Thursday, March 21, 2013

Will Golf Fitness Training Improve Your Golf Game?

George is a good looking guy and is pretty well-built, for a forty year old. He has always worked out and considers himself fit. But, because George always wants to be the best, he thought he would ramp up his fitness regimen a little in order to beat a few of his golf buddies. How could a guy who was already "fit" increase his fitness level so that it improved his game? Can golf fitness training really help anyone improve their game enough so that it shows on the score card?

- There are many types of training that are used by golfers. There is no doubt that if you watch the golf tour on television, you will see that the best golfers are no longer the slow, lumbering, overweight guys, but the fit guys with muscles. These men put in a lot of work in the gym, and if you are like George and want to improve your drive, then this is one way that you can achieve that.

- Let's face it - golf is a sport and you have to be fit. The modern professional players are spending as much time in the gym as they are on the practice range, and sometimes even more. Golf fitness training is now a recognized science and if you want the most out of your game, then you need to get your entire body strong and healthy

- There is more to hitting a long drive than strength, and flexibility is one important part. Many golfers are taking up serious stretching routines and even taking part in Pilates and yoga classes. These can help you make the turn quicker and stronger, and have more flexibility throughout your swing.

- If you think that heart health has no part in golf, then you are sadly mistaken. Golf fitness training also includes a fair amount of cardio. Try running, cycling, or swimming, or even take a step class or two, and get your cardiovascular system in shape, too. You will find that golf is a lot easier when you are in good shape.

George was already fit, but he put the time in the weight room and on the treadmill and now he is one of the strongest and most aerobically fit guys at the club. He is also playing better than ever, hitting longer, and scoring lower than he has in years.

Jason Haas is a writer and researcher on products for households such as golf fitness training. Save time and money by getting a FREE in depth review of this product and many others including discounts and best prices at Jason's blog:

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