Friday, December 21, 2012

Body Listening

One drop in the ocean is a pearl. The body drops us little messages and by listening to these we have a path to wisdom. As one awakens to noticing, a greater freedom is experienced, decisions, dilemmas become easier and a greater understanding comes. We talk of a 'gut reaction' or intuition, quite liberally but what is this about? If we look deeper, peel back the layers of the onion we begin to see far more. We are not taught to do this and in a busy world with preoccupied lives we are missing out on a way to happiness, good health and a stress-free life.

From being an overworked professional and former M.E. sufferer I have had to learn the hard way, but now I know the benefits of being in tune with my body and have greater powers of observation and have learnt ways to overcome challenges.

As a yoga practitioner and teacher, I know from years of experience how my body responds and became fascinated with how energy works. Being still in a quiet place has been my main classroom for experiential learning.

How complex we are as humans and our sensitivity is picked up from beyond the body and impacts on it without us knowing. Noisy hectic environments have become commonplace and many no longer know peace, the tranquility of the countryside and have lost connection with themselves. We are adaptable and the human form is used to operating in changing circumstances but may suffer in the long run if there is overload. Why not be preventative, in your approach to looking after yourself? People go to the gym, swim, walk, practice Yoga, Pilates and Tai Chi to name but a few methods of keeping fit without necessarily being competitive.

What do I mean by 'listening to the body? It is a term we have all heard and possibly pay lip service to. My methods have been devised from others, borrowed, pieced together in new ways or just appeared out of the ether. All I know is that I feel more empowered, calmer, confident about my body and my health.

The breath is the start. Logical you may say and what is new in that? How we breathe, where the breath comes into and leaves the body, what happens to it whilst in the body and the pace of breathing are all part of this. Energy is our source of sustenance and renewal. We take it for granted but if we observe more closely we will be aware of changes. The changes will show up in the body but it's more than this. Our consciousness is important and how we control and develop this. Brains are amazing but sometimes they can override the obvious, the truth of what needs to happen and what wants to be.

Meditation has been practised by countless numbers of people for years and has its benefits in bringing a sense of calm. Meditation may simply mean pausing with an inactive mind for a few minutes. It does not need to be a lengthy period of time sitting still cross-legged on the floor. Working with energy in a different way brings other knowledge and peace too.

First one has to train, discipline oneself to find that place and time to practice and with a willingness to be open and enjoy. It may not come naturally to all but the benefits are amazing once learned, experienced and understood.

When I was trying to overcome M.E. I had to find ways myself, as the medical profession had no clear answers. They did point me to Yoga and I also was led to become involved in healing. From here I moved on until I became aware of Energy Work and not really understanding or knowing anything about it apart from what I had picked up through a new knowledge of what the body is and is not, I became fascinated and so a new path opened up which was the way to my true knowing and led to an amazing journey to become more in charge of me.


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