Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Keeping Up With Kundalini Yoga

The term kundalini is an ancient Sanskrit term to describe the innate energy that uncoils from the base of the spine and expands throughout the body. It is an energy that we all have, but it is asleep in most of us as we have not been trained to develop it and unleash it. It exists nonetheless and it only takes dedicated training with a qualified teacher to awaken it within.

The awakened kundalini is a catalyst to see the greater grace that we feel deeply within us in odd moment when we are quiet and peaceful. If you ever feel that deep yearning to embody grace fully, then Kundalini Yoga could be the doorway you seek. The system of Kundalini Yoga diverts us from the stressers of life and brings us back to the divine where we let the goo of everyday life melt away.

The dynamics of Kundalini Yoga combine a plethora of tools and techniques that number in the thousands that work with the body, its energy and the consciousness it contains to become the divine grace that it signifies.

A combination of breathing, stretching, movement, meditation, sound and mudras make up Kundalini Yoga technology. Each session employs a warm-up session engaging spinal flexibility, specific sequences of asanas, breathing and mudras for the time of day or the day of the week, followed by a relaxation and meditative portion. The practitioner can combine and recombine parts of the practice to develop themselves.

The coiled serpent energy that is known as Kundalini stimulates self-healing, self-knowledge, higher states of consciousness and even the creative genius within. It is the doorway to the innate radiance of the Self and the celebration of Spirit. All forms of yoga lead one to the same place, each form is just a different path.

Each of us has the strength within us to realize our true path and yoga gives us the opportunity to discover it beyond the muscle strength into the flow of Spirit and the faith that it imparts to us. As the barriers to Spirit are broken down, we realize we are much more than this body. It is just the vehicle for Spirit to live within in and through it. With the renewed strength of self-realization comes better health, stronger boundaries, improved nervous system strength and a life that flows in union with the Spirit within.

Kundalini Yoga, like other forms of yoga pushes you when the going gets tough. It forces you to make a decision to do more than you ever have and become more than you have ever been. The need for that decision comes into our conscious awareness and tries to shove us into all the reasons we cannot. Once we realize we can, we can do anything. It boils down to two little words than mean a great deal...Keep Up! Once we make it a conscious habit to keep up and not give up, there is no end to the ways you can excel in your life. Kundalini Yoga constantly reminds you to keep up with consistency and faith because you can see the resources clearly within you.

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