Sunday, October 20, 2013

7 Reasons to Consider Private Yoga Instruction

Private yoga instruction can be a great way to get fit, lose weight, and feel great. If you are having trouble getting started with a yoga practice or making time for class, maybe personalized private yoga sessions are the answer to helping you get started. Sometimes just a few sessions are needed to help you establish a home yoga practice of your own that you can then supplement with Yoga DVDs or CDs. It might be the perfect alternative to traditional personal training sessions too.

Seven Reasons to Consider Private Yoga Instruction

1. Private yoga instruction can be done at a time and place that is convenient for you. You don't have to struggle with arranging your schedule and stressing yourself out to rush to class.

2. The intimidation, competition, and fear factors are eliminated. If the idea of going to a group class is intimidating, you prefer to exercise privately or with a small group of friends, or you hate working out in tight overcrowded spaces personalized private yoga offers a solution.

3. You are a beginner and not sure how to get started. With a private yoga session you begin at a level and in a way that feels just right for you so you can learn to do the yoga poses properly and keep yourself safe.

4. You have health limitations or are recovering from illness or injury. A private yoga session with an experienced teacher will enable you to modify positions to meet your requirements and perform only those yoga poses that can help you heal while keeping you safe.

5. You have specific health and fitness needs, goals and objectives to address. Personal yoga lessons can be tailored to meet your needs on any given day -- from gentle and restorative when you are stressed and frazzled to energizing and stimulating when you need a lift. Each day is different so each private yoga session can be customized to meet your changing needs. Whether your goal is to reduce stress, relieve back pain, lose weight, or improve your overall health and wellness, a personal yoga practice can be designed to meet your needs.

6. You don't want to go to a gym and hate working out with equipment. Yoga builds strength by using your own body weight as resistance, instead of gym equipment. You don't even need shoes -- yoga is done in your bare feet with little or no special equipment. It's one of the things I love best about it.

7. You are not a fan of the 'no pain no gain' 'just push a little harder' style used by many gyms and trainers. Yoga encourages you to listen to your body and honor your limits. Yogic philosophy is focused on developing compassion and non-striving and helps to reduce stress. It's a total workout for your mind, body, and spirit that leaves you feeling energized and calm not stressed, tired, or depleted.

There you have it. Seven reasons to give private yoga a try.

Martha McKinnon is a health coach and yoga instructor who believes that eating great & losing weight can be simple & delicious. If you are tired of struggling and are ready to love yourself to health & happiness, she can help. Her websites include and

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