Sunday, October 13, 2013

3 Natural Ways You Can Reduce Cellulite and End the Embarrassment

There's probably no form of fat, that appears on a woman's body, that is hated more than cellulite. Maybe it's that rippling unnatural look that makes us dislike it so much. Maybe we associate it with looking old and worn out. Whatever the reason, women around the world want to get rid of it for good.

A whole industry has sprung up to help women resolve this problem. Unfortunately, many of the
cellulite remedies out there are just pure bunk. Some cellulite reduction products are out right scams, while others only offer minimal temporary relief.

But, what about more natural options?

Does any food help reduce cellulite?

As a matter of fact, the food you eat does play a role in how much, or how little, cellulite you have to deal with at any given time. Here are three ways you can reduce cellulite naturally:

Healthy Eating and Exercising

Many women don't understand the connection between their cellulite problem and the kinds of foods they eat. If you are currently eating a lot of chips, pastries, cookies, fast food burgers, French fries, pizza and other common fatty foods, you'll need to eliminate most of these from your diet.

Replace them with fresh fruit and greens, cooked and raw vegetables, whole grains, yogurt, nuts, low-fat cheese, lean meats and other healthy food items.

Start doing low-impact exercises like vigorous walking, biking, dancing, swimming, or other cardio routines that involve lots of movement of your legs and thighs. If you choose to do a strength training routine to reduce cellulite, make sure it's not too strenuous. You don't want to do further
damage to those tiny cell pockets underneath the skin in your legs.

Keep in mind that, cellulite fat is just like other types of body fat. When you eat healthy and get a
moderate amount of exercise, you'll benefit by seeing a reduction in those ripples on your legs.

Herbal Remedies and Wraps

Can basil reduce cellulite?

In fact, basil is one of the natural herbal oils that can be used in recipe mixtures to reduce cellulite. Other essential oils and herbs that are effective are: gotu kola, horse chestnut, juniper berry, green tea extract, grapefruit, lavender, lemongrass, rosemary and sage.

Spa body wraps to reduce cellulite, tighten skin, and increase circulation is a very popular treatment. You can create your own herbal mixtures and add them to your bath water to get the same effect at home. There are several good recipes for this online. Also, you can use a body brush to gently go over your thigh area while in the tub. This helps break down those tiny fat cells.


Finally, if you're game, you can sign up for a yoga class and learn how to tone and stretch out your muscles in a relaxing environment. There are several postures that will gently work out your leg, thigh and rear end areas, which over time, will reduce your cellulite considerably.

If you are willing to be a little bit patient, you can use natural remedies to attack your cellulite and banish it from your body for good. Following an effective diet and exercise plan also makes a big difference in your success: []

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