Thursday, October 24, 2013

Voice Training Can Help Construction Workers

Construction work is one of the most demanding urban professions. Work is often arduous and uncomfortable, and often takes place near half-steady walls or hazardous chemicals. True, many construction sites incorporate safety features into their standard operations. Even so, it is better to try to take some additional measures of your own to ensure your own security.

You can purchase and wear additional safety gear, or you might invest in a comprehensive insurance plan. None of these measures should be unfamiliar to you. However, one of the cheapest, most effective safety measures you can take might just surprise you: use vocal exercises to keep your lungs and diaphragm in shape.

Of course, this is not to advise construction workers to turn their sites into the set for a peppy blue-collar musical (but if they want to, there is no reason why they shouldn't). Vocal exercises are useful because they can help you learn to control your breathing. This is especially useful when dust or gases from construction material suddenly pop up. You will be better able to hold your breath and avoid inhaling high concentrations of toxic substances. Also, if you should happen to become trapped in a small space after an accident, it would be useful to be able to regulate your breathing so that you can stay calm and conserve precious oxygen. Furthermore, vocal exercises are relatively simple, compared to, say, yoga breathing routines. You can easily find breathing exercises for beginner vocal students online, and learn them without assistance. In contrast, you might need a coach for the yoga breathing.

It might not be a good idea to do your breathing or vocal exercises while on the job. This is not because the exercises are embarrassing (though some of them are). It is because they require so much concentration. Construction sites are not exactly the safest working environments known to man. If you are so busy focusing on your inhalations and exhalations, you might not notice sudden threats to your safety, or to the safety of your colleagues.

Deep breathing also helps to eliminate toxins and pathogens from the body by activating your lymph system. This group of glands needs deep breathing in order to get its products flowing through your body. Construction workers might be exposed to harmful microbes from working in very close quarters with one another, and of course some building materials can be very toxic. In addition, the physically demanding, tiring nature of the job wears down immune resistance. Try to choose breathing exercises that stimulate your immune system with those that can serve to keep airway-clogging dust and other irritants away.

Construction is a noble profession because it provides stable, functional places for people to live, play and work. However, the job is often very demanding and exposes workers to several kinds of professional health hazards. Though protective gear, such as masks and helmets, is a blessing, remember that hardware isn't everything. Keeping your body fit, including internal organs like your lungs, is essential as well.

Keith Tennent is a medical researcher and a fitness enthusiast. He has overcome personal health difficulties and now teaches others to improve their health. His technique is simple and takes literally a few seconds each day. Best of all, anybody can do it. Whether your interest is in improving your mental health in things like concentration and memory, or your physical health like overcoming arthritis or asthma. He has written many other articles which are available free at

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