Monday, October 21, 2013

Baby and Mommy Yoga - How it Helps You Bond With Your Child

As new mothers struggle to get their lives back on track without compromising the love and attention for their babies, it sometimes gets quite frustrating to accommodate certain simple things into your daily routine such as working out. For a new mother, it is very hard to leave her child in someone else's care and take that time to go to the gym. So the best solution comes in the form of Mommy and Baby yoga classes that are nowadays offered throughout the USA at a number of leading health and fitness institutes.

Yoga not only helps to get back in shape postpartum, but also provides good and quality bonding time for the mother and child. In addition it also restores flexibility and strength for the new mom. The primary focus in a mommy and baby class is placed on the movements and breathing tips that are advantageous to new moms. Instructors play an emphasis on strengthening the back, abdomen and pelvic floor muscles, as these are the ones that get traumatized the most during pregnancy and childbirth. Close attention is also paid to relieving tension from the shoulder, neck, back and arms that could be troubling for new moms that have to carry the extra weight of a new baby.

The most beneficial part of these sessions though lies in the amount of time spent in close contact with your newborn child. In particular, working mothers really prefer to enroll in these classes, as they get to spend time stimulating the baby's senses and most classes offer a routine of massaging the baby along with toning their own bodies. For stay at home moms, these mommy baby classes provide the opportunity of getting out of the house and spending time with the baby and at the same time relaxing and exercising their own bodies. As these classes are full of other new moms as well, that can provide a good source of outlet for anxious mothers.

The majority of mommy and baby yoga classes present a combination of slow yoga exercises and special breathing techniques that help to counteract the effects that the pregnancy has left on your body. So they help to improve the joint stability that is lessened due to the rapid changes that affect the body during pregnancy and help to strengthen the entire body. Normally these classes offer personalized attention to all participants and are therefore able to lead the women through routines that best suit their physical condition.

Mommy and Baby classes are held in an informal and lively way so that the students do not feel any added stress in their lives. The interruptions provided by the various babies are also welcomed happily, and mothers break up occasionally during class to tend to their baby's needs including feeding, changing or just soothing a fussy baby.

Most organizations hold classes that are slow paced and really easy to follow even without prior yoga experience. For women who already have advanced yoga training, more strenuous sessions are also available at some gyms. So depending on your needs and requirements, you can find a class close to you throughout the USA. Yoga Classes * DOUBLE YOUR FLEXIBILITY* in 28 days... 7 Secrets of Nutrition and Flexibility. Free 7-day email course at link above. Hot Yoga *BIKRAM YOGA LOVER?* Get the definitive home study course on Hot Yoga. Giant 300-page book, 2 DVDs, pose chart, and more.

YOGABODY Naturals LLC is a yoga educational and nutritional supplement company aimed specifically at students of yoga asana. Founded by Lucas Rockwood in 2007, the YOGABODY community now includes over 10,000 students and teachers worldwide.

"Powerful Yoga for Real People"

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