Saturday, March 23, 2013

The Peaceful Mindset - Yoga and the Art of Making Money Online

If you are thinking about making money online, or if you're already making money online and want to make more, you should think about studying yoga. Now I know there's a certain number of you out there who would dismiss this thought out of hand.

"Business is combative and stressful," they say. "Yoga is just the opposite." My answer to that would be, "Of course. Very true."

"Business is highly competitive and requires aggressive action and relentless follow through," they continue. "Yoga is just the opposite." My answer to that would be, once again, "Of course. Very true."

That is because these opposing tendencies, these opposing philosophies, are precisely what makes Yoga the perfect complement to business success. In fact, properly and consistently practiced, yoga can catapult your earnings-whether online or in the brick and mortar world-into the stratosphere.

I believe that I am well qualified to comment on this, by the way. I am an Internet marketer, and making money online is my new profession. I used to be a mortgage broker, but that's a different story for a different time. I'm also a 60-years-young Renaissance man who has practiced and taught yoga for decades. I'm a vegetarian, I meditate, and I'm a fitness buff. And I'm also very successful at making money online.

Many people seem surprised at this. They feel that the peaceful mindset that accompanies a true yoga practitioner is contrary to the combative mindset that they believe is necessary to succeed in business. It's not.

T.K.V Desikachar, a renowned yoga master, says that one meaning of the word yoga is "to attain what was previously unattainable." He continues to say that the starting point for this thought is that there is something that we are today unable to do; when we find the means for bringing that desire into action, that step is yoga. So now consider, if you will, how I as a yoga teacher with no prior Internet experience was able to begin making money online. I was not a technical person and knew virtually nothing about making money online. Nothing.

How did I do it? The answer is both simple and straightforward-my yoga training, my peaceful mindset, had everything to do with it. Now, I'm not suggesting that everyone interested in making money online should take up yoga. But I will also tell you that doing so will help you immensely in your quest.

You see, making money online is fun, but it can also be stressful. Yoga provides the balance you need to lead a happy and fulfilled life. Yoga helps you to condition both your mind and your body. And unlike some forms of physical activity, anyone can practice yoga just about anywhere they happen to be.

Almost by definition, making money online means that you need to sit in front of a computer all day long. I can tell you unequivocally that human beings were not designed for this practice, nor for the stress that accompanies it. That's where the yoga comes into play. By devoting a hour or so a day to clear your mind and invigorate your body, the process of making money online becomes far less arduous. And a lot more fun.

Making money online is the means to an end. It's not your goal-at least it shouldn't be. Making money online simply allows you to fulfill your other dreams and goals. Yoga can help you to do exactly the same thing.

You've probably never considered the study of yoga as a step in the process of making money online, or in business in general. Perhaps you should.

Didar Khalsa is an Internet marketing guru who is literally changing the way people are making money online. By blending the mental and physical discipline of his extensive yoga training with a demonstrated mastery of Internet marketing, Didar has become a sought-after mentor for a growing number of work-at-home entrepreneurs. Formerly a successful mortgage broker who built two companies from the ground up, Didar was among the top 2% of earners in the US. When the real estate meltdown devastated the mortgage industry in 2007, Didar lost most of what he had worked for and resolved to never put himself in that situation again. He combined his real-world business experience with his skills as yoga teacher and completely reinvented his life and career. A true Renaissance man, Didar balances his successful business life with a strong spiritual foundation, a vegetarian diet, and a total focus on physical fitness. His life mission is responding to the suffering of others by uplifting then through yoga and internet coaching.

Visit his homepage at, and check out his blog at or you can reach Didar at 954-551-8425.

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