Friday, November 22, 2013

Yoga Marketing IS Yoga Teaching

I just got off the phone with a lovely client of mine, and we had a conversation about the teachers in her yoga studio. Her yoga business was struggling, and she was wondering if it had a little to do with the teacher situation. These are excellent, well-trained teachers who are being paid a flat, higher fee per class, however the dilemma is that the classes never seem to have more than a few students in them.

My thought on this is: if yoga teachers are being paid more, then that should be considered somewhat of an advertising expense for your yoga business. The goal of paying more qualified yoga teachers is that they bring with them value in the form of larger classes. If they aren't doing this, then the pay should reflect it.

My second thought is: teachers need to change their mindset on "marketing" their own classes. Marketing for a yoga teacher should not be scary or intimidating or "someone else's job." Yoga marketing, when done correctly, is basically an extension of your teaching. Or it should be.

The question is...what does being a "teacher" mean? To you, to your yoga studio, to your students? Does it mean running into class minutes before it starts, doing some asanas and giving some instructions, and then running out right after you're done? If it does, then really you are just an instructor. But over and over again, I hear this from studio owners. They have very highly-trained, very well-paid teachers acting just like this. I'm going to be blunt here: teachers like this really are a dime a dozen.

Let's look at a different perspective. Does teaching for you mean being a guide, an inspiration, and motivation for each and every student, wherever they are on their journey with yoga? These teachers are the ones who truly make a connection with their students, because their students feel cared for and led a little further on the path that they've chosen.

Here's a secret that I've learned from talking with many yoga studio owners and teachers across the country: the teachers who make the strongest connection with their students are the ones with the fullest classes and the most profitable yoga businesses. It's a fact. So you see, "marketing" is really just ensuring that you are making a strong connection with each and every student. You do this by chatting with your students before and after class about yoga and what they're learning. You learn their names and use them often. You know they're injuries, you know who needs adjustments. You make new students feel like the most welcomed guests. You check in on them outside of class to see if they need anything, you personally invite them to a class you think they'd like or a new workshop. One teacher said it best, "You aren't just there to teach them. You are there to love them."

Show some love to your students and they will reward you with their loyalty. They will fill your yoga classes and bring their friends. It's the easiest AND most effective yoga marketing technique there is!

Valerie Falkner is a Certified Money, Marketing and Soul Coach for yoga teachers and studio owners. An author, national speaker and teacher, Valerie reaches audiences worldwide through her seminars, teleclasses, workshops and private coaching. She is committed to helping yoga teachers turn their business into a Blissful Business through authentic marketing coaching. Visit [] to download her free gift, The Heart-Centered Marketing Kit - Comprehensive Resources Including 20+ Page Guide, Scripts, Audios and Checklists for the Yoga Entrepreneur to Grow Your Business.

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