Sunday, December 22, 2013

Are Psychics & Mediums Trained to Do What They Do?

Many psychics and mediums are self taught in that once they know they have the ability they open up their awareness to what is presented to them. They may at first find themselves a little isolated and this can be a huge disadvantage to being able to share knowledge and experience. There are some colleges which are specifically set up for the development of psychic ability and related issues. Many psychics and mediums attend workshops and developmental groups which can help bring clarity to their experiences. They may learn certain techniques such as how to open up and how to tune in more effectively. Many psychics learn from other psychics as do mediums and the shared experience can be very enlightening.

There are other related disciplines which could also be considered as training towards psychic development. This could include meditation or yoga or some other discipline which assists with balancing mind, body and spirit. An important aspect to developing the psychic ability is finding a balance between logical thoughts and intuition and insight. Many mediums and psychics get their information spontaneously and randomly and they may sometimes find themselves in a dilemma about whether to pass this on or not.

The shared experience of developing psychic ability with others can help to build confidence and bring clarity to situations. There are some psychics who use divination tools such as pendulum dowsing and tarot cards. They may find information in the library about how to undertake dowsing, however, there is so much more to it than that. They will need to learn how to work with their energy, how to tune into the crystal and how to process the information that they receive. There are specialist workshops available in new age circles where the developing psychic can take part and learn how to make the most of their abilities.

There are a number of ways that a psychic can learn how to read the tarot cards, there are books and sometimes these are sold with tarot cards. These packages can include a special mat where the cards are laid in a sequence and the psychic can learn a universal interpretation of the cards. A tarot reader is not necessarily a psychic because if they learn this universal interpretation they are following a set of rules. A psychic will have a general grasp of this and they will also link into their psychic abilities to enhance the reading.

Mediumship covers areas such as psychic detective work, transfiguration, trance dancing, ghost hunting and there are many more strands to this. Many mediums go on to develop their mediumship in the spiritualist church and they can gain confidence through working the platform. This is where they stand in front of an audience and receive messages from the spirits which they pass on to anyone who spirit wishes to connect with. Many people who regularly attend spiritualist churches waiting for messages from loved ones on the other side go on to become mediums or healers themselves

Rachel Reeves works in the psychic and metaphysical industry and offers services Worldwide to advance spiritualism and world awareness, holistic study kits such as EFT, NLP and Reiki are also within her remit. Contact her at

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