Saturday, June 28, 2014

Do You Know the True Benefits of Yoga?

The practice of yoga is centuries old, because historically people have known the benefits of yoga. It is crucial, however, to keep in mind that there are around 12 different styles of yoga that are most most popular, and each style has its own identity with respect to the benefits you might expect to see from their practice. I have written a number of articles describing yoga for beginners which you can search for to explain these differences, but this article is written to explore what yoga can do for you. No matter if your focus is physical, mental or both, practicing yoga can benefit you enormously in many ways. Let's begin with the mental side first:

Psychological Benefits of Yoga

Improved Concentration: This one's hard to explain scientifically, but concentration improvements have been constantly enjoyed by most practitioners. I have personally experienced these improvements!
Increase in Feeling of Well-being: This is the result of a stronger mind-body connection and calmness, due to improved concentration, the reduction of hormones associated with stress and some introspection.
Depression Reduction: This is the result of several biochemical reactions, including increase oxygen levels in the brain, as well as the release of the associated "negative" energy.
Hostility Decreases: This is the result of the increased level of relaxation and control you learn through meditation.

Physical Benefits of Yoga

Increased Range of Motion: The series of yoga poses gradually stretches your muscles, ligaments, and tendons over time.
Cleanse: This stretching also massages your organs, and ensures optimal blood flow. This helps to release toxins.
Muscle tone: Often positions are held for a while causing the aforementioned stretching, but at the same time muscles are worked and strengthened as well.
Reduced Blood Pressure: This stretching and massaging provided by yoga also serves to lower your blood pressure, by increasing blood oxygenation and improving circulation.
Cardiovascular Efficiency Increases: The combination of lower blood pressure and increased oxygen levels increases your level of endurance.

Real Life Benefits of Yoga

Decreased Risk of Injury: Due to your new found improved range of motion, strength and blood flow improvements, your body will be better protected from future injuries and able to heal quicker.
Improved Coordination: Due to your improved mind-body connection and range of motion you will become more graceful.
Reaction time: This is a result of improved circulation and the better mind-body connection.
Endurance: Improved blood flow and oxygenation lead to better cardiovascular health and improved endurance. This is one of the many reasons endurance athletes like runners include yoga as a part of their training.

By the way, these are only a few of the benefits of yoga! As you've probably figure out by now, I am a true fan of yoga, and there a ton of reasons to get started with yoga today...

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