Saturday, March 9, 2013

Just What Effect Does Yoga and Diet Have on the Body? (Part 3)

As you may have observed in part 2 of this series, I discussed how exercise and diet has an effect the Endocrine/Nervous and Digestive Systems.

Nonetheless, it is noteworthy of mention that closely adjoined to the stomach are the liver, spleen, kidneys, colon and pancreas, which in addition to the lungs and skin are the main organs of the excretory systems.

Elimination and detoxification of poisons in the body are primarily achieved via the excretory organs. Where it not for them, no one would exist. For maximum efficiency of its vital parts, yogic exercises and a healthy diet is essential.

Suffice it to say that exercise (yoga, calisthenics, etc), besides aiding the body in its daily detoxifying duties of weight control and removal of disease, increases ones efficiency for, perhaps, less strenuous activities that one has to do.

Furthermore, aside from making you feel and look better, relaxed and poised, exercise aids you to become more adequate for the demands you place on your body. In addition, a well-trained body equates to a well trained mind.

But, now that I have gotten your attention, I will mention that however Yoga differs from other physical cultures in that it:

1. Broadens mental faculties.

2. Leads to Acquisition of Control of involuntary muscles and organs in the body.

3. Opposes violent muscular motions as they produce large amounts of lactic acids in the fibers.

4. Is the oldest and perhaps the best for developing the metaphysical.

5. Keeps the arteries, veins and muscles elastic which results in delayed aging.

As you may have observed from this 3- part series, Yoga, (or other yoga-esque exercises of derivatives of the art) as a choice of exercise is perhaps one of the best one can make.

It most definitely cannot hurt and in fact may help immensely.

So Why not give it (or its derivatives ) a shot starting today.

In friendship,

Foras Aje

Foras Aje is an independent researcher and author of Fitness: Inside and out, a book on improving physical and mental health naturally. For more information on the latest health news and breakthroughs visit his site at

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