Saturday, October 19, 2013

Get in Shape - 30 Minute Fat Burning Workout at Home For Fat Loss

Want to get a great, 30 minute fat burning workout using just your bodyweight that you can do at home? Then you should try interval training. Interval training is where you alternate between periods of high and low intensity.

A sample interval workout would be to perform a quad squat for 30 seconds, followed by a 30 second period of rest. You can use interval training with almost any exercise imaginable. But I like to use bodyweight exercises because 1) I can do it at home, and 2) I can combine my strength and cardio workouts in one session.

Another aspect that you need to know is to keep switching up the exercises that you use in your interval workouts. When I first started with bodyweight training, I stuck to basic pushups, pullups, and bodyweight squats.

However, these exercises just became to easy and boring after a while and I stopped seeing results. I needed a way to break out of my plateau and create some brand new intense fat burning workouts I could do at home.

I started looking for alternative, more difficult bodyweight exercises to use in my workouts. One day, as I was watching the Olympics, I noticed how incredibly lean and strong gymnasts were. That was when I started studying the movements they used in their routines, and started incorporating some gymnastics exercises into my own workouts.

As I began to explore, I realized that there are many other athletes who use just their bodyweight to create incredible looking bodies. These athletes are dancers and yogis (people who practice yoga). Ever since then, I've been studying the movements of these athletes and incorporating them into my regular bodyweight routine.

If you want more info on how to construct your own high intensity bodyweight routine, check out my site, WorkoutWithoutWeights.Net.

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