rate, classifying it as a cardiovascular exercise. Since it requires you to use your own body weight as resistance, yoga can be considered an effective strength training workout. Yoga is also very effective for stretching and improving flexibility, which is why athletes from gymnasts to football players include it in their training regimens.

Beyond the physical health and fitness benefits, yoga can also improve your mental and emotional health. There's a feeling of accomplishment in taking on just about any fitness routine, but one that relies solely on your own body will help you feel strong and self-sufficient.

Yoga is well-known for helping to reduce stress, improve relaxation and help practitioners feel a sense of peace. Working your way through a yoga routine can help wash away the stresses of your day, while helping you achieve a strong, healthy body.

Yoga's versatility is another great reason to consider adding it to your fitness regimen. Traditionally, yoga is performed in a studio under the eye of a credentialed instructor. The presence of an instructor often helps new members understand their form and avoid injuries, while performing yoga in a class setting helps many practitioners feel more peaceful and connected to others.

If exercising in public makes you uneasy, many instructors and personal trainers offer one-on-one yoga lessons. There are also a number of resources, including books and home study courses, that allow you to reap the benefits of yoga on your own time and terms. Whether you're interested in it for fitness or relaxation, these resources can guide you through a successful yoga workout from the comfort of your own home.

Ready to get started with yoga? Try out an athlete-approved home study course to unlock yoga's benefits and live your very best.

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